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The distribution of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variations in Greek beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) populations was studied using chloroplast microsatellite markers. Thirteen haplotypes were identified from 40 populations by combining three different primers. Most of the cpDNA variation was distributed among populations, but a considerable variation was also observed within populations. The total diversity was very high for all regions. The Nst/Gst comparison was significant, indicating phylogenetic subdivision, but no strong spatial structure was detected, suggesting complex post-glacial migration patterns. Possible scenarios explaining this diversity pattern include the existence of several separated refugia in the region, the recolonisation of mountains by different beech lineages and the formation of an introgression zone between two different beech subspecies in the eastern part of the country.  相似文献   

Cuticular conductance of adaxial (astomatous) and abaxial (stomatous)surfaces ofFagus sylvatica L. leaves was measured under varyingvapour pressure deficits (D). Conductance was determined fromgravimetric measurements of water flux made using a leaf discenvelope specially designed to maintain leaf relative watercontent and minimize reduction in cuticular hydration. The adaxialsurface provided a determination of ‘true’ cuticularconductance (gc) and transpiration (Ec). The abaxial surfacewas used to estimate minimum leaf surface conductance (gMINsur)and transpiration (EMINsur). In experiment I, leaf discs wereplaced under one of a range of water vapour pressure deficits(0.4-2.0 kPa). Both gc and gMINsur decreased approximately 2-foldwith an increase in D between 0.4-2.0 kPa. The decrease in gcwas linear, but gMINsur declined more steeply at D between 0.4-0.95kPa than at D between 0.95-2.0 kPa. In experiment II, leaf discswere exposed to a stepwise change in D. After a period of acclimationto D of 0.95 kPa, responses of gc and gMINsur to an increaseor decrease in D were recorded. The response time of gc to increasingor decreasing D were similar (<60 min). By contrast, gMINsurresponded more slowly to increasing than to decreasing D. Thesesignificant responses of gc and gMINsur to increasing and decreasingD are discussed in relation to hydration state of the cuticleand current knowledge of cuticle structure. Key words: Cuticle, cuticular conductance, cuticular membrane, Fagus sylvatica, humidity, vapour pressure deficit  相似文献   

The response of gas exchange, leaf chlorophyll content, relative fluorescence to decreasing water potential and recovery was followed in European beech seedlings from two Italian populations, differing in their native precipitation amounts. A population from Sicily (southern Italy) was selected as representative of a xeric population while a population from central Italy, Abetone, represented a mesic one. Dry-matter partitioning, leaf area, hydraulic sufficiency and xylem embolism were evaluated in both well-watered control plants as well as in plants subjected to drought. With the onset of water stress, values of water potential, leaf relative water content, net photosynthesis, leaf conductance and leaf chlorophyll concentration decreased concurrently while relative fluorescence remained unchanged. The population from Sicily showed a delay in effects of the imposed drought. Within 5 days of rewatering, leaf conductance was not fully recovered while all of the other parameters recovered to control levels, in both populations. Total, shoot, stem and root dry weight tended to be higher in seedlings from Abetone, even though both populations had similar photosynthetic rates. The population from Sicily exhibited about 3% greater (even if not significant) allocation to roots than the population from Abetone. Seedlings from Abetone had higher, but not significant, leaf specific conductivity and per cent loss in hydraulic conductivity than seedlings from Sicily. Drought resulted in a reduction of hydraulic conductivity and hydraulic sufficiency in seedlings from both populations. Photosynthesis of water stressed plants from both populations appeared to be reduced primarily by carbon dioxide diffusion through stomata and perhaps secondarily by changes in chlorophyll concentration rather than by efficiency of photosystem II. The effect of hydraulic factors on gas exchange during drought and recovery was not clearly evident.  相似文献   

The effects of highly and moderately acid soils on total biomass, biomass partitioning, fine root characteristics and nutritional status of beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) were studied in a growth chamber experiment. In Haplic Arenosols seedlings grew slowly but equally well without damage symptoms in a highly acid and a moderately acid soil horizon. The moderately acid Ah+Bw-horizon of a Eutric Cambisol was favourable to seedling growth. The fine root development was reduced in the highly acid A+Bw-horizon of a Dystric Cambisol and in the Ah+E-horizon of a Haplic Podzol, the latter of which also caused increased mortality. Seedling growth in the B2-horizon of the Haplic Podzol was vigorous, in spite of a higher level of extractable Al and lower base saturation as compared with the Ah+E-horizon. These results are interpreted in relation to soil acidity, soil Al and nutritional status of the seedlings. We conclude that neither Al-toxicity nor nutrient deficiency cause the damage symptoms observed in the Ah+E-horizon of a Haplic Podzol and the fine root reduction in the A+Bw-horizon of a Dystric Cambisol. The damage symptoms of the PZhA treatment seems to be more the result of H-toxicity or H-related factors other than nutrient shortage or Al-toxicity. Other pH-related toxic factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The seasonal variation in the total nitrogen content of the xylem sap of the lower trunk section was investigated for two middle aged beech tree stands in northern Hessen each containing 130 trees. In addition seasonal changes in the percentage of nitrate in the total nitrogen content are described. The median values of the total nitrogen content of the xylem sap during the spring mobilization period reached 175 and 250 mg/l. During the summer about 35% of the total nitrogen in the xylem sap is in the form of nitrate. Finally, the distribution of NO3 in the xylem sap along the trunk height was studied for two sample trees for each of the four seasons (n = 8).  相似文献   

Diversity in leaf morphological traits was assessed in 38 Greek Fagus sylvatica populations, covering the distribution of the species in the country. The relationship between the post‐glacial origin of these populations and leaf morphology was investigated. The results showed a complex and geographically continuous morphological diversity pattern, influenced mainly by traits expressing leaf size, leaf shape and petiole length. Two simultaneous trends appeared to be responsible for the existing diversity pattern. One was geographical, with leaf types resembling F. sylvatica subsp. sylvatica occurring in the western part of the distribution of beech in Greece and types resembling F. sylvatica subsp. orientalis being dominant in the eastern part. A second trend seemed to be connected with the post‐glacial origin of the populations, as described by previous plastid DNA haplotype studies of the same trees. The genetic background and the possible adaptation of beech populations to different environmental conditions have resulted in a complex morphological pattern, especially in areas in which different post‐glacial lineages appear to meet. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 165 , 422–436.  相似文献   

Over large areas of Europe, coniferous monocultures are being transformed into mixed forests by the re-introduction of broadleaf tree species belonging to the potential natural vegetation. One important species of interest in this changing forest policy is European beech (Fagus sylvatica). However, at present, this forest management directive has ignored potential adverse effects of global climate change on wide-spread re-introduction of beech to these areas. Average global surface temperatures have risen by approx. 0.8°C in the period between 1861 and 2005 and are expected to continue to increase until the end of this century by 1.5–5.8°C above the 1990 value. To estimate the climate change in the southern part of central Europe in future, we reviewed calculations from regional climate models. Temperature increase for the southern part of central Europe is projected to be up to 2°C within the next 40 years. In contrast, the annual precipitation will most likely remain constant over the same time period, but will experience significant changes in seasonal patterns. Rising intensities of individual precipitation events may result in increasing number and intensities of flooding events and reduced precipitation during the growing season in a higher frequency of summer droughts. Growth and competitive ability of European beech will not, necessarily, respond to increasing CO2 concentrations but may be strongly impacted by intensive drought that occurs during the growing season. Seedlings as well as adult trees may suffer from xylem embolism, restricted nutrient uptake capacity and reduced growth under limited water availability. However, it remains uncertain to what extent other environmental factors (e.g. soil properties, competitive interactions) may modify the drought response of beech, thus either enhancing susceptibility or increasing drought tolerance and resilience potential. Water-logged soils, predicted during the spring for several regions due to higher than average precipitation, could negatively impact nutrient uptake and growth of beech. Whereas other dominant species as, e.g. oak are well adapted to that environmental stress, beech is known to be sensitive to water-logging and flooding. Thus, the competitive capacity of beech might—depending on the other environmental conditions—be reduced under the expected future climate conditions. Silvicultural practices must be aware today of the potential risks which a changing climate may impose on sustainable forest development.  相似文献   

Most temperate forest tree species will suffer important environmental changes as result of the climate change. Adaptiveness to local conditions could change at different sites in the future. In this context, the study of intra-specific variability is important to clarify the singularity of different local populations. Phenotypic differentiation between three beech provenances covering a wide latitudinal range (Spain/ES, Germany/DE and Sweden/SE), was studied in a greenhouse experiment. Non-target leaf metabolite profiles and ecophysiological response was analyzed in well-watered and water stressed seedlings. There was a provenance-specific pattern in the relative concentrations of some leaf metabolites regardless watering treatment. The DE and SE from the center and north of the distribution area of the species showed a clear differentiation from the ES provenance in the relative concentration of some metabolites. Thus the ES provenance from the south maintained larger relative concentration of some organic and amino acids (e.g. fumaric and succinic acids or valine and isoleucine), and in some secondary metabolites (e.g. kaempferol, caffeic and ferulic acids). The ecophysiological response to mild water stress was similar among the three provenances as a consequence of the moderate water stress applied to seedlings, although leaf N isotope composition (δ15N) and leaf C:N ratio were higher and lower respectively in DE than in the other two provenances. This would suggest potential differences in the capacity to uptake and post-process nitrogen according to provenance. An important focus of the study was to address for the first time inter-provenance leaf metabolic diversity in beech from a non-targeted metabolic profiling approach that allowed differentiation of the three studied provenances.  相似文献   

Beech seedlings (Fagus sylvatica L.) were exposed to episodes of O3 in environmentally controlled growth chambers during one growing season. Three treatments were applied: charcoal-filtered air, charcoal-filtered air with the addition of 40 ppb O3 for seven episodes of 5 days' duration (9000-1700 hours), and charcoal-filtered air with the addition of 100 ppb O3 for seven episodes of 5 days' duration (9000-1700 hours). The accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb in the last treatment reached 13,911 ppb h. Throughout the growing season we measured growth as well as photosynthetic properties and related effects to external and calculated internal doses of O3, using stomatal conductance (gs) data. Growth, measured as diameter increment and biomass, was not significantly affected by the O3 treatments. In the 100-ppb treatment, light-saturated CO2 assimilation rates and chlorophyll content were significantly reduced, and the chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm was significantly reduced at times of high uptake rates and coincided with strong reductions of assimilation rates. O3 uptake was lowered in the 100-ppb treatment due to reduced gs. There was serious visible damage by the end of the exposure period in the 100-ppb treatment, while the treatment with 40 ppb O3 did not seem to cause any significant changes.  相似文献   

The development of beech leaves (Fagus sylvatica L.) was characterized by determination of the pigment and electrolyte concentrations as well as the accumulation of dry mass and specific leaf mass from bud break to senescence. To test the hypothesis that stress tolerance and responsiveness of defences show developmental and/or seasonal changes, leaf discs were either incubated in the absence (control) or presence of paraquat to induce oxidative stress. Controls displayed developmental changes in stress susceptibility ranging from less than 15% of maximum electrolyte leakage in mature leaves to more than 20% leakage in senescent and 36–46% in immature leaves. Paraquat concentrations were chosen to result in about 95% of maximum electrolyte conductivity within 24 h in all developmental stages. Paraquat accumulation was about two‐fold lower in senescent as compared with immature leaves, whereas stress susceptibility, as characterized by the kinetics of the increase in relative leakage, was similar in these developmental stages with 50% of maximum electrolyte conductivity (EC50) = 6·5 h in immature and 7·5 h in senescent leaves. In mature leaves with intermediate paraquat accumulation rates, two classes of stress‐sensitivity were distinguished, namely stress‐resistant and stress‐susceptible leaves with EC50= 9·5 and 5·2 h, respectively. Stress‐resistance of mature leaves was accompanied by a rapid, approximately two‐fold induction of superoxide dismutase activity. Stress‐sensitive mature leaves initially contained high superoxide dismutase activities but showed a rapid, more than six‐ fold loss in activity in 24 h. Correlation of meteorological data with leakage rates suggested that high air temperatures and low precipitation might have been predisposing for loss of resistance against oxidative stress in beech leaves.  相似文献   

The relative uptake rates of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Al were estimated in beech seedlings pot cultured in the field in six acid soils (treatments). The relative uptake rates were compared with the relative growth rates. The relative uptake rates of N, K and Ca agreed well with the growth rates of the seedlings irrespective of widely differing soil conditions (acid sand-clayey till, pH 4–6). The relative uptake rates of P, Fe, and Al differed from that predicted by the growth rate. The uptake rates of Fe and Al were highest at the lowest growth rates, and the P uptake rate was lower than the growth rate in these treatments. Thus the P availability probably limited growth in an eluvial (E) horizon of a podzol, and possibly in the illuvial (B) horizon of a podzol and in an acid clayey till (Dystric Cambisol). Low P uptake was associated with a tendency towards higher relative root growth rates. In terms of the concept of steady state nutrition the high relative root growth rate in some treatments may be interpreted as an acclimation to low P supply. The P limitation seemed to be related to interactions among Fe, Al and organic compounds of the soil solution.FAX no: +4646104423  相似文献   

 Shoot hydraulic conductance was measured in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) that had previously been exposed to high levels of nitrogen input. Whole-shoot hydraulic conductance, conductance per unit pressure gradient and leaf specific conductance were negatively correlated with the number of bud scars per unit length, a morphological parameter of tree decline. We propose a negative feedback mechanism by which stress induced alterations in shoot morphology can cause a lasting reduction of tree vigour. Received: 2 July 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1998  相似文献   

  • 1 Within a seed orchard in southern England, beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) belonging to three clones were artificially infested by introducing beech scale larvae (Cryptococcus fagisuga Lind. Homoptera: Coccidae) into small cages attached to the bark.
  • 2 Some larvae developed to fecund adults on trees of two susceptible clones but all failed to develop on a third, resistant clone.
  • 3 Within susceptible clones, survival of larvae on individual trees was positively related to their degree of natural infestation.
  • 4 Larvae deriving from several separate trees differed significantly in their ability to survive when inoculated onto trees of susceptible clones.
  • 5 Five forest trees which acted as both donors of larvae and as hosts for artificial inoculation were each inoculated with larvae from all five trees.
  • 6 There was significant variation in survival of inoculated larvae both between the host trees and between sources of larvae on each host.
  • 7 Survival of larvae reinoculated onto their original host was significantly higher than that of larvae originating from other trees.
  • 8 Fecundity of adults on the forest trees was positively correlated with the probability of inoculated larvae surviving to the adult stage.

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