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Somatic Mutation Favors the Evolution of Diploidy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
H. A. Orr 《Genetics》1995,139(3):1441-1447
Explanations of diploidy have focused on advantages gained from masking deleterious mutations that are inherited. Recent theory has shown that these explanations are flawed. Indeed, we still lack any satisfactory explanation of diploidy in species that are asexual or that recombine only rarely. Here I consider a possibility first suggested by EFROIMSON in 1932, by MULLER in 1964 and by CROW and KIMURA in 1965: diploidy may provide protection against somatic, not inherited, mutations. I both compare the mean fitness of haploid and diploid populations that are asexual and investigate the invasion of ``diploidy' alleles in sexual populations. When deleterious mutations are partially recessive and somatic mutation is sufficiently common, somatic mutation provides a clear advantage to diploidy in both asexual and sexual species.  相似文献   

The relative adaptation of isogenic haploid and diploid strains of yeast was investigated in different sets of physiological conditions. When all nutrients were present in excess, no difference in the reproductive rates of isogenic haploid and diploid strains of yeast was detected in both optimal and non-optimal growth conditions. Competition between haploid and diploid strains of yeast was observed when growth was limited by the concentration of a single nutrilite. Under certain conditions when fitness (reproductive rate) is determined by transport of an essential nutrilite that exists in very low concentrations, diploid cells were selected against. These environmental conditions are similar to those found in offshore marine environments where nutrients are often present in extremely low concentrations. The fitness of diploid cells was estimated to be.93 +/-.02 (haploid fitness = 1). The reduced fitness of diploid cells in this environment can be explained by the reduced surface area/volume ratio possessed by diploid cells in comparison to haploid cells. The fitnesses of haploid and diploid cells in these environments are closely correlated with geometric variations in these strains. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that diploid cells are simply double haploids, and diploidy per se does not confer any direct adaptive advantage. The mechanism of the evolution of diploidy as a dominant phase in the life cycle of higher plants and animals remains obscure.  相似文献   

The genus Rickettsia consists of intracellular bacteria that cause a variety of arthropod vectored human diseases. I have examined the evolutionary processes that are generating variation in antigens that are potential vaccine candidates. The surface proteins rOmpA and rOmpB are subject to intense positive natural selection, causing rapid diversification of their amino acid sequences between species. The positively selected amino acids were mapped and cluster together in regions that may indicate the location of functionally important regions such as epitopes. In contrast to the rOmp antigens, there is no evidence of positive selection on the intracytoplasmic antigen PS120 despite low selective constraints on this gene. All three genes showed evidence of recombination between species, and certain sequences are clear chimeras of two parental sequences. However, recombination has been sufficiently infrequent that the phylogenies of the three genes are similar, although not identical. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie J. Swanson]  相似文献   

Recombination, the swapping of large portions of genetic information between and among parental genotypes, can be applied to in vitro evolution experiments on functional nucleic acids. Both homologous and heterologous recombination can be achieved using standard laboratory techniques. In many cases, recombination can allow for the discovery of a ribozyme or DNAzyme phenotype that would not likely be encountered by reliance on point mutations alone. In addition, recombination can often aid in the discovery of global optima in sequence space and/or lessen the number of generations it would take to reach optima. Recombination is most efficiently used in combination with point mutations and applied after the first couple of rounds of selection but before high-fitness genotypes dominate the selection. The “recombination zone” describes that region of sequence space—defined by the residues that will ultimately participate in the function of the winning nucleic acid(s)—where recombination is expected to be the most beneficial in the search for high-fitness genotypes.[Reviewing Editor: Martin Kreitman]Author order determined by a single Bernoulli trial as implemented by RPS.  相似文献   

A new gene for a new purpose may be created by mutation of a pre-existing gene. But if that original gene is still required for its original purpose, and is to be retained side by side with the new, a spare copy is needed initially as raw material for the innovation. Thus in haploids the original gene must be duplicated before it is modified. But in diploids a spare copy of every gene is always available, and a mutant allele serving a new purpose can be easily established and maintained by heterosis in parallel with the old allele. Subsequent gene duplication will lead, via crossing-over, to insertion of the new gene in tandem with the old, as a permanent addition to the genome. Calculations show that diploids can thus enlarge their genomes with new genes for new purposes much more readily than haploids; in particular, they can more easily evolve the complex gene control systems characteristic of differentiated multicellular organisms. Sexual reproduction preserves diploidy, and so can be seen as the basis of these richer possibilities for evolutionary innovation.  相似文献   

The Evolution of the Y Chromosome with X-Y Recombination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A. G. Clark 《Genetics》1988,119(3):711-720
A theoretical population genetic model is developed to explore the consequences of X-Y recombination in the evolution of sex chromosome polymorphism. The model incorporates one sex-determining locus and one locus subject to natural selection. Both loci have two alleles, and the rate of classical meiotic recombination between the loci is r. The alleles at the sex-determining locus specify whether the chromosome is X or Y, and the alleles at the selected locus are arbitrarily labeled A and a. Natural selection is modeled as a process of differential viabilities. The system can be expressed in terms of three recurrence equations, one for the frequency of A on the X-bearing gametes produced by females, one for each of the frequency of A on the X- and Y-bearing gametes produced by males. Several special cases are examined, including X chromosome dominance and symmetric selection. Unusual equilibria are found with the two sexes having very different allele frequencies at the selected locus. A significant finding is that the allowance of recombination results in a much greater opportunity for polymorphism of the Y chromosome. Tighter linkage results in a greater likelihood for equilibria with a large difference between the sex chromosomes in allele frequency.  相似文献   

Alus are the most abundant and successful short interspersed nuclear elements found in primate genomes. In humans, they represent about 10% of the genome, although few are retrotransposition-competent and are clustered into subfamilies according to the source gene from which they evolved. Recombination between them can lead to genomic rearrangements of clinical and evolutionary significance. In this study, we have addressed the role of recombination in the origin of chimeric Alu source genes by the analysis of all known consensus sequences of human Alus. From the allelic diversity of Alu consensus sequences, validated in extant elements resulting from whole genome searches, distinct events of recombination were detected in the origin of particular subfamilies of AluS and AluY source genes. These results demonstrate that at least two subfamilies are likely to have emerged from ectopic Alu-Alu recombination, which stimulates further research regarding the potential of chimeric active Alus to punctuate the genome.  相似文献   

We suggest hypotheses to account for two major features of chromosomal organization in higher eukaryotes. The first of these is the general restriction of crossing over in the neighborhood of centromeres and telomeres. We propose that this is a consequence of selection for reduced rates of unequal exchange between repeated DNA sequences for which the copy number is subject to stabilizing selection: microtubule binding sites, in the case of centromeres, and the short repeated sequences needed for terminal replication of a linear DNA molecule, in the case of telomeres. An association between proximal crossing over and nondisjunction would also favor the restriction of crossing over near the centromere. The second feature is the association between highly repeated DNA sequences of no obvious functional significance and regions of restricted crossing over. We show that highly repeated sequences are likely to persist longest (over evolutionary time) when crossing over is infrequent. This is because unequal exchange among repeated sequences generates single copy sequences, and a population that becomes fixed for a single copy sequence by drift remains in this state indefinitely (in the absence of gene amplification processes). Increased rates of exchange thus speed up the process of stochastic loss of repeated sequences.  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamics of HIV during the chronic phase of infection is driven by the host immune response and by selective pressures exerted through drug treatment. To understand and model the evolution of HIV quantitatively, the parameters governing genetic diversification and the strength of selection need to be known. While mutation rates can be measured in single replication cycles, the relevant effective recombination rate depends on the probability of coinfection of a cell with more than one virus and can only be inferred from population data. However, most population genetic estimators for recombination rates assume absence of selection and are hence of limited applicability to HIV, since positive and purifying selection are important in HIV evolution. Yet, little is known about the distribution of selection differentials between individual viruses and the impact of single polymorphisms on viral fitness. Here, we estimate the rate of recombination and the distribution of selection coefficients from time series sequence data tracking the evolution of HIV within single patients. By examining temporal changes in the genetic composition of the population, we estimate the effective recombination to be ρ = 1.4±0.6×10−5 recombinations per site and generation. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the selection coefficients of at least 15% of the observed non-synonymous polymorphisms exceed 0.8% per generation. These results provide a basis for a more detailed understanding of the evolution of HIV. A particularly interesting case is evolution in response to drug treatment, where recombination can facilitate the rapid acquisition of multiple resistance mutations. With the methods developed here, more precise and more detailed studies will be possible as soon as data with higher time resolution and greater sample sizes are available.  相似文献   

The bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is one of the most important human bacterial pathogens, and a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The pneumococcus is also known for undergoing extensive homologous recombination via transformation with exogenous DNA. It has been shown that recombination has a major impact on the evolution of the pathogen, including acquisition of antibiotic resistance and serotype-switching. Nevertheless, the mechanism and the rates of recombination in an epidemiological context remain poorly understood. Here, we proposed several mathematical models to describe the rate and size of recombination in the evolutionary history of two very distinct pneumococcal lineages, PMEN1 and CC180. We found that, in both lineages, the process of homologous recombination was best described by a heterogeneous model of recombination with single, short, frequent replacements, which we call micro-recombinations, and rarer, multi-fragment, saltational replacements, which we call macro-recombinations. Macro-recombination was associated with major phenotypic changes, including serotype-switching events, and thus was a major driver of the diversification of the pathogen. We critically evaluate biological and epidemiological processes that could give rise to the micro-recombination and macro-recombination processes.  相似文献   

The role of reciprocal recombination in the coevolution of the ribosomal RNA gene family on the X and Y chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster was assessed by determining the frequency and nature of such exchange. In order to detect exchange events within the ribosomal RNA gene family, both flanking markers and restriction fragment length polymorphisms within the tandemly repeated gene family were used. The vast majority of crossovers between flanking markers were within the ribosomal RNA gene region, indicating that this region is a hotspot for heterochromatic recombination. The frequency of crossovers within the ribosomal RNA gene region was approximately 10(-4) in both X/X and X/Y individuals. In conjunction with published X chromosome-specific and Y chromosome-specific sequences and restriction patterns, the data indicate that reciprocal recombination alone cannot be responsible for the observed variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

Y Parag  B Nachman 《Heredity》1966,21(1):151-154

Classical models suggest that recombination rates on sex chromosomes evolve in a stepwise manner to localize sexually antagonistic variants in the sex in which they are beneficial, thereby lowering rates of recombination between X and Y chromosomes. However, it is also possible that sex chromosome formation occurs in regions with preexisting recombination suppression. To evaluate these possibilities, we constructed linkage maps and a chromosome-scale genome assembly for the dioecious plant Rumex hastatulus. This species has a polymorphic karyotype with a young neo-sex chromosome, resulting from a Robertsonian fusion between the X chromosome and an autosome, in part of its geographic range. We identified the shared and neo-sex chromosomes using comparative genetic maps of the two cytotypes. We found that sex-linked regions of both the ancestral and the neo-sex chromosomes are embedded in large regions of low recombination. Furthermore, our comparison of the recombination landscape of the neo-sex chromosome to its autosomal homolog indicates that low recombination rates mainly preceded sex linkage. These patterns are not unique to the sex chromosomes; all chromosomes were characterized by massive regions of suppressed recombination spanning most of each chromosome. This represents an extreme case of the periphery-biased recombination seen in other systems with large chromosomes. Across all chromosomes, gene and repetitive sequence density correlated with recombination rate, with patterns of variation differing by repetitive element type. Our findings suggest that ancestrally low rates of recombination may facilitate the formation and subsequent evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Does Diploidy Increase the Rate of Adaptation?   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
H. A. Orr  S. P. Otto 《Genetics》1994,136(4):1475-1480
Explanations of the evolution of diploidy have focused on the advantages gained from masking deleterious alleles. Recent theory has shown, however, that masking does not always provide an advantage to diploidy and would never favor diploidy in predominantly asexual organisms. We explore a neglected alternative theory which posits that, by doubling the genome size, diploids double the rate at which favorable mutations arise. Consequently, the rate of adaptation in diploids is presumed to be faster than in haploids. The rate of adaptation, however, depends not only on the rate of appearance of new favorable mutations but also on the rate at which these mutations are incorporated (which depends on the population size and on the dominance of favorable mutations). We show that, in both asexuals and sexuals, doubling the mutation rate via diploidy often does not accelerate the rate of adaptation. Indeed, under many conditions, diploidy slows adaptation.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination is expected to increase natural selection efficacy by decoupling the fate of beneficial and deleterious mutations and by readily creating new combinations of beneficial alleles. Here, we investigate how the proportion of amino acid substitutions fixed by adaptive evolution (α) depends on the recombination rate in bacteria. We analyze 3,086 core protein-coding sequences from 196 genomes belonging to five closely related species of the genus Rhizobium. These genes are found in all species and do not display any signs of introgression between species. We estimate α using the site frequency spectrum (SFS) and divergence data for all pairs of species. We evaluate the impact of recombination within each species by dividing genes into three equally sized recombination classes based on their average level of intragenic linkage disequilibrium. We find that α varies from 0.07 to 0.39 across species and is positively correlated with the level of recombination. This is both due to a higher estimated rate of adaptive evolution and a lower estimated rate of nonadaptive evolution, suggesting that recombination both increases the fixation probability of advantageous variants and decreases the probability of fixation of deleterious variants. Our results demonstrate that homologous recombination facilitates adaptive evolution measured by α in the core genome of prokaryote species in agreement with studies in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

S. P. Otto  N. H. Barton 《Genetics》1997,147(2):879-906
One of the oldest hypotheses for the advantage of recombination is that recombination allows beneficial mutations that arise in different individuals to be placed together on the same chromosome. Unless recombination occurs, one of the beneficial alleles is doomed to extinction, slowing the rate at which adaptive mutations are incorporated within a population. We model the effects of a modifier of recombination on the fixation probability of beneficial mutations when beneficial alleles are segregating at other loci. We find that modifier alleles that increase recombination do increase the fixation probability of beneficial mutants and subsequently hitchhike along as the mutants rise in frequency. The strength of selection favoring a modifier that increases recombination is proportional to λ(2)Sδr/r when linkage is tight and λ(2)S(3)δ r/N when linkage is loose, where λ is the beneficial mutation rate per genome per generation throughout a population of size N, S is the average mutant effect, r is the average recombination rate, and δr is the amount that recombination is modified. We conclude that selection for recombination will be substantial only if there is tight linkage within the genome or if many loci are subject to directional selection as during periods of rapid evolutionary change.  相似文献   

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