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Synaptic plasma membranes were prepared from cortices of rats varying in post-natal age between 4 and 30 days. Sialic acid associated with synaptic plasma membrane glycoproteins and gangliosides increased 75% and 50%, respectively, between 4 and 30 days. The amount of sialic acid released from these membrane constituents by intrinsic synaptic sialidase increased 2-4-fold over the same period. Incubation of synaptic plasma membranes with exogenous gangliosides or glycopeptides demonstrated a 2-3-fold increase in sialidase activity during development. The major gangliosides present in synaptic plasma membranes at all ages were GT1, GD1a, GD1b and GM1. Intrinsic sialidase hydrolyzed 50-70% of endogenous GT1 and GD1a gangliosides at all ages. Endogenous GD1b ganglioside was poorly hydrolyzed in young rats and its susceptibility to enzymic hydrolysis increased during development. When exogenous GD1a and GD1b were used as substrates a preferential increase in activity against GD1b occurred during development, the ratio of activity (GD1a/GD1b) decreasing from 3.6 to 1.6 between 7 and 30 days. 10- and 30-day-old synaptic plasma membranes contained complex mixtures of sialoglycoproteins, an increase in the relative concentrations of lower molecular weight sialoglycoproteins occurring during development. Intrinsic sialidase present in 10- and 30-day-old synaptic plasma membranes acted upon all molecular weight classes of sialoglycoproteins.  相似文献   

Abstract A range of recombinant cytokines have now been shown to modify aspects of the phenotype and function of human and murine neutrophils. However, few reports describe modification of the bactericidal activity of neutrophils. We therefore examined the recombinant murine cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α, 10–1000 ng ml−1) and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF, 10–1000 U ml−1) for their ability to increase the bacterial killing capacity of murine neutrophils. Neutrophils from either bone marrow (fresh or cultured), or peritoneal exudates, or abscesses, were pre-incubated with either cytokine for 30–60 min and the killing of Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli , or Bacteriodes fragilis was examined in the presence or absence of serum over a 90 min period. Only for one combination was a small but significantly enhanced level of bacterial killing observed, the phagocytic killing of P. mirabilis by peritoneal exudate neutrophils in the presence of GM-CSF and serum. With this exception there was no enhancement of bacterial killing for the range of combinations of neutrophils and bacterial species tested. In contrast, at the concentrations tested for effect on bactericidal activity, TNF-α and GM-CSF were able to significantly upregulate CR3(but not FcγRII) expression on mouse neutrophils. There results indicate that upregulation of CR3 as an index of neutrophil activation does not necessarily correlate with increased bactericidal activity.  相似文献   

The endogenous sialidase (N-acetylneuraminidase) activity of membranes prepared from goldfish retina and optic tectum displays characteristics similar to those reported for neural plasma membrane sialidases of other organisms. Endogenous membrane sialidase activity was found to be optimal at ph 4.0, and maximal release was obtained at 37-50 degrees C, above which temperature thermal instability of the preparations was observed. Optic nerve crush, which results in regeneration of retinal ganglion cell axons, did not result in significant changes in measured endogenous membrane sialidase activity in either the retina or the optic tectum. Enzymatic hydrolysis of membrane sialoglycolipid (ganglioside) accounted for about 70% of the total sialic acid released. Ganglioside GM1 accumulated as the major lipid product in both retina and tectum, indicating that the inner sialosylgalactosyl linkage in the ganglio oligosaccharide series was resistant to hydrolysis by the endogenous enzyme.  相似文献   

Neuronal perikarya were isolated, using bulk preparative procedures, from bovine brains. Synaptosomes, neuronal perikarya, and brain homogenates had similar ganglioside patterns, with the synaptosomes containing at least four times more total ganglioside per mg protein than the neuronal perikarya and twice that of the homogenate. Synaptosomes had 26–33 nmol total sialic acid/mg protein, while the neurons had only 15–17 nmol. Determination of ganglioside sialidase activity showed that neuronal perikarya had very low levels (negligible), in comparison with synaptosomes or whole-brain homogenates. Trypsin treatment during the isolation procedure enhanced sialidase activity two-to threefold in the particulate fraction of the whole-brain homogenate. Determination of the distribution of sialidase activity in the fractions obtained during the isolation of the neuronal perikarya showed that the sialidase activity was associated with the myelin, broken-off dendritic processes, and glial-cell fractions that banded in the less dense sucrose.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the host's cellular response in the peritoneal cavity of gerbils toward axenic pathogenic and nonpathogenic Entamoeba histolytica strains were examined. Amebae contained in diffusion chambers or free in the peritoneum elicited a neutrophilic response accompanied by decreased levels of macrophages and lymphocytes. Pathogenic amebae (IP:0682:1 strain) elicited a neutrophilic response greater than the nonpathogenic DKB and "entamoeba-like" Laredo amebae. The neutrophil eliciting factor was found in high levels in disrupted freeze-thawed amebae (53% elicited neutrophils vs 8% for control), glutaraldehyde fixed amebae (45%) and amebic membranes (65%), and low levels in conditioned amebic medium (15%) and the supernatant fraction of amebae (16%). The factor was heat stable to high temperature (100 C for 30 min) and at various pH (6 to 9). The neutrophil eliciting factor in amebic membranes was lowered following pretreatment for 30 min with 1% immune and nonimmune gerbil or human sera (34-48% lowered neutrophil response vs control), acidic pH (less than 3, 69%), proteolytic digestion [trypsin (68%) and alpha-chymotrypsin (72%), 100 micrograms/ml], and 2% Triton X-100 (75%). Peritoneal neutrophils isolated following stimulation with amebic membranes or thioglycollate medium demonstrated higher chemotaxis in vitro toward live pathogenic amebae and amebic membranes (IP:0682:1 strain) compared to either the supernatant fraction or the nonpathogenic DKB or Laredo amebae. The results of this study indicate that membrane bound proteins of pathogenic amebae are chemotactic for gerbil neutrophils which may be important in the pathogenesis and pathology of amebiasis.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of a glucocorticoid-antagonist, mifepristone on the suppressive action of prednisolone for anti- Candida activity of murine neutrophils were examined. Prednisolone suppressed inhibitory activity of neutrophils to mycelial growth of Candida albicans . This suppression was cancelled in the presence of 10−7–10−6 M of mifepristone in vitro. Corresponding to this in vitro action, mifepristone protected prednisolone-treated mice from lethal C. albicans infection in vivo. These results suggest that glucocorticoid-induced vulnerability to Candida infection may be recovered or normalized by application of mifepristone.  相似文献   

The role of sialic acid for the adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to gastric mucosa cells and/or to the mucin layer is still under debate. Several but not all H. pylori strains express a sialic acid-binding adhesin, specific for terminal α-2,3-sialic acid residues. Recently, the production of sialidase by H. pylori was reported [Dwarakanath, A.D. et al. (1995) FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 12, 213–216]. We analysed several strains isolated from gastric biopsies cultivated both in liquid media and on agar plates for sialidase. Activity of this enzyme was first assayed using the fluorigenic substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-N-acetylneuraminic acid. Since the fluorimetric assay can give false-positive results caused by non-specific interactions with umbelliferyl-tagged substances, we used also the more sensitive and specific assay with sialyl-[3H]lactitol as a substrate. No evidence for sialidase activity of H. pylori strains, cultivated under both inducible and non-inducible conditions, was obtained.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that alpha(4) (CD49d) integrins are involved in neutrophil recruitment and function during inflammatory responses. We report that all resting murine neutrophils derived from bone marrow or peripheral blood express easily detectable levels of alpha(4) integrins on their surface. These alpha(4) integrins were functional, as demonstrated by stimulation of respiratory burst when neutrophils adhered to surfaces coated with the murine vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (mVCAM-1). Adhesion occurred via alpha(4) integrins, as preincubation of neutrophils with an anti-alpha(4)-specific Ab inhibited attachment to mVCAM-1. Direct cross-linking of the alpha(4) integrin subunit by surface-bound mAbs also elicited superoxide release and release of the secondary granule marker, lactoferrin. The functional responses that occurred downstream of alpha(4) integrin cross-linking required signaling by Src family kinases. Neutrophils derived from hck(-/-)fgr(-/-)lyn(-/-) triple-knockout or hck(-/-)fgr(-/-) double-knockout mice failed to undergo respiratory burst when plated on mVCAM-1. Triple mutant neutrophils were also defective in release of both superoxide and lactoferrin when plated on surfaces coated with mAbs directed against alpha(4). Correlated with impaired alpha(4)-induced functional responses, triple-mutant neutrophils also failed to spread and tightly adhere to anti-alpha(4) mAb-coated surfaces. This is the first direct evidence that functional alpha(4) integrins are expressed by murine PMNs, and that these surface molecules can mediate cellular responses such as tight adhesion, spreading, sustained respiratory burst, and specific granule release in vitro. Moreover the alpha(4) integrins, like all other integrins tested, use the Src family kinases to transduce intracellular signals.  相似文献   

Serological analysis of highly purified (>97%) mouse peritoneal exudate neutrophils using a protein-A rosetting technique, showed that these cells possessed the surface phenotype: Ig, Thy-1, Ly-1, Ly-2, Ly-3, Ly-4+, Ly-5+, Ly-6+, Ly-7, Ia, FcR+ and C3R+.  相似文献   

Sialidase assays were carried out with the substrate, ganglioside GD1a, coated onto enzyme immunoassay plate wells. Following the incubation of GD1a with sialidase from V. cholerae, the amount of ganglioside GM1 produced was measured as follows: cholera toxin B subunit conjugated to horseradish peroxidase was added to specifically bind to GM1, and then the amount of bound peroxidase was determined in a colorimetric enzymatic assay. In the absence of detergent, linearity for the detection of GM1 was 0 to 0.5 pmol per well, and the sensitivity for sialidase detection was about 3 fmol of product formed per minute. The addition of detergent (Triton CF-54) to the assay reduced the sensitivity and increased the amount of substrate required. Application of this assay for the detection of cell-derived neutral (pH 6.5) sialidase activities in the conditioned medium of human skin fibroblasts is described.  相似文献   

Near-infrared fluorophore (NIRF)-labeled imaging probes are becoming increasingly important in bio-molecular imaging applications, that is, in animal models for tumor imaging or inflammation studies. In this study we showed that the previously introduced chemical concept of ‘Reverse Design’ represents an efficient strategy for the generation of selective probes for cysteine proteases from chemically optimized protease inhibitors for investigations in proteomic lysates as well as for in vivo molecular imaging studies. The newly developed activity-based probe AW-091 was demonstrated to be highly selective for cathepsin S in vitro and proved useful in monitoring cysteine cathepsin activity in vivo, that is, in zymosan-induced mouse model of inflammation. AW-091 showed higher signal-to-background ratios at earlier time points than the commercially available polymer-based ProSense680 (VisEn Medical) and thus represents an efficient new tool for studying early proteolytic processes leading to various diseases, including inflammation, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, the fluorescent signal originating from the cleaved AW-091 was shown to be reduced by the administration of an anti-inflammatory drug, dexamethasone and by the cathepsin inhibitor E-64, providing a valuable system for the evaluation of small-molecule inhibitors of cathepsins.  相似文献   

The present study summarizes the biological response of rats to infusion with recombinant murine IL-1 (rIL-1) cloned in Escherichia coli. Thirty-seven male rats (135-180 g) were infused over a 6-hr period with either 0.008 M guanidine hydrochloride (the vehicle) or E. coli product (both groups are controls) or 1000, 3750, 7500, 15,000, or 37,500 LAF units/hr of rIL-1. The controls and the group receiving 1000 LAF units/hr of rIL-1 did not exhibit a change in body temperature during the experiment. A mild fever was noted with 3750 LAF units/hr which became significantly elevated with 7500 and 15,000 LAF units/hr. At a dose of 37,500 LAF units/hr of rIL-1 (in 0.08 M guanidine hydrochloride) the rats became hypothermic and died. An equivalent dose of guanidine hydrochloride alone (0.08 M) was not fatally toxic although the rats did become hypothermic. Plasma zinc levels were significantly depressed and white blood cell count elevated at 6 hr postinfusion onset. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was significantly depressed during an infusion of 7500 and 15,000 LAF units/hr of rIL-1 despite a concurrent elevation in body temperature. Whole-body leucine kinetics were unchanged by infusion with rIL-1. Plasma fibrinogen and serum haptoglobin and copper levels were not altered by rIL-1. In conclusion, murine rIL-1 is similar to monocytic-derived IL-1 in that it produces a fever, hypozincemia, and leukocytosis; however, rIL-1 does not induce changes in protein metabolism.  相似文献   

The full spectrum of developmental potential includes normal as well as abnormal and disease states. We therefore subscribe to the idea that tumors derive from the operation of paradevelopmental programs that yield consistent and recognizable morphologies. Work in frogs and mice shows that Hedgehog (Hh)-Gli signaling controls stem cell lineages and that its deregulation leads to tumor formation. Moreover, human tumor cells require sustained Hh-Gli signaling for proliferation as cyclopamine, an alkaloid of the lily Veratrum californicum that blocks the Hh pathway, inhibits the growth of different tumor cells in vitro as well as in subcutaneous xenografts. However, the evidence that systemic treatment is an effective anti-cancer therapy is missing. Here we have used Ptc1(+/-); p53(-/-) mice which develop medulloblastoma to test the ability of cyclopamine to inhibit endogenous tumor growth in vivo after tumor initiation through intraperitoneal delivery, which avoids the brain damage associated with direct injection. We find that systemic cyclopamine administration improves the health of Ptc1(+/-);p53(-/-) animals. Analyses of the cerebella of cyclopamine-treated animals show a severe reduction in tumor size and a large decrease in the number of Ptc1-expressing cells, as a readout of cells with an active Hu-Gli pathway, as well as an impairment of their proliferative capacity, always in comparison with vehicle treated mice. Our data demonstrate that systemic treatment with cyclopamine inhibits tumor growth in the brain supporting its therapeutical value for human HH-dependent tumors. They also demonstrate that even the complete loss of the well-known tumor suppressor p53 does not render the tumor independent of Hh pathway function.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis and the microbicidal functions of neutrophils require dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton. We have investigated the role of gelsolin, a calcium-dependent actin severing and capping protein, in peripheral blood neutrophils from gelsolin-null (Gsn-) mice. The phagocytosis of complement opsonized yeast was only minimally affected. In contrast, phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized yeast was reduced close to background level in Gsn- neutrophils. Thus, gelsolin is essential for efficient IgG- but not complement-mediated phagocytosis. Furthermore, attachment of IgG-opsonized yeast to Gsn- neutrophils was reduced ( approximately 50%) but not to the same extent as ingestion ( approximately 73%). This was not due to reduced surface expression of the Fcgamma-receptor or its lateral mobility. This suggests that attachment and ingestion of IgG-opsonized yeast by murine neutrophils are actin-dependent and gelsolin is important for both steps in phagocytosis. We also investigated granule exocytosis and several steps in phagosome processing, namely the formation of actin around the phagosome, translocation of granules, and activation of the NADPH-oxidase. All these functions were normal in Gsn- neutrophils. Thus, the role of gelsolin is specific for IgG-mediated phagocytosis. Our data suggest that gelsolin is part of the molecular machinery that distinguishes complement and IgG-mediated phagocytosis. The latter requires a more dynamic reorganization of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Physiological roles of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) in the lymphatic pump activity of rat mesenteries in vivo were evaluated using an intravital video microscope system. Changes in the pumping frequency (F), the end diastolic diameter (EDD), and the end systolic diameter (ESD) of the mesenteric lymph microvessels were measured with the microscope system and then the pump flow index (PFI) was calculated. A 15-min superfusion of 30 microM N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in the mesenteries caused significant increases of F and PFI and a significant decrease of the EDD and ESD. Simultaneous superfusion of 1 mM L-arginine with 30 microM L-NAME produced a significant reversal of the L-NAME-mediated increase of F and decrease of ESD. A 15-min superfusion of 100 microM aminoguanidine caused no significant effects on F, EDD, and ESD of the mesenteric lymph vessels in vivo. These findings suggest that endogenous NO has physiologically modulated the lymphatic pump activity in rat mesentery in vivo and that the production and release of NO may be mediated by constitutive NO synthase but not by inducible NO synthase.  相似文献   

Inhibition of influenza A virus sialidase activity by sulfatide   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Sulfatide, which binds to influenza A viruses and prevents the viral infection, was found to inhibit the sialidase activities of influenza A viruses in a pH-dependent manner. The kinetic parameters of the effect of sulfatide on the sialidase activities of human influenza A viruses using fluorometric assay indicated that sulfatide was a powerful and non-competitive type inhibitor in low-pH conditions.  相似文献   

Recently, we cloned a fragment of the endogenous murine leukemia viral envelope gene from beta cell line (MIN6N8a) as a new autoantigen gene, whose product was reactive with nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice sera. As a result of determination of nucleotide sequence, this envelope protein had the CKS-17 peptide sequence having immunosuppressive activity. To investigate the role of our cloned transmembrane envelope protein in the pathogenesis of autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) as an autoantigen or immunosuppressive modulator, a high amount of transmembrane envelope protein was essentially required. Therefore, the expression of our cloned retroviral transmembrane envelope gene was tried in Escherichia coli by a pET vector. However, the expression rate was very low (less than 2%) and most of the expressed protein was insoluble. To improve solubility, the hydrophobic transmembrane anchor domain of our envelope gene was deleted and then the expression of the hydrophilic transmembrane envelope protein was carried out by using the same pET expression system. The expressed protein was completely soluble and the expression yield was dramatically improved by around 25-fold increase. The hydrophilic transmembrane envelope protein was purified by one-step Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and then the fusion tag consisting of the six-histidine peptide and S peptide was removed by cleavage with enterokinase. The processed hydrophilic retroviral transmembrane envelope protein was still immune reactive with NOD sera and also showed immunosuppressive activity by down-regulating the Th1-type cytokine (interferon-gamma) and up-regulating the Th2-type cytokine (interleukin 10).  相似文献   

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