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Estimation efficiency in a binary mixed-effects model setting   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Tan  Z. 《Biometrika》2009,96(1):229-236
Suppose that independent observations are drawn from multipledistributions, each of which is a mixture of two component distributionssuch that their log density ratio satisfies a linear model witha slope parameter and an intercept parameter. Inference forsuch models has been studied using empirical likelihood, andmixed results have been obtained. The profile empirical likelihoodof the slope and intercept has an irregularity at the null hypothesisso that the two component distributions are equal. We derivea profile empirical likelihood and maximum likelihood estimatorof the slope alone, and obtain the usual asymptotic propertiesfor the estimator and the likelihood ratio statistic regardlessof the null. Furthermore, we show the maximum likelihood estimatorof the slope and intercept jointly is consistent and asymptoticallynormal regardless of the null. At the null, the joint maximumlikelihood estimator falls along a straight line through theorigin with perfect correlation asymptotically to the firstorder.  相似文献   

Sundberg  Rolf 《Biometrika》2002,89(2):478-483

Wen CC  Lin CT 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):760-769
Statistical inference based on right-censored data for the proportional hazards (PH) model with missing covariates has received considerable attention, but interval-censored or current status data with missing covariates has not yet been investigated. Our study is partly motivated by the analysis of fracture data from the 2005 National Health Interview Survey Original Database in Taiwan, where the occurrence of fractures was interval censored and the covariate osteoporosis was not reported for all residents. We assume that the data are realized from a PH model. A semiparametric maximum likelihood estimate implemented by a hybrid algorithm is proposed to analyze current status data with missing covariates. A comparison of the performance of our method with full-cohort analysis, complete-case analysis, and surrogate analysis is made via simulation with moderate sample sizes. The fracture data are then analyzed.  相似文献   

For curved exponential models, the modified profile likelihoodand the modified directed likelihood are approximated, witherror 0(n-1) under ordinary repeated sampling, by explicitlydefined and invariant quantities which do not require specificationof an ancillary and which are stable in the sense of havingthe appropriate conditionality property with respect to anyreasonable ancillary.  相似文献   

On assessing the association for bivariate current status data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang  Weijing; Ding  A. Adam 《Biometrika》2000,87(4):879-893


A semiparametric changepoint model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Guan  Zhong 《Biometrika》2004,91(4):849-862

Li Liu  Liming Xiang 《Biometrics》2014,70(4):910-919

FAREWELL  V. T. 《Biometrika》1979,66(1):27-32

C. Rivera  T. Lumley 《Biometrics》2016,72(2):382-391

A note on pseudolikelihood constructed from marginal densities   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Cox  D. R.; Reid  N. 《Biometrika》2004,91(3):729-737

Xue  Liugen; Zhu  Lixing 《Biometrika》2007,94(4):921-937
A semiparametric regression model for longitudinal data is considered.The empirical likelihood method is used to estimate the regressioncoefficients and the baseline function, and to construct confidenceregions and intervals. It is proved that the maximum empiricallikelihood estimator of the regression coefficients achievesasymptotic efficiency and the estimator of the baseline functionattains asymptotic normality when a bias correction is made.Two calibrated empirical likelihood approaches to inferencefor the baseline function are developed. We propose a groupwiseempirical likelihood procedure to handle the inter-series dependencefor the longitudinal semiparametric regression model, and employbias correction to construct the empirical likelihood ratiofunctions for the parameters of interest. This leads us to provea nonparametric version of Wilks' theorem. Compared with methodsbased on normal approximations, the empirical likelihood doesnot require consistent estimators for the asymptotic varianceand bias. A simulation compares the empirical likelihood andnormal-based methods in terms of coverage accuracies and averageareas/lengths of confidence regions/intervals.  相似文献   

Estimation in the birth process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
KEIDING  NIELS 《Biometrika》1974,61(1):71-80


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