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In this study, an integrated process was developed for successive solid-phase PEGylation of recombinant hirudin variant-2 (HV2) and separation of PEGylated HV2 species on an anion exchange chromatography column (so-called in situ PEGylation). The effects of different PEG sizes, ion exchange resins and reaction conditions on in situ PEGylation were investigated. The results showed that in situ PEGylation efficiently integrates the reaction, separation and purification into a single-unit operation using the same column. In situ PEGylation could improve the selectivity of PEGylation reactions by significantly reducing the formation of multi-PEG-HV2. The pore sizes and internal surface structures of different resins had a significant impact on the yield of mono-PEG-HV2. In contrast to liquid-phase PEGylation, the yield of mono-PEG-HV2 decreased as PEG size increased during the in situ PEGylation process, indicating that in situ PEGylation is a pore diffusion-controlled process. The in vitro and in vivo anticoagulant activities of mono-PEG-HV2 derived from in situ PEGylation were higher than those from liquid-phase PEGylation, indicating that in situ PEGylation could enhance the bioactivity retention of mono-PEG-HV2. The results of this study demonstrated that in situ PEGylation can be used as an effective approach for the development of PEGylated protein drugs.  相似文献   

采用大孔吸附树脂层析结合硅胶柱层析,对环孢菌素A的分离纯化进行研究,确定了最佳层析条件,建立了工业化制备环孢菌素A的工艺。大孔吸附树脂层析选用D101树脂作为吸附介质,提取液丙酮含量控制在50%,最大吸附量为35 mg/g湿树脂,洗脱剂选用丙酮;硅胶柱层析选用42~64μm硅胶作为层析介质,最优层析条件为柱床高径比10∶1,流动相配比V(石油醚)∶V(丙酮)=70∶30,流速80 mL/m in,环孢菌素A上样质量浓度100 g/L,硅胶层析平均收率为84.2%,环孢菌素A纯度可达到97%以上,整个工艺总收率为65%~70%。  相似文献   

离子交换层析纯化透明质酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
考察6种离子交换树脂的静态吸附解析效果,选出201*7阴离子交换树脂填柱,确定洗脱流速为0.6mL/min,40mL0.3mol/LNaCl和50mL0.5mol/L NaCl双浓度洗脱,实现透明质酸和杂蛋白的分离。制得透明质酸产品蛋白含量为0.057%,葡萄糖醛酸含量为43%,平均相对分子质量大于1.1×10^6,收率为54%,符合医用级透明质酸行业标准的要求。  相似文献   

Summary A method of ion exchange column chromatography was developed for the determination of D- and L-amino acids in the form of diastereomeric dipeptide. First the protein containing samples were hydrolyzed with 6 molar hydrochloric acid, then the single amino acids were separated in an LKB automated amino acid analyzer with the LKB fraction collector. Following lyophilization, the single amino acids were transformed into alanyl dipeptides with tertiary-butyloxycarbonil-L-alanine-N-hydroxy-succinimide (t-BOC-L-Ala-ONSu) active ester. The alanyl dipeptides were easily separated from one another and the initial amino acids. Determination of the D- and L-amino acids in this form is relatively accurate and reproducible but takes some time (33–38 min). Accuracy of the determination is satisfactory. The coefficient of variation amounts to 3–5%. The use of the method is suggested to laboratories having an amino acid analyzer and wish to determine D-and L-amino acids in synthetic-amino acids complements, peptides or natural materials.  相似文献   

An ion exchange chromatography process was developed to separate the main protein fractions of bovine blood plasma using a composite material, Q-HyperD resin, and a gel material, DEAE-Sepharose. The experiments were carried out at semipreparative scale. It was necessary to establish analytical methods of electrophoresis and HPLC to identify the fractionated proteins. Results show that these materials are able to adequately fractionate different protein groups from the raw blood plasma. This method may be used to avoid chemical fractionation using agents such as ethanol or PEG and, thus, decrease protein denaturation of the different fractions to be used for research or pharmaceutical purposes. The Q-HyperD resin presents a better retention capacity for plasma protein than DEAE-Sepharose under the experimental conditions employed.  相似文献   

A gas-liquid chromatography procedure for analysis of protein amino acids is described. Amino acids are esterified to their n-propyl esters then acylated to their heptafluorobutyryl (HFB) derivatives. These reactions were carried out in a single tube at 100°C. A simple steam-heating apparatus was constructed that heats only the bottom of the reaction vessel. Only 10 min were needed for esterification and 20 min for acylation, respectively. The resulting products, N-HFB-n-propyl esters of amino acids, were chromatographed on a single column. The amino acid compositions of chymotrypsinogen A and casein were analyzed by the present method, and the results were compared with those obtained by ion-exchange chromatography reported previously.  相似文献   

A single-step chromatographic method for purification of a synthetic 20-mer oligonucleotide is described. Method optimisation was conducted at laboratory scale where 30 mg crude sample was purified per run with a yield of 17 mg pure oligonucleotide. The protocol was scaled-up in steps to achieve 5-, 58- and a final 230-fold scale-up. At the final scale, 7.0 g of crude material was purified with a yield of 4.1 g product. The purity of the oligonucleotide was in all scales higher than 97%. The cycle time was 110 min, which corresponds to a purification capacity of about 90 g crude oligonucleotide material per 24 h.  相似文献   

Traditionally, post-production culture harvest capture of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is performed using Protein A chromatography. We investigated the efficiency and robustness of cation exchange chromatography (CEX) in an effort to evaluate alternative capture methodologies. Up to five commercially available CEX resins were systematically evaluated using an experimentally optimized buffer platform and a design-of-experiment (DoE) approach for their ability to (a) capture a model mAb with a neutral isoelectric point, (b) clear three model viruses (porcine parvovirus, CHO type-C particles, and a bacteriophage). This approach identified a narrow operating space where yield, purity, and viral clearance were optimal under a CEX capture platform, and revealed trends between viral clearance of PPV and product purity (but not yield). Our results suggest that after unit operation optimization, CEX can serve as a suitable capture step.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of fouling with yeast homogenate on capacity and breakthrough performance of an ion exchange packed bed column. Column performance was assessed by analysis of breakthrough curves obtained with BSA as a test protein. The overall impact of fouling on breakthrough performance depended heavily on the level of clarification of the feed stream. Challenging the column with particulate-free homogenate caused no change in column performance. Loading successive small volumes of poorly clarified homogenate, interspersed with frequent column salt washes, did not alter significantly the column capacity. By contrast, when the column was challenged with an equivalent cumulative volume of poorly clarified homogenate, dynamic binding capacity decreased significantly and changes in breakthrough curves suggested increased intraparticle and external mass transfer limitations. These changes were ascribed to deposition of solid particulates in void spaces in the bed and colloidal contaminants in the bead pores.  相似文献   

In order to reveal (1) the behavior of the tritium-labeled hydroxyl group (i.e., OT group) and (2) the effect of temperature on the dissociation equilibrium of tritiated water, the OT-for-OH exchange reaction in a homogeneous system was observed (1) using ionexchange resins and HTO water, and (2) using hydrogen oxides and HTO water. Consequently, the following four conclusions were obtained: (1) The OT-for-OH exchange reaction occurred between each anion-exchange resin (or each metal hydroxide) and HTO water. (2) The higher the temperature is, the smaller the activity of both anion-exchange resin and metal hydroxide will be, and the activity of cation-exchange resin is large when the temperature is high. (3) The larger the degree of crosslinking in each Biorad AG1 resin is, the lower the activity of the resin will be. (4) The exchange rate for the OT-for-OH exchange reaction is small when the electronegativity of the metal ion in the metal hydroxide is large.  相似文献   

Effects of pH and conductivity on the ion exchange chromatographic purification of an antigen-binding antibody fragment (Fab) of pI 8.0 were investigated. Normal sulfopropyl (SP) group modified agarose particles (SP Sepharosetrade mark Fast Flow) and dextran modified particles (SP Sepharose XL) were studied. Chromatographic measurements including adsorption isotherms and dynamic breakthrough binding capacities, were complemented with laser scanning confocal microscopy. As expected static equilibrium and dynamic binding capacities were generally reduced by increasing mobile phase conductivity (1-25 mS/cm). However at pH 4 on SP Sepharose XL, Fab dynamic binding capacity increased from 130 to 160 (mg/mL media) as mobile phase conductivity changed from 1 to 5 mS/cm. Decreasing protein net charge by increasing pH from 4 to 5 at 1.3 mS/cm caused dynamic binding capacity to increase from 130 to 180 mg/mL. Confocal scanning laser microscopy studies indicate such increases were due to faster intra-particle mass transport and hence greater utilization of the media's available binding capacity. Such results are in agreement with recent studies related to ion exchange of whole antibody molecules under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Glucocerebrosidase was purified from human placenta approximately 10,600-fold to apparent homogeneity with an overall yield of 37% using cholate extraction, ammonium sulfate fractionation, butanol delipidation, and a two-step high-performance hydrophobic and gel permeation column chromatography method. A Phenyl-5PW (21.5 X 150 mm) column was used in the first step. Approximately one litre of delipidated and dialysed extract containing 3.7 X 10(6) units of enzyme activity from 1 kg of placental tissue was processed by the column at a flow rate of 5 ml/min. Glucocerebrosidase was eluted using a linear cholate gradient (2-3%). There was a 50-fold purification and 89% recovery. The run was completed in about 7 h. In the second step, the concentrated enzyme preparation from the phenyl column was run through two Bio-Sil TSK 250 gel permeation columns (21.5 X 600 mm) connected in series at a flow rate of 1.5 ml/min. A symmetrical peak of glucocerebrosidase activity (Ve = 253 ml) which had constant specific activity (47,000 units/h/mg protein) was noted. There was a 17-fold purification and 80% recovery in this run which was completed in 4 h. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and protein staining with silver compounds of the purified preparation revealed the presence of one band of Mr 68,000.  相似文献   

Here we describe a reliable method for purifying large amounts of RNA of any sequence and length with comparable efficiency and resolution of gel electrophoresis and with capacity approaching that of column chromatography. The RNA mixture of interest is separated on a cylindrical denaturing polyacrylamide gel, eluted by a peristaltic pump, detected by a UV-vis detector, and collected by a fraction collector. Using this method, we were able to separate one third of a 100 ml in vitro transcribed 34mer hammerhead ribozyme (approximately 6.2 mg) in a single run. The entire 100 ml transcribed RNA (approximately 18.5 mg) was separated after consecutive runs using one single gel preparation.  相似文献   

Mechanistic modeling of chromatography processes is one of the most promising techniques for the digitalization of biopharmaceutical process development. Possible applications of chromatography models range from in silico process optimization in early phase development to in silico root cause investigation during manufacturing. Nonetheless, the cumbersome and complex model calibration still decelerates the implementation of mechanistic modeling in industry. Therefore, the industry demands model calibration strategies that ensure adequate model certainty in a limited amount of time. This study introduces a directed and straightforward approach for the calibration of pH-dependent, multicomponent steric mass action (SMA) isotherm models for industrial applications. In the case investigated, the method was applied to a monoclonal antibody (mAb) polishing step including four protein species. The developed strategy combined well-established theories of preparative chromatography (e.g. Yamamoto method) and allowed a systematic reduction of unknown model parameters to 7 from initially 32. Model uncertainty was reduced by designing two representative calibration experiments for the inverse estimation of remaining model parameters. Dedicated experiments with aggregate-enriched load material led to a significant reduction of model uncertainty for the estimates of this low-concentrated product-related impurity. The model was validated beyond the operating ranges of the final unit operation, enabling its application to late-stage downstream process development. With the proposed model calibration strategy, a systematic experimental design is provided, calibration effort is strongly reduced, and local minima are avoided.  相似文献   

A micromanipulation method has been developed to measure the force required to burst single tomato cells (Lycopersicon esculentum vf36) taken from suspension cultures. The method works by compressing a cell between parallel surfaces whilst measuring the force being imposed on the cell, and its deformation. The mean bursting force for two-week-old cells was 3.6 mN (standard error 0.1 mN), at a compression speed of 23 m s–1. Usually force-deformation curves showed a single bursting event, but sometimes multiple bursts were observed, implying cells could reseal after failure. If cells were deformed without bursting, and then held, they showed a relaxation of the force. This was attributed to water loss, although wall relaxation was also a possibility. The half time of this relaxation was between 1–10 s. Tests on protoplasts gave bursting forces 1000 fold lower than intact cells, and cells treated with Triton to disrupt the membranes and destroy turgor collapsed with no bursting. As expected, both turgor and the presence of a wall were essential to maintaining cell strength.  相似文献   

A single column method for the assay of adenylate cyclase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An improved, one-step method for the separation of cyclic AMP from other nucleotides on disposable columns of neutral aluminum oxide is described. The method consists of several modifications of an established assay for adenylate cyclase. These modifications were designed to increase the sensitivity of the method, to decrease the time required for column preparation, and to eliminate the variable elution patterns for cyclic AMP that are obtained when using aluminum oxide from different commercial sources. Uniform elution patterns and high recoveries (approximately 80%) of cyclic AMP were obtained when 0.1 M ammonium acetate was used to elute cyclic AMP instead of Tris-HCl buffer. Prior to column chromatography, the adenylate cyclase reactions were terminated with the addition of hydrochloric acid and the mixtures were heated to degrade acid-labile nucleotides that would otherwise elute with cyclic AMP from aluminum oxide columns. Disposable polypropylene columns, fabricated with a reservoir and fast-flow filters, were used for column chromatography. Low blank values, generally less than 15 dpm/assay tube, were obtained when the acidified reaction mixtures were applied directly to aluminum oxide columns without prior neutralization. The proposed method should be useful for the routine assay of adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

We found that hemoglobins A, F and S could be separated on TSK-GEL-SW columns by differences in surface hydrophobicity when eluted with 1.8 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. The elution pattern of the oxy- and deoxy-forms of hemoglobins A, S and F from a TSK-GEL-SW-type gel filtration column is useful for measuring surface hydrophobicity. The elution volumes of oxyhemoglobins F, A and S on the TSK-GEL-SW column in 1.8 M potassium phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, related linearly to the log of their solubility; the higher the surface hydrophobicity, the lower the solubility. There was no linear relationship between the solubilities and the elution volumes of these hemoglobins in the deoxy-form; deoxy-Hb S was far from the lines formed by deoxy-Hb A and deoxy-Hb F. These data suggest that the solubility of oxyhemoglobins is related to simple hydrophobic interactions caused by the total surface hydrophobicity, but the extremely low solubility of deoxy-Hb S must be the result of a stereospecific strong hydrophobic interaction between amino acids at the contact regions of deoxy-Hb S molecules.  相似文献   

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