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A generalized deficiency of the mitochondrial matrix enzyme ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) is the inborn error in gyrate atrophy (GA), an autosomal recessive degenerative disease of the retina and choroid of the eye. Mutations in the OAT gene show a high degree of molecular heterogeneity in GA, reflecting the genetic heterogeneity in this disease. Using the combined techniques of PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, and direct sequencing, we have identified three nonsense-codon mutations and one nonsense codon-generating mutation of the OAT gene in GA pedigrees. Three of them are single-base substitutions, and one is a 2-bp deletion resulting in a reading frameshift. A nonsense codon created at position 79 (TGA) by a frameshift and nonsense mutations at codons 209 (TAT----TAA) and 299 (TAC----TAG) result in abnormally low levels of OAT mRNA in the patient's skin fibroblasts. A nonsense mutation at codon 426 (CGA----TGA) in the last exon, however, has little effect on the mRNA level. Thus, the mRNA level can be reduced by nonsense-codon mutations, but the position of the mutation may be important, with earlier premature-translation termination having a greater effect than a later mutation.  相似文献   

Gyrate atrophy (GA), a recessive eye disease involving progressive vision loss due to chorioretinal degeneration, is associated with the deficiency of the mitochondrial enzyme ornithine aminotransferase (OAT), with consequent hyperornithinemia. We and others have reported a number of missense mutations at the OAT locus which result in GA. Here we report a GA patient of Danish/Swedish ancestry in whom one OAT allele produces an mRNA that is missing a single 96-bp exon relative to the normal mRNA. Polymerase-chain-reaction amplification and sequencing revealed a 9-bp deletion covering the splice acceptor region of exon 5, resulting in the absence of exon 5 sequences from the mRNA with no disruption to the reading frame. This mutation, which was not present in 15 other independent GA patients, adds to the array of allelic heterogeneity observed in GA and represents the first example of a splicing mutation associated with this disorder.  相似文献   

Summary Gyrate atrophy (GA), a degenerative disease of the human chorioretina, is associated with a deficiency of ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) activity, hyperornithinemia, and ornithinuria. We have characterized a cDNA clone for OAT (HLOAT) that was isolated from a cDNA library constructed from mRNA prepared from Hep G2, cells, a human hepatoma cell line. We have used HLOAT and a nearly full length OAT cDNA clone isolated from, a rat liver library (RLOAT) to examine in cultured fibroblasts from individuals with GA and control individuals, the expression of OAT mRNA and the gross structure of the OAT gene. Northern blot analyses of total cellular RNA indicated that 3 of 3 control cell lines and 5 of 6 GA cell lines are capable of expressing an OAT related mRNA of approximately 2100 bases, the size of OAT mRNA. To date, this is the only case of GA in which a complete lack of OAT mRNA has been observed. Southern blot analyses of DNA isolated from these cell lines indicated that the gross structure of the OAT gene is usually not detectably altered in individuals with GA. However, a unique pattern, of restriction fragments was observed upon digestion with Eco RI or Hind III of DNA from the GA cell line that does not express OAT mRNA. These unique Eco RI and Hind III fragments arise from the OAT structural gene and will serve as useful molecular markers that allow this particular defective OAT allele to be identified. When the cellular DNAs were digested with Hinf I and examined with a probe that corresponds to at least a portion of the active site of the enzyme, i. e., the pyridoxal phosphate binding site, identical patterns of fragments were detected in all samples. Therefore, it appears unlikely that the loss of OAT activity associated with these GA cases, 4 of which are pyridoxal phosphate responders, is the result of insertions or deletions in this region of the OAT gene. This study indicates that the lack of OAT enzyme activity associated with GA is the result of a variety of different molecular defects within the OAT gene. This project was initiated in the laboratory of H. C. P. and was supported by grants CA07175, CA22484, and 5 T32 CA09020 from the National Cancer Institute and Postdoctoral Fellowship PF-2414 from the American Cancer Society. The continuing work in the laboratory of J. D. S. was supported by grants CA36727 and HD24189 from the National, Institutes of Health, grants SIG-16, ACS-IN165A, and a Junior Faculty Research Award (JFRA-227) from the American Cancer Society, and by University of Nebraska Medical Center Seed Research Grant 88-10.  相似文献   

Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina is a chorioretinal degeneration associated with hyperornithinemia with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Cultured skin fibroblasts from five affected patients showed a virtual absence of ornithine ketoacid transaminase (OKT) (L-ornithine:2-oxoacid aminotransferase E.C. activity. Fibroblasts from four carrier parents showed a 42%-65% reduction in OKT activity. Increasing the concentration of pyridoxal phosphate (vitamin B6 in the assay media resulted in partial restoration of OKT activity in fibroblasts from one out of five patients studied. We conclude that OKT deficiency is closely associated with the genetic defect in gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina and that genetic heterogeneity exists in this disease.  相似文献   

A cDNA probe (HOAT1) for ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) has recently been used to map (1) the structural gene for this enzyme to chromosome 10 and (2) several related DNA sequences to the X chromosome. We have defined six RFLPs for OAT, to explore its possible role in gyrate atrophy (GA) of the choroid and retina, an autosomal recessive genetic disorder associated with a deficiency of OAT activity. The RFLPs, which are detected by noncoding single-copy probes from the OAT gene and by subclones of the HOAT1 cDNA, all map on human chromosome 10, producing an overall level of heterozygosity for the OAT locus of 83%. Using the RFLPs, we have determined that the OAT locus segregates concordantly with GA in one available pedigree. Furthermore, the RFLPs display significant disequilibrium with GA, providing genetic evidence implicating a defect in the OAT structural gene as the cause of this disorder. The RFLPs for OAT are potentially applicable to prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection in families with a previous history of GA. They will also allow identification of specific haplotypes associated with GA chromosomes, as a guide for more detailed molecular-genetic investigations of the mutations underlying the disorder.  相似文献   

Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina is an autosomal recessive, blinding human disease caused by a deficiency of the mitochondrial matrix enzyme ornithine aminotransferase (OAT). Since human OAT cDNA hybridizes to DNA sequences on both human chromosomes 10 and X, a locus coding for OAT enzyme activity may be present on one or both of these human chromosomes. We have used a series of mouse-human somatic cell hybrids, in combination with starch gel electrophoresis and a histochemical stain for OAT enzyme activity, to assign the structural gene for OAT to human chromosome 10. Our results suggest that the human X chromosome does not contain a locus coding for OAT enzyme activity. In addition, we have used a panel of Chinese hamster-mouse hybrids to assign the murine Oat structural gene to mouse chromosome 7. Our findings, combined with recent molecular studies, indicate that human OAT probes specific for chromosome 10 will be useful for the diagnosis and genetic counseling of individuals at risk for gyrate atrophy.  相似文献   

Gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina that is due to ornithine ketoacid transaminase (OKT) deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder. Fibroblasts from heterozygotes for the pyridoxine-responsive variant as well as those for the pyridoxine-nonresponsive variant contain intermediate levels of OKT activity. These two variants can be distinguished by the in vitro responsiveness of OKT activity to pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) stimulation. The ratios of OKT activity at 0.04 mM PLP compared with activity at 0 mM PLP were, respectively, lowest for controls (1.18 +/- 0.18; N = 12), intermediate for pyridoxine-nonresponsive heterozygotes (1.43 +/- 0.26; N = 5), and highest for pyridoxine-responsive heterozygotes (2.20 +/- 0.14; N = 3).  相似文献   

Gyrate atrophy (GA) is an autosomal recessive eye disease involving a progressive loss of vision due to chorioretinal degeneration in which the mitochondrial matrix enzyme ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) is defective. Two sisters with GA are described in this study in whom an A-to-G substitution at the 3 splice acceptor site of intron 4 in one allele of the OAT gene results in a truncated OAT mRNA devoid of exon 5 sequence. The mutation in the other allele was identified to be a missense mutation at codon 318 by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and direct sequencing of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA. Thus, these GA patients are compound heterozygotes with respect to mutations in the OAT gene that result in inactivation of OAT.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the mutant enzyme in nine patients with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina associated with ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) deficiency, to elucidate the mechanism of response to pyridoxine in four pyridoxine-responsive patients, and to determine the extent of genetic heterogeneity in both groups of patients. We have measured the apparent Km for pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) in fibroblast mitochondria and the heat stability of OAT at 45 degrees C in the presence and absence of PLP, using a sensitive radiochemical assay. The apparent Km for PLP was higher in pyridoxine-responsive patients than in nonresponsive patients whose apparent Km for PLP was normal. In contrast, the apparent Km for ornithine was normal in the seven patients studied. Surprisingly, the responsive patient with mildest clinical disease had the highest Km for PLP. However, she had the most stable enzyme, which presumably contributed to her milder phenotype. Western blot analyses of mitochondrial proteins, using antibody to human OAT, indicated clearly detectable OAT protein in pyridoxine-responsive patients and in two of five nonresponders, but low or undetectable levels in the other three patients. These data clarify the mechanism of pyridoxine response and indicate heterogeneity within as well as between the pyridoxine-responsive and the nonresponsive patients with gyrate atrophy.  相似文献   

Gyrate atrophy of the retina is an autosomal recessive condition characterized by a specific progressive retinal degeneration and increased urine and plasma ornithine. This study demonstrates a deficiency of L-ornithine: 2-oxoacid aminotransferase (EC activity in cultured fibroblasts from a patient with this disease.  相似文献   

We discovered the missense mutation, A226V, in the ornithine-delta-aminotransferase (OAT) genes of two unrelated patients with gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina (GA). One patient, who was a compound for A226V and for the premature termination allele R398ter, showed a significant (P < .01) decrease in mean plasma ornithine levels, following pyridoxine supplementation with a constant protein intake: 826 +/- 128 microM (n = 5; no pyridoxine supplementation) versus 504 +/- 112 microM (n = 6; 500 mg pyridoxine/d) and 546 +/- 19 microM (n = 6; 1,000 mg pyridoxine/d). In extracts of fibroblasts from a second GA patient homozygous for A226V and from Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing an OAT-cDNA-containing A226V, we found that OAT activity increased from undetectable levels to approximately 10% of normal when the concentration of pyridoxal phosphate was increased from 50 to 600 microM. A226V is the fourth disease-causing pyridoxine-responsive human mutation to be reported.  相似文献   

1. The specific activities of ornithine aminotransferase (OAT) in the pigment epithelia, retinas, and livers from several classes of vertebrates were assayed. 2. The specific activities of OAT were much higher in the pigment epithelia from mammals and birds than in their respective retinas or livers. 3. Pigment epithelium from porcine eyes had the highest specific activity measured. The specific activity of OAT in the pigment epithelium from the pig was five times higher than the OAT activity in its retina and 13 times higher than the OAT activity in its liver.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding ornithine aminotransferase (EC; OAT) was isolated from a human kidney cDNA library. The isolated cDNA contained the entire protein coding region and partial 3'- and 5'-untranslated regions. The nucleotide sequences of human kidney OAT cDNA were absolutely homologous with those of human liver OAT cDNA, and human kidney and liver OAT fused completely against the antibody to human kidney OAT in an Ouchterlony double diffusion test. These findings settled the controversy as to which characteristics of liver and kidney OAT isozymes are different. An N-terminal sequence analysis of purified mature human kidney OAT clarified that the leader peptide was cleaved between Gln-35 and Gly-36.  相似文献   

Four patients with hyperomithinemia and gyrate atrophy of the choroid and retina age described. In vivo response to vitamin B6 is documented in three of the four patients by significant reduction of fasting serum ornithine and increase of lysine after oral B6 supplementation. Oral glucose tolerance testing in one patient resulted in marked changes in serum ornithine and lysine concentrations, in addition to mild glucose intolerance. Histochemical staining of punch muscle biopsies showed intracellular inclusions in type 2 muscle fibers. Tubular aggregates, approximately 60 nm in diameter and adjacent to the sarcoplasmic membrane, were seen on electron microscopy. Obligate heterozygotes had a mean serum ornithine slightly higher than normal, but there was considerable overlap with the normal range. Oral ornithine tolerance tests distinguished carriers from controls in only one of five cases. Deficient activity of ornithine ketoacid aminotransferase (OKT) in cultured skin fibroblasts was documented in all four patients. Approximately half-normal levels were found in obligate heterozygotes. In vitro response to B6 was manifest by increased OKT activity at increased concentrations of pyridoxal phosphate in fibroblasts from the patients.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to compare the effects of elevation of GABA concentration and those of inactivation ofl-ornithine: 2-oxoacid aminotransferase (OAT) on the in vivo metabolism ofl-ornithine (Orn) in brain. Vigabatrin (4-aminohex-5-enoic acid) and gabaculine (5-amino-1,3-cyclohexadienyl carboxylic acid), two well known inactivators of GABA-T, were used to elevate brain GABA concentrations. The latter inactivates OAT also. Transamination of Orn is, from a quantitative point of view, a significant reaction in mouse brain. GABA is a feed-back regulator of OAT. Within GABAergic neurons Orn concentration may be regulated by endogenous GABA. Extensive inactivation of OAT causes a considerable increase of Orn concentration, both in synaptosomes and in non-synaptosomal compartments. The results are compatible with a role of Orn as precursor of glutamate and/or GABA in certain neurons.  相似文献   

The regulation of the mitochondrial matrix enzyme, ornithine aminotransferase, by estrogen and triiodothyronine (T3) in rat kidney was examined using a cloned cDNA probe and in vitro translation of poly(A+) RNA. After a single, acute dose of either 17 beta-estradiol or T3, the rate of enzyme synthesis and the levels of translatable and hybridizable ornithine aminotransferase mRNA all increase in parallel. Levels of hybridizable mRNA were estimated by hybridization of randomly 32P-labeled RNA to filter-bound plasmid DNA. Maximal levels of induction by estrogen and T3 were about 15- and 3-fold, respectively. Lag times of at least 5 h and less than 3 h were observed for induction by T3 and estrogen. T3 and estrogen exert a synergistic effect in increasing ornithine aminotransferase mRNA levels. 16 h after T3 administration and 24 h after estrogen administration, a 1.6- and 13-fold increase in mRNA levels were observed. Both of these treatments in combination for the indicated time periods resulted in a 21-fold increase in ornithine aminotransferase mRNA. From the mRNA accumulation curves, half-lives of 10 to 14 h and 12 to 16 h were estimated for the mRNA after estrogen and T3 induction, respectively. These similar half-lives suggest that an increase in the rate of mRNA production is primarily responsible for the induction observed after estrogen administration.  相似文献   

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