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The cytosolic iron–sulfur (Fe-S) cluster assembly (CIA) pathway delivers Fe-S clusters to nuclear and cytosolic Fe-S proteins involved in essential cellular functions. Although the delivery process is regulated by the availability of iron and oxygen, it remains unclear how CIA components orchestrate the cluster transfer under varying cellular environments. Here, we utilized a targeted proteomics assay for monitoring CIA factors and substrates to characterize the CIA machinery. We find that nucleotide-binding protein 1 (NUBP1/NBP35), cytosolic iron–sulfur assembly component 3 (CIAO3/NARFL), and CIA substrates associate with nucleotide-binding protein 2 (NUBP2/CFD1), a component of the CIA scaffold complex. NUBP2 also weakly associates with the CIA targeting complex (MMS19, CIAO1, and CIAO2B) indicating the possible existence of a higher order complex. Interactions between CIAO3 and the CIA scaffold complex are strengthened upon iron supplementation or low oxygen tension, while iron chelation and reactive oxygen species weaken CIAO3 interactions with CIA components. We further demonstrate that CIAO3 mutants defective in Fe-S cluster binding fail to integrate into the higher order complexes. However, these mutants exhibit stronger associations with CIA substrates under conditions in which the association with the CIA targeting complex is reduced suggesting that CIAO3 and CIA substrates may associate in complexes independently of the CIA targeting complex. Together, our data suggest that CIA components potentially form a metabolon whose assembly is regulated by environmental cues and requires Fe-S cluster incorporation in CIAO3. These findings provide additional evidence that the CIA pathway adapts to changes in cellular environment through complex reorganization.  相似文献   

The discovery of reduced flavin mononucleotide and fatty aldehydes as essential factors of light emission facilitated study of bacterial luminescence. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying bacterial luminescence have been studied for more than 60 years, the structure of the bacterial fatty acid reductase complex remains unclear. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of the Photobacterium phosphoreum fatty acid reductase complex LuxC–LuxE to a resolution of 2.79 Å. We show that the active site Lys238/Arg355 pair of LuxE is >30 Å from the active site Cys296 of LuxC, implying that catalysis relies on a large conformational change. Furthermore, mutagenesis and biochemical experiments support that the L-shaped cleft inside LuxC plays an important role in substrate binding and reaction. We obtained a series of mutants with significantly improved activity as measured by in vitro bioluminescence assays and demonstrated that the double mutant W111A/F483K displayed the highest activity (370% of the WT). Our results indicated that the activity of LuxC significantly affects the bacterial bioluminescence reaction. Finally, we expressed this mutated lux operon in Escherichia coli but observed that the in vivo concentrations of ATP and NADPH limited the enzyme activity; thus, we conclude that the luminous intensity mainly depends on the level of metabolic energy.  相似文献   

Endozoochory, a mutualistic interaction between plants and frugivores, is one of the key processes responsible for maintenance of tropical biodiversity. Islands, which have a smaller subset of plants and frugivores when compared with mainland communities, offer an interesting setting to understand the organization of plant–frugivore communities vis‐a‐vis the mainland sites. We examined the relative influence of functional traits and phylogenetic relationships on the plant–seed disperser interactions on an island and a mainland site. The island site allowed us to investigate the organization of the plant–seed disperser community in the natural absence of key frugivore groups (bulbuls and barbets) of Asian tropics. The endemic Narcondam Hornbill was the most abundant frugivore on the island and played a central role in the community. Species strength of frugivores (a measure of relevance of frugivores for plants) was positively associated with their abundance. Among plants, figs had the highest species strength and played a central role in the community. Island‐mainland comparison revealed that the island plant–seed disperser community was more asymmetric, connected, and nested as compared to the mainland community. Neither phylogenetic relationships nor functional traits (after controlling for phylogenetic relationships) were able to explain the patterns of interactions between plants and frugivores on the island or the mainland pointing toward the diffused nature of plant–frugivore interactions. The diffused nature is a likely consequence of plasticity in foraging behavior and trait convergence that contribute to governing the interactions between plants and frugivores. This is one of the few studies to compare the plant–seed disperser communities between a tropical island and mainland and demonstrates key role played by a point‐endemic frugivore in seed dispersal on island.  相似文献   

The Himalaya–Hengduan Mountain region is one of the hotspots of biodiversity research. The uplift of the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and the Quaternary glaciation caused great environmental changes in this region, and the responses of many species in the QTP to the Quaternary climate are still largely unknown. The genetic structure and phylogeographical history of Gentiana crassicaulis Duthie ex Burk, an endemic Chinese alpine species in this area, were investigated based on four chloroplast fragments and internal transcribed spacer region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrITS) sequences of 11 populations. The populations with highly diverse chloroplast haplotypes were mainly found at the edge of the QTP. There were two main haplotypes of nrITS clones, one shared by the Yunnan and Guizhou populations, and the other by the remaining populations. The population with the highest diversity was the Gansu population, located at the edge of the plateau. Based on molecular dating, the diversification of G. crassicaulis at the edge of the plateau occurred before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and the species may have completed its expansion from the edge to the platform. Ecological niche models were conducted to predict the distributional ranges of G. crassicaulis at present, during the LGM, and during the last interglacial (LIG) period. The results demonstrated that G. crassicaulis survived on the QTP platform and at the edge during the LGM but afterward retreated from the platform to the southern edge, followed by expansion to the platform.  相似文献   

DNA damage is a causative factor in ageing of the vasculature and other organs. One of the most important vascular ageing features is reduced nitric oxide (NO)soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC)—cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) signaling. We hypothesized that the restoration of NO‐sGC‐cGMP signaling with an sGC activator (BAY 54–6544) may have beneficial effects on vascular ageing and premature death in DNA repair‐defective mice undergoing accelerated ageing. Eight weeks of treatment with a non‐pressor dosage of BAY 54–6544 restored the decreased in vivo microvascular cutaneous perfusion in progeroid Ercc1 ∆/− mice to the level of wild‐type mice. In addition, BAY 54–6544 increased survival of Ercc1 ∆/− mice. In isolated Ercc1 ∆/− aorta, the decreased endothelium‐independent vasodilation was restored after chronic BAY 54–6544 treatment. Senescence markers p16 and p21, and markers of inflammation, including Ccl2, Il6 in aorta and liver, and circulating IL‐6 and TNF‐α were increased in Ercc1 ∆/− , which was lowered by the treatment. Expression of antioxidant genes, including Cyb5r3 and Nqo1, was favorably changed by chronic BAY 54–6544 treatment. In summary, BAY 54–6544 treatment improved the vascular function and survival rates in mice with accelerated ageing, which may have implication in prolonging health span in progeria and normal ageing.  相似文献   

Microbial associates are widespread in insects, some conferring a protection to their hosts against natural enemies like parasitoids. These protective symbionts may affect the infection success of the parasitoid by modifying behavioral defenses of their hosts, the development success of the parasitoid by conferring a resistance against it or by altering life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. Here, we assessed the effects of different protective bacterial symbionts on the entire sequence of the host-parasitoid interaction (i.e., from parasitoid attack to offspring emergence) between the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and its main parasitoid, Aphidius ervi and their impacts on the life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. To test whether symbiont-mediated phenotypes were general or specific to particular aphid–symbiont associations, we considered several aphid lineages, each harboring a different strain of either Hamiltonella defensa or Regiella insecticola, two protective symbionts commonly found in aphids. We found that symbiont species and strains had a weak effect on the ability of aphids to defend themselves against the parasitic wasps during the attack and a strong effect on aphid resistance against parasitoid development. While parasitism resistance was mainly determined by symbionts, their effects on host defensive behaviors varied largely from one aphid–symbiont association to another. Also, the symbiotic status of the aphid individuals had no impact on the attack rate of the parasitic wasps, the parasitoid emergence rate from parasitized aphids nor the life-history traits of the emerging parasitoids. Overall, no correlations between symbiont effects on the different stages of the host–parasitoid interaction was observed, suggesting no trade-offs or positive associations between symbiont-mediated phenotypes. Our study highlights the need to consider various sequences of the host-parasitoid interaction to better assess the outcomes of protective symbioses and understand the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of insect–symbiont associations.  相似文献   

The Trivers–Willard hypothesis (TWH) states that parents in good condition tend to bias their offspring sex ratio toward the sex with a higher variation in reproductive value, whereas parents in bad condition favor the opposite sex. Although the TWH has been generalized to predict various Trivers–Willard effects (TWE) depending on the life cycle of a species, existing work does not sufficiently acknowledge that sex‐specific reproductive values depend on the relative abundances of males and females in the population. If parents adjust their offspring sex ratio according to the TWE, offspring reproductive values will also change. This should affect the long‐term evolutionary dynamics and might lead to considerable deviations from the original predictions.In this paper, I model the full evolutionary dynamics of the TWE, using a published two‐sex integral projection model for the Columbian ground squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus). Offspring sex ratio is treated as a nonparametric continuous function of maternal condition. Evolutionary change is treated as the successive invasion of mutant strategies. The simulation is performed with varying starting conditions until an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is reached.The results show that the magnitude of the evolving TWE can be far greater than previously predicted. Furthermore, evolutionary dynamics show considerable nonlinearities before settling at an ESS. The nonlinear effects depend on the starting conditions and indicate that evolutionary change is fastest when starting at an extremely biased sex ratio and that evolutionary change is weaker for parents of high condition. The results show neither a tendency to maximize average population fitness nor to minimize the deviation between offspring sex ratio and offspring reproductive value ratio.The study highlights the importance of dynamic feedback in models of natural selection and provides a new methodological framework for analyzing the evolution of continuous strategies in structured populations.  相似文献   

Targeting protein–protein interactions for therapeutic development involves designing small molecules to either disrupt or enhance a known PPI. For this purpose, it is necessary to compute reliably the effect of chemical modifications of small molecules on the protein–protein association free energy. Here we present results obtained using a novel thermodynamic free energy cycle, for the rational design of allosteric inhibitors of HIV‐1 integrase (ALLINI) that act specifically in the early stage of the infection cycle. The new compounds can serve as molecular probes to dissect the multifunctional mechanisms of ALLINIs to inform the discovery of new allosteric inhibitors. The free energy protocol developed here can be more broadly applied to study quantitatively the effects of small molecules on modulating the strengths of protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

The hummock–depression micro‐topography characteristics of the alpine marshy wetland in Sanjiangyuan are indicative of wetland degradation and the process by which healthy wetlands are transformed into flat grasslands. The aim of the present study was to examine changes in plant community structure and soil characteristics in a hummock–depression micro‐topography along a degradation gradient. We observed that: (a) the height and cover of dominant hydrophytes decreased gradually with an increase in degradation severity, leading to replacement by xerophytes; (b) with the transition from healthy to degraded wetlands, hummocks became sparser, shorter, and broader and became merged with nearby depressions; water reserves in the depressions shifted from perennial to seasonal, until they dried out completely; and (c) soil moisture content, porosity, hardness, and organic matter gradually decreased by 30.61%, 19.06%, 37.04%, and 73.27%, respectively, in hummocks and by 33.25%, 8.19%, 47.72%, and 76.79%, respectively, in depressions. Soil bulk density, soil electrical conductivity, and soil dry weight increased by 31%, 83.33%, and 105.44%, respectively, in hummocks, but by only 11.93%, 7.14%, and 97.72%, respectively, in depressions. The results show that hummock soils in healthy wetlands have strong water absorption properties, through which plant roots can penetrate easily. Wetland degradation reduces the water absorption capacity of hummock soil and soil saturation capacity of depressions, thus enhancing soil erosion potential and susceptibility to external factors. Soil moisture is a key environmental factor influencing wetland degradation, and grazing accelerates the process. Based on the changes observed in hummock morphology, vegetation, and soil properties along a degradation gradient, a conceptual model is proposed to illustrate the process of gradual degradation of marshy wetlands from healthy to transitional wetlands and finally to a degenerated state. Thus, our research provides insights into the degradation process of the alpine marshy wetland ecosystem in Sanjiangyuan.  相似文献   

Plateau pika burrows are common feature of degraded grassland in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QTP) and serve as an important indicator of pika activity and grassland degradation. However, the current understanding of the spatial pattern changes of pika burrows and their critical thresholds across a degradation gradient in alpine grassland is deficient. In this study, we investigated and quantified changes in the spatial pattern of plateau pika burrows under typical degraded alpine shrub meadows in the northeastern QTP using an unmanned aerial vehicle and landscape pattern metrics. The degradation of the alpine shrub meadow leads to a change in landscape pattern from a two‐layered structure of alpine shrub and alpine meadow to a mosaic of alpine meadow and bare soil, with plateau pika burrows scattered throughout. Moderate degradation is the tipping point for changes in surface landscape patterns, followed by the disappearance of alpine shrub, the retreat of alpine meadows and the encroachment of bare soil, and the increasing density and size of pika burrows. The area characteristics of alpine meadows have influenced changes in the spatial pattern of pika burrow, and maintaining its proportional area is a vital measure to control the threat of pika burrows to pastures. The results of this paper provide a methodological reference and guidance for the sustainable utilization of grassland on the QTP.  相似文献   

Exosomes are small membranous vesicles of endocytic origin that are released by almost every cell type. They exert versatile functions in intercellular communication important for many physiological and pathological processes. Recently, exosomes attracted interest with regard to their role in cell–cell communication in the nervous system. We have shown that exosomes released from oligodendrocytes upon stimulation with the neurotransmitter glutamate are internalized by neurons and enhance the neuronal stress tolerance. Here, we demonstrate that oligodendroglial exosomes also promote neuronal survival during oxygen–glucose deprivation, a model of cerebral ischaemia. We show the transfer from oligodendrocytes to neurons of superoxide dismutase and catalase, enzymes which are known to help cells to resist oxidative stress. Additionally, we identify various effects of oligodendroglial exosomes on neuronal physiology. Electrophysiological analysis using in vitro multi-electrode arrays revealed an increased firing rate of neurons exposed to oligodendroglial exosomes. Moreover, gene expression analysis and phosphorylation arrays uncovered differentially expressed genes and altered signal transduction pathways in neurons after exosome treatment. Our study thus provides new insight into the broad spectrum of action of oligodendroglial exosomes and their effects on neuronal physiology. The exchange of extracellular vesicles between neural cells may exhibit remarkable potential to impact brain performance.  相似文献   

ObjectivesIn this study, we study the transplantation of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA)‐induced M2‐phenotype (M2) macrophages and their ability to promote anti‐neuroinflammatory effects and functional recovery in a spinal cord injury (SCI) model.MethodsTo this end, compared to the granulocyte‐macrophage colony‐stimulating factor (GM‐CSF), we evaluated whether TUDCA effectively differentiates bone marrow–derived macrophages (BMDMs) into M2 macrophages.ResultsThe M2 expression markers in the TUDCA‐treated BMDM group were increased more than those in the GM‐CSF‐treated BMDM group. After the SCI and transplantation steps, pro‐inflammatory cytokine levels and the mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway were significantly decreased in the TUDCA‐induced M2 group more than they were in the GM‐CSF‐induced M1 group and in the TUDCA group. Moreover, the TUDCA‐induced M2 group showed significantly enhanced tissue volumes and improved motor functions compared to the GM‐CSF‐induced M1 group and the TUDCA group. In addition, biotinylated dextran amine (BDA)–labelled corticospinal tract (CST) axons and neuronal nuclei marker (NeuN) levels were increased in the TUDCA‐induced M2 group more than those in the GM‐CSF‐induced M1 group and the TUDCA group.ConclusionsThis study demonstrates that the transplantation of TUDCA‐induced M2 macrophages promotes an anti‐neuroinflammatory effect and motor function recovery in SCI. Therefore, we suggest that the transplantation of TUDCA‐induced M2 macrophages represents a possible alternative cell therapy for SCI.  相似文献   

Human has used plants to treat many civilisation diseases for thousands of years. Examples include reserpine (hypertension therapy), digoxin (myocardial diseases), vinblastine and vincristine (cancers), and opioids (palliative treatment). Plants are a rich source of natural metabolites with multiple biological activities, and the use of modern approaches and tools allowed finally for more effective bioprospecting. The new phytochemicals are hyaluronidase (Hyal) inhibitors, which could serve as anti-cancer drugs, male contraceptives, and an antidote against venoms. In turn, tyrosinase inhibitors can be used in cosmetics/pharmaceuticals as whitening agents and to treat skin pigmentation disorders. However, the activity of these inhibitors is stricte dependent on their structure and the presence of the chemical groups, e.g. carbonyl or hydroxyl. This review aims to provide comprehensive and in-depth evidence related to the anti-tyrosinase and anti-Hyal activity of phytochemicals as well as confirming their efficiency and future perspectives.  相似文献   

The breakdown of the blood–brain barrier, which develops early in Alzheimer''s disease (AD), contributes to cognitive impairment. Exercise not only reduces the risk factors for AD but also confers direct protection against cognitive decline. However, the exact molecular mechanisms remain elusive, particularly whether exercise can liberate the function of the blood–brain barrier. Here, we demonstrate that long‐term exercise promotes the clearance of brain amyloid‐β by improving the function of the blood–brain barrier in 5XFAD mice. Significantly, treating primary brain pericytes or endothelial cells with exosomes isolated from the brain of exercised 5XFAD mice improves cell proliferation and upregulates PDGFRβ, ZO‐1, and claudin‐5. Moreover, exosomes isolated from exercised mice exhibit significant changes in miR‐532‐5p. Administration or transfection of miR‐532‐5p to sedentary mice or primary brain pericytes and endothelial cells reproduces the improvement of blood–brain barrier function. Exosomal miR‐532‐5p targets EPHA4, and accordingly, expression of EphA4 is decreased in exercised mice and miR‐532‐5p overexpressed mice. A specific siRNA targeting EPHA4 recapitulates the effects on blood–brain barrier‐associated cells observed in exercised 5XFAD mice. Overall, our findings suggest that exosomes released by the brain contain a specific miRNA that is altered by exercise and has an impact on blood–brain barrier function in AD.  相似文献   

George Price showed how the effects of natural selection and environmental change could be mathematically partitioned. This partitioning may be especially useful for understanding host–parasite coevolution, where each species represents the environment for the other species. Here, we use coupled Price equations to study this kind of antagonistic coevolution. We made the common assumption that parasites must genetically match their host''s genotype to avoid detection by the host''s self/nonself recognition system, but we allowed for the possibility that non‐matching parasites have some fitness. Our results show how natural selection on one species results in environmental change for the other species. Numerical iterations of the model show that these environmental changes can periodically exceed the changes in mean fitness due to natural selection, as suggested by R.A. Fisher. Taken together, the results give an algebraic dissection of the eco‐evolutionary feedbacks created during host–parasite coevolution.  相似文献   

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