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申请人在专利实质审查的过程中,缩小其保护范围使得专利获得了授权,但在主张侵权诉讼中因为禁止反悔原则,却不能将因对权利要求的修改而放弃的技术方案再纳入到专利权的保护范围中。因此,申请人应重视专利授权或者无效宣告程序中权利要求的修改,知晓未公开的针对审查意见通知书的答复也会成为日后侵权判定过程中的一个重要证据,在此,申请人应仔细思考、斟酌每一次权利要求的修改以及每一次审查意见的答复,不能为了在较短的时间内获得授权就同意审查员的观点放弃权利要求中的技术特征,必要时,可以对审查员的观点予以否定。讨论了禁止反悔对药物专利申请文件的撰写和修改的影响。  相似文献   

In the mid-1990s, the company Human Genome Sciences submitted three potentially revolutionary patent applications to the US Patent and Trademark Office, each of which claimed the entire genome sequence of a microorganism. The patent examiners, however, objected to these applications, and after negotiation they were eventually re-written to resemble more traditional gene patents. In this paper, which is based on a study of the patent examination files, we examine the reasons why these patent applications were unsuccessful in their original form. We show that with respect to utility and novelty, the patent attorney's case built on an understanding of the genome as a computer-related invention. The patent examiners did not object to the patenting of complete genome sequences as computer-related inventions on moral grounds or in terms of the distinction between a discovery and an invention. Instead, their objections were based on classification, rules and procedure. Rather than patent examiners having a notion of a genome that should not be patented, the notion of a 'genome', and the ways in which it may be different from a 'gene', played no role in these debates. We discuss the consequences of our findings for patenting in the biosciences.  相似文献   

The need to publish ideas so that they can be explored, debated and extended by others before they are fully tested in the lab or the clinic is in conflict with the need to patent those ideas to provide a commercial incentive to apply them. I discuss why this conflict occurs, why it is important, and suggest three ways to get round it: root-and-branch reform of patent law (which seems impossible), extension of the US system's ‘grace period’ between publishing and filing a patent to longer times in the US and implementing the same system in other countries (which seems unlikely to happen), and binding readers of journals with a network of optional confidentiality agreements that allow publication but not citation without the authors’ permission. This latter appears too complex and conflicting an idea to work either, but while many conflicts with common scientific practice exist, the complexity of the system need not deter us, as at root the idea is simple and so it could be managed by software instead of patent lawyers.  相似文献   

Academic institutional research constantly produces results worthy of patent protection, but coping with the demands of patent law presents considerable challenges to bioscientists working in these institutions. Inventors need, however, to be aware of recent patent office guidelines and court decisions if they are to seek useful intellectual property as a basis for technology transfer to industry.  相似文献   

Bioengineered bugs, as is the scope of this journal, have great potential in various practical applications. A corollary to bringing useful products to the market is that such products need protection from copying by other people or businesses. Such government-sponsored protections are legally enforced through a patent, copyright or trademark/trade secret system commonly known as intellectual property rights. A condition for obtaining a patent is that the invention must not be disclosed to public either through seminars, informal public disclosures or publications in journals, although in the United States, there is a one year grace period that is allowed to obtain a patent after public disclosure. This article describes my personal experience in obtaining a patent in 1980 on a genetically manipulated bacterium designed for oil spill cleanup. This patent application went through a series of court cases that finally ended up in the Supreme Court of the United States. I also mention a similar contentious legal issue that is on the horizon and that the readers of Bioengineered Bugs should be aware of. Finally, I have taken the opportunity to describe my current efforts to bring to the market some unique potential multi-disease-targeting candidate drugs from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and gonococci/meningococci that, if found non-toxic and efficacious in humans, will revolutionize the drug industry. To ensure their marketability, we are trying to develop a patent portfolio that will ensure that they will be legally protected and such protections will be broad-based and enforceable.  相似文献   

The Supreme Court of the US in 1980 granted a patent for a strain of Pseudomonas containing two plasmides after genetic manipulation. This is the first case of patenting a living organism. Whereas the patent law of US and of many other countries further more on supports the principle that natural products are not patentable man-made microorganisms on the other hand fullfil very important crucials of patentability as far as they are new, unobvious, reproducible and useful. The situation arising as the result of this decision is described and the implications and consequenses for the patent law, the taxonomy and the general biological thought are discussed.  相似文献   

Academic researchers have regularly ignored patents on key technologies as a strategy to maneuver around patent thickets and freedom-to-operate issues, but they may be more at risk than they realize.  相似文献   

《Gender Medicine》2007,4(3):187-192
The biotechnology revolution promises unfathomable future scientific discovery. One of the potential benefits is the accelerated introduction of new diagnostics and treatments to the general public. The right medication for the right patient is the goal of personalized medicine, which directly benefits from many of biotechnology's biggest and most recent advances. The US patent system rewards innovation in medicine and other arts and sciences by granting innovators, for a period of time, the right to exclude others from using what was invented. One of the purposes of the patent system is to trade that right to exclude, and in its stead obtain the patent holder's obligation to fully and publicly disclose the essence of the innovations so that they can be improved, thus advancing the common welfare. A tension exists between personalized medicine's need for access to and use of scientific advances and the patent system's reward of exclusive use or nonuse to innovators. This tension may result in fewer diagnostic and therapeutic tools brought to the market and generally adopted. The risk seems particularly acute with respect to the diagnostic and therapeutic tools arising from genetic testing that hold specific value for a subset of the population. The judicial system has introduced ethical exceptions that overcome a patent holder's right to exclude; these judicial overrides relate to the provision of certain types of medical procedures and the development of certain types of new drugs, and not, apparently, to the use of diagnostic and therapeutic tools essential to the success of personalized medicine. A serious question exists as to whether legislative action is necessary to increase public access to genetic testing.  相似文献   

The departments, indeed the laboratories of the public research institutions, no longer are satisfied with displaying a certain number of annual scientific publications meant to highlight their expertise and know-how. In effect, for some years now, a new trend has been in vogue: stimulated by all the national and international public bodies, they are calling increasingly on the “patent pending” solution to make optimum use of the results of specific researches on the one hand and, on the other hand, to assert their excellence vis-à-vis the Ministry of Research of their country which is supposed to finance them.However, caught up in the euphoria of the research results, and lost in their formulae and practices, these researchers lose sight of the basis for a patent and its real reason for being (patent charter). A patent necessarily must be of service to the community, that is to say that essentially it must contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the population. To achieve this goal, going through certain stages is a must, namely that to start with a patent must be absolutely profitable to industry in order that, subsequently, it be consistent with its being of service to the community. In this context, its validity is set at 10 years renewable for another 10 years based on specific parameters as stipulated by the national and international patent institutions, indeed by the EPO (European Patent Office) the headquarters of which is in Munich. Its use by industry ensures proceeds for 10, even 20 years and must represent the material fruit of the applicant's effort. Beyond this period, the patent becomes public and therefore available to everyone. But the crucial problem is this: when can a patent really be used and how to do so as best as possible to guarantee profits for both parties involved and thus justify its reason for being?The purpose of this work thus is to incite university researchers to think about the real usefulness of a patent on the one hand and, on the other hand, to ponder over the best way of using, in close cooperation with industry, the fruit of the research and the registering of the patent, both financed by public funds. For the latter, owing to their nature, demand that there be no wastage and cautious management thereof.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, patents on human genes and genetic diagnostic methods have been granted under the assumption that they stimulate the development of diagnostic methods and therapeutic products. However, the principles and practices of patenting vary between jurisdictions. Do patent holders, researchers, clinicians and patients really benefit from this heterogeneous patent system? We discuss the problems that result from the current system and suggest how they might be solved by altering the way in which patents are granted and/or licensed.  相似文献   

Gaudry KS 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33141
A pro-se patent applicant is an inventor who chooses to represent himself while pursuing ("prosecuting") a patent application. To the author's knowledge, this paper is the first empirical study addressing how applications filed by pro-se inventors fare compared to applications in which inventors were represented by patent attorneys or agents. The prosecution history of 500 patent applications filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office were analyzed: inventors were represented by a patent professional for 250 of the applications ("represented applications") but not in the other 250 ("pro-se applications"). 76% of the pro-se applications became abandoned (not issuing as a patent), as compared to 35% of the represented applications. Further, among applications that issued as patents, pro-se patents' claims appear to be narrower and therefore of less value than claims in the represented patent set. Case-specific data suggests that a substantial portion of pro-se applicants unintentionally abandon their applications, terminate the examination process relatively early, and/or fail to take advantage of interview opportunities that may resolve issues stalling allowance of the application.  相似文献   

The intellectual property protection of biotechnology-related subject matter is undergoing significant change and several countries have revised their legislation and/or patent practice as a result of challenges from industry and members of the public. Plant-related subject matter can be protected using plant variety protection, utility patents or, in the USA, by plant patent. Although easier to obtain than a utility patent, plant variety protection does not provide the same scope of protection. Protecting a plant using a utility patent is permitted only in countries that allow the patenting of higher life forms and requires a higher degree of experimental support than is required for plant variety protection, although the scope of protection is being steadily reduced.  相似文献   

Galton greeted Darwin's theory of pangenesis with enthusiasm, and tried to test the assumption that the hereditary particles circulate in the blood by transfusion experiments on rabbits. The failure of these experiments led him to reject this assumption, and in the 1870s he developed an alternative theory of heredity, which incorporated those parts of Darwin's theory that did not involve the transportation of hereditary particles throughout the system. He supposed that the fertilized ovum contains a large number of hereditary elements, which he collectively called the “stirp,” a few of which are patent, developing into particular cell types, while the rest remain latent; the latent elements can be transmitted to the next generation, while the patent elements, with rare exceptions, cannot since they have developed into cells. The problem with this theory is that it does not explain the similarity between parent and child unless there is a high correlation between latent and patent elements. Galton probably came to realize this problem during his subsequent statistical work on heredity, and he quietly dropped the idea that patent elements are not transmitted in Natural Inheritance (1889). Galton thought that brothers and sisters had identical stirps, and he attributed differences between them to variability in the choice of patent elements from the stirp, that is to say to developmental variability. He attributed the likeness of monozygotic twins to the similarity of their developmental environment. Galton's twin method was to track the life history changes of twins to see whether twins who were similar at birth diverged in dissimilar environments or whether twins who were dissimilar at birth converged in similar environments. It is quite different from the modern twin method of comparing the similarities between monozygotic and dizygotic twins, on the assumption that monozygotic twins are genetically identical whereas dizygotic twins are not. It has been argued that Galton foreshadowed Weismann's theory of the continuity of the germ-plasm, but this is only true in a weak sense. They both believed that the inheritance of acquired characters was either rare or impossible, but Galton did not forestall the essential part of Weismann's theory, that the germ-plasm of the zygote is doubled, with one part being reserved for the formation of the germ-cells. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A hemotropic parasite of the genus Haemo bartonella (rickettsial parasite of the Family Anaplasmataceae) is responsible for latent asymptomatic infection in colony-born Saimiri monkeys. Indeed, many of these animals develop a patent Haemobartonella infection following splenectomy. Such patent parasitism is characterized by an intense Haemobartonella parasitemia which peaks between days 12 and 14 after removal of the spleen and then decreases to become undetectable between days 25 and 30. During the resolving phase of parasitemia, a moderate anemia associated with monocytosis and erythrophagocytosis is observed. In certain Saimiri monkeys, Haemobartonella parasitemia remains latent following removal of the spleen. This indicates that the spleen plays a role but is not necessary to maintain latent Haemobartonella parasitism. It also suggests the existence of heterogeneity in the host immune reactivity to the parasite. Latent or patent haemobartonellosis might raise a problem when Saimiri monkeys are used as experimental hosts of Plasmodium falciparum asexual blood stages, as already noticed with "rodent malaria." Thus we investigated the relationship between Haemobartonella and P. falci parum in splenectomized monkeys. When animals harboring latent Haemobartonella sp. were infected with P. falciparum, the former remained latent and exerted no influence on the course of the P. falciparum parasitemia. In constrast, when P. falciparum was initiated in animals which were in the process of developing patent haemobarto nellosis, the course of the former was protracted and either the animal resisted longer, or it self-cleared the P. falciparum infection. Conversely, patent haemobartonellosis was delayed when splenectomy was performed at different times after initiation of P. falciparum infection in intact monkeys. Our results do not allow us to draw conclusions as to the mechanism(s) of the antagonism between the two parasites, but they emphasize the need to monitor the presence of Haemobartonella when splenectomized Saimiri monkeys are used as experimentals hosts for P. falciparum parasitism.  相似文献   

We examine challenges with measuring ‘success’ in access and benefit-sharing (ABS) of biological resources. We note a lack of indicators and draw on Pacific patent landscaping, ABS case studies, and research permit figures to highlight that ABS systems are functioning somewhat, although they are often not meeting expectations.  相似文献   

At present, the COVID-19 pandemic is running rampant, having caused 2.18 million deaths. Characterizing the global patent landscape of coronaviruses is essential not only for informing research and policy, given the current pandemic crisis, but also for anticipating important future developments. While patents are a promising indicator of technological knowledge production widely used in innovation research, they are often an underused resource in biological sciences. In this study, we present a patent landscape for the seven coronaviruses known to infect humans. The information included in this paper provides a strong intellectual groundwork for the ongoing development of therapeutic agents and vaccines along with a deeper discussion of intellectual property rights under epidemic conditions. The results show that there has been a rapid increase in human coronavirus patents, especially COVID-19 patents. China and the United States play an outstanding role in global cooperation and patent application. The leading role of academic institutions and government is increasingly apparent. Notable technological issues related to human coronaviruses include pharmacochemical treatment, diagnosis of viral infection, viral-vector vaccines, and traditional Chinese medicine. Furthermore, a critical challenge lies in balancing commercial competition, enterprise profit, knowledge sharing, and public interest.  相似文献   

Summary Fungal biotechnology has generated a voluminous amount of technical literature and scientific data. Patents probably contain the most complete and detailed information about the use of fungal cultures in biotechnology. This article contains a brief review of the United States patent system where microorganisms form an integral part of the disclosure and explains the role of the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) as a patent culture depository. A list based on the application of the ATCC fungal strains which have been cited or used in US patents and the names of the inventors, the titles of the inventions, and their patent numbers are included. This provides resource material particularly for developing countries as they begin to establish their own biotechnology.  相似文献   

目的:从没有在中国得到保护的美国专利申请或专利中寻找心血管疾病治疗药物研发的思路。方法:对申请日从2005 年1 月1 日至2014 年12 月31 日的美国心血管系统疾病治疗药物PCT 申请进入中国国家阶段后失效的专利申请及专利数据进行整序和分析,依据其在美国本土的法律状态确定其技术含金量。结果:未得到中国专利保护的美国心血管系统疾病治疗药物PCT 申请共174 件,其中170 件申请了美国优先权或进入了美国国家阶段。结论:170 件美国心血管系统疾病治疗药物PCT 申请在美国申请优先权,大多数因美国的优先权临时申请过期而放弃。14 件在美国本土的优先权申请失效,其所含信息量应该相当于公开发表的论文的信息量,23 件在美国本土优先权授权的专利技术具有一定的技术含金量,目前在中国已经进入公知公用领域,经过市场价值评估后可以无偿使用。  相似文献   

A recent United States patent covering an improvement to the naturally-occurring pesticide in neem tree seed oil might have been rejected as 'obvious' if United States patent law recognized certain forms of prior inventive activity on a par with similar activity occurring within the United States' borders. But the US only recognizes prior 'knowledge, use or invention' as blocking a claim to a patent when those activities take place within US borders, or are evidenced by publications accessible in the US, or, more commonly, by foreign patents. Neither of these last forms of tangible 'prior art' is likely to be available to block patents on biodiversity inventions – most notably because of the fact that most developing nations do not allow patents on pharmaceutical or agricultural inventions, categories subsuming most biodiversity-related advances. Although the United States patent only has direct force within the United States, it is nonetheless highly significant to this global dispute, since the United States and other developed nations stand to be the major markets for the end-products of neem. This paper argues that the border-drawing distinctions in US patent law are archaic, counter to stated policy directives and are disproportionately influencing the developing world's stance towards GATT and its intellectual property rights provisions.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine the minimum number of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts capable of producing patent infections in immunosuppressed C57BL/6N adult mice. Sixty-four female mice were divided into 6 groups of 8 mice each, except group 1 that contained 24 mice. Mice in groups 1-3 were immunosuppressed with dexamethasone and inoculated with 1, 5, and 10 oocysts per mouse, respectively. The accuracy of the inoculum size was microscopically confirmed. Mice in groups 4-6 served as controls: they received either only oocyst inoculation (group 4), or immunosuppression (group 5), or no treatments (group 6). Fecal oocyst shedding was monitored daily for each mouse using an indirect immunofluorescent assay. Parasite colonization in the terminal ileum of each mouse was evaluated histologically. Four of 24 mice in group 1 developed patent infections, with a prepatent period of approximately 6 days. All mice in groups 2 and 3 developed patent infections, with prepatent periods ranging from 4 to 7 days. Mice in groups 4-6 remained uninfected. Parasite colonization was observed in the terminal ilea of all mice in groups 1-3 that shed fecal oocysts. The present study experimentally demonstrates that a single viable oocyst can induce patent C. parvum infections in immunosuppressed C57BL/6N adult mice and indicates that this mouse model could be used for the parasite genotype or isolate cloning.  相似文献   

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