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滇苦菜(Picris divaricata Vant.)对锌的吸收和富集特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外调查和营养液培养,研究Zn对滇苦菜(Picris divaricata Vant.)生长的影响及其吸收富集Zn的特性.野外调查发现,铅锌矿区土壤Zn全量范围为1724~134973 mg·kg-1,平均为61495 mg·kg-1.滇苦菜地上部Zn含量范围为1214~18339 mg·kg-1,平均为5911 mg·kg-1,且转运系数(S/R)的平均值为2.21,大于1.在营养液培养条件下,当Zn浓度达到80 mg·L-1时,滇苦菜生长开始出现明显的中毒症状,随着Zn处理的增加,植物地上部与根部的生物量呈下降趋势,Zn含量呈上升趋势,且地上部与根部在160 mg·L-1时Zn含量达最高值,分别为12472 mg·kg-1和14026 mg·kg-1,体内Zn富集量也达最高值1518 μg ·株-1,并且整个植株富集的Zn有75%~91%分布在地上部.结果表明滇苦菜具有很强的忍耐、吸收和富集Zn的能力,是我国境内发现的又一种Zn超富集植物.  相似文献   

镉对超富集植物滇苦菜抗氧化系统的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
采用水培实验,研究镉(Cd)对一种新发现的Cd超富集植物——滇苦菜抗氧化系统的影响。结果表明,中、低浓度Cd(1-10μmol.L-1)处理下滇苦菜生物量与对照无显著差异,而高浓度Cd(50-100μmol.L-1)抑制了滇苦菜的生长,整株生物量比对照降低了72%和86%。10μmol.L-1Cd处理下地上部Cd浓度达到270mg·kg-1(干重),转运系数为1.41,符合超富集植物的特征。滇苦菜地上部Cd富集浓度最高达3919mg·kg-1,且64%-87%的Cd分布在地上部。中、低浓度Cd(1-10μmol.L-1)胁迫下,滇苦菜的丙二醛(MDA)和H2O2含量、超氧阴离子自由基(O2.-)产生速率及各抗氧化酶活性与对照没有显著差异。但高浓度Cd(50-100μmol.L-1)胁迫下,地上部MDA、H2O2含量和O2.-产生速率比对照分别提高了5-17、1.6-6倍和2.9-7.2倍,地下部分别提高了1-5、1.4倍和9.5-11倍。同时,高浓度Cd处理下地上部和地下部超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性以及地上部谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量显著上升,但谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性变化不明显。研究表明,滇苦菜对Cd有较强的富集和转运能力。中、低浓度Cd处理未对滇苦菜造成明显的氧化胁迫,高浓度Cd处理时滇苦菜地上部与地下部均受到氧化胁迫,但对抗氧化胁迫的响应方式不同。  相似文献   

Passive and active accumulation of zinc and cadmium by a common soil and freshwater bacterium, Cytophaga johnsonae, was studied using a radio-tracer batch distribution technique. The effects of variation of pH (3–10), as well as of ionic strength (0.007 and 0.07 m) on passive accumulation of the metals were examined. For both zinc and cadmium, accumulation was mainly due to passive processes, such as surface adsorption and/or diffusion into the periplasm. However, at low zinc concentrations, accumulation increased when glucose was added, suggesting an active uptake; at higher zinc concentrations such uptake was not detected, probably because it was masked by the stronger sorption properties of the cell wall. Adsorption of the metals was pH dependent: at higher ionic strength, accumulation was enhanced at pH values above 7; at lower ionic strength, adsorption differed and was markedly higher, with increased accumulation between pH 5 and 8.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and/or ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) on lead uptake by a Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator Picris divaricata were studied. P. divaricata responded to Pb by better root system and increased biomass in presence of phytohormone IAA, which was able to reduce the inhibiting effects of Pb on transpiration without reducing the uptake of Pb The application of 100 microM IAA increased plant transpiration rate by about 20% and Pb concentration in leaves by about 37.3% as compared to treatment exposed to Pb alone. The enhanced phytoextraction efficiency could be attributed to the mechanisms played by IAA through alleviating Pb toxicity, creating better root system and plant biomass, promoting a higher transpiration rate as well as regulating the level of nutrient elements. On the contrary, inefficiency of phytoextraction was found with EDTA or the combination of IAA and EDTA probably because most Pb was in the form of Pb-EDTA complex which blocked the uptake by P. divaricata. The present study demonstrated that IAA was able to enhance the phytoextraction of Pb by Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator P. divaricata, providing a feasible method for the phytoremediation of polymetallic contaminated soils.  相似文献   

The accumulation of cadmium in rat liver cadmium binding protein induced by single and repeated intraperitoneal injections of CdCl2 and the de novo biosynthesis of CdBP were studied by using 109Cd to measure cadmium binding in the CdBP and 35S incorporation as indicator of protein synthesis. The biosynthesis of CdBP is controlled by the cadmium concentrations. For single doses up to 1 mg Cd2+/Kg b.w. about 50% of the cadmium is present in the soluble fraction of liver bound to CdBP and the incorporation of 35S-cysteine is linear with the cadmium concentration. When single doses ranging from 1 to 3 mg Cd2+/Kg b.w. are administered the fractions of both 35S-cysteine and cadmium incorporated into de novo synthesized CdBP gradually decrease. For single doses higher than 3 mg Cd2+/Kg b.w. the biosynthesis capability is maximum and 20 mug Cd/g liver can be incorporated into the de novo biosynthesized CdBP. When rats are treated every day with amounts of cadmium of about 0.8 mg Cd2+/Kg b.w. for up to 8 days a dose-proportional increase in both Cd incorporation and CdBP biosynthesis are observed. This shows a cumulative incorporation of cadmium in the de novo biosynthesized CdBP. Experiments carried out by injecting 65ZnCl2 and 203HgCl2 every day showed that they are not accumulated like cadmium and do not induce the biosynthesis of rat liver CdBP after repeated administration over 7 days.  相似文献   

Sedum alfredii Hance is a newly reported zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator native to China. In this study,four populations of S. alfredii were collected from Yejiwei (YJW), Jinchuantang (JCT) and Qiaokou (QK) lead (Pb)/Zn mines located in Hunan Province as well as Quzhou (QZ) Pb/Zn mine located in Zhejiang Province for exploring the intraspecies difference of this plant in metal accumulation. Although they grew in the Pb/Zn spoils with relatively similar levels of Zn,Cd and Pb, remarkable differences among the four populations in tissue heavy metal concentrations were observed. The shoot Zn concentration of QZ population (11 116 mg/kg) was highest and nearly five times higher than that of the JCT population (1930 mg/kg). Furthermore, the shoot Cd concentration observed in the QZ population (1 090 mg/kg) was also highest and 144 times higher than that found in the JCT population (7.5 mg/kg). As for Pb concentrations In the shoot of different populations, a fourfold difference between the highest and the lowest was also found. Such difference on metal accumulation was opulation-specific and may be significantly explained by differences in the soil properties such as pH, organic matter (OM), and electrical conductivity (EC). Taking biomass and metal concentration in plants into consideration, the QZ, YJW and QK populations may have high potential for Zn phytoremediation, the QZ population may have the highest potential in Cd phytoremediation, and the QK population may be the most useful in Pb phytoremediation.  相似文献   

X-ray microanalysis was performed to detect quantitatively, the variation of the nuclear zinc in the liver cells of rats. The nuclear zinc concentration showed statistical decrease and increase in response to cadmium and zinc treatments, respectively. The results suggest that the liver responds differently to cadmium and zinc treatments. The difference in response to either treatment may reflect different mechanisms of zinc transport and metabolism in the liver. The difference in binding affinity of metallothionein (MT) may suggest the involvement of Mt in the metabolism and transport of zinc, an effect, which may be modified by treatment.  相似文献   

CHO mutants, resistant to over 100-fold of a normally toxic level of extracellular cadmium have been used to examine the mutually antagonistic effect of Cd and Zn on their uptake. Cadmium uptake in these mutants is only 7–10% that of the parental cells. Zinc uptake in these mutants is equal to or greater than that in the wild-type cells. Results of kinetic studies on uptake indicated that the two metals interact by competitive inhibition. TheK m andK i values for Cd and/or Zn were different in some of the mutants and indicate multiple carriers may be involved in the transport of these metals. The reduction in Cd uptake and concomitant increase in Zn uptake contribute to the increased Cd resistance in these mutants.  相似文献   

The ability of young plants of the brown alga Padina gymnospora to tolerate and accumulate zinc was determined for different zinc concentrations in seawater over a period of 21 days. This species, among 10 macroalgae species studied in a contaminated coastal area near Rio de Janeiro city, presented the highest zinc contents. The accumulation of zinc by this species determined from in vitro experiments increased approximately linearly with the zinc concentration in the water. A steady state was not reached even for high concentrations (1000 µg 1–1). Analytical electron microscopy techniques used for subcellular localization of this metal showed that the zinc was present as dense granules along the cell walls, starting in a region 15 to 25 cells away from the thallus apex, but being absent in the cytoplasm of viable cells. It is suggested that the cell walls play the main role in the zinc accumulation in Padina gymnospora.This paper is dedicated in honor of Prof. Carlos Chagas Filho, founder of the Institute of Biophysics, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary  相似文献   

We investigated the effects on physiological response, trace elements and nutrients accumulation of sunflower plants grown in soil contaminated with: 5 mg kg(-1) of Cd; 5 and 300 mg kg(-1) of Cd and Zn, respectively; 5, 300, and 400 mg kg(-1) of Cd, Zn, and Cu, respectively. Contaminants applied did not produce large effects on growth, except in Cd-Zn-Cu treatment in which leaf area and total dry matter were reduced, by 15%. The contamination with Cd alone did not affect neither growth nor physiological parameters, despite considerable amounts of Cd accumulated in roots and older leaves, with a high bioconcentration factor from soil to plant. By adding Zn and then Cu to Cd in soil, significant were the toxic effects on chlorophyll content and water relations due to greater accumulation of trace elements in tissues, with imbalances in nutrients uptake. Highly significant was the interaction between shoot elements concentration (Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, K, Ca) and treatments. Heavy metals concentrations in roots always exceeded those in stem and leaves, with a lower translocation from roots to shoots, suggesting a strategy of sunflower to compartmentalise the potentially toxic elements in physiologically less active parts in order to preserve younger tissues.  相似文献   

Differential subcellular localization of zinc in the rat retina.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the retina, zinc is believed to be a modulator of synaptic transmission and a constituent of metalloenzymes. To determine whether the intracellular localization of zinc correlates with function, we examined the localization of endogenous zinc in the rat retina using the silver amplification method. By light microscopy, reaction products were detected in the pigment epithelial cells (PE), the inner segment of photoreceptors (IS), the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and the inner nuclear layer (INL), the outer plexiform layer (OPL) and the inner plexiform layer (IPL), and the ganglion cell layer (GC). The heaviest accumulation of precipitate was observed in PE and IS, whereas only a little precipitate was found in GC. When the intracellular zinc was chelated with diethyldithiocarbamate, a small amount of precipitate was observed only in ONL. By electron microscopy, zinc was associated with three compartments. In OPL and IPL, zinc was associated with neural processes, while in PE, IS, INL, and GC it was associated with the Golgi apparatus. In ONL, zinc was associated with the nucleus. Zinc in the neural processes is believed to act as a modulator of synaptic transmission, and zinc associated with the Golgi apparatus is assumed to catalyze metalloenzyme reactions.  相似文献   

为比较重金属镉在去势与非去势雄性大鼠前列腺组织内蓄积量的变化,将60只健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为六组:对照组、去势对照组、低剂量镉组(2.5 mμmol·Kg-1)、高剂量镉组(20 mμmol·Kg-1)、去势低剂量镉(2.5 mμmol·Kg-1)组、去势高剂量镉(20 mμmol·Kg-1)组,18个月后取材进行实验.利用原子吸收分光光度法检测大鼠前列腺组织中重金属镉含量.与非去势对照组相比,各去势组大鼠前列腺组织内镉含量明显降低;注射镉后,大鼠前列腺组织镉含量明显高于对照组,但高、低剂量组之间无显著差别.实验表明长期镉暴露后,前列腺组织内镉含量明显增加;经去势手术的大鼠,长期镉暴露后前列腺组织内镉含量未升高,但机制并不明确.  相似文献   

C. K. Yap  A. Ismail  S. G. Tan  H. Omar 《Hydrobiologia》2003,498(1-3):151-160
Ecotoxicological tests were conducted in the green-lipped mussel Perna viridis under laboratory conditions. Different rates of accumulation and depuration in soft tissues are found and this might be due to different mechanisms of metal binding and regulation. At the end of depuration, Cd levels in soft tissues of P. viridis were 10–30 times higher than before exposure, while Zn levels in soft tissues were almost similar to levels before exposure. These results indicate that P. viridis is a good biomonitoring organism for Cd but Zn levels might be actively regulated. It remains uncertain whether P. viridis is a good biomonitoring organism of environmental Zn contamination. However, the positive patterns, although different rates, of accumulation and depuration for Cd and Zn support the use of P. viridis as a biomonitoring agent for such metals.  相似文献   

The accumulation and depletion of cadmium in liver and kidney metallothionein (MT) and the effects of dietary zinc deficiency on cadmium metabolism were studied in rats. The accumulation of cadmium in liver MT started to plateau after 80 days, but there was a linear accumulation of this element in kidney MT over the entire 300-day experiment. Cadmium in MT fractions was depleted very slowly when rats were changed to a diet without cadmium. The accumulation of cadmium in MT also caused zinc to accumulate in this protein, even in rats fed zinc-deficient diets. However, the reverse situation was found not to be true; zinc did not cause cadmium to accumulate in MT. Dietary zinc deficiency limited the binding of injected109Cd to MT of liver, but not of kidneys or testes. However, zinc-deficient rats fed cadmium in their diets metabolized cadmium similarly to zinc-supplemented rats, suggesting that zinc deficiency does not limit the ability of cadmium to stimulate MT synthesis.  相似文献   

Rat embryos were cultured in serum taken from animals dosed with cadmium, or serum with cadmium added invitro in the presence or absence of additional zinc. Embryos explanted at day ten and grown in serum taken from animals sooner than 4 h after dosing had a reduced DNA content after 24 h culture. In one-hour serum, the yolk sac had become thick and brittle. Zinc ameliorated the effects but had no stimulatory effect on post eight-hour serum when serum zinc levels were at their lowest. The hypothesis that cadmium induces a maternal zinc deficiency sufficient to cause teratogenic changes could not be sustained. Embryos explanted at nine days were much more susceptible to cadmium added invitro than ten-day embryos. The principal anomaly, apart from a reduced DNA content, was a thickening of the yolk sac similar to that seen in embryos grown in serum taken from animals one hour after cadmium dosing. Addition of zinc to the medium prevented both of these effects. The suggestion is made that the cadmium-induced dysgenesis of the yolk sac precludes appropriate embryonic nutrition.  相似文献   

紫色土外源锌、镉形态的生物有效性   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
通过对7种形态Zn,Cd与有效态Zn,Cd(DTPA提取)的相关分析及各形态Zn,Cd与植株Zn,Cd含量的通径分析,评价各形态Zn,Cd的生物有效性及对植株的相对贡献和途径。结果表明,交换态Zn,Cd与有效态Zn,Cd呈极显著正相关(r=0.954,0.953),交换态Zn,Cd与植株Zn,Cd含量的通径系数为1.267、1.168,交换态Zn,Cd有效性高,具有最大的生物活性,对植株Zn,Cd含量的贡献最大。其它形态如碳酸盐结合态锌、氧化锰结合态Zn、Cd通过交换态作用于植株的通径链系数(间接通径系数)分别为0.856、0.592、0.723,上述形态对植株Zn,Cd含量也有影响,具有一定的生物相对有效性,但通过交换态间接作用。交换态不仅自身具有最大的生物有效性,而且还作为其它形态Zn,Cd生物有效性的中介,为紫色土其它Zn,Cd库流向植株的主要通道。  相似文献   

高粱属植物对土壤镉吸收及亚细胞的分配   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽模拟试验研究了3种高粱属植物(甜高粱、高丹草和苏丹草)对土壤cd的富集效应及其亚细胞的分配.结果表明:cd在3种高粱属植物不同部位的富集量随着cd处理浓度的增加而增加,生育期内3种高粱属植物根系中Cd的富集量大于茎鞘和叶片中的富集量;高丹草对Cd的富集量高,甜高梁次之,苏丹草最低;Cd在高粱属植物叶片、茎鞘和根系中各亚细胞组分中的分布相似表现为细胞壁>可溶性部分>细胞核、叶绿体组分>线粒体.  相似文献   

Resistance to cadmium, cobalt, zinc, and nickel in microbes.   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
D H Nies 《Plasmid》1992,27(1):17-28
The divalent cations of cobalt, zinc, and nickel are essential nutrients for bacteria, required as trace elements at nanomolar concentrations. However, at micro- or millimolar concentrations, Co2+, Zn2+, and Ni2+ (and "bad ions" without nutritional roles such as Cd2+) are toxic. These cations are transported into the cell by constitutively expressed divalent cation uptake systems of broad specificity, i.e., basically Mg2+ transport systems. Therefore, in case of a heavy metal stress, uptake of the toxic ions cannot be reduced by a simple down-regulation of the transport activity. As a response to the resulting metal toxicity, metal resistance determinants evolved which are mostly plasmid-encoded in bacteria. In contrast to that of the cation Hg2+, chemical reduction of Co2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, and Cd2+ by the cell is not possible or sensible. Therefore, other than mutations limiting the ion range of the uptake system, only two basic mechanisms of resistance to these ions are possible (and were developed by evolution): intracellular complexation of the toxic metal ion is mainly used in eucaryotes; the cadmium-binding components are phytochelatins in plant and yeast cells and metallothioneins in animals, plants, and yeasts. In contrast, reduced accumulation based on an active efflux of the cation is the primary mechanism developed in procaryotes and perhaps in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All bacterial cation efflux systems characterized to date are plasmid-encoded and inducible but differ in energy-coupling and in the number and types of proteins involved in metal transport and in regulation. In the gram-positive multiple-metal-resistant bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, Cd2+ (and probably Zn2+) efflux is catalyzed by the membrane-bound CadA protein, a P-type ATPase. However, a second protein (CadC) is required for full resistance and a third one (CadR) is hypothesized for regulation of the resistance determinant. The czc determinant from the gram-negative multiple-metal-resistant bacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus encodes proteins required for Co2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ efflux (CzcA, CzcB, and CzcC) and regulation of the czc determinant (CzcD). In the current working model CzcA works as a cation-proton antiporter, CzcB as a cation-binding subunit, and CzcC as a modifier protein required to change the substrate specificity of the system from Zn2+ only to Co2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+.  相似文献   

1. Accumulation and distribution of lead in tissues of Eisenia foetida (Oligochaeta) living in soils with different concentrations PbO2 was studied histochemically and with the use of the dithizione method. 2. The earthworms absorb lead from the soil through the alimentary canal as well as through the body wall. this leads to considerable accumulation of this metal in epithelial cells, especially in the epithelial gland cells of the body wall and of the alimentary tract. 3. High concentration of lead in the soil does not favour increased accumulation of lead in the earthworms' organisms. The histochemical data show that the most intense accumulation occurs when the concentration of PbO2 is 0-4 mg/1-00 g soil.  相似文献   

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