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Golden spiny mice ( Acomys russatus ) and common spiny mice ( Acomys cahirinus ) are omnivorous rodents that are sympatric in many rocky areas in Israeli deserts. They are similar in body size and diet habits. They differ in that A. cahirinus are nocturnal whereas A. russatus are diurnal and A. russatus inhabit extremely arid areas where A. cahirinus are absent. These differences led us to hypothesix that A. russatus are more conservative in their water needs and thererore are ahle to consumc a drier diet than A. chairinus. To test this hypothesis we oikrcd both species a dry ration and different numbers of snails and measured their energy and water intakes and their body mass changes.
Acomys russatus were capable of maintaining body mass on a much drier diet than A. cahirinus and therefore our hypothesis was supported. In order to maintain body mass A. cahirinus required about 2·1 ml/day (or about 4·7% body mass) preformed water, about twice the volume required by A. russatus. They also required a diet that had a water content of 48·3%, of the fresh matter, which was about 20% higher than that of A. russatus. The main reason why A. russatus needed less water was that they losl less by evaporation than A. cahirinus did. We suggest that the lower preformed water needs of A. russatus and their ability to consume a drier diet allom them to tolerate higher air temperatures and to inhabit extreme deserts where A. cahirinus are absent.  相似文献   

The adaptive responses to sucrose and fat diets were investigated in two species of spiny mice, Acomys russatus and Acomys cahirinus, in relation to their propensity to develop diabetic-like symptoms. A russatus gained weight pronouncedly, both on regular and fat-rich seed diet, did not exhibit hyperglycemia or hyperlipidemia but had highly increased hepatic triglyceride content in association with high levels of circulating free fatty acids and incidence of ketonuria in 10 of 41 animals. On the other hand, A. cahirinus exhibited a moderate weight gain on the fat diet which was accompanied by hyperglycemia but no hyperlipidemia or ketonuria. Neither weight gain nor ketonuria were evident in A. russatus and A. cahirinus on the sucrose-rich diet, but there was hyperlipidemia in the latter species. A. cahirinus, in particular, showed many-fold induction of liver enzymes, of regulatory importance in the pathways of glycolysis and lipogenesis, which could be linked to the hyperlipidemia in this species. On the fat diet there was a smaller increase in activity in enzymes related to gluconeogenesis in A. russatus compared with A. cahirinus, as well as a smaller suppression of glycolytic and lipogenic enzymes. Adipose tissue lipoprotein lipase activity rose in response to the fat-rich diet, more markedly in A. russatus than A. cahirinus in correlation to the more marked weight gain and hyperinsulinemia in this species. The affluent diets, especially sucrose, elicited an increase in circulating triiodothyronine levels which was more pronounced in A. cahirinus than in A. russatus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Diurnally active golden spiny mice (Acomys russatus) and nocturnal common spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) coexist in hot rocky deserts of Israel. Diurnal and nocturnal activities expose these species to different climatic conditions. Nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) capacity of individuals of both species immediately upon removal from the field exhibited seasonal changes, with no significant interspecific difference. Colony-reared mice of either species transferred in the laboratory from long to short photoperiod increased NST capacity, though to a lesser extent than observed in the seasonal acclimatization. The underlying biochemical mechanisms of short photoperiod acclimation differed between the species. In both Cytochrome-c oxidase (Cox) activity was higher in short as compared to long photoperiod. In short-photoperiod-acclimated A. cahirinus uncoupling protein (UCP) content in brown adipose tissue (BAT) was significantly higher than in long photoperiod, while in A. russatus there was no significant change. In A. russatus there was a significant increase in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity in BAT in short-photoperiod-acclimated individuals, while in A. cahirinus LPL activity was high under both acclimations. The low LPL activity in brown adipose tissue of desert-adapted A. russatus may facilitate lipid uptake in white adipose tissue, an advantage in desert conditions where food is scarce and irregularly distributed in space and time.  相似文献   

We studied stress hormones and foraging of nocturnal Acomys cahirinus and diurnal A. russatus in field populations as well as in two field enclosures populated by both species and two field enclosures with individuals of A. russatus alone. When alone, A. russatus individuals become also nocturnally active. We asked whether nocturnally active A. russatus will respond to moon phase and whether this response will be obtained also in diurnally active individuals. We studied giving-up densities (GUDs) in artificial foraging patches and fecal cortisol metabolite levels. Both species exhibited elevated fecal cortisol metabolite levels and foraged to higher GUDs in full moon nights; thus A. russatus retains physiological response and behavioral patterns that correlate with full moon conditions, as can be expected in nocturnal rodents, in spite of its diurnal activity. The endocrinological and behavioral response of this diurnal species to moon phase reflects its evolutionary heritage.  相似文献   

A most important function of the circadian system is to ensure that behaviors and metabolism are appropriately timed with respect to the light/dark cycle and photoperiod. Ecological constraints can perturb the daily schedules; would they also impair photoperiodic adaptations? A natural model exists in the golden spiny mouse (Acomys russatus), which is nocturnal, but driven into diurnal activity when sharing the habitat with its congener, A. cahirinus. We show here that the presence of A. cahirinus alters the diurnal rhythms of body temperature and urine volume, delays excretion of the major melatonin metabolite, 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-SMT), and increases 2-deoxyglucose uptake by the suprachiasmatic nuclei in A. russatus. Nevertheless, a clear photoperiod effect on urine volume and 6-SMT rhythms was observed. These results indicate that the circadian system can adapt to major changes in daily scheduling without impairing daylength measurement, and consequently seasonal adaptation.  相似文献   

Light masking has been studied almost exclusively in the laboratory. The authors populated four field enclosures with locally coexisting nocturnal Acomys cahirinus and diurnal A. russatus, and monitored their body temperatures (T(b)) using implanted temperature-sensitive radio transmitters. A 3-h light pulse was initiated at the beginning of two consecutive nights; preceding nights were controls. A. cahirinus T(b) and calculated activity levels decreased significantly during the light pulse, demonstrating a negative light masking response (light effect on T(b): -0.32 °C?±?0.15 °C; average calculated activity records during the light pulse: 7?±?1.53, control: 9.8?±?1.62). Diurnal A. russatus did not respond to the light pulse. We conclude that light masking is not an artifact of laboratory conditions but represents a natural adaptive response in free-living populations.  相似文献   

Sufficient amounts of water and food are important cues for reproduction in an unpredictable environment. We previously demonstrated that increased osmolarity levels, or exogenous vasopressin (VP) treatment halt reproduction of desert adapted golden spiny mice Acomys russatus. In this research we studied gonad regulation by VP and food restriction (FR) in desert adapted common spiny mouse (A. cahirinus) males, kept under two different photoperiod regimes-short (SD-8L:16D) and long (LD-16L:8D) days. Mice were treated with VP, FR, and VP+FR for three weeks. Response was assessed from changes in relative testis mass, serum testosterone levels and mRNA receptor gene expression of VP, aldosterone and leptin in treated groups, compared with their controls. SD-acclimation increased testosterone levels, VP treatment decreased expression of aldosterone mRNA receptor in the testes of SD-acclimated males. FR under SD-conditions resulted in testosterone decrease and elevation of VP- receptor gene expression in testes. Aldosterone receptor mRNA expression was also detected in WAT. These results support the idea that water and food availability in the habitat may be used as signals for activating the reproductive system through direct effects of VP, aldosterone and leptin on the testes or through WAT by indirect effects.  相似文献   

We investigated seasonality of gender differences in the patterns of flea infestation in nine rodent species to test if sex-biased parasitism in terms of mean abundance, species richness, prevalence and the level of aggregation (a) varies among hosts and between seasons, and (b) is linked to sexual size dimorphism. Sexual size differences were significant in both summer and winter in Acomys cahirinus, Gerbillus pyramidum and Meriones crassus, and in winter only in Acomys russatus, Gerbillus dasyurus, Gerbillus nanus and Sekeetamys calurus. Sexual size dimorphism was male biased except for A. russatus in which it was female biased. Manifestation of sexual differences in flea infestation was different among hosts between seasons. A significant effect of sex on mean flea abundance was found in six hosts, on mean flea species richness in five hosts and on prevalence in two hosts. Male-biased parasitism was found in summer in one host only and in winter in five hosts. Female-biased parasitism occurred in winter in A. russatus. Gender differences in the slopes of the regressions of log-transformed variances against log-transformed mean abundances occurred in three hosts. No relationship was found between sexual size dimorphism and any parasitological parameter in any season using both conventional regressions and the method of independent contrasts. Our results suggest that sex-biased parasitism is a complicated phenomenon that involves several different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Understanding the ways environmental signals, regulate reproduction and reproductive behavior of desert adapted rodents is a major gap in our knowledge. In this study, we assessed the roles of photoperiod and diet salinity, as signals for reproduction. We challenged desert adapted common spiny mice, Acomys cahirinus, males and females with osmotic stress, by gradually increasing salinity in their water source - from 0.9% to 5% NaCl under short and long days (SD and LD, respectively). Photoperiodicity affected testosterone levels, as under LD-acclimation, levels were significantly (p<0.05) higher than under SD-acclimation. Salinity treatment (ST) significantly reduced SD-acclimated male body mass (W(b)) and testis mass (p<0.005; normalized to W(b)). ST-LD-females significantly (p<0.005) decreased progesterone levels and the numbers of estrous cycles. A reduction in white adipose tissue (WAT) to an undetectable level was noted in ST-mice of both sexes under both photoperiod regimes. Receptors for vasopressin (VP) and aldosterone were revealed on testes of all male groups and on WAT in control groups. Our results suggest that photoperiod serves as an initial signal while water availability, expressed by increased salinity in the water source, is an ultimate cue for regulation of reproduction, in both sexes of desert-adapted A. cahirinus. We assume that environmental changes also affect behavior, as water seeking behavior by selecting food items, or locomotor activity may change in extreme environment, and thus indirectly affect reproduction and reproductive behavior. The existence of VP and aldosterone receptors in the gonads and WAT suggests the involvement of osmoregulatory hormones in reproductive control of desert adapted rodents.  相似文献   

The common spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus, of Ethiopian origin, has a widespread distribution across arid, semi-arid and Mediterranean parts of the Arabian sub-region. We compared the daily energy expenditure (DEE), water turnover (WTO) and sustained metabolic scope (SusMS=DEE/resting metabolic rate) of two adjacent populations during the winter. Mice were captured from North- and South- facing slopes (NFS and SFS) of the same valley, comprising mesic and xeric habitats, respectively. Both DEE and SusMS winter values were greater in NFS than SFS mice and were significantly greater than values previously measured in the summer for these two populations in the same environments. However, WTO values were consistent with previously established values and were not significantly different from allometric predictions for desert eutherians. We suggest that physiological plasticity in energy expenditure, which exists both temporally and spatially, combined with stable WTO, perhaps reflecting a xeric ancestry, has enabled A. cahirinus to invade a wide range of habitats.  相似文献   

Most mammals can be characterized as nocturnal or diurnal. However infrequently, species may overcome evolutionary constraints and alter their activity patterns. We modeled the fundamental temporal niche of a diurnal desert rodent, the golden spiny mouse, Acomys russatus. This species can shift into nocturnal activity in the absence of its congener, the common spiny mouse, Acomys cahirinus, suggesting that it was competitively driven into diurnality and that this shift in a small desert rodent may involve physiological costs. Therefore, we compared metabolic costs of diurnal versus nocturnal activity using a biophysical model to evaluate the preferred temporal niche of this species. The model predicted that energy expenditure during foraging is almost always lower during the day except during midday in summer at the less sheltered microhabitat. We also found that a shift in summer to foraging in less sheltered microhabitats in response to predation pressure and food availability involves a significant physiological cost moderated by midday reduction in activity. Thus, adaptation to diurnality may reflect the "ghost of competition past"; climate-driven diurnality is an alternative but less likely hypothesis. While climate is considered to play a major role in the physiology and evolution of mammals, this is the first study to model its potential to affect the evolution of activity patterns of mammals.  相似文献   

1. Daily weight increase is polyphasic in Gerbillus perpallidus whereas it follows a linear pattern in Acomys cahirinus. 2. Young A. cahirinus achieve full homeothermic capacities much earlier (less than or equal to 12 days old) than G. perpallidus (19-21 days old). 3. The differences in the development of the two species are reflected in the alterations of their metabolic rates. 4. In both species, age-dependent phases of development are obvious, beginning, however, much later in G. perpallidus. 5. It is concluded that, by postponing functional maturity, considerably more energy can be allocated to growth. This may be a precondition for the altricial mode of development.  相似文献   

A study of the associations between three species of rodents in the Atlantic forest and their parasitic arthropods was undertaken at the Juréia-Itatins Ecological Station, located in the State of S?o Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from March 1989 to February 1990. Individuals of three species, Oryzomys russatus, Proechimys iheringi and Nectomys squamipes were captured and examined for ectoparasites. Eleven species of parasitic arthropods were found, including four species of insects and seven of Acari. Parasitism intensity, phenology, and rainfall were positively correlated with the abundance of the ectoparasites and their hosts. The most abundant host was O. russatus (Muridae: Sigmodontinae), and the most common parasite on it was the laelapid mite Gigantolaelaps oudemansi. The cuterebrid Metacuterebra apicalis caused myiasis in O. russatus. A mutualistic association between the staphylinid beetle Amblyopinus sp. and its host P. iheringi (Echimyidae) was observed. The few N. squamipes captured had small numbers of ectoparasites.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic analysis of 12 allozyme systems (14 loci, 40 alleles) was performed in the rodent genera Oryzomys and Oligoryzomys, in order to determine the levels of genetic variability within and among populations and species. One hundred and fifty-five individuals from 16 populations of Oryzomys russatus, Or. angouya, Oligoryzomys flavescens, and O1. nigripes species were trapped in nine Brazilian localities. Genetic divergence among populations, as well as the interpopulational gene diversity, was higher in Oryzomys than in Oligoryzomys. The dendrogram of the phenetic relationships among the 16 populations of these four species displays three clusters: the first one joins the O1. flavescens populations with those of O1. nigripes; the second groups the populations of Or. russatus, and the last assembles the populations of Or. angouya. The genetic parameters analyzed reveal that the species belonging to the genus Oryzomys are genetically more structured than those of Oligoryzomys, the latter presenting lower levels of intrademe genetic differentiation (G(ST)')  相似文献   

In this study, the geographic patterns of genetic variation of three rodent species belonging to the tribe Oryzomyini were investigated using the mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear IRBP genes in biomes that are undergoing degradation processes to a greater or lesser degree. The samples are from 25 collecting localities distributed throughout the Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, and Pampa biomes. The results show that the three species have a population and geographic structure, besides being in demographic equilibrium. The phylogenetic analyses performed on Euryoryzomys russatus and Hylaeamys megacephalus showed these specimens grouped in three distinct clades forming geographic gradients (North-South direction in H. megacephalus). Intraspecific genetic divergence was higher in H. megacephalus (4.53%), followed by E. russatus (1.79%), and lowest in Sooretamys angouya (0.88%). The results obtained indicate that, necessarily, the management strategies to preserve genetic diversity should be different for each species, since each of them presented specific population parameters.  相似文献   

Our earlier chromosome banding studies of Acomys cahirinus and Acomys dimidiatus (the latter long considered to be a subspecies of the former) revealed that, despite very close diploid numbers (36 vs. 38), these taxa possess sharply different karyotypes and undoubtedly belong to different species. In this context, the taxonomic status and the relationship between the two chromosomal forms in Sinai (2 n  = 36) and Israel (2 n  = 38), chromosomally homozygous across a vast range except for a very narrow hybrid zone, remain poorly documented. Neither of these forms have previously been studied by chromosome banding; thus, the exact nature of chromosomal differences as well as the species to which these forms should be assigned remain unknown. Here, we present the data on comparative G-banding analysis and morphometrics of Acomys from Israel, Sinai, and Saudi Arabia, and a hybrid obtained in laboratory crosses between latter two. The analysis revealed that karyotype of Acomys from Israel is identical to that of Acomys from Saudi Arabia and both are different from that of Acomys from Sinai by one Robertsonian fusion. Therefore, karyotypically, all three are very different from A. cahirinus . It follows from the study that Sinai and probably Arabian peninsula and Minor Asia must be excluded from geographical distribution of A. cahirinus , which is limited from West Sahara to Egypt along Nile river (except Sinai). Furthermore, the synthesis of chromosomal and recent molecular data suggests a phylogeographical scenario explaining the modern distribution of Acomys in the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas and permits the update of the taxonomic status of these populations.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 203–214.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of food supplementation during summer and winter in seminatural field conditions on thermoregulation of a desert rodent, the golden spiny mouse Acomys russatus. We hypothesized that (a) under natural food availability (control conditions), mice will use less precise thermoregulation (i.e., an increase in the variance of body temperature [T(b)]) during winter because of low ambient temperatures (T(a)'s) and low food availability and during summer because of low food and water availability; (b) food supplementation will result in more precise thermoregulation during winter, but the effect will be smaller during summer because variation in T(b) in summer is also driven by water availability during that period. We found that under natural food availability, spiny mice thermoregulated more precisely during summer than during winter. They spent more time torpid during summer than during winter even when food was supplemented (although summer nights are shorter), allowing them to conserve water. Supplementing food resulted in more precise thermoregulation in both seasons, and mice spent less time torpid. In summer, thermoregulation at high T(a)'s was less precise, resulting in higher maximum T(b)'s in summer than in winter and when food was supplemented, in accord with the expected effect of water shortage on thermoregulation. Our results suggest that as expected, precise thermoregulation is beneficial when possible and is abandoned only when the costs of homeothermy outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

D A Czech 《Life sciences》1987,41(8):935-940
Feeding and drinking behavior were studied in deprived or sated spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) at various time intervals following peripheral administration of naloxone hydrochloride and butorphanol tartrate. Naloxone attenuated both food and water intake, but not latency to respond, indicating existence of functional opioid-sensitive feeding and drinking systems in this species. Butorphanol tartrate, a mixed opioid agonist/antagonist produced a dose-related enhancement or suppression of feeding, the former naloxone reversible, but had no measureable effect on drinking.  相似文献   

A lectotype series is designated for Gigantolaelaps gilmorei Fonseca, 1939 in the Acari Collection of the Instituto Butantan in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This laelapid mite species has a widespread geographical distribution. We report a close association with Oryzomys russatus (Wagner) in southeastern Brazil and Argentina, the most southerly part of its range. In Paraguay, the primary host is O. nitidus (Thomas).  相似文献   

Quantitative electronmicroscopic studies have been made on the development of synapses in two modally different areas of the brain (V-VI layers of the visual and auditory cortex) in the rat and mouse Acomys cahirinus within first two weeks of their postnatal life. The density of synapses as well the relative amount of different types of synapses (symmetrical, asymmetrical, axo-spinal and synapses with large amounts of synaptic vesicles) were measured. It was shown that only in rats the development of synapses in the visual area usually is faster than in the auditory one.  相似文献   

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