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The preparative aspects of isoelectric focusing (IEF) in immobilized pH gradients (IPG) have been investigated as a function of the following parameters: environmental ionic strength (I), gel geometry and shape of pH gradient. As model proteins, hemoglobin (Hb) A and a minor, glycosylated component (HbA1c), with a delta pI = 0.04 pH units, have been selected. The load capacity increases almost linearly, as a function of progressively higher I values, from 0.5 X up to 2 X molarity of buffering Immobiline (pK 7.0) to abruptly reach a plateau at 3 X concentration of buffering ion. The load capacity also increases almost linearly as a function of gel thickness from 1 to 5 mm, without apparently levelling off. When decreasing the pH interval from 1 pH unit (pH 6.8-7.8) to 1/2 pH unit (pH 7.05-7.55) the amount of protein loaded in the HbA zone could be increased by 40%. In 5 mm thick gels, at 2 X pK 7.0 Immobiline concentration, over a 1/2 pH unit span, up to 350 mg HbA (in a 12.5 X 11 cm gel) could be loaded in a single zone, the load limit of the system being around 45 mg protein/ml gel volume.  相似文献   

A new method for preparative protein purification is described, based on the use of Immobiline matrices. After electrofocusing, the protein zone of interest is recovered by electrophoretic transfer to a hydroxyapatite gel, from which it is eluted with 0.2 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8, with yields for the proteins studied in the range 76-98%. For six different proteins, the focusing step gives a common upper limit of approximately 45 mg protein/ml gel as mean concentration in a focused protein zone. It is demonstrated that in practical preparative work, components with a pI difference of 0.007 pH units can be completely resolved, and that on a 5-mm-thick gel of dimensions 240 X 110 mm, samples containing as much as 400 mg of the major protein component can be applied. Focusing of large amounts of a salt-containing sample is demonstrated with the aid of human serum. A theoretical expression is given relating the concentration distribution and maximum protein concentration within a focused zone to the applied voltage, the pH slope used and the zone width. Based on this expression and the finding of an upper concentration limit for a protein we shown how to optimize the parameters in preparative work with immobilized pH gradients in relation to the separation power needed. Finally, it is shown that, in comparison with conventional preparative electrofocusing in polyacrylamide gels, immobilized pH gradients allow a ten-fold increase in load, whilst still giving a resolution comparable to that of analytical isoelectric focusing.  相似文献   

Due to the high reproducibility of pH gradient slope and width, immobilized pH gradients (IPG) have been used as the first dimension of two-dimensional techniques in order to generate maps of constant spot position in the pMr. However, when coupling IPG to SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) gels two problems were encountered: vertical streaking, due to incomplete zone solubilization in SDS, and horizontal streaking, due to spot fusion along the pH axis caused by the electroendosmosis of the charged Immobiline gels. Two methodical modifications are herewith described to overcome these drawbacks: (a) the SDS equilibrium time of the first-dimension gel has been prolonged to at least 30 min; (b) the SDS electrophoresis gel has been cast together with a starting gel, containing 2.5 mM of each Immobiline species used in the first dimension, which serves as a transition from the charged to the uncharged gel.  相似文献   

A new technique for generating extended pH gradients (5 pH units) in Immobiline gels is reported. The previously described (J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 7, 1983, 123-142) five-chamber gradient mixer has been replaced by a two-vessel device. A single mixture of the available Immobilines (pK 3.6, 4.6, 6.2, 7.0, 8.5 and 9.3) is made, with relative concentrations adjusted so as to produce the most uniform buffering power throughout the desired pH interval. This mixture is then divided into two portions, which are titrated to the extremes of the required pH span with an acidic titrant (Immobiline pK approximately 1) and a basic species (Immobiline pK 9.95). Highly reproducible pH gradients (pH 4-9) are thus generated, which appear extremely useful for the first dimensioned of 2-dimensional techniques. Our previously reported computer program has been implemented with an optimization algorithm which, given any cocktail of Immobilines, automatically adjusts the relative initial concentrations until the smoothest possible beta power is found. For the first time it is possible to perform IEF under controlled physico-chemical parameters: pH span and linearity, beta power, ionic strength and molarity of the buffering species.  相似文献   

A new technique for generating pH gradients in isoelectric focusing is described, based on the principle that the buffering groups are covalently linked to the matrix used as anticonvective medium. For the generation of this type of pH gradient in polyacrylamide gels, a set of buffering monomers, called Immobiline (in analogy with Ampholine), is used. The pH gradient gels are cast in the same way as pore gradient gels, but instead of varying the acrylamide content, the light and heavy solutions are adjusted to different pH values with the aid of the Immobiline buffers. Available Immobiline species make it possible to generate any narrow linear pH gradient between pH 3 and 10. The behaviour of these types of gradients in isoelectric focusing is described.Immobilized pH gradients show a number of advantages compared with carrier ampholyte generated pH gradients. The most important are: (1) the cathodic drift is completely abolished; (2) they give higher resolution and higher loading capacitu; (3) they have uniform conductivity and buffering capacity; (4) they represent a milieu of known and controlled ionic strenght.  相似文献   

A new technique for generatiing extended pH gradients (3–4 pH units) in Immobiline gels for isoelectric separations is described. A five-chamber gradient mixer has been built, based on the ‘Varigard’-type mixers of Peterson and Sober (Anal. Chem. 31, 1959, 857–862). Each chamber contains one of the following Immobilines, in this order: pK values 4.4, 4.6, 6.2, 7.0 and 8.5, titrated in the pH 4–8 interval with non-buffering Immobilines pK 9.3 (in the case of the two acidic Immobilines) and pK 3.6 (in the case of the three basic Immobilines). In this way it is possible to cast, in a highly reproducible way, an immobilized pH gradient in thepH range 4.0 to 7.5, which should be ideal for isoelectric separations in the first dimension of two-dimensional techniques. A computer program is also described which, given the molarities and pK values of the different Immobilines in the chambers of the Varigrad mixer, can generate the theoretical pH profile, together with the buffering capacity (β) and ionic strength (I) courses.  相似文献   

A further improvement on the preparative aspects of immobilized pH gradients (IPG) (J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods (1983) 8, 135–172) is described, based on the use of soft (highly diluted) polyacrylamide gels. While in conventional IPGs in 5%T gels an upper load limit of 40–45 mg protein/ml gel volume is found, in 2.5%T gels, containing the same amount of Immobiline, as much as 90 mg protein/ml gel can be applied, without overloading effects. This is an extraordinary amount of material to ba carried by a gel phase, and renders IPG by far the leading technique in any electrophoretic fractionation. A new, two-step casting technique, based on the formation of a %T step and a pH plateau around the application trench, is described. A new method for electrophoretic protein recovery from IPG gel strips, based on embedding on low-gelling agarose (37°C), is reported. The physico-chemical properties of highly diluted gels, in relation to their protein loading ability, are evaluated and discussed. It is recommended that diluted gels (e.g. 3.5%T) be used also in analytical runs, since sharper protein zones are obtained, due to the increased charge density on the polymer coil.  相似文献   

Up to the present time it has been impossible to perform two-dimensional (2-D) separations in very acidic immobilized pH gradients (IPG), due to the lack of suitable buffering acrylamido derivatives to be incorporated into the polyacrylamide matrix. The advent of the pK 3.1 buffer (2-acrylamido glycolic acid; Righetti et al., J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 16, 1988, 185–192) allowed the formulation of such acidic gradients. We report here separations in IPG pH 2.8–5.0 intervals of polypeptide chains from total lysates of rat intestinal and liver cells and 30S and 50S ribosomal proteins from Halobacterium marismortui. Conditions are given for highly reproducible first and second dimensions gels and for a proper silver staining of 2-D maps with practically no background deposition.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics, where a tryptic digest of a complex proteome sample is directly analyzed by either single dimensional or multidimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, has gained acceptance in the proteomics community at large and is widely used in core facilities. Here we review the development in our laboratory of an alternative first-dimension separation technique for shotgun proteomics, immobilized pH gradient isoelectric focusing (IPG-IEF). The key advantages of the technology over other multidimensional separation formats (simplicity, high resolution, and high sensitivity) are discussed. The concept of using peptide pI to filter large shotgun proteomics datasets generated by the IPG-IEF technique to minimize false positives and negatives is also introduced. Finally, an account of the comparison of the technique with the established gold standard for multidimensional separation of peptides, strong cation exchange chromatography, is presented, along with the prospects for the use of peptide pI along with accurate mass measurement for the identification of peptides.  相似文献   

A method for preparative isolation of human monoclonal antibody isoproteins is described in the present paper. A human monoclonal antibody directed against the transmembrane protein gp 41 from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) was used in this study. The antibody belongs to the IgG1 subtype and exhibits antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The resolving power of conventional preparative protein separation techniques such as ion-exchange chromatography, chromatofocusing and lectin affinity chromatography is too poor for a complete separation of isoproteins. The more sophisticated technique of chromatofocusing on FPLC-based material (Mono P, Pharmacia) did not satisfy our expectation. With semipreparative IEF in immobilized pH gradients we were able to prepare the different isoproteins of a human monoclonal antibody in milligram amounts. No significant difference between the single isoproteins with respect to specificity and avidity to the recombinant antigen (rec gp 160) was detected. Therefore, we assume that the separation conditions did not influence the immunochemical nature of the antibody and significant denaturation and/or precipitation of the IgG did not occur. Furthermore the method affords preparative separation with resolution equivalent to analytical runs. Experiments for scale up and further characterization of isoproteins (carbohydrate composition, amino acid analysis, half life times etc.) are in progress.  相似文献   

Recently, we have developed a high-resolution two-dimensional separation strategy for the analysis of complex peptide mixtures. This methodology employs isoelectric focusing of peptides on immobilized pH gradient (IPG) gels in the first dimension, followed by reversed-phase chromatography in the second dimension, and subsequent tandem mass spectrometry analysis. The traditional approach to this mixture problem employs strong-cation-exchange (SCX) chromatography in the first dimension. Here, we present a direct comparison of these two first-dimensional techniques using complex protein samples derived from the testis of Rattus norvegicus. It was found that the use of immobilized pH gradients (narrow range pH 3.5-4.5) for peptide separation in the first dimension yielded 13% more protein identifications than the optimized off-line SCX approach (employing the entire pI range of the sample). In addition, the IPG technique allows for a much more efficient use on mass spectrometer analysis time. Separation of a tryptic digest derived from a rat testis sample on a narrow range pH gradient (over the 3.5-4.5 pH range) yielded 7626 and 2750 peptides and proteins, respectively. Peptide and protein identification was performed with high confidence using SEQUEST in combination with a data filtering program employing pI and statistical based functions to remove false-positives from the data.  相似文献   

When hydrophobic samples, or membrane proteins, are disaggregated in buffers containing detergents (e.g. Nonidet P-40), urea and 2-mercaptoethanol, and applied at the cathodic end of a gel cylinder or slab for isoelectric separation, as routinely performed for two-dimensional techniques, a severe disturbance of the alkaline region of the pH gradient ensues. This phenomenon has been attributed to high protein loads, which supposedly overcome the buffering power of isoelectric carrier ampholytes. On the contrary, in the present study it has been found that this suppression of the alkaline end of the pH gradient is due to 2-mercaptoethanol, which is a buffer with pK 9.5. This compound ionizes at the basic gel end and is driven electrophoretically along the pH gradient, sweeping away, along its path, and focused carrier ampholytes.  相似文献   

iTRAQ compatibility of peptide immobilized pH gradient isoelectric focusing   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Lengqvist J  Uhlén K  Lehtiö J 《Proteomics》2007,7(11):1746-1752
Immobilized pH gradient isoelectric focusing (IPG-IEF) has emerged as a highly promising alternative to strong-cation exchange fractionation as the first dimension in shot-gun proteomics. Herein is shown the compatibility of this method with iTRAQ isotope labeling for relative quantitation and validation of sequence matches from database searching.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) was first discovered in bovine milk more than fifty years ago, and that it represents the main whey protein component in all the milks in which it has been found, its biological role and genetic evolution still remain rather uncertain. From comparative studies of the primary and tertiary structures of beta-lg and of other proteins of a similar size, the existence of a new superfamily of proteins with the function of transporter of hydrophobic molecules has been conjectured. The elucidation of the structure of beta-lg either from different species or from different genetic variants of the same species should give useful information on the evolution and function of this protein family. With this aim in mind we have now undertaken the isolation and characterization of a recently discovered, new genetic variant of bovine beta-lg. A two-step purification procedure involving preparative HPLC gel filtration and preparative IEF-IPG has been successfully carried out; it affords a good recovery of the new beta-lg in highly purified form.  相似文献   

A new method for electrophoretic retrieval of protein zones from Immobiline matrices is described, based on elution directly in a free liquid phase, rather than in ion-exchange beads or molecular sieves, as previously described. The chopped Immobiline gel is loaded on top of a 5% T stacking gel, 6-10 mm in height, and forced to transverse it and collect into a chamber, filled with 20% sucrose solution, closed on its anodic side by a dialysis sac. The transfer is practically quantitative, for most proteins, after 30-60 min of zone electrophoresis at 10 W (300 V potential differential). Recovery of protein mass is in general better than 90%, while for enzyme activity is in the range of 60-80%. For preserving enzyme integrity, the following precautions are recommended: short electrophoretic times; avoidance of anodic oxidation; chilling of the buffer in the anodic chamber; and use of low levels (2-5 mM) of the specific enzyme substrate throughout the entire electrophoretic system (cathode, anode and gel plug).  相似文献   

A method for analytical isoelectric focusing (IEF) of apolipoprotein E (apoE) in immobilized pH gradients (IPG) and immunodetection of the separated isoforms has been developed for use with either very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) or whole plasma. Both VLDL and plasma were sequentially delipidated with 1,4-dioxane, acetone-ethanol, and ether. Neuraminidase treatment preceded the delipidation when required. Using preformed plates, pH 5.0-6.0 (LKB, Bromma) after rehydration with 6 M urea and dextran T-10, the IPG focusing pattern of the common isoforms (E2, E3, E4) was found to be equivalent to conventional IEF with the added resolution of the E4 disialo form. The use of self-poured narrower gradients permitted the further resolution of the E4 monosialo form, a previously unrecognized heterogeneity of the E2, E3, and E4 monosialo isoforms and differentiation of the apoE2** mutant; all of these forms comigrate with the common isoproteins in conventional IEF. Finally, the conditions for IPG of whole plasma using apoE monoclonal antibodies and enzyme-conjugated anti-mouse IgG for detection were established. Thus, IPG focusing is shown to be a powerful method for resolution of the apoE sialoforms and apoE mutant forms. The method has important implications in accurate and diagnostic phenotyping. Moreover, it is a convenient method for phenotyping which requires only very small volumes of plasma.  相似文献   

A method is described for the synthesis of high-molecular-weight carrier ampholytes for preparative isoelectric focusing of peptides. A giant polyethylene imine (Mr 40 000–60 000) is mixed with a linear gradient of acrylic acid in a flow-through system and let to react at 80°C for 70 h. Giant carrier ampholytes (Mrrange 50 000–90 000) are thus obtained. These compounds interact very strongly among themselves, probably not by hydrogen bonds or hydrophobic interactions but ionic bonds. In fact, the aggregates are split by high salt (NaCl) or by zwitterionic compounds (Gly, taurine) or at acidic or alkaline pHs. They appear to interact only weakly and reversibly with proteins and no interactions are apparent with model dipeptides (His-Ser, His-Met, His-Phe and His-Lys).  相似文献   

Several examples of two-step sequential reactions exist where, because of the poor equilibrium conversion by the first reaction, it is desirable to conduct the two reactions simultaneously. In such a scheme, the product of the first reaction is continuously removed by the second reaction, thus not allowing the first reaction to approach chemical equilibrium. Therefore, the first reaction is allowed to proceed in the desired direction at an appreciable rate. However, in many biochemical applications where enzyme catalysts are involved, the enzyme's activities are strong functions of pH. Where the pH optima of the first and second reaction differ by three to four units, the above reaction scheme would be difficult to implement. In these cases, the two reactions can be separated by a thin permeable membrane across which the desired pH gradient is maintained. In this article, it was shown, both by theory and experiment, that a thin, flat membrane of immobilized urease can accomplish this goal when one face of the membrane is exposed to the acidic bulk solution (pH(b) = 4.5) containing a small quantity of urea (0.01 M). In this particular case, the ammonia that was produced in the membrane consumed the incoming hydrogen ions and thus maintained the desired pH gradient. Experimental results indicate that with sufficient urease loading, the face of the membrane opposite to the bulk solution could be maintained at a pH that would allow many enzymes to realize their maximum activities ( approximately 7.5). It was also found that this pH gradient could be maintained even in the presence of a buffer, which greatly enhances the transport of protons into the membrane. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The technique of isoelectric focusing on immobilized pH gradients (IPG) has been applied to the analysis of tryptic digests of alpha- and beta-chains of human hemoglobin. Using peptides purified by RP-HPLC as a reference, it was possible to create a peptide map in the single IEF dimension. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find experimental conditions (medium for migration and staining) which would allow the detection of peptides of less than 10-12 residues. Almost all the bands visible on the gel could be assigned to known peptides. In order to obtain these results the IPG runs were performed in 8 M urea containing 0.5% carrier ampholytes and the gel stained with colloidal Coomassie brilliant blue G-250, in the presence of a high-salt concentration and at acidic pH.  相似文献   

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