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Mammalian cells exhibit a frequent pericentrosomal Golgi ribbon organization. In this paper, we show that two AKAP450 N-terminal fragments, both containing the Golgi-binding GM130-interacting domain of AKAP450, dissociated endogenous AKAP450 from the Golgi and inhibited microtubule (MT) nucleation at the Golgi without interfering with centrosomal activity. These two fragments had, however, strikingly different effects on both Golgi apparatus (GA) integrity and positioning, whereas the short fragment induced GA circularization and ribbon fragmentation, the large construct that encompasses an additional p150glued/MT-binding domain induced separation of the Golgi ribbon from the centrosome. These distinct phenotypes arose by specific interference of each fragment with either Golgi-dependent or centrosome-dependent stages of Golgi assembly. We could thus demonstrate that breaking the polarity axis by perturbing GA positioning has a more dramatic effect on directional cell migration than disrupting the Golgi ribbon. Both features, however, were required for ciliogenesis. We thus identified AKAP450 as a key determinant of pericentrosomal Golgi ribbon integrity, positioning, and function in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The Golgi protein GM130 regulates centrosome morphology and function   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Golgi apparatus (GA) of mammalian cells is positioned in the vicinity of the centrosome, the major microtubule organizing center of the cell. The significance of this physical proximity for organelle function and cell cycle progression is only beginning to being understood. We have identified a novel function for the GA protein, GM130, in the regulation of centrosome morphology, position and function during interphase. RNA interference-mediated depletion of GM130 from five human cell lines revealed abnormal interphase centrosomes that were mispositioned and defective with respect to microtubule organization and cell migration. When GM130-depleted cells entered mitosis, they formed multipolar spindles, arrested in metaphase, and died. We also detected aberrant centrosomes during interphase and multipolar spindles during mitosis in ldlG cells, which do not contain detectable GM130. Although GA proteins have been described to regulate mitotic centrosomes and spindle formation, this is the first report of a role for a GA protein in the regulation of centrosomes during interphase.  相似文献   

Background information. Centrosome duplication normally parallels with DNA replication and is responsible for correct segregation of replicated DNA into the daughter cells. Although geminin interacts with Cdt1 to prevent loading of MCMs (minichromosome maintenance proteins) on to the replication origins, inactivation of geminin nevertheless causes centrosome over‐duplication in addition to the re‐replication of the genome, suggesting that geminin may play a role in centrosome duplication. However, the exact mechanism by which loss of geminin affects centrosomal duplication remains unclear and the possible direct interaction of geminin with centrosomal‐localized proteins is still unidentified. Results. We report in the present study that geminin is physically localized to the centrosome. This unexpected geminin localization is cell‐cycle dependent and mediated by the actin‐related protein, Arp1, one subunit of the dynein—dynactin complex. Disruption of the integrity of the dynein—dynactin complex by overexpression of dynamitin/p50, a well‐characterized inhibitor of dynactin, reduces the centrosomal localization of both geminin and Arp1. Enrichment of geminin on centrosomes was enhanced when cellular ATP production was suppressed in the ATP‐inhibitor assay, whereas the accumulation of geminin on the centrosome was disrupted by depolymerization of the microtubules using nocodazole. We further demonstrate that the coiled‐coil motif of geminin is required for its centrosomal localization and the interaction of geminin with Arp1. Depletion of geminin by siRNA (small interfering RNA) in MDA‐MB‐231 cells led to centrosome over‐duplication. Conversely, overexpression of geminin inhibits centrosome over‐duplication induced by HU in S‐phase‐arrested cells, and the coiled‐coil‐motif‐mediated centrosomal localization of geminin is required for its inhibition of centrosome over‐duplication. Centrosomal localization of geminin is conserved among mammalian cells and geminin might perform as an inhibitor of centrosome duplication. Conclusions. The results of the present study demonstrate that a fraction of geminin is localized on the centrosome, and the centrosomal localization of geminin is Arp1‐mediated and dynein—dynactin‐dependent. The coiled‐coil motif of geminin is required for its targeting to the centrosome and inhibition of centrosome duplication. Thus the centrosomal localization of geminin might perform an important role in regulation of proper centrosome duplication.  相似文献   

The Sec7 domain guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for the GTPase ARF are highly conserved regulators of membrane dynamics and protein trafficking. The interactions of large ARF GEFs with cellular membranes for localization and/or activation are likely to participate in regulated recruitment of ARF and effectors. However, these interactions remain largely unknown. Here we characterize Gmh1p, the first Golgi transmembrane-domain partner of any of the high-molecular-weight ARF-GEFs. Gmh1p is an evolutionarily conserved protein. We demonstrate molecular interaction between the yeast Gmh1p and the large ARF-GEFs Gea1p and Gea2p. This interaction involves a domain of Gea1p and Gea2p that is conserved in the eukaryotic orthologues of the Gea proteins. A single mutation in a conserved amino acid residue of this domain is sufficient to abrogate the interaction, whereas the overexpression of Gmh1p can compensate in vivo defects caused by mutations in this domain. We show that Gmh1p is an integral membrane protein that localizes to the early Golgi in yeast and in human HeLa cells and cycles through the ER. Hence, we propose that Gmh1p acts as a positive Golgi-membrane partner for Gea function. These results are of general interest given the evolutionary conservation of both ARF-GEFs and the Gmh proteins.  相似文献   

In animal cells the centrosome is positioned at the cell centre in close association with the nucleus. The mechanisms responsible for this are not completely understood. Here, we report the first characterization of human TBCC‐domain containing 1 (TBCCD1), a protein related to tubulin cofactor C. TBCCD1 localizes at the centrosome and at the spindle midzone, midbody and basal bodies of primary and motile cilia. Knockdown of TBCCD1 in RPE‐1 cells caused the dissociation of the centrosome from the nucleus and disorganization of the Golgi apparatus. TBCCD1‐depleted cells are larger, less efficient in primary cilia assembly and their migration is slower in wound‐healing assays. However, the major microtubule‐nucleating activity of the centrosome is not affected by TBCCD1 silencing. We propose that TBCCD1 is a key regulator of centrosome positioning and consequently of internal cell organization.  相似文献   

Previous evidence has indicated that an intact centrosome is essential for cell cycle progress and that elimination of the centrosome or depletion of individual centrosome proteins prevents the entry into S phase. To investigate the molecular mechanisms of centrosome-dependent cell cycle progress, we performed RNA silencing experiments of two centrosome-associated proteins, pericentriolar material 1 (PCM-1) and pericentrin, in primary human fibroblasts. We found that cells depleted of PCM-1 or pericentrin show lower levels of markers for S phase and cell proliferation, including cyclin A, Ki-67, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, minichromosome maintenance deficient 3, and phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein. Also, the percentage of cells undergoing DNA replication was reduced by >50%. At the same time, levels of p53 and p21 increased in these cells, and cells were predisposed to undergo senescence. Conversely, depletion of centrosome proteins in cells lacking p53 did not cause any cell cycle arrest. Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase rescued cell cycle activity after centrosome protein depletion, indicating that p53 is activated by the p38 stress pathway.  相似文献   

The NDR (nuclear Dbf2-related) family of kinases is highly conserved from yeast to human, and has been classified as a subgroup of the AGC group of protein kinases based on the sequence of the catalytic domain. Like all other members of the AGC class of protein kinases, NDR kinases require the phosphorylation of conserved Ser/Thr residues for activation. Importantly, NDR family members have two unique stretches of primary sequence: an N-terminal regulatory (NTR) domain and an insert of several residues between subdomains VII and VIII of the kinase domain. The kinase domain insert functions as an auto-inhibitory sequence (AIS), while binding of the co-activator MOB (Mps-one binder) proteins to the NTR domain releases NDR kinases from inhibition of autophosphorylation. However, despite such advances in our understanding of the molecular activation mechanism(s) and physiological functions of NDR kinases in yeast and invertebrates, most biological NDR substrates still remain to be identified. Nevertheless, by showing that the centrosomal subpopulation of human NDR1/2 is required for proper centrosome duplication, the first biological role of human NDR1/2 kinases has been defined recently. How far NDR-driven centrosome overduplication could actually contribute to cellular transformation will also be discussed.  相似文献   

We have cloned a mouse prenylated Rab acceptor (mPRA), which interacts with various Rab proteins in the yeast two-hybrid system. This study investigated its intracellular localization and characterized the localization signal. The mPRA was found to be an integral membrane protein that was localized to the Golgi complex at steady state as determined by confocal fluorescence microscopy. With green fluorescent protein attached to the N-terminus of mPRA, the fusion protein was expressed in BHK cells and was shown to exhibit the same Golgi localization as the native mPRA. Systematic truncations from the N- and C-termini of mPRA revealed that the entire N-terminal half (91 residues) of the protein was dispensable for the Golgi localization. In contrast, deletion of only 5 residues from the C-terminus diminished the Golgi localization of mPRA, leading to its accumulation in the ER. The data indicate that the C-terminal half (94 residues) of mPRA is necessary and sufficient for proper folding, ER export, and Golgi localization. The Golgi localization of mPRA suggests that it may play a role in the structural organization and function of the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

The p160-Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing protein kinase (ROCK) is identified as a new centrosomal component. Using immunofluorescence with a variety of p160ROCK antibodies, immuno EM, and depletion with RNA interference, p160ROCK is principally bound to the mother centriole (MC) and an intercentriolar linker. Inhibition of p160ROCK provoked centrosome splitting in G1 with the MC, which is normally positioned at the cell center and shows little motion during G1, displaying wide excursions around the cell periphery, similar to its migration toward the midbody during cytokinesis. p160ROCK inhibition late after anaphase in mitosis triggered MC migration to the midbody followed by completion of cell division. Thus, p160ROCK is required for centrosome positioning and centrosome-dependent exit from mitosis.  相似文献   

The mechanisms governing centrosome duplication remain poorly understood. We identified a gene called sas-4 that is essential for this process in C. elegans. SAS-4 encodes a predicted coiled-coil protein that localizes to a tiny dot in the center of centrosomes throughout the cell cycle. FRAP experiments with GFP-SAS-4 transgenic embryos reveal that SAS-4 is recruited to the centrosome once per cell cycle, at the time of organelle duplication. Additional evidence indicates that SAS-4 is recruited to the daughter centriole or a closely associated structure. These findings identify SAS-4 recruitment as a key step in the centrosome duplication cycle.  相似文献   

Several large cytosolic protein complexes with multiple components have been proposed to play key roles in mediating or controlling membrane trafficking. Among these complexes, TRAPP, COG and GARP/VFT have been implicated in multiple steps of Golgi membrane trafficking. The importance of these complexes for Golgi function has been established using in vitro biochemical assays and yeast and mammalian somatic cell genetics. Furthermore, mutations in the genes encoding subunits of either TRAPP or the COG complex have been shown to be responsible for human genetic disorders. We here review recent studies exploring the structures and functions of these three oligomeric complexes.  相似文献   

Duplicating centrosomes are paired during interphase, but are separated at the onset of mitosis. Although the mechanisms controlling centrosome cohesion and separation are important for centrosome function throughout the cell cycle, they remain poorly understood. Recently, we have proposed that C-Nap1, a novel centrosomal protein, is part of a structure linking parental centrioles in a cell cycle-regulated manner. To test this model, we have performed a detailed structure-function analysis on C-Nap1. We demonstrate that antibody-mediated interference with C-Nap1 function causes centrosome splitting, regardless of the cell cycle phase. Splitting occurs between parental centrioles and is not dependent on the presence of an intact microtubule or microfilament network. Centrosome splitting can also be induced by overexpression of truncated C-Nap1 mutants, but not full-length protein. Antibodies raised against different domains of C-Nap1 prove that this protein dissociates from spindle poles during mitosis, but reaccumulates at centrosomes at the end of cell division. Use of the same antibodies in immunoelectron microscopy shows that C-Nap1 is confined to the proximal end domains of centrioles, indicating that a putative linker structure must contain additional proteins. We conclude that C-Nap1 is a key component of a dynamic, cell cycle-regulated structure that mediates centriole-centriole cohesion.  相似文献   

Centrosome duplication is controlled both negatively and positively by a number of proteins. The activities and stabilities of those regulatory proteins are in many cases controlled by posttranslational modifications. Although acetylation and deacetylation are highly common posttranslational modifications, their roles in the regulation of centrosome duplication had not been closely examined. Here, through focusing on the deacetylases, we investigated the role of acetylation/deacetylation in the regulation of centrosome duplication and induction of abnormal amplification of centrosomes. We found that the deacetylation event negatively controls centrosome duplication and amplification. Of the 18 total known deacetylases (HDAC1–11, SIRT1–7), ten deacetylases possess the activity to suppress centrosome amplification, and their centrosome amplification suppressing activities are strongly associated with their abilities to localize to centrosomes. Among them, HDAC1, HDAC5 and SIRT1 show the highest suppressing activities, but each of them suppresses centrosome duplication and/or amplification with its unique mechanism.  相似文献   

Centrosome duplication is controlled both negatively and positively by a number of proteins. The activities and stabilities of those regulatory proteins are in many cases controlled by posttranslational modifications. Although acetylation and deacetylation are highly common posttranslational modifications, their roles in the regulation of centrosome duplication had not been closely examined. Here, through focusing on the deacetylases, we investigated the role of acetylation/deacetylation in the regulation of centrosome duplication and induction of abnormal amplification of centrosomes. We found that the deacetylation event negatively controls centrosome duplication and amplification. Of the 18 total known deacetylases (HDAC1–11, SIRT1–7), ten deacetylases possess the activity to suppress centrosome amplification, and their centrosome amplification suppressing activities are strongly associated with their abilities to localize to centrosomes. Among them, HDAC1, HDAC5 and SIRT1 show the highest suppressing activities, but each of them suppresses centrosome duplication and/or amplification with its unique mechanism.  相似文献   

In vertebrate cells, the centrosome consists of a pair of centrioles and surrounding pericentriolar material. Using anti-Golgi 58K protein antibodies that recognize formiminotransferase cyclodeaminase (FTCD), we investigated its localization to the centrosome in various cultured cells and human oviductal secretory cells by immunohistochemistry. In addition to the Golgi apparatus, FTCD was localized to the centrosome, more abundantly around the mother centriole. The centrosome localization of FTCD continued throughout the cell cycle and was not disrupted after Golgi fragmentation, which was induced by colcemid and brefeldin A. Centriole microtubules are polyglutamylated and stable against tubulin depolymerizing drugs. FTCD in the centrosome may be associated with polyglutamylated residues of centriole microtubules and may play a role in providing centrioles with glutamate produced by cyclodeaminase domains of FTCD.  相似文献   

Myristoylation of ARF family GTPases is required for their association with Golgi and endosomal membranes, where they regulate protein sorting and the lipid composition of these organelles. The Golgi-localized ARF-like GTPase Arl3p/ARP lacks a myristoylation signal, indicating that its targeting mechanism is distinct from myristoylated ARFs. We demonstrate that acetylation of the N-terminal methionine of Arl3p requires the NatC N(alpha)-acetyltransferase and that this modification is required for its Golgi localization. Chemical crosslinking and fluorescence microscopy experiments demonstrate that localization of Arl3p also requires Sys1p, a Golgi-localized integral membrane protein, which may serve as a receptor for acetylated Arl3p.  相似文献   

The molecular basis by which proteins are transported along cytoskeletal tracts from the trans-Golgi network (TGN) to the cell periphery remains poorly understood. Previously, using human autoimmune sera, we identified and characterized a TGN protein, p230/Golgin-245, an extensively coiled-coil protein with flexible amino- and carboxyl-terminal ends, that is anchored to TGN membranes and TGN-derived vesicles by its carboxyl-terminal GRIP domain. To identify molecules that interact with the flexible amino-terminal end of p230, we used this domain as bait to screen a human brain cDNA library in a yeast two-hybrid assay. We found that this domain interacts with the carboxyl-terminal domain of MACF1, a protein that cross-links microtubules to the actin cytoskeleton. The interaction was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation, an in vitro binding assay, double immunofluorescence images demonstrating overlapped localization in HeLa cells, and co-localization of FLAG-tagged constructs containing the interacting domains of these two proteins with their endogenous partners. Expression in HeLa cells of FLAG-tagged constructs containing the interacting domains of p230 and MACF1 disrupted transport of the glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol-anchored marker protein conjugated with yellow fluorescent protein (YFP-SP-GPI), while trafficking of the transmembrane marker protein, vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein conjugated with YFP (VSVG3-GL-YFP), was unaffected. Our results suggest that p230, through its interaction with MACF1, provides the molecular link for transport of GPI-anchored proteins along the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton from the TGN to the cell periphery.  相似文献   

Through two-hybrid interactions, protein affinity and localization studies, we previously identified Yip1p, an integral yeast Golgi membrane protein able to bind the Ras-like GTPases Ypt1p and Ypt31p in their GDP-bound conformation. In a further two-hybrid screen, we identified Yif1p as an interacting factor of Yip1p. We show that Yif1p is an evolutionarily conserved, essential 35.5 kDa transmembrane protein that forms a tight complex with Yip1p on Golgi membranes. The hydrophilic N-terminal half of Yif1p faces the cytosol, and according to two-hybrid analyses can interact with the transport GTPases Ypt1p, Ypt31p and Sec4p, but in contrast to Yip1p, this interaction is dispensable for Yif1 protein function. Loss of Yif1p function in conditional-lethal mutants results in a block of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-Golgi protein transport and in an accumulation of ER membranes and 40-50 nm vesicles. Genetic analyses suggest that Yif1p acts downstream of Yip1p. It is inferred that Ypt GTPase binding to the Yip1p-Yif1p complex is essential for and precedes vesicle docking and fusion.  相似文献   

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