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In muddy intertidal sediments, there are reported complex interactions between the biological, physical and chemical properties of the sediment and the benthos that live in and on it. These are expected to be reflected in strong relationships between benthic animals and particular properties of the sediment, although some research has shown these relationships to be relatively weak. This study investigates the relationships between benthic macrofauna and biogeochemical properties of sediments within and among different habitats in multiple mangrove forests in a temperate estuary, in order to address the generality of any such relationships. Matched samples of benthos and sediment were collected from three habitats, which differed with respect to shading, the amounts of algae and leaf litter and the presence of pneumatophores. The sediment was sampled for water content, grain size, organic matter, chlorophylls a and b and colloidal and total carbohydrate.Spatial variation in sediment and benthos were significantly correlated across habitats in two of the three bays, but the sediment properties that contributed to differences between habitats and those that best correlated with the benthos varied among bays. In all bays, the single taxon that best correlated with the sediment was spionid polychaetes, but correlations were generally weak. There was no generality in the patterns of variation among the benthos or sedimentary properties among habitats. The benthos differed significantly among bays in all habitats, with large variation within and among sites. The sediment varied significantly at small scales in all habitats, but significant differences among bays were only found in two habitats. All spatial scales contributed to the total amount of variability in the sediment and there was little predictability from the patterns shown in one habitat to those in other habitats, or from one component of sediment to other components. Such variability suggests that there may be structural redundancy in this fauna, with different components of the benthos contributing to similar functions in different places. Such variability must be considered in experiments designed to understand relationships between ecological structure and function in these complex habitats and in any sampling studies to identify environmental impacts in these habitats.  相似文献   

红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红树林滨海湿地是在周期性咸水、淡水作用下形成的特殊生态系统,其沉积物中有机质含量丰富,微生物驱动的营养物质循环活跃。由于红树林沉积物中硫酸盐含量高、硫化物种类多,因此红树林是研究硫元素生物地球化学循环过程和机制的理想系统。本文综述了红树林生态系统中主要的硫元素循环过程,重点总结了硫氧化和硫酸盐还原过程及其功能微生物,分析了影响硫氧化和硫酸盐还原的主要环境因素,并对红树林沉积物中微生物驱动硫循环的重点研究方向进行了展望。鉴于微生物驱动的硫循环过程耦合碳、氮和金属元素循环,本文可为深入探究微生物驱动的生物地球化学元素循环耦合机制提供参考。  相似文献   

The oxidation of dimethylsulfide and methanethiol by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) was investigated in Tanzanian mangrove sediments. The rate of dimethylsulfide and methanethiol accumulation in nonamended sediment slurry (control) incubations was very low while in the presence of the inhibitors tungstate and bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES), the accumulation rates ranged from 0.02–0.34 to 0.2–0.4 nmol g FW sediment−1 h−1, respectively. Degradation rates of methanethiol and dimethylsulfide added were 2–10-fold higher. These results point to a balance of production and degradation. Degradation was inhibited much stronger by tungstate than by BES, which implied that SRB were more important. In addition, a new species of SRB, designated strain SD1, was isolated. The isolate was a short rod able to utilize a narrow range of substrates including dimethylsulfide, methanethiol, pyruvate and butyrate. Strain SD1 oxidized dimethylsulfide and methanethiol to carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide with sulfate as the electron acceptor and exhibited a low specific growth rate of 0.010 ± 0.002 h−1, but a high affinity for its substrates. The isolated microorganism could be placed in the genus Desulfosarcina (the most closely related cultured species was Desulfosarcina variabilis , 97% identity). Strain SD1 represents a member of the dimethylsulfide/methanethiol-consuming SRB population in mangrove sediments.  相似文献   

为了掌握目前红树林生物入侵研究实况, 基于ISI Web of Science数据库和HistCite文献分析软件, 我们进行了全面系统的文献检索与分析。结果显示, 国内外有关红树林生物入侵研究文献绝大部分针对植物入侵, 有关动物与微生物的研究寥寥无几; 研究区域集中于中国华南与东南沿海(尤其是珠江口、雷州半岛西侧)和美国东南海岸及夏威夷群岛。无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)是否构成入侵, 一直备受争议, 有待更长远论证, 但须谨慎引种。互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)与微甘菊(Mikania micrantha)是世界性恶草, 生长迅速, 繁殖力强, 竞争与化感作用明显, 二者已在红树林生态系统中爆发入侵, 显著降低了红树林微生境质量, 并改变了底栖生物群落结构。Rhizophora mangle作为外来红树植物入侵夏威夷群岛, 改善了沉积条件, 丰富了底栖生物群落, 但需从全球尺度考察入侵后果。目前, 红树林生物入侵研究才刚起步, 针对性研究局限于入侵对红树林生态系统结构和功能产生的效应。相关入侵机制缺乏探索, 现有防治方法大多只是借鉴其他被入侵系统的防治方法。今后, 红树林生物入侵研究应持续加深入侵现状和入侵效应的探索与评价, 加快开展入侵机制和防治方法的研究应用, 以及对生态系统服务的影响评价。健全红树林生物入侵管理体系, 将在防治红树林生物入侵实践中发挥主导作用。  相似文献   

对福建漳江口红树林沉积物中重金属汞(Hg)含量的时空分布进行了研究。结果表明漳江口红树林湿地汞含量为0.0815 mg•kg–1—0.3431 mg•kg–1。在潮间带水平分布上, 从光滩到高潮位汞含量显著上升(P<0.05), 相对光滩, 红树林沉积物更易富集汞, 其中高潮位红树林底泥中汞含量最高。在垂直方向上, 大多数的汞富集在表层及亚表层, 随着深度的加深, 汞含量呈现下降趋势。汞在红树林湿地沉积物中的积累主要与有机碳(TOC), 含水率, 盐度相关。从计算的单一污染指数(Pi)来看, 漳江口地区汞污染等级为Ⅲ级以下, 大多数采样点属于自由污染或轻度污染。就该地区汞污染的时空变化趋势以及和其他红树林区汞污染状况的对比来看, 漳江口地区存在一定程度的汞污染威胁加剧的现象, 值得引起注意。  相似文献   

In situ and on-board pulse-chase experiments were carried out on a sublittoral fine sand in the German Bight (southern North Sea) to investigate the hypothesis that sandy sediments are highly active and have fast turnover rates. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a series of experiments where we investigated the pathway of settling particulate organic carbon through the benthic food web. The diatom Ditylum brightwellii was labelled with the stable carbon isotope 13C and injected into incubation chambers. On-board incubations lasted 12, 30 and 132 h, while the in situ experiment was incubated for 32 h. The study revealed a stepwise short-term processing of a phytoplankton bloom settling on a sandy sediment. After the 12 h incubation, the largest fraction of recovered carbon was in the bacteria (62%), but after longer incubation times (30 and 32 h in situ) the macrofauna gained more importance (15 and 48%, respectively), until after 132 h the greatest fraction was mineralized to CO2 (44%). Our findings show the rapid impact of the benthic sand community on a settling phytoplankton bloom and the great importance of bacteria in the first steps of algal carbon processing.  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林沉积物中重金属的分布及其生物有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东寨港红树林湿地沉积物中7种典型重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd 和Pb)的有效态含量和全量进行测定,并讨论了红树林湿地沉积物中重金属元素的分布特征及其生物有效性.结果表明: 7种重金属在东寨港红树林湿地的含量大于亚龙湾和三亚湾的红树林湿地,但与中国南方和世界各地的典型红树林湿地相比仍处于中等偏低水平.东寨港红树林湿地光滩、林缘、林内表层沉积物的重金属含量存在差异;在柱状沉积物中重金属伴随沉积明显,表现出较强的同源性.经EDTA萃取出的有效态金属在表层沉积物中含量依次为Cu>Cr>Zn>Ni>As>Pb>Cd;垂直梯度重金属有效态含量占总量的比例的最大值(除Ni外)均出现在表层或中上层;目标重金属元素有效态和总量在空间分布上具有明显正相关性,元素总量指标能较好地评估该元素的生物有效性  相似文献   

In soft-sediment communities near reefs, a variety of patterns have been described with distance from the reef edge. Various studies have observed contrasting patterns and one study has reported different patterns for different size classes of macrofauna. This study in northeastern New Zealand obtained samples from 24 randomly allocated sites across three locations in a large-scale mensurative sampling design. At each location, there was a manipulation of reef-associated predator populations provided by established marine reserves. A concurrent study using the same sites found large macrofauna (> 4 mm) to vary with distance from the reef and relative to predator density. The present study sampled small-bodied infauna (< 4 mm and > 0.5 mm), which was also predicted to change with distance from the reef and predator density. In contrast to patterns found for larger fauna and to previous studies of small macrofauna, no consistent patterns were found for small-bodied infauna. These results suggest that models of community structure need to consider different size classes of macrofauna separately and that multiple sampling methods will assist their investigation. The ‘haloes’ in small-bodied macrofauna around reefs may not be as widespread or consistent as previous studies have suggested, particularly in mobile sediments on open coasts.  相似文献   

We examined the immediate effects of a hurricane (Hurricane Andrew, August 1992) in a coastal landscape in sub-tropical Florida, and then monitored stand recovery in Fringe mangrove sites of different productive capacity for 9 years after the disturbance. Structural impacts of the hurricane were confined almost entirely to forests within 200–300 m of the coast. Mortality and damage were concentrated on canopy individuals. Following the hurricane, rapid canopy recovery and the early onset of competition among Fringe forest stems, as evidenced by relatively high mortality of smaller individuals, magnified the initial dominance of hurricane survivors and early-established seedlings over later cohorts, and limited recruitment to the brief period prior to canopy closure. Changes in the relative abundance of the two dominant mangrove species following disturbance varied strongly along the productivity gradient. The shade-tolerant Rhizophora mangle L. generally became the overwhelming canopy dominant in the competitive environment of the recovering Coastal Fringe forest following hurricane, but the shade-intolerant Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F. Gaertn was better represented in less productive Interior Fringe sites, where canopy closure was delayed. Site productivity is an important determinant of the success of mangrove species during post-hurricane stand development, and consequently of the zonation of communities in the coastal landscape.  相似文献   

福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类生态分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林俊辉  郑凤武  何雪宝  王建军 《生态学报》2014,34(17):4910-4919
根据2009年至2012年在福建沿岸5块典型红树林湿地所作的调查资料,分析了福建沿岸红树林湿地多毛类的物种多样性、生态分布特点以及与环境因子的关系。研究区域春、秋两季共记录多毛类动物45种,其中沙蚕科、海稚虫科和小头虫科3个科种类最为丰富,种类属性为低盐或广盐性种类。多毛类平均密度和生物量分别为190个/m2和2.17 g/m2,样地×季节双因素方差分析表明,密度在不同样地间差异显著,密度和生物量的季节变化均为春季显著高于秋季。此外,林外光滩的多毛类数量要高于林内,不同样地的摄食群组成各异。红树林断面的平均种类数和多样性指数H'与沉积物粘土含量呈显著负相关,与多毛类类群的大尺度空间分布特征关联最为紧密的因子为地理纬度。  相似文献   

The persistent terrestrial carbon sink regulates long‐term climate change, but its size, location, and mechanisms remain uncertain. One of the most promising terrestrial biogeochemical carbon sequestration mechanisms is the occlusion of carbon within phytoliths, the silicified features that deposit within plant tissues. Using phytolith content–biogenic silica content transfer function obtained from our investigation, in combination with published silica content and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) data of leaf litter and herb layer in China's forests, we estimated the production of phytolith‐occluded carbon (PhytOC) in China's forests. The present annual phytolith carbon sink in China's forests is 1.7 ± 0.4 Tg CO2 yr ? 1, 30% of which is contributed by bamboo because the production flux of PhytOC through tree leaf litter for bamboo is 3–80 times higher than that of other forest types. As a result of national and international bamboo afforestation and reforestation, the potential of phytolith carbon sink for China's forests and world's bamboo can reach 6.8 ± 1.5 and 27.0 ± 6.1 Tg CO2 yr?1, respectively. Forest management practices such as bamboo afforestation and reforestation may significantly enhance the long‐term terrestrial carbon sink and contribute to mitigation of global climate warming.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in the biochemical properties and the benthic macrofaunal assemblage of sediments in urbanised mangrove forests and their adjacent mudflats in Sydney Harbour were investigated. Behavioural and physiological changes in the microphytobenthos between day and night were predicted to cause diurnal changes in the micro-scale depth distribution of chlorophylls a and b and colloidal carbohydrate. In addition, because macrofauna can alter sediment properties, diurnal changes in the macrofaunal assemblages were investigated. The microphytobenthos at the study sites were predominantly filamentous green algae, although diatoms were present. Samples for biochemical analysis were collected from the top 2 mm of sediment using mini-cryolanders, during low tide in the day and at night. Three biochemical properties of the sediments were measured spectrophotometrically: chlorophylls a and b (surrogate for microphytobenthos biomass) and colloidal carbohydrate. The amount of chlorophylls tended to be less at night than during the day, but site to site variability was large and these differences were generally small and not significant. Depth profiles indicated that there was some redistribution of pigments in the surface 2 mm between day and night, possibly due to migration of microphytobenthos or physiological changes. There was no significant difference in chlorophylls between the mangrove forest and adjacent mudflat, with the exception of chlorophyll b at one sampling time, which was larger in the mangrove forest than on the mudflat. Colloidal carbohydrate was significantly larger in the mangrove forest and significantly less on the mudflat during the day at one site at one time, but otherwise showed no significant differences between day and night or between the mangrove forest and mudflat. Whilst there were some differences in the benthic macrofaunal assemblages between day and night, these differences were only significant for spionids and polychaetes at one time. There were, however, significant differences in assemblages of benthic macrofauna between the mangrove forest and mudflat, probably due to structural differences between these habitats such as the presence of pneumatophores, shade and leaf litter. In summary, there was some minor diurnal variation in the measured biochemical properties of the sediment, but not in the macrofaunal assemblage. Diurnal changes should, therefore, be considered when investigating biochemical properties in these habitats, but they are not a major influence. These findings contrast to previous studies on diatom dominated mudflats in Europe, where stronger diurnal changes in biochemical properties were found. Diurnal changes in the macrofauna assemblages were largely insignificant and therefore could not explain the changes in the biochemical properties. Diurnal effects on the macrofauna in these habitats are more likely to be via altered behaviours and this requires further investigation.  相似文献   

沉积物记录揭示的深圳湾红树林生态系统稳态转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稳态转换作为滨海生态系统的一种灾变现象,其过程伴随着生态系统质量下降和功能退化。深圳湾位于粤港澳大湾区的核心区域,深入理解其生态系统演化过程是进行适应性管理的重要前提。2014年于深圳湾福田红树林湿地获得4根岩芯沉积柱,通过分析沉积和生物地球化学指标(包括金属元素、营养盐、粒度和有机质指标),重建半个世纪以来深圳湾环境的历史变迁,揭示其生态系统发生的稳态转变过程。结果表明:稳态转换发生前(1954-1980),福田红树林沉积物中重金属、无机营养和有机物含量稳定增加,但处于较低水平;稳态转换发生后(1990-2014),深圳湾中污染输入增加,沉积物中重金属和营养盐含量发生明显变化,深圳湾生态系统质量持续下降。通过揭示深圳湾生态系统演变过程及其稳态转变的发生规律,为粤港澳大湾区生态系统修复和管理提供重要的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

基于PCR-DGGE技术的红树林区微生物群落结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
【目的】为了解红树林沉积物中细菌的群落结构特征。【方法】应用PCR-DGGE技术对福建浮宫红树林的16个采样站位样品细菌的群落结构进行了研究。根据DGGE指纹图谱,对它们的遗传多样性进行了分析。【结果】各站位样品细菌多样性指数(H)、丰度(S)和均匀度(EH)均有所不同,这些差异与它们所处站位的不同有关,红树林区细菌多样性高于非红树林区细菌多样性。对不同站位细菌群落相似性分析,它们的相似性系数也存在一定的规律,同一断面的细菌群落结构相近性较高。对DGGE的优势条带序列分析,同源性最高的微生物分别属于变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、酸菌门(Acidobacteria)和绿菌门(Chlorobi),它们均为未培养微生物,分别来自于河口海岸沉积物。【结论】应用PCR-DGGE技术更能客观地反映红树林沉积物中真实的细菌群落结构信息。另外,研究也表明红树林区微生物多样性丰富,在红树林区研究开发未知微生物资源具有巨大的潜力。  相似文献   

湛江高桥红树林表层沉积物的粒度空间分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红树林湿地是滨海湿地的一个重要类型,也是重要的沉积库.沉积物是红树林定居与生长的基质,记载着红树林湿地的环境历史,可用于物源分析和沉积过程反演,对于红树林湿地的生态恢复和保护具有重要意义.2011年7月,以湛江国家级红树林自然保护区高桥片区红树林湿地为研究区,沿着水动力梯度进行取样,并基于沉积物粒度分析其表层沉积特征,通过地统计学方法生成预测表面,并结合有机质含量和群落结构进行相关性分析.结果表明:研究区沉积物是以粘、粉粒为主的混合沉积类型,砂粒、粘粒和粉粒平均含量分别为(27.8±15.4)%、(40.3±15.4)%和(32.1±11.4)%;表层沉积特征呈现明显的空间梯度,随着与陆地距离增加,从高潮位到低潮位方向上,沉积物砂粒含量增加,粘粒含量降低.表层沉积的有机质与粉粒含量呈正相关,而与砂粒呈负相关,且在水动力条件弱的高潮位区域,有机质含量高.表层沉积特征在不同群落生境间存在差异,沉积特征与不同红树林群落结构存在一定程度的相关性,反映了水动力条件与红树林之间的复杂关系.  相似文献   

底栖动物对红树林生态系统的影响及生态学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
底栖动物是红树林生态系统的重要组成部分。本文总结了近年来国内外红树林底栖动物的生物多样性、分布模式及其影响因素的研究进展,并从以下5个方面阐述了底栖动物(尤其是相手蟹)对红树林生态系统的影响:1)维持系统初级生产;2)丰富系统有机物生产;3)影响红树植物生长;4)降低幼苗竞争压力;5)改变沉积物性质。除传统的群落结构、生物多样性和个体生物学研究外,目前红树林底栖动物生态学的研究正逐步向红树林沙蟹等其他海洋无脊椎动物的种间关系、底栖生物区系与栖息地间相互关系研究发展。有必要重新认识蟹类的生物扰动对红树林更新和红树林生态系统能量流动的积极意义。  相似文献   

Ingólfsson  Agnar 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):181-189
Coastal floating seaweed, originating from the intertidal, is colonized by various pelagic and subtidal benthic animals. At southwestern Iceland, common macrofaunal colonizers include the fish Cyclopterus lumpus L., the harpacticoid Parathalestris croni (Krøyer), the amphipods Calliopius laeviusculus (Krøyer), Gammarellus angulosus(Rathke), Dexamine thea Boeck and Ischyrocerus anguipes (Krøyer), and the isopod Idotea baltica Pallas. The colonization patterns of these species were studied by collecting samples from experimental and natural clumps of floating seaweed at approximately monthly intervals for ca. 18 months. The occurrence of colonizers was highly seasonal with maximum numbers between April and September. For most species, numbers were correlated with weight of clumps. The relationship of density (numbers/100 g algae) to weight of clump and distance from shore varied between species. The algal species composition of clumps appeared to influence some colonizers. Only juvenile C. lumpus were found, while all P. croni were sexually mature; juveniles predominated in other species. The different colonization patterns of the species can be explained partly by their biological traits. The clumps are vital for the breeding of P. croni and are used for feeding by C. lumpus fry. Other species possibly colonize floating algae accidentally, being programmed to seek attached vegetation. Floating clumps may, nevertheless, serve to disperse these species.  相似文献   

古菌在红树林沉积物中的多样性及其碳代谢机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红树林湿地生态系统具有维持生物多样性、净化环境及维持海岸带生态平衡等多种功能。古菌普遍存在于红树林沉积物中,在元素的生物地球化学循环中发挥着重要作用。古菌具有丰富的碳代谢多样性,能固定CO_2,参与甲烷循环,产乙酸,降解蛋白质、多聚碳水化合物等有机质,但目前对于红树林沉积物中古菌碳代谢的研究才刚刚起步。高通量测序技术的快速发展促进了大量新的古菌门类的发现,这些新的古菌门类具备多样的碳代谢潜力。本文简要概述古菌的主要类群与分布,综述国内外有关古菌碳代谢多样性的最新研究进展,并阐明这些古菌在红树林生态系统中的生态分布和功能特征,为进一步探究古菌代谢机制提供知识基础。  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林滩涂大型底栖动物多样性的初步研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
记录到海南东寨港红树林滩涂大型底栖动物68种,其中软体动物39种,占记录到物种数的57.4%;甲壳动物19种,占记录到物种数的27.9%。冬季优势种是珠带拟蟹手螺(Cerithidea cingulata )、古氏滩栖螺(Batillaria cumingi )和环肋樱蛤(Cyclotellina remies );夏季优势种是珠带拟蟹手螺、环肋樱蛤和红肉河蓝蛤(Potamocorbula rubromuscula )。大型底栖动物的生物量夏季平均为133.0 g/m2,冬季平均为63.0 g/m2; 栖息密度夏季平均为106.4 个/m2,冬季平均为103.5 个/m2。以密度为计量单位的物种多样性指数夏季为1.841,冬季为0.380,均匀度指数夏季为0.514,冬季为0.112;以生物量为计量单位的物种多样性指数夏季为1.994,冬季为1.751, 均匀度指数夏季为0.556,冬季为0.520。大型底栖动物的生物量、栖息密度、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数大都有季节变化及底质差异,基本趋势是夏季明显高于冬季,沙泥底的滩涂高于泥底质的滩涂。  相似文献   

红树林真菌由于其独特的生态特征、多样性特点和丰富的新型生物活性代谢产物而引起了广泛的关注。本文以漳江口红树林保护区4个采样点的沉积物为研究对象,采用8种筛选培养基(RBM、PDA、CDA、Martin、YM、SDA、ISP2和R2A)分离可培养真菌,根据ITS序列分析对其进行物种鉴定,并利用多样性指数分析评价不同采样点真菌群落的差异。结果共分离到274株真菌,隶属于2门12纲23目39科52属,其中优势属为枝顶孢属(Acremonium)(20.8%)和青霉属(Penicillium)(11.3%),其次是枝孢属(Cladosporium)(7.3%)和帚枝霉属(Sarocladium)(7.3%)。8种筛选培养基中,分离出真菌种属类型最丰富的培养基是RBM,其次是PDA。根据Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)、Simpson优势度指数(D)、Magalef丰富度指数(R)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)的分析结果,在属的水平上,距海洋的位置越近,真菌的群落多样性越高,真菌分布越均匀。  相似文献   

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