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Bergmann's rule is the propensity for species‐mean body size to decrease with increasing temperature. Temperature‐dependent oxygen limitation has been hypothesized to help drive temperature–size relationships among ectotherms, including Bergmann's rule, where organisms reduce body size under warm oxygen‐limited conditions, thereby maintaining aerobic scope. Temperature‐dependent oxygen limitation should be most pronounced among aquatic ectotherms that cannot breathe aerially, as oxygen solubility in water decreases with increasing temperature. We use phylogenetically explicit analyses to show that species‐mean adult size of aquatic salamanders with branchial or cutaneous oxygen uptake becomes small in warm environments and large in cool environments, whereas body size of aquatic species with lungs (i.e., that respire aerially), as well as size of semiaquatic and terrestrial species do not decrease with temperature. We argue that oxygen limitation drives the evolution of small size in warm aquatic environments for species with aquatic respiration. More broadly, the stronger decline in size with temperature observed in aquatic versus terrestrial salamander species mirrors the relatively strong plastic declines in size observed previously among aquatic versus terrestrial invertebrates, suggesting that temperature‐dependent oxygen availability can help drive patterns of plasticity, micro‐ and macroevolution.  相似文献   

A study of body size and the compactness profile parameters of the humerus of 37 species of lissamphibians demonstrates a relationship between lifestyle (aquatic, amphibious or terrestrial) and bone microstructure. Multiple linear regressions and variance partitioning with Phylogenetic eigenVector Regressions reveal an ecological and a phylogenetic signal in some body size and compactness profile parameters. Linear discriminant analyses segregate the various lifestyles (aquatic vs. amphibious or terrestrial) with a success rate of up to 89.2%. The models built from data on the humerus discriminate aquatic taxa relatively well from the other taxa. However, like previous models built from data on the radius of amniotes or on the femur of lissamphibians, the new models do not discriminate amphibious taxa from terrestrial taxa on the basis of body size or compactness profile data. To make our inference method accessible, spreadsheets (see supplementary material on the website), which allow anyone to infer a lissamphibian lifestyle solely from body size and bone compactness parameters, were produced. No such easy implementation of habitat inference models is found in earlier papers on this topic.  相似文献   

Yellow‐lipped sea kraits (Laticauda colubrina) are amphibious in their habits. We measured their locomotor speeds in water and on land to investigate two topics: (1) to what degree have adaptations to increase swimming speed (paddle‐like tail etc.) reduced terrestrial locomotor ability in sea kraits?; and (2) do a sea krait’s sex and body size influence its locomotor ability in these two habitats, as might be expected from the fact that different age and sex classes of sea kraits use the marine and terrestrial environments in different ways? To estimate ancestral states for locomotor performance, we measured speeds of three species of Australian terrestrial elapids that spend part of their time foraging in water. The evolutionary modifications of Laticauda for marine life have enhanced their swimming speeds by about 60%, but decreased their terrestrial locomotor speed by about 80%. Larger snakes moved faster than smaller individuals in absolute terms but were slower in terms of body lengths travelled per second, especially on land. Male sea kraits were faster than females (independent of the body‐size effect), especially on land. Prey items in the gut reduced locomotor speeds both on land and in water. Proteroglyphous snakes may offer exceptional opportunities to study phylogenetic shifts in locomotor ability, because (1) they display multiple independent evolutionary shifts from terrestrial to aquatic habits, and (2) one proteroglyph lineage (the laticaudids) displays considerable intraspecific and interspecific diversity in terms of the degree to which they use terrestrial vs. aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

Traits of organisms vary both at inter- and intraspecific levels. For macro-detritivores inhabiting lands and waters, there is only scattered information on the relative contribution of the intraspecific level for traits like litter consumption rates. This basic knowledge is nevertheless required to know how much the intraspecific level could matter to the study of macro-detritivore communities and ecosystem processes like leaf litter decomposition. We performed a laboratory experiment, where thirty individuals each of five abundant macro-detritivore species from a stream and a meadow ecosystem fed ash (Fraxinus excelsior) leaf litter in microcosms, twice at a 1-week interval. This nested and repeated design (individuals nested within species, species within ecosystems) was setup in controlled conditions and then analysed following a variance partitioning approach with linear mixed-effect models, to assess the variance attributable to different levels of biological organisation (i.e., inter- and intraspecific level). Then, we performed the same analysis, but separately on aquatic and terrestrial datasets. From the whole dataset, we demonstrated that half of the trait variation occurred at the interspecific level and a third at the intraspecific level. The variance found at the residual level, accounting for both measurement errors and for the variation of the same individuals between the two times (i.e., intra-individual variation), was significantly lower than what was observed at the other levels of biological organisation. Variance partitioning on separate aquatic and terrestrial datasets were consistent altogether, confirming the global pattern. With this study, we stress the relevance of the intraspecific level for future trait-based approaches applied to macro-detritivores.  相似文献   

Ecological diversification into new environments presents new mechanical challenges for locomotion. An extreme example of this is the transition from a terrestrial to an aquatic lifestyle. Here, we examine the implications of life in a neutrally buoyant environment on adaptations of the axial skeleton to evolutionary increases in body size. On land, mammals must use their thoracolumbar vertebral column for body support against gravity and thus exhibit increasing stabilization of the trunk as body size increases. Conversely, in water, the role of the axial skeleton in body support is reduced, and, in aquatic mammals, the vertebral column functions primarily in locomotion. Therefore, we hypothesize that the allometric stabilization associated with increasing body size in terrestrial mammals will be minimized in secondarily aquatic mammals. We test this by comparing the scaling exponent (slope) of vertebral measures from 57 terrestrial species (23 felids, 34 bovids) to 23 semi‐aquatic species (pinnipeds), using phylogenetically corrected regressions. Terrestrial taxa meet predictions of allometric stabilization, with posterior vertebral column (lumbar region) shortening, increased vertebral height compared to width, and shorter, more disc‐shaped centra. In contrast, pinniped vertebral proportions (e.g. length, width, height) scale with isometry, and in some cases, centra even become more spool‐shaped with increasing size, suggesting increased flexibility. Our results demonstrate that evolution of a secondarily aquatic lifestyle has modified the mechanical constraints associated with evolutionary increases in body size, relative to terrestrial taxa.  相似文献   

Aim The patterns and causes of ecogeographical body size variation in ectotherms remain controversial. In amphibians, recent genetic studies are leading to the discovery of many cryptic species. We analysed the relationships between body size and climate for a salamander (Salamandrina) that was recently separated into two sibling species, to evaluate how ignoring interspecific and intraspecific genetic structure may affect the conclusions of ecogeographical studies. We also considered the potential effects of factors acting at a local scale. Location Thirty‐four populations covering the whole range of Salamandrina, which is endemic to peninsular Italy. Methods We pooled original data and data from the literature to obtain information on the snout–vent length (SVL) of 3850 Salamandrina females; we obtained high‐resolution climatic data from the sampled localities. We used an information‐theoretic approach to evaluate the roles of climate, genetic features (mitochondrial haplogroup identity) and characteristics of aquatic oviposition sites. We repeated our analyses three times: in the first analysis we ignored genetic data on intraspecific and interspecific variation; in the second one we considered the recently discovered differences between the two sibling species; in the third one we included information on intraspecific genetic structure within Salamandrina perspicillata (for Salamandrina terdigitata the sample size was too small to perform intraspecific analyses). Results If genetic information was ignored, our analysis suggested the existence of a relationship between SVL and climatic variables, with populations of large body size in areas with high precipitation and high thermal range. If species identity was included in the analysis, the role of climatic features was much weaker. When intraspecific genetic differences were also considered, no climatic feature had an effect. In all analyses, local factors were important and explained a large proportion of the variation; populations spawning in still water had a larger body size. Main conclusions An imperfect knowledge of species boundaries, or overlooking the intraspecific genetic variation can strongly affect the results of analyses of body size variation. Furthermore, local factors can be more important than the large‐scale parameters traditionally considered, particularly in species with a small range.  相似文献   

Mean body size decreases with increasing temperature in a variety of organisms. This size–temperature relationship has generally been tested through space but rarely through time. We analyzed the sedimentary archive of dinoflagellate cysts in a sediment record taken from the West Greenland shelf and show that mean cell size decreased at both intra‐ and interspecific scales in a period of relatively warm temperatures, compared with a period of relatively cold temperatures. We further show that intraspecific changes accounted for more than 70% of the change in community mean size, whereas shifts in species composition only accounted for about 30% of the observed change. Literature values on size ranges and midpoints for individual taxa were in several cases not representative for the measured sizes, although changes in community mean size, calculated from literature values, did capture the direction of change. While the results show that intraspecific variation is necessary to accurately estimate the magnitude of change in protist community mean size, it may be possible to investigate general patterns, that is relative size differences, using interspecific‐level estimates.  相似文献   

The aerobic capacity model, as well as other models for the evolution of aerobic metabolism and the origin of endothermy, requires a mechanistic link between rates of resting and activity oxygen consumption (VO2rest and VO2act). The existence of such link is still controversial, but studies with anuran amphibians support a correlation between VO2rest and VO2act at both the intraspecific and interspecific levels. Because results at the intraspecific level are based only on a few species, we test for the generality of a link between these two metabolic variables in anurans by studying the intraspecific correlational patterns between mass-independent VO2rest and VO2act in anurans. We focus on 21 Neotropical species from different geographical areas that include remarkable diversity in behavior and thermal ecology. Although uncorrelated, VO2rest and VO2act seem to be consistent among individuals. Diverse intraspecific phenotypic correlational trends were detected, indicating that the intraspecific relationships between VO2rest and VO2act might be very diverse in anurans. The three possible trends (positive, negative, and absent correlations) were observed and appeared to be predictable from ecological and behavioral variables that relate to evolutionary physiological shifts in anurans. Positive correlations between VO2rest and VO2act were more common in species with active lifestyles (e.g., intense vocal activity) and in species that call at low temperatures (e.g., winter or high-elevation specialists).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic comparative methods have become a standard statistical approach for analysing interspecific data, under the assumption that traits of species are more similar than expected by chance (i.e. phylogenetic signal is present). Here I test for phylogenetic signal in intraspecific body size datasets to evaluate whether intraspecific datasets may require phylogenetic analysis. I also compare amounts of phylogenetic signal in intraspecific and interspecific body size datasets. Some intraspecific body size datasets contain significant phylogenetic signal. Detection of significant phylogenetic signal was dependant upon the number of populations (n) and the amount of phylogenetic signal (K) for a given dataset. Amounts of phylogenetic signal do not differ between intraspecific and interspecific datasets. Further, relationships between significance of phylogenetic signal and sample size and amount of phylogenetic signal are similar for intraspecific and interspecific datasets. Thus, intraspecific body size datasets are similar to interspecific body size datasets with respect to phylogenetic signal. Whether these results are general for all characters requires further study.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that intraspecific competition should be stronger than interspecific competition for any pair of stably coexisting species, yet previous literature reviews found little support for this pattern. We screened over 5400 publications and identified 39 studies that quantified phenomenological intraspecific and interspecific interactions in terrestrial plant communities. Of the 67% of species pairs in which both intra‐ and interspecific effects were negative (competitive), intraspecific competition was, on average, four to five‐fold stronger than interspecific competition. Of the remaining pairs, 93% featured intraspecific competition and interspecific facilitation, a situation that stabilises coexistence. The difference between intra‐ and interspecific effects tended to be larger in observational than experimental data sets, in field than greenhouse studies, and in studies that quantified population growth over the full life cycle rather than single fitness components. Our results imply that processes promoting stable coexistence at local scales are common and consequential across terrestrial plant communities.  相似文献   

Changes of environmental conditions can shape organs size evolution in animal kingdoms. In particular, environmental changes lead to difference in food resources between different habitats, thereby affecting individual's energy intake and allocation. The digestive theory states that animals consuming food with low contents of digestible materials should result in increasing gut length. In this study, to test the hypothesis of digestive theory, we studied ecological and geographical reasons for variation in digestive tract length among 35 species of anurans distributing in different altitude and latitude. The results showed that ecological type significantly affected digestive tract length among species, with aquatic and terrestrial species having longer digestive tract than arboreal ones. Latitude was positively correlated with digestive tract length. However, altitude, as well as monthly mean temperature and precipitation, did not correlate with digestive tract length among species. Our findings suggest that aquatic and terrestrial species might forage less digestible materials than arboreal species, thereby displaying relatively longer digestive tract than arboreal species.  相似文献   

The validity of Bergmann's rule, perhaps the best known ecogeographical rule, has been questioned for ectothermic species. Here, we explore the interspecific version of the rule documenting body size gradients for anurans across the whole New World and evaluating which environmental variables best explain the observed patterns. We assembled a dataset of body sizes for 2761 anuran species of the Western Hemisphere and conducted assemblage‐based and cross‐species analyses that consider the spatial and phylogenetic structure in the data. In accordance with heat and water‐related explanations for body size clines, we found a consistent association of median body size and potential evapotranspiration across the New World. A relevant role of water availability also emerges, suggesting the joint importance of body size for thermoregulation and hydroregulation in anurans. Anurans do not follow a simple Bergmannian pattern of increasing size towards high latitudes. Consistent with previous regional findings, our Hemisphere‐wide analyses detect that the geographic variation in anuran body sizes is highly dependent on a trade‐off between heat and water balance. The observed size‐climate relationships possibly emerge from the interplay between thermoregulatory abilities and the benefits inherent to reduced surface‐to‐volume ratios in larger species, which decrease the rates of evaporative water loss and favour heat retention. Our results also show how temperature becomes important for species that are directly in contact with the substrate and water, like burrowing and terrestrial anurans, while arboreal species exhibit a body size cline linked with potential evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Body size and shape affect thermoregulatory properties of organisms, and in turn are believed to have shaped macroevolutionary patterns of morphological diversity across many taxa. However, it is less clear whether thermoregulation plays a role in shaping intraspecific morphological diversity such as sexual dimorphisms or the conditional expression of exaggerated secondary sexual traits. Here, we investigate individual thermoregulatory properties in two species of horned beetles that share similar ecologies and body size ranges, but differ substantially in degree of sexual and male dimorphism. We find that intraspecific variation in body size had an unexpectedly large effect on thermal preference behavior and the ability to passively regulate body temperature. Furthermore, we find that the presence or absence of exaggerated secondary sexual traits dramatically altered thermal preference behavior, consistent with a thermoregulatory cost of horn possession. Lastly, we show that the increase in surface area associated with the expression of enlarged horns is, by itself, insufficient to account for the radically altered thermoregulatory behavior observed in horn-bearing males, and discuss possible alternative, physiological explanations. These findings are among the first to link intra-and interspecific variation in body- and weapon size to thermal preferences within and between insect species.  相似文献   

1. Bergmann's rule sensu lato, the ecogeographic pattern relating animals' body size with environmental temperature (or latitude), has been shown to be inconsistent among insect taxa. Body size clines remain largely unexplored in aquatic insects, which may show contrasting patterns to those found in terrestrial groups because of the physiological or mechanical constraints of the aquatic environment. 2. Bergmann's rule was tested using data on body size, phylogeny and distribution for 93 species belonging to four lineages of dytiscid water beetles. The relationship between size and latitude was explored at two taxonomic resolutions – within each independent lineage, and for the whole dataset – employing phylogenetic generalised least‐squares to control for phylogenetic inertia. The potential influence of habitat preference (lotic versus lentic) on body size clines was also considered. 3. Within‐lineage analyses showed negative relationships (i.e. converse Bergmann's rule), but only in two lineages (specifically in those that included both lotic and lentic species). By contrast, no relationship was found between body size and latitude for the whole dataset. 4. These results suggest that there may be no universal interspecific trends in latitudinal variation of body size in aquatic insects, even among closely related groups, and show the need to account for phylogenetic inertia. Furthermore, habitat preferences should be considered when exploring latitudinal clines in body size in aquatic taxa at the interspecific level.  相似文献   

Whilst changes in freshwater assemblages along gradients of environmental stress have been relatively well studied, we know far less about intraspecific variation to these same stressors. A stressor common in fresh waters worldwide is leachates from terrestrial plants. Leachates alter the physiochemical environment of fresh waters by lowering pH and dissolved oxygen and also releasing toxic compounds such as polyphenols and tannins, all of which can be detrimental to aquatic organisms. We investigated how chronic exposure to Eucalyptus leaf leachate affected the growth and survival of juvenile southern pygmy perch (Nannoperca australis) collected from three populations with different litter inputs, hydrology and observed leachate concentrations. Chronic exposure to elevated leachate levels negatively impacted growth and survival, but the magnitude of these lethal and sublethal responses was conditional on body size and source population. Bigger fish had increased survival at high leachate levels but overall slower growth rates. Body size also varied among populations and fish from the population exposed to the lowest natural leachate concentrations had the highest average stress tolerance. Significant intraspecific variation in both growth and survival caused by Eucalyptus leachate exposure indicates that the magnitude (but not direction) of these stress responses varies across the landscape. This raises the potential for leachate‐induced selection to operate at an among‐population scale. The importance of body size demonstrates that the timing of leachate exposure during ontogeny is central in determining the magnitude of biological response, with early life stages being most vulnerable. Overall, we demonstrate that Eucalyptus leachates are prevalent and potent selective agents that can trigger important sublethal impacts, beyond those associated with more familiar fish kills, and reiterate that dissolved organic carbon is more than just an energy source in aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Summary The maximum density achievable by aquatic organisms is an inverse linear function of their body size. As a consequence, the maximum achievable biomass is independent of body size, and is 2 orders of magnitude higher than the biomass in natural populations. The minimum interorganismic terorganismic distance, calculated from the maximum density to allow comparison between aquatic and terrestrial organisms, scales as the 1/3 power of body size in both habitats. The similarities in the interorganismic distance of terrestrial and aquatic plant and animal communities suggest a fundamental regularity in the way organisms use the space.  相似文献   

荒漠草原三种蝗虫成虫种内和种间竞争的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
荒漠草原三种蝗虫成虫种内和种间竞争的研究贺达汉方成郑哲民(宁夏农学院农学系,永宁750105)(陕西师范大学动物研究所,西安710062)Intra_andInterspecificCompetitionamongtheAdultsofThreeGr...  相似文献   

Understanding the interspecific variation in body size across macroclimatic gradients has been of paramount importance to naturalists and biogeographers. Bergmann’s rule, which describes a trend of increasing body size polewards, is arguably the best-known ecogeographical rule in terrestrial environments but remains largely unexplored in the marine realm. In this study we tested Bergmann's rule in marine ray-finned fishes (Pisces, Actinopterygii), analyzing the relationship between body size and latitude in 5662 species. To examine possible underlying mechanisms, we adopted a cross-species approach to evaluate the association of body size with four predictors: Sea Surface Temperature, Net Primary Productivity, Salinity, and Human impact. We analyzed the relationships between body size and environmental and anthropogenic variables building mixed linear models, which considered the taxonomic structure in the data. We conducted complementary analyses dividing the data into five latitudinal bands. Actinopterygii showed a clear Bergmannian pattern, with the largest species observed in temperate regions, being the first global analysis on ray-finned fishes showing a pattern consistent with Bergmann’s rule. Sea Surface Temperature and Net Primary Productivity were the best predictors, in accordance with the time to sexual maturity and resource availability hypotheses. Our analyses based on latitudinal bands showed a differential response of body size to the environment, with temperature, salinity and human impact more strongly associated with size variation at cold environments. These results agree with previous studies on Bergmann’s rule for terrestrial ectothermic, freshwater and marine fishes. Our findings suggest that temperature rise in the ocean and growing human impact may have effects on the distribution of body size, thus altering ecosystem functioning. Fundamental differences often assumed to exist between marine and terrestrial systems are not so evidently reflected in the emergence of large-scale body size gradients.  相似文献   

A recent interspecific study found Bergmann's size clines for Holarctic anurans and proposed an explanation based on heat balance to account for the pattern. However, this analysis was limited to cold temperate regions, and exploring the patterns in warmer tropical climates may reveal other factors that also influence anuran body size variation. We address this using a Cerrado anuran database. We examine the relationship between mean body size in a grid of 1° cells and environmental predictors and test the relative support for four hypotheses using an AIC-based model selection approach. Also, we considered three different amphibian phylogenies to partition the phylogenetic and specific components of the interspecific variation in body size using a method analogous to phylogenetic eigen vector regression (PVR). To consider the potential effects of spatial autocorrelation we use eigenvector-based spatial filters. We found the largest species inhabiting high water deficit areas in the northeast and the smallest in the wet southwest. Our results are consistent with the water availability hypothesis which, coupled with previous findings, suggests that the major determinant of interspecific body size variation in anurans switches from energy to water towards the equator. We propose that anuran body size gradients reflect effects of reduced surface to volume ratios in larger species to control both heat and water balance.  相似文献   

Down feathers are the first feather types that appear in both the phylogenetic and the ontogenetic history of birds. Although it is widely acknowledged that the primary function of downy elements is insulation, little is known about the interspecific variability in the structural morphology of these feathers, and the environmental factors that have influenced their evolution. Here, we collected samples of down and afterfeathers from 156 bird species and measured key morphological characters that define the insulatory properties of the downy layer. We then tested if habitat and climatic conditions could explain the observed between-species variation in down feather structure. We show that habitat has a very strong and clearly defined effect on down feather morphology. Feather size, barbule length and nodus density all decreased from terrestrial toward aquatic birds, with riparian species exhibiting intermediate characters. Wintering climate, expressed as windchill (a combined measure of the ambient temperature and wind speed) had limited effects on down morphology, colder climate only being associated with higher nodus density in dorsal down feathers. Overall, an aquatic lifestyle selects for a denser plumulaceous layer, while the effect of harsh wintering conditions on downy structures appear limited. These results provide key evidence of adaptations to habitat at the level of the downy layer, both on the scale of macro- and micro-elements of the plumage. Moreover, they reveal characters of convergent evolution in the avian plumage and mammalian fur, that match the varying needs of insulation in terrestrial and aquatic modes of life.  相似文献   

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