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描述了采自云南西双版纳热带雨林的蟹蛛1新属高峭蛛属及1新种胶高峭蛛Acrotmarus gummosus gen.et sp.nov..新种模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.高峭蛛属,新属Acrotmarus gen.nov.与蟹蛛科蟹蛛亚科峭腹蛛族中的其它属的主要区别在于:后侧眼眼丘大而隆起,雄蛛触肢插入器呈薄片状,基部有宽缘,其端部具1凹陷,末端呈钩状.本属近似于非洲的Pherecydes O.P.-Cambridge,1883,但有以下不同:前者仅后侧眼在隆起的眼丘上,后者的前侧眼、后侧眼均在隆起的眼丘上;前者雌蛛的后侧眼间距/头胸部宽为0.93,后者为1.29;前者雌蛛前中眼间距/前中、侧眼间距为0.97,后者为1.52.本属的生殖器官结构与Pherecydes差异明显:前者雄蛛触肢有VTA而后者缺乏,前者插入器扁平片状而后者丝状;前者外雌器有兜而后者无.词源:新属属名由于标本系从高层雨林冠层采集而来,且与峭腹蛛族的属在外形上有相似性.胶高峭蛛,新种Acrotmarus gummosus sp.nov.(图1~3,6~21)正模♂.副模:24 ♂ ♂,15♀ ♀,云南省西双版纳国家自然保护区勐仑保护区的热带雨林及橡胶林,2007年7~8月间,郑国采;1 ♂,西双版纳勐仑镇绿石林森林公园,2009年11月15日,唐果、姚志远采.词源:新种种名源自新种部分标本采于橡胶林冠层.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of selective logging and corresponding forest canopy loss on arboreal ant diversity in a tropical rainforest. Arboreal ants were collected from an unlogged forest plot and from forest plots selectively logged 14 years and 24 years earlier in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia, using a canopy fogging method. Selective logging was associated with a significant decrease in canopy cover and an increase in understory vegetation density relative to unlogged forest. Our study showed that selective logging in primary forest might not dramatically decrease total species number and overall abundance of arboreal ants; however, it may influence the species composition and dominance structure of the ant community, accompanied by an increase in abundance of shrub‐layer species and trophobiotic species. In view of the results of this study, management techniques that minimize logging impact on understory vegetation structure are likely to help maintain the conservation value of logged forests for arboreal ants. Our results also suggest that accurate assessment of the impacts on biodiversity should not be based only on measurement of species number and overall abundance, but also on analysis of species composition and community structure.  相似文献   

Arthropod sampling protocols have been applied to four areas of undisturbed rainforest in Australia and Borneo at sites located between 28° S and 4° N. Seven different trapping methods have been used in each case following a strictly comparable protocol applied during single wet-season surveys at each location. A number of large scale patterns across sites correlated with latitude, altitude and/or biogeographical history are evident at the ordinal level. The results are used to evaluate two key ideas in biodiversity survey. The first tests questions of the constancy of particular trap types in terms of the target animals. The second attempts to design an efficient multiple method sampling 'package' for rapid biodiversity assessment. Across all sites similar traps behaved in a similar manner in terms of the profile of arthropods that they caught although Malaise traps and pitfalls are particularly 'constant' in this regard. Subsets of both trapping methods and target taxa are identified which will maximise the opportunities for detecting between site differences.  相似文献   

The exceptionally high species richness of arthropods in tropical rainforests hinges on the complexity of the forest itself: that is, on features such as the high plant diversity, the layered nature of the canopy and the abundance and the diversity of epiphytes and litter. We here report on one important, but almost completely neglected, piece of this complex jigsaw-the intricate network of rhizomorph-forming fungi that ramify through the vegetation of the lower canopy and intercept falling leaf litter. We show that this litter-trapping network is abundant and intercepts substantial amounts of litter (257.3 kg ha(-1)): this exceeds the amount of material recorded in any other rainforest litter-trapping system. Experimental removal of this fungal network resulted in a dramatic reduction in both the abundance (decreased by 70.2 ± 4.1%) and morphospecies richness (decreased by 57.4 ± 5.1%) of arthropods. Since the lower canopy levels can contain the highest densities of arthropods, the proportion of the rainforest fauna dependent on the fungal networks is likely to be substantial. Fungal litter-trapping systems are therefore a crucial component of habitat complexity, providing a vital resource that contributes significantly to rainforest biodiversity.  相似文献   

  • 1 The rainforest canopy has been called ‘the last biological frontier’, and if this is true, there should be more undescribed species in this stratum than the ground stratum.
  • 2 Here, we test this and other hypotheses regarding traits of described and undescribed species by a sub‐sample of 156 species into 96 described and 60 undescribed species from a beetle assemblage of 1473 species collected from the canopy and ground in an Australian lowland rainforest.
  • 3 We show that described species are significantly more likely to be in the canopy, are more likely to be larger and, if they are large, are more likely to have been described earlier.
  • 4 Undescribed species are just as likely to be found near the ground as in the canopy and are more likely to be smaller.
  • 5 After the first year of sampling, ‘new’ described and undescribed species not previously encountered continued to appear in each of three further years of trapping.
  • 6 These data show that the canopy fauna is in fact relatively ‘well known’, and that the undescribed species to be found in both strata are likely to be smaller than described species and are less likely to be plant feeders.

Tropical forests undergo continuous transformation to other land uses, resulting in landscapes typified by forest fragments surrounded by anthropogenic habitats. Small forest fragments, specifically strip-shaped remnants flanking streams (referred to as riparian remnants), can be particularly important for the maintenance and conservation of biodiversity within highly fragmented forests. We compared frog species diversity between riparian remnants, other forest fragments and cattle pastures in a tropical landscape in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. We found similar species richness in the three habitats studied and a similar assemblage structure between riparian remnants and forest fragments, although species composition differed by 50 per cent. Frog abundance was halved in riparian remnants compared with forest fragments, but was twice that found in pastures. Our results suggest that riparian remnants play an important role in maintaining a portion of frog species diversity in a highly fragmented forest, particularly during environmentally stressful (hot and dry) periods. In this regard, however, the role of riparian remnants is complementary, rather than substitutive, with respect to the function of other forest fragments within the fragmented forest.  相似文献   

This study is focused on a poorly known genus of small killifishes, Xenurolebias, comprising species uniquely living in temporary pools of the Atlantic Forest in the coastal plains of eastern Brazil (a region undergoing intense deforestation). Xenurolebias comprises two nominal, morphologically similar species, but some variability among populations suggests it represents a species complex. In order to delineate species limits, a taxonomic revision was conducted combining two different approaches: (i) a character-based approach using morphological variation (colour patterns, fin morphology, meristic and morphometric data) and (ii) a tree-based approach using mt-DNA (tRNA-Met, tRNA-Gln and ND2). The results strongly supported four species: X. myersi (Carvalho) from the Itaúnas river basin and adjacent smaller drainages; X. izecksohni (Cruz) from the Barra Seca river basin; X. cricarensis Costa, sp. nov., from the São Mateus river basin; and X. pataxo Costa, sp. nov., from the Mucuri, Itanhem and Jucuruçu river basins. Recognition of four distinct species in Xenurolebias should change views about the conservation of the species, one of which (X. pataxo) is seriously endangered and should be considered a priority for conservation.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8485DD00-3F30-4C9F-9682-62C4718D53D9  相似文献   

Rainforests are among the most charismatic as well as the most endangered ecosystems of the world. However, although the effects of climate change on tropical forests resilience is a focus of intense research, the conditions for their equally impressive temperate counterparts remain poorly understood, and it remains unclear whether tropical and temperate rainforests have fundamental similarities or not. Here we use new global data from high precision laser altimetry equipment on satellites to reveal for the first time that across climate zones ‘giant forests’ are a distinct and universal phenomenon, reflected in a separate mode of canopy height (~40 m) worldwide. Occurrence of these giant forests (cutoff height > 25 m) is negatively correlated with variability in rainfall and temperature. We also demonstrate that their distribution is sharply limited to situations with a mean annual precipitation above a threshold of 1,500 mm that is surprisingly universal across tropical and temperate climates. The total area with such precipitation levels is projected to increase by ~4 million km2 globally. Our results thus imply that strategic management could in principle facilitate the expansion of giant forests, securing critically endangered biodiversity as well as carbon storage in selected regions.  相似文献   

Comparing with other regions, Asia is mostly dominated by the monsoon climate and tropical plants can be found at the furthest places away from the equator. Understanding the role of monsoon in the dispersal and evolution of tropical plants is helpful for exploring the distribution patterns of vegetation and mechanisms underlying the origin and maintenance of biodiversity in Asia. In summer, there are three types of monsoon in Asia, i.e. East Asia Monsoon, South Asia Monsoon, North-west Pacific Ocean Monsoon. The summer monsoon climate in Asia originated at about 40 Ma, when the early angiosperm evolved and started its diversification in Southeast Asia and South China. It suggested that the monsoon may facilitate the quick speciation and spread of early angiosperm. Monsoon climate facilitates the northward spread of Asia’s tropical plants and some tropical plants can be found even at Yarlung Zangbo River and the boundaries of Guizhou-Guangxi-Yunnan. Such effetcs largely change distribution patterns of zonal vegetation and even causes local vegetation types in some places with unusual topography such as tropical seasonal rainforests, monsoon rainforests, savanna and grassland along dry-hot valley in Southwest China, coastal savanna in West Hainan Island. The three summer monsoons interact at Southwest China and Indo-China Peninsula and these regions are dominated by limestone landscapes and high mountains with big rivers. Some Asia-endemic tropical taxa even formed a diversification and endemism center at this region, which may be a reason for the formation and maintenance of Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots with global warming, the monsoon may further promote the northward spread of tropical plants and may have fundamental effects on biodiversity and flora evolution in South China.  相似文献   

  • 1 Samples of Microlepidoptera (including Pyraloidea) collected at light in mangrove forest, lowland mixed dipterocarp forest, and montane oak-laurel forest in Borneo are compared.
  • 2 Diversity (Williams' alpha) is very high in lowland forest, with a value of 414; it is lower, 226, in montane forest and very much lower, 47, at the edge of mangrove forest.
  • 3 There is some evidence that apparent diversity increases with accumulation of samples.
  • 4 Samples from the three forest types have very few species in common and come from separate assemblages.
  • 5 Pyraloidea in samples taken 1km apart in lowland forest represent an assemblage common to the two sites but Microlepidoptera samples appear to represent slightly different assemblages.
  • 6 There are no abundant species in lowland or montane forest: species with more than ten individuals comprised less than 4% of the samples. Four common species in mangrove forest accounted for 34% of the sample.
  • 7 The proportion of Tineoidea, Gelechioidea and Pyraloidea is lower in montane forest than in lowland forest, while that of Yponomeutoidea and Tortricoidea is higher.
  • 8 Just eight families of Microlepidoptera account for 90% of the species in samples from all three forest types.
  • 9 The number of species of moths in Borneo is suggested to be in excess of 8500.

热带雨林林冠层具有丰富的物种、功能和系统发育(谱系)多样性,能够显著影响生态系统生物地球化学循环,调节大气水热平衡,缓解气候变化与人为干扰的负面作用。因此热带雨林林冠层功能和谱系生态学研究是目前群落生态学研究的热点之一。选取海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林3个1 hm2样地的林冠层为研究对象,利用样地林冠树种清查数据基于APG III系统发育结构重建样地林冠层系统发育树。利用Blomber's K对和Pagel'sλ指标结合系统发育独立性比较法对组成林冠层乔木树种的结构、化学计量和水力学功能性状(11个性状)的系统发育信号、关联性和演化模式进行研究,以探讨物种亲缘关系对尖峰岭热带山地雨林林冠层多维功能性状关联性及其动态演化的影响。结果表明,有8个功能性状(叶面积、叶厚度和潜在最大高度除外)具有显著的系统发育信号(通过P0.05的显著性检验),Blomber's K值和Pagel'sλ值分别介于0.202—0.392和0.277—0.847之间,表明尖峰岭热带山地雨林林冠层功能性状普遍存在系统发育保守性。在系统发育背景下,林冠层乔木树种结构、化学和水力学功能性状在物种水平普遍存在显著关联性(P0.05),表现出趋同或趋异进化;而且林冠层乔木随物种分化其功能性状分化模式大致呈水平\"漏斗\"状,姐妹类群功能性状间差异性在物种分化早期(大约1亿2千万年前至6000万年前)明显小于其在中后期(大约6000万年前至今)的差异性,导致了林冠层性状空间在中后期迅速膨大。然而林冠层主要功能性状在系统发育树内部每一节点上姊妹类群分化产生的系统发育独立性比较值绝大部分与零模型随机模拟值并无显著性差异。了解系统发育背景下林冠层功能性状的权衡关系及其随物种演化的分化模式与时间动态为进一步探究热带雨林林冠生态系统功能发挥奠定基础。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区热带季节雨林与橡胶林林冠水文效应比较研究   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
张一平  王馨  王玉杰  刘文杰  刘玉洪 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2653-2665
季节雨林和橡胶林是西双版纳热带森林系统中可以代表原始林和大面积种植的人工林两种林型,采用水量平衡法,利用对以上两种林分林冠水文各分量1996~2001年的观测结果,初步分析其林冠水文效应,结果表明:一年内,季节雨林林冠截留量660.6mm,树干径流量80.7mm,穿透降雨量,853.2mm,分别占同期降雨总量的41.43%、5.24%、53.74%;橡胶林林冠截留量393.5mm,树干径流量104.1mm,穿透降雨量1096.8mm,分别占同期降雨总量的24.68%、6.68%、67.85%;两种林分森林水文各分量干、雨季差异显著,在研究中还发现,季节雨林中树干径流量随径级的增大而减小,干季出现密林(季节雨林)的穿透降雨量大于疏林(橡胶林)的反常现象;与我国其他地区相比,季节雨林和橡胶林有较大的林冠截留率及干流率。  相似文献   

Restoration of ecological communities that can withstand future climate and land use changes requires information on species responses to various natural disturbances. Frost is an important disturbance that regulates plant species distributions, and although rare in tropical rainforest, it can occur in upland areas, especially where deforestation has occurred. We report the impacts of a severe frost that occurred in June and July 2007 on the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia and caused extensive damage to riparian restoration plots of upland rainforest species. We estimated proportion foliage retention to (1) compare impacts across 45 species; (2) examine the influence of plant height on frost effects; and (3) determine if plantings under shelterbelts of mature trees received less damage. Species exhibited different levels of foliage retention. Species that were particularly frost resistant included those from riparian habitats and a conifer. Some heavily impacted species are deciduous and may survive frost by shedding leaves; this warrants further investigation. Plant canopy height above ground level was only weakly correlated to foliage retention. Sheltered plants were much less damaged than unsheltered conspecifics, suggesting a useful way to mitigate frost impacts. These principles should help guide the development of resilient ecological communities in frost‐prone areas.  相似文献   

Accurately describing biodiversity in tropical regions such as Amazonia is difficult because of insufficient morphological inventories and the lack of studies on the distribution of genetic diversity. Aquatic organisms from Amazonian flooded forests are generally expected to move laterally along the forests during the annual inundation cycle, a behaviour that should promote admixture of populations and reduce within‐drainage speciation. We used an unprecedented fine‐scale sampling effort and multiple DNA markers to quantify region‐wide population differentiation in an Amazonian floodplain forest specialist, the black‐wing hatchet fish Carnegiella marthae ( Myers, 1927 ). Our study revealed three previously unsuspected and ancient cryptic species of black‐wing hatchet fish in the Rio Negro floodplain (RNF), in central Amazonia. Two species produce occasional first‐generation hybrids. The third and rarer species, although found in extreme sympatry with another species, appears to be reproductively isolated, and also differs in external morphology and dentition. Our findings have important implications for guiding conservation management because C. marthae is harvested commercially in the RNF ornamental fishery. They also suggest that the diversity of Amazonian ichthyofauna is vastly underestimated, including that found in landscapes lacking contemporary barriers to account for population divergence and speciation. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 391–403.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of insect herbivory on growth and mortality of seedlings of a mid- successional rainforest tree, Alphitonia whitei Braid. Two experiments were conducted in which seedlings were exposed to 0% and 50% natural defoliation by insect herbivores and placed in light gaps in simple notophyll vine forest at Paluma, near Townsville, North Queensland. In the first experiment, insect herbivory significantly increased mortality of 2-month-old seedlings. Smaller seedlings had significantly greater mortality rates than larger seedlings, irrespective of herbivory. A significantly greater proportion of smaller seedlings died from being smothered by fallen leaves and soil as a result of digging by vertebrates than for larger seedlings. In the second experiment, the effects of seedling age were examined by comparing 2-month and 4-month-old seedlings. Mortality rates were significantly influenced by seedling age, with eight times greater survival of older seedlings than of younger seedlings. Although insect herbivory was correlated with a significant decrease in shoot mass and a significant increase in root:shoot ratio, there was no effect of insect herbivory on seedling survival in the second experiment. Thus, mortality rates were greater for seedlings if they were young or small (which indirectly results from insect herbivory), because small, young seedlings were more susceptibile to other mortality factors, such as burial by fallen debris and digging by vertebrates.  相似文献   

Here we describe and illustrate a new parasitoid wasp species, Lathrolestes gauldisp. n. from the lowland rainforest of eastern Ecuador and provide a key to the Neotropical species of the genus. This is the first record of the subfamily Ctenopelmatinae from Ecuador.  相似文献   

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