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Subtilases: the superfamily of subtilisin-like serine proteases.   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
Subtilases are members of the clan (or superfamily) of subtilisin-like serine proteases. Over 200 subtilases are presently known, more than 170 of which with their complete amino acid sequence. In this update of our previous overview (Siezen RJ, de Vos WM, Leunissen JAM, Dijkstra BW, 1991, Protein Eng 4:719-731), details of more than 100 new subtilases discovered in the past five years are summarized, and amino acid sequences of their catalytic domains are compared in a multiple sequence alignment. Based on sequence homology, a subdivision into six families is proposed. Highly conserved residues of the catalytic domain are identified, as are large or unusual deletions and insertions. Predictions have been updated for Ca(2+)-binding sites, disulfide bonds, and substrate specificity, based on both sequence alignment and three-dimensional homology modeling.  相似文献   

The viral serpin, crmA, is distinguished by its small size and ability to inhibit both serine and cysteine proteases utilizing a reactive loop shorter than most other serpins. Here, we characterize the mechanism of crmA inhibition of serine proteases and probe the reactive loop length requirements for inhibition with two crmA reactive loop variants. P1 Arg crmA inhibited the trypsin-like proteases, thrombin, and factor Xa, with moderate efficiencies (approximately 10(2)-10(4) M(-1)sec(-1)), near equimolar inhibition stoichiometries, and formation of SDS-stable complexes which were resistant to dissociation (k(diss) approximately 10(-7) sec(-1)), consistent with a serpin-type inhibition mechanism. Trypsin was not inhibited, but efficiently cleaved the variant crmA as a substrate (k(cat)/K(M) of approximately 10(6) M(-1) sec(-1)). N-terminal sequencing confirmed that the P1 Arg-P1'Cys bond was the site of cleavage. Altering the placement of the Arg in a double mutant P1 Gly-P1'Arg crmA resulted in minimal ability to inhibit any of the trypsin family proteases. This variant was cleaved by the proteases approximately 10-fold less efficiently than P1 Arg crmA. Surprisingly, pancreatic elastase was rapidly inhibited by wild-type and P1 Arg crmAs (10(5)-10(6) M(-1)sec(-1)), although with elevated inhibition stoichiometries and higher rates of complex dissociation. N-terminal sequencing showed that elastase attacked the P1'Cys-P2'Ala bond, indicating that crmA can inhibit proteases using a reactive loop length similar to that used by other serpins, but with variations in this inhibition arising from different effective P2 residues. These results indicate that crmA inhibits serine proteases by the established serpin conformational trapping mechanism, but is unusual in inhibiting through either of two adjacent reactive sites.  相似文献   

The terminal process of xylogenesis, autolysis, is essential for the formation of a tubular system for conduction of water and solutes throughout the whole plant. Several hydrolase types are implicated in autolysis responsible for the breakdown of cytoplasm. Here, we characterize p48h-17 cDNA from in vitro tracheary elements (TEs) of Zinnia elegans which encodes a preproprotein similar to papain. The putative mature protein, a cysteine protease, has a molecular mass of 22,699 Da with a pI of 5.7. DNA gel blot analysis indicated that p48h-17 is likely encoded by one or two genes. The p48h-17 mRNA accumulated markedly in in vitro differentiating TEs, whereas it appeared not to be induced in response to senescence and wounding in the leaves or H2O2 challenge in the cultured mesophyll cells. In stems, the expression of the p48h-17 gene was preferentially associated with differentiating xylem. Activity gel assays demonstrated that a cysteine and a serine protease, which had apparent molecular masses of 20 kDa and 60 kDa, respectively, were markedly induced during in vitro TE differentiation. The cysteine protease activity was also preferentially present in the xylem of Zinnia stems. Transient expression of the p48h-17 cDNA in tobacco protoplasts resulted in the production of a 20 kDa cysteine protease. Taken together, the results indicate that the p48h-17 gene appears to be preferentially associated with xylogenesis, and both the cysteine and serine proteases might be involved in autolysis during xylogenesis.  相似文献   

Serine proteases of the Chymotrypsin family are structurally very similar but have very different substrate preferences. This study investigates a set of 9 different proteases of this family comprising proteases that prefer substrates containing positively charged amino acids, negatively charged amino acids, and uncharged amino acids with varying degree of specificity. Here, we show that differences in electrostatic substrate preferences can be predicted reliably by electrostatic molecular interaction fields employing customized GRID probes. Thus, we are able to directly link protease structures to their electrostatic substrate preferences. Additionally, we present a new metric that measures similarities in substrate preferences focusing only on electrostatics. It efficiently compares these electrostatic substrate preferences between different proteases. This new metric can be interpreted as the electrostatic part of our previously developed substrate similarity metric. Consequently, we suggest, that substrate recognition in terms of electrostatics and shape complementarity are rather orthogonal aspects of substrate recognition. This is in line with a 2‐step mechanism of protein‐protein recognition suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

The inhibition of the interactions between SH3 domains and their targets is emerging as a promising therapeutic strategy. To date, rational design of potent ligands for these domains has been hindered by the lack of understanding of the origins of the binding energy. We present here a complete thermodynamic analysis of the binding energetics of the p41 proline-rich decapeptide (APSYSPPPPP) to the SH3 domain of the c-Abl oncogene. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments have revealed a thermodynamic signature for this interaction (very favourable enthalpic contributions opposed by an unfavourable binding entropy) inconsistent with the highly hydrophobic nature of the p41 ligand and the Abl-SH3 binding site. Our structural and thermodynamic analyses have led us to the conclusion, having once ruled out any possible ionization events or conformational changes coupled to the association, that the establishment of a complex hydrogen-bond network mediated by water molecules buried at the binding interface is responsible for the observed thermodynamic behaviour. The origin of the binding energetics for proline-rich ligands to the Abl-SH3 domain is further investigated by a comparative calorimetric analysis of a set of p41-related ligands. The striking effects upon the enthalpic and entropic contributions provoked by conservative substitutions at solvent-exposed positions in the ligand confirm the complexity of the interaction. The implications of these results for rational ligand design are discussed.  相似文献   

Three serine-centred proteolytic enzymes, euphorbains y-1, ?2 and ?3, were isolated from the latex of Euphorbia cyparissias. These proteases have different specific activities to azocoll and CBZ glycine p-nitrophenyl ester. The pIs and Mrs of y-1, ?2 and ?3 are 5.2 and 67 000, 5.2 and 33 000, and 6.3 and 67 000, respectively. The enzymes, which are glycoproteins, are immunologically distinct from euphorbain 1, but clearly related to that enzyme in amino acid composition.  相似文献   

KNI-272 is a powerful HIV-1 protease inhibitor with a reported inhibition constant in the picomolar range. In this paper, a complete experimental dissection of the thermodynamic forces that define the binding affinity of this inhibitor to the wild-type and drug-resistant mutant V82F/184V is presented. Unlike other protease inhibitors, KNI-272 binds to the protease with a favorable binding enthalpy. The origin of the favorable binding enthalpy has been traced to the coupling of the binding reaction to the burial of six water molecules. These bound water molecules, previously identified by NMR studies, optimize the atomic packing at the inhibitor/protein interface enhancing van der Waals and other favorable interactions. These interactions offset the unfavorable enthalpy usually associated with the binding of hydrophobic molecules. The association constant to the drug resistant mutant is 100-500 times weaker. The decrease in binding affinity corresponds to an increase in the Gibbs energy of binding of 3-3.5 kcal/mol, which originates from less favorable enthalpy (1.7 kcal/mol more positive) and entropy changes. Calorimetric binding experiments performed as a function of pH and utilizing buffers with different ionization enthalpies have permitted the dissection of proton linkage effects. According to these experiments, the binding of the inhibitor is linked to the protonation/deprotonation of two groups. In the uncomplexed form these groups have pKs of 6.0 and 4.8, and become 6.6 and 2.9 in the complex. These groups have been identified as one of the aspartates in the catalytic aspartyl dyad in the protease and the isoquinoline nitrogen in the inhibitor molecule. The binding affinity is maximal between pH 5 and pH 6. At those pH values the affinity is close to 6 x 10(10) M(-1) (Kd = 16 pM). Global analysis of the data yield a buffer- and pH-independent binding enthalpy of -6.3 kcal/mol. Under conditions in which the exchange of protons is zero, the Gibbs energy of binding is -14.7 kcal/mol from which a binding entropy of 28 cal/K mol is obtained. Thus, the binding of KNI-272 is both enthalpically and entropically favorable. The structure-based thermodynamic analysis indicates that the allophenylnorstatine nucleus of KNI-272 provides an important scaffold for the design of inhibitors that are less susceptible to resistant mutations.  相似文献   

The heat of binding the serine protease, porcine pancreatic elastase, by the inhibitor, turkey ovomucoid third domain, is dependent on the presence of inorganic phosphate. This dependence is saturable and can be accurately modeled as the phosphate binding to a single site on the protease-inhibitor complex; thus, the elastase-ovomucoid system provides a unique opportunity to study phosphate-protein interactions. We have used isothermal titration calorimetry to investigate this binding, thereby providing one of the few complete thermodynamic characterizations of phosphate interacting with proteins. The binding is characterized by a small favorable deltaG degrees, a large unfavorable deltaH degrees, and a positive deltaCp, thermodynamics consistent with the release of water being linked to phosphate binding. These measurements provide insight into the binding of phosphotyrosine containing peptides to SH2 domains by suggesting the energetic consequences of binding phosphate free from other interactions.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) belongs to the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) protein superfamily. Serpins are unique in that their native forms are not the most thermodynamically stable conformation; instead, a more stable, latent conformation exists. During the transition to the latent form, the first strand of beta-sheet C (s1C) in the serpin is peeled away from the beta-sheet, and the reactive center loop (RCL) is inserted into beta-sheet A, rendering the serpin inactive. To elucidate the contribution of specific interactions in the metastable native form to the latency transition, we examined the effect of mutations at the s1C of PAI-1, specifically in positions P4' through P10'. Several mutations strengthened the interactions between these residues and the core protein, and slowed the transition of the protein from the metastable native form to the latent form. In particular, anchoring of the strand to the protein's hydrophobic core at the beginning (P4' site) and center of the strand (P8' site) greatly retarded the latency transition. Mutations that weakened the interactions at the s1C region facilitated the conformational conversion of the protein to the latent form. PAI-1's overall structural stability was largely unchanged by the mutations, as evaluated by urea-induced equilibrium unfolding monitored via fluorescence emission. Therefore, the mutations likely exerted their effects by modulating the height of the energy barrier from the native to the latent form. Our results show that interactions found only in the metastable native form of serpins are important structural features that attenuate folding of the proteins into their latent forms.  相似文献   


ClpP is a highly conserved serine protease present in most bacterial species and in the mitochondria of mammalian cells. It forms a cylindrical tetradecameric complex arranged into two stacked heptamers. The two heptameric rings of ClpP enclose a roughly spherical proteolytic chamber of about 51 Å in diameter with 14 Ser–His–Asp proteolytic active sites. ClpP typically forms complexes with unfoldase chaperones of the AAA+ superfamily. Chaperones dock on one or both ends of the ClpP double ring cylindrical structure. Dynamics in the ClpP structure is critical for its function. Polypeptides targeted for degradation by ClpP are initially recognized by the AAA+ chaperones. Polypeptides are unfolded by the chaperones and then translocated through the ClpP axial pores, present on both ends of the ClpP cylinder, into the ClpP catalytic chamber. The axial pores of ClpP are gated by dynamic axial loops that restrict or allow substrate entry. As a processive protease, ClpP degrades substrates to generate peptides of about 7–8 residues. Based on structural, biochemical and theoretical studies, the exit of these polypeptides from the proteolytic chamber is proposed to be mediated by the dynamics of the ClpP oligomer. The ClpP cylinder has been found to exist in at least three conformations, extended, compact and compressed, that seem to represent different states of ClpP during its proteolytic functional cycle. In this review, we discuss the link between ClpP dynamics and its activity. We propose that such dynamics also exist in other cylindrical proteases such as HslV and the proteasome.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene coding for the 55-amino acid protein hirustasin, a novel tissue kallikrein inhibitor from the leech Hirudo medicinalis, was generated by polymerase chain reaction using overlapping oligonucleotides, fused to the yeast alpha-factor leader sequence and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recombinant hirustasin was secreted mainly as incompletely processed fusion protein, but could be processed in vitro using a soluble variant of the yeast yscF protease. The processed hirustasin was purified to better than 97% purity. N-terminal sequence analysis and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry confirmed a correctly processed N-terminus and the expected amino acid sequence and molecular mass. The biological activity of recombinant hirustasin was identical to that of the authentic leech protein. Crystallized hirustasin alone and in complex with tissue kallikrein diffracted beyond 1.4 A and 2.4 A, respectively. In order to define the reactive site of the inhibitor, the interaction of hirustasin with kallikrein, chymotrypsin, and trypsin was investigated by monitoring complex formation in solution as well as proteolytic cleavage of the inhibitor. During incubation with high, nearly equimolar concentration of tissue kallikrein, hirustasin was cleaved mainly at the peptide bond between Arg 30 and Ile 31, the putative reactive site, to yield a modified inhibitor. In the corresponding complex with chymotrypsin, mainly uncleaved hirustasin was found and cleaved hirustasin species accumulated only slowly. Incubation with trypsin led to several proteolytic cleavages in hirustasin with the primary scissile peptide bond located between Arg 30 and Ile 31. Hirustasin appears to fall into the class of protease inhibitors displaying temporary inhibition.  相似文献   

The secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), elafin, and its biologically active precursor trappin‐2 are endogeneous low‐molecular weight inhibitors of the chelonianin family that control the enzymatic activity of neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs) like elastase, proteinase 3, and cathepsin G. These inhibitors may be of therapeutic value, since unregulated NSP activities are linked to inflammatory lung diseases. However SLPI inhibits elastase and cathepsin G but not proteinase 3, while elafin targets elastase and proteinase 3 but not cathepsin G. We have used two strategies to design polyvalent inhibitors of NSPs that target all three NSPs and may be used in the aerosol‐based treatment of inflammatory lung diseases. First, we fused the elafin domain with the second inhibitory domain of SLPI to produce recombinant chimeras that had the inhibitory properties of both parent molecules. Second, we generated the trappin‐2 variant, trappin‐2 A62L, in which the P1 residue Ala is replaced by Leu, as in the corresponding position in SLPI domain 2. The chimera inhibitors and trappin‐2 A62L are tight‐binding inhibitors of all three NSPs with subnanomolar Kis, similar to those of the parent molecules for their respective target proteases. We have also shown that these molecules inhibit the neutrophil membrane‐bound forms of all three NSPs. The trappin‐2 A62L and elafin‐SLPI chimeras, like wild‐type elafin and trappin‐2, can be covalently cross‐linked to fibronectin or elastin by a tissue transglutaminase, while retaining their polypotent inhibition of NSPs. Therefore, the inhibitors described herein have the appropriate properties to be further evaluated as therapeutic anti‐inflammatory agents.  相似文献   

为明确叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff)丝氨酸蛋白酶基因EfSP1及抑制剂基因EfSPI20的基因序列特征和时空转录特征,为其生理功能研究奠定基础。利用PCR克隆技术获得叉角厉蝽唾液腺EfSPI20和EfSP1的完整开放阅读框(Open reading frame, ORF)序列,使用生物信息学软件进行序列分析以及系统进化分析,采用实时荧光定量PCR (Real time quantitativate PCR,RT-qPCR)分析两个基因分别在叉角厉蝽不同发育时期和组织中的表达特征。结果表明,EfSPI20与EfSP1基因完整开放阅读框长度分别为378 bp和921 bp,分别编码125个氨基酸和306个氨基酸,预测均为亲水蛋白质,理论分子量分别为13.48 kDa和33.82 kDa,等电点分别为6.68和5.80,分别有30个和23个氨基酸残基的信号肽序列,EfSPI20有跨膜结构域,EfSP1无跨膜结构域。序列比对显示叉角厉蝽EfSPI20与茶翅蝽Halyomorpha halys PPI同源性最高,氨基酸序列一致性达58%;EfSP1与稻绿蝽Nezara viridula SP同源性最高,氨基酸序列一致性达66%;系统发育树显示叉角厉蝽与同为蝽科的茶翅蝽和稻绿蝽物种亲缘关系近。EfSPI20基因在雌雄成虫和唾液腺中高表达,推测EfSPI20可能具有抑制胰蛋白酶活性的功能和与叉角厉蝽的捕食消化相关;EfSP1基因在卵期、卵巢和肠道中高表达,推测EfSP1可能与叉角厉蝽的生殖功能和蛋白消化相关。  相似文献   

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is an oligomeric serum lectin involved in innate immunity. Human MBL is complexed with three types of serine proteases (MASP-1, MASP-2 and MASP-3) and two types of their truncated forms (sMAP and MAp44). When an MBL complex binds to carbohydrates of pathogens, the complement system is activated via the lectin pathway. Human MBL is a mixture of different sized oligomers that range mainly from trimers to hexamers. It has been suggested that different MBL oligomers may have distinct MASP compositions. In the present study, an MBL trimer (MBL-I) exclusive of other oligomers was isolated from human serum by chromatography. Immunoblot analysis of MBL-I revealed that it had been co-purified with MASP-1 and sMAP. This suggests that MASP-1 and sMAP are bound to each other in MBL-I. The MBL-I complex was found to activate C2, but to lack the ability to activate C4 due to the absence of MASP-2.  相似文献   

Barley grains contain two imrnunochemically distinct inhibitors of chymotrypsin and microbial serine proteases. Both inhibitors are rich in lysine (9.5 and 11.5 g Lys/g protein). Hiproly high-lysine barley contains twenty-fold higher, high-lysine mutant 1508 five-fold higher amounts of these inhibitors than normally cultivated varieties. Inhibitors were extracted from Hiproly barley, and ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by gel filtration resulted in a neariy complete separation of the two inhibitors. No inactive protein impurities could be detected in a number of isoinhibitor preparations obtained in subsequent cation exchange chrotnatography steps. One inhibitor (CI-1) was composed of at leas# 4 molecular forms with isoelecfric points in the range 4.75–5.55 and a monomer molecular size of about 9 000. Most of this inhibitor was apparently present as dimer forms in grain extracts. The other inhibitor (CI-2) included at least 7 different molecular forms with isoelectric points in the range 6.05–7.90 and different molecular sizes in the range 6 500–9 000. Both dimer and monomer forms were present in grain extracts. In contrast to previously purified protease inhibitors of plant origin, the two barley inhibitors contain no cysteine. No interactions between the two inhibitors and trypsin were observed, but the inhibitors were immediately inactivated by pepsin at pH 2.0. Monospecific antibodies towards the two inhibitors were obtained after immunization with glutaraldehyde-polymerized inhibitor.
Inhibitor CI-1 is identical with an inhibitor of microbial alkaline proteases previously purified (Mikola and Suolinna 1971. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 144: 566–575).  相似文献   

Structural basis of substrate specificity in the serine proteases.   总被引:21,自引:12,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
Structure-based mutational analysis of serine protease specificity has produced a large database of information useful in addressing biological function and in establishing a basis for targeted design efforts. Critical issues examined include the function of water molecules in providing strength and specificity of binding, the extent to which binding subsites are interdependent, and the roles of polypeptide chain flexibility and distal structural elements in contributing to specificity profiles. The studies also provide a foundation for exploring why specificity modification can be either straightforward or complex, depending on the particular system.  相似文献   

Serine proteases are an abundant class of enzymes that are involved in a wide range of physiological processes and are classified into clans sharing structural homology. The active site of the subtilisin-like clan contains a catalytic triad in the order Asp, His, Ser (S8 family) or a catalytic tetrad in the order Glu, Asp and Ser (S53 family). The core structure and active site geometry of these proteases is of interest for many applications. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural properties of different S8 family serine proteases from a diverse range of taxa using molecular modeling techniques. In conjunction with 12 experimentally determined three-dimensional structures of S8 family members, our predicted structures from an archaeon, protozoan and a plant were used for analysis of the catalytic core. Amino acid sequences were obtained from the MEROPS database and submitted to the LOOPP server for threading based structure prediction. The predicted structures were refined and validated using PROCHECK, SCRWL and MODELYN. Investigation of secondary structures and electrostatic surface potential was performed using MOLMOL. Encompassing a wide range of taxa, our structural analysis provides an evolutionary perspective on S8 family serine proteases. Focusing on the common core containing the catalytic site of the enzyme, the analysis presented here is beneficial for future molecular modeling strategies and structure-based rational drug design.  相似文献   


Peptidic inhibitors of proteases are attracting increasing interest not only as drug candidates but also for studying the function and regulation mechanisms of these enzymes. Previously, we screened out a cyclic peptide inhibitor of human uPA and found that Ala substitution of P2 residue turns upain-1 to a substrate. To further investigate the effect of P2 residue on the peptide behavior transformation, we constructed upain-1-W3F, which has Phe replacement in the P2 position. We determined KD and Ki of upain-1-W3F and found that upain-1-W3F might still exist as an inhibitor. Furthermore, the high-resolution crystal structure of upain-1-W3F·uPA reveals that upain-1-W3F indeed stays as an intact inhibitor bind to uPA. We thus propose that the P2 residue plays a nonnegligible role in the conversion of upain-1 to a substrate. These results also proposed a strategy to optimize the pharmacological properties of peptide-based drug candidates by hydrophobicity and steric hindrance.

Abbreviations : uPA: urokinase-type plasminogen activator; SPD: serine protease domain; S1 pocket: specific substrate-binding pocket  相似文献   

Electrostatic interactions have a central role in some biological processes, such as recognition of charged ligands by proteins. We characterized the binding energetics of yeast triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) with phosphorylated inhibitors 2-phosphoglycollate (2PG) and phosphoglycolohydroxamate (PGH). We determined the thermodynamic parameters of the binding process (Kb, ΔGb, ΔHb, ΔSb and ΔCp) with different concentrations of NaCl, using fluorimetric and calorimetric titrations in the conventional mode of ITC and a novel method, multithermal titration calorimetry (MTC), which enabled us to measure ΔCp in a single experiment. We ruled out specific interactions of Na+ and Cl- with the native enzyme and did not detect significant linked protonation effects upon the binding of inhibitors. Increasing ionic strength (I) caused Kb, ΔGb and ΔHb to become less favorable, while ΔSb became less unfavorable. From the variation of Kb with I, we determined the electrostatic contribution of TIM−2PG and TIM−PGH to ΔGb at I = 0.06 M and 25 °C to be 36% and 26%, respectively. The greater affinity of PGH for TIM is due to a more favorable ΔHb compared to 2PG (by 19-24 kJ mol-1 at 25 °C). This difference is compatible with PGH establishing up to five more hydrogen bonds with TIM. Both binding ΔCps were negative, and less negative with increasing ionic strength. ΔCps at I = 0.06 M were much more negative than predicted by surface area models. Water molecules trapped in the interface when ligands bind to protein could explain the highly negative ΔCps. Thermodynamic binding functions for TIM−2PG changed more with ionic strength than those for TIM−PGH. This greater dependence is consistent with linked, but compensated, protonation equilibriums yielding the dianionic species of 2PG that binds to TIM, process that is not required for PGH.  相似文献   

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