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Biological activity of a plant extract (common rue, Ruta chalepensis) and a semi purified fraction (from "tacaco cimarrón", Sechium pittieri) on mahogany shootborer larvae (Hypsipyla grandella) was studied. A randomized complete block design, with four replications, was used. H. grandella third instar larvae were exposed for 24 h to Cedrela odorata leaf discs dipped in several treatment dissolutions of each extract (0.1, 0.32, 1.0, 3.20, and 10%); afterwards, each larva was transferred to a flask containing an artificial diet and was allowed to complete its development. Variables measured included food consumption (foliar area eaten in 24 h), mortality, and developmental effects (developmental time for each larval instar and the pupa, and pupal weight). The common rue extract showed a clear antifeedant activity at a concentration as low as 0.32%, whereas the "tacaco cimarrón" fraction caused toxicity, especially at the two highest concentrations (3.20 and 10%).  相似文献   

Abstract 1 Population trends of Hypsipyla grandella and their relationship with abiotic (humidity, precipitation and temperature) and biotic factors (availability of mahogany shoots and natural mortality agents), as well as damage patterns, were studied for 16 months in Turrialba, Costa Rica. 2 Hypsipyla grandella was active in the field all year round, and its population density was influenced by temperature, availability of new shoots and natural mortality agents. 3 It was possible to predict four population peaks, which appeared approximately every 1881 degree‐days. 4 Even though H. grandella larvae mainly attack shoots, they also fed on the bark of the bole, especially when green shoots were scarce. 5 Four parasitoid species were recorded (Bracon c. chontalensis, Brachymeria c. conica, Apanteles sp. and Dolichogenidea sp.) but their impact on H. grandella abundance was negligible.  相似文献   

In Latin America and the Caribbean, precious wood species like mahoganies (Swietenia spp.) and cedars (Cedrela spp.) are seriously injured by the mahogany shootborer, Hypsipyla grandella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larva, which bores into the main shoot of trees. In previous experiments focused on searching for a preventive method for managing this pest, a wood extract of bitterwood, Quassia amara L. ex Blom (Simaroubaceae) had been shown to cause phagodeterrence to larvae. Therefore, three fractions (water, methanol and diethyl ether) of a wood extract were tested for their phagodeterrence to larvae, by means of laboratory and greenhouse trials. Phagodeterrence was assessed by determining their effect on foliage consumption, mortality and signs of damage (number of orifices, sawdust piles, fallen shoots, number of tunnels and tunnel length) caused by larvae on Spanish cedar (C. odorata). Both the methanol and diethyl ether fractions caused phagodeterrence, by strongly reducing foliage consumption and signs of damage, while not causing larval mortality. The lowest concentration at which phagodeterrence was detected for the methanol fraction corresponded to 0.0625%, which is equivalent to a 1.0% of the bitterwood crude extract. However, results with the diethyl ether fraction were unsatisfactory, as none of the treatments differed from the solvent, possibly because of an adverse effect of the solvent on foliar tissues. Phagodeterrent principles from Q. amara derivatives may play an important role in dealing with H. grandella if they are complemented with other integrated pest management preventative tactics.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨入侵杂草薇甘菊Mikania micrantha对棕榈害虫红脉穗螟Tirathaba rufivena的产卵忌避活性。【方法】采用室内生物测定法,研究薇甘菊不同溶剂提取物对红脉穗螟的产卵忌避作用和杀卵活性。【结果】产卵忌避试验结果表明,薇甘菊各提取物中,以正己烷和三氯甲烷提取物对红脉穗螟的产卵忌避效果最好,两者的选择性忌避率分别为43.64%和44.20%,非选择性忌避率分别为51.60%和59.20%。对卵孵化率的影响显示,各溶剂提取物均对红脉穗螟具有一定的杀卵活性,其中三氯甲烷提取物对卵孵化率的影响最大,校正孵化率最低,仅为53.39%,而且三氯甲烷提取物引起的1龄幼虫的死亡率最高,可达42.64%。在薇甘菊三氯甲烷提取物的不同溶剂萃取物中,正丁醇萃取物对红脉穗螟的产卵忌避和杀卵活性均显著高于其他溶剂萃取物。【结论】薇甘菊提取物具有一定的产卵忌避和杀卵活性,具有用于红脉穗螟的生态防控的潜力。  相似文献   

Gregarious roosting behaviour and nocturnal activity is virtually unknown within the family Hesperiidae. Observations on Celaenorrhinus fritzgaertneri (Bailey) from Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, are presented which demonstrate that, during the dry season, individuals roost gregariously in cave-like situations during the day and are nocturnally active. Circadian behaviour is highly synchronized with regard to timing of departures and arrivals at the roosting site, and appears to be regulated by light levels. Individuals on the roost are in reproductive diapause and show marked roost-site fidelity and longevity. The break-up of roosts appears to be mediated by the onset of the first rains of the season. These observations are compared and discussed in relation to gregarious roosting in other Lepidoptera. Two possible life history strategies to explain roosting in C. fritzgaertneri , with appropriate experiments, are suggested for future studies.  相似文献   

Sparganocosma docsturnerorum Brown, new genus and new species, is described and illustrated from Área de Conservación (ACG) in northwestern Costa Rica. The new genus shares a long, crescent- or ribbon-shaped signum in the corpus bursae of the female genitalia with Aesiocopa Zeller, 1877, Amorbia Clemens, 1860, Amorbimorpha Kruse, 2011, Coelostathma Clemens, 1860, Lambertiodes Diakonoff, 1959, Paramorbia Powell & Lambert, 1986, Rhynchophyllus Meyrick, 1932, Sparganopseustis Powell & Lambert, 1986, Sparganothina Powell, 1986, and Sparganothoides Lambert & Powell, 1986. Putative autapomorphies for Sparganocosma include the extremely short uncus; the smooth (unspined) transtilla; and the upturned, free, distal rod of the sacculus. Adults of Sparganocosma docsturnerorum have been reared numerous times (>50) from larvae collected feeding on rain forest Asplundia utilis (Oerst.) Harling and Asplundia microphylla (Oerst.) Harling (Cyclanthaceae) at intermediate elevations (375–500 m) in ACG. Whereas most Sparganothini are generalists, typically feeding on two or more plant families, Sparganocosma docsturnerorum appears to be a specialist on Asplundia, at least in ACG. The solitary parasitoid wasp Sphelodon wardae Godoy & Gauld (Ichneumonidae; Banchinae) has been reared only from the larvae of Sparganocosma docsturnerorum.  相似文献   

Different generations of the carob moth, Ectomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller), use different date, Phoenix dactylifera L., fruit stages as they become available during the summer months in southern California. These are the kimri, khalal, and tamar fruit stages. This study was conducted to determine whether carob moth development and fitness were affected by these different fruit stages. Developmental time from neonate larvae to adult, when reared at 31.9 degrees C and 82.1% RH, ranged from 30.5 to 32.3 d for females and 27.1 to 29.5 d for males on the different field-collected fruit stages. Males and females had the highest emergent weight when reared as larvae on kimri fruit and the lowest on tamar fruit. Females laid the most eggs when reared on kimri fruit and the least when reared on tamar fruit. Estimates of population doubling times ranged from 5.4 d on artificial diet (included as a control) to 7.5 d on tamar fruit. This short doubling time shows the ability of carob moth to develop rapidly under optimal conditions. Degree-day (DD) estimates for carob moth development ranged from 636 DD on kimri fruit to 658 DD on tamar fruit, which translate to 32-50 d under field temperatures in the area where dates are grown. Potential implications for field management of E. ceratoniae include improved timing of insecticide treatments to limit population growth early in the season rather than the conventional late season approach.  相似文献   

The generic names Euptychia, Cissia and Argyreuplychia are reviewed in relation to the Cissia confusa species-group in Costa Rica and Trinidad, for which the generic name Cissia Doubleday is formally resurrected. Three new species of Cissia are described, C. confusa itself is resurrected from synonymy, three neotypes and three lectotypes are designated, and six new combinations established. On the basis of early instar morphology three subgroups are recognized and the general biology of the confusa species-group is summarized. A key to species in Costa Rica is provided and the ecology of the adults is reviewed.  相似文献   

The present investigation aimed to isolate the causative agents of onion purple blotch and Stemphylium blight diseases and evaluate the efficacy of certain plant extracts against the two identified pathogens, in vitro and under greenhouse condition. Fourteen isolates of S. vesicarium and two isolates of Alternaria porri were tested for pathogenicity. The results indicated that all isolates were able to produce the symptoms of Stemphylium blight and onion purple blotch diseases with different degrees of severity ranging from 10.42 to 81.25%. A. porri No. 6022 caused the highest disease severity (81.25%), while S. vesicarium No. 6003 was the best one out of the tested 14 isolates (37.5%). Antifungal activity of some aqueous plant extracts (Azadirachta indica, Cydonia oblonga, Datura stramonium, Eucalyptus globulus, Foeniculum vulgare, Ocimum basilicum, Rosmarinus officinalis and Salix mucronata) was assayed in vitro by dry weight technique. The data indicated that there were significant differences between these extracts in their effect on fungal growth of A. porri and S. vesicarium and the best were A. indica and D. stramonium. Under greenhouse conditions, application of the aqueous extract of A. indica either before or after 48?h A. porri inoculation produced the highest reduction in disease severity comprising 70 and 74.7%, respectively. On the other hand, the highest percentage of disease reduction before and after 48?h S. vesicarium inoculation was produced by Ridomil gold plus reached to 84.4 and 95.8% respectively, followed by the aqueous extract of A. indica (74.1 and 89.7, respectively). According to our results, it can be concluded that plant extracts of A. indica and D. stramonium can be used for the biocontrol of purple blotch and Stemphylium blight diseases instead of fungicides to minimise the risks and hazards of using toxic fungicides.  相似文献   

金龟子绿僵菌及其粗毒素对樟巢螟幼虫的致病性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为了筛选感染樟巢螟Orthaga achatina幼虫的高致病力金龟子绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae菌株,并研究绿僵菌粗毒素对幼虫的毒力和取食粗毒素后幼虫的血淋巴细胞免疫反应。【方法】以死亡率 时间几率值法和TDM模型分析绿僵菌及其粗毒素对樟巢螟幼虫的致病力,并显微观察处理幼虫的血淋巴细胞的变化。【结果】绿僵菌菌株Ma1291-2对樟巢螟幼虫有较强的致病力,以浓度(1.0±0.5)×108个孢子/mL的孢子悬液接菌11 d后,幼虫的校正死亡率和僵虫率分别为99.8%±2.6%和86.9%±1.3%,LT50为6.29 d。各菌株产粗毒素水平与其对幼虫的校正死亡率和LT50呈显著相关。通过时间-剂量-死亡率模型参数估算,Ma1291-2菌株及其粗毒素对幼虫致死效应较强的时间段分别为接菌后6-7 d和3-4.5 d。幼虫取食绿僵菌粗毒素后2 d,总血细胞、浆血细胞、珠血细胞和类绛血细胞浓度上升到最高值,而后下降;粒血细胞浓度2 d后开始极显著上升,第3天达到最高值后急速下降;原血细胞前3 d未发现有明显的数量变化,第4天显著下降。幼虫取食粗毒素3~4 d后,浆血细胞和粒血细胞有破裂,珠血细胞和类绛血细胞有黑化现象,原血细胞病态变化不明显。【结论】樟巢螟幼虫取食绿僵菌粗毒素后2-3 d,幼虫血淋巴细胞对粗毒素的免疫反应最强烈,且粗毒素对血细胞有毒害和破坏作用。本研究为该害虫的生物防治提供了一定的理论与应用基础。  相似文献   

Phenoloxidase (PO) is a major component of the insect immune system. The enzyme is involved in encapsulation and melanization processes as well as wound healing and cuticle sclerotization. PO is present as an inactive proenzyme, prophenoloxidase (PPO), which is activated via a protease cascade. In this study, we have cloned a full-length PPO1 cDNA and a partial PPO2 cDNA from the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and documented changes in PO activity in larvae paralyzed and parasitized by the ectoparasitoid Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The cDNA for PPO1 is 2,748 bp and encodes a protein of 681 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 78,328 and pI of 6.41 containing a conserved proteolytic cleavage site found in other PPOs. P. interpunctella PPO1 ranges from 71-78% identical to other known lepidopteran PPO-1 sequences. Percent identity decreases as comparisons are made to PPO-1 of more divergent species in the orders Diptera (Aa-48; As-49; and Sb-60%) and Coleoptera (Tm-58; Hd-50%). Paralyzation of host larvae of P. interpunctella by the idiobiont H. hebetor results in an increase in phenoloxidase activity in host hemolymph, a process that may protect the host from microbial infection during self-provisioning by this wasp. Subsequent parasitization by H. hebetor larvae causes a decrease in hemolymph PO activity, which suggests that the larval parasitoid may be secreting an immunosuppressant into the host larva during feeding.  相似文献   

Extremely long proboscides are rare among butterflies outside of the Hesperiidae, yet representatives of several genera of skipper butterflies possess proboscides longer than 50 mm. Although extremely elongated mouthparts can be regarded as advantageous adaptations to gain access to nectar in deep‐tubed flowers, the scarcity of long‐proboscid butterflies is a phenomenon that has not been adequately accounted for. So far, the scarceness was explained by functional costs arising from increased flower handling times caused by decelerated nectar intake rates. However, insects can compensate for the negative influence of a long proboscis through changes in the morphological configuration of the feeding apparatus. Here, we measured nectar intake rates in 34 species representing 21 Hesperiidae genera from a Costa Rican lowland rainforest area to explore the impact of proboscis length, cross‐sectional area of the food canal and body size on intake rate. Long‐proboscid skippers did not suffer from reduced intake rates due to their large body size and enlarged food canals. In addition, video analyses of the flower‐visiting behaviour revealed that suction times increased with proboscis length, suggesting that long‐proboscid skippers drink a larger amount of nectar from deep‐tubed flowers. Despite these advantages, we showed that functional costs of exaggerated mouthparts exist in terms of longer manipulation times per flower. Finally, we discuss the significance of scaling relationships on the foraging efficiency of butterflies and why some skipper taxa, in particular, have evolved extremely long proboscides.  相似文献   

Dichrorampha odorata (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a moth from Jamaica whose larvae bore into, and kill, the shoot tips of the invasive alien plant, Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson (Asteraceae). This study reports aspects of the biology of D. odorata, and also determined the host specificity (larval and adult no-choice trials) of the moth. Adults were short lived (ranging from 2 to 7 days), with females laying a mean of 15.4 eggs. Eggs took 9 days to hatch, larvae 20–23 days to develop and the pupal stage lasted 11–12 days, giving an overall lifecycle period of 41–45 days. Larval no-choice tests using 34 asteraceous test species indicated that only C. odorata could sustain complete development of D. odorata to adulthood, although there was slight initial boring 14 test species (plus chromolaena). Results from the adult nochoice trials, in which seven test-plant species were exposed to D. odorata, were consistent with those from larval trials, with larval damage, pupae and adults of D. odorata recorded from only C. odorata. This confirmed that only C. odorata is a suitable host for D. odorata in South Africa. Permission has subsequently been granted for the release of D. odorata in South Africa, thus making it the first shoot-tip attacking agent to be released against C. odorata. It is hoped that in the field, high levels of damage by the moth will reduce the height and therefore competitiveness of C. odorata, thereby contributing to the success of biological control of this plant.  相似文献   

Summary In cloud forest at Monteverde, Costa Rica, two common treelets (Palicourea lasiorrachis and Cephaelis elata, both Rubiaceae) depend simultaneously on one hummingbird population (Lampornis calolaema) for pollination. Both species are distylous and self-incompatible. In laboratory experiments, we examined possible effects of indiscriminate foraging by hummingbirds among flowers of both species, as observed in the field, on pollination of Palicourea. In each of 35 trials, captive L. calolaema probed 2 flowers from pin plants of Palicourea followed by 20 thrum flowers of the same species, with either 0, 2, or 10 Cephaelis flowers intervening. We assessed pollen transfer by staining and counting pin pollen tubes growing in thrum styles; counts of 0, 1, or 2 pollen tubes relate directly to seed output (0, 1, or 2 seeds per fruit, respectively). Intervening Cephaelis flowers sharply reduced pollen receipt by thrum flowers of Palicourea and reduced some aspects of pollen dispersal from pins as well, thereby curtailing maternal and paternal reproductive potential of Palicourea. Such effects of interspecific pollen loss on reproductive output may lead to strong competition among some, though not all, combinations of plant species pollinated by L. calolaema or of other plant combinations that share animal pollinators.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess the insecticidal effect of the diatomaceous earth formulation SilicoSec against larvae of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in stored wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). Larvae were exposed to wheat treated with SilicoSec at 400 and 800 ppm and held at 20, 25, and 30 degrees C and 55 and 75% RH. Larval mortality was assessed after 24 h, 48 h, 7 d, and 14 d of exposure in the treated wheat. At both dose rates, mortality increased with temperature, but this increase varied with the exposure interval. At short (< or = 48-h) exposures, larval mortality was significantly higher at 30 degrees C than at the other two temperatures. In contrast, no significant differences were noted between 20 and 25 degrees C. At longer exposures (> or = 7 d), the increase of temperature increased mortality at 800 ppm, but no significant differences were noted between 25 and 30 degrees C at 400 ppm. Furthermore, significant differences in larval mortality were noted between the two humidity levels, but only at exposures > or = 7 d. After 14 h of exposure, at both dose rates examined, the increase of temperature significantly decreased mortality. The results of the current study indicate that E. kuehniella is susceptible to SilicoSec, but temperature and relative humidity should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Field experiments carried out in Dadinkowa, Gombe State, Nigeria, during 2007 and 2008 cropping seasons evaluated the efficacy of three aqueous plant extracts namely neem (Azadirachta indica A.H.L. Juss.), bitter melon (Momordica balsamina Linn.) and siam weed (Chromolaena odorota (L.) King and Robinson) compared to a conventional insecticide, Lamdacot 500EC, in managing fruit borer (Daraba laisalis Wlk.) attack of eggplants in north-eastern Nigeria. The experiments were laid out in a randomised complete block design replicated four times including controls. The results showed that the application of aqueous extracts (5% w/v concentration) of A. indica and M. balsamina at one-week interval during the fruiting stage was effective and at par with the conventional insecticide, Lamdacot, in reducing eggplant fruit borer infestation and fruit damage, as well as the resulting increase in fruit yield. Farmers can therefore adopt the practice of applying 5% w/v concentration of the above aqueous plant extracts at weekly intervals to control fruit borer attack of eggplants in the north-eastern region of Nigeria.  相似文献   

以顺3-己烯乙酸酯为标准化合物,研究了豆野螟雌、雄成虫触角对不同浓度的植物挥发性和性信息素化合物组分的触角电位(EAG)反应.结果表明:豆野螟雌、雄成虫触角对植物挥发性气味具有强烈的EAG反应,但在大部分浓度下,雌、雄虫的反应没有显著差异.在测试的9种植物挥发性化合物中,雌、雄虫对高浓度反-2-己烯醛刺激的相对EAG反应的最大值分别达到250%和260%,且雌、雄虫触角对这种化合物的EAG反应的形状也有很大差异;但对豇豆花气味中的柏木烯和柏木脑没有明显的EAG反应.雌、雄蛾对性信息素都有明显反应,且雌、雄虫的反应存在显著差异,雄虫触角对性信息素化合物主要组分(反10,反12)-十六碳二烯醛的EAG反应的最大值达到250%,远超过雌虫反应的最大值(53%).雌、雄成虫这种神经感觉反应的差异反映了它们在感器结构、功能和行为上的差异.  相似文献   

温度和食料对白眉野草螟幼虫生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】白眉野草螟Agriphila aeneociliella(Eversmann)是近年在我国小麦上新发现的一种害虫,以幼虫在小麦茎基部取食危害,造成缺苗断垄,对我国小麦的安全生产构成潜在的威胁。本研究旨在明确温度和食料对其生长发育的影响,对该害虫的预测预报和有效防控具有重要的指导意义。【方法】在光周期14L∶10D,RH 70%±5%的条件下,设置系列恒定温度,用小麦作饲料,记录和分析不同温度下幼虫各龄的发育历期、存活率,明确其发育起点温度、有效积温;设置温度25℃,光周期14L∶10D,RH 70%±5%的条件,分别用小麦、玉米和人工饲料饲养,分析不同食料对其生长发育和成活率的影响。【结果】在恒温(13~29℃)范围内,白眉野草螟幼虫发育历期随温度升高而逐渐缩短,存活率没有明显差异;在恒温33℃,该虫不能完成幼虫期生长发育而死亡。不同食料饲养后,幼虫各龄发育历期存在显著差异,顺序为取食小麦取食玉米取食人工饲料,尤其是1-3龄幼虫差异最为明显,取食小麦、玉米的4-6龄幼虫发育历期差异未到达显著水平,但显著低于取食人工饲料的幼虫。【结论】白眉野草螟幼虫具有很强的温度适应能力,不同温度对其发育历期具有显著的影响;在目前白眉野草螟发生危害区的主要粮食作物中,小麦为其最适宜寄主,室内条件下取食玉米也能完成幼虫期的生长发育。本研究为制定白眉野草螟在我国的潜在发生危害区提供了理论数据,为田间种群动态变化的预测预报和综合治理提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

以茵陈二炔为结构母体,人工合成了11个多炔类化合物。采用蜡纸接卵法,测定了11 个化合物对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis的产卵驱避活性。结果表明: 当处理浓度为20 μg/cm2时,受试的化合物对亚洲玉米螟的产卵行为具有一定程度的驱避作用,其中化合物9(1-苯基-4-甲基-丁二炔)对亚洲玉米螟产卵驱避作用明显, 调查处理后的3天、4天、 5天和6天,其产卵驱避率分别为85.71%、80.00%、61.27%和62.51%。触角电位测定表明,受试的11个化合物对亚洲玉米螟成虫触角感受器具有刺激作用,其中化合物6和化合物9能强烈地刺激产生高振幅的动作电位。10 mg/mL浓度处理,测得化合物6触角电位相对值, 雌、雄虫分别为68.22% 和106.60%,化合物9分别为199.19% 和220.60%。经回归分析所测11个化合物的产卵驱避活性与触角电位反应相对值,两者呈现一定程度上的相关性。还讨论了合成的多炔类化合物对亚洲玉米螟可能的作用靶标和结构与活性间的关系。  相似文献   

李怡萍  刘惠霞  袁锋  黄晓锋  袁向群 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1298-1306
加拿大昆虫学家Locke提出鳞翅目幼虫体内有一个适应血细胞进行气体交换的肺结构。本文以Locke的研究为依据, 运用电镜及其他化学方法, 观察和研究了粘虫Leucania separata及棉大卷叶螟Sylepta derogata幼虫的肺结构和功能。结果表明: 肺存在于第8腹节的气管处, 该气管分支细短而丰富, 形成气管簇。亚甲基蓝标记血液发现, 血流方向为由前向侧后方向, 流经第8腹节和臀腔, 最后流回心脏。第8腹节气管簇的管壁比其他各节都薄, 且管壁内膜具有更多适合运动的细管, 这有利于气体的通透。正常情况下, 气管簇处有各种各样的血细胞聚集, 当缺氧胁迫时有大量的血细胞从组织中释放, 通过变形而紧贴气管簇, 以利于气体的交换。这些特征都与高等动物的肺功能相似, 因而判断此结构存在肺的功能。  相似文献   

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