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Foraging for light: photosensory ecology and agricultural implications   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
This mini-review is concerned with one of the facets of the sensory physiology of plants that, in the last decade, has been intensively studied using genetically altered plants and eco-physiological techniques – the perception of the proximity of neighbouring plants through specific informational photoreceptors. We focus on the signalling mechanisms that allow individual shoots to ‘forage’ for light in patchy and highly dynamic canopy environments. We present evidence from recent experiments suggesting that the fitness of each individual plant in the population, the growth of the population as a whole, and the degree of growth inequality among neighbours are all strongly dependent on the timing and precision of foraging mechanisms controlled, at least partially, by phytochrome-B-like phytochromes. This evidence is discussed in the context of potential impacts on yield of agricultural crops resulting from the artificial alteration of plant sensitivity to proximity photo-signals. Directed overexpression of phytochrome genes appears to be an interesting avenue to explore in order to alter the photomorphogenesis of specific organs (or developmental stages) without affecting the overall ability of the plants to forage for light.  相似文献   

A comparative ecological investigation of two related mayfly nymphs   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Zusammenfassung Heptagenia sulphurea wird auf Steinen, H. fuscogrisea in der Vegetation von Fließgewässern gefunden (Fig. 2).In Experimenten wählte H. sulphurea Steine und groben Kies. H. fuscogrisea wählte Batrachium als Substrat, nur ein geringer Anteil der Larven fand sich auf Callitriche (Fig. 3).Die Zeit, die zwischen Loslassen und erneutem Anhaften auf dem Substrat im strömenden Milieu verstreicht, war unterschiedlich bei den zwei Spezies. Die auf Steinen lebende Art reagierte schneller als die aus der Vegetation. H. sulphurea verhielt sich, wenn sie von der Strömung ergriffen worden war, ziemlich passiv, doch trug die turbulente Strömung das Tier dem Substrat zu, so hatte es gewöhnlich sicheren Halt.Im Strömungsaquarium bevorzugt H. sulphurea die strömungsexponierten Bereiche, aber viele waren auch im ruhigen Wasser (Fig. 5).Wurde H. fuscogrisea von der Strömung ergriffen, so führte sie Schwimmbewegungen aus. Erreicht sie eine Haltmöglichkeit an strömungsexponiertem Platz, so wird sie oft weitergetragen. Die Tiere lassen sie meist in ruhigem Wasser nieder.Im Strömungsaquarium bevorzugt H. fuscogrisea überwiegend die Regionen ruhigen Wassers (Fig. 5).Die Zeit zwischen Loslassen und Festsetzen war deutlich durch die Temperatur beeinflußt (Fig. 6).Der dichte Haarbesatz an der hinteren Kante der Femur von H. sulphurea wird als Anpassung an das Leben in der Strömung angesehen, weil er die Wirbelbildung herabsetzen kann. Der Haarbesatz entlang der Tibia bei H. fuscogrisea wird als Anpassung zum Schwimmen angesehen, zu dem these Spezies befähigt ist, wenn sie von der Strömung ergriffen wird (Fig. 8).Die Spezies von Steinen ist etwas mehr abgeflacht als die aus der Vegetation (Fig. 7).  相似文献   

The daily activity patterns of mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Nymphs of Baëtis rhodani (Pictet), Ephemerella ignita (Poda), Ecdyonurus venosus (Fabricius), Rhithrogena semicolorata (Curtis), and Heptagenia lateralis (Curtis) showed a similar endogenous rhythm of activity under conditions of natural illumination, continuous light and continuous darkness; and were most active at night when they moved from the lower to the upper surface of the stone. The nymphs were positively thigmotactic and negatively phototactic in flowing water, but these taxes and the endogenous activity rhythm of all species except Heptagenia lateralis changed markedly when the flow of water ceased.  相似文献   

Nocturnal drift of mayfly nymphs as a post-contact antipredator mechanism   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. The predominantly nocturnal constrained drift of stream invertebrates is commonly regarded as a behaviour that avoids encounters with visually foraging fish in the water column. The alternative explanation, that drift peaks are caused by bottom-feeding, nocturnal predators, has rarely been tested.
2. We examined these hypotheses by collecting invertebrate drift in five streams in northern Finland: one with brown trout ( Salmo trutta , a drift-feeding fish), one with alpine bullhead ( Cottus poecilopus , a benthic fish), one with both species, and two fishless streams.
3. Drift by Baetis mayflies was aperiodic or slightly diurnal in both fishless streams on all sampling occasions. In contrast, drift was nocturnal in streams with trout and, to a lesser extent, in the stream with bullhead. Non-dipteran prey drifted mainly nocturnally in all streams with fish, whereas Diptera larvae were less responsive to the presence of fish.
4. In laboratory experiments, bullheads were night-active, causing a much higher frequency of drift by touching Baetis at night than during the day. Thus, increased nocturnal drift may serve to avoid both visual predators (a pre-contact response) and benthic fish (a post-contact response). In streams with bottom-feeding fish, nocturnal drift should be caused by increased drift by night rather than by reduced drift by day.  相似文献   

Three new species of mayfly nymphs, Clavineta excavata sp. nov., Clavineta brevinodia sp. nov., and Siberiogenites branchicillus sp. nov., from the Yixian Formation (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) in western Liaoning Province, China, are described. These mature nymphs are small-sized, with the body less than 16.0 mm long. The systematic position of the genera Clavineta and Siberiogenites, which are recorded for the first time in the Yixian Formation, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We studied antipredatory responses of lotic mayfly (Baetis) nymphs in a factorial experiment with four levels of fish presence: (1) a freely foraging fish (the European minnow,Phoxinus phoxinus), (2) a constrained fish, (3) water from a fish stream, (4) water from a fishless stream. LargeBaetis nymphs drifted mainly during night-time in treatments involving either the chemical or actual presence of fish, whereas no diel periodicity was observed when the water was not conditioned with fish odour. The response was strongest when the fish was uncaged, which suggests that visual or hydrodynamic cues are needed in addition to chemical ones for an accurate assessment of predation risk. Fish presence had no effect on the drift rates of small nymphs. Instead, they increased their refuge use in the presence of a live fish. Chemical cues alone did not have any effect on the refuge use of any of theBaetis size classes. Our results indicate active drift entry by mayfly nymphs. Because predation pressure is spatially and temporally variable, nymphs must sample the environment in order to locate predator-free areas or areas with low predation risk. Drifting should be the most energy-saving way to do this. To avoid the risk from visually feeding fish, large individuals can sample safely (i.e. enter drift) only at night-time, while the small ones can also do this safely during the day. We suggest that, contrary to some earlier assumptions, mayfly drift is not a fixed prey response. Instead,Baetis nymphs are able to assess the prevailing predation pressure, and they adjust their foraging behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Candidate genes for behavioural ecology   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In spite of millions of years of evolutionary divergence, the conservation of gene function is common across distant lineages. As such, genes that are known to influence behaviour in one organism are likely to influence similar behaviours in other organisms. Recent studies of the evolution of behaviour and morphological adaptation support this notion. Thus, the candidate gene approach offers great potential to expand our understanding of behavioural ecology. Changes in the expression of candidate genes can reveal their contribution to behavioural variation and/or phenotypic plasticity. Knowledge of gene function also enables experimental manipulation of behaviour in the lab and in the field. The candidate gene approach provides an accessible and useful tool for generating insights about animals that are not typically associated with genetic experimentation.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated by using a serological technique that Polycelis nigra (Müller) and P. tennis (Tjima) feed on mayfly and stonefly nymphs in unproductive lakes. Such feeding is less in productive lakes where these insects form a smaller proportion of the invertebrate fauna of the stony littoral zone. These nymphs form a significantly larger part of the diet of P. nigra than of P. tenuis; both triclad species feed more on stoneflies than mayflies.  相似文献   

Tommy I. Olsson 《Ecography》1983,6(4):333-339
Seasonal variations in the lateral distribution of mayfly nymphs were investigated in the North Swedish river Vindelälven; a river with large seasonal differences in water level, current velocity and ice conditions, A total of 22 mayfly species about equally divided between summer and winter species were found along a single transect. At low water level in late summer and autumn most species were distributed over the whole transect. In winter the populations occupying the littoral moved into deeper water, so avoiding the ice. Only very small mortalities were detected in the ice. Prior to the spring flood most characteristically still water species moved to the shallow uppermost littoral while lotic species and the burrowing Ephemera vulgata L. did not show the same aggregation near the shore. It is suggested that these lateral movements allow the nymphs to avoid adverse environmental conditions and to exploit food resources over the whole transect.  相似文献   

With the exception of a few model species, individual differences in cognition remain relatively unstudied in non-human animals. One intriguing possibility is that variation in cognition is functionally related to variation in personality. Here, we review some examples and present hypotheses on relationships between personality (or behavioural syndromes) and individual differences in cognitive style. Our hypotheses are based largely on a connection between fast-slow behavioural types (BTs; e.g. boldness, aggressiveness, exploration tendency) and cognitive speed-accuracy trade-offs. We also discuss connections between BTs, cognition and ecologically important aspects of decision-making, including sampling, impulsivity, risk sensitivity and choosiness. Finally, we introduce the notion of cognition syndromes, and apply ideas from theories on adaptive behavioural syndromes to generate predictions on cognition syndromes.  相似文献   

Four new species of mayfly nymphs, Furvoneta relicta sp. nov., Clavineta eximia sp. nov. (originally Mesoneta antiqua), Mesobaetis latifilamentacea sp. nov., and Stackelbergisca cylindrata sp. nov. are described from the Jurassic of China. All these species may have inhabited lakes rather than flowing water. The geological age and stratigraphical correlation of the nymph-bearing strata are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Feeding patterns of Locusta migratoria L. nymphs, kept under LD 12:12 at 30°C with ample food, were analysed over the first 6 days of the fifth instar. A number of differences were found between the light and dark phases. (1) More was eaten during the light than the dark, with the differences becoming progressively larger over the 6 days. (2) During light phases most insects showed an increasing tendency to feed with time since the last meal, while in the dark the probability of starting to feed remained constant. (3) There was little variation in feeding patterns within the light phase, but marked changes occurred within the dark phase, feeding declining to a low level in the last 4h. The amount eaten during a meal was regulated similarly in the light and dark, with time rather than amount eaten being of paramount importance in terminating a meal. The time when feeding started was somewhat influenced by the size of the preceding meal, but once feeding began meal size was largely independent of the preceding meal. The importance of food quality in determining the pattern of feeding is discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluate the empirical and theoretical support for the hypothesis that a large proportion of native species richness is required to maximize ecosystem stability and sustain function. This assessment is important for conservation strategies because sustenance of ecosystem functions has been used as an argument for the conservation of species. If ecosystem functions are sustained at relatively low species richness, then arguing for the conservation of ecosystem function, no matter how important in its own right, does not strongly argue for the conservation of species. Additionally, for this to be a strong conservation argument the link between species diversity and ecosystem functions of value to the human community must be clear. We review the empirical literature to quantify the support for two hypotheses: (1) species richness is positively correlated with ecosystem function, and (2) ecosystem functions do not saturate at low species richness relative to the observed or experimental diversity. Few empirical studies demonstrate improved function at high levels of species richness. Second, we analyze recent theoretical models in order to estimate the level of species richness required to maintain ecosystem function. Again we find that, within a single trophic level, most mathematical models predict saturation of ecosystem function at a low proportion of local species richness. We also analyze a theoretical model linking species number to ecosystem stability. This model predicts that species richness beyond the first few species does not typically increase ecosystem stability. One reason that high species richness may not contribute significantly to function or stability is that most communities are characterized by strong dominance such that a few species provide the vast majority of the community biomass. Rapid turnover of species may rescue the concept that diversity leads to maximum function and stability. The role of turnover in ecosystem function and stability has not been investigated. Despite the recent rush to embrace the linkage between biodiversity and ecosystem function, we find little support for the hypothesis that there is a strong dependence of ecosystem function on the full complement of diversity within sites. Given this observation, the conservation community should take a cautious view of endorsing this linkage as a model to promote conservation goals. Received: 2 September 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Behavioural habituation† of Schistocerca gregaria Forskål fifth instar larvae to a feeding deterrent, nicotine hydrogen tartrate (NHT), is described. An attempt was made to differentiate between various factors possibly involved in the induction of this behavioural habituation. Sensory stimulation (through maxillary palp), cannulation of NHT into the crop, and its administration by gelatine capsules placed into the oesophagus each resulted in behavioural habituation, but in the latter two cases a sole induction via post-ingestional input is not completely proven. Injection of NHT into the haemolymph did not induce habituation. It is concluded that habituation via sensory stimulation is a central phenomenon.  相似文献   

Strongman DB  White MM 《Mycologia》2011,103(1):219-225
Trichomycetes are an ecological group of fungi and protists that colonize the gut lining of invertebrates in aquatic and moist terrestrial habitats. The diversity of this group appears to be high with many new species discovered each year. A new genus of fungal trichomycete, Trifoliellum (Harpellales), is described here with the type species T. bioblitzii. This genus is characterized by having unique, trefoil-shaped asexual spores (trichospores). Another new species, Legeriosimilis halifaxensis, also is described from the same mayfly host, Eurylophella temporalis, collected from the same site near Halifax, Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

Oecologia - Prey modify their behavior in response to variation in predation risk, and such modifications can affect trophic processes such as disease transmission. However, variation in predation...  相似文献   

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