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Alfredson DA  Korolik V 《Plasmid》2003,50(2):152-160
A small cryptic plasmid, pCJ419, was identified in a human clinical isolate of Campylobacter jejuni, cloned and sequenced. pCJ419 is a circular molecule of 4013 bp with a G+C content of 27.1%. The products of four open reading frames (ORFs) share significant sequence similarity with putative proteins from known C. jejuni and Campylobacter coli plasmids. ORF-1 encodes a putative mobilisation protein (Mob). ORF-2 and ORF-3 encode proteins that have high identity to putative RepA and RepB proteins, respectively, of known C. jejuni and C. coli plasmids. ORF-4 encodes a protein that has high identity to a hypothetical protein of unknown function, Cjp32, previously described in a pVir plasmid of C. jejuni. Tandem repeating 22-bp sequences typical of a plasmid replication origin (ori) were identified upstream of the DNA sequences encoding putative replication initiation proteins. An Escherichia coli-Campylobacter shuttle cloning vector, pGU0202, was constructed using plasmid pMW2 that harbours a Campylobacter-derived kanamycin resistance gene [aph(3')-III]. The sequences encoding pCJ419 mob, RepA and RepB proteins were inserted upstream of aph(3')-III resulting in a stable construct of 6174 bp that was used to transform both E. coli and Campylobacter.  相似文献   

Many lactic acid bacteria carry different plasmids, particularly those that replicate via a theta mechanism. Here we describe Lactobacillus casei MCJ(CCTCC AB20130356), a new isolate that contains pMC11, carrying two distinct theta-type replicons. Each replicon contained an iteron in the origin of replication (oriV1 or oriV2) and a gene coding for the replicase (RepA_1 or RepB_1), both of which are essential for plasmid replication. Escherichia coli/Lactobacillus shuttle vectors were constructed with each replicon, yielding pEL5.7 and pEL5.6 that are based on oriV2 and oriV1 replicons, respectively. These plasmids showed distinct properties: pEL5.7 was capable of replicating in L. casei MCJΔ1 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactic LBCH-1 but failed to do so in two other tested lactobacilli strains whereas pEL5.6 replicated in three different strains, including L. casei MCJΔ1, L. casei NJ, Lactobacillus paracasei LPC-37 and L. delbrueckii subsp. lactic LBCH-1. Plasmid stability was studied: pEL5.6 and pEL5.7 were very stably maintained in L. casei, as the loss rate was lower than 1 % per generation. pEL5.7 was also stable in L. delbrueckii subsp. lactic LBCH-1 with the loss rate estimated to be 3 %. These vectors were employed to express a green fluorescent protein (GFP) using the promoter of S-layer protein SlpA from Lactobacillus acidophilus. And a growth-phase regulated expression of GFP was observed in different strains. In conclusion, these shuttle vectors provide efficient genetic tools for DNA cloning and heterologous gene expression in lactobacilli.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Yu D  Sun Z  Chen X  Bao Q  Meng H  Hu S  Zhang H 《Plasmid》2008,60(2):131-135
The complete 36,487 bp sequence of plasmid plca36 from Lactobacillus casei Zhang was determined. Plca36 contains 44 predicted coding regions, and to 23 of them functions could be assigned. For the first time, we identified a relBE toxin-antitoxin (TA) locus in a Lactobacillus genus, perhaps indicating a potential role for plca36 in host survival under extreme nutritional stress. A region encoding a cluster of conjugation genes (tra) was also identified. The cluster showed high similarity and co-linearity with tra regions of pWCFS103 and pMRC01 from Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactococcus lactis, respectively. Comparative gene analysis revealed that plasmids from the genus Lactobacillus may have contributed to the environmental adaptation mainly by providing carbohydrate and amino acid transporters. In addition, two chromosome-encoded relBE systems in Lactobacillus johnsonii and Lactobacillus gasseri were identified.  相似文献   

A stable shuttle vector which replicates in Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens was constructed by ligating a 3.6-kilobase (kb) fragment of plasmid pBR322 with C. perfringens plasmid pHB101 (3.1 kb). The marker for this shuttle plasmid originated from the 1.3-kb chloramphenicol resistance gene of plasmid pHR106. The resulting shuttle vector, designated pAK201, is 8 kb in size and codes for resistance to 20 micrograms of chloramphenicol per ml in both E. coli and C. perfringens. Following shuttle vector construction in E. coli, plasmid pAK201 was transformed into E. coli HB101 and C. perfringens ATCC 3624A, using intact cell electroporation. The transformation frequencies were 10(6) and 10(4) transformants per microgram of DNA in E. coli and C. perfringens, respectively. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chimera isolated from transformants of both microorganisms suggested that the plasmids were identical. Reciprocal transformation experiments in E. coli and C. perfringens indicated no difference in transformation frequency. Plasmid pAK201 was stable in C. perfringens following repeated transfer in the absence of chloramphenicol pressure. The restriction map of plasmid pAK201 shows six unique cut sites which should be useful for future genetic analysis and C. perfringens gene library construction.  相似文献   

A plasmid transformation system for Rhodococcus sp. strain H13-A was developed by using an Escherichia coli-Rhodococcus shuttle plasmid constructed in this study. Rhodococcus sp. strain H13-A contains three cryptic indigenous plasmids, designated pMVS100, pMVS200, and pMVS300, of 75, 19.5, and 13.4 kilobases (kb), respectively. A 3.8-kb restriction fragment of pMVS300 was cloned into pIJ30, a 6.3-kb pBR322 derivative, containing the E. coli origin of replication (ori) and ampicillin resistance determinant (bla), as well as a Streptomyces gene for thiostrepton resistance, tsr. The resulting 10.1-kb recombinant plasmid, designated pMVS301, was isolated from E. coli DH1(pMVS301) and transformed into Rhodococcus sp. strain AS-50, a derivative of strain H13-A, by polyethylene glycol-assisted transformation of Rhodococcus protoplasts and selection for thiostrepton-resistant transformants. Thiostrepton-resistant transformants were also ampicillin resistant and were shown to contain pMVS301, which was subsequently isolated and transformed back into E. coli. The cloned 3.8-kb fragment of Rhodococcus DNA in pMVS301 contains a Rhodococcus origin of replication, since the hybrid plasmid was capable of replication in both genera. The plasmid was identical in E. coli and Rhodococcus transformants as determined by restriction analysis and was maintained as a stable, independent replicon in both organisms. Optimization of the transformation procedure resulted in transformation frequencies in the range of 10(5) transformants per micrograms of pMVS301 DNA in Rhodococcus sp. strain H13-A and derivative strains. The plasmid host range extends to strains of Rhodococcus erythropolis, R. globulerus, and R. equi, whereas stable transformants were not obtained with R. rhodochrous or with several coryneform bacteria tested as recipients. A restriction map demonstrated 14 unique restriction sites in pMVS301, some of which are potentially useful for molecular cloning in Rhodococcus spp. and other actinomycetes. This is the first report of plasmid transformation and of heterologous gene expression in a Rhodococcus sp.  相似文献   

A stable shuttle vector which replicates in Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens was constructed by ligating a 3.6-kilobase (kb) fragment of plasmid pBR322 with C. perfringens plasmid pHB101 (3.1 kb). The marker for this shuttle plasmid originated from the 1.3-kb chloramphenicol resistance gene of plasmid pHR106. The resulting shuttle vector, designated pAK201, is 8 kb in size and codes for resistance to 20 micrograms of chloramphenicol per ml in both E. coli and C. perfringens. Following shuttle vector construction in E. coli, plasmid pAK201 was transformed into E. coli HB101 and C. perfringens ATCC 3624A, using intact cell electroporation. The transformation frequencies were 10(6) and 10(4) transformants per microgram of DNA in E. coli and C. perfringens, respectively. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chimera isolated from transformants of both microorganisms suggested that the plasmids were identical. Reciprocal transformation experiments in E. coli and C. perfringens indicated no difference in transformation frequency. Plasmid pAK201 was stable in C. perfringens following repeated transfer in the absence of chloramphenicol pressure. The restriction map of plasmid pAK201 shows six unique cut sites which should be useful for future genetic analysis and C. perfringens gene library construction.  相似文献   

While plasmids are very commonly associated with the majority of the lactic acid bacteria, they are only very rarely associated with Lactobacillus delbrueckii, with only four characterized to date. In this study, the complete sequence of a native plasmid, pDOJ1, from a strain of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus was determined. It consisted of a circular DNA molecule of 6,220 bp with a G+C content of 44.6% and a characteristic ori and encoded six open reading frames (ORFs), of which functions could be predicted for three-a mobilization (Mob) protein, a transposase, and a fused primase-helicase replication protein. Comparative analysis of pDOJ1 and the other available L. delbrueckii plasmids (pLBB1, pJBL2, pN42, and pLL1212) revealed a very similar organization and amino acid identities between 85 and 98% for the putative proteins of all six predicted ORFs from pDOJ1, reflecting a common origin for L. delbrueckii plasmids. Analysis of the fused primase-helicase replication gene found a similar fused organization only in the theta replicating group B plasmids from Streptococcus thermophilus. This observation and the ability of the replicon to function in S. thermophilus support the idea that the origin of plasmids in L. delbrueckii was likely from S. thermophilus. This may reflect the close association of these two species in dairy fermentations, particularly yogurt production. As no vector based on plasmid replicons from L. delbrueckii has previously been constructed, an Escherichia coli-L. delbrueckii shuttle cloning vector, pDOJ4, was constructed from pDOJ1, the p15A ori, the chloramphenicol resistance gene of pCI372, and the lacZ polylinker from pUC18. This cloning vector was successfully introduced into E. coli, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, and Lactococcus lactis. This shuttle cloning vector provides a new tool for molecular analysis of Lactobacillus delbrueckii and other lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

We report herein the isolation and molecular characterization of pBGR1, the first native plasmid isolated from the genus Bartonella. Cloning and sequencing revealed a 2725-base pair (bp) cryptic plasmid comprising two open reading frames of considerable length, which were designated rep and mob. The regions containing rep and mob are separated by 140-bp inverted repeat sequences and display a difference in G + C content from one another. A 1435-bp SacI-BclI fragment containing the rep gene is sufficient to mediate replication in the species Bartonella henselae and Bartonella tribocorum, while this replicon does not appear to be functional in Escherichia coli. The Rep protein of 190 amino acids (aa) shares homology to putative replication proteins of cryptic plasmids of Gram-negative origin, which form a subgroup of the rolling-circle replication proteins of the pSN2 plasmid superfamily of Gram-positive bacteria. The Mob protein of 333 aa is related to mobilization proteins of several cryptic plasmids and is associated with a conserved recombination site A. The tra functions of RP4 can mobilize pBGR1 derivatives in a mob-dependent manner. Mobilizable pBGR1-based E. coli-Bartonella spp. shuttle vectors were constructed and were shown to be maintained in B. tribocorum during in vivo passage in a rat model in the absence of antibiotic selection. The small size and stability of these shuttle cloning vectors should render them particularly valuable for genetic studies in Bartonella spp.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids which can be used as shuttle vectors between Escherichia coli and the industrially used strains of Lactobacillus casei were constructed. They have replication regions closely related to those of pUB110 and are likely to replicate by a rolling-circle mechanism via a plus-strand-specific DNA intermediate in L. casei. Both orientations of palA from the staphylococcal plasmid pC194 and those of the intergenic region from coliphage M13 are identified as active minus origins in L. casei, in contrast to the pAM alpha 1 delta 1-derived BA3 minus origin which does not function in L. casei. Stability of the plasmids increased in L. casei when one of these two active minus origins was inserted. All the DNA sequences of the constructed vectors were known.  相似文献   

Recombinant plasmids which can be used as shuttle vectors between Escherichia coli and the industrially used strains of Lactobacillus casei were constructed. They have replication regions closely related to those of pUB110 and are likely to replicate by a rolling-circle mechanism via a plus-strand-specific DNA intermediate in L. casei. Both orientations of palA from the staphylococcal plasmid pC194 and those of the intergenic region from coliphage M13 are identified as active minus origins in L. casei, in contrast to the pAM alpha 1 delta 1-derived BA3 minus origin which does not function in L. casei. Stability of the plasmids increased in L. casei when one of these two active minus origins was inserted. All the DNA sequences of the constructed vectors were known.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus plantarum is used in a wide range of agricultural and food fermentations. In this paper we report the introduction of alpha-amylase into the organism from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens on a stable recombinant plasmid. The genetically manipulated organism grew on MRSB medium supplemented with starch and it may be a prototype for the development of lactobacilli able to use an increased range of substrates in commercial fermentations.  相似文献   

Four small cryptic plasmids were isolated from Lactobacillus casei strains, and restriction endonuclease maps of these plasmids were constructed. Three of the small plasmids (pLZ18C, pLZ19E, and pLZ19F1; 6.4, 4.9, and 4.8 kilobase pairs, respectively) were cloned into Escherichia coli K-12 by using pBR322, pACYC184, and pUC8 as vectors. Two of the plasmids, pLZ18C and pLZ19E, were also cloned into Streptococcus sanguis by using pVA1 as the vector. Hybridization by using nick-translated cloned 32P-labeled L. casei plasmid DNA as the probe revealed that none of the cryptic plasmids had appreciable DNA-DNA homology with the large lactose plasmids found in the L. casei strains, with chromosomal DNAs isolated from these strains. Partial homology was detected among several plasmids isolated from different strains, but not among cryptic plasmids isolated from the same strain.  相似文献   

【背景】母乳是一个重要的益生菌筛选库,其中植物乳杆菌是一种用途广泛、适应性强的益生菌。然而不同菌株具有不同的功能,现有的生理生化方法对其潜在益生特性研究十分有限,有必要采用高通量的方法寻找具有种群特异性的优质益生菌。【目的】结合菌株生化特征在全基因组的测序与分析的基础上对两株植物乳杆菌的潜在功能进行预测,并重点找寻与肠液耐受性及细菌素的合成相关的基因,即在基因组的结构上对菌株的表型进行探究。【方法】分离筛选出两株母乳源植物乳杆菌MP55、MP37,并利用Illumina genome analyzer对菌株的全基因组进行测序,采用Prokka软件对细菌基因组进行注释,采用Carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZy)、Koyto encyclopedia of genes and genomes(KEGG)和Clusters of orthologous genes(COG)数据库对基因组进行功能注释;同时采用Prodigal、RNAmmer等工具对编码序列、核糖体RNA进行预测,并用CGView软件绘制菌株的基因组环形图谱。【结果】通过基因组装得到了两株植物乳杆菌的全基因组信息,植物乳杆菌MP37、MP55基因组大小分别为3 204 421 bp和3 299 180 bp;(G+C)mol%含量分别为44.36%和44.46%;分别包含3 012个和3 101个DNA编码序列,结合菌株生化特征在基因组上找到4个与肠液耐受相关的基因及一段细菌素合成相关基因簇。基因组序列原始数据和拼接结果已提交至"gcMeta"平台。【结论】通过高通量测序分析在基因组水平上揭示了植物乳杆菌MP55、MP37在肠道存活性与抑制病原菌相关的可能机理。植物乳杆菌MP55、MP37是两株潜在的益生菌候选菌株,实验结果为进一步阐明其益生菌特性的功能机制提供了遗传学基础。  相似文献   

We have discovered that LE1, one of the plaque-forming phages previously described as lytic for the Leptospira biflexa saprophytic spirochete (I. Saint Girons, D. Margarita, P. Amouriaux, and G. Baranton, Res. Microbiol. 141:1131-1138, 1990), was indeed temperate. LE1 was found to be unusual, as Southern blot analysis indicated that it is one of the few phages to replicate in the prophage state as a circular plasmid. The unavailability of such small endogenous replicons has hindered genetic experimentation in Leptospira. We have developed a shuttle vector with DNA derived from LE1. Random LE1 DNA fragments were cloned into a pGEM 7Zf(+) derivative devoid of most of the bla gene but carrying a kanamycin resistance marker from the gram-positive bacterium Enterococcus (Streptococcus) faecalis. These constructs were transformed into L. biflexa strain Patoc 1 by electroporation, giving rise to kanamycin-resistant transformants. A 2.2-kb fragment from LE1 was responsible for replication of the vector in L. biflexa. However, a larger region including an intact parA gene homologue was necessary for the stability of the shuttle vector. Direct repeats and AT-rich regions characterized the LE1 origin of replication. Our data indicate that the replicon derived from the LE1 leptophage, together with the kanamycin resistance gene, is a promising tool with which to develop the genetics of Leptospira species.  相似文献   

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