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不同沙丘生境主要植物比叶面积和叶干物质含量的比较   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
研究了生长在不同沙丘生境中 (流动沙丘 ,半固定沙丘和固定沙丘 ) 2 0个植物种 (10个 1年生植物种和 10个多年生植物种 )的比叶面积 (SL A)和叶干物质含量 (L DMC)的变化 ,并且分析了各个沙丘生境的土壤养分特征。结果表明 ,各个植物种的平均 SL A和 L DMC在植物种之间差异显著 ;多数在两种或 3种沙丘生境均有分布的植物其 SL A在不同沙丘生境之间差异显著 ,但是仅有 6个植物种的 L DMC在不同沙丘生境之间表现出差异 (p<0 .0 5 )。与许多研究结果类似 ,1年生植物的 SL A显著大于多年生植物的 SL A,而且两者之间 L DMC存在一定的差异。 1年生植物 SL A和 L DMC之间相关性不显著 ,但多年生植物SL A和 L DMC之间呈显著负相关。综合所有 2 0个植物种可以发现 ,SL A增大时 ,L DMC有下降的趋势  相似文献   

This study examines interrelationships between eight leaf attributes (specific leaf mass, area, dry mass, lamina thickness, mesophyll cell number per cm2, mesophyll cell volume, chloroplast volume, and number of chloroplasts per mesophyll cell) in field-grown plants of 94 species from the Eastern Pamir Mountains, at elevations between 3800 and 4750 m. Unlike most other mountain areas, the Eastern Pamirs, Karakorum system, Tadjikistan provide localities where low temperatures and radiation combine with moisture stress at high altitudes. For all the attributes measured, significant differences were found between plants with different mesophyll types. Leaves with dorsiventral palisade structure (dorsal palisade, ventral spongy mesophyll cells) had thicker leaves with larger but fewer mesophyll cells, containing more and larger chloroplasts. These differences in mesophyll type are reflected in differences in the total surface of mesophyll cells per unit leaf area ( A mes/ A ) or volume ( A mes/ V ). Plants with isopalisade leaf structure (palisade cells under both dorsal and ventral surfaces) are more commonly xerophytes and their increased values of A mes/ A and A mes/ V decrease CO2 mesophyll resistance, which is an important adaptation to drought. Path analysis shows the critical importance of mesophyll cell volume in leading to the covariance between the different leaf attributes and hence to specific leaf mass (SLM), even though mesophyll cell volume is not itself strongly correlated with SLM. This is because mesophyll cell volume increases SLM through its effects on leaf thickness and chloroplast number per cell, but decreases SLM through its negative effect on mesophyll cell density.  相似文献   

Gas exchange parameters, leaf nitrogen content and specific leaf area (SLA) were measured in situ on 73 C3 and five C4 plant species in Mallorca, west Mediterranean, to test whether species endemic to the Balearic Islands differed from widespread, non-endemic Mediterranean species and crops in their leaf traits and trait inter-relationships. Endemic species differed significantly from widespread species and crops in several parameters; in particular, photosynthetic capacity, on an area basis (A), was 20 % less in endemics than in non-endemics. Similar differences between endemics and non-endemics were found in parameters such as SLA and leaf nitrogen content per area (Na). Nevertheless, most of the observed differences were found only within the herbaceous deciduous species. These could be due to the fact that most of the non-endemic species within this group have adapted to ruderal areas, while none of the endemics occupies this kind of habitat. All the species-including the crops-showed a positive, highly significant correlation between photosynthetic capacity on a mass basis (Am), leaf nitrogen content on a mass basis (Nm) and SLA. However, endemic species had a lower Am for any given SLA and Nm. Hypotheses are presented to explain these differences, and their possible role in reducing the distribution of many endemic Balearic species is discussed.  相似文献   

Prior studies of a broad array of seed plants have reported strong correlations among leaf life span, specific leaf area, nitrogen concentration, and carbon assimilation rates, which have been interpreted as evidence of coordinated leaf physiological strategies. However, it is not known whether these relationships reflect patterns of evolutionary convergence, or whether they are due to contrasting characteristics of major seed plant lineages. We reevaluated a published data set for these seven traits measured in over 100 species, using phylogenetic independent contrasts calculated over a range of alternative seed plant phylogenies derived from recent molecular systematic analyses. In general, pairwise correlations among these seven traits were similar with and without consideration of phylogeny, and results were robust over a range of alternative phylogenies. We also evaluated relationships between these seven traits and lamina area, another important aspect of leaf function, and found moderate correlations with specific leaf area (0.64), mass-based photosynthesis (0.54), area-based nitrogen (−0.56), and leaf life span (−0.42). However, several of these correlations were markedly reduced using independent contrasts; for example, the correlation between leaf life span and lamina area was reduced to close to zero. This change reflects the large differences in both these traits between conifers and angiosperms and the absence of a relationship between the traits within these groups. This analysis illustrates that most interspecific relationships among leaf functional traits, considered across a broad range of seed plant taxa, reflect significant patterns of correlated evolutionary change, lending further support to the adaptive interpretation of these relationships.  相似文献   

叶物候、构建消耗和偿还时间对入侵植物碳积累的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王睿芳  冯玉龙 《生态学报》2009,29(5):2568-2577
随着全球经济一体化进程的深入,生物入侵已成为严重的全球性问题之一.外来种入侵打破了物种生存的自然平衡,导致生态系统趋于均质化,并给社会经济发展和人类健康造成了无法估量的损失.然而,目前人们对外来种的入侵机理仍不十分清楚.叶物候如叶片发生时间、凋落时间、及由二者决定的叶寿命和叶片发育进程是植物在季节和非季节性变化的环境中为了获得碳收益所采取的适应策略.叶构建消耗是植物碳收获过程中必要的成本投入,反映了植物在叶片水平上的能量分配策略.偿还时间能在一定程度上反映叶片碳的积累情况.从叶物候、构建消耗和偿还时间入手,分析了入侵植物的资源捕获能力和成本对其碳积累的影响,并提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

Relationships between the distribution and specific leaf area (SLA: leaf area per unit dry mass) of six heath (Ericaceae) species were investigated along an environmental gradient between peat bogs and conifer forest in British Columbia, Canada. I asked whether patterns in SLA could help to identify the processes shaping plant distributional patterns. Specifically, I assessed whether (i) species’ distributions across the environmental gradient are correlated with SLA (ii) relationships between plant distributional patterns and SLA are similar among bogs with different shrub species (iii) intraspecific patterns in SLA parallel interspecific relationships between distributions and SLA, and (iv) intraspecific patterns are environmentally determined. Results showed that distributional patterns were often correlated with SLA; species with lower SLA were more abundant towards the centre of bogs, while species with higher SLA were more abundant in forest. Intraspecific patterns in SLA paralleled distributional patterns across the gradient; individuals located towards the centre of bogs had lower SLA than those growing in forest. A transplantation experiment showed that plants typically altered their SLA according to local environmental conditions. However, one bog showed no relationship between species’ distributions and SLA. This bog lacked the two species with lowest SLA, which typically occurred at the centre of other bogs. In their absence, species with higher SLA that typically occurred in forest increased in abundance towards the centre of the bog, where they obtained lower values of SLA. Therefore, while distributional patterns were often closely associated with SLA, plasticity in SLA was associated with increased breadth of species’ distributions across the gradient. Overall results indicate SLA may serve as a useful proxy for a range of life history traits to help elucidate the processes structuring plant communities.  相似文献   

以海南岛吊罗山热带山地雨林101个物种的幼苗幼树为试验材料,测定其光合、叶片氮、磷含量及比叶面积;检验其相关关系,并按乔木,乔灌木(小乔木至大灌木)和灌木3个生活型组进行分组检验。研究结果表明,单位叶面积(Aarea)和单位叶重量的光合速率(Amass)均表现出灌木>乔木>乔灌木,方差分析表明,灌木和乔灌木之间Aarea差异显著;灌木和乔木以及灌木和乔灌木之间Amass差异显著(p<0.05)。Aarea与叶氮含量之间的相关性在不同生态型组和所有物种之间均达到极显著水平(p<0.0001);与叶磷之间的相关关系在灌木(p=0.0038),乔灌木(p=0.0002)以及所有物种(p<0.0001)之间达到极显著水平,但是在乔木中未达到显著水平(p>0.05);与SLA之间在灌木(p=0.0006)、乔木(p<0.0001)和所有物种(p<0.0001)之间达到极显著水平,但是在乔灌木中未达到显著水平(p>0.05)。Amass与叶片氮含量、SLA的相关关系在不同生活型组和所有物种中都达到极显著水平(p<0.0001);与叶磷含量之间的相关性在灌木(p=0.0004),乔灌木(p=0.0018)及所有物种(p<0.0001)中极显著,在乔木生活型组中也达显著水平(p=0.0377)。逐步回归表明,与Aarea相比,Amass估计结果更接近于实际测值。由此可见,海南岛热带山地雨林林下幼苗幼树的光合和叶氮、磷含量及SLA之间相关关系与基于成树的研究非常相似,并且A比A更能稳定体现这种相关性。  相似文献   

To arrive at a better understanding of variation in specific leaf mass (SLM, leaf weight per unit leaf area), we investigated the chemical composition and anatomical structure of the leaves of 14 grass species varying in potential relative growth rate. Expressed on a dry weight basis, the fast-growing grass species with low SLM contained relatively more minerals and organic N-compounds, whereas slow-growing species with high SLM contained more (hemi)cellulose and lignin. However, when expressed per unit leaf area, organic N-compounds, (hemi)cellulose, total structural carbohydrates and organic acids increased with increasing SLM. For the 14 grasses, no trend with SLM was found for the leaf volume per unit leaf area. Leaf density was positively correlated with SLM. Variation in density was not caused by variation in the proportion of intercellular spaces. The proportion of the total volume occupied by mesophyll and veins did not differ either. A high SLM was caused, at least partly, by a high proportion of non-veinal sclerenchymatic cells per cross-section. The epidermal cell area was negatively correlated with SLM. We conclude that the differences in SLM and in the relative growth rate (RGR) between fast- and slow-growing grass species are based partly on variation in anatomical differentiation and partly on chemical differences within cell types.  相似文献   

比叶面积(SLA)能够反映植物自身生长对策、对光能的捕获能力、对外界环境变化的适应和对可利用资源的分配策略,对植物的生境适应状况和群落的自然演替程度也起到重要的指示作用。为了深入了解温带森林植物SLA随空间变化的变异特征及其影响因素,跨越1200 km选取中国东北部12个典型温带森林(寒温带兴安落叶松林、温带红松针阔混交林和暖温带落叶阔叶栎林),通过对样地内物种进行系统性的调查,分析了植物SLA在空间上的变化规律及环境因素的影响效应。结果显示:中国温带森林植物SLA范围为2.02—99.65 m~2/kg(均值为34.18 m~2/kg),其中乔木SLA范围为2.02—58.74 m~2/kg(均值为21.32 m~2/kg),灌木SLA范围为2.88—99.65 m~2/kg(均值为31.60 m~2/kg),草本SLA范围为4.66—98.53 m~2/kg(均值为38.75 m~2/kg)。SLA在不同森林类型之间差异显著,具体表现为:温带红松针阔混交林>暖温带落叶阔叶栎林>寒温带兴安落叶松林。SLA受到气候因素和土壤因素的影响,其中随着年均降水、土壤碳氮含量的增加显...  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):179-188
Background: High values of specific leaf area (SLA) are generally associated with high maximal growth rates in resource-rich conditions, such as mesic climates and fertile soils. However, fire may complicate this relationship since its frequency varies with both climate and soil fertility, and fire frequency selects for regeneration strategies (resprouting versus seeding) that are not independent of resource-acquisition strategies. Shared ancestry is also expected to affect the distribution of resource-use and regeneration traits.

Aims: We examined climate, soil, and fire as drivers of community-level variation in a key functional trait, SLA, in chaparral in California.

Methods: We quantified the phylogenetic, functional, and environmental non-independence of key traits for 87 species in 115 plots.

Results: Among species, SLA was higher in resprouters than seeders, although not after phylogeny correction. Among communities, mean SLA was lower in harsh interior climates, but in these climates it was higher on more fertile soils and on more recently burned sites; in mesic coastal climates, mean SLA was uniformly high despite variation in soil fertility and fire history.

Conclusions: We conclude that because important correlations exist among both species traits and environmental filters, interpreting the functional and phylogenetic structure of communities may require an understanding of complex interactive effects.  相似文献   

江西九连山常绿阔叶林主要树种叶建成消耗的比较   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
叶建成消耗(或叶构建消耗)是指构建单位质量(面积)叶片所需要的葡萄糖当量,是植物碳收获过程中必要的成本投资.反映植物在叶片水平上的能量和碳分配策略。基于热值、灰份含量、叶氮含量和比叶面积的测定,估算了江西九连山常绿阔叶林16个主要树种的叶建成消耗,分析比较了不同树种、不同叶寿命、比叶面积和冠层不同部位对叶建成消耗的影响。结果表明,热值组分的变化对单位质量叶建成消耗的影响最大;树种间单位质量叶建成消耗的差异不大(变化率仅3%~6%),但其单位面积叶建成消耗则存在显著差异(变化率达27%~28%);热值和单位质量叶建成消耗与比叶面积密切相关,而比叶面积随取样高度呈显著的降低趋势,最终导致热值及单位质量和单位面积的叶建成消耗均随取样高度呈显著的增加趋势。研究结果指出:(1)较高的叶建成消耗是由于植物叶片内含有较高能量投资的化学组分;(2)叶建成消耗和比叶面积随取样高度的变化综合反映了植物对光照和水分资源垂直梯度变化的可塑性适应。  相似文献   

Leaf dark respiration (R) is one of the most fundamental physiological processes in plants and is a major component of terrestrial CO2 input to the atmosphere. Still, it is unclear how predictably species vary in R along broad climate gradients. Data for R and other key leaf traits were compiled for 208 woody species from 20 sites around the world. We quantified relationships between R and site climate, and climate-related variation in relationships between R and other leaf traits. Species at higher-irradiance sites had higher mean R at a given leaf N concentration, specific leaf area (SLA), photosynthetic capacity (Amass) or leaf lifespan than species at lower-irradiance sites. Species at lower-rainfall sites had higher mean R at a given SLA or Amass than species at higher-rainfall sites. On average, estimated field rates of R were higher at warmer sites, while no trend with site temperature was seen when R was adjusted to a standard measurement temperature. Our findings should prove useful for modelling plant nutrient and carbon budgets, and for modelling vegetation shifts with climate change.  相似文献   

We measured specific leaf area (SLA) and six of its determinants (the thickness of lamina, mesophyll, epidermis, mid-vein and mid-vein support tissues and leaf water content) in a collection of 22 herbaceous species grown in factorial combinations of high μ 1100 (mol m–2 s–1) and low (200) irradiance crossed with high (1 : 1) and low (1 : 6 dilution) concentrations of a modified Hoagland hydroponic solution. SLA increased with both decreasing irradiance and with increasing nutrient availability but there was a strong interaction between the two. Lamina and mesophyll thickness both increased with increasing irradiance and nutrient availability without any interaction. The experimental treatments had complicated effects on mid-vein thickness and its support tissues. Leaf water content (a measure of leaf tissue density) decreased with increasing irradiance levels and with decreasing nutrient supply, but with an interaction between the two treatments. Changes in nutrient supply had no effect on SLA at high irradiance because leaf thickness and leaf tissue density changed in a compensatory way. A path analysis revealed that each of the components affected SLA when the others were statistically controlled but the strengths of the effects of mesophyll thickness, mid-vein thickness and water content differed between treatment groups. The effect of epidermal thickness on SLA was constant across environments and it showed no significant covariation with the other determinants. There was significant covariation between mesophyll thickness, mid-vein thickness and water content and this covariation was constant across the treatment groups.  相似文献   

韦兰英  上官周平   《生态学报》2008,28(6):2526-2526~2535
对黄土高原不同退耕年限坡地植物比叶面积(SLA)和养分含量进行研究,探明其随生境条件而发生的变异及其与土壤理化特性之间的关系.结果表明,立地和物种水平植物SLA存在显著差异,SLA变化范围各不相同,植物叶片C、N和P含量以及C/N 、N/P和C/P在不同退耕年限坡地间不具有一致性的变化,这表明不同物种叶性因子随生境发生的变化较为复杂.草地植物叶片SLA和叶片C含量为负相关,与N、P含量呈极显著的正相关(P<0.01).土壤理化特性对叶片SLA和养分含量的关系因物种而异,综合所有植物进行分析,土壤理化特性与植物SLA的相关性不明显,但与叶片养分含量关系密切.所以,生境条件的差异可能是植物叶片结构特性和养分组成发生变化的重要原因,但调控植物叶性特征的因素较为复杂,不同的植物具有各自相应的对生境条件的适应机制.  相似文献   

东北次生林主要树种比叶面积对光照强度的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过测定不同光照条件下(15%透光、30%透光、60%透光、全光)东北次生林主要树种(红松、红皮云杉、胡桃楸、水曲柳和黄波罗)的比叶面积,探讨了不同树种对光照变化的响应与适应。结果表明:不同树种比叶面积存在明显的差异,尤其是常绿针叶树种与落叶树种之间差异显著(P<0.001),指示不同功能型树种存在不同的生存策略;随着光照强度降低,所有树种比叶面积呈现增加的趋势,尤其是弱光照(15%)和低光照(30%)相对于全光和中光照(60%)差异显著(P<0.05);不同树种比叶面积随光照强度的变化幅度明显不同,且变化最显著的光照区域也有所不同;不同年龄红松比叶面积的变化趋势一致,但变幅不同,4年生幼苗对光照响应则更为明显。本研究结果表明,所有树种均能通过改变叶形态来适应光照条件的变化,在低光条件下通过增加单位质量叶面积,提高叶片光捕获能力;但各树种对光照强度变化的不同响应则表明树种之间不同的光适应机制,这对森林生态系统内部树种的共生具有重要意义;年龄较小的幼苗对光照的强响应指示其在植物更新过程中叶片水平上生理生态学机理研究中的重要性。  相似文献   

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