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1. A polysaccharide sulphate has been isolated from the hypobranchial mucin of the whelk Buccinum undatum. 2. The molecular weight of this polysaccharide, which is a glucan carrying one ester sulphate group per monosaccharide residue, is 1.7x10(5). 3. Some investigations bearing on the location of the ester sulphate groups are reported. 4. The viscosity of the whole mucin has been shown to depend mainly on the glucan sulphate.  相似文献   

The Buccinum radula is of the rachiglossate type with two outer rows of fierce hook-like attack teeth and a medial row of straight sharp-pointed shredding teeth. Individual cells of the radular retractor muscle are 10–12 m in diameter and separated at the closest by gaps of only 40 nm, providing areas of potential electrical contact. The cell membranes are heavily invested with long finger-like invaginations, associated with sarcoplasmic reticular cisternae, and surface caveolae; the latter are associated with the numerous dense body membrane attachment plaques found in this muscle. The radular retractor muscle possesses a significant sarcoplasmic reticulum of peripheral cisternae and deeper vesicles associated with mitochondria. The surface caveolae may result from myofilament force exerted via attachment plaques at the cell membrane, while deeper invaginations may constitute a rudimentary transverse tubular system to relay surface depolarization to associated sarcoplasmic reticular cisternae inducing calcium release to effect excitation-contraction coupling. The radular retractor muscle possesses the usual thick paramyosin and thin actin myofilaments, the latter associated with dense bodies and attachment plaques presumably to transduce force to the cell membrane. The mitochondria are unusually large and packed into dense central clusters surrounded by large deposits of glycogen granules. The nerve endings on the radular retractor muscle fibres show four different types of transmitter vesicle, presumably related to the four kinds of agonist action in this muscle, cholinergic, serotonergic, peptidergic and purinergic. All nerve endings have mixed vesicle populations, clear evidence of co-transmission. In this muscle we see a modification of usual smooth muscle structure to effect fast sustained contractions, an ultrastructural configuration functionally designed for the muscle's central role in the feeding cycle.Abbreviations ABRM anterior byssus retractor muscle - EC coupling excitation-contraction coupling - RP radular protractor muscle - RR radular retractor muscle - SR sarcoplasmic reticulum - T-system transverse tubular system  相似文献   

In all four proboscis muscles of the whelk Buccinum undatum, the potassium-induced depolarization response was acutely dependent upon extracellular calcium, being eliminated in calcium-free conditions. The responses to acetylcholine were found to be partly dependent upon intracellular calcium. Responses to the peptides phenylalanine-methionine-arginine-phenylalanine-NH2 and phenylalanine-leucine-arginine-phenylalanine-NH2 were much more resistant to calcium-free conditions and appeared to engage the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism by mobilizing stored intracellular calcium. Sucrose-gap studies of radular retractor muscles showed that the organic calcium “antagonist” nifedipine enhanced potassium-induced depolarization responses, initiating spike-like action potentials and associated fast twitch activity. The inorganic calcium antagonist gadolinium exerted concentration-dependent inhibitory actions on these muscles. Basal tonus and fast twitch activity in response to potassium-induced depolarization were eliminated as were the spike-like action potentials of the membrane electrical response. The inorganic calcium “antagonist” cadmium greatly enhanced potassium-induced contractures in all four muscles, and on its own it induced tonic force and fast twitches in all the muscles. It seems likely that cadmium may have displaced stored intracellular calcium to induce myofilament activation. While these molluscan smooth muscles appear to possess calcium channels with fast and slow characteristics, their behaviour and pharmacological manipulation is very different from their more well known mammalian transient and long-lasting channel counterparts.  相似文献   

Individual Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from Fjellfr?svatn, northern Norway, could be categorized by their stomach contents as zooplanktivores or benthivores. Feeding specialization among these fish was evident from negative correlations between helminths transmitted by pelagic copepods (Diphyllobothrium dendriticum and D. ditremum) and those transmitted by the benthic amphipod Gammarus lacustris (Cystidicola farionis and Cyathocephalus truncatus). Occurrences of parasite species acquired from the same types of invertebrate were positively correlated in the fish. Strong relationships among habitat use, diet, and helminth infections among the Arctic charr indicated persistent foraging patterns involving long-term habitat use and feeding specialization. The distribution of all parasite species was highly aggregated in the fish samples, measured by the exponent k of the fitted negative binomial distributions (range: 0.5-7.5) and the variance-to-mean ratios (s2/mean, range: 5-85). Charr specializing on either copepods or Gammarus predominantly contributed to high-intensity class intervals within the overall frequency distributions of the corresponding parasite species. Such fish had low infection intensities of helminths transmitted by other prey organisms. The detailed analyses of the parasite frequency distributions for fish with different habitat or feeding preferences evidently show how heterogeneity in trophic behavior contributes strongly to the commonly observed aggregation of helminths among hosts under natural conditions.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Oxygen consumption of low salinity (20‰) acclimated whelks decreases markedly upon acute exposure to hypoxia (PWO2 = 35 Torr), but almost regenerates its original level within 48 hr exposure to the hypoxic condition.
  • 2.2. This ability to regain the original level of oxygen consumption is not seen in high salinity (35‰) acclimated whelks.
  • 3.3. Oxygen consumption in air at 10°C is more than twice the rate shown by low salinity acclimated whelks in normoxic water (PWO2 = 150 Torr).
  • 4.4. Q10 for oxygen consumption in air is about 1.0 in the temperature range 10–20°C.

Moulis A 《Peptides》2006,27(5):1153-1165
The ever-growing RFamide neuropeptide superfamily has members in all animal phyla. Their effects in molluscs, on both smooth and cardiac muscle as well as on neurons, has been studied in detail. These neuropeptides exert a variety of functions: excitatory, inhibitory or even biphasic. Firstly, the literature on the excitatory effect of the RFamide neuropeptides on molluscan muscle and neurons has been reviewed, with greater emphasis and examples from the gastropods Buccinum undatum and Busycon canaliculatum. The peptides seem to be potent activators of contraction, sometimes generating slow tonic force and other times twitch activity. Secondly, the literature on the inhibitory effect of the superfamily has been reviewed. These peptides can exert an inhibitory effect, hyperpolarizing the cells rather than depolarizing them. Thirdly, the neuropeptides may play a variety of other roles, such as contributing to the regulation or maturation process of the animals. There have been cases recorded of RFamide neuropeptides acting as potent venoms in members of the Conus sp. The pathway of action of these multiple roles, their interaction with the parent neurotransmitters acetylcholine and serotonin, as well as the calcium dependency of the RFamide neuropeptides has been discussed, again with special reference to the above mentioned gastropods. A better understanding of the mode of action, the effects, and the importance of the RFamide neuropeptides on molluscan physiology and pharmacology has been attempted by reviewing the existing literature, recognizing the importance of the RFamide neuropeptide actions on molluscs.  相似文献   

The feeding rate and behaviour of whelks (Buccinum undatum)offered cockles (Cerastoderma edule) in laboratory experimentswere examined. When presented with cockles in a range of sizes(10–40 mm), 14 B. undatum (34.6–88.3 mm),held individually in aquaria, consumed a wide size range ofcockles. Small whelks (<40 mm) consumed cockles (<23 mm),whereas large whelks, (>60 mm) ate a greater numberof larger cockles (>30 mm) and a wider size range ofcockles (12–40 mm) than smaller whelks. The majority(90%) of the shells of the predated cockles were undamaged andthe few (<10%) that were damaged showed only slight abrasionsto the anterior and posterior shell margin. Filmed observationsof B. undatum feeding on C. edule showed a method of attackthat has not previously been reported and involved the use ofthe whelk's foot to asphyxiate the cockle or to pull the shellvalves apart. No filmed evidence was found for the previouslyreported shell ‘wedging’ technique for prising openthe closed shell valves of C. edule, although 10% of the shellsof consumed cockles in feeding experiments had damaged shellmargins. (Received 4 April 2007; accepted 30 June 2007)  相似文献   

Electron microscopic studies of the leg ciliary epithelium was carried out in two mollusks. In the epithelium of the leg of adult animals, the centrioles were mostly formed de novo with participation of deuterosomes during the formation of basal bodies. Transformation of the centriolar cylinder in a mature basal body is accompanied by the cylinder elongation and appearance of pericentriolar structures, such as rootlet system, basal legs, and basal plate. Centriolegenesis proceeds in both ciliate and nonciliate (with microvilli) cells of the epithelium. It has been proposed that the cell with microvilli represent a transitional stage in differentiation of the ciliary cells.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns in morphology can be the result of divergence among populations due to neutral or selective changes and/or phenotypic plasticity in response to different environments. Marine gastropods are ideal subjects on which to explore these patterns, by virtue of the remarkable intraspecific variation in life‐history traits and morphology often observed across relatively small spatial scales. The ubiquitous N‐Atlantic common whelk (Buccinum undatum) is well known for spatial variation in life‐history traits and morphology. Previous studies on genetic population structure have revealed that it exhibits significant differentiation across geographic distances. Within Breiðafjörður Bay, a large and shallow bay in W‐Iceland, genetic differentiation was demonstrated between whelks from sites separated by just 20 km. Here, we extended our previous studies on the common whelk in Breiðafjörður Bay by quantifying phenotypic variation in shell morphology and color throughout the Bay. We sought to test whether trait differentiation is dependent on geographic distance and/or environmental variability. Whelk in Breiðafjörður Bay displayed fine‐scale patterns of spatial variation in shape, thickness, and color diversity. Differentiation increased with increasing distance between populations, indicating that population connectivity is limited. Both shape and color varied along a gradient from the inner part of the bay in the east to the outer part in the west. Whelk shells in the innermost part of Breiðafjörður Bay were thick with an elongate shell, round aperture, and low color diversity, whereas in the outer part of the bay the shells were thinner, rounder, with a more elongate aperture and richer color diversity. Significant site‐specific difference in shell traits of the common whelk in correlation with environmental variables indicates the presence of local ecotypes and limited demographic connectivity.  相似文献   

Summary Current evidence suggests that many animals trade off energy gain against the risk of predation while feeding. In contrast, energetic considerations alone have proven successful in explaining and predicting the behaviour of feeding hummingbirds. This success may reflect the relative lack of natural predation on hummingbirds, but this study suggests that it may additionally reflect the lack of studies taking a predation perspective. In particular, when Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna) are faced with an obstructed view of their surroundings, they engage in behaviour suggestive of anti-predatory vigilance. In doing so, they voluntarily reduce their rate of energy intake. These birds also forgo better feeding opportunities that occur close to the ground, where observations suggest they are wary of opportunistic predators such as roadrunners (Geococcys californianus). While energy-based concepts will remain useful in the study of hummingbird feeding behaviour, the lack of predation on these birds should not be equated with an insensitivity to the risk of predation. This realization may lead to further insights into hummingbird-plant interactions, and hummingbird biology in general.  相似文献   

1. The composition of the hypobranchial mucin from Buccinum undatum is reported. 2. The amino acid composition was determined; aspartic acid and glutamic acid contribute almost 24% of the total amino acids in the mucin. 3. Serine, threonine and alanine, in the proportions 2:1:1 respectively, were detected as N-terminal residues, implying the presence of at least four protein chains. 4. A glycoprotein component was isolated by phenol precipitation. 5. The glycoprotein contained 8% of neutral sugars comprising glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose, and 4.5% of hexosamine, comprising glucosamine and galactosamine in equal proportions. 6. A method is described for the preparation of glycopeptides from the glycoprotein. 7. The comparative biochemistry of the mucin is discussed.  相似文献   

We observed heavy trematode infections of whelks, Buccinum undatum, from the Mingan Islands, eastern Canada, by larval stages of a species of Neophasis. Only sexually mature whelks were infected, 23% of mature females and 15% of mature males, and prevalence increased rapidly with whelk size. In most cases the parasite completely occupied the gonad, causing castration. The digestive gland was also infected, although to a lesser degree (0% to 50% occupation), and a marked reduction in the mass of the penis was associated with the infection. A decrease in the proportion of whelks with a highly infected digestive gland between May and August 1994 suggested mortality of infected individuals. Whelks held for 12 to 15 months in the laboratory retained the infection but did not show significant mortalities (possibly because food was abundant and predators absent). The larval stage of Neophasis sp. found in whelks was a cercaria; however, the tail easily detached. The putative infective stage (metacercaria) was not observed but may be present in whelks in late winter and early spring. Other trematode parasites observed were adult Steringophorus furciger in the stomach and larval Renicola sp. in the digestive gland.  相似文献   

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