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The feeding value of forage mixtures from permanent and temporary multi-species grasslands cannot always be precisely defined. Indeed, the digestibility and feed intake of a combination of forages can differ from the balanced median values calculated from forages considered separately. In order to present an overview of the associative effects between forages on digestion and intake, a literature study was carried out. The associative effects can be studied in a complementary way in vitro to test digestive interactions of a large number of mixtures and to carry out explanatory experiments, and in vivo to investigate intake and digestion at the whole animal scale. We identified three main situations in which interactions between forages can lead to associative effects on intake and digestion: (i) increased intake that can be observed with grass and legume association can be explained by fast digestion of the soluble fraction of legumes, and a higher rate of particle breakdown and passage through the rumen, (ii) increased digestion when a poor forage is supplemented by a high nitrogen content plant can be explained by stimulation of the microbial activity and (iii) modification of digestive processes in the rumen, including proteolysis and methane production when certain bioactive secondary metabolites such as tannins, saponins or polyphenol oxidase are present. According to the type and concentration of these compounds in the diet, the effects can be favourable or unfavourable on intake and digestive parameters. Reported associative effects between forages show a large variability among studies. This reflects the complexity and multiplicity of nutritional situations affecting intake and the rumen function in a given animal. In order to provide more reliable information, further accumulation of data combining in vitro and in vivo studies is required. A better understanding of the associative effects between forages could help to optimise feed use efficiency, resulting in greater productivity, a reduction of the environmental impact of animal emissions and more sustainable animal production.  相似文献   

The survival and success of alien plant species is determined by species traits (i.e., invasiveness) and the characteristics of the habitats in the region of introduction (i.e., invasibility). However, little is known about species traits as related to habitat characteristics. We assessed the characteristics of successful invaders and the interaction of environmental factors and life-history traits for alien plant species. The vascular plants were recorded from 52 agricultural landscapes in Finland. We compared the traits of native and alien plant species with Fisher’s exact test and used a three table ordination analysis, RLQ analysis, to relate species traits to environmental conditions. Species were clustered according to their position on the RLQ axes, and the clusters were tested for phylogenetic independence. The successful alien plant species were associated with life form and preferences for moisture and nitrogen, but the trait composition varied according to the habitat type. Two RLQ axes explained 80.5% of the variation, and the species traits were significantly associated with environmental variables. The clustering showed that the occurrence of alien plant species in agricultural habitats was driven by invasion history, traits related to dispersal (dispersal type, seed mass) and habitat preferences, as well as environmental features, such as geographical location, temperature and the quality and disturbance regime of the habitats. All clusters were phylogenetically non-independent. Thus, the clusters of alien species comprised species of diverse taxonomic affinities, although, they shared the traits explaining their occurrence in particular habitats. This information is useful for understanding the link between species traits and the environmental conditions of the habitats, and complexity of the invasion process.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that sexual conflict can fuel evolutionary change and generate substantial reproductive costs. This was tested here by measuring the fitness of focal individuals across multiple generations using an experimental framework. We manipulated sexual conflict through high versus low exposure of females to males across a four-generation pedigree of Drosophila melanogaster, and assessed fitness in 1062 females and 639 males. We used the animal model to estimate (1) genotype by sexual conflict environment interactions for female fitness and (2) indirect benefits gained through sons and daughters. Some female genotypes achieved higher fitness under low, in comparison to high, conflict and vice versa. We found a consistent 10% reduction in female fitness under high conflict, regardless of maternal history. Following high exposure, females produced sons with increased, but grandsons with decreased, fitness. This opposing effect suggests no consistent fitness gains through sons for females that mated multiply. We saw no indirect benefits through daughters. Our pedigree was based exclusively on maternal links; however, maternal effects are unlikely to contribute significantly unless expressed across multiple generations. In sum, we quantified a significant sexual conflict load and a female genotype by sexual conflict interaction that could slow the erosion of genetic variation.  相似文献   

To gain insights into the adaptation of the Escherichia coli species to different environments, we monitored protein abundances using quantitative proteomics and measurements of enzymatic activities of central metabolism in a set of five representative strains grown in four contrasted culture media including human urine. Two hundred and thirty seven proteins representative of the genome‐scale metabolic network were identified and classified into pathway categories. We found that nutrient resources shape the general orientation of metabolism through coordinated changes in the average abundances of proteins and in enzymatic activities that all belong to the same pathway category. For example, each culture medium induces a specific oxidative response whatever the strain. On the contrary, differences between strains concern isolated proteins and enzymes within pathway categories in single environments. Our study confirms the predominance of genotype by environment interactions at the proteomic and enzyme activity levels. The buffering of genetic variation when considering life‐history traits suggests a multiplicity of evolutionary strategies. For instance, the uropathogenic isolate CFT073 shows a deregulation of iron demand and increased oxidative stress response.  相似文献   

Improved sampling designs are needed to detect, monitor, and predict plant migrations and plant diversity changes caused by climate change and other human activities. We propose a methodology based on multi-scale vegetation plots established across forest ecotones which provide baseline data on patterns of plant diversity, invasions of exotic plant species, and plant migrations at landscape scales in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, USA. We established forty two 1000-m2 plots in relatively homogeneous forest types and the ecotones between them on 14 vegetation transects. We found that 64% of the variance in understory species distributions at landscape scales were described generally by gradients of elevation and under-canopy solar radiation. Superimposed on broad-scale climatic gradients are small-scale gradients characterized by patches of light, pockets of fertile soil, and zones of high soil moisture. Eighteen of the 42 plots contained at least one exotic species; monitoring exotic plant invasions provides a means to assess changes in native plant diversity and plant migrations. Plant species showed weak affinities to overstory vegetation types, with 43% of the plant species found in three or more vegetation types. Replicate transects along several environmental gradients may provide the means to monitor plant diversity and species migrations at landscape scales because: (1) ecotones may play crucial roles in expanding the geophysiological ranges of many plant species; (2) low affinities of understory species to overstory forest types may predispose vegetation types to be resilient to rapid environmental change; and (3) ecotones may help buffer plant species from extirpation and extinction.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted on the feed value for ruminants of a variety of crop residues and forages, with particular emphasis on crop residues and forages not currently grown extensively in Western Canada. Crop residues with feed values significantly higher than wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) straw were investigated, and the response to ammonia treatment was evaluated, to determine which materials could be appreciably improved in feed value by this technique. Some of the crop residues evaluated by digestibility in vitro and crude-protein content had a significantly higher feed value, without chemical processing, than the cereal straws often given to cattle in Western Canada. Ammonia treatment improved both the organic matter digestibility in vitro and crude-protein content of some residues significantly, while other materials showed only an improvement in crude protein. The organic matter digestibility in vitro of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) crop residue and Jerusalem-artichoke (Helianthus tuberosis L.) forage and residue was initially higher than that of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) or sweet clover [Melilotus officinalus (L.) Lam] and did not increase appreciably with ammonia treatment. Faba-bean (Vicia faba L.) residue was only slightly inferior to these materials and showed a moderate improvement after treatment with ammonia. Untreated bullrush-millet [Pennisetum americanum (L.) Schum] whole-crop forage was equivalent to alfalfa and sweet clover in digestibility in vitro and responded quite well to ammonia treatment. Kochia (Kochia scoparia Shrad) forage had a relatively high digestibility in vitro and crude-protein content when harvested at the flowering stage. Mature kochia had a digestibility in vitro equivalent to barley straw and did not respond well to ammonia treatment.  相似文献   

Interactions between two rust fungi and their host plant Anemone nemorosa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a field study we found that two rust fungi. Tranzchelia anemones and Ochropsora ariae. on the shared host Anemone nemorosa varied in abundance among populations. Tranzchelia anemones was favoured in high light habitats and was particularly common in mixed deciduous forests as well as productive grasslands, whereas the abundance and occurrence of O. ariae was dependent on the presence of the alternate host, Sorbus aucuparia When found in the same population, the two rusts rarely attacked the same ramet. Both T. anemones and O. ariae had a negative effect on plant performance by reducing flower production, and rhizome length. Diseased shoots were also elongated.  相似文献   

When domestic ruminants are faced with food diversity, they can use pre-ingestive information (i.e. food sensory characteristics perceived by the animal before swallowing the food) and post-ingestive information (i.e. digestive and metabolic consequences, experienced by the animal after swallowing the food) to evaluate the food and make decisions to select a suitable diet. The concept of palatability is essential to understand how pre- and post-ingestive information are interrelated. It refers to the hedonic value of the food without any immediate effect of post-ingestive consequences and environmental factors, but with the influence of individual characteristics, such as animal's genetic background, internal state and previous experiences. In the literature, the post-ingestive consequences are commonly considered as the main force that influences feeding behaviour whereas food sensory characteristics are only used as discriminatory agents. This discriminatory role is indeed important for animals to be aware of their feeding environment, and ruminants are able to use their different senses either singly or in combination to discriminate between different foods. However, numerous studies on ruminants’ feeding behaviour demonstrate that the role of food sensory characteristics has been underestimated or simplified; they could play at least two other roles. First, some sensory characteristics also possess a hedonic value which influences ruminants’ intake, preferences and food learning independently of any immediate post-ingestive consequences. Further, diversity of food sensory characteristics has a hedonic value, as animals prefer an absence of monotony in food sensory characteristics at similar post-ingestive consequences. Second, some of these food sensory characteristics become an indicator of post-ingestive consequences after their initial hedonic value has acquired a positive or a negative value via previous individual food learning or evolutionary processes. These food sensory characteristics thus represent cues that could help ruminants to anticipate the post-ingestive consequences of a food and to improve their learning efficiency, especially in complex environments. This review then suggests that food sensory characteristics could be of importance to provide pleasure to animals, to increase palatability of a food and to help them learn in complex feeding situations which could improve animal welfare and productivity.  相似文献   

Climate change is a threat to biodiversity, and adaptation measures should be considered in biodiversity conservation planning. Protected areas (PA) are expected to be impacted by climate change and improving their connectivity with biological corridors (BC) has been proposed as a potential adaptation measure, although assessing its effectiveness remains a challenge. In Mesoamerica, efforts to preserve the biodiversity have led to the creation of a regional network of PA and, more recently, BC. This study evaluates the role of BC for facilitating plant dispersal between PA under climate change in Mesoamerica. A spatially explicit dynamic model (cellular automaton) was developed to simulate species dispersal under different climate and conservation policy scenarios. Plant functional types (PFT) were defined based on a range of dispersal rates and vegetation types to represent the diversity of species in the region. The impacts of climate change on PA and the role of BC for dispersal were assessed spatially. Results show that most impacted PA are those with low altitudinal range in hot, dry, or high latitude areas. PA with low altitudinal range in high cool areas benefit the most from corridors. The most important corridors cover larger areas and have high altitude gradients. Only the fastest PFT can keep up with the expected change in climate and benefit from corridors for dispersal. We conclude that the spatial assessment of the vulnerability of PA and the role of corridors in facilitating dispersal can help conservation planning under a changing climate.  相似文献   

B rown , M. E. & G arr , G. R. 1984 Interactions between Azotobacter chroo-coccum and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza and their effects on plant growth. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 56 , 429–437.
The effects of simultaneous inoculation of roots of lettuce seedlings with vesicular-arbuscular endophytes and Azotobacter chroococcum are described. Endophytes alone increased yields of lettuce grown in partially sterilized P-deficient soil, but not in the same unsterile soil. Dual inoculation with endophytes and Azotobacter in both soils produced larger plants than either inoculum alone. In another poorly structured unsterile soil with adequate P for plant growth, endophytes depressed yields of lettuce. There was no association between endophytes and Azotobacter . In none of the experiments did Azotobacter influence the level of endophyte infection in the roots; but numbers of Azotobacter on the root systems were decreased in the presence of the endophytes. Azotobacter alone always increased growth of young plants before the effects of the endophytes were observed.  相似文献   

Gough  Clare  Vasse  Jacques  Galera  Christine  Webster  Gordon  Cocking  Edward  Dénarié  Jean 《Plant and Soil》1997,194(1-2):123-130
When interactions between diazotrophic bacteria and non-legume plants are studied within the context of trying to extend biological nitrogen fixation to non-legume crops, an important first step is to establish reproducible internal colonization at high frequency of these plants. Using Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 (which induces stem and root nodules on the tropical legume Sesbania rostrata), tagged with a constitutively expressed lacZ reporter gene, we have studied the possibilities of internal colonization of the root system of the model dicot Arabidopsis thaliana. ORS571 was found to be able to enter A. thaliana roots after first colonizing lateral root cracks (LRCs), at the points of emergence of lateral roots. Cytological studies showed that after LRC colonization, bacteria moved into the intercellular space between the cortical and endodermal cell layers of roots. In our experimental conditions, this LRC and intercellular colonization are reproducible and occur at high frequency, although the level of colonization at each site is low. The flavonoids naringenin and daidzein, at low concentrations, were found to significantly stimulate (at the p=0.01 level) the frequency of LRC and intercellular colonization of A. thaliana roots by A. caulinodans. The role in colonization of the structural nodABC genes, as well as the regulatory gene nodD, was studied and it was found that both colonization and flavonoid stimulation of colonization are nod gene-independent. These systems should now enable the various genetic and physiological factors which are limiting both for rhizobial colonization and for endophytic nitrogen fixation in non-legumes, to be investigated. In particular, the use of A. thaliana, which has many advantages over other plants for molecular genetic studies, to study interactions between diazotrophic bacteria and non-legume dicots, should provide the means of identifying and understanding the mechanisms by which plant genes are involved in these interactions.  相似文献   

Solutions of each of three different globular proteins (cytochrome c, chromophorically labeled serum albumin, and chromophorically labeled aldolase), mixed with another unlabeled globular protein or with fibrous actin, were prepared in pH 8.0 Tris-HCl buffer containing 0.15 M NaCl. Each solution was centrifuged at low speed, at 5 degrees C, until unassociated globular protein in solution achieved sedimentation equilibrium. Individual absorbance gradients of both macrosolutes in the mixtures subsequent to centrifugation were obtained via optical scans of the centrifuge tubes at two wavelengths. The gradients of each macrosolute in mixtures of two globular proteins revealed no association of globular proteins under the conditions of these experiments, but perturbation of the gradients of serum albumin, aldolase, and cytochrome c in the presence of F-actin indicated association of all three globular proteins with F-actin. Perturbation of actin gradients in the presence of serum albumin and aldolase suggested partial depolymerization of the F-actin by the globular protein. Analysis of the data with a simple phenomenological model relating free globular protein, bound globular protein, and total actin concentration provided estimates of the respective equilibrium constants for association of serum albumin and aldolase with F-actin, under the conditions of these experiments, of the order of 0.1 microM-1.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and bacteria can interact synergistically to stimulate plant growth through a range of mechanisms that include improved nutrient acquisition and inhibition of fungal plant pathogens. These interactions may be of crucial importance within sustainable, low-input agricultural cropping systems that rely on biological processes rather than agrochemicals to maintain soil fertility and plant health. Although there are many studies concerning interactions between AM fungi and bacteria, the underlying mechanisms behind these associations are in general not very well understood, and their functional properties still require further experimental confirmation. Future mycorrhizal research should therefore strive towards an improved understanding of the functional mechanisms behind such microbial interactions, so that optimized combinations of microorganisms can be applied as effective inoculants within sustainable crop production systems. In this context, the present article seeks to review and discuss the current knowledge concerning interactions between AM fungi and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, the physical interactions between AM fungi and bacteria, enhancement of phosphorus and nitrogen bioavailability through such interactions, and finally the associations between AM fungi and their bacterial endosymbionts. Overall, this review summarizes what is known to date within the present field, and attempts to identify promising lines of future research.  相似文献   

The majority of insect species do not show an innate behavioural migration, but rather populations expand into favourable new habitats or contract away from unfavourable ones by random changes of spatial scale. Over the past 50 years, the scientific fascination with dramatic long-distance and directed mass migratory events has overshadowed the more universal mode of population movement, involving much smaller stochastic displacement during the lifetime of the insects concerned. This may be limiting our understanding of insect population dynamics. In the following synthesis, we provide an overview of how herbivorous insect movement is governed by both abiotic and biotic factors, making these animals essentially ''slaves of their environment''. No displaced insect or insect population can leave a resource patch, migrate and flourish, leaving descendants, unless suitable habitat and/or resources are reached during movement. This must have constrained insects over geological time, bringing about species-specific adaptation in behaviour and movements in relation to their environment at a micro- and macrogeographical scale. With insects that undergo long-range spatial displacements, e.g. aphids and locusts, there is presumably a selection against movement unless overruled by factors, such as density-dependent triggering, which cause certain genotypes within the population to migrate. However, for most insect species, spatial changes of scale and range expansion are much slower and may occur over a much longer time-scale, and are not innate (nor directed). Ecologists may say that all animals and plants are figuratively speaking ''slaves of their environments'', in the sense that their distribution is defined by their ecology and genotype. But in the case of insects, a vast number must perish daily, either out at sea or over other hostile habitats, having failed to find suitable resources and/or a habitat on which to feed and reproduce. Since many are blown by the vagaries of the wind, their chances of success are serendipitous in the extreme, especially over large distances. Hence, the strategies adopted by mass migratory species (innate pre-programmed flight behaviour, large population sizes and/or fast reproduction), which improve the chances that some of these individuals will succeed. We also emphasize the dearth of knowledge in the various interactions of insect movement and their environment, and describe how molecular markers (protein and DNA) may be used to examine the details of spatial scale over which movement occurs in relation to insect ecology and genotype.  相似文献   

瘦素与中枢葡萄糖感受性神经元在摄食调节中的交互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瘦素(lepfin)是新近发现的一种重要的摄食调节因子,主要通过中枢途径参与调节摄食和能量平衡。下丘脑是瘦素中枢作用的主要靶点,含有多种摄食相关神经元;其中,葡萄糖感受性神经元可感测细胞外葡萄糖水平的变化,参与摄食调控。本文即对瘦素调节摄食的中枢途径及其对中枢葡萄糖感受性神经元作用的研究进展做简要综述。  相似文献   

施磷和接种AM真菌对玉米耐盐性的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在盆栽条件下研究了不同施磷水平(25,50,100,150mg/kg),不同盐水平(NaCl0,1.2g/kg)和不同接种AM真菌处理(接种和不接种)对玉米生长的影响。结果表明,施磷量为50mg/kg时基本满足玉米生长的需要,1.2g/kg NaCl胁迫显著抑制了玉米的生长;施磷明显促进玉米在盐胁迫条件下的生长,施磷水平和接种菌根真菌的交互作用对玉米耐盐性具有显著影响;盐胁迫条件下,接种AM真菌在  相似文献   

Summary Patchiness in herbivore attack is a well-documented phenomenon. When neighboring plants suffer vastly different levels of attack, then one suspects genotypic differences among plants to be the underlying mechanism. In this study, I use common garden experiments in two natural, but divergent, habitats at the Cedar Creek Natural History Area in central Minnesota to determine the role of plant genotype, environment and gender in plant resistance to a specialist herbivore. Resistance was measured by larval survivorship and weight. Eight clones ofRhus glabra were selected and 12 equal-aged ramets were dug up and planted in two gardens (each garden received 6 ramets per clone). First instarBlepharida rhois (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) larvae of known parentage were transferred to ramets and censused every other day. At the end of the experiment, larvae were collected and weighed. Analysis of variance was used to determine the importance of plant genotype, environment and gender on larval mortality and weight. The experiment was repeated in its entirety one month later. Both plant genotype and environment significantly affected larval survivorship in the first run of the experiment. No interactions were significant. Results from the second run indicated marginally significant genotype and environment main effects, and a genotype by environment interaction in larval survivorship. There was a significant genotype by environment interaction in larval weight on the same run. In neither run did clone gender have significant affects on resistance.  相似文献   

Anaerobic mechanisms are the predominant energy-yielding pathways of endoparasites. However, all parasitic helminths use oxygen when it is present, and appear to be capable of oxidative phosphorylation. Bryant (1982) has argued that anaerobic pathways are primitive and that aerobic pathways are a more recent adaptation. The question as to why oxygen is not used more efficiently by parasitic helminths has still not been answered satisfactorily.The phosphoenolpyruvate branchpoint is critical in helminth metabolism, and the controlling factors influencing PK and PEPCK are still not clearly understood. This is further compounded by differences between strains (Mettrick & Rahman, 1984).The effect of size of an intestinal parasitic infection may, at low levels of infection, stimulate net glucose and ion flexes, while high levels of infection produce malabsorption. It is of particular interest that the washings from a low level intestinal infection may stimulate glucose and ion fluxes in an uninfected animal; this appears to be a new component in the compensatory mechanisms of the host response.5-hydroxytryptamine both influences helminth glycolysis and has a role in helminth neurophysiology. Current evidence indicates that 5-HT is synthesised in very small amounts by H. diminuta and is also taken up from the intestinal luminal pool. There is evidence that 5-HT and acetylcholine are antagonistic; 5-HT appears to be a modulator of longitudinal muscle contraction with glutamate acting as the neurostimulator.  相似文献   

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