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A survey of Bacillus thuringiensis recovered from the environments of olive groves in Greece was carried out. Of 80 soil samples, 24 were found to contain B. thuringiensis with parasporal crystal inclusions; these were tested for toxicity against the olive fruit fly (Dacus oleae). Mortality levels of larvae caused by the different isolates varied from 7 to 87%. Higher levels of mortality were observed if a mixture of relatively pure crystals and spores was used compared with the mortality resulting from either fraction alone. We were able to show that the toxicity of the most active isolate is likely to be specific for D. oleae.  相似文献   

Ovarian maturation was prevented in 7-, 22-, 23- and 28-day-old females of Dacus oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera: Tephritidae), developed in the pre-imaginal stages at LD 12:12, 19±1°C and kept as adults at LD 16:8, 26±1°C without access to olive fruits. In females of the above ages having continuous access to olive fruits and held under the same photoperiod and temperature conditions, 54, 87 and 100%, respectively, had mature oocytes. When the females had access to domes of paraffin wax, the percentages of females with mature oocytes were intermediate between those with and those without access to olive fruits. Under the above photoperiod and temperature conditions unfavorable for maturation, 50% of 4-week-old females had mature oocytes if exposed for one week to olive fruits during their first week and 91% if exposed during their 4th week of adult life. The respective percentages with wax domes in the cages were again intermediate between those with olives and those without olives or wax domes. The presence of olive fruits had also a strong positive effect on the ovarian maturation of females which developed from egg through the adult stage at LD 16:8, 26±1°C, a condition favoring ovarian maturation. Access to wax domes had again an intermediate effect on maturation. It is concluded therefore that the lack of ovarian maturation of D. oleae females which is observed under a short photophase during the pre-imaginal stages if followed by a long photophase and an increase of temperature during the adult stage, continues at least till the end of the 4th week of adult life in the absence of olive fruits but is averted when such fruits are offered to the adult flies.
Résumé La maturation ovarienne des femelles adultes agées de 7, 22–23 et 28 jours de D. oleae ayant accompli leur développement embryonnaire, larvaire et nymphal en LD 12:12, 19±1°C et maintenues en LD 16:8, 26±1°C, sans accès à des olives, est inhibée. Dans les mêmes conditions, mais avec accès permanent à des olives, 54% des femelles ont des ovocytes mûrs à 7 jours, 87% à 22–23 jours et 100% à 28 jours. Avec des femelles ayant accès à des domes de paraffine, les pourcentages d'individus ayant des ovocytes mûrs sont intermédiaires entre ceux des deux situations précédentes. Dans les conditions cidessus défavorables à la maturation ovarienne, 50% des femelles de 28 jours ont des ovocytes mûrs si elles sont en présence d'olives durant leur première semaine de vie imaginale et 91% si elles sont en présence la 4éme semaine. Les pourcentages respectifs concernant les femelles pourvues de dômes de paraffine sont encore intermédiaires entre ceux des femelles avec olives et ceux de femelles privées de tout substrat. La présence d'olives a aussi un effet fortement positif sur la maturation ovarienne de femelles ayant accompli leur développement pre-imaginal et maintenues aussi à l'etat adulte en conditions LD 16:8, 26±1°C, favorisant la maturation ovarienne. L'accès à des dômes de paraffine a, là encore, un effet intermédiaire. On conclut par conséquent que la non maturation ovarienne des femelles de D. oleae qui est causée par une photopériode à jour court pendant la vie pre-imaginale accompagné par une photopériode à jour long et une augmentation de la température pendant la vie imaginale persiste au moins jusqu'à la fin de la quatrième semaine de la vie imaginale en absence d'olives, mais ne se produit pas si on met les femelles adultes en présence d'olives.

The olive fruit fly Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae Gmelin is a major olive pest in Greece and other Mediterranean countries. Its population density and respective olive infestation is usually low in many areas of northern Greece during summer months. To some extent, this may be due to the prevailing high temperature and low relative humidity conditions. In the present work the effects of short term exposure to high temperatures on the survival and egg production of B. oleae pre‐imaginal stages and adults were studied under laboratory conditions. Different larval instars within infested green olive fruits, adults and pupae and were exposed for 2 h to a series of different high constant temperatures ranging from 34 to 42°C. Subsequently, survival percentages of pre‐imaginal stages and adults as well as the number of eggs laid by females previously exposed to high temperatures were determined. At temperatures up to 38°C high survival percentages of larvae and adults were observed, whereas pupae displayed a relatively increased heat tolerance up to 40°C. Female longevity and egg production were substantially reduced after heat stress. Prior acclimation at 33°C for 1 and 3 days resulted in increased adult survival following heat stress. We discuss the results with respect to the ability of the fly to survive and reproduce under high summer temperatures.  相似文献   

Pupae of the olive fruit fly, Dacus oleae (Gmelin) 1 to 2 days before adult emergence were irradiated with the suitable sterilizing dose of 80 Gy gamma rays. At intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days after adult emergence, anatomical and biometrical studies were performed to determine the extent of recovery of D. oleae gonads during one month of adult life. There were some indications of gonad recovery after two weeks. This recovery was observed as a decrease in the percentage deviation from the corresponding controls of 20-day-old adult gonad (especially those of males). Generally, female gonads are more sensitive to gamma-rays than those of males.  相似文献   

Synthesis and selective accumulation of the major yolk proteins in the developing oocytes of the species Dacus oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) was studied biochemically and by immunoelectron microscopy. In the hemolymph of adult females, two yolk proteins precursors (or vitellogenins) have been detected. They each exhibit a similar molecular weight and isoelectric point to their respective mature yolk proteins (or vitellins), while electrophoretic analysis of their synthetic profile shows that their levels in the hemolymph increase rapidly during development. Immunogold electron microscopy of ovarian sections, revealed that the hemolymph vitellogenins reach the oocyte through enlarged inter-follicular spaces and demonstrated vitellogenin synthesis by the follicle cells of the vitellogenic follicles. The newly synthesized vitellogenins follow a distinct secretory pathway into these cells as compared to other components being synthesized at the same time (e.g. the vitelline envelope proteins), since they were found in secretory vesicles that appeared to be differentiated from those destined to participate in the vitelline envelope. The vitellogenin-containing vesicles exocytose their contents directionally into the follicle cell/vitelline envelope boundary, and subsequently the vitellogenins diffuse among the gaps of the forming vitelline envelope and reach the oocyte plasma membrane. Their internalization by the oocyte includes the formation of an endocytic complex consisting of coated pits, coated vesicles, endosomes, transitional yolk bodies, and finally mature yolk bodies, in which the storage of the vitellins and other yolk proteins occur. These results are discussed in relation to data obtained from other Dipteran species.  相似文献   

Twelve wild populations of the olive-fruit fly Dacus oleae from around the Mediterranean basin and two laboratory populations were examined for their electrophoretic profiles at two esterase loci. The genetic distances among wild and laboratory populations were consistently greater than the distances among wild populations. There was a pattern in this genetic differentiation, in that the most common allele decreased in frequency during culture in the laboratory, thus causing an increase of heterozygosity in laboratory populations. The findings are discussed in the light of assessing the genetic quality of mass-laboratory (or factory) cultures of economically important insects.
Zusammenfassung Die elektrophoretischen Profile zweier Esterase-Loci von zwölf natürlichen Populationen der Olivenfliege Dacus oleae aus Ländern des Mittelmeerbeckens und von zwei Laboratorium-Populationen wurden untersucht. Die genetischen Abstände zwischen natürlichen und Laboratorium-Populationen waren konsistent grösser als die Abstände zwischen natürlichen Populationen. Bei dieser genetischen Differenzierung zeigte sich eine Regelmässigkeit. Die häufigsten Allele nahmen während der Zucht im Laboratorium in ihrer Häufigkeit ab, was zu einer Zunahme der Heterozygosis in Laboratorium-Populationen führte.Diese Resultate werden diskutiert im Zusammenhang mit der genetischen Qualität von Massenzuchten wirtschaftlich wichtiger Insekten im Laboratorium und in der Industrie.

On leave of absence from Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4J1.

This is paper No. VII of the series The Genetics of Dacus oleae  相似文献   

A molecular approach was used to investigate the fungal microbiome associated with Bactrocera oleae a major key pest of Olea europea, using the ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as barcode gene. Amplicons were cloned and a representative number of sequenced fragments were used as barcode genes for the identification of fungi. The analysis of the detected sequence types (STs) enabled the identification of a total of 34 phylotypes which were associated with 10 fungal species, 3 species complexes and 8 genera. Three phylotypes remained unresolved within the order Saccharomycetales and the phylum Ascomycota because of the lack of closely related sequences in GenBank. Cladosporium was the most abundantly detected genus, followed by Alternaria and Aureobasidium, well-known components of olive sooty moulds. Interestingly, Colletotrichum sp. and other fungal plant pathogens were also detected, leading to potential new insights into heir epidemiology.  相似文献   

The genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of one of the major agricultural pests, the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae, are presented here. The mitotic metaphase complement of this insect consists of six pairs of chromosomes including one pair of heteromorphic sex chromosomes, with the male being the heterogametic sex. The analysis of the polytene complements of three larval tissues, the fat body, the salivary glands and the Malpighian tubules of this pest has shown (a) a total number of five long chromosomes (10 polytene arms) that correspond to the five autosomes of the mitotic nuclei and a heterochromatic mass corresponding to the sex chromosomes, (b) the constancy of the banding pattern of the three somatic tissues, (c) the absence of a typical chromocenter as an accumulation of heterochromatin, (d) the existence of reverse tandem duplications, and (e) the presence of toroid tips of the chromosome arms. The in situhybridization of genes or DNA sequences to the salivary gland polytene chromosomes of B. oleaeprovided molecular markers for all five autosomes and permitted the establishment of chromosomal homologies among B. olea, B. tryoniand Ceratitis capitata. The heat shock response of B. oleae, as revealed by heat-inducible puffing and protein pattern, shows a higher thermotolerance than Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

The egg of the olive fly, Dacus oleae (Diptera, Tephritidae), is laid inside olives and the larva eventually destroys the fruit. The oocyte is surrounded by several distinct layers which are produced during choriogenesis. The chorion covering the main body of the egg outside of the vitelline membrane includes a "wax" layer, an innermost chorionic layer, an endochorion consisting of inner and outer layers separated by pillars and cavities similar to their counterparts in Drosophila melanogaster, as well as inner and outer exochorionic layers. The anterior pole is shaped like an inverted cup, which is chiefly hollow around its base and has very large openings communicating with the environment. Holes through the surface of the endochorion result from deposition of endochorionic substance around follicular cell microvilli. An opening at the apex of the cup provides an entrance for sperm entering the micropylar canal, which traverses the endochorion and continues into a "pocket" in a thickened vitelline protrusion. The micropylar canal is formed by deposition of endochorion and vitelline membrane around an elongated pair of follicular cell extensions. These extensions later degenerate and leave an empty canal about 5 microns in diameter and the narrower pocket about 1 micron in diameter. Respiration is thought to be facilitated by openings at the base of the anterior pole as well as by openings through the "plastron" around the main body of the shell.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The influence of four abiotic factors (temperature, soil type, compaction, moisture) on the pupation depth of the wild Bactrocera ( Dacus ) oleae (Gmel.) larvae was studied using soils sampled in the field. Two temperatures (25 and 12°C), three different soil types (alluvial deposits, soil from decaying of limestone, soil from decaying of flysch), two compaction levels (low and high) and two moisture levels (10 and 50% field capacity) were tested in a factorial experiment with a total of 96 experimental units. Five larvae were placed on the soil surface of each test container and when burrowing was completed pupae were retrieved and pupation depth was recorded. The majority of larvae pupated in the top 3 cm and the mean depth of all units was 1.16 cm. The means differed significantly depending on soil type, moisture, the temperature–soil type interaction and the soil type–moisture interaction. Larvae pupated at a greater depth in limestone than in the other two soils. Depths were greater in soils at 50% field capacity than in those at 10% field capacity. In limestone and flysch the depth was greater at 25°C whereas no differences were found in alluvial soil. Different moisture levels had diverse effects in the three soil types; in alluvial soil and in flysch the increased moisture resulted in greater values but in limestone these were slightly lower. These results can be used in developing non chemical control measures and designing efficient sampling techniques for the insect in the ground.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of olive cultivars to the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), has seldom been studied. This article examines factors associated with olive fruit fly infestation of 16 commonly planted Sicilian olive cultivars. Total infestation data were simultaneously correlated with categorical and quantitative factors using ordinal logistic regression. When all factors were included in the analysis, year, sampling date, cultivar, and fruit color were highly significant, but the quantitative factors fruit volume, fruit elongation, and fruit hardness were not. When the analysis was repeated excluding cultivar, all quantitative factors were significant, and elongation and volume were highly significant. Spherical, large, and hard fruit seemed to be preferred by B. oleae over fruit that are elongate, small, and soft. Therefore, fruit color, elongation, volume, and hardness provide useful information regarding the susceptibility of cultivars. In both organic and conventional olive cultivation, information about olive cultivar susceptibility to olive fruit fly will help orchard managers to produce quality oil and table olives while reducing treatments for olive fruit fly control.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. A sampling plan was developed for the immature stages of D.oleae (Gmel.) by analysing data from samples of infested fruits taken during the years 1973, 1974 and 1975.
2. The number of samples required to attain a certain precision is largely a function of density, so that the level of sampling can be determined approximately for a given density of immature stages.
3. Partial life tables were constructed for the main developmental periods of the successive generations of D.oleae. For most of the year the number of eggs laid, rather than mortality, determined the size of the resulting population of pupae.
4. In September mortality of the third larval instar is high, mainly due to parasitism and this decreases considerably the number of pupae produced during this period.  相似文献   

The olive fruit fly [Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae)] adult diet since its development in the 1960’s regularly incorporates antibiotic. Considering recent findings on the importance and function of the indigenous microbial flora of insects, the effects of antibiotic removal were measured on the survival and egg laying of wild flies derived from McPhail trappings and from field infested olive fruits. In the first case wild flies fed no antibiotic laid significantly greater numbers of eggs for two generations (in 5 out of 10 and 2 out of 10 counting dates for G1 and G2 respectively), while there were no significant differences in survival in either test (P = 0.221 for P generation, P = 0.988 for G1 generation from McPhail traps, P = 0.056 for flies from infested fruits). Percent egg–pupa recovery and adult emergence were not significantly affected by lack of antibiotic. An antibiotic‐free strain has been maintained for eight generations, showing acceptable performance when compared to the long‐reared standard ‘Laboratory’ strain. Overall results suggest the feasibility of an adult diet free of antibiotic without negative effects on colony survival and performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to demonstrate a clear connection between the presence of acetone in larval diet and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity in laboratory raised populations of Bactrocera oleae. ADH activity of B. oleae is depressed in acetone-impregnated diets. At the same time the change of activity is accompanied by a change in the relative proportions of the multiple forms of ADH. The bulk of activity in the most cathodally migrating form is lost, and all the activity becomes localized in the less cathodally migrating forms of the enzyme. Moreover, ADH activity, expressed in vivo, appears to drop after exposure to acetone, as shown by the fact that larvae become less sensitive to pentenol poisoning. Our results show clear selective differences imposed by acetone on three homozygous genotypes involving the ADH alleles F, S and I in B. oleae. The directions of these differences were found to vary with the fitness component under test. Acetone treatment seems to affect developmental time and larva's viability as well as allele frequencies of ADH under artificial rearing. The effect of acetone on the maintenance of ADH polymorphism in artificially reared populations of B. oleae is further discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Examination of the ovaries of female olive flies ( Dacus oleae ) from wild populations on Corfu during the summer months of 1975 indicated that all were non-gravid for a period of several weeks during June and July and the terminal follicles were resorbed.
2. Experiments in outdoor cages indicated that olive fruits could stimulate ovarian development during the summer months.
3. Experiments in constant temperature cabinets indicated that high temperatures (i. e. 26–29°C) in conjunction with a low humidity (45 ± 5°%) inhibited ovarian maturation.
4. Whereas the presence of olive fruits offset the effects of temperature and humidity on ovarian development at 26°C in all flies, at 29°C very few were able to mature their ovaries.
5. It is suggested that it is the interaction of temperature, humidity and access to fruit which determine when ovarian maturation ceases and recommences during the summer months.  相似文献   

The microbiome of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin), a worldwide pest of olives (Olea europaea L.), has been examined for >100 yr as part of efforts to identify bacteria that are plant pathogens vectored by the fly or are beneficial endosymbionts essential for the fly's survival and thus targets for possible biological control. Because tephritid fruit flies feed on free-living bacteria in their environment, distinguishing between the transient, acquired bacteria of their diet and persistent, resident bacteria that are vertically transmitted endosymbionts is difficult. Several culture-dependent and -independent studies have identified a diversity of species in the olive fruit fly microbiome, but they have not distinguished the roles of the microbes. Candidatus Erwinia dacicola, has been proposed to be a coevolved endosymbiont of the olive fruit fly; however, this was based on limited samples from two Italian populations. Our study shows that C. Erwinia dacicola was present in all New and Old World populations and in the majority of individuals of all life stages sampled in 2 yr. Olive fruit flies reared on olives in the laboratory had frequencies of C. Erwinia dacicola similar to that of wild populations; however, flies reared on artificial diets containing antibiotics in the laboratory rarely had the endosymbiont. The relative abundance of C. Erwinia dacicola varied across development stages, being most abundant in ovipositing females and larvae. This uniform presence of C. Erwini dacicola suggests that it is a persistent, resident endosymbiont of the olive fruit fly.  相似文献   

The present study constitutes the first attempt to construct a photographic map of the polytene chromosomes of Dacus oleae, a pest of the olive tree that causes serious financial damage in all olive oil producing countries. The map was constructed by using the larval fat body cells, the chromosomes of which are representative of the polytene chromosomes of other polytene tissues. In addition, the mitotic chromosomes of brain ganglia were examined, permitting tentative correlations between mitotic and polytene elements. This investigation shows that D. oleae is suitable for cytogenetic analysis in both mitotic and polytene chromosomes, a fact that may prove very useful for obtaining more detailed genetic information on the pest's natural populations.  相似文献   

The current study describes toxic effects of the Bacillus thuringiensis beta-exotoxin toward 3rd instars of 3 fruit fly species: Anastrepha ludens (Loew), A. obliqua (Macquart), and A. serpentina (Wiedemann). The beta-exotoxin was highly toxic to all 3 species tested, with LC50 values calculated as 0.641, 0.512, and 0.408 microgram/cm2 of filter paper used to expose the larvae, for A. ludens, A. obliqua, and A. serpentina, respectively. Exposure to beta-exotoxin was associated with an increase in the incidence of deformed pupae. The adult survivors from beta-exotoxin treatments showed no negative effects in terms of their longevity, fecundity, or egg eclosion (fertility). We conclude that the beta-exotoxin may have potential as a control agent for fruit fly pests.  相似文献   

Bactrocera oleae is the single most important insect pest of the olive fruit, causing extensive of the losses in the olive production annually. Nonetheless, there has never been an analysis of the homogeneity of B. oleae populations, the extent of gene flow, the genetic differentiation and/or reproductive isolation of marginal populations or the nature of the invasive populations in newly established olive tree cultivations. Here we describe the development of 10 novel polymorphic microsatellite markers that can be used in the analysis of natural B. oleae populations as well as to create a basis for its genome analysis.  相似文献   

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