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Habitat fragmentation and species richness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In a recent article in this journal, Fahrig (2013, Journal of Biogeography, 40 , 1649–1663) concludes that variation in species richness among sampling sites can be explained by the amount of habitat in the ‘local landscape’ around the sites, while the spatial configuration of habitat within the landscape makes little difference. This conclusion may be valid for small spatial scales and when the total amount of habitat is large, but modelling and empirical studies demonstrate adverse demographic consequences of fragmentation when there is little habitat across large areas. Fragmentation effects are best tested with studies on individual species rather than on communities, as the latter typically consist of species with dissimilar habitat requirements. The total amount of habitat and the degree of fragmentation tend to be correlated, which poses another challenge for empirical studies. I conclude that fragmentation poses an extra threat to biodiversity, in addition to the threat posed by loss of habitat area.  相似文献   

There is high uncertainty surrounding the magnitude of current and future biodiversity loss that is occurring due to human disturbances. Here, we present a global meta‐analysis of experimental and observational studies that report 327 measures of change in species richness between disturbed and undisturbed habitats across both terrestrial and aquatic biomes. On average, human‐mediated disturbances lead to an 18.3% decline in species richness. Declines in species richness were highest for endotherms (33.2%), followed by producers (25.1%), and ectotherms (10.5%). Land‐use change and species invasions had the largest impact on species richness resulting in a 24.8% and 23.7% decline, respectively, followed by habitat loss (14%), nutrient addition (8.2%), and increases in temperature (3.6%). Across all disturbances, declines in species richness were greater for terrestrial biomes (22.4%) than aquatic biomes (5.9%). In the tropics, habitat loss and land‐use change had the largest impact on species richness, whereas in the boreal forest and Northern temperate forests, species invasions had the largest impact on species richness. Along with revealing trends in changes in species richness for different disturbances, biomes, and taxa, our results also identify critical knowledge gaps for predicting the effects of human disturbance on Earth's biomes.  相似文献   

Two South African mountain fynbos sites, similar in drainage, elevation, slope angle, slope aspect and soil type but with differing fire histories, were studied to measure how the effect of high densities of overstorey proteas in one fire cycle affects the α-diversity levels of the plant community in the following fire-cycle, how their repeated absence due to several short fire-cycles affects their species richness and finally, at what spatial scale such patterns are most appropriately measured. High prefire canopy cover percentages and densities of overstorey proteas increase the postfire α-diversity of understorey species. In addition, the increase in species richness observed occurred for all higher plant life history types present. At sites where one or more short fire cycles resulted in the repeated absence of overstorey proteas, the number of plant species present in the understorey was lower than at a site where overstorey proteas persisted. These results are dependent on the spatial scale at which the α-diversity of understorey species is measured. At small quadrat sizes (< 5 m2), overstorey proteas decrease the number of understorey species present, while at larger quadrat sizes (100 m2) higher species richness is observed. The contradiction in conclusions when α-diversity is measured at different spatial scales can be attributed to the patchiness of fynbos communities. Overstorey proteas play an important role in maintaining the patchiness component of fynbos communities by diminishing the effect of understorey resprouting species, making available regeneration niches for the maintenance of plant species richness. Where small quadrats are used, the effect of patchiness on the dynamics of the mountain fynbos community is lost. Thus, it is the fire history prior to the last fire and how it affects overstorey proteas that is important in the determination of α-diversity levels in mountain fynbos plant communities.  相似文献   

Environmental variables, such as ambient energy, water availability, and environmental heterogeneity have been frequently proposed to account for species diversity gradients. How taxon-specific functional traits define large-scale richness gradients is a fundamental issue in understanding spatial patterns of species diversity, but has not been well documented. Using a large dataset on the regional flora from China, we examine the contrast spatial patterns and environmental determinants between pteridophytes and seed plants which differ in dispersal capacity and environmental requirements. Pteridophyte richness shows more pronounced spatial variation and stronger environmental associations than seed plant richness. Water availability generally accounts for more spatial variance in species richness of pteridophytes and seed plants than energy and heterogeneity do, especially for pteridophytes which have high dependence on moist and shady environments. Thus, pteridophyte richness is disproportionally affected by water-related variables; this in turn results in a higher proportion of pteridophytes in regional vascular plant floras (pteridophyte proportion) in wet regions. Most of the variance in seed plant richness, pteridophyte richness, and pteridophyte proportion explained by energy is included in variation that water and heterogeneity account for, indicating the redundancy of energy in the study extent. However, heterogeneity is more important for determining seed plant distributions. Pteridophyte and seed plant richness is strongly correlated, even after the environmental effects have been removed, implying functional linkages between them. Our study highlights the importance of incorporating biological traits of different taxonomic groups into the studies of macroecology and global change biology.  相似文献   

山地植物物种丰富度海拔分布格局是生物多样性研究的热点之一。以往研究中一般将山体划分为等海拔间距的高度带, 以分析物种丰富度的垂直格局, 其缺陷在于因各高度带面积不相等而可比性下降。为消除面积不相等的影响, 作者利用数字高程数据(DEM, Digital Elevation Model)在地理信息系统(GIS)工具支持下, 尝试将贺兰山(海拔范围1,300–3,500 m)划分为等面积的数个高度带, 从而分析其物种丰富度的海拔格局。结果表明: (1) 贺兰山物种丰富度呈现为单峰式海拔格局, 峰值出现在海拔2,000 m附近。(2) 逐步回归分析显示, 坡度异质性是解释物种丰富度海拔分布格局的最优因子。高度带的坡度异质性越大, 意味着地形的起伏变化越大, 反映出生境类型越趋多样化, 从而可维持多个物种的共存。(3) 贺兰山植物物种丰富度在海拔2,000 m 附近达到峰值, 可能与植被演变历史、气候条件、地形复杂度、生态过渡带和中间膨胀效应的共同影响有关。(4) 对山体进行等面积划带, 可直接消除面积不相等带来的影响, 与等间距划带的方法相比, 尤其在物种海拔分布信息准确度较高时更具优势。  相似文献   

The habitat amount hypothesis (HAH) predicts that species richness in a habitat site increases with the amount of habitat in the ‘local landscape’ defined by an appropriate distance around the site, with no distinct effects of the size of the habitat patch in which the site is located. It has been stated that a consequence of the HAH, if supported, would be that it is unnecessary to consider habitat configuration to predict or manage biodiversity patterns, and that conservation strategies should focus on habitat amount regardless of fragmentation. Here, I assume that the HAH holds and apply the HAH predictions to all habitat sites over entire landscapes that have the same amount of habitat but differ in habitat configuration. By doing so, I show that the HAH actually implies clearly negative effects of habitat fragmentation, and of other spatial configuration changes, on species richness in all or many of the habitat sites in the landscape, and that these habitat configuration effects are distinct from those of habitat amount in the landscape. I further show that, contrary to current interpretations, the HAH is compatible with a steeper slope of the species–area relationship for fragmented than for continuous habitat, and with higher species richness for a single large patch than for several small patches with the same total area (SLOSS). This suggests the need to revise the ways in which the HAH has been interpreted and can be actually tested. The misinterpretation of the HAH has arisen from confounding and overlooking the differences in the spatial scales involved: the individual habitat site at which the HAH gives predictions, the local landscape around an individual site and the landscapes or regions (with multiple habitat sites and different local landscapes) that need to be analysed and managed. The HAH has been erroneously viewed as negating or diminishing the relevance of fragmentation effects, while it actually supports the importance of habitat configuration for biodiversity. I conclude that, even in the cases where the HAH holds, habitat fragmentation and configuration are important for understanding and managing species distributions in the landscape.  相似文献   

Bird species richness is mediated by local, regional, and historical factors, for example, competition, environmental heterogeneity, contemporary, and historical climate. Here, we related bird species richness with phylogenetic relatedness of bird assemblages, plant species richness, topography, contemporary climate, and glacial‐interglacial climate change to investigate the relative importance of these factors. This study was conducted in Inner Mongolia, an arid and semiarid region with diverse vegetation types and strong species richness gradients. The following associated variables were included as follows: phylogenetic relatedness of bird assemblages (Net Relatedness Index, NRI), plant species richness, altitudinal range, contemporary climate (mean annual temperature and precipitation, MAT and MAP), and contemporary‐Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) change in climate (change in MAT and change in MAP). Ordinary least squares linear, simultaneous autoregressive linear, and Random Forest models were used to assess the associations between these variables and bird species richness across this region. We found that bird species richness was correlated negatively with NRI and positively with plant species richness and altitudinal range, with no significant correlations with contemporary climate and glacial–interglacial climate change. The six best combinations of variables ranked by Random Forest models consistently included NRI, plant species richness, and contemporary‐LGM change in MAT. Our results suggest important roles of local ecological factors in shaping the distribution of bird species richness across this semiarid region. Our findings highlight the potential importance of these local ecological factors, for example, environmental heterogeneity, habitat filtering, and biotic interactions, in biodiversity maintenance.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地植物物种丰富度格局及其与环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能量、水分和生境异质性是物种丰富度分布格局的重要因素。本文以特殊环境科尔沁沙地为对象,通过植物区域物种丰富度数据和对应气候数据统计,结合生境异质性分析,对科尔沁沙地物种丰富度格局及其主导因素进行研究。结果显示:(1)科尔沁沙地植物共计有115科1030种,呈现显著的空间异质分布,随着经度的增加物种丰富度呈先下降后上升的趋势,而受纬度影响较小。(2)水热动态假说最适合用于解释科尔沁沙地植物物种丰富度格局。说明水资源可利用性是科尔沁沙地植物物种丰富度的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

We examine how species richness and species‐specific plant density (number of species and number of individuals per species, respectively) vary within community size frequency distributions and across latitude. Communities from Asia, Africa, Europe, and North, Central and South America were studied (60°4′N–41°4′S latitude) using the Gentry data base. Log–log linear stem size (diameter) frequency distributions were constructed for each community and the species richness and species‐specific plant density within each size class were determined for each frequency distribution. Species richness in the smallest stem size class correlated with the Y‐intercepts (β‐values) of the regression curves describing each log–log linear size distributions. Two extreme community types were identified (designated as type A and type B). Type A communities had steep size distributions (i.e. large β‐values), log–log linear species‐richness size distributions, low species‐specific plant density distributions, and a small size class (2–4 cm) containing the majority of all species but rarely conspecifics of the dominant tree species. Type B communities had shallow size distributions (i.e. small β‐values), more or less uniform (and low) size class species‐ richness and species‐specific density distributions and size‐dominant species resident in the smallest size class. Type A communities were absent in the higher latitudes but increased in number towards the equator, i.e. in the smallest size class, species richness increased (and species‐specific density decreased) towards the tropics. Based on our survey of type A and type B communities (and their intermediates), species richness evinces size‐dependent and latitudinal trends, i.e. species richness increased with decreasing body size and most species increasingly reside in the smallest plant size class towards the tropics. Across all latitudes, a trade‐off exists between the number of species and the number of individuals per species residing in the smaller size classes.  相似文献   

Habitat loss is one of the key drivers of the ongoing decline of biodiversity. However, ecologists still argue about how fragmentation of habitat (independent of habitat loss) affects species richness. The recently proposed habitat amount hypothesis posits that species richness only depends on the total amount of habitat in a local landscape. In contrast, empirical studies report contrasting patterns: some find positive and others negative effects of fragmentation per se on species richness. To explain this apparent disparity, we devise a stochastic, spatially explicit model of competitive species communities in heterogeneous habitats. The model shows that habitat loss and fragmentation have complex effects on species diversity in competitive communities. When the total amount of habitat is large, fragmentation per se tends to increase species diversity, but if the total amount of habitat is small, the situation is reversed: fragmentation per se decreases species diversity.  相似文献   

Plant species assemblages, communities or regional floras might be termed 'saturated' when additional immigrant species are unsuccessful at establishing due to competitive exclusion or other inter-specific interactions, or when the immigration of species is off-set by extirpation of species. This is clearly not the case for state, regional or national floras in the USA where colonization (i.e. invasion by exotic species) exceeds extirpation by roughly a 24 to 1 margin. We report an alarming temporal trend in plant invasions in the Pacific Northwest over the past 100 years whereby counties highest in native species richness appear increasingly invaded over time. Despite the possibility of some increased awareness and reporting of native and exotic plant species in recent decades, historical records show a significant, consistent long-term increase in exotic species (number and frequency) at county, state and regional scales in the Pacific Northwest. Here, as in other regions of the country, colonization rates by exotic species are high and extirpation rates are negligible. The rates of species accumulation in space in multi-scale vegetation plots may provide some clues to the mechanisms of the invasion process from local to national scales.  相似文献   

Aim To identify the reasons behind differing geographical species richness patterns of range‐restricted and widespread species. Location The Western Hemisphere. Methods We used regression to determine the strongest environmental predictors of richness for widespread and range‐restricted mammal species in 10,000 km2 quadrats in the continental Americas. We then used range‐placement models to predict the expected correlation between range‐restricted and widespread species richness were they to be determined by identical, random, or contrasting environmental factors. Finally, to determine the reasons underlying deviations from these predictions, we divided the Americas into 5% quantiles based on temperature and topographic heterogeneity and correlated richness of these two assemblages across quantiles – an approach that avoids constraints on statistical testing imposed by low potential for range overlap among range‐restricted species. Results Minimum annual temperature was the strongest predictor of widespread species richness while topographic heterogeneity was the best, although weak, predictor of range‐restricted species richness in conventional regression analysis. Our models revealed that the observed correlation between range‐restricted and widespread species richness was similar to what would be observed if both range‐restricted and widespread species richness were determined by temperature. Patterns of range‐restricted and widespread species richness were highly correlated across temperature quantiles, but range‐restricted species uniquely showed an increasing pattern across heterogeneity quantiles. Main conclusions Species richness gradients among range‐restricted species differ from those of widespread species, but not as extensively or for the reasons reported previously. Instead, these assemblages appear to share some but not all underlying environmental determinants of species richness. Our new approach to examining species richness patterns reveals that range‐restricted and widespread species richnesses share a common response to temperature that conventional analyses have not previously revealed. However, topographic heterogeneity has assemblage‐specific effects on range‐restricted species.  相似文献   

Herbivores influence spatial heterogeneity in soil resources and vegetation in ecosystems. Despite increasing recognition that spatial heterogeneity can drive species richness at different spatial scales, few studies have quantified the effect of grazing on spatial heterogeneity and species richness simultaneously. Here we document both these variables in a rabbit-grazed grassland. We measured mean values and spatial patterns of grazing intensity, rabbit droppings, plant height, plant biomass, soil water content, ammonia and nitrate in sites grazed by rabbits and in matched, ungrazed exclosures in a grassland in southern England. Plant species richness was recorded at spatial scales ranging between 0.0001 and 150 m(2). Grazing reduced plant height and plant biomass but increased levels of ammonia and nitrate in the soil. Spatial statistics revealed that rabbit-grazed sites consisted of a mixture of heavily grazed patches with low vegetation and nutrient-rich soils (lawns) surrounded by patches of high vegetation with nutrient-poor soils (tussocks). The mean patch size (range) in the grazed controls was 2.1 +/- 0.3 m for vegetation height, 3.8 +/- 1.8 m for soil water content and 2.8 +/- 0.9 m for ammonia. This is in line with the patch sizes of grazing (2.4 +/- 0.5 m) and dropping deposition (3.7 +/- 0.6 m) by rabbits. In contrast, patchiness in the ungrazed exclosures had a larger patch size and was not present for all variables. Rabbit grazing increased plant species richness at all spatial scales. Species richness was negatively correlated with plant height, but positively correlated to the coefficient of variation of plant height at all plot sizes. Species richness in large plots (<25 m(2)) was also correlated to patch size. This study indicates that the abundance of strong competitors and the nutrient availability in the soil, as well as the heterogeneity and spatial pattern of these factors may influence species richness, but the importance of these factors can differ across spatial scales.  相似文献   

如何准确地模拟物种宏观丰富度格局和特有性中心是生物多样性保护工作的重点,也是生物地理学的热点话题.西南地区是我国壳斗科植物最丰富的地区之一,但物种多样性格局及环境驱动机制尚不清楚.本研究基于西南地区161种壳斗科植物7258个分布点位数据,利用点格局法和物种分布模型两种方式构建了物种丰富度、加权特有性指数和校正加权特有...  相似文献   

理解山地物种丰富度分布格局及其成因对于山地生物多样性保护具有重要意义。本文基于贺兰山地区甲虫31科252属469种的分布信息, 结合相关气候与生境异质性数据, 系统地探讨了贺兰山地区甲虫及6个优势科物种丰富度地理格局及其影响因素。结果表明, 甲虫物种丰富度及科属区系分化强度以贺兰山中段最高, 南段比北段高, 西坡比东坡高。基于183个栅格内物种分布的二元数据聚类分析, 贺兰山甲虫分布可分为北段强旱生景观甲虫地理群、中西段半湿生景观甲虫地理群、中东段及南段半旱生景观甲虫地理群3个地理群。冗余分析(RDA)表明年均温和年均降水量是影响最显著的因子。方差分解结果显示, 水分与能量因子共同解释了全部甲虫物种丰富度57.1%的空间变异, 单独解释率分别为5.9%和7.1%。生境异质性解释了全部甲虫物种丰富度35.2%的变异, 单独解释率仅为1.8%。气候因素与生境异质性对不同优势科物种丰富度的相对影响并不一致。在贺兰山的南段和北段, 生境异质性和水分因子对甲虫物种丰富度影响作用明显。水分和能量因子是贺兰山地区甲虫物种丰富度空间分布格局的主导因子, 生境异质性有助于提高甲虫物种丰富度。从未解释的比例来分析, 地形和土壤因素可能对贺兰山甲虫物种丰富度存在重要影响。  相似文献   

Aim Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) aid our ability to discern diversification rate mechanisms underlying hypotheses for the large‐scale distribution of biodiversity. We develop a predictive framework for the way in which spatial patterns of PD vary with those of species richness, depending on the balance between speciation and extinction rates. Within this framework, diversification processes thought to underlie the productive energy, ambient energy, topographic variability and habitat variety hypotheses predict that gradients of increase in species richness will be associated with: (1) decreasing extinction rates where driven by productive energy, hence increasing relative PD (i.e. PD controlling for species richness, or PDrel); (2) a similar positive relationship between ambient energy and PDrel; (3) increasing speciation rates where driven by topographic variability, hence decreasing PDrel; and (4) no consistent relationship between PDrel and habitat variety when driven by the latter. We test these predictions using distributional data on parrots. Location Neotropical, Afrotropical, Indo‐Malayan and Australasian realms. Methods Spatial models were used to test the predictions. Results Globally, a positive association between productive energy and PDrel confirms prediction (1). However, within realms, hump‐shaped relationships suggest the importance of decreasing extinction rates up to a threshold level of productive energy, and the increasing importance of speciation rates thereafter. Ambient energy is positively associated with PDrel in Australasia, Indo‐Malaya, and globally, supporting prediction (2). However, this is driven by the coincidence of highest PDrel in areas of high ambient energy and intermediate productive energy (i.e. in seasonal tropical environments), which may be characterized by relatively low speciation and extinction rates. In the Neotropics, increasing topographic variability is associated with decreasing PDrel and increasing species richness, suggesting an increasing gradient of speciation, supporting prediction (3). Elsewhere, the signal of this mechanism may be obscured by collinearities with energy gradients. The lack of an overall relationship between habitat diversity and PDrel confirms prediction (4). Main conclusions Spatial patterns of PDrel in relation to environmental gradients may be sensitive to collinearities among those gradients. Nevertheless, patterns emerge which have implications for the relative importance of speciation and extinction processes in generating latitudinal diversity gradients.  相似文献   

Aim Using a global data base of the distribution of extant bird species, we examine the evidence for spatial variation in the evolutionary origins of contemporary avian diversity. In particular, we assess the possible role of the timing of mountain uplift in promoting diversification in different regions. Location Global. Methods We mapped the distribution of avian richness at four taxonomic levels on an equal‐area 1° grid. We examined the relationships between richness at successive taxonomic levels (e.g. species richness vs. genus richness). We mapped the residuals from linear regressions of these relationships to identify areas that are exceptional in the number of lower taxa relative to the number of higher taxa. We use generalized least squares models to test the influence of elevation range and temperature on lower‐taxon richness relative to higher‐taxon richness. Results Peaks of species richness in the Neotropics were congruent with patterns of generic richness, whilst peaks in Australia and the Himalayas were congruent with patterns of both genus and family richness. Hotspots in the Afrotropics did not reflect higher‐taxon patterns. Regional differences in the relationship between richness at successive taxonomic levels revealed variation in patterns of taxon co‐occurrence. Species and genus co‐occurrence was positively associated with elevational range across much of the world. Taxon occurrence in the Neotropics was associated with a positive interaction between elevational range and temperature. Conclusions These results demonstrate that contemporary patterns of richness show different associations with higher‐taxon richness in different regions, which implies that the timing of historical effects on these contemporary patterns varies across regions. We suggest that this is due to dispersal limitation and phylogenetic constraints on physiological tolerance limits promoting diversification. We speculate that diversification rates respond to long‐term changes in the Earth's topography, and that the role of tropical mountain ranges is implicated as a correlate of contemporary diversity, and a source of diversification across avian evolutionary history.  相似文献   

This paper stresses that the mechanism of coexistence is the key to understanding the relationship between species richness and community productivity. Using model plant communities, we explored two general kinds of mechanisms based on resource heterogeneity and recruitment limitation, with and without any trade-off between reproductive and competitive abilities. We generated different levels of species richness by changing model parameters, in particular the number of species in the regional pool, the degree of recruitment limitation, and the level of heterogeneity. Different diversity–productivity patterns are obtained with different coexistence mechanisms, indicating there is no reason to expect any general relationship between species richness and productivity. We discuss these results in the context of the within-site and across-site aspects of the relationship between species richness and productivity. Furthermore, we extend these results to hypothesize the relationship between species richness and productivity for other coexistence mechanisms not explicitly considered here.  相似文献   

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