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电子病历系统是通过计算机等电子设备为载体,对医院患者的诊疗活动进行数字化记录的软件。电子病历中详细记录了医嘱、病程、过敏史、影像检查结果、出院记录等多项医疗数据。电子病历完整、系统、科学地记录了患者身体健康情况以及历次就诊记录,通过一个维度将患者内部不同层次的信息有机的联系在一起。与传统的纸张病历相比,电子病历可以迅速实现不同时间、不同医院医疗信息的高效整合以及信息共享,为临床诊疗提供大量科学准确的信息,大大提高医院的服务效率。本文通过电子病历系统在医院信息管理系统中的应用情况进行简要分析,以期提高电子病历系统在临床中解决实际医疗问题的能力。  相似文献   

An Rh committee was formed at Saint John's Hospital in Santa Monica to provide preadmission consultation on all potential Rh and ABO problems and to maintain a file of information on Rh-negative patients in the delivery room. It is urged that no patient go to the delivery room without the known Rh-ABO type as part of the labor record. All obstetrical patients at the hospital are given "obstetrical information cards" for use as a memorandum on the labor record. A pink card identifies the Rh-negative patient. The program keeps the staff "Rh-conscious" and has improved teamwork among the obstetricians, pediatricians, nurses and the laboratory.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty hospital outpatients were questioned about their bowel habits and then asked to record these in diary booklets for two weeks. Overall, recalled and recorded figures for frequency of defecation agreed fairly closely, but in 16% of patients there was a discrepancy of three or more bowel actions per week. This was usually an exaggeration of the difference from the norm of one a day. Patients were bad at predicting episodes of changed bowel frequency. These findings cast doubt on the value of population surveys of bowel habit based solely on questionnaires. They also suggest that the irritable bowel syndrome might be correctly diagnosed more often if patients were routinely asked to record their bowel actions.  相似文献   

In a study of 1,609 single live births occurring in San Francisco County, the information on the birth certificate was compared with that on the hospital record to determine completeness and accuracy of the items reported on the certificate.Items such as color or race of mother, age of mother, birth weight and birth length of child were well recorded on the certificate and agreed with information found in the hospital record.Medical conditions were grossly underreported on the birth certificate. Conditions relating to the mother were more frequently recorded than those relating to the infant, but the birth certificates recorded less than one-fifth of all medical conditions of both mother and infant that were entered in the hospital records.Methods suggested for improving the quality of maternal and newborn morbidity information include revision of the medical section of the present certificates of live birth and fetal death and use of a precoded hospital record.  相似文献   



Correct information on patients’ medication is crucial for diagnosis and treatment in the Emergency Department. The aim of this study was to investigate the concordance between the admission chart and two other records of the patient’s medication.


This cohort study includes data on 168 patients over 18 years admitted to the Emergency Ward between September 1 and 30, 2008. The record kept by the general practitioner and the patient record of dispensed drugs in the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register were compared to the admission chart record.


Drug record discrepancies of potential clinical significance between the admission chart record and the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register or general practitioner record were present in 79 and 82 percent, respectively. For 63 percent of the studied patients the admission chart record did not include all drugs registered in the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register. For 62 percent the admission chart record did not include all drugs registered in the general practitioner record. In addition, for 32 percent of the patients the admission chart record included drugs not registered in the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register and for 52 percent the admission chart record included drugs not found in the general practitioner record. The most discordant drug classes were cardiovascular and CNS-active drugs. Clinically significant drug record discrepancies were more frequent in older patients with multiple medication and caregivers.


The apparent absence of an accurate record of the patient’s drugs at admission to the Emergency Ward constitutes a potential patient safety hazard. The available sources in Sweden, containing information on the drugs a particular patient is taking, do not seem to be up to date. These results highlight the importance of an accurate list of currently used drugs that follows the patient and can be accessed upon acute admission to the hospital.  相似文献   

面对医院传统病案管理模式的困境和信息化社会利用病案资料的不断深入,数字化病案管理已势在必行。通过深入分析电子病历实施过程遇到的一系列问题,以及医院领导层如何针对这些问题进行积极的解决措施,进而明确纸质病案管理与数字化病案管理的差异,全面剖析传统病案管理的缺陷,阐述数字化病案管理的优势,从而为各级公立医院实施病案管理的数字化提供科学的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

An Rh committee was formed at Saint John''s Hospital in Santa Monica to provide preadmission consultation on all potential Rh and ABO problems and to maintain a file of information on Rh-negative patients in the delivery room. It is urged that no patient go to the delivery room without the known Rh-ABO type as part of the labor record. All obstetrical patients at the hospital are given “obstetrical information cards” for use as a memorandum on the labor record. A pink card identifies the Rh-negative patient.The program keeps the staff “Rh-conscious” and has improved teamwork among the obstetricians, pediatricians, nurses and the laboratory.  相似文献   

Blocked beds.     
In a cross-sectional survey of 325 surgical and orthopaedic beds 43 (16%) of the 265 occupied beds were filled by patients who had no medical need to be in an acute ward. They had been in hospital for a median time of 40 weeks up to the survey date. Of the 43 patients, 11 were awaiting transfer to a geriatric ward; 13 to community residential care; and seven to their homes. There was no plan for discharge or transfer for the remaining 12 (28%). Those "at risk" of becoming long-stay patients for social reasons on these wards were women, over 75, living alone or with one relative, who had been admitted to hospital in emergency with a fractured femur, head injury, or other trauma. Action necessary to reduce the number of social long-stay patients includes (a) changing attitudes to the solving of social case problems; (b) revising procedures of assessment and planning of future care; (c) improving teamwork and record keeping within the hospital and the community services; (d) providing a better balance of acute, medium and long-stay hospital beds; and (e) putting more resources into rehabilitation.  相似文献   

目的:分析明确的2型糖尿病家族史对患者及其同胞患病的影响方法:收集我院内分泌门诊4年来就诊的具有明确糖尿病家族史的2型糖尿病患者143例,对患者的父母、同胞进行糖尿病患病情况调查,并对调查结果进行统计学分析。结果:(1)在143例糖尿病患者中,来自糖尿病母亲家族史的占55.6%,来自糖尿病父亲家族史的占31.0%,两者有显著差异(P<0.01)(2)具有糖尿病家族史的同胞兄弟姐妹中,二人或多人患病的比例高达52.4%。结论:(1)来自糖尿病母亲的家族史对子代糖尿病患病的影响超过父亲(2)2型糖尿病具有明显的家族聚集性  相似文献   

Observations are reported on the variation in evaluation and management of 216 episodes of fever in 690 patients on four services of a university hospital. Twenty-two percent of febrile episodes were not commented upon in the medical record. Thirty percent of all fevers and 14% of antibiotic-treated fevers were not evaluated with microbiologic cultures. The extent of evaluation varied with service and varied directly with the height of the fever and the clinical recording of abnormality in temperature.  相似文献   



Historically, counting influenza recorded in administrative health outcome databases has been considered insufficient to estimate influenza attributable morbidity and mortality in populations. We used database record linkage to evaluate whether modern databases have similar limitations.


Person-level records were linked across databases of laboratory notified influenza, emergency department (ED) presentations, hospital admissions and death registrations, from the population (∼6.9 million) of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, 2005 to 2008.


There were 2568 virologically diagnosed influenza infections notified. Among those, 25% of 40 who died, 49% of 1451 with a hospital admission and 7% of 1742 with an ED presentation had influenza recorded on the respective database record. Compared with persons aged ≥65 years and residents of regional and remote areas, respectively, children and residents of major cities were more likely to have influenza coded on their admission record. Compared with older persons and admitted patients, respectively, working age persons and non-admitted persons were more likely to have influenza coded on their ED record. On both ED and admission records, persons with influenza type A infection were more likely than those with type B infection to have influenza coded. Among death registrations, hospital admissions and ED presentations with influenza recorded as a cause of illness, 15%, 28% and 1.4%, respectively, also had laboratory notified influenza. Time trends in counts of influenza recorded on the ED, admission and death databases reflected the trend in counts of virologically diagnosed influenza.


A minority of the death, hospital admission and ED records for persons with a virologically diagnosed influenza infection identified influenza as a cause of illness. Few database records with influenza recorded as a cause had laboratory confirmation. The databases have limited value for estimating incidence of influenza outcomes, but can be used for monitoring variation in incidence over time.  相似文献   

To evaluate the appropriateness of parenteral nutrition in hospital inpatients, we retrospectively reviewed the medical record of every third consecutive patient receiving parenteral nutrition admitted to a university hospital over 10 months. Of 186 patients, 71 (38%) were given this nutritional support for 7 days or fewer (short-term use). Patients who received it exclusively through peripheral catheters were more likely to receive it short term. Among 72 patients receiving it perioperatively, those who were given support for uncomplicated surgical procedures or procedures complicated by postoperative ileus were more likely to receive it short term. We conclude that a substantial amount of parenteral nutrition use results in brief durations of support for conditions that are uncomplicated or self-limited. We have identified factors associated with this inappropriate use. A prospective consideration of these data could lead to the better use of this expensive form of nutritional support.  相似文献   

苗莉  陈薇  丁洁  陈锐 《生物磁学》2013,(27):5381-5386
目的:探讨大型医院神经内科医疗服务半径的基本情况及变化趋势,为科室健康发展、合理配置医疗资源提供科学依据,并以此为基础建立一个临床科室服务半径的分析模型。方法:利用军队医院信息管理系统中病案管理子系统建立数据库,对住院患者病案首页信息的基本情况进行单因素统计分析,并利用地理信息系统直观描述该院患者来源分布频率,定量研究医院服务半径的影响因素。结果:在2007—2010年收治的26528例地方患者中,男性多于女性,60岁以上老年人居多;本市住院病人数量呈逐年下降的趋势,而距离西安市较远的地区和外省病人数量呈逐年上升趋势。定量研究医院服务半径的影响因素发现,可能的影响因素有患者年龄、疾病病种、是否手术、住院日、医疗费用、医疗性质等方面(P〈0.05)。结论:在医疗服务市场竞争中,医院医疗服务半径的拓展与医疗服务满意度、社会经济发展、新医改的不断推进、品牌营销策略等影响因素密切相关。  相似文献   

A review of the use of blood transfusions used in a small community hospital over a two-year period revealed a high incidence of instances in which the clinical record did not show essential need for the procedure. Educational efforts in hospital staff meetings resulted in some improvement in this respect during the two-year period. Of single unit transfusions given during the first year, 80 per cent were deemed to have been nonessential; during the second year, 52 per cent.Methods which will reduce the use of blood except when it is essential are (1) continuation of staff education; (2) providing the staff with accurate methods of measurement of blood volume and of monitoring blood loss; (3) use of a separate blood transfusion chart in the patient''s hospital record; and (4) establishment of a hospital transfusion committee to review the criteria in all cases in which blood is transfused.  相似文献   

目的:通过病历中发生的不良事件及其风险度来评价病历质量,目的为加强病历环节和细节的质控,减少或杜绝病历中不良事件的发生,提高病历书写质量,保证医疗安全,减少医疗纠纷。方法:随机抽查2007-2010年某二级医院住院病历4837份,对其进行不良事件风险评估,对病历的终末质量和环节质量进行综合评价分析,找出影响医疗质量的相关联因素。结果:通过对某二级医院2007-2010年随机抽查的终末病历和病房中运行病历的不良事件风险评估,数据经过统计学处理后P值<0.01,说明总的病历中不良事件发生率年度间逐年减少,有极为显著的差别,证明此种病历评价方法切实可行。结论:病历中不良事件风险评估,是减少病历中不良事件发生的有效办法,可以消除病历书写中存在的医患矛盾和医疗纠纷隐患。  相似文献   

ObjectivesPatients with dementia are at greater risk of a long hospital stay and this is associated with adverse outcomes. The aim of this service evaluation was to identify variables most predictive of increased length of hospital stay amongst patients with dementia.Methods/DesignWe conducted a retrospective analysis on a cross-sectional hospital dataset for the period January–December 2016. Excluding length of stay less than 24 h and readmissions, the sample comprised of 1133 patients who had a dementia diagnosis on record.ResultsThe highest incidence rate ratio for length of stay in the dementia sample was: (a) discharge to a care home (IRR: 2.443, 95% CI 1.778–3.357), (b) falls without harm (IRR: 2.486, 95% CI 2.029–3.045).ConclusionsBased on this dataset, we conclude that improvements made to falls prevention strategies in hospitals and discharge planning procedures can help to reduce the length of stay for patients with dementia.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1995,310(6986):1045-1050
In the absence of any systematic evaluation of the changes it has made to the NHS, the government cites three "indicators of success." These are record numbers of patients treated, shorter waiting times for hospital treatment, and more children being immunised against the main childhood diseases. Closer inspection of the statistics reveals that they do not support the conclusions inferred from them and that they are misleading measures of the impact of the changes made to the NHS.  相似文献   

目的:探讨非闭塞性肠系膜缺血所致肠坏死的临床表现和结局。方法:回顾性总结青岛大学附属医院11例非闭塞性肠系膜缺血所致肠坏死的病例,评估分析其临床表现、实验室检查、腹部CT影像和手术过程。结果:所有病人均在全麻下行剖腹探查术,实施肠管切除术并一期吻合术或肠造口术,7例病人恢复良好,2例住院期间死亡,2例放弃治疗回家后死亡。结论:非闭塞性肠系膜缺血临床罕见,术前难以诊断,具有较高的病死率,血管造影可以作为NOMI早期诊断及治疗的有效手段,对于怀疑有肠坏死发生的患者需及早行手术治疗。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床输血病案文书的内涵质量。方法 采取随机抽查的方法对某院2009—2010年已经归档的输血病案,按卫生部“医院管理年和医疗质量万里行”活动内容进行调查。结果 发现多份病历不合格。结论 临床输血病案文书是临床医师对患者治疗过程的原始记录,是当时事态的真迹,是医疗事故或纠纷在认定是非、判明责任,以及医疗技术鉴定或司法鉴定时赖以立论的依据。因此,写好病案文书可减少医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

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