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Colour vision is mediated by the expression of different visual pigments in photoreceptors of the vertebrate retina. Each visual pigment is a complex of a protein (opsin) and a vitamin A chromophore; alterations to either component affects visual pigment absorbance and, potentially, the visual capabilities of an animal. Many species of fish undergo changes in opsin expression during retinal development. In the case of salmonid fishes the single cone photoreceptors undergo a switch in opsin expression from SWS1 (ultraviolet sensitive) to SWS2 (blue-light sensitive) starting at the yolk-sac alevin stage, around the time when they first experience light. Whether light may initiate this event or produce a plastic response in the various photoreceptors is unknown. In this study, Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha were exposed to light from the embryonic (5 days prior to hatching) into the yolk sac alevin (25 days post hatching) stage and the spectral phenotype of photoreceptors assessed with respect to that of unexposed controls by in situ hybridization with opsin riboprobes. Light exposure did not change the spectral phenotype of photoreceptors, their overall morphology or spatial arrangement. These results concur with those from a variety of fish species and suggest that plasticity in photoreceptor spectral phenotype via changes in opsin expression may not be a widespread occurrence among teleosts.  相似文献   

Visual genes may become inactive in species that inhabit poor light environments, and the function and regulation of opsin components in nocturnal moths are interesting topics. In this study, we cloned the ultraviolet (UV), blue (BL) and long-wavelength-sensitive (LW) opsin genes from the compound eye of the cotton bollworm and then measured their mRNA levels using quantitative real-time PCR. The mRNA levels fluctuated over a daily cycle, which might be an adaptation of a nocturnal lifestyle, and were dependent on a circadian clock. Cycling of opsin mRNA levels was disturbed by constant light or constant darkness, and the UV opsin gene was up-regulated after light exposure. Furthermore, the opsin genes tended to be down-regulated upon starvation. Thus, this study illustrates that opsin gene expression is determined by multiple endogenous and exogenous factors and is adapted to the need for nocturnal vision, suggesting that color vision may play an important role in the sensory ecology of nocturnal moths.  相似文献   

Previous evidence suggested that notothenioid fish had lost red-sensitive (LWS) visual pigment and photoreceptors, but retained ultraviolet-sensitive (SWS1), blue-sensitive (SWS2), and green-sensitive (RH2) pigments. We used RT-PCR and Southern blot to isolate the LWS opsin gene in five notothenioid species. We determined full-coding LWS opsin sequences and genomic sequences. The expected peak absorbance of the LWS opsin, based on the five-sites rule that is primarily responsible for the spectral sensitivities in vertebrates, ranged from 541 to 553 nm. In Antarctic waters, light of this wavelength penetrates to dozens of meters. Thus, we conclude that notothenioids use tetrachromatic color vision in shallower waters, at least during the Antarctic summer.  相似文献   

Primate color vision has traditionally been examined in the context of diurnal activity, but recent genetic and ecological studies suggest that color vision plays a role in nocturnal primate behavior and ecology as well. In this study, we united molecular analyses of cone visual pigment (opsin) genes with visual modeling analyses of food items to explore the evolution of color vision in the folivorous woolly lemur (genus Avahi). Previous studies have shown that leaf quality, e.g., protein content, leaf toughness, and protein/toughness ratio, is significantly correlated with green-red and blue-yellow chromatic differences, suggesting a potential role of color in leaf discrimination in Avahi, and, consequently, a potential adaptive advantage to color vision in this taxon. Phylogenetic selection tests determined that the strength of selection on the SWS1 opsin gene to retain blue-sensitive SWS cones did not significantly differ in Avahi compared to day-active primates. Genotyping of the M/LWS opsin gene in 60 individuals from nine species found that the 558-nm-sensitive (red-sensitive) allele is conserved across all Avahi. Finally, we measured spectral reflectance from five species of young leaves consumed by Avahi and background foliage in Ranomafana National Park and modeled performance of possible S and M/L pigment pairs for detecting these food items under different nocturnal illuminations (e.g. twilight, moonlight). We found that the observed cone pigment pair in Avahi was optimally tuned for color-based detection of young green leaves in all nocturnal light environments, suggesting a potential adaptive role of nocturnal color vision in selection for dichromacy in this genus.  相似文献   

Mammalian retinae have rod photoreceptors for night vision and cone photoreceptors for daylight and colour vision. For colour discrimination, most mammals possess two cone populations with two visual pigments (opsins) that have absorption maxima at short wavelengths (blue or ultraviolet light) and long wavelengths (green or red light). Microchiropteran bats, which use echolocation to navigate and forage in complete darkness, have long been considered to have pure rod retinae. Here we use opsin immunohistochemistry to show that two phyllostomid microbats, Glossophaga soricina and Carollia perspicillata, possess a significant population of cones and express two cone opsins, a shortwave-sensitive (S) opsin and a longwave-sensitive (L) opsin. A substantial population of cones expresses S opsin exclusively, whereas the other cones mostly coexpress L and S opsin. S opsin gene analysis suggests ultraviolet (UV, wavelengths <400 nm) sensitivity, and corneal electroretinogram recordings reveal an elevated sensitivity to UV light which is mediated by an S cone visual pigment. Therefore bats have retained the ancestral UV tuning of the S cone pigment. We conclude that bats have the prerequisite for daylight vision, dichromatic colour vision, and UV vision. For bats, the UV-sensitive cones may be advantageous for visual orientation at twilight, predator avoidance, and detection of UV-reflecting flowers for those that feed on nectar.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity allows organisms to adapt quickly to local environmental conditions and could facilitate adaptive radiations. Cichlids have recently undergone an adaptive radiation in Lake Malawi where they inhabit diverse light environments and tune their visual sensitivity through differences in cone opsin expression. While cichlid opsin expression is known to be plastic over development, whether adults remain plastic is unknown. Adult plasticity in visual tuning could play a role in cichlid radiations by enabling survival in changing environments and facilitating invasion into novel environments. Here we examine the existence of and temporal changes in adult visual plasticity of two closely related species. In complementary experiments, wild adult Metriaclima mbenji from Lake Malawi were moved to the lab under UV‐deficient fluorescent lighting; while lab raised M. benetos were placed under UV‐rich lighting designed to mimic light conditions in the wild. Surprisingly, adult cichlids in both experiments showed significant changes in the expression of the UV‐sensitive single cone opsin, SWS1, in only 3 days. Modeling quantum catches in the light environments revealed a possible link between the light available to the SWS1 visual pigment and SWS1 expression. We conclude that adult cichlids can undergo rapid and significant changes in opsin expression in response to environmental light shifts that are relevant to their habitat and evolutionary history in Lake Malawi. This could have contributed to the rapid divergence characteristic of these fantastic fishes.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) light-transmitted signals play a major role in avian foraging and communication, subserving functional roles in feeding, mate choice, egg recognition, and nestling discrimination. Sequencing functionally relevant regions of the short wavelength sensitive type 1 (SWS1) opsin gene that is responsible for modulating the extent of SWS1 UV sensitivity in birds allows predictions to be made about the visual system's UV sensitivity in species where direct physiological or behavioral measures would be impractical or unethical. Here, we present SWS1 segment sequence data from representative species of three avian lineages for which visually based cues for foraging and communication have been investigated to varying extents. We also present a preliminary phylogenetic analysis and ancestral character state reconstructions of key spectral tuning sites along the SWS1 opsin based on our sequence data. The results suggest ubiquitous ultraviolet SWS1 sensitivity (UVS) in both paleognaths, including extinct moa (Emeidae), and parrots, including the nocturnal and flightless kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), and in most, but not all, songbird (oscine) lineages, and confirmed violet sensitivity (VS) in two suboscine families. Passerine hosts of avian brood parasites were included both UVS and VS taxa, but sensitivity did not co-vary with egg rejection behaviors. The results should stimulate future research into the functional parallels between the roles of visual signals and the genetic basis of visual sensitivity in birds and other taxa.  相似文献   

Teleosts show a great variety in visual opsin complement, due to both gene duplication and gene loss. The repertoire ranges from one subfamily of visual opsins (scotopic vision) including rod opsin only retinas seen in many deep-sea species to multiple subfamilies of visual opsins in some pelagic species. We have investigated the opsin repertoire of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) using information in the recently sequenced cod genome and found that despite cod not being a deep sea species it lacks visual subfamilies sensitive towards the most extreme parts of the light spectra representing UV and red light. Furthermore, we find that Atlantic cod has duplicated paralogs of both blue-sensitive SWS2 and green-sensitive RH2 subfamilies, with members belonging to each subfamily linked in tandem within the genome (two SWS2-, and three RH2A genes, respectively). The presence of multiple cone opsin genes indicates that there have been duplication events in the cod ancestor SWS2 and RH2 opsins producing paralogs that have been retained in Atlantic. Our results are supported by expressional analysis of cone opsins, which further revealed an ontogenetic change in the array of cone opsins expressed. These findings suggest life stage specific programs for opsin regulation which could be linked to habitat changes and available light as the larvae is transformed into an early juvenile. Altogether we provide the first molecular evidence for color vision driven by only two families of cone opsins due to gene loss in a teleost.  相似文献   

Coral reefs belong to the most diverse ecosystems on our planet. The diversity in coloration and lifestyles of coral reef fishes makes them a particularly promising system to study the role of visual communication and adaptation. Here, we investigated the evolution of visual pigment genes (opsins) in damselfish (Pomacentridae) and examined whether structural and expression variation of opsins can be linked to ecology. Using DNA sequence data of a phylogenetically representative set of 31 damselfish species, we show that all but one visual opsin are evolving under positive selection. In addition, selection on opsin tuning sites, including cases of divergent, parallel, convergent and reversed evolution, has been strong throughout the radiation of damselfish, emphasizing the importance of visual tuning for this group. The highest functional variation in opsin protein sequences was observed in the short‐ followed by the long‐wavelength end of the visual spectrum. Comparative gene expression analyses of a subset of the same species revealed that with SWS1, RH2B and RH2A always being expressed, damselfish use an overall short‐wavelength shifted expression profile. Interestingly, not only did all species express SWS1 – a UV‐sensitive opsin – and possess UV‐transmitting lenses, most species also feature UV‐reflective body parts. This suggests that damsels might benefit from a close‐range UV‐based ‘private’ communication channel, which is likely to be hidden from ‘UV‐blind’ predators. Finally, we found that LWS expression is highly correlated to feeding strategy in damsels with herbivorous feeders having an increased LWS expression, possibly enhancing the detection of benthic algae.  相似文献   

Snakes are known to express a rod visual opsin and two cone opsins, only (SWS1, LWS), a reduced palette resulting from their supposedly fossorial origins. Dipsadid snakes in the genus Helicops are highly visual predators that successfully invaded freshwater habitats from ancestral terrestrial-only habitats. Here, we report the first case of multiple SWS1 visual pigments in a vertebrate, simultaneously expressed in different photoreceptors and conferring both UV and violet sensitivity to Helicops snakes. Molecular analysis and in vitro expression confirmed the presence of two functional SWS1 opsins, likely the result of recent gene duplication. Evolutionary analyses indicate that each sws1 variant has undergone different evolutionary paths with strong purifying selection acting on the UV-sensitive copy and dN/dS ∼1 on the violet-sensitive copy. Site-directed mutagenesis points to the functional role of a single amino acid substitution, Phe86Val, in the large spectral shift between UV and violet opsins. In addition, higher densities of photoreceptors and SWS1 cones in the ventral retina suggest improved acuity in the upper visual field possibly correlated with visually guided behaviors. The expanded visual opsin repertoire and specialized retinal architecture are likely to improve photon uptake in underwater and terrestrial environments, and provide the neural substrate for a gain in chromatic discrimination, potentially conferring unique color vision in the UV–violet range. Our findings highlight the innovative solutions undertaken by a highly specialized lineage to tackle the challenges imposed by the invasion of novel photic environments and the extraordinary diversity of evolutionary trajectories taken by visual opsin-based perception in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in adapting the visual capability of many animal species to changing sensory requirements. Such variability may be driven by developmental change or may result from environmental changes in light habitat, thereby improving performance in different photic environments. In this study, we examined inter‐ and intraspecific plasticity of visual sensitivities in seven damselfish species, part of the species‐rich and colourful fish fauna of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Our goal was to test whether the visual systems of damselfish were tuned to the prevailing light environment in different habitats and/or other aspects of their lifestyle. More specifically, we compared the opsin gene expression levels from individuals living in different photic habitats. We found that all species expressed rod opsin (RH1) used for dim‐light vision, and primarily three cone opsins (SWS1, RH2B and RH2A) used for colour vision. While RH1 levels changed exclusively following a diurnal cycle, cone opsin expression varied with depth in four of the seven species. Estimates of visual pigment performance imply that changes in opsin expression adjust visual sensitivities to the dominant photic regime. However, we also discovered that some species show a more stable opsin expression profile. Further, we found indication that seasonal changes, possibly linked to changes in the photic environment, might also trigger opsin expression. These findings suggest that plasticity in opsin gene expression of damselfish is highly species‐specific, possibly due to ecological differences in visual tasks or, alternatively, under phylogenetic constraints.  相似文献   

The capacity for cone‐mediated color vision varies among nocturnal primates. Some species are colorblind, having lost the functionality of their short‐wavelength‐sensitive‐1 (SWS1) opsin pigment gene. In other species, such as the aye‐aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis), the SWS1 gene remains intact. Recent studies focused on aye‐ayes indicate that this gene has been maintained by natural selection and that the pigment has a peak sensitivity (λmax) of 406 nm, which is ~20 nm closer to the ultraviolet region of the spectrum than in most primates. The functional significance behind the retention and unusual λmax of this opsin pigment is unknown, and it is perplexing given that all mammals are presumed to be colorblind in the dark. Here we comment on this puzzle and discuss recent findings on the color vision intensity thresholds of terrestrial vertebrates with comparable optics to aye‐ayes. We draw attention to the twilight activities of aye‐ayes and report that twilight is enriched in short‐wavelength (bluish) light. We also show that the intensity of twilight and full moonlight is probably sufficient to support cone‐mediated color vision. We speculate that the intact SWS1 opsin pigment gene of aye‐ayes is a crepuscular adaptation and we report on the blueness of potential visual targets, such as scent marks and the brilliant blue arils of Ravenala madagascariensis.  相似文献   

Sensory systems play crucial roles in survival and reproduction. Therefore, sensory plasticity has important evolutionary implications. In this study, we examined retinal plasticity in five species of cichlid fish from Lake Malawi. We compared the cone opsin expression profiles of wild‐caught fish to lab‐reared F1 that had been raised in a UV minus, reduced intensity light environment. All of the opsin genes that were expressed in wild‐caught fish were also expressed in lab‐reared individuals. However, we found statistically significant differences in relative opsin expression among all five species. The most consistent difference was in the SWS2B (violet) opsin, which was always expressed at higher levels in lab‐reared individuals. Estimates of visual pigment quantum catch suggest that this change in expression would increase retinal sensitivity in the light environment of the lab. We also found that the magnitude of plasticity varied across species. These findings have important implications for understanding the genetic regulation of opsin expression and raise many interesting questions about how the cichlid visual system develops. They also suggest that sensory plasticity may have facilitated the ecological diversification of cichlids in Lake Malawi.  相似文献   

Rhodopsin, encoded by the gene Rhodopsin (RH1), is extremely sensitive to light, and is responsible for dim-light vision. Bats are nocturnal mammals that inhabit poor light environments. Megabats (Old-World fruit bats) generally have well-developed eyes, while microbats (insectivorous bats) have developed echolocation and in general their eyes were degraded, however, dramatic differences in the eyes, and their reliance on vision, exist in this group. In this study, we examined the rod opsin gene (RH1), and compared its evolution to that of two cone opsin genes (SWS1 and M/LWS). While phylogenetic reconstruction with the cone opsin genes SWS1 and M/LWS generated a species tree in accord with expectations, the RH1 gene tree united Pteropodidae (Old-World fruit bats) and Yangochiroptera, with very high bootstrap values, suggesting the possibility of convergent evolution. The hypothesis of convergent evolution was further supported when nonsynonymous sites or amino acid sequences were used to construct phylogenies. Reconstructed RH1 sequences at internal nodes of the bat species phylogeny showed that: (1) Old-World fruit bats share an amino acid change (S270G) with the tomb bat; (2) Miniopterus share two amino acid changes (V104I, M183L) with Rhinolophoidea; (3) the amino acid replacement I123V occurred independently on four branches, and the replacements L99M, L266V and I286V occurred each on two branches. The multiple parallel amino acid replacements that occurred in the evolution of bat RH1 suggest the possibility of multiple convergences of their ecological specialization (i.e., various photic environments) during adaptation for the nocturnal lifestyle, and suggest that further attention is needed on the study of the ecology and behavior of bats.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the influence of developmental plasticity of ultraviolet (UV) visual sensitivity on predation efficiency of the larval smooth newt, Lissotriton vulgaris. We quantified expression of SWS1 opsin gene (UV-sensitive protein of photoreceptor cells) in the retinas of individuals who had developed in the presence (UV+) or absence (UV−) of UV light (developmental treatments), and tested their predation efficiency under UV+ and UV− light (testing treatments). We found that both SWS1 opsin expression and predation efficiency were significantly reduced in the UV− developmental group. Larvae in the UV− testing environment displayed consistently lower predation efficiency regardless of their developmental treatment. These results prove for the first time, we believe, functional UV vision and developmental plasticity of UV sensitivity in an amphibian at the larval stage. They also demonstrate that UV wavelengths enhance predation efficiency and suggest that the magnitude of the behavioural response depends on retinal properties induced by the developmental lighting environment.  相似文献   

We report the expression of three visual opsins in the retina of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus, Vespertilionidae). Gene sequences for a rod-specific opsin and two cone-specific opsins were cloned from cDNA derived from bat eyes. Comparative sequence analyses indicate that the two cone opsins correspond to an ultraviolet short-wavelength opsin (SWS1) and a long-wavelength opsin (LWS). Immunocytochemistry using antisera to visual opsins revealed that the little brown bat retina contains two types of cone photoreceptors within a rod-dominated background. However, unlike other mammalian photoreceptors, M. lucifugus cones and rods are morphologically indistinguishable by light microscopy. Both photoreceptor types have a thin, elongated outer segment. Using microspectrophotometry we classified the absorption spectrum for the ubiquitous rods. Similar to other mammals, bat rhodopsin has an absorption peak near 500 nm. Although we were unable to confirm a spectral range, cellular and molecular analyses indicate that M. lucifugus expresses two types of cone visual pigments located within the photoreceptor layer. This study provides important insights into the visual capacity of a nocturnal microchiropteran species.  相似文献   

Light-induced shifts in cone frequency and opsin expression occur in many aquatic species. Yet little is known about how quickly animals can alter opsin expression and, thereby, track their visual environments. Similarly, little is known about whether adult animals can alter opsin expression or whether shifts in opsin expression are limited to critical developmental windows. We took adult wild-caught bluefin killifish (Lucania goodei) from three different lighting environments (spring, swamp and variable), placed them under two different lighting treatments (clear vs. tea-stained water) and monitored opsin expression over 4 weeks. We measured opsin expression for five previously described opsins (SWS1, SWS2B, SWS2A, RH2-1 and LWS) as well as RH2-2 which we discovered via 454 sequencing. We used two different metrics of opsin expression. We measured expression of each opsin relative to a housekeeping gene and the proportional expression of each opsin relative to the total pool of opsins. Population and lighting environment had large effects on opsin expression which were present at the earliest time points indicating rapid shifts in expression. The two measures of expression produced radically different patterns. Proportional measures indicated large effects of light on SWS1 expression, whereas relative measures indicated no such effect. Instead, light had large effects on the relative expression of SWS2B, RH2-2, RH2-1 and LWS. We suggest that proportional measures of opsin expression are best for making inferences about colour vision, but that measures relative to a housekeeping gene are better for making conclusions about which opsins are differentially regulated.  相似文献   

Because visual genes likely evolved in response to their ambient photic environment, the dichotomy between closely related nocturnal moths and diurnal butterflies forms an ideal basis for investigating their evolution. To investigate whether the visual genes of moths are associated with nocturnal dim-light environments or not, we cloned long-wavelength (R), blue (B) and ultraviolet (UV) opsin genes from 12 species of wild-captured moths and examined their evolutionary functions. Strong purifying selection appeared to constrain the functions of the genes. Dark-treatment altered the levels of mRNA expression in Helicoverpa armigera such that R and UV opsins were up-regulated after dark-treatment, the latter faster than the former. In contrast, B opsins were not significantly up-regulated. Diel changes of opsin mRNA levels in both wild-captured and lab-reared individuals showed no significant fluctuation within the same group. However, the former group had significantly elevated levels of expression compared with the latter. Consequently, environmental conditions appeared to affect the patterns of expression. These findings and the proportional expression of opsins suggested that moths potentially possessed color vision and the visual system played a more important role in the ecology of moths than previously appreciated. This aspect did not differ much from that of diurnal butterflies.  相似文献   

Retinal opsin photopigments initiate mammalian vision when stimulated by light. Most mammals possess a short wavelength-sensitive opsin 1 (SWS1) pigment that is primarily sensitive to either ultraviolet or violet light, leading to variation in colour perception across species. Despite knowledge of both ultraviolet- and violet-sensitive SWS1 classes in mammals for 25 years, the adaptive significance of this variation has not been subjected to hypothesis testing, resulting in minimal understanding of the basis for mammalian SWS1 spectral tuning evolution. Here, we gathered data on SWS1 for 403 mammal species, including novel SWS1 sequences for 97 species. Ancestral sequence reconstructions suggest that the most recent common ancestor of Theria possessed an ultraviolet SWS1 pigment, and that violet-sensitive pigments evolved at least 12 times in mammalian history. We also observed that ultraviolet pigments, previously considered to be a rarity, are common in mammals. We then used phylogenetic comparative methods to test the hypotheses that the evolution of violet-sensitive SWS1 is associated with increased light exposure, extended longevity and longer eye length. We discovered that diurnal mammals and species with longer eyes are more likely to have violet-sensitive pigments and less likely to possess UV-sensitive pigments. We hypothesize that (i) as mammals evolved larger body sizes, they evolved longer eyes, which limited transmittance of ultraviolet light to the retina due to an increase in Rayleigh scattering, and (ii) as mammals began to invade diurnal temporal niches, they evolved lenses with low UV transmittance to reduce chromatic aberration and/or photo-oxidative damage.  相似文献   

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