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The recruitment of honeybee foragers individually exploiting a low-flow rate-feeder that presented different temporal reward programs was experimentally analyzed. By capturing hive bees that landed at the feeder in a 2-h period, the arrival rate of incoming bees could be obtained. With this procedure we quantitatively analyzed the maximum number of hive bees that can be brought to the feeding station by single foragers. Test bees collected sucrose solution during 12 visits to a rate-feeder located 160 m from the hive. The constant programs offered 0.6, 1.2, or 2.4 M sugar for all 12 visits, while the variable programs delivered either 0.6, 1.2, or 0.6 M or 0.6, 2.4, or 0.6 M, with four visits for each molarity. Results showed that the sucrose concentration exploited by single foragers increased the arrival rate. Moreover, there was a linear relationship within this range of sucrose concentrations that presented a slope of 1.58. Since the sugar solutions were provided at the same flow rate (5 μl/min) in all the programs, the arrival rate expressed in terms of sucrose flow rate (milligrams of sucrose/minute) shows that one additional incoming bee per hour arrived when the single forager assessed an increase in the sucrose flow rate of 0.75 mg sucrose/min at the rate-feeder. The absence of differences in the frequency of visits of the single foragers during the constant programs suggests that the differences observed in the arrival rate can mainly be explained by a more intensive display of the recruitment mechanisms performed per foraging trip instead of by their iterativeness throughout different foraging cycles. Variable reward programs showed that arrival rate is rapidly adjusted according to the reward change and is independent of its magnitude. Received in revised form: 17 August 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Based on population analysis of the DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 and TNFA allele frequency distribution patterns, regional features of immunogenetic structure of the population of West Siberia were investigated. Statistically significant linkage disequilibrium within the HLA class II region, as well as between the TNFA and DRB1, DQA1, and DQB1 was demonstrated. Population frequency distribution patterns of two- and multilocus haplotypes were examined.  相似文献   

The life cycle and developmental stages of Aylax hypecoi (Trotter, 1913, Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Aylacini) were studied in detail. Aylax hypecoi is known to induce galls in fruits of two Hypecoum species — H. imberbe and H. geslini (Papaveraceae) and the larva develops in host plant fruits. The morphology and development of egg, larva and pupa were investigated, which has previously not been done. The shape and size of terminal-instar larvae and associated galls are sex-specific. Overwintering stage, adult emergence and flying periods, and egg productivity were studied also.  相似文献   

Following a re-examination of the material treated under Barleria brevispina (Fiori) Hedrén in the recent Flora of Somalia account of the Acanthaceae, it is concluded that two distinct species are involved and Barleria compacta Malombe & I. Darbysh. is described here from north-eastern Somalia. Its affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

There are three most important bacterial causative agents of serious infections that could be misused for warfare purposes: Bacillus anthracis (the causative agent of anthrax) is the most frequently mentioned one; however, Fracisella tularensis (causing tularemia) and Yersinia pestis (the causative agent of plague) are further bacterial agents enlisted by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention into the category A of potential biological weapons. This review intends to summarize basic information about these bacterial agents. Military aspects of their pathogenesis and the detection techniques suitable for field use are discussed.  相似文献   

The intron sequence of chloroplast rpS16 and the secondary structure of its pre-mRNA were characterized for the first time in 26 Allium sativum accessions of different ecologo-geographical origins and seven related Allium species. The boundaries and main stem-loop consensus sequences were identified for all six domains of the intron. Polymorphism was estimated for the total intron and its regions. The structural regions of the rpS16 intron proved to be heterogeneous for mutation rate and spectrum. Mutations were most abundant in domains II and IV, and transition predominated in domains I, III, V, and VI. In addition to structural elements and motifs typical for group IIB introns, several Allium-specific micro- and macrostructural mutations were revealed. A 290-bp deletion involving domains III and IV and part of domain V was observed in A. altaicum, A. fistulosum, and A. schoenoprasum. Several indels and nucleotide substitutions were found to cause a deviation of the pre-mRNA secondary structure from the consensus model of group II introns.  相似文献   

Summary.  The paper describes two methods of the synthesis of ethyl (3R,4S)- and (3S,4S)-4-[(benzyloxycarbonyl)amino]-5-[(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)amino]-3-hydroxypentanoates, useful for the syntheses of edeine analogs. Differently N-protected (S)-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid was used as a substrate in both procedures. The absolute configuration of newly generated asymmetric carbon atoms C-3 in β-hydroxy-γ,δ-diamino products was assigned by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy after their transformation into corresponding piperidin-2-ones. Received May 24, 2002 Accepted October 10, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 Acknowledgment The authors are indebted to the Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk for financial support. Authors' address: Zbigniew Czajgucki, M. Sc., Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Technical University of Gdańsk, 11/12 Narutowicza St., 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland, Fax +48 58 347 11 44, E-mail: zmczaj@wp.pl  相似文献   

We present data on the habitat, density, and spatial distribution of Rivulus giarettai, and discuss some biotic and abiotic variables related to its abundance in Free Flowing Waters (FFW) and Dam Reservoirs (DR) in palm grove (Mauritia flexuosa) marshes (Veredas) in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The mean density (individuals/plot) of R. giarettai was about 13 times higher in FFW than in DR. In FFW, the density of R. giarettai was highest at intermediate amounts of substrate (plant mass) and it was positively rank-correlated with the depth, and the number of arthropods. Individuals occurred in an aggregated distribution. The aggregated pattern could be related to a concentration of individuals in microhabitats neither too much exposed nor completely saturated by plants. R. giarettai was relatively abundant and tolerant to slight man-made habitat modifications. Damming appeared to be especially problematic by negatively affecting its density.  相似文献   

Phengaris (=Maculinea) arion is an endangered social parasite of Myrmica ants, and for a very long time was considered as specific to Myrmica sabuleti. Previous studies carried out in Poland suggested some discrepancies within this assumption, and therefore a much more intensive survey was undertaken. The host ant use of P. arion was studied at five sites in different types of biotopes in Poland, i.e. xerothermal grasslands where Thymus pulegioides was used as a larval food plant by the butterfly, and more or less sandy biotopes with Thymus serpyllum. Altogether nine Myrmica species were recorded, and considerable variation in species composition and density of nests was recorded. At four localities M. sabuleti proved to be the most common ant. A total of 529 Myrmica nests were examined, and only 20 of them contained larvae and pupae of P. arion. Host ants belonged to five different species, i.e. M. sabuleti, Myrmica scabrinodis, Myrmica schencki, Myrmica lobicornis and Myrmica hellenica. Only at one site (NE Poland) was a significant heterogeneity in parasitation rates among Myrmica species detected. M. lobicornis was the most often infested ant there, which may suggest local specialisation of the butterfly. Overall low parasitism rates may explain the vulnerability of P. arion in Central Europe but further studies are also necessary.  相似文献   

We characterized habitat requirements of juvenile cowcod, Sebastes levis, using information from surveys conducted aboard the manned research submersible Delta. We conducted 303 dive surveys on rocky banks and outcrops in water depths between 28 and 365 m in southern and central California, covering 483 km (963,940 m2) of seafloor. We counted 549,263 fishes from at least 134 species; 216 individuals were juvenile cowcod, S. levis, of 45 cm or less in total length (TL). Juvenile cowcod occupied depths between 52 and 330 m and demonstrated ontogenetic shifts in their habitat associations. Small fish (5–20 cm TL) lived primarily among cobbles or cobbles and small boulders. As fish grew, they moved into high-relief rock habitats, including boulder fields and rock ridges. Small cowcods were found with pygmy, Sebastes wilsoni, and swordspine, Sebastes ensifer, rockfishes. Larger juveniles often associated with juvenile bocaccio, Sebastes paucispinis, juvenile widow rockfish, Sebastes entomelas, and squarespot rockfish, Sebastes hopkinsi. Our study resulted in a characterization of seafloor habitats on a small spatial scale that is relevant to juvenile cowcod nursery areas, which is important when considering effective management strategies for this overfished species.  相似文献   

Mature seed-derived embryogenic calli of indica rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. PAU201) were induced on semisolid Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 2.5 mg dm−3 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid + 0.5 mg dm−3 kinetin + 560 mg dm−3 proline + 30 g dm−3 sucrose + 8 g dm−3 agar. Using OsglyII gene, out of 3180 calli bombarded, 32 plants were regenerated on medium containing hygromycin (30 mg dm−3). Histochemical GUS assay of the hygromycin selected calli revealed GUS expression in 50 % calli. Among the regenerants, 46.87 % were GUS positive. PCR analysis confirmed the presence of the transgene of 1 kb in 60 % of independent plants. Further, these plants have been grown to maturity in glasshouse. In vitro screening for salt tolerance showed increase in fresh mass of OsglyII putative transgenic calli (185.4 mg) as compared to control calli (84.2 mg) on 90 mM NaCl after 15 d. When exposed to 150 mM NaCl, OsglyII putative transgenic plantlets showed normal growth while the non-transgenic control plantlets turned yellow and finally did not survive.  相似文献   

Columba livia is an important reservoir and carrier of Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus uniguttulatus, Cryptococcus laurentii and Cryptococcus albidus. Upper digestive tract of this species is also known as a habitat for Cryptococcus neoformans. Given the increasing clinical interest of this microorganism, 331 swabs from crop and 174 dropping samples from pigeon lofts in Grand Canary Island have been studied. The obtained results show an extensive presence samples 81 positive (24.47%) of Cryptococcus spp. in analysed crops: 32 (9.66%) for C. neoformans, 24 (7.2%) for C. uniguttulatus, 23 (6.9%) for C. albidus and 2 (0.6%) for C. laurentii. In the same way, Cryptococcus spp was also isolated in 82 (47.13%), dropping samples: C. neoformans in 59 (33.9%), C. uniguttulatus, in 9 (5.17%), C. laurentii in 8 (4.59%) and C. albidus in 6 (3.44%) of the investigated samples, respectively. The cryptococcosis produced by species of cryptococci other than C. neoformans has become more important during the last decade, supporting the study on the role of pigeon in the epidemiology of this disease.  相似文献   

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