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Rare coding sequence changes are consistent with Ecdysozoa, not Coelomata   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is growing interest in the use of alternative, more slowly-evolving RGCs (rare genomic changes). Recently, Rogozin and coauthors (Rogozin et al. 2007) proposed a novel phylogenetic method employing rare amino acid changes, RGC-CAMs (rare genomic changes-conserved amino acids-multiple substitutions). They applied their method to 694 sets of eukaryotic orthologs in order to distinguish the relationship between nematodes, arthropods and deuterostomes. They concluded that such rare amino acid changes were consistent with the Coelomata hypothesis, which groups arthropods and deuterostomes to the exclusion of nematodes. Here we use newly available genomic sequences from Nematostella vectensis, a basal metazoan, and from Brugia malayi, an additional nematode. We show that the apparent support for Coelomata is likely to be the result of the rapid rate of evolution leading to Caenorhabditis nematodes. Including the additional species paints a very different picture, with 13 remaining characters consistent with Ecdysozoa versus only 1 consistent with Coelomata.  相似文献   

The decipherment of higher level relationships among the orders of Afrotheria – an extraordinary assumption in mammalian evolution – constitutes one of the major disputes in the evolutionary history of mammals. Recent comprehensive studies of various genomic data, including mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences, chromosomal syntenic associations and retroposon insertions support strongly the monophyly of Afrotheria. However, the relationships within Afrotheria have remained ambiguous and there is a necessity for a more sophisticated analysis (i.e. combination of gene phylogeny and Rare Genomic Changes (RGCs)), which could aid in the comprehension of the evolutionary history of this old group of mammals. The present study investigated the phylogenetic relationships within Afrotheria by analysing a data set of coding and non-coding sequences (~32 000 bp) comprising 57 orthologous genes and 31 RGCs, such as chromosomal associations and retroposon insertions, and re-evaluated a molecular timescale for afrotherian mammals using a Bayesian relaxed clock approach. The interordinal afrotherians phylogeny presented here contributed to the elucidation of the evolutionary history of this ancient clade of mammals, which is one of the most unorthodox proposals in mammalian biology. This is critical not only for understanding how Afrotheria evolved in Africa, but also to comprehend the early biogeographical history of placental mammals.  相似文献   

In considering the best possible solutions for answering phylogenetic questions from genomic sequences, we have chosen a strategy that we suggest is superior to others that have gone previously. We have ignored multigene families and instead have used single-gene families. This minimizes the inadvertent analysis of paralogs. We have employed strict data controls and have reasoned that if a protein is not capable of recovering the uncontroversial parts of a phylogenetic tree, then why should we use it for the more controversial parts? We have sliced and diced the data in as many ways as possible in order to uncover the signals in that data. Using this strategy, we have tested two controversial hypotheses concerning eukaryotic phylogenetic relationships: the placement of arthropoda and nematodes and the relationships of animals, plants, and fungi. We have constructed phylogenetic trees from 780 single-gene families from 10 completed genomes and amalgamated these into a single supertree. We have also carried out a total evidence analysis on the only universally distributed protein families that can accurately reconstruct the uncontroversial parts of the phylogenetic tree: a total of five families. In doing so, we ignore the majority of single-gene families that are universally distributed as they do not have the appropriate signals to recover the uncontroversial parts of the tree. We have also ignored every protein that has ever been used previously to address this issue, simply because none of them meet our strict criteria. Using these data controls, site stripping, and multiple analyses, 24 out of 26 analyses strongly support the grouping of vertebrates with arthropods (Coelomata hypothesis) and plants with animals. In the other two analyses, the data were ambivalent. The latter finding overturns an 11-year theory of Eukaryotic evolution; the first confirms what has already been said by others. In the light of this new tree, we re-analyze the evolution of intron gain and loss in the rpL14 gene and find that it is much more compatible with the hypothesis presented here than with the Opisthokonta hypothesis.  相似文献   

圆网蛛类(妖面蛛总科 园蛛总科)是否为单系,圆网究竟经历一次进化还是多次进化,这是多年来有争论的、悬而未决的蛛形学难题之一。本文测定了包括妖面蛛总科、园蛛总科和非圆网蛛类等类群在内的9科10种蜘蛛线粒体12S rDNA、16S rDNA及核18S rDNA、28S rDNA等4个基因片段序列,并基于4个基因序列的整合数据,分别通过邻接(NJ)法、最大简约(MP)法、最大似然(ML)法和贝叶斯法(Bayesian)分析,对园蛛总科和妖面蛛总科蜘蛛之间的分子系统关系进行了探讨。系统发生结果表明:1)园蛛总科和妖面蛛总科蜘蛛不是姊妹群,从而支持这两个类群的圆网是平行演化而非同源演化的观点;2)筛器类蜘蛛并非单系发生而为多系发生。另外,依据编码大壶状腺丝蛋白-1(MaSp1)C末端非重复氨基酸序列区段的核酸序列重建的系统发生树也证实圆网蛛类并非单系发生。  相似文献   

Here we tested the segregation and paternal compatibility of markers INRA124 and INRA126 on female DNA in 10 different cattle families, in order to clarify the usefulness of these microsatellites for the study of male-mediated population processes in cattle. Their performance was compared with that of four microsatellites located in the PAR-BTAY ( UMN0108 , UMN0803 , UMN0929 and UMN0905 ) and another one male-specific microsatellite ( INRA189 ). INRA124 and INRA126 amplified the same sized fragment in both sexes. Same size alleles were sequenced and the high homology found allowed us to rule out non-specific female amplification. INRA124 showed full parental compatibility, whilst the locus INRA126 showed 55% parental incompatibility. Based on these observations, it is recommended that markers INRA124 and INRA126 should not be used in studies to characterize male-mediated genetic events in cattle.  相似文献   

We discovered the presence of a unique spliceosomal intron in the F1 copy of elongation factor-1alpha (EF-1alpha) restricted to the bee family Colletidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidae). The intron ranges in size from 101 to 1044 bp and shows no positional sliding. Our data also demonstrate the complete absence of this intron from exemplars representing all other bee families, as well as from close hymenopteran relatives. A review of the literature finds that this intron is likewise absent from all other arthropods for which data are available. This provides unambiguous evidence for a relatively recent intron insertion event in the colletid common ancestor and, at least in this specific instance, lends support to the introns-late hypothesis. The comparative distribution of this novel intron also supports the monophyly of Colletidae and the exclusion of the Stenotritidae from this family, providing an example of the potential of some introns to act as robust markers of shared descent.  相似文献   

Fifteen out of 50 species of ascid mites (30%) that we collected from four synanthropic and seven natural habitats in North America and Australia existed as all-female populations. In contrast to the predictions of the biotic uncertainty hypothesis (i.e. that parthenogenetic species are rare, restricted in distribution and survive through dispersal ability), we found that parthenogentic ascid mites were present in ten out of 11 habitats sampled, but were not superior colonists. In a glasshouse experiment, pasteurized soil in pots was colonized first by bisexual species and only later by all-female species. Furthermore, a habitat requiring strong dispersal abilities (decaying fungal sporocarps) lacked parthenogenetic species and a review of literature and collections indicated that all-female ascid species rarely form the phoretic associations with insects necessary to exploit patchy and ephemeral resources. The assumptions that parthenogens are reproductively superior to but competitively inferior to sexual relatives were not supported by experiments comparing a bisexual and an all-female species of Lasioseius.  相似文献   

Butterflies and moths differ significantly in their daily activities: butterflies are diurnal while moths are largely nocturnal or crepuscular. This life history difference is presumably reflected in their sensory biology, and especially the balance between the use of chemical versus visual signals. Odorant Binding Proteins (OBP) are a class of insect proteins, at least some of which are thought to orchestrate the transfer of odor molecules within an olfactory sensillum (olfactory organ), between the air and odor receptor proteins (ORs) on the olfactory neurons. A Lepidoptera specific subclass of OBPs are the GOBPs and PBPs; these were the first OBPs studied and have well documented associations with olfactory sensilla. We have used the available genomes of two moths, Manduca sexta and Bombyx mori, and two butterflies, Danaus plexippus and Heliconius melpomene, to characterize the GOBP/PBP genes, attempting to identify gene orthologs and document specific gene gain and loss. First, we identified the full repertoire of OBPs in the M. sexta genome, and compared these with the full repertoire of OBPs from the other three lepidopteran genomes, the OBPs of Drosophila melanogaster and select OBPs from other Lepidoptera. We also evaluated the tissue specific expression of the M. sexta OBPs using an available RNAseq databases. In the four lepidopteran species, GOBP2 and all PBPs reside in single gene clusters; in two species GOBP1 is documented to be nearby, about 100 kb from the cluster; all GOBP/PBP genes share a common gene structure indicating a common origin. As such, the GOBP/PBP genes form a gene complex. Our findings suggest that (1) the lepidopteran GOBP/PBP complex is a monophyletic lineage with origins deep within Lepidoptera phylogeny, (2) within this lineage PBP gene evolution is much more dynamic than GOBP gene evolution, and (3) butterflies may have lost a PBP gene that plays an important role in moth pheromone detection, correlating with a shift from olfactory (moth) to visual (butterfly) communication, at least regarding long distance mate recognition. These findings will be clarified by additional lepidopteran genomic data, but the observation that moths and butterflies share most of the PBP/GOBP genes suggests that they also share common chemosensory-based behavioral pathways.  相似文献   

The genus Dacus Fabricius includes economically important pest fruit flies distributed in the Afrotropical and Indo-Australian regions. Two recent revisions based on morphological characters proposed new and partially discordant classifications synonymizing/revalidating several subgeneric names and forming species groups. Regardless these efforts, the phylogenetic relationships among Dacus species remained largely unresolved mainly because of the difficulties in assigning homologous character states. Therefore we investigated the phylogeny of African Dacus by sequencing 71 representatives of 32 species at two mitochondrial (COI, 16S) and one nuclear (period) gene fragments. Phylogenetic relationships were inferred through Bayesian and Maximum Parsimony methods and hypotheses about the monophyly of Dacus subgenera were tested by Shimodaira–Hasegawa tests. The congruence tests and the analyses of the single gene fragments revealed that the nuclear gene supports similar conclusions as the two mitochondrial genes. Levels of intra- and inter-specific differentiation of Dacus species were highly variable and, in some cases, largely overlapping. The analyses of the concatenated dataset resolved two major bootstrap-supported groups as well as a number of well-supported clades and subclades that often comprised representatives of different subgenera. Additionally, specimens of Dacus humeralis from Eastern and Western African localities formed separate clades, suggesting cryptic differentiation within this taxon. The comparisons between the molecular phylogeny and the morphological classification revealed a number of discrepancies and, in the vast majority of cases, the molecular data were not compatible with the monophyly of the currently recognised subgenera. Conversely, the molecular data showed that Apocynaceae feeders are a monophyletic sister group of species feeding on both Cucurbitaceae and Passifloraceae (these latter being also monophyletic). These results show a clear association between the molecular phylogeny of African Dacus and the evolution of host plant choice and provide a basis towards a more congruent taxonomy of this genus.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have demonstrated that green lacewing (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) adults could be attracted to field crops using artificial honeydew. To be effective as a biological control method, such a technique would require that the increase in female abundance translate in an increase egg deposition. An experiment was conducted to evaluate whether the honeydew-feeding females of the green lacewing Chrysoperla rufilabris (Burmeister) avoid laying eggs in the presence of conspecific eggs. The potential risk associated with oviposition in a site already occupied by conspecific eggs was also studied. The preference of C. rufilabris larvae for kin and non-kin eggs and the susceptibility of C. rufilabris eggs to cannibalism relative to their age was determined. The results demonstrate that females are not reluctant to oviposit in the presence of conspecific eggs. Larvae show no preference for kin or non-kin eggs, and lacewing eggs become less susceptible to cannibalism as they age. This indicates that the risk of egg cannibalism by neonate in the field may be low. The results are discussed from ecological and biological control points of view.  相似文献   

Recently, γ-secretase modulators (GSM) have been shown to interact directly with the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and simultaneously inhibit the activity of the Presenilin domain of γ-secretase. A clear understanding of the molecular recognition pathways by which GSM can target both γ-secretase and Aβ precursor protein can lead to the development of more effective inhibitors. To examine whether this direct interaction with APP affects the downstream Aβ fibril formation, we chose to investigate three different molecules in this study: Sulindac sulfide, Semagacestat and E2012 from the class of generation I GSMs, γ-secretase inhibitors (GSI), and generation II GSM molecules, respectively. Firstly, through NMR based ligand titration, we identified that Sulindac sulfide and Semagacestat interact strongly with Aβ40 monomers, whereas E2012 does not. Secondly, using saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR experiments, we found that all three molecules bind equally well with Aβ40 fibrils. To determine if these interactions with the monomer/fibril lead to a viable inhibition of the fibrillation process, we designed an NMR based time-dependent assay and accurately distinguished the inhibitors from the non-inhibitors within a short period of 12 h. Based on this pre-seeded fibril assay, we conclude that none of these molecules inhibit the ongoing fibrillation, rather ligands such as Semagacestat and E2012 accelerated the rate of aggregation.  相似文献   

Hereditary protein S deficiency from a mutation in the PROS1 gene causes a genetic predisposition to develop venous thromboembolic disorders in humans. Recently, the acknowledgment of the clinical significance of large copy number mutations in protein S deficiency has increased. In this study, the authors investigated the genomic architecture of PROS1 in order to understand the microscopic sequence environment leading to large intragenic copy number mutations in the gene. The study subjects were 3 unrelated male patients with hereditary protein S deficiency from a tandem duplication mutation involving exons 5–10 of PROS1. Breakpoint analyses revealed 10-bp microhomology sequences in the intervening sequence (IVS)-4 and IVS-10 at the duplication junction without additional sequence changes, suggesting a single replication-based event as the potential molecular mechanism of rearrangement and founder effect in the mutant alleles. Further analyses on nucleotide sequences flanking the microhomology sequence revealed the presence of a repeat element (LTR-ERV1) and quadruplex-forming G-rich sequences in IVS-4. The results from genotyping multi-allelic short tandem repeats supported founder effect in the identical mutations in the 3 unrelated patients. In conclusion, we identified unique genomic architectures in the intervening sequences of PROS1 that underlie a large intragenic tandem duplication mutation leading to inherited thrombophilia.  相似文献   

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