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目的介绍口腔微生态失调与口腔疾病的关系,口腔疾病出现口腔气味异常的机制。综合分析口腔微生态与口腔健康的研究动态及意义。展望口腔微生态调整在口腔疾病治疗中的作用研究,尤其在消除口腔异昧的积极作用。方法由第一、二作者应用计算机通过pubmed检索NCBI数据库1992年至2007年相关文献,检索词为“Micro ecology”,限定语言种类为“English”;同时检索CNKI全文数据库、维普全文数据库1995年至2007年相关文献,检索词为“微生态”,限定语言种类为中文。纳入标准:文章内容与口腔微生态相关的研究、以及在口腔疾病研究领域有关。排除标准:较陈旧的文献和重复研究。结果共收集到106篇相关文献,21篇文献纳入本文,其中,19篇为综述和述评类文献,19篇为中文杂志,2篇为外文杂志。结论致病菌大量生长繁殖,口腔微生态失调,菌斑内微生物之间以及机体与菌斑之间相互作用分解蛋白产生硫化物,这些代谢产物包括H2S、CH3SH、CH3SCH3、吲哚、甲基吲哚、挥发脂肪酸和聚胺等发出刺激性气味,产生口腔异味。治疗口腔异味应该考虑平衡口腔微生态,调整口腔菌群。口腔异味的治疗又有利于口腔菌群平衡。提示我们治疗口腔疾病应该考虑口腔微生态平衡。  相似文献   

口腔微生物与人体始终处于动态生态平衡状态,对于维护人体的健康发挥重要的作用,也与多种口腔疾病的发生发展有密切关系.随着现代科学技术的发展,越来越多的新技术、新方法用于口腔微生态领域的研究,这使得人们对口腔微生态的认识不断深入.以下将从口腔微生态的组成、口腔微生态与机体的关系及其研究方法三个方面简要介绍近年来口腔微生态的相关研究进展.  相似文献   

血链球菌与口腔微生态的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血链球菌与口腔微生态的关系大连医科大学微生态学研究所大连116027宋晓波口腔中的许多微生定居物与宿主之间保持着一种和谐共生关系——即临床健康状态。由于这些微生定居物以充足的数量占据着口腔各个生态位,它们对潜在的致病菌起着有效的防御功能〔1〕。血链球...  相似文献   

阴道微生态亚失调状态的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 :提出阴道微生态亚失调状态的概念及其特征与机制。方法 :选取门诊及妇女健康普查患者 2 0 9例。健康妇女 10 2例为对照组 ;以临床主治外阴不适或偶有瘙痒 ,阴道分泌物增多 ,分泌物检查排除特异性微生物感染及细菌性阴道炎、严重宫颈炎的患者 10 7例为观察组 ;取阴道分泌物经倍比稀释接种于各培养基上进行需氧及厌氧培养 ,鉴定并检测微生物种类 ,活菌计数 ,检测菌种为乳酸杆菌、白色念珠菌、类杆菌、大肠埃希菌、链球菌 ,并同时测定阴道 p H值及清洁度。结果 :p H值无显著变化 (P>0 .0 5 ) ,清洁度观察组变化明显 ( °~ °) ;各菌种活菌计数观察组与对照组相比变化显著 (P>0 .0 5 )。结论 :阴道微生境在内外因素作用下存在一种过渡状态 ,该状态呈可逆性 ,在机体抵抗力增加或 /和去掉诱因后可自然恢复 ,如进一步发展可导致特异性或非特异性阴道炎、宫颈炎。作者由此提出“阴道微生态亚失调状态”概念。  相似文献   

益生菌与口腔微生态调控的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
口腔疾病的发生和发展与口腔微生物群落的失衡密切相关.益生菌是一类对人体健康有益的活的微生物,主要通过分泌抗菌物质、与致病菌竞争性定殖、调节毒力相关基因表达、调节宿主免疫反应、调节氧化应激反应、参与硝酸盐—亚硝酸盐—一氧化氮代谢循环通路、调整生物膜pH值等过程发挥其益生效能.研究发现,益生菌疗法能够降低龋齿的风险、改善牙...  相似文献   

微生态失调与感染的关系极为密切。引起感染的微生物不一定是致病菌或病原体,微生态失调后,正常微生物群易位或易主也可以引起感染。从微生态的视角去审视感染的发生、发展和结局,将会为感染病的防治提供新的思路。  相似文献   

干燥综合征是一种炎性细胞侵犯外分泌腺体的慢性自身免疫疾病,口干是其最常见的症状。伴随着干燥综合征患者口腔内微环境的改变,口腔各种微生物之间及微生物与宿主之间的平衡被打破,进而出现口腔微生态失调。口腔微生态失调与自身免疫疾病关系密切,其不仅是疾病所导致的结果,也可能是疾病进一步发展的原因。目前研究认为干燥综合征患者口腔微生态失调与唾液微环境的改变及口腔黏膜免疫受损存在密切的关系,本文对口腔微生态与干燥综合征关系的新近研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

牙周微生态研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
口腔是一个复杂而完整的生态系统。随着牙齿的萌出,牙周组织凭借薄弱的上皮衬里与外界相隔,从龈缘至龈沟底形成了从有氧到无氧各种不同的氧张力环境,牙周局部又具有适宜微生物生长的温度、湿度及营养,有利于各种微生物选择性定居,形成了独特的牙周微生态系。与机体其...  相似文献   

亚急性海绵样脑病,可分为两种类型。一类是可传播的,由感染性蛋白引起,包括人的 Kuru 病(震颤病),Creutzfeldt-gacob 氏病(CTD)(感染性痴呆)及其变异型 Gerstman-Straussler症候群和动物的羊抓痒病(Scrapie),貂脑病,牛海绵样脑病,北美黑尾鹿消瘦病,北欧粗毛大猎狗(elk)消瘦病等,另一类是不可传播的,包括Alzheimer 氏病(早老性痴呆),Down 氏症候群(短小型痴呆),Pick 氏病(脑叶萎缩症),正常  相似文献   

目的:探讨口腔矫正器对错颌畸形患者口腔微生态环境的影响。方法:选取在我院口腔科进行口腔矫正器治疗的错颌畸形患者48例,分别在矫正治疗前、治疗后1个月、3个月、6个月对其口腔微生物进行培养,观察比较错颌畸形患者在矫正治疗前后口腔微生态环境的变化。结果:1矫正治疗后1个月口腔变形链球菌、乳酸杆菌的检出率分别为16.7%、9.3%,均高于矫正治疗前,且变形链球菌在矫正治疗前后的检出率差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。矫正治疗后3个月、6个月口腔变形链球菌、乳酸杆菌的检出率均较矫正前明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01)。2矫正治疗后1个月牙龈卟啉单胞菌、伴放线杆菌、核酸杆菌的检出率分别为14.8%、13.0%和11.1%,均高于矫正治疗,且牙龈卟啉单胞菌、伴放线杆菌在矫正治疗前后的检出率差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。矫正治疗后3个月、6个月牙龈卟啉单胞菌、伴放线杆菌、核酸杆菌的检出率均比矫正前明显升高,差异有统计学意义(P0.05或P0.01)。结论:矫正器的放置破坏口腔微生态环境的平衡,影响牙齿、牙周的健康,应引起临床重视,及早做好预防及干预治疗。  相似文献   

口源性口臭指示菌的筛选   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的从口源性口臭(Oral Malodor)相关菌种中筛选主要代表菌,用以建立口臭细菌学(Oral Bacteri-ology)临床辅助诊断的指示菌(Indicator bacteria)。方法用感官检测(鼻闻法)(Organoleptic test)、气相色谱(Gas Chromatography)、硫化物检测仪(Halimeter)和硫化氢检测仪(Easicult S)等4种方法,在实验室检测常见的8种牙周及龋病致病菌,通过检测鼻闻臭味程度、硫化物(Volatile sulfur compounds,VSCs)、硫化氢(Hydrogen sulfide,H2S)及有异味的短链脂肪酸(Short Chain Fatlf acid)含量来确定指示菌。结果鼻闻:牙龈卟啉单胞菌(P.gingivalis,P.g)、中间普雷沃菌(P.intermedius,P.i)和具核梭杆菌具核梭亚种(F.subsp nucleatum,F.n)恶臭明显,其他菌有微臭或无味。气相色谱检测:P.g、P.i、F.n和伴放线聚生杆菌(Aggregatibscter actinomycetemcomitans,A.a)中有异味的丁酸(Butyric acid)含量在40%~66%,其他菌,其他产物含量较低。硫化物检测:P.g、P.i和F.n的VSCs量在1 000ppb以上,硫化氢检测:P.g、P.i和F.n的H2S在600 ppb以上,其他菌两项检测均在36 ppb以下。结论 P.g、P.i和F,n是主要产臭菌种,可作为临床口臭的细菌学辅助诊断的指示菌,供临床进一步研究。  相似文献   

The fluid mechanics of bolus ejection from the oral cavity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The squeezing action of the tongue against the palate provides driving forces to propel swallowed material out of the mouth and through the pharynx. Transport in respose to these driving forces, however, is dependent on the material properties of the swallowed bolus. Given the complex geometry of the oral cavity and the unsteady nature of this process, the mechanics governing the oral phase of swallowing are not well understood. In the current work, the squeezing flow between two approaching parallel plates is used as a simplified mathematical model to study the fluid mechanics of bolus ejection from the oral cavity. Driving forces generated by the contraction of intrinsic and extrinsic lingual muscles are modeled as a spatially uniform pressure applied to the tongue. Approximating the tongue as a rigid body, the motion of tongue and fluid are then computed simultaneously as a function of time. Bolus ejection is parameterized by the time taken to clear half the bolus from the oral cavity, t1/2. We find that t1/2 increases with increased viscosity and density and decreases with increased applied pressure. In addition, for low viscosity boluses (μapproximately 1000 cP), viscosity dominates. A transition region between these two regimes is found in which both properties affect the solution characteristics. The relationship of these results to the assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders is discussed.  相似文献   

目的调查健康人群口腔酵母菌的分布。方法将来源于健康人的口腔拭子接种于改良SDA培养基,37℃培养14d,分到的酵母菌通过菌落形态、革兰染色作初步鉴定.芽管形成试验、厚膜孢子生成及假菌丝产生试验、YBC酵母鉴定卡作菌种鉴定。结果酵母菌在健康人口腔中总分离率为8.78%(86/979),其中较多的为白色假丝酵母菌37株,占43.02%,近平滑假丝酵母菌和季也蒙假丝酵母菌各9株,各占10.47%,葡萄牙假丝酵母菌6株,占6.98%,其他25株。结论健康人口腔中有多种条件致病酵母菌的寄生。  相似文献   

Abstract Viable counts and activities of sulfate-reducing bacteria were determined in the oral cavities of 12 healthy volunteers. Of these, 10 harboured viable sulfate-reducing bacteria populations. Six separate sites were sampled: the posterior tongue, anterior tongue, mid buccal mucosa, vestibular mucosa, supragingival plaque and subgingival plaque. Sulfate-reducing bacteria occurred in all areas, with the highest incidence in supragingival plaque. Viable counts and sulfate-reducing activities in each of the regions varied from 0 to 108 cfu (g wet weight)−1 and from 0 to 50 nmol (g wet weight) −1 h−1, respectively. As sulfate-reducing bacteria can be detected in the oral cavity, they may potentially be involved in terminal oxidative processes carried out by the microflora of the mouth.  相似文献   

Kurnatowska  Anna J. 《Mycopathologia》1998,141(2):105-109
Fungi are elements of the ontocenosis of the oral cavity and causal factors of inflammatory lesions in its mucous membrane. The objective of the study was to find differences in the activity of hydrolytic enzymes of Candida albicans isolated from patients with diseases of the periodontium and mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Of 235 patients examined, 31 were diagnosed with gingivitis, 38 with glossitis, 28 with leucoplakia, 37 with adult periodontitis, 25 with juvenile periodontitis, 36 with stomatitis prothetica and 40 with stomatitis atrophica. In 196 patients (83.4 ± 2.4%), fungi belonging to Candida species were detected. In the evaluation of Candida albicans strains (146) properties, bioMerieux API ZYM tests containing substrates for the detection of 19 hydrolases were used. All the investigated strains were characterized by the activity of 14 enzymes, i.e. phosphatase alcaline, esterase (C4), esterase lipase (C8), leucine and valine arylamidase, phosphatase acid, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase, α galactosidase, β galactosidase, α glucosidase, β glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, α mannosidase and α fucosidase. Strains isolated from the oral cavity of patients with diseases of periodontium and mucous membrane are characterised by the highest phosphatase acid activity. The greatest enzymatic activity is characteristic of Candida albicans isolated from patients with stomatitis atrophica or stomatitis prothetica, and the lowest in strains from gingivitis or juvenile periodontitis cases. Differences in the activity of hydrolases are statistically significant (p<0.01) for: esterase (C4), leucine and valine arylamidase, phosphatase acid, naphthol-AS-BI-phosphohydrolase, β glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, of fungi isolated from patients with particular clinical diagnoses. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

益生菌(Probiotic)是添加入食物的能够增加营养摄入并改善人体肠道菌群平衡的活菌。大量研究认为益生菌有促进人体健康的作用,目前研究主要集中在益生菌促进人体肠道菌群平衡的作用。口腔是消化道的起始端,最先接触到益生菌并且也有其特有的微生态系统,近年来越来越多的研究关注益生菌对口腔微生物的作用。本文主要从益生菌在口腔的定植,益生菌对口腔微生物群落的影响,益生菌对口腔细菌作用机制三个方面对近年来益生菌对口腔微生物的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿是口腔活动修复中运用最久最为广泛的一种修复方式,其通过卡环的固位,基托的稳定,连接体的连接,可以使人工牙在患者缺牙间隙发挥相应的咀嚼功能。但是,可摘局部义齿作为一个外源性的异物戴入患者口内后,由于其理化性质与口腔正常环境差别极大,并且占据了口腔中的天然间隙,势必会导致口腔内环境的相应改变。口腔微生物依附于口腔内环境,与宿主共生。当口腔内环境变化时,口腔微生态也会产生相关的变化。研究可摘局部义齿戴入后口腔内微生态的变化可以使我们更好地评估可摘局部义齿的适应证,并指导我们新义齿的设计及开发方向。目前相关研究已相当充分,本文就可摘局部义齿戴入后,口腔微生态的变化作一简单综述。  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(2):122-130
The present study compares dental morphology and taste bud distribution in the oral cavity of four species of the teleost family Kyphosidae, five species of Girellidae and one species of Sparidae. Some of these species are predominantly herbivorous, while others are omnivorous with a high portion of invertebrates in their diets. All the kyphosids feature one row of frontal cusped teeth on their jaws and areas of miniature teeth on the tongue and palate; the girellid species feature 2–5 rows of denticulate teeth, and no teeth inside the oral cavity. The total number of taste buds in the oral cavity is higher in Girella spp. than in the kyphosids, and their number is species-specific, not correlated with fish size. For example, Kyphosus bigibbus of 500 mm standard length bears 1780 taste buds, while the kyphosid Neoscorpis lithophilus of 80 mm bears 3460. The maximum number of taste buds, 7900, is found in Girella punctata of 60 mm standard length, and the minimum number, 1320, in Kyphosus vaigiensis of 175 mm. The higher number of taste buds appears to characterize species that possess a more diversified diet. The present study contributes to our understanding of the differences between the two families Kyphosidae and Girellidae. In particular, it relates the eco-morphological adaptations to the type of diet consumed by the various species.  相似文献   

PurposeTo investigate whether a newly-developed single-energy metal artifact reduction (SEMAR) algorithm applied to images acquired on a 320-MDCT volume scanner reduces image artifacts from dental metal.MethodsWe inserted the lower right teeth covered with a dental metal alloy and crown in a skull phantom and performed single-volume scanning on a second-generation 320-MDCT scanner. A 12-mm diameter spherical lesion was placed either close to or far from the dental metal. The tube voltage and current were 120 kVp and 80 or 155 mA, respectively. Images were reconstructed with filtered back projection (FBP) or iterative reconstruction (IR), with or without SEMAR. We calculated the signal-to-artifact ratios (SAR) to quantify the visibility of the lesion. Two radiologists inspected 96 images (48 with lesion and 48 without) for the presence or absence of the lesion using a 5-point ordinal scale (1 = definitely absent to 5 = definitely present).ResultsOn images reconstructed with FPB and IR with SEMAR, streak artifacts from the dental metal were reduced substantially compared to images without SEMAR. At 155 mA with the lesion near the dental metal, the SARs were better on FBP and IR images (FBP: 1.7 and 0.5 with and without SEMAR, respectively; IR: 1.6 and 0.9 with and without SEMAR, respectively). The observer visual scores improved with SEMAR (FBP: 4.2 and 3.2 with and without SEMAR, respectively; IR: 4.2 and 3.0).ConclusionThe SEMAR algorithm reduces dental metal artifacts and improves lesion detectability and image quality in patients with oral cavity lesions.  相似文献   

Oral cavity is a diverse ecosystem which harbors immense diversity of microorganisms like fungi, virus and bacteria. Some of these microorganisms are involved in causing multiple infections. Oral flora is continuously changing due to connection with the external environment and produce bacteriocin against each other to compete for nutrient in this mini ecosystem. Current study was aimed to explore and compare the bacterial fauna of both healthy and non-healthy dental samples, by isolation and identification with biochemical tests to characterize the bacteriocin production. During study 120 swabs were taken from both healthy and unhealthy subjects. Samples were collected from the dental clinics of Makkah City, in sterile eppendorfs containing 1 ml nutrient broth, and were incubated overnight using shaking incubator. Bacteria were isolated following identification through Gram staining, microscopy and biochemical test. Total 15 strains of bacteria were isolated during the study amongst which 8 strains were gram positive and 7 strains were gram negative. The most dominant species of the gram positive strains was Streptococcus pneumoniae (n = 26). On the other hand, Escherichia coli (n = 26) was the prominent specie amongst the gram negative strains. Overall, the dominated family was Enterobacteriaceae (19.36%) followed by Streptococcaceae with 13.83% abundance. One of the most cariogenic strain Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 14) was also isolated. The bacterial strain diversity between these two type of ecosystem was approximately the same, with slight variation in Shannon (HS:2.627187, NHS:2.653594) and Simpson diversity (HS:0.923461, NHS: 0.92684) index. The current research revealed that bacteriocin production in the Enterobacter species was prominent against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Apart from this other strains like Klebsiella pneumoniae and Exiguobacterium spp were also able to produce bacteriocin against Enterobacter species and Bacillus cereus respectively.  相似文献   

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