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We earlier demonstrated the immunoprophylactic efficacy of recombinant heavy chain myosin (Bm-Myo) of Brugia malayi (B. malayi) in rodent models. In the current study, further attempts have been made to improve this efficacy by employing alternate approaches such as homologous DNA (pcD-Myo) and heterologous DNA/protein prime boost (pcD-Myo+Bm-Myo) in BALB/c mouse model. The gene bm-myo was cloned in a mammalian expression vector pcDNA 3.1(+) and protein expression was confirmed in mammalian Vero cell line. A significant degree of protection (79.2%±2.32) against L3 challenge in pcD-Myo+Bm-Myo immunized group was observed which was much higher than that exerted by Bm-Myo (66.6%±2.23) and pcD-Myo (41.6%±2.45). In the heterologous immunized group, the percentage of peritoneal leukocytes such as macrophages, neutrophils, B cells and T cells marginally increased and their population augmented further significantly following L3 challenge. pcD-Myo+Bm-Myo immunization elicited robust cellular and humoral immune responses as compared to pcD-Myo and Bm-Myo groups as evidenced by an increased accumulation of CD4+, CD8+ T cells and CD19+ B cells in the mouse spleen and activation of peritoneal macrophages. Though immunized animals produced antigen-specific IgG antibodies and isotypes, sera of mice receiving pcD-Myo+Bm-Myo or Bm-Myo developed much higher antibody levels than other groups and there was profound antibody-dependent cellular adhesion and cytotoxicity (ADCC) to B. malayi infective larvae (L3). pcD-Myo+Bm-Myo as well as Bm-Myo mice generated a mixed T helper cell phenotype as evidenced by the production of both pro-inflammatory (IL-2, IFN-γ) and anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) cytokines. Mice receiving pcD-Myo on contrary displayed a polarized pro-inflammatory immune response. The findings suggest that the priming of animals with DNA followed by protein booster generates heightened and mixed pro- and anti-inflammatory immune responses that are capable of providing high degree of protection against filarial larval invasion.  相似文献   

Vaccination with DNA is an attractive strategy for induction of pathogen-specific T cells and antibodies. Studies in humans have shown that DNA vaccines are safe, but their immunogenicity needs further improvement. As a step towards this goal, we have previously demonstrated that immunogenicity is increased with the use of an alphavirus DNA-launched replicon (DREP) vector compared to conventional DNA vaccines. In this study, we investigated the effect of varying the dose and number of administrations of DREP when given as a prime prior to a heterologous boost with poxvirus vector (MVA) and/or HIV gp140 protein formulated in glucopyranosyl lipid A (GLA-AF) adjuvant. The DREP and MVA vaccine constructs encoded Env and a Gag-Pol-Nef fusion protein from HIV clade C. One to three administrations of 0.2 μg DREP induced lower HIV-specific T cell and IgG responses than the equivalent number of immunizations with 10 μg DREP. However, the two doses were equally efficient as a priming component in a heterologous prime-boost regimen. The magnitude of immune responses depended on the number of priming immunizations rather than the dose. A single low dose of DREP prior to a heterologous boost resulted in greatly increased immune responses compared to MVA or protein antigen alone, demonstrating that a mere 0.2 μg DREP was sufficient for priming immune responses. Following a DREP prime, T cell responses were expanded greatly by an MVA boost, and IgG responses were also expanded when boosted with protein antigen. When MVA and protein were administered simultaneously following multiple DREP primes, responses were slightly compromised compared to administering them sequentially. In conclusion, we have demonstrated efficient priming of HIV-specific T cell and IgG responses with a low dose of DREP, and shown that the priming effect depends on number of primes administered rather than dose.  相似文献   

We have developed a sensitive and rapid lateral-flow immunoassay (LFIA) for WSSV, using colloidal gold as an indicator. The fusion protein, VP (19 28), was expressed in E. coli, purified and used to prepare polyclonal antibodies. The purified anti-VP (19 28) IgG were conjugated with colloidal gold. Unconjugated anti-VP (19 28) IgG and goat anti-rabbit IgG were immobilized on nitrocellulose membranes. After assembly, three groups (5 individual animals in each group) of shrimp samples were tested which included healthy, moribund and dead shrimps. For each group, three different tissues (body juices, gills and hepatopancreas) were tested at the same time. In parallel, all the samples were also analyzed using PCR for comparison. Out of 45 samples tested, 30 were detected as positive while 15 were classified as negative. The results of LFIA correlate with those obtained by the PCR analysis, indicating that these two detection methods have the same efficacy in the limited number of samples tested in this preliminary study.  相似文献   

Snakebite envenomation is a serious medical problem in many tropical developing countries and was considered by WHO as a neglected tropical disease. Antivenom (AV), the rational and most effective treatment modality, is either unaffordable and/or unavailable in many affected countries. Moreover, each AV is specific to only one (monospecific) or a few (polyspecific) snake venoms. This demands that each country to prepare AV against its local snake venoms, which is often not feasible. Preparation of a ‘pan-specific’ AV against many snakes over a wide geographical area in some countries/regions has not been possible. If a ‘pan-specific’ AV effective against a variety of snakes from many countries could be prepared, it could be produced economically in large volume for use in many countries and save many lives. The aim of this study was to produce a pan-specific antiserum effective against major medically important elapids in Asia. The strategy was to use toxin fractions (TFs) of the venoms in place of crude venoms in order to reduce the number of antigens the horses were exposed to. This enabled inclusion of a greater variety of elapid venoms in the immunogen mix, thus exposing the horse immune system to a diverse repertoire of toxin epitopes, and gave rise to antiserum with wide paraspecificity against elapid venoms. Twelve venom samples from six medically important elapid snakes (4 Naja spp. and 2 Bungarus spp.) were collected from 12 regions/countries in Asia. Nine of these 12 venoms were ultra-filtered to remove high molecular weight, non-toxic and highly immunogenic proteins. The remaining 3 venoms were not ultra-filtered due to limited amounts available. The 9 toxin fractions (TFs) together with the 3 crude venoms were emulsified in complete Freund’s adjuvant and used to immunize 3 horses using a low dose, low volume, multisite immunization protocol. The horse antisera were assayed by ELISA and by in vivo lethality neutralization in mice. The findings were: a) The 9 TFs were shown to contain all of the venom toxins but were devoid of high MW proteins. When these TFs, together with the 3 crude venoms, were used as the immunogen, satisfactory ELISA antibody titers against homologous/heterologous venoms were obtained. b) The horse antiserum immunologically reacted with and neutralized the lethal effects of both the homologous and the 16 heterologous Asian/African elapid venoms tested. Thus, the use of TFs in place of crude venoms and the inclusion of a variety of elapid venoms in the immunogen mix resulted in antiserum with wide paraspecificity against elapid venoms from distant geographic areas. The antivenom prepared from this antiserum would be expected to be pan-specific and effective in treating envenomations by most elapids in many Asian countries. Due to economies of scale, the antivenom could be produced inexpensively and save many lives. This simple strategy and procedure could be readily adapted for the production of pan-specific antisera against elapids of other continents.  相似文献   

依据丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)多蛋白核心区N端氨基酸序列和密码子简并性,人为设计并采用半化学半酶促的方法合成了一个DNA片段。经核酸杂交检测以及DNA序列分析证实,该片段的核苷酸序列与设计完全一致。将合成的DNA片段插入融合表达载体pGEX-2T中,表达产物经亲和层析纯化后进行Western免疫印迹实验和间接ELISA分析,结果表明,融合蛋白具有HCV核心区抗原的免疫反应性,可望用于HCV抗体的检测.此外,编码HCV优势抗原表位的化学合成基因有可能为HCV嵌合抗原的研究提供一条捷径。  相似文献   

The Coral Triangle (CT), a region spanning across Indonesia and Philippines, is home to about 4,350 marine fish species and is among the world's most emblematic regions in terms of conservation. Threatened by overfishing and oceans warming, the CT fisheries have faced drastic declines over the last decades. Usually monitored through a biomass‐based approach, fisheries trends have rarely been characterized at the species level due to the high number of taxa involved and the difficulty to accurately and routinely identify individuals to the species level. Biomass, however, is a poor proxy of species richness, and automated methods of species identification are required to move beyond biomass‐based approaches. Recent meta‐analyses have demonstrated that species richness peaks at intermediary levels of biomass. Consequently, preserving biomass is not equal to preserving biodiversity. We present the results of a survey to estimate the shore fish diversity retailed at the harbor of Ambon Island, an island located at the center of the CT that display exceptionally high biomass despite high levels of threat, while building a DNA barcode reference library of CT shore fishes targeted by artisanal fisheries. We sampled 1,187 specimens and successfully barcoded 696 of the 760 selected specimens that represent 202 species. Our results show that DNA barcodes were effective in capturing species boundaries for 96% of the species examined, which opens new perspectives for the routine monitoring of the CT fisheries.  相似文献   

Using a novel molecular biomaker system (MBS), we assessed the physiological status of coral (Montastraea faveolata) challenged by heat stress by assaying specific cellular and molecular parameters. This technology is particularly relevant for corals because heat stress is thought to be an essential component of coral bleaching. This phenomenon is widely believed to be responsible for coral mortality worldwide, particularly during 1997–1998. Specific parameters of coral cellular physiology were assayed using the MBS that are indicative of a nonstressed or stressed condition. The MBS distinguished the separate and combined effects of heat and light on the 2 coral symbionts, a scleractinian coral and a dinoflagellate algae (zooxanthellae). This technology aids in the accurate diagnosis of coral condition because each parameter is physiologically well understood. Finally, the MBS technology is relatively inexpensive, easy to implement, and precise, and it can be quickly adapted to a high-throughout robotic system for mass sample analysis. Accepted May 25, 2000.  相似文献   

We have studied the clonogenic survival response to X-rays and MNNG of V79 Chinese hamster cells and two derivative cell lines, ADPRT54 and ADPRT351, deficient in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activity. Under conditions of exponential growth, both PARP-deficient cell lines are hypersensitive to X-rays and MNNG compared to their parental V79 cells. In contrast, under growth-arrested, confluent conditions, V79 and PARP-deficient cells become similarly sensitive to X-rays and MNNG suggesting that PARP may be involved in the repair of X-ray or MNNG-induced DNA damage in logarithmically growing cells but not in growth-arrested confluent cells. This suggestion, however, creates a dilemma as to how PARP can be involved in DNA repair in only selected growth phases while it is functionally active in all growth phases. To explain these paradoxical results and resolve this dilemma we propose a hypothesis based on the consistent observation that inhibition of PARP results in a significant increase in sister chromatid exchange (SCEs). Thus, we propose that PARP is a guardian of the genome that protects against DNA recombination. We have extended this theme to provide an explanation for our results and the studies done by many others.  相似文献   

Type I markers are useful for comparative mapping and other genetic analyses, but relatively difficult to develop. In the present study a microsatellite (SSR)-enriched cDNA library was constructed for the first time using the fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats (FIASCO) method in a small fish, Chinese rare minnow (Gobiocypris rarus). A total of 97.4% of the expressed sequence tags (ESTs) contained targeted CA-repeats, in which 29 unique EST-SSRs were identified. Ten out of the 28 loci for which primer pairs were designed were polymorphic with alleles ranging from three to seven (mean 4.50). Some of these EST-SSRs can be amplified in other species. These results proved that cDNA-FIASCO is an efficient way to isolate novel EST-SSRs in a fish.  相似文献   

Src homology and collagen A (ShcA) is an adaptor protein that binds to tyrosine kinase receptors. Its germ line deletion is embryonic lethal with abnormal cardiovascular system formation, and its role in cardiovascular development is unknown. To investigate its functional role in cardiovascular development in mice, ShcA was deleted in cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells by crossing ShcA flox mice with SM22a-Cre transgenic mice. Conditional mutant mice developed signs of severe dilated cardiomyopathy, myocardial infarctions, and premature death. No evidence of a vascular contribution to the phenotype was observed. Histological analysis of the heart revealed aberrant sarcomeric Z-disk and M-band structures, and misalignments of T-tubules with Z-disks. We find that not only the ErbB3/Neuregulin signaling pathway but also the baroreceptor reflex response, which have been functionally associated, are altered in the mutant mice. We further demonstrate that ShcA interacts with Caveolin-1 and the costameric protein plasma membrane Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent ATPase (PMCA), and that its deletion leads to abnormal dystrophin signaling. Collectively, these results demonstrate that ShcA interacts with crucial proteins and pathways that link Z-disk and costamere.  相似文献   

Sensitive and specific tests for detecting exogenous DNA molecules are useful for infectious disease diagnosis, gene therapy clinical trial safety, and gene doping surveillance. Taqman real-time PCR using specific sequence probes provides an effective approach to accurately and quantitatively detect exogenous DNA. However, one of the major challenges in these analyses is to eliminate false positive signals caused by either non-targeted exogenous or endogenous DNA sequences, or false negative signals caused by impurities that inhibit PCR. Although multiplex Taqman PCR assays have been applied to address these problems by adding extra primer-probe sets targeted to endogenous DNA sequences, the differences between targets can lead to different detection efficiencies. To avoid these complications, a Taqman PCR-based approach that incorporates an internal threshold control (ITC) has been developed. In this single reaction format, the target sequence and ITC template are co-amplified by the same primers, but are detected by different probes each with a unique fluorescent dye. Sample DNA, a prescribed number of ITC template molecules set near the limit of sensitivity, a single pair of primers, target probe and ITC probe are added to one reaction. Fluorescence emission signals are obtained simultaneously to determine the cycle thresholds (Ct) for amplification of the target and ITC sequences. The comparison of the target Ct with the ITC Ct indicates if a sample is a true positive for the target (i.e. Ct less than or equal to the ITC Ct) or negative (i.e. Ct greater than the ITC Ct). The utility of this approach was demonstrated in a nonhuman primate model of rAAV vector mediated gene doping in vivo and in human genomic DNA spiked with plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

An empirical formula for thermal stability (T m) prediction of PNA/DNA duplexes has been derived. The model is based on the T m as calculated for the corresponding DNA/DNA duplex employing a nearest neighbour approach, by including terms for the pyrimidine content and length of the PNA to take into account the increased thermostability of PNA/DNA hybrids and the asymmetry of the PNA-DNA heteroduplex. The predictive power of the T m prediction formula was challenged with an independent data set not used for model building. The T m of >90% of the sequences was predicted within 5 K; 98% of the predicted T ms differ by not more than 10 K from the experimentally determined T m.  相似文献   

The capacity of natural killer (NK) cells to mediate Fc receptor-dependent effector functions, such as antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), largely contributes to their clinical application. Given that activation-induced C-type lectin (AICL), an identified ligand for the NK-activating receptor NKp80, is frequently highly expressed on leukemia cells, the lack of therapeutic AICL-specific antibodies limits clinical application. Here we explore a strategy to reinforce NK anti-leukemia reactivity by combining targeting AICL-expressing leukemia cells with the induction of NK cell ADCC using NKp80-Fc fusion proteins. The NKp80-Fc fusion protein we generated bound specifically to leukemia cells in an AICL-specific manner. Cell binding assays between NK and leukemia cells showed that NKp80-Fc significantly increased NK target cell conjugation. In functional analyses, treatment with NKp80-Fc clearly induced the ADCC effect of NK cells. NKp80-Fc not only promoted NK-mediated leukemia cell apoptosis in the early stage of cell conjugation but also enhanced NK cell degranulation and cytotoxicity activity in the late stage. The bifunctional NKp80-Fc could redirect NK cells toward leukemia cells and triggered NK cell killing in vitro. Moreover, NKp80-Fc enhanced the lysis of NK cells against tumors in leukemia xenograft non-obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that NKp80-Fc potently amplifies NK cell anti-leukemia effects in vitro and in vivo through induction of the NK cell ADCC effect. This method could potentially be useful for molecular targeted therapy, and the fusion proteins may be a promising drug for immunotherapy of leukemia.  相似文献   

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