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生态规划及其相关概念演变和关系辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态规划是实现城市可持续发展的重要工具之一.我国生态规划起步于20世纪80年代,在吸收和借鉴欧美生态规划理论成果与实践经验的基础上,至今已经基本形成了符合中国特色的生态规划理论体系,并取得了一些实践经验.本文首先回顾了近30年来我国生态规划的研究与发展历程,认为我国生态规划的研究起源于土地资源生态化利用的地理学、复合生态系统理论的生态学以及这两大理论的结合;研究上经历了最初的单学科探索,之后的景观生态学、生态学、城市规划学等多学科、多视角的研究与发展,直至当前的多学科交叉、协作研究;其次,归纳出各个研究阶段生态规划及相关规划的概念与基本内涵、主要学术观点和代表学者;最后,通过对生态规划及相关规划基本概念的辨析,认为生态规划是一个概念范畴,土地生态规划、城市生态规划、生态城市规划、景观生态规划和环境规划都源于“生态规划”或可视为“生态规划”的一种类型或组成部分,相互之间各有侧重,生态规划及其理念应该融入并引导和约束当前规划,促进实现城市和区域可持续发展.  相似文献   

系统保护规划和不可代替性分析在区域规划中的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在区域规划中应该把保护和发展密切结合起来,才能为实施可持续发展战略奠定基础。遵循系统保护规划和不可代替性分析的观点,内蒙古克 什克腾旗应该建立10个不同类型的保护区,并与有关部门和社区实施共同管理,建设成为一个可持续发展的示范基地。  相似文献   

国土空间规划是中国新时代发展和生态文明建设背景下规划领域的重大变革,绿地系统规划作为其中的重要支撑专项之一,须充分响应生态优先、绿色发展理念,从“多规合一”和“城乡统筹”视角进行合理转变。以新时代国土空间规划为指引,从规划路径和规划管控两大方面,针对传统城市绿地系统规划如何适应当前城乡绿色空间优化需求进行规划模式探索。在规划路径方面,提出借助国土空间基础信息平台,确定规划的流程、层次、内容、技术。在规划管控方面,提出呼应“多规合一”发展要求,构建多民众参与、多部门合作、多渠道沟通的城乡绿地管控体系。通过构建科学合理的城乡绿地系统规划路径和稳定完善的管理机制,支撑新时代国土空间规划体系下绿色空间的城乡统筹和可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study applied MARXAN to identify cost-efficient areas for biodiversity protection, within the Thy National Park in Denmark. Public authorities have requested a more systematic approach to managing public land, which identifies cost-effective solutions and potential trade-offs between economic cost and biodiversity benefits. The aim of this study was to support the local management staff in setting conservation targets and prioritizing their management efforts. This was addressed through the creation of two primary scenarios: i) applying uniform conservation targets to all biodiversity features, and ii) heterogeneous targets addressing various degrees of conservation importance. Four sub-scenarios were established for each primary scenario to investigate the implications of various conservation targets on conservation cost. Local data on red-listed species and habitat types were used to assess biodiversity benefits. Detailed cost estimates of required conservation actions were included. The results indicated that scenarios with uniform conservation targets provided more flexible networks of protected areas but contributed less to target achievement and a smaller share of selected planning units overlapped with current protected areas. Applying heterogeneous targets based on threat status resulted in a higher degree of target achievement and compactness, but provided less flexible networks. However, these networks may be more suitable for efficient management due to a higher level of clustering and spatial overlap with threatened species distributions.  相似文献   

蓝绿空间系统规划作为市县级国土空间规划的专项规划之一,是传导和落实国土空间总体规划要求、引导蓝绿空间分类细化和建设实施的重要途径,是空间规划体系改革的突出亮点。编制的重点是中心城区的城镇发展区层次,应包括总则、系统布局、用地分类规划、蓝绿空间控制规划、专业建设规划、规划实施等内容,应遵循生态优先、安全优先、高品质生活、高质量发展和高水平治理的编制技术路线。作为专项规划,还应在现状评估体系、多元规划实践的技术体系、相关规划协调、规划传导机制、面向实施的政策保障措施等诸多方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   

矿区可持续生态环境管理规划方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿区生态规划理论与方法研究可为矿区的可持续发展提供具体的理论指导和技术支持.作为矿区生态规划的重要组成部分之一的矿区可持续的生态环境管理规划,贯穿于矿区整个开发生产过程.以可持续的生态环境建设和管理的思想为基础,建立了矿区生态环境管理体系框架,对生态环境管理指标的确定、生态环境因素的识别以及生态环境管理方案的决策提出了具体的方法.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe aim of this study was to clarify factors predicting the performance of knowledge-based planning (KBP) models in volume modulated arc therapy for prostate cancer in terms of sparing the organ at risk (OAR).Materials and methodsIn three institutions, each KBP model was trained by more than 20 library plans (LP) per model. To validate the characterization of each KBP model, 45 validation plans (VP) were calculated by the KBP system. The ratios of overlap between the OAR volume and the planning target volume (PTV) to the whole organ volume (Voverlap/Vwhole) were analyzed for each LP and VP. Regression lines between dose–volume parameters (V90, V75, and V50) and Voverlap/Vwhole were evaluated. The mean OAR dose, V90, V75, and V50 of LP did not necessarily match those of VP.ResultsIn both the rectum and bladder, the dose–volume parameters for VP were strongly correlated with Voverlap/Vwhole at institutes A, B, and C (R > 0.74, 0.85, and 0.56, respectively). Except in the rectum at institute B, the slopes of the regression lines for LP corresponded to those for VP. For dose–volume parameters for the rectum, the ratios of slopes of the regression lines in VP to those in LP ranged 0.51–1.26. In the bladder, most ratios were less than 1.0 (mean: 0.77).ConclusionFor each OAR, each model made distinct dosimetric characterizations in terms of Voverlap/Vwhole. The relationship between dose–volume parameters and Voverlap/Vwhole of OARs in LP predicts the KBP models’ performance sparing OARs.  相似文献   

The poster summarised Leicestershire County and Rutland District Councils Planning policies operative in the area surrounding Rutland Water.The policies are contained in the Structure Plan for Rutland, approved in December 1979, Rutland District Council's Settlement Policy and the Empingham District Plan preliminary discussion document. The policies of more specific application to the area surrounding Rutland Water are those of the Empingham District Plan which relate to land use, recreation and traffic management in the Parishes of Burley, Edith Weston, Egleton, Empingham, Exton, Gunthorpe, Hambleton, Horn, Lyndon, Manton, Normanton and Whitwell.The theme reflected in all policies covering this area is one of conservation. It is expressed in one of the Structure Plan's basic policies as follows: Rutland's Planning Role should be one of positive conservation particularly of natural resources with an emphasis on minimising the loss of, and where practicable improving the natural assets of farmland, woodland, minerals and water.  相似文献   

当前生态学研究前沿正在走向城市,更加关注城市中人类福祉的多元化。而我们在工作中也深刻体会到,对于以人为核心的城市复合生态系统,有一些问题用已有学科是难以解决的。在这一情况下,提出了景感生态学这一研究方向。系统阐述了景感生态学的概念与内涵、学科框架、研究框架,从国家重大开发建设中的生态环境保障系统方案和景感生态规划与设计等方面总结了景感生态学的研究进展,并就景感生态学发展方向和重点提出展望。  相似文献   

如何在土地利用规划过程中考虑环境影响是土地利用规划中的一个难点问题.在定义活动、影响域、功能区、敏感度等概念的基础上,详细论述了土地利用规划支持系统(strate-gic tool for integrating environmental aspects in planning procedures,STEPP)将环境影响融入土地规划设计的过程.该系统是在ArcView GIS二次开发语言Avenue上开发的规划支持系统,可以方便规划相关人员在系统平台上进行信息交互,并在空间上直观、定量地表现规划过程中的环境影响及其变化.以荷兰埃德和维纳多市之间的城乡结合部为研究区进行案例研究,结果表明,该系统的定义和评价过程能较好地将环境影响融入到规划设计过程中,适时、直观地反映规划措施对环境的影响,方便了规划参与者参与规划过程,为决策者制定科学规划提供了依据.最后,对该系统如何应用于我国的规划环境影响评价提出了建议.  相似文献   

任静  林广思 《生物信息学》2019,26(4):105-110
19世纪末20世纪初,流行于美国的布扎式规划(Beaux-arts Planning)影响了中国的一批校园规划和城市规划建设。岭南大学作为一所完全由美国人建立起来的教会大学,其规划布局及建筑和园林的设计都在一定程度上受到当时美国校园建设的影响。目前对岭南大学的研究中,主要侧重于对其建筑的研究,而在校园规划及环境方面的研究内容甚少。通过采用档案研究、情境分析和形式分析等方法,研究岭南大学的规划思想来源、规划演变过程及其规划方案在本土的落地性,不仅可促进人们对岭南大学更加全面的认知,有利于为现今中山大学历史建筑和园林的保护在真实性和完整性方面提供素材和依据,还为研究布扎式规划对近代中国城市规划建设的影响提供重要案例。  相似文献   

文晨   《生物信息学》2020,27(1):41-46
中国的国土空间规划体系正在经历变革,规划编制和管控技术需要风景园林的视角。针对空间规划和风景园林的衔接问题,通过总结相关文献和报告,介绍德国景观规划的发展经验。德国作为实行空间规划体系的国家其景观规划对自然保护和景观多种功能的平衡做出了重要贡献。研究梳理德国景观规划的目标、层级、基础作用、模块设置以及对社会发展需求的灵敏反应。德国景观规划对中国风景园林衔接新的空间规划体系具有借鉴意义,特别是模块式的任务构建,在各尺度层级保持连贯的目标体系,以及系统地革新理论框架。  相似文献   

生态位适宜度模型及其在土地利用适宜性评价中的应用   总被引:80,自引:7,他引:73  
生态适宜性评价是生态规划的核心,传统的以因素叠加力特征的适宜性评价方法已元法适应生态规划发展与应用的要求,本文尝试根据区域发展与资源坏境需求的关系,运用生态位理论,提出了生态位适宜度模型,并与地理信息系统技木相结合,运用于桃江土地利用适宜性评价之中,探讨了可持续发展生态学方法的基础。  相似文献   

发展生态经济是生态文明建设体系的核心内容之一,也是优化社会生态系统管理的重要手段,其关键抓手在于编制生态经济发展规划从而实现在行动上的具体落实。当前,面对发展生态经济的客观现实需求,提出生态经济规划编制方法并开展实证研究显得尤其迫切。本研究系统梳理了生态经济的发展内涵,面向省级尺度的生态经济发展规划需求,提出了“对象界定-本底评价-原则确立-目标制定-任务部署-机制支撑”的总体思路,以及“前期准备、内容编制、论证与审批”三大工作模块并依此构建了省级尺度生态经济规划编制技术体系。随后,以《辽宁省“十四五”生态经济发展规划》为例总结了工作经验,具体讨论了生态经济发展规划的内涵界定、指标体系建立等关键问题,以期为我国省级尺度生态经济发展规划编制的科学性和规范性提供思路借鉴。  相似文献   

通过研究华盛顿开放空间系统的历史规划,概述了建都伊始朗方制定的彰显帝国雄心的勒诺特式宏伟蓝图,工业化时期解决城市问题的麦克米兰计划,以及后工业化时期多元价值集于一体的开放空间系统优化三大规划阶段,展示了华盛顿开放空间系统不断生长、日趋完善的发展历程。并分析时代变化背景下各阶段开放空间系统规划的策略要点,阐释漫长规划历程中体现出的高度延续特征,总结出华盛顿开放空间系统的规划经验,为中国的城市建设提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

PurposeTreatment plans manually generated in clinical routine may suffer from variations and inconsistencies in quality. Using such plans for validating a DVH prediction algorithm might obscure its intrinsic prediction accuracy. In this study we used a recently published large database of Pareto-optimal prostate cancer plans to assess the prediction accuracy of a commercial knowledge-based DVH prediction algorithm, RapidPlan. The database plans were consistently generated with automated planning using an independent optimizer, and can be considered as aground truth of plan quality.MethodsPrediction models were generated using training sets with 20, 30, 45, 55 and 114 Pareto-optimal plans. Model-20 and Model-30 were built using 5 groups of randomly selected training patients. For 60 independent Pareto-optimal validation plans, predicted and database DVHs were compared.ResultsFor model-114, differences between predicted and database mean doses of more than ± 10% in rectum, anus and bladder, occurred for 23.3%, 55.0%, and 6.7% of the validation plans, respectively. For rectum V65Gy and V75Gy, differences outside the ±10% range were observed in 21.7% and 70.0% of validation plans, respectively. For 61.7% of validation plans, inaccuracies in predicted rectum DVHs resulted in a deviation in predicted NTCP for rectal bleeding outside ±10%. With smaller training sets the DVH prediction performance deteriorated, showing dependence on the selected training patients.ConclusionEven when analysed with Pareto-optimal plans with highly consistent quality, clinically relevant deviations in DVH predictions were observed. Such deviations could potentially result in suboptimal plans for new patients. Further research on DVH prediction models is warranted.  相似文献   

The success of landscape planning and environmental management strategies depends largely on the congruence between the operational scales of landscapes and the spatial scope of the planning instruments. In order to achieve good results, landscape planning units should be designed to fit the structural and functional characteristics of the landscape. This paper describes a simple, straightforward methodology for the delineation of landscape units based on the differentiation among areas according to the trend in heterogeneity of their spatial structure. A moving-window analysis was performed with varying window sizes. This analysis enabled modeling of the spatial response of heterogeneity to multiple scales and detection of two different domains of scale. The information obtained was used to delineate a multiscale structure for landscape units. A subsequent study of the composition and configuration of landscape structure in these units verified that they all have distinct characteristics and therefore different planning needs. The areas thus differentiated can be considered as targets of specific and differentiated planning strategies, and can be seen as a preliminary zonation in which the relevant planning methodologies can be developed according to each case.  相似文献   

冯一凡  冯君明  李翅 《生态学报》2023,43(14):5648-5661
在快速城镇化以及全球气候变化的背景下,城市面临着严重的生态环境挑战。如何提升生态系统韧性,增强城市抵抗内外干扰的能力对区域可持续发展至关重要,已引起学界及社会各界的高度重视。绿色空间是协调生态环境与城乡发展的重要抓手,也是落实生态韧性提升的重要载体,结构完整、功能完善的绿色空间能够有效提升城市应对环境风险的能力。因此,在梳理多学科背景下绿色空间研究视角与研究内容的基础上,阐述绿色空间时空演变、驱动机制、情景模拟等方面的研究进展。此外,基于对生态韧性理论发展历程以及国内外相关研究的梳理,总结不同尺度下以生态韧性提升为导向的绿色空间优化路径,探讨各尺度绿色空间生态韧性分析及优化与现行绿地系统规划、国土空间规划体系的衔接。最后,对比国内外研究进展,提出国内未来研究应更加关注多层级生态韧性评价体系构建、社会-生态系统的整体分析以及阈值视角下不同生态韧性绿色空间的分区治理,以期扩展绿色空间规划与建设的思路,助力自然和社会空间的协调配合与共同发展。  相似文献   

PurposeTo investigate and report on the diffusion and clinical use of automated radiotherapy planning systems in Italy and to assess the perspectives of the community of Italian medical physicists involved in radiotherapy on the use of these tools.Materials and MethodsA survey of medical physicists (one per Institute) of 175 radiotherapy centers in Italy was conducted between February 21st and April 1st, 2021. The information collected included the institute’s characteristics, plan activity, availability/use of automatic tools and related issues regarding satisfaction, criticisms, expectations, and perceived professional modifications. Responses were analysed, including the impact of a few variables such as the institute type and experience.Results125 of the centers (71%) answered the survey, with regional variability (range: 47%–100%); among these, 49% have a TPS with some automatic option. Clinical use of automatic planning is present in 33% of the centers, with 13% applying it in >50% of their plans.Among the 125 responding centres the most used systems are Pinnacle (16%), Raystation (9%) and Eclipse (4%). The majority of participants consider the use of automated techniques to be beneficial, while only 1% do not see any advantage; 83% of respondents see the possibility of enriching their professional role as a potential benefit, while 3% see potential threats.ConclusionsOur survey shows that 49% of the responding centres have an automatic planning solution although clinically used in only 33% of the cases. Most physicists consider the use of automated techniques to be beneficial and show a prevalently positive attitude.  相似文献   

AimTo assess a class solution template for volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) for prostate cancer using plan analysis software.BackgroundVMAT is a development of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) with potential advantages for the delivery of radiotherapy (RT) in prostate cancer. Class solutions are increasingly used for facilitating RT planning. Plan analysis software provides an objective tool for evaluating class solutions.Materials and methodsThe class solution for VMAT was based on the current static field IMRT template. The plans of 77 prostate cancer patients were evaluated using a set of in-house plan quality metrics (scores) (PlanIQ™, Sun Nuclear Corporation). The metrics compared the class solution for VMAT planning with the IMRT template and the delivered clinical plan (CP). Eight metrics were associated with target coverage and ten with organs-at-risk (OAR). Individual metrics were summed and the combined scores were subjected to non-parametric analysis. The low-dose wash for both static IMRT and VMAT plans were evaluated using 40 Gy and 25 Gy isodose volumes.ResultsVMAT plans were of equal or better quality than the IMRT template and CP for target coverage (combined score) and OAR combined score. The 40 Gy isodose volume was marginally higher with VMAT than IMRT (4.9%) but lower than CP (−6.6%)(P = 0.0074). The 25 Gy volume was significantly lower with VMAT than both IMRT (−32.7%) and CP (−34.4%)(P < 0.00001).ConclusionsAutomated VMAT planning for prostate cancer is feasible and the plans are equal to or better than the current IMRT class solution and the delivered clinical plan.  相似文献   

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