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Blackbordered damselfish, Dascyllus marginatus, were presented with computer animations of varying backgrounds, with and without moving stimuli of conspecifics and sympatric heterospecifics. When subjects were released into the test tank their initial escape response was nearly always towards a fish stimulus, independent of species identity, rather than towards a background stimulus, even when the former where presented in the open and the latter displayed a coral shelter. Subjects did, however, show distinct preferences according to species with regards to the total time spent with each animation. D. marginatus significantly preferred conspecifics over Dascyllus trimaculatus, but did not prefer conspecifics over Dascyllus aruanus, a species with which they frequently shoal in nature. These results demonstrate that computer animations can be used in ethological studies of coral reef fishes and to isolate critical visual signals. Results also show that reef fishes can use visual signals to make sophisticated discriminations among species that can be modulated according to the task at hand.  相似文献   

Attraction was found to be a reliable indicator of species recognition in the damselfish Dascyllus aruanus. Isolated fish are attracted to live or dead conspecifics significantly more than to heterospecifics. Attraction persists towards black and white photographs. Using photographs it was shown that certain parts of the pattern are more important for recognition than others. Of the three black bars of the normal colour pattern, the central is the most important, and the anterior the least so. Two alternative criteria for demonstrating species recognition in a boldly coloured reef fish, aggression and attraction, are contrasted.  相似文献   

Coral-reef fishes experience a major challenge when facing settlement in a multi-threat environment, within which, using settlement cues, they need to select a suitable site. Studies in laboratories and artificial setups have shown that the presence of conspecific adults often serves as a positive settlement cue, whose value is explained by the increased survival of juveniles in an already proven fit environment. However, settlement in already inhabited corals may expose the recruits to adult aggression. Daily observations and manipulation experiments were used in the present study, which was conducted in the natural reef. We revealed differential strategies of settlers, which do not necessarily join conspecific adults. Dascyllus aruanus prefer to settle near (not with) their aggressive adults, and to join them only after gaining in size; whereas Dascyllus marginatus settlers in densely populated reefs settle independently of their adult distribution. Our results present different solutions to the challenges faced by fish recruits while selecting their microhabitat, and emphasize the complexity of habitat selection by the naïve settlers. Although laboratory experiments are important to the understanding of fish habitat selection, further studies in natural habitats are essential in order to elucidate the actual patterns of settlement and habitat selection, which are crucial for the survival of coral-reef fish populations.  相似文献   

Predator recognition and avoidance by paradise fish have been studied with allopatric species and model experiments. The effect of sympatric predators has not been investigated. Here I report that reactions of paradise fish towards a sympatric predator (Channa micropeltes) are quantitatively different from those shown towards an allopatric predator or different harmless species of fishes. I investigate the possible cues eliciting this differential response and show that visual as well as olfactory stimuli play roles. Olfactory stimuli from the sympatric predator alone elicit an elevated level of activity from paradise fish; the appearance of the sympatric predator (with or without olfactory stimuli) results in an exploratory and display reaction. I speculate what visual stimuli may play roles in predator recognition in paradise fish and I suggest that previously asserted key stimuli such as the eyes of the encountered heterospecific fish may not differentiate the harmful species from innocuous. I conclude that the antipredatory behavior of paradise fish may be affected by both genetic factors and learning and that the relative importance of the former or latter factor may vary depending on the situation.  相似文献   

Early workers concluded that ingestively naive garter snakes (Thamnophis) recognize chemical cues from their normal prey, and that such cues are sufficient to elicit prey attack, whereas visual prey cues are not sufficient. In the light of recent observations on how garter and water snakes (Nerodia) forage, new tests were made of the role of visual stimuli in the aquatic predation of several natricine species. Both experienced and ingestively naive snakes oriented to and attacked a fish model in plain water, although they made more orientations and attacks when diffuse fish odour was present in the water. Fish odour in water also elicited increased aquatic searching behaviour. Early views on the role of vision in the predation of newborn natricine snakes require modification, and there is a need for investigation of the properties of effective visual stimuli and the ontogeny of responsiveness to them.  相似文献   

Mutualistic symbioses are ubiquitous in nature and facilitate high biodiversity and productivity of ecosystems by enhancing the efficiency of energy and nutrient use within ecological communities. For example, small groups of fish that inhabit coral colonies in reef ecosystems potentially enhance coral growth through defense from coral predators, aeration of coral tissue and nutrient provisioning. This study examines whether the prevalence and consequences of fish-coral interactions vary among sites with different environmental conditions in a coral reef lagoon, using the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus and its preferred coral host Pocillopora damicornis as a study system. Using a field experiment, we tested the site-specific effects of D. aruanus on coral growth, and show that the cost-benefit ratio for corals hosting fish varies with local environmental variation. Results of this study also demonstrate that fish prefer to inhabit coral colonies with particular branch-spacing characteristics, and that the local abundance of D. aruanus influences the proportion of coral colonies within a site that are occupied by fish rather than increasing the number of fish per colony. We also show that corals consistently benefit from hosting D. aruanus via defense from predation by corallivorous butterflyfish, regardless of local environmental conditions. These findings highlight the need to consider the potential for multiple scale- and state-dependent interaction effects when examining the ecology of fish-coral associations. We suggest that fluctuating cost-benefit ratios for species interactions may contribute to the maintenance of different colony phenotypes within coral populations.  相似文献   

Five species of potential predators of D. aruanus were trained in aquaria using a simple reward versus no-reward training technique in which D. aruanus (no-reward) and a variety of alternative prey species (reward) were presented simultaneously to the former. All the predators tested exhibited an ability to learn to approach the reward species of fish in preference to D. aruanus. Results are discussed in relation to the recently proposed theory that potential predators may learn in the field not to attack D. aruanus but to concentrate on alternative and more easily caught prey.  相似文献   

Aggression is often positively correlated with other behavioural traits such as boldness and activity levels. Comparisons across populations can help to determine factors that promote the evolution of such traits. We quantified these behaviours by testing the responses of wild-caught poeciliid fish, Brachyrhaphis episcopi, to mirror image stimuli. This species occurs in populations that experience either high or low levels of predation pressure. Previous studies have shown that B. episcopi from low predation environments are less bold than those that occur with many predators. We therefore predicted that fish from high predation populations would be more aggressive and more active than fish from low predation populations. However, we found the opposite - low predation fish approached a mirror and a novel object more frequently than high predation fish suggesting that ‘boldness’ and aggression were higher in low predation populations, and that population-level boldness measures may vary depending on context. When tested individually, low predation fish inspected their mirror image more frequently. Females, but not males, from low predation sites were also more aggressive towards their mirror image. Variation in female aggression may be driven by a trade-off between food availability and predation risk. This suggests that the relationship between aggression and boldness has been shaped by adaptation to environmental conditions, and not genetic constraints.  相似文献   

Synopsis In the Gulf of Aqaba Dascyllus aruanus and D. marginatus, form distinct populations organised into harems of single males and groups of females, living permanently in Stylophora and Acropora corals. Each harem consists of 4 sexual casts: dominating males, adult females, sex-changing fish and juveniles. The sexual performance of each adult fish in such social units is controlled by the presence or absence of a dominating male. In corals occupied by mixed groups of both species, only those females spawn that belong to the same species as the dominating male. Direct observation in the sea shows that such situations are produced by indiscriminative settling mechanisms of groups of juvenile fish. Evidence is also presented, demonstrating that dispersion of coral colonies suitable for occupancy and predation by piscivorous fish can modulate such complicated reproduction.  相似文献   



Ants typically distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates based on the perception of colony-specific chemicals, particularly cuticular hydrocarbons present on the surface of the ants' exoskeleton. These recognition cues are believed to play an important role in the formation of vast so-called supercolonies that have been described for some invasive ant species, but general conclusions about the role of these cues are hampered by only few species being studied. Here we use data on cuticular hydrocarbons, aggression and microsatellite genetic markers to investigate the interdependence of chemical recognition cues, genetic distance and nestmate discrimination in the pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis), a widespread pest species, and ask whether introduced populations of this species are genetically differentiated and exhibit intraspecific aggression.


Microsatellite analyses of a total of 35 colonies from four continents revealed extremely high levels of genetic differentiation between almost all colonies (F ST = 0.751 ± 0.006 SE) and very low within-colony diversity. This implies that at least 34 and likely hundreds more independent lineages of this ant have spread worldwide. Aggression tests involving workers from 14 different colonies showed only low levels of aggression, even between colonies that were geographically and/or genetically very distant. Chemical analyses of groups of worker ants showed that all colonies had the same cuticular compounds, which varied only quantitatively among colonies. There was a positive correlation between geographical and genetic distance, but no other significant relationships were detected between aggression, chemical profile, genetic distance and geographical distance.


The pharaoh ant has a global invasion history of numerous independent introductions resulting in genetically highly differentiated colonies typically displaying surprisingly low levels of intraspecific aggression, a behaviour that may have evolved in the native range or by lineage selection in the introduced range.  相似文献   

A prey species of fish (Dascyllus aruanus) was envenomated with venom fractions of Aipysurus laevis. Fraction group ventilation profiles were compared to a model of ventilation changes possessing three divisions for a medium venom dose to examine differences in fraction profiles with whole venom. All groups, including controls, showed an increase in ventilation in division 1 due to subject manipulation. Fractions 1, 3, 5, 6 and a fraction recombination showed significant increases in ventilation rates from the control in division 2. Fractions 2 and 4 were shown to be significantly lower in ventilation rates during this division. Fractions 1, 3, 5 and 6 are suspected of having neurotoxic characteristics with fraction 6 being the major neurotoxin in A. laevis venom. Significant differences were seen between the experimental group ventilation profiles.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how the humbug damselfish Dascyllus aruanus, subject of a large number of ecological, evolutionary and behavioural studies, responds to the presence of human observers (effect of scuba diver presence-absence) and how the method of data collection (directly by a scuba diver v. indirectly via video camera) may affect the quality of behavioural data. Scuba diver presence had only subtle effects on fish behaviour. The efficiency of the method of scoring fish behaviour depended on the behaviour under consideration: those behaviours that occur in close proximity to the corals were scored more effectively directly by a scuba diver while those that are performed in a more rapid or repetitive fashion were scored more effectively indirectly via video camera. These results provide a foundation for future behavioural research on D. aruanus and other fishes where scuba divers or video cameras are the prevalent means of data collection.  相似文献   

For coral reef fish with an obligate relationship to their habitat, like Pomacentrid damselfish, choosing a suitable home amongst the reef structure is key to survival. A surprisingly small number of studies have examined patterns in adult damselfish distributions compared to other ontogenetic phases. The aim of this study was to determine which reef and coral colony characteristics explained adult damselfish distribution patterns in a Red Sea reef. The characteristics investigated were reef type (continuous or patchy), coral species (seven species of Acropora), and coral morphology (coral size and branching density). The focal damselfish species were Dascyllus aruanus, D. marginatus, Chromis viridis, and C. flavaxilla. Occupancy (presence or absence of resident damselfish), group size and fish species richness were not significantly different between the seven Acropora species. However, within each coral species, damselfish were more likely to occupy larger coral colonies than smaller coral colonies. Occupancy rates were also higher in patchy reef habitats than in continuous sections of the reef, probably because average coral colony size was greater in patchy reef type. Fish group size increased significantly with coral colony volume and with larger branch spacing. Multi-species groups of fish commonly occurred and were increasingly likely with reduced branching density and increased coral size.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of 50 ornamental fish species from shallow water habitats on coral reefs were investigated using visual census techniques, between latitudes 11−29°N in the Red Sea, in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, and in the adjacent Gulf of Aden in Djibouti. One hundred eighteen transects (each 100×5 m) were examined in 29 sites (3−8 sites per country). A total of 522,523 fish individuals were counted during this survey, with mean abundance of 4428.2 ± 87.26 individual per 500 m² transect. In terms of relative abundance (RA), the most abundant species were Blue green damselfish, Chromis viridis (RA=54.4%),followed bySea goldie, Pseudanthias squamipinnis (RA= 34.7), Whitetail dascyllus, Dascyllus aruanus (RA= 2.6%), Marginate dascyllus, Dascyllus marginatus (RA= 2.0),Red Sea eightline flasher Paracheilinus octotaenia (RA=1.0),andKlunzinger’s wrasse, Thalassoma rueppellii (0.7%). The highest number of species (S) per 500 m² transect was found on reefs at the latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia (S=21.8), and the lowest number of species was found at the latitude 15° in Djibouti (S=11.11). The highest mean abundance (8565.8) was found on reefs at latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia and the lowest mean abundance (230) was found on reefs at latitude 22°, also in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, the highest Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index was found in reefs at the latitude 22° (H`=2.4) and the lowest was found in reefs at the latitude 20° (H`=0.6). This study revealed marked differences in the structure of ornamental fish assemblages with latitudinal distribution. The data support the presence of two major biogeographic groups of fishes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden group and the group in the northern and central Red Sea. Strong correlations were found between live coral cover and the number of fish species, abundance and Shannon-Wiener Diversity indices, and the strength of these correlations varied among the reefs. A conclusion was done that environmental differences among the reefs and the habitats investigated were important components of abundance variations and species diversity of ornamental fish along latitudinal gradients in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

Oligolectic bees collect pollen from a few plants within a genus or family to rear their offspring, and are known to rely on visual and olfactory floral cues to recognize host plants. However, studies investigating whether oligolectic bees recognize distinct host plants by using shared floral cues are scarce. In the present study, we investigated in a comparative approach the visual and olfactory floral cues of six Campanula species, of which only Campanula lactiflora has never been reported as a pollen source of the oligolectic bee Ch. rapunculi. We hypothesized that the flowers of Campanula species visited by Ch. rapunculi share visual (i.e. color) and/or olfactory cues (scents) that give them a host-specific signature. To test this hypothesis, floral color and scent were studied by spectrophotometric and chemical analyses, respectively. Additionally, we performed bioassays within a flight cage to test the innate color preference of Ch. rapunculi. Our results show that Campanula flowers reflect the light predominantly in the UV-blue/blue bee-color space and that Ch. rapunculi displays a strong innate preference for these two colors. Furthermore, we recorded spiroacetals in the floral scent of all Campanula species, but Ca. lactiflora. Spiroacetals, rarely found as floral scent constituents but quite common among Campanula species, were recently shown to play a key function for host-flower recognition by Ch. rapunculi. We conclude that Campanula species share some visual and olfactory floral cues, and that neurological adaptations (i.e. vision and olfaction) of Ch. rapunculi innately drive their foraging flights toward host flowers. The significance of our findings for the evolution of pollen diet breadth in bees is discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The two damselfish, Dascyllus aruanus and D. marginatus are coral-dwelling species, occurring in separate groups or together in the corals Stylophora pistillata and Acropora spp. The two species, however, occur together more frequently than would be expected by chance. The niches of these species overlap in space, time and food. Looking for mechanisms that allow such coexistence, it was found that in such a bispecific group, no difference exists in agonistic acts between intra — or interspecific encounters. This phenomenon seems to be produced by two independent mechanisms — random settling of juveniles from the plankton and predation pressure that strongly limits the re-settling of the fish.  相似文献   

Most antipredator strategies increase survival of individuals by signaling to predators, by reducing the chances of being recognized as prey, or by bewildering a predator''s perception. In fish, bobbing and fin‐flicking are commonly considered as pursuit‐deterrent behaviors that signal a predator that it has been detected and thus lost its surprise‐attack advantage. Yet, very few studies assessed whether such behavioral traits are restricted to the visual presence of a predator. In this study, we used the yellow black‐headed triplefin Tripterygion delaisi to investigate the association between these behaviors and the visual exposure to (a) a black scorpionfish predator (Scorpaena porcus), (b) a stone of a size similar to that of S. porcus, (c) a conspecific, and (d) a harmless heterospecific combtooth blenny (Parablennius sanguinolentus). We used a laboratory‐controlled experiment with freshly caught fish designed to test for differences in visual cues only. Distance kept by the focal fish to each stimulus and frequency of bobbing and fin‐flicking were recorded. Triplefins kept greater distance from the stimulus compartment when a scorpionfish predator was visible. Bobbing was more frequent in the visual presence of a scorpionfish, but also shown toward the other stimuli. However, fin flicks were equally abundant across all stimuli. Both behaviors decreased in frequency over time suggesting that triplefin become gradually comfortable in a nonchanging new environment. We discuss why bobbing and fin‐flicking are not exclusive pursuit‐deterrent behaviors in this species, and propose additional nonexclusive functions such as enhancing depth perception by parallax motion (bobbing) or signaling vigilance (fin‐flicking).  相似文献   

Some insects use host and mate cues, including odor, color, and shape, to locate and recognize their preferred hosts and mates. Previous research has shown that the Asian longicorn beetle, Anoplophora glabripennis (Motschulsky), uses olfactory cues to locate host plants and differentiate them from non-host plants. However, whether A. glabripennis adults use visual cues or a combination of visual and olfactory cues remains unclear. In this study, we tested the host location and recognition behavior in A. glabripennis, which infests a number of hardwood species and causes considerable economic losses in North America, Europe and Asia. We determined the relative importance of visual and olfactory cues from Acer negundo in host plant location and recognition, as well as in the discrimination of non-host plants (Sabina chinensis and Pinus bungeana), by female and male A. glabripennis. Visual and olfactory cues from the host plants (A. negundo), alone and combined, attracted significantly more females and males than equivalent cues from non-host plants (S. chinensis and P. bungeana). Furthermore, the combination of visual and olfactory cues of host plants attracted more adults than either cue alone, and visual cues alone attracted significantly more adults than olfactory cues alone. This finding suggests that adult A. glabripennis has an innate preference for the visual and/or olfactory cues of its host plants (A. negundo) over those of the non-host plant and visual cues are initially more important than olfactory cues for orientation; furthermore, this finding also suggests that adults integrate visual and olfactory cues to find their host plants. Our results indicate that different modalities of host plant cues should be considered together to understand fully the communication between host plants and Asian longhorned beetles.  相似文献   

Multimodal communication is essential in social interactions in cichlid fish, including conspecifics’ recognition, agonistic interactions and courtship behaviour. Computer-manipulated image stimuli and sound playback offer powerful tools to assess the relative relevance of visual and acoustic stimuli in fish behavioural studies, but these techniques require validation for each taxon. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus responds to computer-manipulated visual stimuli and acoustic playback. Six experiments were conducted: computer animation playback, video playback, interaction with a mirror, presentation of a live male in a jar alone and combined with courting sound playback or with white noise playback. Individual agonistic interactions (lateral displays, up and down swimming, butting) and courting behaviours (tilting leading, digging) were tallied for each experiment. Our results suggest that non-interactive computer-manipulated visual stimuli is not a suitable tool in behavioural research with Mozambique tilapia. In contrast, interaction with a live male in a jar seems to remain the best visual research instrument inducing significant strong behavioural responses. Although none or only a few agonistic interactions were observed towards video playbacks or computer animations, such interactions significantly increased towards a male in jar and were modulated by courtship sound playback, suggesting the additional relevance of sound playback as a tool in behavioural research with Mozambique tilapia, including the study of multimodal signalling.  相似文献   

Colour polymorphisms are a striking example of phenotypic diversity, yet the sources of selection that allow different morphs to persist within populations remain poorly understood. In particular, despite the importance of aggression in mediating social dominance, few studies have considered how heterospecific aggression might contribute to the maintenance or divergence of different colour morphs. To redress this gap, we carried out a field-based study in a Nicaraguan crater lake to investigate patterns of heterospecific aggression directed by the cichlid fish, Hypsophrys nicaraguensis, towards colour polymorphic cichlids in the genus Amphilophus. We found that H. nicaraguensis was the most frequent territorial neighbour of the colour polymorphic A. sagittae. Furthermore, when manipulating territorial intrusions using models, H. nicaraguensis were more aggressive towards the gold than dark colour morph of the sympatric Amphilophus species, including A. sagittae. Such a pattern of heterospecific aggression should be costly to the gold colour morph, potentially accounting for its lower than expected frequency and, more generally, highlighting the importance of considering heterospecific aggression in the context of morph frequencies and coexistence in the wild.  相似文献   

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