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The parasitoid Pimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) was fed either with Cd, Pb, and Cd+Pb —contaminated food or water. Body concentrations of heavy metal and effects on lifetime and respiration were studied. Cadmium at a concentration of 33 g per gram food or per ml water reduced life expectancy; whereas lead did such at 82 g per ml water only. Differences were found between sexes and modes of contamination concerning body concentrations of Cd and Pb. Lead affected respiration only via water contamination; whereas cadmium did such also via food contamination. Ecological consequences of the observations are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Pimpla turionellae L. (Hym., Ichneumonidae) wurde mit Blei (82 g/g) und Cadmium (33 g/g) bzw. deren Kombination über Futter oder Wasser belastet. Schwermetallgehalte sowie Auswirkungen auf Lebensdauer und Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden untersucht. Der Einfluß der Schwermetalle war nach Geschlecht bzw. nach Art der Kontamination verschieden. Cadmium wirkt schon bei geringen Konzentrationen verkürzend auf die Lebensdauer, Blei erst bei relativ hohen Konzentrationen. Bei Blei ergab sich eine Abnahme des Sauerstoffverbrauches nur bei Belastung über das Wasser, bei Cadmium hingegen bei beiden Kontaminationsarten. Überlegungen ökologischer Konsequenzen werden angestellt.

The review considers the roles of root and shoot tissues in transport and accumulation of heavy metals in plants of two contrast groups, i.e., excluders and hyperaccumulators. The regularities in distribution of cadmium, lead, nickel, and strontium are summarized. Effects of other cations, calcium in particular, on accumulation and distribution of heavy metals are analyzed. Specific patterns of metal distribution in hyperaccumulator plants are discussed together with morphological and functional features underlying the ability of plants to accumulate heavy metals in the aboveground organs. Based on the data available, the root and shoot tissues are classified according to their roles in transport and distribution of the metals examined.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the levels of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in 63 bone samples of the prehispanic population of the island El Hierro, comparing them with the values obtained on 98 prehispanic samples from Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, and La Palma, all of them in the Canary Islands, and with eight modern samples who served as controls. Prehispanic individuals from El Hierro showed the lowest bone Pb values of all the archipelago (0.72±1.01 mg/kg), significantly different (F=6.9, p<0.001) from the values obtained for the population of other islands such as Tenerife (4.87±5.36 mg/kg) or Fuerteventura (4.45±7.85 mg/kg) and also from those of the modern population (30.53±14.62 mg/kg). On the other hand, bone Cd, although slightly lower in the ancient population groups, was not significantly different when compared with the modern one. In addition, no differences were observed in bone Cd among the ancient population of the different islands. Bone lead—but not cadmium—kept an inverse significant relationship with the distance of the burial site both to south Spain (r=−0.31) and Atlantic Morocco (r=−0.28, p<0.001 in both cases).  相似文献   

The effects of Cd, Ni and Pb on the growth, chlorophyll (Chl) and protein contents, and content of proteases of potted weed plants Cyperus difformis, Chenopodium ambrosioides and Digitaria sanguinolis were determined. The three heavy metals inhibited the shoot growth but were less suppresive to root growth. They also lowered leaf Chl content. The changes in root and shoot protein and proteases contents of weeds were interrelated. The heavy metal additions to soil increased their contents in both roots and shoots, several times more in roots than in shoots. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

铅与镉在被金鱼吸收积累过程中的相互作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘长发  陶澍  龙爱民  曹军  徐福留 《生态学报》2001,21(11):1863-1868
采用混合体系暴露和顺次暴露的方法研究了铅和镉在被金鱼吸收过程中的相互作用.结果表明,混合暴露条件下,保持镉暴露量不变,增加铅的投放量,鳃镉与肝镉含量与单独暴露的结果无显著性差异,肾镉含量则随铅暴露浓度增加而减少.保持铅浓度不变,增加镉的投放量可导致鳃和肾铅含量下降.在镉、铅顺序暴露后则没有观测到鳃、肝和肾铅含量的规律性变化.  相似文献   

Interactions of cadmium (Cd) ions with bovine serum albumin (BSA), bovine hepatic metallothionein (MT), calf thymus histone and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and bovine hepatic chromatins were studied in the presence and absence of divalent zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), or lead (Pb) ions, using equilibrium dialysis at pH 7 and at 37°C. The BSA had 3.5 Cd-binding sites with an apparent affinity constant of 1×105. The other metal ions inhibited the binding by reducing the affinity constant and the number of Cd-binding sites in BSA. There were 6 high affinity and 13 low affinity Cd-binding sites in the MT. Zinc ions had poor efficacy in reducing the binding of Cd to the MT. However, the Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions inhibited the Cd binding to a considerable extent, the former ions being more potent in this respect. Histone did not bind Cd. There were two kinds of Cd-binding sites in DNA: One mole of Cd per four moles DNA-phosphorus at low affinity sites, and one mole of Cd per 6.7 moles DNA-phosphorus at high affinity sites. Their apparent association constants were 8.3×105 and 4.4×106 M, respectively. The other metal ions had inhibitory effects on the binding of Cd to DNA. Histone reduced the Cd-DNA interactions to only a minor extent. The other metal ions reduced the binding of Cd to DNA-histone complex to a small extent. Cadmium binds to the euchromatin (Euch), heterochromatin (Het), and Euch-Het mixture almost equally. The other metal ions reduced the binding maximally in Euch-Het followed next in order by Het and Euch. Cupric ions were the most potent inhibitors of the interactions of Cd with the nuclear materials.  相似文献   

Humans are frequently exposed to combinations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and Arsenic (As) but there is a paucity of actual data on the molecular effects of these agents at low dose levels. The present factorial design studies were undertaken in rats to examine the effects of these agents at LOEL dose levels on a number of molecular parameters of oxidative stress in hematopoietic and renal organ systems following oral exposure in drinking water at 30, 90 and 180 day time points. Results of these studies demonstrated dynamic, time-dependent alterations in both molecular targets and inducible oxidative stress protective systems in target cell populations. In general, cellular protective systems, which protected against oxidative damage at the 90 day time point, appeared to be finite such that molecular manifestations of oxidative stress became statistically significant at the 180 day time point for several of the combination exposure groups. These data demonstrate the importance of duration of exposure in assessing the toxic potential of Pb, Cd and As mixtures at low dose levels.  相似文献   

We previously have genetically engineered an aerobic sulfate reduction pathway in Escherichia coli for the generation of hydrogen sulfide and demonstrated the pathway's utility in the precipitation of cadmium. To engineer the pathway, the assimilatory sulfate reduction pathway was modified so that cysteine was overproduced. Excess cysteine was then converted by cysteine desulfhydrase to an abundance of hydrogen sulfide, which then reacted with aqueous cadmium to form cadmium sulfide. In this study, observations of various E. coli clones were combined with an analysis of kinetic and transport phenomena. This analysis revealed that cysteine production is the rate-limiting step in the engineered pathway and provided an explanation for the phenomenon of cell surface precipitation. An analytical model showed that cadmium sulfide must form at the cell surface because the rate of cadmium sulfide formation is extremely fast and the rate of sulfide transport is relatively slow.  相似文献   

Individuals of the fairy shrimp, Branchinecta longiantenna, were subjected to 5 concentrations (0.1 to 15 mg l–1) of Pb in diluted habitat water at 13 °C. Lead concentrations (mg kg–1 wet weight) in the animals were determined at 2-day intervals by digestion in nitric acid followed by atomic absorption analysis. The shrimp were also subjected to 0.1 mg l–1 media of Cd and Zn, separately.Uptake rates by the fairy shrimp for the three metal ions at 0.1 mg l–1 were: 0.111, 0.0885, and 0.0460 mg kg–1 day–1 for Zn, Pb, and Cd, respectively. After 2 days in 1.0 mg l–1 Cd or Zn, the animals expired; but they surviced for 8 days in a 10 mg l–1 Pb medium and for 2 days in 25 mg l–1 Pb. Lead uptake demonstrated a linear dependence on the Pb concentration in the media.Shrimp survived at much higher tissue accumulations of Pb compared to Zn and Cd. Estimated lethal doses were 20, 1.2–2.4, and 0.4–1.4 mg kg–1 wet weight for Pb, Zn, and Cd, respectively. Pb was found to be at much lower concentration than Cd or Zn in the natural pond water but between Cd and Zn levels in the sediment. Thus Cd and Zn probably present a greater threat to B. longiantenna than Pb, although Pb may be in higher concentration in the environment.Contribution 47, Laboratory of Ecology, The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA 91711, USA. Send reprint requests to Clyde Eriksen.  相似文献   

Endogeneous levels of zinc and copper were found to be 1.2±0.1×10−2 and 0.3±0.1×10−2 μg/A260 unit, respectively, in polysomal fractions from control animals; cadmium, however, was undetectable. In experimental animals (injected with cadmium) zinc, copper, and cadmium were found in polysomal fractions isolated by two different methods. One hour after a cadmium injection there was a rise in both the zinc and copper content of the polysomal fractions, which then declined steadily to below control levels by 16 h. Neither zinc nor cadmium were dialyzable from these fractions by a TRIS buffer; however, addition of 0.01M EDTA to the buffer resulted in removal of 75% of the zinc and all of the detectable cadmium. The addition of cadmium (CdCl2) to control supernatants (adjusted to the cadmium concentration present in supernatants 6 h after in vivo exposure) resulted in metal binding to polysomal fractions in levels comparable to those observed after in vivo exposures to the metal. When cadmium was added in the form of cadmium thionein, a smaller fraction of the metal was isolated with the polysomal fraction. Cadmium bound to polysomal fractions in vivo (24 h after exposure) was sensitive to release by protease digestion, but insensitive to release by ribonuclease digestion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of heated power plant water on the uptake and retention of manganese, cadmium and lead in selected aquatic invertebrates, channel catfish, green sunfish, and aquatic macrophytes and to study the distribution of manganese, cadmium and lead in sediments and water of experimental power plant ponds.The study was accomplished by placing fingerling channel catfish and green sunfish in holding pens in two ponds, one an experimental pond and one a control pond. Whole fish and selected organs of channel catfish and green sunfish were analyzed during the study. The experimental pond received heated power plant water and was maintained 4–6° C above ambient temperature during the study. Sediments, water, Odonata nymphs, tubificid annelids, snails, leeches, fingernail clams and duckweed were also analyzed for the metals.A typical distribution profile for manganese, cadmium and lead in power plant cooling ponds was developed.  相似文献   

水分对土壤呼吸的影响及机理   总被引:102,自引:9,他引:102  
土壤呼吸是陆地碳循环的重要环节,在全球变化的背景下,研究水分对土壤呼吸的影响,能为探索陆地生态系统在碳循环方面的源—汇功能和揭示碳的失汇之迷提供有力的证据。综述了水分对土壤呼吸的影响及其机理。土壤呼吸是一个复杂的生态学过程,大气降水对土壤呼吸的影响结果是因时、因地而异,在湿润的生态系统或者干湿交替的生态系统中比较湿润的季节.降水事件对土壤呼吸可能会产生比较明显的抑制现象;而在干旱的生态系统或有干湿交替季节的生态系统中比较干旱的季节里,降水事件可能会强烈地激发土壤呼吸。其对土壤呼吸的影响机理包括水分对土壤孔隙中CO2替代、对CO2扩散的阻滞、对微生物活动的刺激和对微生物生物量的影响等。由于实验方法和标准的不一致以及影响土壤呼吸的因素的多样性。水分量的变化对土壤呼吸的影响很难以一个统一的方程来描述,总的来说,最优的水分状况通常是接近最大田间持水力,当土壤处于过于或过湿状态时,土壤呼吸会受到抑制。水分量的变化对土壤呼吸的影响机制在于可溶性有机质、土壤的通透性、微生物与植物根系生命活动等都随土壤水分状况不同而发生相应的改变。关于水分与土壤呼吸的关系研究今后应该主要集中在:(1)水分对根系呼吸和土壤微生物呼吸分别产生的影响;(2)全球变化后水分格局的变化对全球陆地生态系统土壤呼吸格局的潜在影响;(3)人类活动通过直接或间接改变水分状况而对土壤释放CO2的贡献率。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess EDTA-assisted Pb and Cd phytoextraction potential of locally grown Pelargonium hortorum and Pelargonium zonale. Plants were exposed to different levels of Pb (0–1500?mg kg?1) and Cd (0–150?mg kg?1) in the absence or presence of EDTA (0–5?mmol kg?1). P. hortorum and P. zonale accumulated 50.9% and 42.2% higher amount of Pb in shoots at 1500?mg kg?1 Pb upon addition of 5?mmol kg?1 EDTA. Plant dry biomass decreased 46.8% and 64.3% for P. hortorum and P. zonale, respectively at the combination of 1500?mg kg?1 Pb and 5?mmol kg?1 EDTA. In Cd and EDTA-treated groups, P. hortorum and P. zonale accumulated 2.7 and 1.6-folds more Cd in shoots at 4 and 2?mmol kg?1 EDTA, respectively, in 150?mg Cd kg?1 treatment. Plant dry biomass of P. hortorum and P. zonale was reduced by 46.3% and 71.3%, respectively, in soil having 150?mg Cd kg?1 combined with 5?mmol kg?1 EDTA. Translocation factor and enrichment factor of both plant cultivars at all treatment levels were >1. Overall, the performance of P. hortorum was better than that of P. zonale for EDTA-assisted phytoextraction of Pb and Cd.  相似文献   

Postpartum scalp hair samples from 82 term-pregnancy mother/neonate pairs were analyzed for their concentration of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb), using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Maternal and neonatal Zn concentrations had geometric means (and 99% confidence intervals) of 122.5 μg/g (117.9–131.5 μg/g) and 146.9 μg (141.5–156.7 μg/g) respectively. Corresponding Cu values were 18.4 μg/g (17.6–23.8 μg/g) and 6.7 μg/g (6.3–7.6 μg/g). Those of Cd were 0.49 μg/g (0.47–0.69 μg/g) in the mothers and 0.57 μg/g (0.55–0.86 μg/g) in the neonates. For Pb, they were 7.95 μg/g (7.60–9.32 μg/g) and 4.56 μg/g (4.39–5.56 μg/g). Cigaret smoking, despite its relatively low prevalence (19.5%), was associated with lower Zn and higher Cd and Pb concentrations and in lower Zn/Cd and Zn/Pb molar concentration ratios. Smoking also altered interelemental relationships, particularly those of Zn with Cd and Pb and those between Cd and Pb. Smoking frequency appeared to show negative dose-response effects on maternal and neonatal Zn concentrations, Zn/Pb molar concentration ratios, and birth weight. Mothers with a history of oral contraceptive (OC) usage had significantly higher Cu concentrations and lower Zn/Cu molar concentration ratios than nonusers, with the highest Cu concentrations and lowest Zn/Cu values being associated with third-generation OCs. No similar effects were elicited in the respective neonatal Cu concentrations. Neither alcohol consumption nor prenatal supplementation with iron and/or folic acid had discernible effects on the maternal or neonatal elemental concentrations. The data from this study suggest that in a given population of term-pregnancy mothers and neonates, significant interindividual variations in hair trace element concentrations can occur, irrespective of commonality of general environment, and that lifestyle factors, including cigaret smoking and OC usage history, can be significant contributory factors to such variations. The data are discussed in relation to the effects of smoking-associated exposure to Cd and Pb exposure on Zn availability for placental transfer, as well as on the quantitative maternal Zn supply levels to the fetus resulting from the known tendency of smokers to have lower dietary intakes of Zn. The higher Cu concentrations in OC users are discussed in relation to altered Cu metabolism, characterized by increased synthesis of the Cu-binding protein, ceruloplasmin, as an acute-phase antioxidant response to altered lipid profile and increased lipid oxidation.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Spodoptera littoralis second and fourth instar larvae to the heavy metals cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) was investigated under laboratory conditions. Both Cd and Pb, even, at very low concentrations, had relatively high toxic effects on S. littoralis larvae. Cd was more toxic to S. littoralis larvae than Pb. In addition, the mean percentage feeding deterrence (FDI%) of Cd and Pb was concentration-dependent. The nutritional indices (consumption index, growth rate, efficiency of converted ingested and digested food, and approximate digestibility) of S. littoralis second and fourth instar larvae were more affected in Cd-treatments compared with those of Pb-treatments. Therefore, the presence of such heavy metals in the environment would exert an adverse impact on S. littoralis larvae and their development.  相似文献   

Kassab DM  Roane TM 《Biodegradation》2006,17(4):379-387
We examined cadmium and lead resistance in Pseudomonas sp. S8A, an isolate obtained from mine tailings-contaminated soil. Resistant to soluble metal concentrations up to 200 mg l−1 cadmium and 300 mg l−1 lead, S8A produced both exopolymer and biosurfactant. Upon growth, this pseudomonad diverged into two morphologically distinct colony subtypes; small and round or large and flat. In the presence of lead and in the no metal control the large morphotype appeared only in late stationary phase. With cadmium the large morphotype appeared immediately following exposure. Results show that the large morphotype produced greater amounts of surfactant than the small morphotype, suggesting a unique subpopulation response to cadmium toxicity. Results also indicate that an unidentified 28 kDa protein was expressed following exposure to >10 mg l−1 cadmium. This study demonstrates new links between surfactant production, differential subpopulation response and metal exposure.  相似文献   

镉、铅对蟾蜍精巢毒作用的酶学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
贾秀英  董爱华 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2329-2333
为研究镉、铅对精巢的生化毒作用机理 ,应用氯化镉、硝酸铅溶液对成年雄性蟾蜍进行腹腔染毒 (按镉计 0 .1、0 .2、0 .4、0 .8mg/ kg体重 ;按铅计 1、2、4、8mg/ kg体重 ) ,连续染毒 7d后活体解剖 ,测定分析精巢中各种酶的活性。结果显示 ,在镉染毒下 ,精巢乳酸脱氢酶 (L DH)和酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)的活性随镉染毒剂量的增加而降低 ,而碱性磷酸酶 (AL P)未发现明显变化 ;在铅染毒下 ,乳酸脱氢酶 (L DH)和碱性磷酸酶 (AL P)的活性随铅染毒剂量的增加而降低 ,而酸性磷酸酶 (ACP)未发现明显变化 ;乳酸脱氢酶 (L DH)同工酶在镉、铅染毒下则主要表现为酶带 L DH1 、L DH2 的抑制或缺失和 L DH5活性的增强。因此 ,镉、铅对蟾蜍的雄性生殖毒性机理可能与酶的活性存在着一定的关系 ,L DH可以考虑作为反映镉、铅中毒对精巢功能影响程度的一种有价值的生化指标  相似文献   

为明确食物中重金属离子在蜘蛛体内的传递、生物放大及对其生长历期和耐饥力的影响,采用原子吸收光谱法检测了拟水狼蛛Pirata subpiraticus取食加Cd2+食物后体内Cd2+含量变化情况,测定了Cd2+对其发育历期和耐饥力的间接影响。结果表明:食物中的Cd2+能够通过食物链进行传递并在拟水狼蛛体内积累,积累量随拟水狼蛛龄期的增长而增加,积累量与消耗的黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster数量极显著正相关(P<0.01), 与消耗食物中Cd2+含量显著正相关(P<0.05); 对食物中Cd2+的吸收率为65.4%,生物放大因子为1.8。成蛛改喂无Cd2+的黑腹果蝇后在观察的4周内体内Cd2+含量变化不明显。食物中的Cd2+能导致拟水狼蛛的发育历期显著延长、耐饥力显著降低。研究结果可为进一步研究环境中Cd2+沿土壤-昆虫-天敌传递、放大和生理耐受等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Effects of chronic exposure to cadmium on prostate lipids and morphology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cadmium is an environmental toxic metal implicated in human prostate carcinogenesis. The mechanism of its toxicity is not fully understood. Previously, we showed that cadmium exposure induces oxidative stress, especially lipid peroxidation. This study evaluates the effect of chronic exposure to 0.886 mM of cadmium (Cd) per liter in the drinking water on prostate lipid content and metabolism in Wistar rats. We determined the lipid profile and measured the expression of lipogenic enzymes: FAS, GPAT, LPL, DGAT-1, DGAT-2, ACO, CPT-1 and CT, and of certain factors involved in lipid regulation and fatty acid transporters: FAT/CD36, E-FABP, SREBP-2, PPAR-γ and PPAR-α by RT-PCR. Ultrastructure was analyzed by electron microscopy and, as prostate is an androgen controlled gland, AR expression was measured by RT-PCR and Western blot. Cd altered the prostatic lipid profile. Triglycerides (TG) and esterified cholesterol (EC) decreased, free cholesterol (FC) and phospholipids (PL) increased and total cholesterol (TC) did not change. FAS, MDH and IDH activities did not vary but G6PDH decreased significantly in Cd group. Regarding TG synthesis, DGAT-1 decreased while GPAT increased and FAS, LPL and DGAT-2 remained unchanged. Regarding beta oxidation, CPT-1 increased while ACO expression decreased in Cd group. In the PL pathway, CT expression was increased. All these results would justify the decrease of TG in Cd group when compared to control. In the cholesterol metabolic pathway, HMGCoAR and SREBP-2 increased. PPAR-α increased but PPAR-γ did not change. Regarding fatty acid transporters, FAT/CD36 decreased, while E-FABP increased. AR mRNA and protein expression decreased. Ultrastructural analysis showed a decrease in lipid droplets and signs of cellular damage in the Cd group. Cadmium exposure induces important changes in prostatic lipid profile and metabolism, confirmed by the morphology analyses, which also showed signs of cellular damage. These results could be important to further understanding the complex mechanism of cadmium toxicity in prostate and in the development of better treatments for people and animals exposed to the heavy metal. Fellowship from the National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations (CONICET) – Argentina. Career Scientific Investigator. National Council of Scientific and Technical Investigations (CONICET) – Argentina.  相似文献   

Three marine phytoplankters (Isochrysis galbana, Chaetoceros calcitrans andThalassiosira pseudonana), commonly used in the culture of bivalve larvae, were grown in batch or semi-continuous cultures. Changes in protein, carbohydrate, lipid and some fatty acids were measured as growth became limited by nitrogen, silicon, phosphorus or light. Under N starvation (2 d) the % lipid remained relatively constant, while% carbohydrate increased and% protein decreased in all 3 species compared to cells growing under no nutrient limitation. Under Si starvation (6 h) there was no change in lipid, protein or carbohydrates. The amount of two fatty acids, 20 : 53 and 22 : 63 remained relatively constant under N, P and Si starvation, exept for a sharp drop in the cells of P-starvedT. pseudonana. However, there were pronounced species differences withI. galbana containing significantly less 20 : 5 3 thanC. calcitrans orT. pseudonana. Under light limitation the amount of lipid per cell showed no consistent trend over a range of irradiances for all 3 species. The amount of N per cell (an index of protein content) as a function of irradiance, was relatively constant forI. galbana andT. pseudonana, while the amount of N per cell was lower under low irradiances forC. calcitrans. These examples of changes in protein, carbohydrate, lipid and certain fatty acids under nutrient (N, Si or P) or light limitation, emphasize the importance of knowing the phase (e.g. logarithmic vs stationary) of the growth curve in batch cultures, since the nutritional value of the phytoplankters could change as cultures become dense and growth is terminated due to nutrient or light limitation.Presented at the XIIIth International Seaweed Symposium, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, August 1989.  相似文献   

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