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Honest-signalling theory asserts that threat displays reliably advertise attributes that influence fighting success. Endurance, as measured by treadmill performance, predicts the outcome of agonistic interactions among lizards. If threat displays in lizards function to advertise endurance capacity then variation in threat displays should correlate with endurance. I tested this prediction for the duration of threat posturing in male side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) and examined whether threat displays act as quality handicaps, reliable signals that expend the attribute that is advertised. Individual variation in the duration of threat posturing correlated with endurance, while an experimental reduction of endurance diminished the duration of threat posturing. As expected of a quality handicap, endurance fell below baseline after display production. A restriction of aerobic metabolism can account for this effect. In threat posturing, lateral compression of the thorax may interfere with respiration or with circulation, limiting aerobic metabolism and causing a compensatory increase in anaerobic metabolism, thereby generating lactate and diminishing locomotor capacity. Concentrations of lactate measured after display production were higher than baseline, consistent with the proposed mechanism. By restricting aerobic metabolism, the threat posture can act as a quality handicap, simultaneously advertising and expending the endurance capacity of displaying lizards.  相似文献   

Summary We present a model of aggressive communication that demonstrates the use of evolutionarily stable ambiguous threat displays. We use stochastic dynamic programming to solve a game in which two contestants of differing fighting ability communicate using cost-free threats. These contestants use communication strategies that supply information of varying reliability to the opponent. The results demonstrate that communication does not need to be either costly or unambiguous to be evolutionarily stable.  相似文献   

In groups ofGorilla g. beringei, male aggression towards females regularly takes the form of male display. This paper examines male display towards females in two Karisoke study groups (Group 5 and Group BM) in 1989, a period when none of the females were new immigrants. Results are based on 259 hr of focal observations and 121 hr ofad libitum observations on male behaviors towards females. The goal is to see if the data are compatible with four non-mutually exclusive hypotheses to explain male displays towards females: (1) demonstration of male fighting abilities to influence female long term residence decision; (2) decrease potential competitive inequities between females; (3) provision to females of an occasion to confirm their subordinance to a male; and (4) short term influence on mating. First, male-female proximity was tested against proportion of male displays, to rule out the possibility that males display towards females simply because they happen to be close by. There was no association between proximity and male display. Dominant males were responsible for a higher proportion of displays than subordinate males. This is consistent with the idea that males display to demonstrate their fighting abilities, or their qualities as protector, since dominant males are the ones offering long term protection against infanticide and predators. Females that were in a position to transfer did not receive a higher proportion of male display, however. Long term resident dominant females received a higher proportion of displays from the dominant males, which is consistent with the idea that males attempt to decrease potential competitive inequities between females. There was an association between female appeasement reactions and male displays, which suggests that males display to create occasions for the females to confirm their subordinance to them. Estrous females did not receive a higher proportion of male displays, and there was no association between male display and copulation, suggesting that male displays are not a form of courtship aggression aimed at influencing mating in the short term.  相似文献   

The handicap principle states that stable biological signals must be honest and costly to produce. The cost of the signal should reflect the true quality of the signaller. Here, it is argued that honest signalling may be maintained although the used signals are not handicaps. A game theoretic model in the form of a game of signalling is presented: all the existing evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs) are found. Honest and cheap signalling of male quality is shown to be evolutionarily stable if females divorce the mate if it turns out that he has cheated about his quality. However, for this ESS to apply, the cost of lost time must not be too great. The stability of the honest signalling is based on deceivers being prevented from spreading in the population because they suffer from a cost of divorce. Under some fairly strict conditions, a mixed polymorphism of dishonesty and honesty represents another possible ESS.  相似文献   

The War of Attrition model of John Maynard Smith predicts a single, mixed evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) for animal contests which are settled by conventional displays with no assessment of the opponent's fighting ability. We test the predictions of the model by simulating the evolution of strategies in a finite population of animals under various assumptions on how possible strategies are coded and mutated. While our simulations for the most part confirm the predictions of the model, we also discovered some significant deviations from the theoretically predicted ESS. Specifically, we found that if inheritance of strategies is somewhat imprecise, then a population can evolve that achieves on average a higher payoff than a population at the theoretically predicted ESS. Moreover, if the ESS is realized as a polymorphism of fixed persistence times, then for small populations, sufficiently stringent statistical tests will reject the hypothesis that these times are distributed as theoretically predicted.  相似文献   

Upon sensing predators in their vicinity, many prey species perform antipredator displays that are thought to provide information to the predator that deters it from attacking (predator‐deterrent signals). These displays can be complex, incorporating a variety of signaling elements as well as direct physical harassment of the predator. Although the display behaviors in these communication systems are often well characterized, evidence of the efficacy of these displays in deterring predators is limited due to the challenges associated with studying free‐ranging predators. Here, we examine how the anti‐snake signals of the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti) influence the ambush hunting behaviors of sidewinder rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes). We found that, although desert kangaroo rats incorporate a number of signal elements into their antipredator display, only sand kicking behavior was a significant factor in motivating sidewinder rattlesnakes to cease hunting: high rates of sand kicking led to early abandonment of ambush coils. These results indicate that anti‐snake displays of small mammals may be especially effective at mitigating the threat posed by rattlesnakes when those displays incorporate physical harassment as well as signaling.  相似文献   

Parrots of the genus Trichoglossus perform elaborate repertoires of visual threat displays during agonistic interactions. The displays of different species and subspecies differ in complexity and composition. As repertoire complexity increases, taxa tend to emphasize the more exaggerated components of display, and they also show a reduced inclination to attack a mirror-image opponent. These covarying attributes of threat displays in Trichoglossus are highly correlated with interspecific differences in bill-length. These findings are discussed in the light of recent theoretical advances in the study of animal threat and fighting behaviour.  相似文献   

A correlative study using similar-sized males of the croaking gourami Trichopsis vittata was carried out to investigate whether sound characteristics influenced winning and if relative fighting ability was assessed by acoustic signals. Pair-wise contests between males were decided using lateral displays (LD) and vocalization in 26 cases, whereas 66 fights escalated to the frontal display (FD) phase. Physical fighting (mouth wrestling) and injuries were rarely observed in this species. Winners were generally larger than their opponents, and this effect was more pronounced in non-escalated than in escalated contests. Sounds of fight winners had a higher sound pressure level and also a lower dominant frequency. Neither number of acoustic signals nor duration of lateral and frontal displays were predictors of contest outcome. Acoustic measures were highly correlated to body weight. These results indicate that traits correlated with RHP (such as sound pressure level and dominant frequency) were predictors of the outcome, while traits not correlated with size (such as number and duration of displays) did not influence winning. In accordance with the main prediction of assessment models, the contest duration (cost) increased with the decrease in asymmetry of body length as well as sound pressure level. No such relationships were found for weight and dominant frequencies in LD- and FD-contests. The present study indicates that morphological and sound characteristics influence winning in fish. Moreover, the results suggest that croaking gouramis settle conflicts without damaging combats by assessing asymmetries in different components of RHP such as body weight and length, which may reliably be signalled by acoustic and visual assessment signals.  相似文献   

During aggressive interactions, animals may signal their competitive ability by various ornaments referred to as badges of status. The use of a single badge predicting dominance rank occurs in many vertebrate species. However, animals often display multiple ornaments that may convey information about either different or the same aspects of the signaller's quality, or alternatively, may serve as signal amplifiers. We observed the fighting behaviour of male house sparrows in two captive flocks to investigate whether they may use multiple cues in status signalling during aggressive interactions. Beside the status‐signalling bib, male sparrows possess a conspicuous white wingbar that they often display upon aggressive encounters. We tested whether bib size and the wingbar's conspicuousness (i.e. its achromatic contrast with the neighbouring dark feathers) or its area predicted success in various aspects of fighting. We found that bib size strongly predicted overall fighting success (i.e. proportion of fights won) and defence success (i.e. proportion of successful defences out of all attacks received). Wingbar conspicuousness was positively related to defence success after controlling for the effect of bib size in multivariate analyses. Furthermore, displaying the wings also tended to improve the birds’ success in defence but not in attack. Wingbar area was unrelated to any measured aspect of fighting ability. We suggest that bib size and wingbar conspicuousness may convey multiple messages on fighting abilities, specifically on overall aggressiveness and defending potential, respectively. Alternatively, wingbars may serve as amplifiers for the wing displays of aggressive motivation. Thus, male sparrows may use multiple cues in assessing the competitive ability of opponents during social interactions.  相似文献   

Summary This paper develops a mathematical model of an iterated, asymmetric Hawk-Dove game with the novel feature that not only are successive pairs of interactants — in the roles of owner and intruder contesting a site — drawn randomly from the population, but also the behaviour adopted at one interaction affects the role of a contestant in the next. Under the assumption that a site is essential for reproduction, the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) of the population is found to depend on the probability, w, that the game will continue for at least a further period (which is inversely related to predation risk), and five other parameters; two of them are measures of site scarcity, two are measures of fighting costs, and the last is a measure of resource holding potential (RHP). Among the four strategies — Hawk (H), Dove (D), Bourgeois (B) and anti-Bourgeois (X) — only D is incapable of being an ESS; and regions of parameter space are found in which the ESS can be only H, or only X, or only B; or either H or X; or either X or B; or either H or B; or any of the three. The scarcer the sites or the lower the costs of fighting, or the lower the value of w, the more likely it is that H is an ESS; the more abundant the sites or the higher the costs of fighting, or the higher the value of w, the more likely it is that X or B is an ESS. The different ESSs are interpreted as different ecotypes. The analysis suggests how a non-fighting population could evolve from a fighting population under decreasing risk of predation. If there were no RHP, or if RHP were low, then the ESS in the non-fighting population would be X; only if RHP were sufficiently high would the ESS be B, and the scarcer the sites, the higher the RHP would have to be. These conclusions support the thesis that if long-term territories are essential for reproduction and sites are scarce, then ownership is ruled out not only as an uncorrelated asymmetry for settling disputes in favour of owner, but also as a correlated asymmetry.  相似文献   

Many animals display static coloration (e.g. of feathers or fur) that can serve as a reliable sexual or social signal, but the communication function of rapidly changing colours (as in chameleons and cephalopods) is poorly understood. We used recently developed photographic and mathematical modelling tools to examine how rapid colour changes of veiled chameleons Chamaeleo calyptratus predict aggressive behaviour during male–male competitions. Males that achieved brighter stripe coloration were more likely to approach their opponent, and those that attained brighter head coloration were more likely to win fights; speed of head colour change was also an important predictor of contest outcome. This correlative study represents the first quantification of rapid colour change using organism-specific visual models and provides evidence that the rate of colour change, in addition to maximum display coloration, can be an important component of communication. Interestingly, the body and head locations of the relevant colour signals map onto the behavioural displays given during specific contest stages, with lateral displays from a distance followed by directed, head-on approaches prior to combat, suggesting that different colour change signals may evolve to communicate different information (motivation and fighting ability, respectively).  相似文献   

Communication relies on signals that can be produced via different sensory modalities to modify receivers’ behavior. During social interactions, the possibility to perceive subtle visual cues enhances the use of facial expressions to exchange information. One of the most appropriate fields to explore the specific design features of visual signals is play fighting. Here, we explored the production and potential role of Relaxed Open Mouth (ROM) and Head Bobbing (HB) in regulating play fighting of wild spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta, a highly hierarchical carnivore species. In accordance with the assumptions of the signal optimization theory, wild hyenas produced ROM and HB almost exclusively when the sender was in direct visual contact with the receiver thus suggesting that senders were attentive to the playmates’ face. Contrary to HB, the sequential analysis revealed that ROM often anticipated offensive patterns such as play biting thus supporting the hypothesis that ROM, but not HB, is a metacomunicative signal. Moreover, when the offensive patterns were biased toward one of the 2 players, the session was punctuated by a higher number of ROMs. Our findings support the general hypothesis that these 2 visual signals can play different roles in the management of play fighting in this carnivore species. The complementary use of ROM and HB would suggest that spotted hyenas are highly competent and fast in processing facial displays of different nature to correctly “read others’ intentions” and respond with appropriate motor actions to avoid misunderstanding during one of the most multifaceted and risky social interaction.  相似文献   

In previous research, acoustic characteristics of the male voice have been shown to signal various aspects of mate quality and threat potential. But the human voice is also a medium of linguistic communication. The present study explores whether physical and vocal indicators of male mate quality and threat potential are linked to effective communicative behaviors such as vowel differentiation and use of more salient phonetic variants of consonants. We show that physical and vocal indicators of male threat potential, height and formant position, are negatively linked to vowel space size, and that height and levels of circulating testosterone are negatively linked to the use of the aspirated variant of the alveolar stop consonant /t/. Thus, taller, more masculine men display less clarity in their speech and prefer phonetic variants that may be associated with masculine attributes such as toughness. These findings suggest that vocal signals of men’s mate quality and/or dominance are not confined to the realm of voice acoustics but extend to other aspects of communicative behavior, even if this means a trade-off with speech patterns that are considered communicatively advantageous, such as clarity and indexical cues to higher social class.  相似文献   

To date, theoretical or laboratory simulations of aposematic evolution in prey animals have focused narrowly on internally stored chemical defense as the source of unprofitability and ignore aposematic advertisement of physical defenses such as spines (and defensive hairs, claws, etc.). This has occurred even though aposematism in spiny animals has been recognized since the 19th century. In this paper we present the first detailed theoretical consideration of aposematism in spiny animals, focusing on questions of initial evolution, costs of display, and coevolution of displays with defenses. Using an individual-based evolutionary model, we found that spines (or similar physical defenses) can easily evolve without aposematism, but when spines do evolve, aposematic displays can also easily evolve if they help to make the prey animal distinctive and if they draw attention to the physical threat. When aposematic displays evolve, they cause reduced investment in costly spines, so that, in addition to signaling unprofitability, aposematic display may enhance the cost-effectiveness of antipredator defenses (one exception to this conclusion is if the display is itself as costly as the defense). For animals with stinging spines, combining physical and chemical defense, the evolution of aposematic display may lead to reduced investment in the toxin compared to the spine. This occurs because spines act as both secondary (repellent) defenses and as primary defenses (their own visible, honest advertisement), whereas internally stored toxins only (generally) act as repellent secondary defenses. We argue that conspicuous aposematism in spines functions as an attention-getting mechanism, whereas conspicuous aposematic display in purely toxic animals may be explained by signal reliability arguments. Finally, one (more) route by which aposematism may initially evolve is by spiny rather than purely chemically defended species, spreading to species with other forms of secondary defense as the signal becomes common.  相似文献   

The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is well known as an aggressive fish with unique spawning and parental care behavior. During reproduction, male fish construct a bubble nest, court females, protect the brood, and defend the territory through aggressive displays. Aggression in male Siamese fighting fish has long been the subject of investigation; however, the kinematics of aggression during contests have been largely overlooked. Here we investigated how nest-holding, male Siamese fighting fish use two different types of displays, gill flaring and fin spreading, towards intruders during various reproductive phases; before (BB) and after bubble nest building, and after spawning (AS), and hatching (AH). Males were more aggressive towards male than female intruders and the level of aggression changed significantly between reproductive phases. Gill flaring, the more energetically costly display, was the dominant initial display towards male and female intruders in BB, AS, AH phases. However, defending males switched to fin spreading after prolonged exposure to intruders. The results suggest that Siamese fighting fish use gill flaring as an acute response in order to defend their territory; this response may be replaced by fin spreading as a chronic response, probably to reduce the energetic costs during the contest.  相似文献   

For a comprehensive understanding of the evolution of animal signals, it is necessary to understand how the performance of visual displays is maximized to get the most possible attention from receivers. We assessed whether the white plumage of Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus functioned as a social signal and, if so, how coloration and behavioural adaptations enhance signal efficacy. Signalling theory predicts that: (1) the colour properties of plumage should vary across the body, with the brightest parts being those involved in visual display performance; (2) specific displays calling attention to or enhancing detection or conspicuousness to conspecifics should be evident; and (3) location of the signallers should be such that signal efficacy is optimized. All three predictions were supported. The brightest areas of the plumage (particularly the face, throat and upper breast) were always unspotted, and white is particularly effective in open habitats characteristic of this species. The birds displayed a specific posture and orientated toward the sun preferentially on sunny days, and Owls with the whitest (least spotted) plumage displayed more and signalled more frequently from perches on the ground, where albedo from the snow may enhance the visual display. Snowy Owls integrate coloration, behaviour and environment through habitat selection to maximize the efficacy of their visual displays.  相似文献   

We present an integration of communication theory and data, drawing on examples from titmice (Aves: Paridae). We suggest how display actions such as lifting the head, raising the nape feathers, crest erecting and spreading the wings, act in agonistic communication when physical contact between opponents is rare. We propose that such displays largely act as strategic choice handicap signals. By giving these displays the signaller is believed to incur costs which underwrite the reliability of the signals; it may strategically increase these costs (for example by display repetition or adding additional elements) to signal its condition, motivation and hence the subjective value of a resource. It is shown that linking these ideas with earlier theories on the causation of display components, leads to an explanation of why birds have a greater repertoire of signals associated with aggression/winning, than with submission/losing. It is suggested that modellers of communication systems and those interested in the theory of signal design should pay more attention to the evolutionary constraints imposed by signal origin. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Many animal signals co‐occur, and these signals may coevolve due to their interactive properties. Previous work has demonstrated ecological drivers of evolutionary relationships between signals and the environment, which leads to questions about why specific signal pairs evolved among species that possess multiple signals. We asked whether the coloration of different species was optimized for presentation with its natural behavioral display. We investigated this in “bee” hummingbirds, where males exhibit angle‐dependent structurally‐colored plumage and a stereotyped courtship (shuttle) display, by experimentally creating mismatches between the behavior and plumage of five species and quantifying how these mismatches influenced male color appearance during a display. Specifically, we photographed the plumage from a given species as we moved its feathers through the position‐and‐orientation‐specific courtship display path of other species and quantified the resulting color appearance during the display in order to compare the mismatched color appearance to each species’ natural color appearance. We found that mismatches significantly altered display flashiness (% change in coloration during displays) compared to the natural plumage‐behavior pairings, and that such departures in flashiness were predicted by differences in shuttle behaviors alone. These results illustrate a tight evolutionary relationship between shuttle displays and color flashiness in these hummingbirds. Further, we found that interspecific variation in male plumage, behavior, and natural color appearance predicted deviations between natural and mismatched flashy color appearance. Altogether, our work provides a new method for testing signal coevolution and highlights the complex evolutionary relationships between multiple signals and their interactions.  相似文献   

The evolution of signals has mainly been considered in the contextof an emitter-receiver dyadic interaction. However, communicationusually occurs in the presence of individuals (an audience)that are not directly involved in the communication interaction,and it is more realistic to assume that signal evolution occursin a network. Several types of information could be available to an audience, and, therefore, the presence of an audiencecould have effects on the behavior of the communicating animalsand on signal evolution. We investigated whether the presenceof an audience of conspecifics affected intrasexual aggressivecommunication in male fighting fish. We found that if the audiencewas a female, males increased the intensity of conspicuous displays that can be used in communication with both males andfemales and decreased highly aggressive displays that are solelydirected to males. If the audience was a male of similar size,there was no significant change in the way in which males displayed.These results suggest that the presence of an audience couldbe one reason that many long-range and conspicuous signals are often shaped to transmit information to both males and females  相似文献   

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