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We studied the nesting behavior of the critically endangered West African chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus). We assumed that the nesting data stemmed from a single, unhabituated community at the Bagnomba hill site in the savanna-woodlands of southeastern Senegal. The aim of this study was to examine chimpanzees’ nesting habits in terms of the tree species utilized and sleeping nest heights. We recorded a total of 550 chimpanzee nests at Bagnomba between January 2015 and December 2015. The chimpanzees here made nests in particular tree species more often than others. The majority of nests (63%) were in two tree species: Diospyros mespiliformis and Pterocarpus erinaceus. The average height of nesting trees was 10.54 m (SD 3.91, range, 0.0–29.0 m) and average nest height was 7.90 m (SD 3.62, range, 0.0–25.0 m). The result of a linear regression analysis (r = 0.7874; n = 550; p < 0.05) is consistent with a preference for nesting at a particular height. Bagnomba chimpanzees rarely made ground nests (0.36% of nests), but the presence of any ground nesting was unexpected, given that at least one leopard (Panthera pardus) also occupied the hill. This knowledge will enable stakeholders involved in the protection of chimpanzees specifically and of biodiversity in general to better understand chimpanzee ecology and inform a conservation action plan in Senegal where the survival of this species is threatened.  相似文献   

The giant honeybees Apis dorsata are habituated to construct combs in trees, houses, caves as well as in overhead water reservoir occurring in their nesting localities. To verify their preference for nesting sites if any, surveys were conducted in recent years (2013–16), during nesting seasons of these bees in Jhargram area of West Bengal, India. It is revealed that A. dorsata construct their combs in big, tall, aged simul (Bombax ceiba), bot (Ficus benghalensis) trees mostly, irrespective of localities. Also they were seen to construct nest at the underside of the overhead water reservoir ignoring nesting potential trees occurring nearby. Of course, nesting in the houses, and on the walls of culvert is not uncommon. As the bees constructed more than 100–200 nests at the same nesting site e.g., a tree or/and an overhead water reservoir, depending upon the availability of space for construction of nest it is concluded that these insects prefer colonial nesting.  相似文献   

Accurate and precise surveys of primate abundance provide the basis for understanding species ecology and essential information for conservation assessments. Owing to the elusive nature of wild apes and the vast region of dense forest they inhabit, population estimates of central chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) have largely relied on surveys of their nests. Specific information about the nesting behavior of apes permits the estimation of the number of nests built (nest creation rate). Similarly, information on nest characteristics and environmental factors can be used to estimate the time it takes nests to decay (nest decay rate). Nest creation and decay rates are then used to convert nest density estimates to absolute ape densities. Population estimates that use site-specific estimates of nest creation and decay rates are more accurate and precise. However, it is common practice to generalize these conversion factors across sites because of the additional cost of studies required to gather the information to estimate them. Over a 9-mo study period, we detected and monitored the time to decay of gorilla nests (N = 514) and chimpanzee nests (N = 521) in northern Republic of Congo. We investigated the influence of nest characteristics and environmental factors on nest survivorship and estimated the mean time to nest decay (or equivalently survival) using MARK. Key factors influencing nest decay rate included ape species, forest type, nest height, mean rainfall, nest structure, nest type, and primary aspects of nest construction. Our findings highlight the synergistic effect of behavior and environment on great ape nest degradation, as well as providing practical insights for improving measures to monitor remaining populations of these endangered species.  相似文献   

The fitness consequence of many behaviours of the small digger wasp, Cerceris rubida (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), the only European species of its genus in which females share nests, are still unknown. Here, I present novel data on the nesting patterns and nest parasites of an Italian population of this wasp, with emphasis on which behavioural strategies may have evolved to reduce brood parasitism. Nests were established mainly in horizontal surfaces with scarce vegetation and hard soil, resulting in spatially clumped nests; the extent of nest aggregation increased over a 6-year period. Wasp brood cells are attacked by the miltogrammine fly Pterella grisea (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), which waits for nest-returning wasps on perching sites and then follows them in flight (satellite flight), eventually landing on the nest entrance and larvipositing without entering further in the tunnel. This technique seems to be adaptive for the parasitic flies, which would be rejected from nests by the guarding wasps if attempting to enter. The daily activity of the flies closely matched the host wasp’s provisioning activity, but C. rubida females were able to partially confound the tracking flies by performing evasive manoeuvres while returning to the nest. Patches with higher nest density and nests with more resident females did suffer more fly landings on nest entrances (a prerequisite for larviposition). These trends, however, disappeared on a per nest basis and on a per wasp provisioning flight basis, respectively. Across two years, only 6% of brood cells were parasitized, a picture similar to what observed for miltogrammine flies at nest aggregations of other Cerceris spp., and new data are necessary to test if there is a benefit of either nest density or nest sharing against P. grisea parasitism.  相似文献   

Associations between bees and termites are documented infrequently, but records are available for bee species ranging in behavior from solitary to highly eusocial. The subtribe Meliponina (stingless bees) is the most common bee group reported in termite nests, and, for some species, the occupancy of termite nests may be obligatory. The records of solitary bees nesting within termite nests include species of the tribes Emphorini, Centridini, Megachilini, and Paracolletini. Most of these bees can probably nest in other substrates, and their relationships with termite nests are presumably opportunistic. This study provides a review of published records of bees as guests in termite nests, and also describes the aggregation of nests of Gaesochira obscura within one nest of Anoplotermes banksi in Brazilian Amazonia. One termite nest contained at least ten nest entrances of G. obscura, with burrows 4–6 mm in diameter and about 10 cm long. Each burrow ended in brood cells in different stages of food provisioning and larval development. As commonly reported for other associations of this nature, there was no connection between the tunnels of bees and those of termites. This record adds important data on the biology of A. banksi. Because this is a single record, it is impossible to classify G. obscura either as a termitophile or termitariophile; this species may be opportunistic in relation to nesting substrate.  相似文献   

Understanding habitat requirements of species is important in conservation. As an obligate ant nest associate, the survival of the globally vulnerable shining guest ant, Formicoxenus nitidulus, is strictly tied to that of its hosts (mound building Formica ants). We investigated how host species, nest density, inter-nest distance and nest mound size relate to the occurrence of F. nitidulus. In total, 166 red wood ant nests were surveyed in SW Finland (120 Formica polyctena, 25 F. rufa, 14 F. aquilonia, 5 F. pratensis, and 2 F. lugubris). Overall, F. nitidulus was found in 60% of the nests. For the actual analysis, only F. polyctena and F. rufa nests were included due to the small number of other nests. F. nitidulus was more likely to be found among F. polyctena than F. rufa. Also, while inter-nest distance was not important, a high nest density, commonly found in polydomous (multi-nest) wood ant colonies, was beneficial for F. nitidulus. The guest ant was also more likely to be found in large host nests than small nests. Thus, our results show that the best habitat for the guest ant is a dense population of host nest mounds with a high proportion of large mounds. Conservation efforts should be directed at keeping the quality of the red wood ant habitats high to preserve their current populations and to increase colonization. This will not only benefit the guest ant, but also a plethora of other species, and help in maintaining the biodiversity of forests.  相似文献   

The dynamics of body mass growth were studied in nestlings of 22 semialtricial and altricial bird species based on materials collected in seven regions of Russia in the years 1976–2013. The bird species belong to four orders and 13 families. The results of the study indicate the nonuniform growth of nestlings in different bird species. Of the species investigated, only seven were found to reach or exceed the mass of adult birds. Over the nestling period, the nestlings of open-nesting species, such as the hooded crow (Corvus cornix), rook (Corvus frugilegus), magpie (Pica pica), fieldfare (Turdus pilaris), song thrush (Turdus philomelos), and goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis), do not reach the weight of adult birds and their growth continues after they leave the nest. In closed-nesting species, only the nestlings of the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) reach or exceed the definitive mass, whereas the nestlings of the jackdaw (Corvus monedula), starling (Sturnus vulgaris), wryneck (Jynx torquilla), tree sparrow (Passer montanus), and great tit (Parus major) continue to grow after leaving the nest. The body mass of birds on the day of their hatching and before their departure from the nests and the mass of adult birds depend on the nesting type, duration of the nestling period, size groups of species, and their definitive size. The average specific growth rate of body mass and its maximum values for different species are also associated with these factors. The maximum specific growth rate in small-sized and medium-sized bird species was observed on the 0–1st days of life; in large bird species, on the 2nd–4th days. The specific growth rate did not depend on the type of nesting, but it was inversely related to the duration of the nestling period and the definitive sizes of birds.  相似文献   

Representatives of the subgenus Coptoformica build composite aboveground nests in much the same manner as red wood ants do. However, despite the superficial similarity, Coptoformica nests show a number of substantial differences that impact on the way in which ants use the nest. The aboveground part of a Formica (Coptoformica) exsecta nest consists of the temporary layer, the outer crust layer, the mound, and the intermediate layer. The material of all the layers includes soil and fragments of plants (picked up or excised), the relative proportion of the two components differing among the layers. The thick, soil-rich crust layer acts as armature and allows a variety of anthill shapes. The intermediate layer and the upper part of the mound harbor quite a few large chambers. Building material is often transferred from nest to nest. On the whole, F. exsecta nests are plastic and movable, which facilitates the activity of these ants in ecotone biotopes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the natural history of wild honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The goal of this research was to examine nest site characteristics of honey bee (A. m. capensis/A. m. scutellata hybrid) colonies sampled from a variety of habitats (nature reserves, livestock farms, and an urban setting) in the Eastern Cape. We also determined how nest site location related to various colony strength parameters. In general, colonies not nesting in ground cavities tended to nest in locations >6 m high when nesting in cliffs and buildings and >2 m high when nesting in trees. Colonies typically nested in cavities whose entrances faced a southeasterly direction and were ~40 L in volume. We sampled a subset of colonies to determine the relationship between nest type and the following colony strength parameters: total area of comb in the colony, the volume of stored honey, pollen, and brood, adult bee population, the weight per adult bee, and the bee/nest cavity volume ratio. In general, colonies nesting in cliffs tended to be stronger than those nesting in the ground or trees. Our findings provide new insights into the nesting biology of honey bees in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, perhaps leading to the formation of conservation recommendations for honey bees in this region.  相似文献   

The number and scale of island invasive species eradications is growing, but quantitative evidence of the conservation efficacy of passive recovery is limited. We compare relative abundances of breeding birds on Hawadax Island (formerly named Rat island), Aleutian Archipelago, Alaska, pre- and post- rat eradication to examine short-term (<1 year post-eradication) changes due to rodenticide application, and medium-term (5 years post-eradication) changes due to the absence of invasive rats. In the short term, Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) numbers decreased from 24 individuals pre-eradication to two individuals <1 year post-eradication, but recovered to 10 individuals (42 % of pre-eradication) 5 years post-eradication, with all individuals nesting (63 % of the pre-eradication nesting). Five years post-eradication relative abundances of most terrestrial birds surveyed using point counts either significantly increased [Gray-crowned Rosy Finch (Leucosticte tephrocotis), Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus), Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis), Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)] or did not differ [Pacific Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)]. Shorebirds also increased 5 years post-eradication with Black Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliates) increasing fivefold, and Rock Sandpiper (Calidris ptilocnemis) nesting increasing from one to five nests. We confirmed two species of ground nesting seabirds [Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata) and Leach’s Storm-petrel (Oceanodroma leucohoa)] as nesting (puffin) or engaged in courtship behavior (Storm-petrel) 5 years post-eradication. Our results indicate that despite the short-term impact on Bald Eagles, and without further human intervention, most terrestrial and marine birds have newly-colonized, re-colonized, or increased in abundance following the eradication of invasive rats.  相似文献   

Pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus nest in two contrasting but commonly found habitats: steep cliffs and open tundra slopes. In Svalbard, we compared nest densities and nesting success in these two environments over ten breeding seasons to assess the impact of spring snow cover, food availability to nesting adults and arctic fox Vulpes lagopus (main terrestrial predator) abundance. In years with extensive spring snow cover, fewer geese at both colonies attempted to breed, possibly because snow cover limited pre-nesting feeding opportunities, leaving adults in poor breeding condition. Nesting success at the steep cliff colony was lower with extensive spring snow cover; such conditions force birds to commit to repeated and prolonged recess periods at far distant feeding areas, leaving nests open to predation. By contrast, nesting success at the open tundra slope was not affected by spring snow cover; even if birds were apparently in poor condition they could feed immediately adjacent to their nests and defend them from predators. Foxes were the main nest predator in the open tundra slopes but avian predators likely had a larger impact at the steep cliffs colony. Thus, the relative inaccessibility of the cliffs habitat may bring protection from foxes but also deprives geese from readily accessing feeding areas, with the best prospects for successful nesting in low spring snow cover years. Our findings indicate that spring snow cover, predator abundance and food proximity did not uniformly influence nesting success of this herbivore, and their effects were dependent on nesting habitat choice.  相似文献   

The composition of dipterans inhabiting fieldfare nests in a big city was studied for the first time, based on material collected soon after chick fledging. Larvae of 21 species belonging to 14 families were found, including saprophages, necrophages, and predators (Scatopsidae, Ceratopogonidae, Phoridae, Chloropidae, Anthomyiidae, etc.), and also Protocalliphora azurea (Fallén, 1816) (Calliphoridae) and Neottiophilum praeustum (Meigen, 1826) (Neottiophilidae) known as bloodsucking ectoparasites of nestlings. Larvae of P. azurea (up to 121 per nest) were found in both early (April–May) and late (May–June) nests. Larvae of N. praeustum (up to 299 per nest) were recorded only in late nests. The two species occurred both separately and jointly in one nest, with N. praeustum dominating numerically. The seasonal differences in the development of these two parasitic species may account for their high abundance in such ephemeral habitats. Larvae of Trypocalliphora braueri (Hendel, 1901), a subcutaneous parasite of nestlings of many bird species, were not found in the fieldfare nests. A key to the larvae of the three fly species parasitizing nestlings in European Russia is given.  相似文献   

The bionomics of Leptochilus membranaceus (Morawitz) was studied in Crimea. The species is confined to herbaceous xerophytic habitats with sparse vegetation and has two generations per year. Adult feeding was recorded on flowers of 8 plant species of 6 families. A single nest was found in an old acridid egg pod in clayey soil. The inner cavity of the empty egg pod was 12 mm long and 3 mm wide. The nest contained one cell with a prepupa in the cocoon. The cell was sealed with a final plug 2 mm thick, made of gravel and mud. The cocoon consisted of three equal thin layers, the outer layer being firmly attached to the cell walls. Females of L. membranaceus do not visit water sources. The origin of the agent bonding the building material (soil) used by L. membranaceus and other congeneric species is discussed. In addition, nests of Ancistrocerus scoticus (Curtis) are also discussed; these nests occur in old acridid egg pods which were earlier misinterpreted as bottle-shaped cells built by the wasps themselves.  相似文献   

Minimizing the risk of nest predation has led some bird species to exploit the nest defense behavior of other species. At Nasaruvaalik Island, Nunavut, Canada, some common eiders (Somateria mollissima borealis) nest within the boundaries of Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) colonies, while others nest elsewhere on the island, away from the terns. We tested the effects of location (within vs. outside the tern colonies), density of common eider nests, and annual variation on the nesting parameters of common eiders. Our results suggest that nesting in association with Arctic terns does not confer an obvious benefit to eiders. Such associative nesting of eiders and terns may be the result of overlapping habitat preferences between the two species, or a general scarcity of suitable nesting habitat for ground-nesting species in the high Arctic. However, eiders nesting in higher densities with other eiders had greater nest success and lower total clutch predation, indicating a positive correlation between nest density and success.  相似文献   

Stegastes fuscus and Epinephelus marginatus are known for co-habiting shelters. The damselfish S. fuscus uses the territory for nesting and must protect its eggs from grazers; the grouper E. marginatus is an omnivorous sit-and-wait predator. This study aims to evaluate the effect of juvenile groupers on the reproductive success of the Brazilian damsel. Twenty-five hours of underwater observations were done in São Sebastião and Ilhabela, Northern shore of São Paulo, Brazil. Fitness increase was measured by the egg-clutch area and number of contributing females in 130 nests shared by groupers and another 130 where damselfishes stood alone. An egg predator crab was placed into the damselfish territory, and behavioural responses during 2 min were recorded for nests with or without E. marginatus, 80 replicates each. Nests shared by the dusky groupers had more eggs and received eggs from more females too. While fathers who were alone in the territory had to deal with the egg predator crab, in shared nests, the grouper would take care of the intruder, sometimes feeding on it. Therefore, the Brazilian damsel may benefit from the presence of the dusky grouper by increasing the fitness and diminishing the costs of parental care.  相似文献   

Determination of factors affecting nest habitat selection is a major topic in avian ecology, with strong implications for conservation purposes especially for the species with unfavorable status. The turtle dove (Streptopelia turtur) is a vulnerable species that has undergone a rapid and serious decline across its distribution range. I investigated the effect of different variables at two spatial scales (10-m radius, nest site; and 100-m radius, landscape) on the probability of presence of turtle dove nests in an agroforestry system of Central Morocco. Topography, habitat structure, human disturbance, and land use parameters were measured at nests (n?=?70) and random points (n?=?70) at both scales. Generalized linear model analyses showed that, at the nest site scale, tree height best explained occurrence of turtle dove nests (with nest occurring preferentially in smaller trees). At the landscape scale, nest occurrence probability decreased with elevation and distance to the nearest forest edge, and increased with forest cover and distance to the nearest habitation. Comparison of explanatory power of the single-scale models showed that the most relevant scale was the nest site level, followed by landscape scales, but the model including both nest-scale and landscape-scale variables was best. The variation partitioning analysis confirmed this pattern. In study area, the turtle dove nest habitat selection process occurs within a relatively small scale, but the joint effect of variables at the two scales is relevant. From a practical perspective, it would be interesting to reproduce the same experimental approach on other Mediterranean breeding habitats (agricultural and other forest habitats) to find out if this species would adopt the same nest habitat selection pattern.  相似文献   

Male double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) perform advertising displays at potential nest locations at spring breeding grounds to attract females. Yet, there is no research on how the frequency of this behaviour changes over time or its association with habitat features. Studies of this behavioural display may provide insight into how birds choose areas for nesting, an important issue given the environmental and societal impacts of dense colonies of cormorants. Advertising behaviour was observed in trees throughout the 2014 nesting season, at six different sampling stations, using both scan sampling (for temporal changes in display frequency) and focal sampling (for temporal changes in four microhabitat variables: tree health, height in tree, nest density and presence of a nest). Advertising data (scans N = 484 birds; focal samples N = 827 birds) were divided into pre-incubation, incubation and chicks-present categories using a breeding chronology dataset. The number of cormorants advertising varied temporally and spatially. Using scan data in a marginal model, we found that the number of cormorants advertising was highest at the beginning of the season (peaking at week 3) and lowest once chicks were present. The GLM (focal data) showed that most cormorants advertised without nests especially past the second week of the season. The model also indicated that cormorants advertised in low nest density trees from pre- to mid-incubation. Contrary to our predictions based on colony expansion over the season, we did not observe an interaction of tree health*time or station*time, which suggests that the advertising display revealed a nest site selection process that was not visible at the population level.  相似文献   

Out of more than 380 species of damselfish, only three lack a pelagic larval phase, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, that ranges from the Philippines to the Great Barrier Reef, and two species in the genus Altrichthys, A. azurelineatus and A. curatus, that are restricted to the Calamian Archipelago (Palawan province) in the Philippines. Therefore in a very restricted geographic area, northern Palawan, Philippines, all three species co-occur. The goal of this study was to fill a knowledge gap about the ecology of Altrichthys, where very little is currently known. Using census and behavioral approaches at 14 sites on six islands, we were able to identify adult densities, nest densities, nesting habitat preference, and brood behavior and abundance. We found that densities were very high (more than 17 individuals/100 m2 for one species) and A. azurelineatus may be displacing A. curatus at deeper depths where habitat seems of higher quality. Only one out of 14 surveyed sites contained only one species, Altrichthys curatus. Different habitat use and feeding behavior suggest that niche partitioning may play an important role in the life history of these sympatric species.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence were studied in the bark of several species of trees originating in various climatic zones: Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica), larch (Larix sibirica), eastern arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis), pendent white birch (Betula pendula), wild black cherry (Padus virginiana), horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum), red oak (Quercus rubra), Manchurian catalpa (Catalpa bungei), linden (Tilia cordata), goat willow (Salix caprea), Amur cherry (Padus maackii), and apple Korichnaya (Malus domestrica B.). Tree bark has a sufficient amount of chlorophyll for measuring the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence throughout the year. The relative yield of the variable fluorescence of chlorophyll (F v/F m) can be used to assess seasonal changes in the physiological state of various trees.  相似文献   

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