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疏水层析结合冷乙醇沉淀纯化人血清白蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将层析技术与冷乙醇工艺相结合用于人血清白蛋白的纯化 ,对各过程所采用的层析介质及层析条件进行了探索 ,得到了一条从人血浆中制备血清白蛋白的新路线 :将一步冷乙醇沉淀后的血浆上清进行脱盐除乙醇 ,用阳离子交换介质CMSepharoseFF以透过式层析的模式吸附非白蛋白组分 ,最后选用ButylSepharoseFF一步疏水层析后所得样品经SDS-PAGE银染显示一条单带 ,分析其纯度大于 99% ,计算工艺收率为 81.2%。与传统冷乙醇工艺相比较 ,该工艺最终样品纯度更高 ,且层析可以在常温下操作 ,易实现自动化控制.  相似文献   

Precipitation of collagens by polyethylene glycols   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Types I, II, and III collagens are readily precipitated at neutral pH by polyethylene glycols (PEG). As the molecular weight fraction of the polyethylene glycols increases, they become more effective as precipitants on a weight basis. The amount of PEG required for precipitation depends on the pH, the ionic strength, and the nature of the buffer or salts present. In tissue culture media, low concentrations of collagens and procollagens may be quantitatively precipitated and readily collected by low-speed centrifugation. Polyethylene glycol precipitation can be used to obtain collagens and procollagens from tissue culture media at either analytical or preparative scale, and since the polyethylene glycols do not bind to collagens, the precipitates may be further analyzed directly by chromatographic or electrophoretic methods.  相似文献   

为深入研究转基因玉米所表达的植酸酶蛋白的酶学性质,评价重组蛋白的致敏性和饲用安全性,必须获得高纯度植酸酶蛋白.利用识别4个不同表位的单克隆抗体制备了植酸酶蛋白亲和层析体系.结果显示,通过80%硫酸铵沉淀植酸酶蛋白粗提液初步浓缩目的蛋白后,再经过透析去除高浓度盐离子,进而通过免疫亲和层析可获得在SDS-PAGE胶上条带单一的植酸酶蛋白,比活可达470.99 U/mg.同时,将上述免疫亲和层析法对植酸酶的纯化效果与离子交换层析方法进行了对比,结果表明免疫亲和层析法具有稳定、快速和纯化产物比活高等优势,所获得的目的蛋白满足各种检测要求,优于离子交换层析方法.  相似文献   

Immunoelectrophoretically pure IgG was recovered from Cohn Fraction II + III precipitate of human serum by forced-flow electrophoresis. The purity of the recovered IgG was dependent on the pH at which electrophoresis was carried out, and the flow rate of the crude fraction through the cell. Yield was dependent on the conductivity of the internal buffer and the potential difference between the electrodes of the cell.  相似文献   

建立了反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)分离肝源性磷脂酰胆碱(PC)分子种的有效方法。考察了流动相中有机溶剂的种类、配比及流速对分离肝源性PC的影响。研究发现,在以甲醇为主的流动相中加入正己烷和醋酸铵有利于肝源性PC分子种的分离;甲醇-乙腈-水梯度洗脱不适于分离肝源性PC分子种。结果表明,采用Kromasil C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×200 mm,5μm),以甲醇-正己烷-0.05 mol/L醋酸铵-甘油(84∶6∶8∶0.6,体积比)为流动相,在流速1.0 mL/min、检测波长206 nm、柱温35℃的条件下,实现了肝源性PC各组分的分离。所建立的方法灵敏,重复性高,为进一步采用液质联用技术研究肝源性PC不同分子种的结构奠定基础。  相似文献   

One of the trends in downstream processing comprises the use of “anything‐but‐chromatography” methods to overcome the current downfalls of standard packed‐bed chromatography. Precipitation and magnetic separation are two techniques already proven to accomplish protein purification from complex media, yet never used in synergy. With the aim to capture antibodies directly from crude extracts, a new approach combining precipitation and magnetic separation is developed and named as affinity magnetic precipitation. A precipitation screening, based on the Hofmeister series, and a commercial precipitation kit are tested with affinity magnetic particles to assess the best condition for antibody capture from human serum plasma and clarified cell supernatant. The best conditions are obtained when using PEG3350 as precipitant at 4 °C for 1 h, reaching 80% purity and 50% recovery of polyclonal antibodies from plasma, and 99% purity with 97% recovery yield of anti‐TNFα mAb from cell supernatants. These results show that the synergetic use of precipitation and magnetic separation can represent an alternative for the efficient capture of antibodies.  相似文献   

Earlier it has been shown that nucleic acids of high molecular weight can be introduced into cells by coprecipitation with calcium phosphate. We have studied the requirements for calcium phosphate coprecipitation of shorter nucleotides. The degree of coprecipitation of dodecanucleotides lacking terminal phosphate varied between 25 and 72%. Tetramers with a 5′-monophosphate were coprecipitated to 29–87% by calcium phosphate. A high content of guanosine residues and an increased number of terminal phosphate groups increased the degree of coprecipitation of nucleotides. The trinucleotide pppA2′p5′A2′p5′A was effectively precipitated by calcium phosphate but the monophosphate and the core structure were not.  相似文献   

This study reports a novel method for embryo separation by cold treatment of heterogeneous suspension cultures which contain embryogenic single cells, cell clusters and embryos at various stages of development. The method was applied to embryo suspension cultures of pepper (Capsicum annuum) and sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum). In both plants, single cells lost their viability dramatically over a few days while the viability of embryos remained above 95% for 25-30 days when kept at 5 °C. The effect of duration of cold treatment on embryo germination was also tested. The optimal duration of cold treatment was found to be 10 days for sugarcane and 21 days for pepper. After the cold treatment, the germination percentages were 90% and 96% for sugarcane and pepper, respectively.  相似文献   

通过比较白桦树皮中白桦脂醇的不同的提取方法,获得一种简单、高效的白桦脂醇提取、纯化方法。通过对不同浸提时间比较、超声震荡方法及旋转蒸发仪回收提取3种白桦脂醇提取方案的比较,进一步利用甲醇-氯仿重结晶法、无水乙醇重结晶法及大孔吸附树脂层析法对获得的白桦脂醇初提取物进行纯化。获得了白桦脂醇提取及纯化的最佳方案。用95%乙醇溶液,液固比50∶1(mL∶g)浸泡白桦树皮样品120 h后,用滤纸过滤,收集滤液,将滤液50℃加热回流5 h,减压蒸馏得到米白色固体粉末。接着以70 mL乙酸乙酯为溶剂,将得到的固体加热回流90 min,趁热过滤。滤液使用坩埚50℃浓缩至干。再以无水乙醇为溶剂进行重结晶,无水乙醇∶固体=30 mL∶1 g,-20℃重结晶,重结晶产率可达38.00%,最高纯度达到99.81%。优化后的白桦脂醇提取纯化方法操作简便,产量较高、试剂安全,是一种可用于规模化提取的有效方法。  相似文献   

采用疏水层析纯化重组复合干扰素,成功去除了复性过程中产生的错误折叠体、聚集体及杂蛋白,并考察了配基类型、盐浓度、pH值和流速对疏水层析纯化效果的影响,结果表明采用ButylSepharose 4FastFlow、硫酸铵初始浓度0.8mol/L、缓冲液pH值8.3、线流速为90cm h时疏水层析纯化效果最佳,最终目标蛋白反相高效液相色谱检测纯度达到99.6% ,还原及非还原型SDS PAGE电泳均呈单一条带,其比活为2.3×109IU/mg,回收率为36.7%。  相似文献   

以胶束电动色谱法对奶样中共轭亚油酸主要的两种异构体进行了分析。在优化条件下(80 mM pH9.0的磷酸盐缓冲液,54 mMSDS,4%(w/v)β-CD,8 M尿素,4%(v/v)乙醇作为运行缓冲液,分离电压25 kV,柱温20℃),胶束电动色谱可在15 min内对奶样中两种主要CLA,即9c,11t-CLA和10t,12c-CLA进行分离测定,最低检出限为0.081 ng/mL。分析结果显示,不同处理奶样中的CLA含量差异显著(P<0.001),但CLA的组成相近,其中的10t,12c-CLA含量差异不显著P=0.999,约为3%;不同品种奶样,如牛奶、水牛奶和羊奶中的CLA含量差异显著(P<0.001),其中CLA含量次序为牛奶>羊奶>水牛奶,并且不同品种奶的9c,11t-CLA与10t,12c-CLA比例差异显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

目的:探讨羟乙基淀粉沉淀(HES)法分离脐血单个核细胞(MNCs)的效果。方法:采集脐血31份,应用羟乙基淀粉(HES)沉淀飞和密度离心(Ficoll)法分离脐血MNCs,、纯化CD3+细胞、CD14+细胞、CD34+细胞,以台盼蓝拒染法检测细胞活力。结果:HES法MNCs回收率、CFU-GM计数高于Ficoll法(85.29±3.79 VS 47.06±4.61,t=35.67,P0.05;67.31±11.57/l×105MNCs VS28.54±6.39/l×105MNCs,t=16.33,P0.05);HES法分离的MNCs中CD3+、CD14+、CD34+细胞数均高于Ficoll法(t=5.76,t=2.51,t=6.67,P0.05)。结论:HES法分离MNCs可获得较好的回收率,是人脐血干细胞理想的分离方法。  相似文献   

Producing economically competitive recombinant human lysozyme from transgenic rice demands an inexpensive purification process for nonpharmaceutical applications. Human lysozyme is a basic protein, and thus, cation exchange chromatography was the selected method for lysozyme purification. Similar to other protein production systems, the identification of critical impurities in the rice extract was important for the development of an efficient purification process. Previous adsorption data indicated that phytic acid was probably responsible for an unacceptably low cation exchange adsorption capacity. In this study, we confirm that reducing phytic acid concentration improves lysozyme binding capacity and investigate alternative process conditions that reduce phytic acid interference. Compared with the previous best process, the adsorption capacity of human lysozyme was increased from 8.6 to 19.7 mg/mL when rice extract was treated with phytase to degrade phytic acid. Using tris buffer to adjust pH 4.5 extract to pH 6 before adsorption reduced phytic acid interference by minimizing phytic acid-lysozyme interactions, eliminated the need for phytase treatment, and increased the binding capacity to 25 mg/mL. Another method of reducing phytic acid concentration was to extract human lysozyme from rice flour at pH 10 with 50 mM NaCl in 50 mM sodium carbonate buffer. A similar binding capacity (25.5 mg/mL) was achieved from pH 10 extract that was clarified by acidic precipitation and adjusted to pH 6 for adsorption. Lysozyme purities ranged from 95 to 98% for all three processing methods. The tris-mediated purification was the most efficient of the alternatives considered.  相似文献   

凝胶层析在发酵液中分离提纯透明质酸中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用葡聚糖凝胶G-100,以0.1 mol/L氯化钠溶液为洗脱剂,在优化的凝胶层析条件(层析柱高度30 cm、进样量2 ml、洗脱流速1 ml/4 min)下,对透明质酸发酵液进行分离纯化,得到了高纯度的透明质酸.HA提取率达到79.85%,蛋白质去除率为84.93%.  相似文献   

A one-step purification procedure will yield monoclonal antibodies from cell-culture supernatants and ascites fluids. The chromatographic adsorbant is thiophilic argose, i.e., beaded agarose gel coupled with ligands of thiophilic nature, often with a sulfone group and a sulfur atom. The chromatographic procedure is simply adsorption, wash, elution. The procedure is simple, efficient, and inexpensive.  相似文献   

Filamentous bacteriophages and their derivatives are showing great promise as a whole new class of industrial agents, such as biologically based nano-materials and viral vectors. This raises challenges for their large-scale manufacture, principally due to the lack of bioprocessing knowledge. This article addresses what will be a potentially important option in the primary purification of the bacteriophages. Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-salt dual precipitants, calcium ions, spermidine, and isoelectric precipitation were first examined for their potential suitability for bacteriophage concentration under both pure and broth conditions. Successful precipitants were further studied on the basis of their selective purification ability from DNA and protein contaminants in a clarified broth system. Both PEG-based and isoelectric precipitations resulted in bacteriophage purity improvements, and PEG-based precipitations offered the highest selectivities. This work shows that precipitation of bacteriophages can be an effective primary purification step in a large-scale bioprocess.  相似文献   

尿外泌体是病毒大小的胞外囊泡,是非侵入性获得肾及泌尿生殖道细胞生理病理信息的重要靶标。聚乙二醇沉淀 剂可经济高效地分离富集血清等外泌体,但未见用于尿外泌体富集的详细报道。本研究采用聚乙二醇沉淀剂分离鉴定尿外泌体,并对其RNA组分进行检测,以期建立一个经济、高效、简便的尿外泌体分离富集方法。采集10例健康志愿者晨尿20 mL,聚乙二醇沉淀剂分离尿外泌体。透射电镜观察到直径30~100 nm双层膜包绕的囊性小泡,中央有直径5~15 nm高电子密度区。Western印迹检测到外泌体标记蛋白CD63、CD9、TSG101、ADAM10和内标蛋白β-肌动蛋白的表达。纳米粒径仪测定粒子直径介于30~130 nm,并可见25.37 nm和95.07 nm二个粒子峰。qRT-PCR扩增得到β-肌动蛋白和RNU6 RNA产物带。上述结果表明,聚乙二醇沉淀剂可分离富集尿外泌体,该法简单、高效,不需要超速离心机等昂贵设备,且采用该法富集到的外泌体可用于后续蛋白质与核酸分析。该方法可望加速液体活检应用,尤其是肾及泌尿生殖道病变的无创检测。  相似文献   

PEG蛋白质分离纯化的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PEG化蛋白质的分离纯化比较困难,本工作发现PEG化蛋白质仍能被硫酸铵盐析,据此可以简单地将IL-2及PEG化IL-2沉淀出来,而将有毒的活化PEG等副产物留在溶液中。此方法效果理想而又十分简便。文献中未见报道。此外,实验还发现,在PEG-IL-2与IL-2的混和液中加入一定量的PEG后,二者之间溶解度差别增大,当用SephacryⅠS-200柱分离时,先用含10%PEG,0.25mol/LNaCl的缓冲液平衡洗脱PEG-IL-2,再降低盐浓度洗下IL-2,即可使二者完全分开。过去要将IL-2与PEG-IL-2分离开非常困难,本工作解决了这个问题,这点亦未见文献报道。  相似文献   

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