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Nitric oxide (NO) relaxes most smooth muscle, including the circular smooth muscle (CSM) of the esophagus, whereas in the adjacent longitudinal smooth muscle (LSM), it causes contraction. The second messenger pathways responsible for this NO-induced LSM contraction are unclear, given that these opposing effects of NO are both cGMP dependent. In intestinal LSM, but not CSM, cADP ribose (cADPR)-dependent pathways participate in Ca(2+) mobilization and muscle contraction; whether similar differences exist in the esophagus is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cADPR plays a role in the NO-mediated contraction of opossum esophageal LSM. Standard isometric tension recordings were performed using both LSM and CSM strips from opossum distal esophagus that were hung in 10-ml tissue baths perfused with oxygenated Krebs solution. cADPR produced concentration-dependent contraction of LSM strips with an EC(50) of 1 nM and peak contraction of 57 +/- 18% of the 60 mM KCl-induced contraction. cADPR had no effect on CSM strips at concentrations up to 10(-6) M. The EC(50) of cADPR caused contraction (18 +/- 2% from initial resting length) of isolated LSM cells. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP; 300 muM) induced contraction of LSM strips that averaged 67 +/- 5% of the KCl response. cADPR antagonists 8-bromo-cADPR and 8-amino-cADPR, as well as ryanodine receptor antagonists ryanodine and tetracaine, significantly inhibited the SNP-induced contraction. In conclusion, in the opossum esophagus, 1) cADPR induces contraction of LSM, but not CSM, and 2) NO-induced contraction of LSM appears to involve a cADPR-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Although airway remodeling and inflammation in asthma can amplify the constriction response of a single airway, their influence on the structural changes in the whole airway network is unknown. We present a morphometric model of the human lung that incorporates cross-sectional wall areas corresponding to the adventitia, airway smooth muscle (ASM), and mucosa for healthy and mildly and severely asthmatic airways and the influence of parenchymal tethering. A heterogeneous ASM percent shortening stimulus is imposed, causing distinct constriction patterns for healthy and asthmatic airways. We calculate lung resistance and elastance from 0.1 to 5 Hz. We show that, for a given ASM stimulus, the distribution of wall area in asthmatic subjects will amplify not only the mean but the heterogeneity of constriction in the lung periphery. Moreover, heterogeneous ASM shortening that would produce only mild changes in the healthy lung can cause hyperresponsive changes in lung resistance and elastance at typical breathing rates in the asthmatic lung, even with relatively small increases in airway resistance. This condition arises when airway closures occur randomly in the lung periphery. We suggest that heterogeneity is a crucial determinant of hyperresponsiveness in asthma and that acute asthma is more a consequence of extensive airway wall inflammation and remodeling, predisposing the lung to produce an acute pattern of heterogeneous constriction.  相似文献   

Role of HERG-like K+ currents in opossum esophageal circular smooth muscle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An inwardlyrectifying K+ conductance closelyresembling the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) current wasidentified in single smooth muscle cells of opossum esophageal circularmuscle. When cells were voltage clamped at 0 mV, in isotonicK+ solution (140 mM), stephyperpolarizations to 120 mV in 10-mV increments resulted inlarge inward currents that activated rapidly and then declined slowly(inactivated) during the test pulse in a time- and voltage- dependentfashion. The HERG K+ channelblockers E-4031 (1 µM), cisapride (1 µM), andLa3+ (100 µM) strongly inhibitedthese currents as did millimolar concentrations ofBa2+. Immunoflourescence stainingwith anti-HERG antibody in single cells resulted in punctate stainingat the sarcolemma. At membrane potentials near the resting membranepotential (50 to 70 mV), thisK+ conductance did not inactivatecompletely. In conventional microelectrode recordings, both E-4031 andcisapride depolarized tissue strips by 10 mV and also induced phasiccontractions. In combination, these results provide direct experimentalevidence for expression of HERG-likeK+ currents in gastrointestinalsmooth muscle cells and suggest that HERG plays an important role inmodulating the resting membrane potential.


There is increasing evidence suggesting that short telomeres and subsequent genomic instability contribute to malignant transformation. Telomere shortening has been described as a mechanism to explain genetic anticipation in dyskeratosis congenita and Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Since genetic anticipation has been observed in familial breast cancer, we aimed to study telomere length in familial breast cancer patients and hypothesized that genetic defects causing this disease would affect telomere maintenance resulting in shortened telomeres. Here, we first investigated age anticipation in mother-daughter pairs with breast cancer in 623 breast cancer families, classified as BRCA1, BRCA2, and BRCAX. Moreover, we analyzed telomere length in DNA from peripheral blood leukocytes by quantitative PCR in a set of 198 hereditary breast cancer patients, and compared them with 267 control samples and 71 sporadic breast cancer patients. Changes in telomere length in mother-daughter pairs from breast cancer families and controls were also evaluated to address differences through generations. We demonstrated that short telomeres characterize hereditary but not sporadic breast cancer. We have defined a group of BRCAX families with short telomeres, suggesting that telomere maintenance genes might be susceptibility genes for breast cancer. Significantly, we described that progressive telomere shortening is associated with earlier onset of breast cancer in successive generations of affected families. Our results provide evidence that telomere shortening is associated with earlier age of cancer onset in successive generations, suggesting that it might be a mechanism of genetic anticipation in hereditary breast cancer.  相似文献   

Esophageal distension causes simultaneous relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and crural diaphragm. The mechanism of crural diaphragm relaxation during esophageal distension is not well understood. We studied the motion of crural and costal diaphragm along with the motion of the distal esophagus during esophageal distension-induced relaxation of the LES and crural diaphragm. Wire electrodes were surgically implanted into the crural and costal diaphragm in five cats. In two additional cats, radiopaque markers were also sutured into the outer wall of the distal esophagus to monitor esophageal shortening. Under light anesthesia, animals were placed on an X-ray fluoroscope to monitor the motion of the diaphragm and the distal esophagus by tracking the radiopaque markers. Crural and costal diaphragm electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded along with the esophageal, LES, and gastric pressures. A 2-cm balloon placed 5 cm above the LES was used for esophageal distension. Effects of baclofen, a GABA(B) agonist, were also studied. Esophageal distension induced LES relaxation and selective inhibition of the crural diaphragm EMG. The crural diaphragm moved in a craniocaudal direction with expiration and inspiration, respectively. Esophageal distension-induced inhibition of the crural EMG was associated with sustained cranial motion of the crural diaphragm and esophagus. Baclofen blocked distension-induced LES relaxation and crural diaphragm EMG inhibition along with the cranial motion of the crural diaphragm and the distal esophagus. There is a close temporal correlation between esophageal distension-mediated LES relaxation and crural diaphragm inhibition with the sustained cranial motion of the crural diaphragm. Stretch caused by the longitudinal muscle contraction of the esophagus during distension of the esophagus may be important in causing LES relaxation and crural diaphragm inhibition.  相似文献   

We analyzed local longitudinal shortening by combining concurrent ultrasonography and manometry with basic principles of mechanics. We applied the law of mass conservation to quantify local axial shortening of the esophageal wall from ultrasonically measured cross-sectional area concurrently with measured intraluminal pressure, from which correlations between local contraction of longitudinal and circular muscle are inferred. Two clear phases of local longitudinal shortening were observed during bolus transport. During luminal filling by bolus fluid, the muscle layer distends and the muscle thickness decreases in the absence of circular or longitudinal muscle contraction. This is followed by local contraction, first in longitudinal muscle, then in circular muscle. Maximal longitudinal shortening occurs nearly coincidently with peak intraluminal pressure. Longitudinal muscle contraction begins before and ends after circular muscle contraction. Larger longitudinal shortening is correlated with higher pressure amplitude, suggesting that circumferential contractile forces are enhanced by longitudinal muscle shortening. We conclude that a peristaltic wave of longitudinal muscle contraction envelops the wave of circular muscle contraction as it passes through the middle esophagus, with peak longitudinal contraction aligned with peak circular muscular contraction. Our results suggest that the coordination of the two waves may be a physiological response to the mechanical influence of longitudinal shortening, which increases contractile force while reducing average muscle fiber tension by increasing circular muscle fiber density locally near the bolus tail.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a balance of K+ and Ca2+-activated Cl- channel activity maintained the basal tone of circular smooth muscle of opossum lower esophageal sphincter (LES). In the current studies, the contribution of major K+ channels to the LES basal tone was investigated in circular smooth muscle of opossum LES in vitro. K+ channel activity was recorded in dispersed single cells at room temperature using patch-clamp recordings. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings displayed an outward current beginning to activate at -60 mV by step test pulses lasting 400 ms (-120 mV to +100 mV) with increments of 20 mV from holding potential of -80 mV ([K+]I = 150 mM, [K+]o = 2.5 mM). However, no inward rectification was observed. The outward current peaked within 50 ms and showed little or no inactivation. It was significantly decreased by bath application of nifedipine, tetraethylammonium (TEA), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), and iberiotoxin (IBTN). Further combination of TEA with 4-AP, nifedipine with 4-AP, and IBTN with TEA, or vice versa, blocked more than 90% of the outward current. Ca2+-sensitive single channels were recorded at asymetrical K+ gradients in cell-attached patch-clamp configurations (100.8+/-3.2 pS, n = 8). Open probability of the single channels recorded in inside-out patch-clamp configurations were greatly decreased by bath application of IBTN (100 nM) (Vh = -14.4+/-4.8 mV in control vs. 27.3+/-0.1 mV, n = 3, P < 0.05). These data suggest that large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ and delayed rectifier K+ channels contribute to the membrane potential, and thereby regulate the basal tone of opossum LES circular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

When vertebrates face stressful events, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis is activated, generating a rapid increase in circulating glucocorticoid (GC) stress hormones followed by a return to baseline levels. However, repeated activation of HPA axis may lead to increase in oxidative stress. One target of oxidative stress is telomeres, nucleoprotein complexes at the end of chromosomes that shorten at each cell division. The susceptibility of telomeres to oxidizing molecules has led to the hypothesis that increased GC levels boost telomere shortening, but studies on this link are scanty. We studied if, in barn swallows Hirundo rustica, changes in adult erythrocyte telomere length between 2 consecutive breeding seasons are related to corticosterone (CORT) (the main avian GC) stress response induced by a standard capture-restraint protocol. Within-individual telomere length did not significantly change between consecutive breeding seasons. Second-year individuals showed the highest increase in circulating CORT concentrations following restraint. Moreover, we found a decline in female stress response along the breeding season. In addition, telomere shortening covaried with the stress response: a delayed activation of the negative feedback loop terminating the stress response was associated with greater telomere attrition. Hence, among-individual variation in stress response may affect telomere dynamics.  相似文献   

Galanin, a neuropeptide that is widely distributed in the esophageal nerves, is known to exert a neuromodulatory action in the gut. These studies examined the effect of galanin and galanin antagonists on esophageal peristalsis in anesthetized opossums in vivo. Intraluminal esophageal pressures were recorded at 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 cm above the lower esophageal sphincter. Esophageal peristaltic contractions were induced by swallow and short- (1-s) and long-train (10-s) vagal stimulation (VS). Galanin (1 nmol/kg) inhibited the amplitude of swallow-induced peristaltic contractions and increased peristaltic velocity by enlarging the latency periods in the upper part of the esophagus and reducing them in the lower part. Galinin nearly abolished esophageal contractions caused by short-train VS at 5 Hz and inhibited the contractions at 10 Hz. Galanin increased latency periods induced by short-train VS with little change in the velocity of peristalsis and reduced the amplitude of both A (cholinergic) and B (noncholinergic) contractions due to long-train VS. However, the decrease in amplitude of B contractions was more marked. Galantide (3 nmol/kg) antagonized the inhibitory action of exogenous galanin on esophageal contractions elicited by short-train VS, but by itself galantide had no significant effect on esophageal contractions. In conclusion, exogenous galanin inhibits the amplitude of swallow-induced peristaltic contractions and converts them into nonperistaltic contractions by inhibiting both the cholinergic and noncholinergic components.  相似文献   

An extensive network of transverse and longitudinal filamentous bridges was revealed when small myofibril bundles, prepared from Triton-EGTA- treated rabbit skeletal muscles, were extracted with Kl to remove the majority of thin and thick filaments. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic studies of these salt-resistant cytoskeletal residues indicated (a) small bundles of short transverse filaments connect adjacent myofibrils by forming Z to Z and M to M bridges; (b) parallel, continuous longitudinal filaments connect the peripheries of successive Z-disks and ensheath the sarcomere. These transverse and longitudinal filaments have the characteristic morphology of intermediate filaments; (c) two rings of tightly interwoven and tangled filaments, connected laterally by short filaments, encircle each Z disk. This double-ring also encircles a weblike meshwork which penetrates the sarcomeric space. From the peripheries of these rings, transverse and longitudinal intermediate filaments emerge; and (d) a massive amount of material translocated and accumulated near Z disks during Kl extraction. The residues were fairly resistant to solubilization by urea and SDS, and complete dissolution was achieved only with guanidinium chloride. SDS PAGE indicated that the residues consisted mainly of titin, nebulin, and variable amounts of residual myosin and actin. Desmin represented only a few percent of total residual proteins; however, it may be a major component of the intermediate filament network. We suggest that the intermediate filament should be considered an integral sarcomeric component that may play important cytoskeletal roles in muscle structure and mechanics.  相似文献   

The possible contribution of Ca2+-activated Cl- channel [I(Cl(Ca))] and myosin light-chain kinase (MLCK) to nonadrenergic, noncholinergic slow inhibitory junction potentials (sIJP) was studied using conventional intracellular microelectrode recordings in circular smooth muscle of opossum esophageal body and guinea pig ileum perfused with Krebs solution containing atropine (3 microM), guanethidine (3 microM), and substance P (1 microM). In opossum esophageal circular smooth muscle, resting membrane potential (MP) was -51.9 +/- 0.7 mV (n = 89) with MP fluctuations of 1-3 mV. A single square-wave nerve stimulation of 0.5 ms duration and 80 V induced a sIJP with amplitude of 6.3 +/- 0.2 mV, half-amplitude duration of 635 +/- 19 ms, and rebound depolarization amplitude of 2.4 +/- 0.1 mV (n = 89). 9-Anthroic acid (A-9-C), niflumic acid (NFA), wortmannin, and 1-(5-chloronaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-1H-hexahydro-1,4-diazepine (ML-9) abolished MP fluctuations, sIJP, and rebound depolarization in a concentration-dependent manner. A-9-C and NFA but not wortmannin and ML-9 hyperpolarized MP. In guinea pig ileal circular smooth muscle, nerve stimulation elicited an IJP composed of both fast (fIJP) and slow (sIJP) components, followed by rebound depolarization. NFA (200 microM) abolished sIJP and rebound depolarization but left the fIJP intact. These data suggest that in the tissues studied, activation of I(Cl(Ca)), which requires MLCK, contributes to resting MP, and that closing of I(Cl(Ca)) is responsible for sIJP.  相似文献   

Declining muscle strength is a core feature of aging. Several mechanisms have been postulated, including CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-beta (C/EBP-β)-triggered macrophage-mediated muscle fiber regeneration after micro-injury, evidenced in a mouse model. We aimed to identify in vivo circulating leukocyte gene expression changes associated with muscle strength in the human adult population. We undertook a genome-wide expression microarray screen, using peripheral blood RNA samples from InCHIANTI study participants (aged 30 and 104). Logged expression intensities were regressed with muscle strength using models adjusted for multiple confounders. Key results were validated by real-time PCR. The Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) score tested walk speed, chair stand, and balance. CEBPB expression levels were associated with muscle strength (β coefficient = 0.20560, P = 1.03*10(-6), false discovery rate q = 0.014). The estimated handgrip strength in 70-year-old men in the lowest CEBPB expression tertile was 35.2 kg compared with 41.2 kg in the top tertile. CEBPB expression was also associated with hip, knee, ankle, and shoulder strength and the SPPB score (P = 0.018). Near-study-wide associations were also noted for TGF-β3 (P = 3.4*10(-5) , q = 0.12) and CEBPD expression (P = 9.7*10(-5) , q = 0.18) but not for CEBPA expression. We report here a novel finding that raised CEBPB expression in circulating leukocyte-derived RNA samples in vivo is associated with greater muscle strength and better physical performance in humans. This association may be consistent with mouse model evidence of CEBPB-triggered muscle repair: if this mechanism is confirmed, it may provide a target for intervention to protect and enhance aging muscle.  相似文献   

Loss of telomeric DNA during cell proliferation may play a role in ageing and cancer. Since telomeres permit complete replication of eukaryotic chromosomes and protect their ends from recombination, we have measured telomere length, telomerase activity and chromosome rearrangements in human cells before and after transformation with SV40 or Ad5. In all mortal populations, telomeres shortened by approximately 65 bp/generation during the lifespan of the cultures. When transformed cells reached crisis, the length of the telomeric TTAGGG repeats was only approximately 1.5 kbp and many dicentric chromosomes were observed. In immortal cells, telomere length and frequency of dicentric chromosomes stabilized after crisis. Telomerase activity was not detectable in control or extended lifespan populations but was present in immortal populations. These results suggest that chromosomes with short (TTAGGG)n tracts are recombinogenic, critically shortened telomeres may be incompatible with cell proliferation and stabilization of telomere length by telomerase may be required for immortalization.  相似文献   

Mice genetically deficient for the telomerase RNA (mTR) can be propagated for only a limited number of generations. In particular, mTR-/- mice of a mixed C57BL6/129Sv genetic background are infertile at the sixth generation and show serious hematopoietic defects. Here, we show that a percentage of mTR-/- embryos do not develop normally and fail to close the neural tube, preferentially at the forebrain and midbrain. The penetrance of this defect increases with the generation number, with 30% of the mTR-/- embryos from the fifth generation showing the phenotype. Moreover, mTR-/- kindreds in a pure C57BL6 background are only viable up to the fourth generation and also show defects in the closing of the neural tube. Cells derived from mTR-/- embryos that fail to close the neural tube have significantly shorter telomeres and decreased viability than their mTR-/- littermates with a closed neural tube, suggesting that the neural tube defect is a consequence of the loss of telomere function. The fact that the main defect detected in mTR-/- embryos is in the closing of the neural tube, suggests that this developmental process is among the most sensitive to telomere loss and chromosomal instability.  相似文献   

Ouabain-sensitive Rb+ uptake and [3H]ouabain binding were used to measure rates of Na+ pumping and the number of pump sites, respectively, in thoracic aortae from opossums. From the number of Rb+ ions pumped per site per minute, estimates of pump turnover have been made. Values obtained are comparable to those of other species (see Table 1).  相似文献   

Administration of replacement doses of testosterone to healthy hypogonadal men and supraphysiological doses to eugonadal men increases muscle size. To determine whether testosterone-induced increase in muscle size is due to muscle fiber hypertrophy, 61 healthy men, 18-35 yr of age, received monthly injections of a long-acting gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist to suppress endogenous testosterone secretion and weekly injections of 25, 50, 125, 300, or 600 mg testosterone enanthate (TE) for 20 wk. Thigh muscle volume was measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, and muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis muscle in 39 men before and after 20 wk of combined treatment with GnRH agonist and testosterone. Administration of GnRH agonist plus TE resulted in mean nadir testosterone concentrations of 234, 289, 695, 1,344, and 2,435 ng/dl at the 25-, 50-, 125-, 300-, and 600-mg doses, respectively. Graded doses of testosterone administration were associated with testosterone dose and concentration-dependent increase in muscle volume measured by MRI (changes in vastus lateralis volume, -4, +7, +15, +32, and +48 ml at 25-, 50-, 125-, 300-, and 600-mg doses, respectively). Changes in cross-sectional areas of both type I and II fibers were dependent on testosterone dose and significantly correlated with total (r = 0.35, and 0.44, P < 0.0001 for type I and II fibers, respectively) and free (r = 0.34 and 0.35, P < 0.005) testosterone concentrations during treatment. The men receiving 300 and 600 mg of TE weekly experienced significant increases from baseline in areas of type I (baseline vs. 20 wk, 3,176 +/- 186 vs. 4,201 +/- 252 microm(2), P < 0.05 at 300-mg dose, and 3,347 +/- 253 vs. 4,984 +/- 374 microm(2), P = 0.006 at 600-mg dose) muscle fibers; the men in the 600-mg group also had significant increments in cross-sectional area of type II (4,060 +/- 401 vs. 5,526 +/- 544 microm(2), P = 0.03) fibers. The relative proportions of type I and type II fibers did not change significantly after treatment in any group. The myonuclear number per fiber increased significantly in men receiving the 300- and 600-mg doses of TE and was significantly correlated with testosterone concentration and muscle fiber cross-sectional area. In conclusion, the increases in muscle volume in healthy eugonadal men treated with graded doses of testosterone are associated with concentration-dependent increases in cross-sectional areas of both type I and type II muscle fibers and myonuclear number. We conclude that the testosterone induced increase in muscle volume is due to muscle fiber hypertrophy.  相似文献   

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