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CO2浓度倍增对10种禾本科植物叶片形态结构的影响   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
在CO_2正常浓度(350μL/L)和倍增(700μL/L)条件下,对小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)、半野生小麦(T.aestivum ssp.tibeticum)、大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)、野大麦(H.brevisubulatum(Trin.)Link)、水稻(Oryza sativa L.)、野生稻(O.meyeriana subsp.granulata)、谷子(Setaria italica(L.)Beauv)、狗尾草(S.viridis (L.)Beauv)、高粱(Sorghum vulgare Pers.)和玉米(Zea mays L.)等10种禾本科植物幼苗期叶的形态结构进行比较研究。结果表明,在CO_2浓度倍增条件下,除野大麦和玉米外,其它几种禾本科植物的叶片厚度普遍增加;表皮细胞密度下降(野大麦和谷子的远轴面除外)。其中C_3种类的平均气孔密度和气孔指数下降,C_4种类则呈相反趋势。在CO_2浓度倍增条件下,栽培种类表皮细胞密度和维管束鞘细胞中的叶绿体数明显增加,野生种类则呈相反趋势。气孔密度与气孔指数基本呈正相关。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地22种菊科草本植物叶片形态特征研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以内蒙古科尔沁沙地22种菊科草本植物为实验材料,研究这些植物的比叶面积、叶片厚度、叶片干物质含量、叶片体积、叶重比和叶片组织密度等特性之间的关系.结果表明,叶片体积和叶片厚度之间存在较强的正相关,其相关系数r=0.782.而叶片厚度与叶片组织密度、比叶面积与叶片组织密度、叶片体积与叶片组织密度之间则存在一定的负相关性,它们的相关系数分别为-0.767、-0.559和-0.505,其余各特性之间均不存在相关性.根据赋值后数据或者二元数据,运用聚类分析方法得出3个组群,并运用单因素方差分析方法检验各特性在各组间的显著性,叶片厚度、叶片体积、叶重比和叶片组织密度特性在组间存在极显著差异.  相似文献   

泡状饶氏藻营养细胞的超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道我国特有的一种绿藻门植物-泡状饶氏藻营养细胞的超微结构特征,植物体由3层细胞组成,外层细胞最小,细胞质比较丰富,含有较多的各种细胞器,液泡体积较小,中层细胞具有很大的中央液泡,细胞质成为贴壁的薄层,各种细胞器结构仍清晰可见,内层细胞极度液泡化,细胞质呈现退化状态,周生的片状叶绿体上有许多大小不等的穿孔,使叶绿体呈网孔状外貌,叶绿体主要由许多成对的类囊体组成,叶绿体上往往有几个蛋白核,蛋白核经常被1或2条类囊体穿过,呈现分隔状,本文也报道了泡状饶氏藻的线粒体,质体,内质网,高尔基体和核内微管的结构特征,根据泡状饶氏藻的类囊体形态与Ulva mutabilis非常相似以及蛋白核的超微结构特征,它与石莼科植物可能有较密切的亲缘关系,属于绿藻门中进化的类群。  相似文献   

东北19种禾本科植物花粉形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马玉心  李强  崔大练 《植物研究》2004,24(2):175-181
报道了禾本科19种植物的花粉形态.通过光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对花粉的形态、表面饰纹、萌发孔的许多特征进行了观察.总结了禾本科植物花粉形态的类型及萌发孔的特征.  相似文献   

2,4-D对胚胎发生起着关键的作用;单独使用细胞分裂素时,外植体不能脱分化,与2,4-D配合时,抑制双穗雀稗外植体愈伤组织的诱导,而1~5mg/L的2,4-D对苏丹草有促进影响:马唐对其不敏感。细胞分裂素与2,4-D配合使用,对苏丹草胚状体的分化亦有显著的促进效果。  相似文献   

本文报道我国特有的一种绿藻门植物-泡状饶氏藻营养细胞的超微结构特征,植物体由3层细胞组成,外层细胞最小,细胞质比较丰富,含有较多的各种细胞器,液泡体积较小,中层细胞具有很大的中央液泡,细胞质成为贴壁的薄层,各种细胞器结构仍清晰可见,内层细胞极度液泡化,细胞质呈现退化状态,周生的片状叶绿体上有许多大小不等的穿孔,使叶绿体呈网孔状外貌,叶绿体主要由许多成对的类囊体组成,叶绿体上往往有几个蛋白核,蛋白核经常被1或2条类囊体穿过,呈现分隔状,本文也报道了泡状饶氏藻的线粒体,质体,内质网,高尔基体和核内微管的结构特征,根据泡状饶氏藻的类囊体形态与Ulva mutabilis非常相似以及蛋白核的超微结构特征,它与石莼科植物可能有较密切的亲缘关系,属于绿藻门中进化的类群。  相似文献   

禾本科植物叶片表皮气孔观察的样品制备方法改良   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对现有的禾本科植物叶片气孔观察的样品制作方法中的不足作了一些改良。改良后的方法操作简便、耗时少、样品制备成功率高,且放大后的效果好,不会造成气孔形态的改变。改良方法适用于禾本科植物和其他叶肉紧实不易剥离的植物叶片。50%NaClO处理3min最适用于小麦旗叶表皮样品的制备。  相似文献   

杜仲含胶细胞形态特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用离析、石蜡制片以及电镜扫描等方法对杜仲含胶细胞的形态特征进行研究,结果表明,大多数的含胶细胞是一种细长的、两端略膨大的,丝状的分泌单细胞、少数含胶细胞在表面形成突起,并能进一步伸长,形有盲端或分枝。  相似文献   

为了充分认识海南地区现有禾本科植物的光合途径类型,为该地区禾本科植物的种质资源学、生理生态学研究提供可靠的资料,通过调查并收集整理海南禾本科牧草种质资源,以C3、C4植物在解剖结构上的差异为基础,利用石蜡制片技术鉴定海南禾本科植物光合途径的类型。结果表明,在224份研究材料中,有189种禾草属于C4光合类型,35种禾草属于C3光合类型,分别占禾草种数的84%和16%,说明该区域禾草以高光效的C4类型为主。  相似文献   

单宁细胞形态与部分柿属种及品种相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用软柿果肉直接压涂法,在光学显微镜下对204个柿属种及品种果实中的单宁细胞形态特征进行观察分析.结果显示:(1)在6个种柿属植物果实中,均含有单宁细胞,其外形大多属于短形和近圆形,但在数量、大小和颜色上存在差异,其中,油柿(Diospyros oleifera Cheng.)、君迁子(D.lotus Linn.)、柿(D.kaki Thunb.)、浙江柿(D.glaucifolia Metc.)的单宁细胞通常无色,而黑柿(D.nitida Mcrr.)为黄绿色,乌材(D.eriantha Champ.)为紫红色,乌柿(D.eathayensis Stheward.)为淡紫色;单宁细胞从大到小依次为油柿>君迁子>浙江柿>乌材>黑柿>乌柿.(2)单宁细胞在不同品种类型间差异明显,其中涩柿单宁细胞多为无色,单宁细胞比较宽大;甜柿品种均会出现褐变的单宁细胞,单宁细胞较小或瘦长;完全甜柿品种大多存在着凝固型褐变单宁细胞,仅少数凝聚呈球形,且单宁细胞分散存在于果肉中,果肉中的褐斑较细小;不完全甜柿在种子周围的褐斑处,可以看到大量的表面凹形且褐变的收缩型单宁细胞,且常以单宁细胞束的形态存在于果肉中,使果肉中的褐斑大而密;原产我国的完全甜柿中不存在凝聚型的单宁细胞,只有凝固型的单宁细胞.(3)聚类分析结果表明,单宁细胞的特征可以作为不同类型柿属种的分类依据.  相似文献   

Hua  Peng 《Annals of botany》2007,99(4):785
This book is a part of an ongoing project focusing on the floraof China, an international collaborative project involving manyChinese and non-Chinese taxonomists throughout the world, whichis supported by various funding agencies (see http://flora.huh.harvard.edu/china/).The project is not a simple translation based on the Chinese-languageFlora Republicae Popularis Sinicae (FRPS), but  相似文献   

Luziola is a small genus from aquatic environments of the New World. The most widespread species in the genus isL. peruviana. Morphological variation has been documented for this species throughout its entire range of distribution, however this variation has been difficult to characterize. A population aggregation analysis was performed in order to determine how many species can be identified when analyzing characters from the individuals of this taxon as well as with individuals from closely related taxa such asL. divergens, L. doelliana, andL. pittieri. Multivariate analysis, ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses were also performed to detect if quantitative morphological variation is related to altitude and latitude. Results indicate that within this complex only one species should be recognized, referable toL. peruviana, and that plants near the equator are larger, and have larger lemmas and paleas in both female and male flowers. An identification key for the nine species now recognized inLuziola is included.  相似文献   

中国赖草属(禾本科)一新种——贫穗赖草   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蔡联炳 《西北植物学报》2006,26(7):1464-1467
报道了中国西部赖草属一新种———贫穗赖草。该种相似于若羌赖草和广叉赖草,但它不同于前者在于穗状花序的中部或下部具孪生小穗,外稃披针形、无毛,具1.0~1.5 mm长的短尖头,内稃短于外稃1.0~1.5 mm,沿上部脊疏生小刺,叶鞘无毛,具非膜质边缘;不同于后者在于秆较高,叶片内卷,穗状花序稀疏、狭窄,小穗较短,颖较长,外稃披针形、较长,具5条不明显的脉。  相似文献   

Six differently distributed Poaceae species were compared in order to identify morphological and/or physiological properties that ensure calcicole species but not calcifuge species a sufficient Fe supply on CaCO3 rich soils. When grown at a range of FeEDTA supply from deficient to adequate, the calcicole species had higher Fe productivities and relative yields at low Fe supply than the calcifuges. Specific root surface and Fe uptake requirements were lower in calcicoles than in calcifuges. Root exudation of Fe-mobilizing compounds was monitored in plants grown either with or without added FeEDTA in hydroponic culture. Under Fe deficiency, typically more than 80% of soluble root exudates of Poaceae are phytosiderophores (Marschner et al., 1989; Römheld, 1987). Maximum exudation rates of Fe mobilizing compounds were 6.6 to 11.5 μmol g?1 root dry wt 2 hr?1 in calcicoles and 0.48 to 1.64 in calcifuges. If Fe requirement is defined as mean Fe uptake rate required for 90 % of the maximal relative growth rate, the exudation rates of Fe mobilizing compounds were at least 11.7 to 31.9 times higher than Fe requirements in calcicoles and 0.38 to 5.36 times higher in calcifuges. Growth response to a precipitated versus a chelated Fe source was determined. The relative ability to grow with Fe(OH)3 precipitate was correlated with the Fe mobilization rate of the species. The present results give evidence for the importance of Fe efficiency in wild plants. Calcicoles are able to live on calcareous soils partly because they produce larger amounts of Fe mobilizing compounds and have lower tissue Fe requirements than calcifuges.  相似文献   

Morphological features of 41 local populations of thePoa macrocalyx complex from the seasides of Hokkaido were analyzed with special reference to the following seven characters: spikelet length, number of florets per spikelet, relative length of side nerves to the entire length of the first glume, that of the second glume, length ratio of the second glume to a spikelet, ratio of length of the closed part vs. entire length of leaf sheaths, and scabrousness of panicle branches and pedicels. All of these characters varied continuously, and considerable degrees of variability within a population were observed. However, separation of populations into three groups became evident when the data were subjected to principal component analysis and also to a method of examination which was devised for identification of a population (not an individual) of this complex. The three groups that resulted from morphological studies were exactly in parallel with the grouping of populations supported by differences of chromosome numbers and geographical distribution. Evolutionary differentiation of this complex was discussed in connection with polyploidy and gametophytic apomixis. As a result of taxonomic considerations, the plants were arranged in three emended varieties of one species:Poa macrocalyx var.fallax, P. m. var.tatewakiana, P.m. var.scabriflora.  相似文献   

Analysis of morphological and phenological data for determining the genetic variation within sevenLolium species led to the recognition of two groups within this genus. One group, containing the two inbreeding speciesL. temulentum andL. persicum, was clearly distinct from all other species. Strong morphological and phenological intergradation was found between both species. The cross-breeding species,L. perenne, L. rigidum, andL. multiflorum, formed another group. Little differentiation was found between these species, though they were distinct. Two inbreeding species,L. loliaceum andL. remotum, were clearly distinct from each other and the two groups.L. loliaceum had an isolated position and was most related toL. rigidum. L. remotum had an intermediate position between the cross-breeding and inbreeding species, and was almost equally distant from all three cross-breeding species.Genetic variation inLolium spp. I.  相似文献   

辽宁木霉属(Trichoderma)真菌的形态分类研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对采自辽宁省内14个地方的173份土样和植物组织材料进行分离,获得了54株Trichoderma菌株,采用形态学分类方法鉴定出12种木霉菌,分别是拟康氏木霉(Trichoderma pseudokoningii)、长枝木霉(T.longi-brachiatum)、粘绿木霉(T.virens)、卷曲木霉(T.spirale)、顶孢木霉(T.fertile)、粗壮木霉(T.strigosum)、长孢木霉(T.longipile)、钩状木霉(T.hamatum)、绿色木霉(T.viride)、康氏木霉(T.koningii)、深绿木霉(T.atroviri-de)和哈茨木霉(T.harzianum)。其中长孢木霉为中国新记录种,粗壮木霉和卷曲木霉为东北地区首次报道。文中列有辽宁省木霉属真菌的分种检索表,并附有各木霉菌的生境和分布。  相似文献   

Morphological and seed protein studies of selected species ofFestuca were performed to elucidate the relationships between species of sect.Ovinae and their affinity with other fescues.Festuca rubra andF. heterophylla (extravaginale group) had higher phenetic affinity with taxa of sect.Scariosae, Montanae andBovinae than with members of their own section. 5 species of the intravaginale group (F. ovina, F. capillata, F. valesiaca, F. sulcata, F. trachyphylla) were fairly uniform and well defined by protein and morphological data. This supports current systematic thinking and does not agree withHackel's (1882) classification of this group.  相似文献   

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