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To assess the relative importance of celestial and magnetic cues for orientation at dusk, Australian silvereyes, Zosterops l. lateralis, were subjected to artificial magnetic fields under the natural evening sky, beginning 30 min before sunset. Control birds tested in the local geomagnetic field preferred their normal south-southwesterly migratory direction. Birds tested in a magnetic field with north deflected counterclockwise to 240°WSW showed northeasterly tendencies from the first test onward. Birds subjected to a corresponding clockwise deflection to 120°ESE, in contrast, first showed southerly directions, but from the 7th test onward shifted towards the northwest. Hence, both experimental groups followed the shift in magnetic north, one immediately, the other after a delay. When the birds were later tested in a vertical magnetic field without directional information, the two experimental groups continued in the direction they had preferred in the artificial magnetic fields, presumably by celestial cues alone. This indicates that they had not simply ignored celestial cues, but had recalibrated them according to the altered magnetic fields. The reasons for the initial difference between the two experimental groups remain unclear. Delayed responses to deflections of magnetic north have also been observed in previous studies. They appear to be the main reason why studies that expose birds only once to a cue-conflict situation often seem to indicate a dominance of celestial cues, whereas studies exposing the birds repeatedly usually indicate a dominance of magnetic cues. Accepted: 17 September 1997  相似文献   

Tracking radar and visual observation techniques were used to observe the orientation of free-flying passerine nocturnal migrants in situations in which potentially usable directional cues were absent or gave conflicting information. When migrants had seen the sun near the time of sunset and/or the stars, they oriented in appropriate migratory directions even when winds were opposed. Under solid overcast skies that prevented a view of both sun and stars, the birds headed downwind in opposing winds and thus moved in seasonally inappropriate directions. The data point to the primacy of visual cues over wind direction, with either sun or stars being sufficient to allow the birds to determine the appropriate migration direction.  相似文献   

Role of moth ocelli in timing flight initiation at dusk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. The role of ocelli in timing flight initiation of cabbage looper moths, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) (Noctuidae), at dusk was studied under simulated sunset conditions using a multichannel actograph. The mean time of flight initiation was determined for control, sham (sham/occluded, sham ablated, unilateral ablated) and experimental (ocellus occluded, ocellus ablated moths). Ocellus occlusion delayed flight initiation on the first day following treatment but was less effective on the subsequent days. Ocellus ablation also delayed flight initiation on the first day, and also produced pronounced delays on subsequent days. In studies where the sunset was advanced 1 h, control sham ocellus occluded and unilaterally ocellus ablated moths responded to the advance, but bilaterally ocellus ablated moths did not. These results indicate that moths make use of input from the ocelli in determining the threshold light intensity for flight and in making adjustments to small light-phase changes.  相似文献   

Results clearly implicate the setting sun as a critical source of directional information in the migratory orientation of the savannah sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis. Savannah sparrows allowed a view of both sunset and stars displayed oriented behaviour in biologically meaningful directions during spring and fall seasons. When the same individuals were denied a view of sunset, and tested under the stars alone, disorientation characterized their behaviour. Furthermore, birds allowed a view of sunset, but tested under ‘overcast’ night skies (no stars visible), displayed well-oriented behaviour indicating the sufficiency of sunset. Experiments in which the migrant's internal chronometer was shifted suggested a fixed-angle (menotactic) response to the sunset cue rather than a time-compensating compass mechanism. I believe stars are valuable to this migrant as celestial reference points. Orientational information gained at the time of sunset is transferred to stars on a nightly basis. The relationship between solar and stellar cues is apparently hierarchical in the savannah sparrow. Information necessary to select the appropriate migratory direction is gained from the primary cue, the setting sun, while maintenance of that heading is dependent on a secondary cue, probably the stars.  相似文献   

Summary Tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) trained to orient in a particular compass direction under the sun fail to orient in the trained direction if they are (i) eyeless and simultaneously have the brain covered with opaque plastic or are (ii) eyeless and pinealectomized (Fig. 1–2, Table 1). Salamanders with either the eyes or the pineal intact and unobstructed continue to orient in the trained direction. These data strongly support the hypothesis that the pineal body is an effective extraocular photoreceptor (EOP) for compass orientation in tiger salamanders.We thank M.P. Farrell for developing computer programs for data analysis. B. Bailey and R. Walton helped conduct tests. Financial support was provided for separate phases of this research by a Biomedical Science Support Grant (NIH FR 07033-05) and NSFgrants GB-30647 and BMS 75-18693 to K. Adler and an Indiana Academy of Science Research Grant, a postdoctoral fellowship (NSF GU-2058), a Miami University Research Grant and an NSF grant (GB-41102) to D.H. Taylor.  相似文献   

We used radio-telemetry to study autumn migratory flight initiation and orientation in relation to wind and air pressure in a nocturnal passerine migrant, the reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus at Falsterbo, southwest Sweden. The majority of the reed warblers departed in the expected migratory direction towards south of southwest, while a low number of the birds took off in reverse directions between north and east. Flight directions at departure correlated with wind directions. These correlations were particularly prominent at higher wind speeds but were absent at wind speeds below 4 m/s. Birds departing in the expected migratory direction compensated completely for wind drift. The reed warblers preferred to depart during nights with tailwinds and when air pressure was increasing suggesting that reed warblers are sensitive to winds and air pressure and select favourable wind conditions for their migratory flights. Since air pressure as well as velocity and direction of the wind are correlated with the passage of cyclones, a combination of these weather variables is presumably important for the birds' decision to migrate and should therefore be considered in optimal migration models.  相似文献   

Summary Several species of night migrating birds, especially North American emberizines, exhibit markedly different orientation behaviour when tested in circular cages under clear skies at dusk as compared with tests performed after complete darkness. During the period between sunset and the first appearance of stars, birds tend to show high levels of well-oriented hopping; birds deprived of exposure to clear skies at dusk hop less and their activity is usually not oriented. There is evidence that visual cues available during the dusk period, but not later, are responsible for this difference, but details of the orientation mechanisms involved are unclear. We performed 3-h fast and slow clock shifts on white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) to address two questions concerning migratory orientation at dusk: (1) Is the better orientation of sparrows tested at dusk a function of the visual cues available at that time, or does it result from circadian changes in motivation?; and (2) Is the dusk orientation based on a time-compensated sun compass?Sparrows subjected to a 3-h slow clock shift were tested with controls on clear, moonless nights beginning immediately after lights-off in the clock shift room and thus about 3.5 h after local sunset. Individuals of both groups performed poorly oriented hopping typical of tests performed after complete darkness. The pooled data from each group were not significantly oriented. These results show that the visual cues available shortly after sunset, not temporal changes in the motivation of the birds, are responsible for the qualitative differences in orientation.Birds exposed to a 3-h fast clock shift were tested with controls on clear evenings between sunset and the first appearance of stars. Both groups showed well-oriented hopping. The mean direction of the pooled tests of controls was 325°, a typical spring orientation direction for this species. The mean direction of the pooled tests of the clock shifted birds (274°) was significantly different from that of controls and the 51° counterclockwise shift is consistent with that predicted by a time-compensated sun compass model.  相似文献   

Migrant white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) were released from boxes carried aloft by balloon and tracked with radar. All birds were released on clear nights when winds were light and opposed to the normal migration direction for the season. Birds were treated in one of two ways: Lens birds were fitted with frosted lenses prior to release; No Lens birds were released without lenses. No Lens birds that engaged in straight and level flight generally headed in the predicted migratory direction and as a group were not oriented with respect to wind direction. Lens birds did not head in the predicted migratory direction, but instead oriented downwind. This orientation behaviour is consistent with the relationship of orientation cues inferred from the field observations described in part I of this paper. The data show that flying birds deprived of all detailed form vision can determine wind direction.  相似文献   

Early arrival at the breeding site positively affects the breeding success of migratory birds. During migration, birds spend most of their time at stopovers. Therefore, determining which factors shape stopover duration is essential to our understanding of avian migration. Because the main purpose of stopover is to accumulate fat as fuel for the next flight bout, fuel reserves at arrival and the accumulation of fuel are both expected to affect stopover departure decisions. Here, we determined whether fuel reserves and fuel accumulation predict a bird''s motivation to depart, as quantified by nocturnal migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe), using northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) that were captured and temporarily contained at spring stopover. We found that fuel reserves at capture were positively correlated with Zugunruhe, and negatively correlated with fuel accumulation. This indicates that fat birds were motivated to depart, whereas lean birds were set on staying and accumulating fuel. Moreover, the change in fuel reserves was positively correlated with the concurrent change in Zugunruhe, providing the first empirical evidence for a direct link between fuel accumulation and Zugunruhe during stopover. Our study indicates that, together with innate rhythms and weather, the size and accumulation of fuel reserves shape stopover duration, and hence overall migration time.  相似文献   

The Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues provide animals with compass information during migration. Inherited magnetic compass courses are selected based on the angle of inclination, making it difficult to orient in the near vertical fields found at high geomagnetic latitudes. Orientation cage experiments were performed at different sites in high Arctic Canada with adult and young white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) in order to investigate birds' ability to use the Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues for orientation in naturally very steep magnetic fields at and close to the magnetic North Pole. Experiments were performed during the natural period of migration at night in the local geomagnetic field under natural clear skies and under simulated total overcast conditions. The experimental birds failed to select a meaningful magnetic compass course under overcast conditions at the magnetic North Pole, but could do so in geomagnetic fields deviating less than 3 degrees from the vertical. Migratory orientation was successful at all sites when celestial cues were available.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral cues used in the bee's celestial compass are investigated by presenting bees dancing on a horizontal comb with unpolarized (or polarized) spectral stimuli. Where appropriate, the use of e-vector information is prevented by painting out the specialized dorsal margin of the bee's eye (POL area, Fig. 1). This area has been shown to mediate e-vector information (Fig. 3; Wehner 1982), whereas the remainder of the dorsal retina is sufficient for mediating spectral information (Fig. 4).Spectral cues are used by the bees to discriminate between sun and sky (Fig. 4). According to physical reality (Fig. 2), a long-wavelength stimulus is taken as the sun, whereas a short-wavelength stimulus is expected by the bee to lie anywhere within the antisolar half of the sky (Figs. 5 and 6). This is in accord with the bee's e-vector compass in which e-vectors are confined to the antisolar half of the sky (Fig. 9).In general, spectral cues do not provide precise compass information except when a full celestial colour gradient is available including the solar and the antisolar meridian (Figs. 7 and 8).  相似文献   

A major problem in relation to the rehabilitation of migratory salmonids into many industrial rivers in South Wales is the presence of large abstraction weirs which can, under certain flows, constrain the upstream migration of fish. A method is presented whereby the constraints at two weirs on the River Afan were assessed by relating the swimming capacities of different sizes of fish and the flows needed to stimulate upstream movement to the distribution of flows and current velocities. The 'gateways' for fish to ascend the weir are calculated, and their significance in relation to historical flow data and the requirement for remedial action are assessed.  相似文献   

Nest survival was studied in relation to nest position of 164 nests of the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus in the Southeastern part of the Czech Republic in 1993. Breeding was successful in 91 (55.5%) cases, whereas 40 (24.4%) were predated, 19 (11.6%) were parasitized by the Cuckoo Cuculus canorus and 14 (8.5%) were destroyed by other causes. Of the predated nests, small mammals accounted for 26 (65.0%) and unknown predators for 14 (35.0%) nests. Rates of predation and parasitism varied in relation to a series of habitat factors and Reed Warblers avoided nest sites most vulnerable to predation or parasitism. Concealed places in the vegetation far away from trees were the safest nest sites.  相似文献   

The distributions of eight out of nine common species of waders (Charadrii) overwintering on UK estuaries have changed in association with recent climate change. These birds represent a high proportion of various populations from breeding grounds as far apart as Greenland to the west to high‐arctic Russia to the east. During warmer winters, smaller proportions of seven species wintered in south‐west Britain. The distributions of the smaller species show the greatest temperature dependence. The opposite was found for the largest species and no relationship was found for a particularly site‐faithful species. In north‐west Europe, the winter isotherms have a broadly north to south alignment, with the east being colder than the west. The average minimum winter temperatures across the UK having increased by about 1.5°C since the mid‐1980s, the temperatures on the east coast during recent winters have been similar to those of the west coast during the mid‐1980s. On average, estuaries on the east and south coasts of Britain have muddier sediments than those on the west coast and thus support a higher biomass of the invertebrate prey of waders. We suggest that, with global climatic change, the advantage gained by waders wintering in the milder west to avoid cold weather‐induced mortality is diminished. Consequently, more choose to winter in the east and thus benefit from better foraging opportunities. The implications of these results are considered in terms of a site‐based approach to wildlife protection used in Europe and elsewhere.  相似文献   

In insects, wing shape and body size are correlated with several aspects of behaviour, and the optimal morphology of wings is a trade-off between a number of functional demands in relation to behaviour (e.g. foraging, migration and sexual display). Dragonflies are spectacularly skilful flyers and present a range of different wing shapes, but to date, no detailed studies have been conducted in this group on wing length allometry in relation to body size. In this paper, we use published data on body length and wing length in all European and North American dragonflies to investigate differences in wing length allometries among Odonata taxa (suborders and families) and to relate these to behavioural patterns. We found different wing allometries between Zygoptera and Anisoptera, which are probably related to the flight mode and wing form of the two suborders. Among the Anisoptera, the Libellulidae showed a distinct wing length allometry from all other anisopteran families and migrants differed from non-migrant species. The first dichotomy is likely to reflect the adaptation of wing morphology of Libellulidae to sit-and-wait behaviour and to brief foraging flights (most species of this family are perchers) with respect to all other families, members of which are typically flyers. The second dichotomy reflects the trend of migrating species to have relatively longer wings than non-migrating members of the same family. Finally, wing length allometry differed among all the zygopteran families analysed, and this pattern suggested that each family evolved a particular wing morphology in response to peculiarities in behaviour, habitat and flight mode.  相似文献   

To investigate migratory connectivity in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, we analysed (1) all available sub-Saharan ringing recoveries and (2) stable isotopes in feathers grown in Africa sampled at 17 European breeding sites across a migratory divide. A cluster analysis of ringing recoveries showed remarkable connectivity between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Two main clusters represented populations taking the two main migratory routes [southwesterly (SW) and southeasterly (SE)]. Stable isotope analysis confirmed the separation of wintering areas of SW- and SE-migrating populations. Higher δ15N values in feathers of SE-migrating birds indicated that they occupied more xeric biome types. Values of δ13C that did not differ significantly among populations were higher than those from feathers of known European origin and indicated a C4 biome. Three populations with an unknown migratory direction were assigned to the SE-migrating populations on the basis of δ15N values.  相似文献   

Migratory birds appear to have relatively smaller brain size compared to sedentary species. It has been hypothesized that initial differences in brain size underlying behavioural flexibility drove the evolution of migratory behaviour; birds with relatively large brains evolved sedentary habits and those with relatively small brains evolved migratory behaviour (migratory precursor hypothesis). Alternative hypotheses suggest that changes in brain size might follow different behavioural strategies and that sedentary species might have evolved larger brains because of differences in selection pressures on brain size in migratory and nonmigratory species. Here we present the first evidence arguing against the migratory precursor hypothesis. We compared relative brain volume of three subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow: sedentary Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli and migratory Z. l. gambelii and Z. l. oriantha. Within the five subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow, only Z. l. nuttalli is strictly sedentary. The sedentary behaviour of Z. l. nuttalli is probably a derived trait, because Z. l. nuttalli appears to be the most recent subspecies and because all species ancestral to Zonotrichia as well as all older subspecies of Z. leucophrys are migratory. Compared to migratory Z. l. gambelii and Z. l. oriantha, we found that sedentary Z. l. nuttalli had a significantly larger relative brain volume, suggesting that the larger brain of Z. l. nuttalli evolved after a switch to sedentary behaviour. Thus, in this group, brain size does not appear to be a precursor to the evolution of migratory or sedentary behaviour but rather an evolutionary consequence of a change in migratory strategy.  相似文献   

Topography and historical range expansion has formed a so-called migratory divide between two subspecies of willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) in central Scandinavia. The autumn migratory directions of individuals assigned molecularly to both subspecies and possible hybrids were recorded using orientation cage experiments in southwest and southeast Sweden. We found pronounced differences in willow warblers’ orientation in respect to genotype. The mean directions registered in the control experiments were in accordance with the ringing recoveries and analyses of stable isotopes for Scandinavian willow warblers. With the same individuals we performed displacement experiments between both sites. They resulted in non-significant orientation, which could be explained by the intermediate distance of the displacement or reactions to housing, transportation and location. On a separate set of birds we tested whether stress following transportation could explain the disorientation and found that orientation before and after transport was unchanged. Experimental studies of effects of intermediate displacements across longitudes and studies of orientation of hybrid individuals in the zones of migratory divides are crucial for understanding the mechanisms underlying orientation behaviour. Our work further stresses the importance of knowing the migration genotype of a particular bird under study, in order to correctly evaluate expected migration routes.  相似文献   

Whether pigeons use visual landmarks for orientation from familiar locations has been a subject of debate. By recording the directional choices of both anosmic and control pigeons while exiting from a circular arena we were able to assess the relevance of olfactory and visual cues for orientation from familiar sites. When the birds could see the surroundings, both anosmic and control pigeons were homeward oriented. When the view of the landscape was prevented by screens that surrounded the arena, the control pigeons exited from the arena approximately in the home direction, while the anosmic pigeons' distribution was not different from random. Our data suggest that olfactory and visual cues play a critical, but interchangeable, role for orientation at familiar sites.  相似文献   

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