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We used a novel, nonintrusive experimental system to examine plant responses to warming and drought across a climatic and geographical latitudinal gradient of shrubland ecosystems in four sites from northern to southern Europe (UK, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Spain). In the first two years of experimentation reported here, we measured plant cover and biomass by the pinpoint method, plant 14C uptake, stem and shoot growth, flowering, leaf chemical concentration, litterfall, and herbivory damage in the dominant plant species of each site. The two years of approximately 1°C experimental warming induced a 15% increase in total aboveground plant biomass growth in the UK site. Both direct and indirect effects of warming, such as longer growth season and increased nutrient availability, are likely to be particularly important in this and the other northern sites which tend to be temperature-limited. In the water-stressed southern site, there was no increase in total aboveground plant biomass growth as expected since warming increases water loss, and temperatures in those ecosystems are already close to the optimum for photosynthesis. The southern site presented instead the most negative response to the drought treatment consisting of a soil moisture reduction at the peak of the growing season ranging from 33% in the Spanish site to 82% in The Netherlands site. In the Spanish site there was a 14% decrease in total aboveground plant biomass growth relative to control. Flowering was decreased by drought (up to 24% in the UK and 40% in Spain). Warming and drought decreased litterfall in The Netherlands site (33% and 37%, respectively) but did not affect it in the Spanish site. The tissue P concentrations generally decreased and the N/P ratio increased with warming and drought except in the UK site, indicating a progressive importance of P limitation as a consequence of warming and drought. The magnitude of the response to warming and drought was thus very sensitive to differences among sites (cold-wet northern sites were more sensitive to warming and the warm-dry southern site was more sensitive to drought), seasons (plant processes were more sensitive to warming during the winter than during the summer), and species. As a result of these multiple plant responses, ecosystem and community level consequences may be expected.  相似文献   

Precipitation variability has been predicted to increase in a global warmer climate, and is expected to greatly affect plant growth, interspecies interactions, plant community composition, and other ecosystem processes. Although previous studies have investigated the effect of intra-annual rainfall variability on plant growth and ecosystem dynamics, the impacts of interannual rainfall variability remain understudied. This paper uses satellite data and develops a new mechanistic model to investigate the response of tree–grass composition to increasing interannual rainfall variability in arid to sub-humid ecosystems along the Kalahari Transect in Southern Africa. Both satellite data and model results show that increasing interannual rainfall fluctuations favor deep-rooted trees over shallow-rooted grasses in drier environments (that is, mean annual rainfall, MAP < 900–1000 mm) but favor grasses over trees in wetter environments (that is, MAP > 900–1000 mm). Trees have a competitive advantage over grasses in dry environments because their generally deeper root systems allow them to have exclusive access to the increased deep soil water resources expected to occur in wet years as a result of the stronger interannual rainfall fluctuations. In relatively wet environments, grasses are favored because of their high growth rate that allows them to take advantage of the window of opportunity existing in years with above average precipitation and thus increase fire-induced tree mortality. Thus, under increasing interannual rainfall fluctuations both direct effects on soil water availability and indirect effects mediated by tree–grass interactions and fire dynamics are expected to play an important role in determining changes in plant community composition.  相似文献   

Biotic and abiotic factors can influence interactions between microbial grazers and their prey, thus impacting both the cycling of biogenic carbon within the surface layer of the ocean and the export of carbon to the deep ocean and higher trophic levels. In this study, microcosm experiments were used to evaluate the combined effect of temperature and turbulence on the growth rate of a marine bacterium (Vibrio splendidus), a protistan predator (Paraphysomonas sp.), and the community grazing impact of Paraphysomonas sp. on V. splendidus. It was found that the artificial turbulence generated (1.35 × 10−1 cm2 s−3) significantly increased the rates of growth of Paraphysomonas sp. at high (>10°C), but not low (<5°C) temperatures, and that turbulence had no effect on the growth of V. splendidus. Both flagellate and bacterial growth were temperature dependent and decreased 4- to 6-fold as temperatures decreased from 15 to 0°C. Bacterial grazing mortality by Paraphysomonas sp. was 1.3- to 2.5-fold greater in the turbulent than static treatments among all four temperatures, and the rates of cell-specific ingestion of bacteria by Paraphysomonas sp. was 2-fold greater at 15 and 10°C in the turbulent than in the static treatment. Hence, this study shows that turbulence can influence nanoflagellate grazing at temperatures >5°C and suggests that at low temperatures, increased viscosity may limit the size of organisms that can be affected by small-scale turbulence.Present address (M.P. Delaney): Goddard Earth Sciences & Technology Center, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Mail Code 900.1, Greenbelt, MD 20771  相似文献   

Tundra vegetation is responding rapidly to on-going climate warming. The changes in plant abundance and chemistry might have cascading effects on tundra food webs, but an integrated understanding of how the responses vary between habitats and across environmental gradients is lacking. We assessed responses in plant abundance and plant chemistry to warmer climate, both at species and community levels, in two different habitats. We used a long-term and multisite warming (OTC) experiment in the Scandinavian forest?Ctundra ecotone to investigate (i) changes in plant community composition and (ii) responses in foliar nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon-based secondary compound concentrations in two dominant evergreen dwarf-shrubs (Empetrum hermaphroditum and Vaccinium vitis-idaea) and two deciduous shrubs (Vaccinium myrtillus and Betula nana). We found that initial plant community composition, and the functional traits of these plants, will determine the responsiveness of the community composition, and thus community traits, to experimental warming. Although changes in plant chemistry within species were minor, alterations in plant community composition drive changes in community-level nutrient concentrations. In view of projected climate change, our results suggest that plant abundance will increase in the future, but nutrient concentrations in the tundra field layer vegetation will decrease. These effects are large enough to have knock-on consequences for major ecosystem processes like herbivory and nutrient cycling. The reduced food quality could lead to weaker trophic cascades and weaker top down control of plant community biomass and composition in the future. However, the opposite effects in forest indicate that these changes might be obscured by advancing treeline forests.  相似文献   

We studied the vegetation, testate amoebae and abiotic variables (depth of the water table, pH, electrical conductivity, Ca and Mg concentrations of water extracted from mosses) along the bog to extremely rich fen gradient in sub-alpine peatlands of the Upper Engadine (Swiss Alps). Testate amoeba diversity was correlated to that of mosses but not of vascular plants. Diversity peaked in rich fen for testate amoebae and in extremely rich fen for mosses, while for testate amoebae and mosses it was lowest in bog but for vascular plants in extremely rich fen. Multiple factor and redundancy analyses (RDA) revealed a stronger correlation of testate amoebae than of vegetation to water table and hydrochemical variables and relatively strong correlation between testate amoeba and moss community data. In RDA, hydrochemical variables explained a higher proportion of the testate amoeba and moss data than water table depth. Abiotic variables explained a higher percentage of the species data for testate amoebae (30.3% or 19.5% for binary data) than for mosses (13.4%) and vascular plants (10%). These results show that (1) vascular plant, moss and testate amoeba communities respond differently to ecological gradients in peatlands and (2) testate amoebae are more strongly related than vascular plants to the abiotic factors at the mire surface. These differences are related to vertical trophic gradients and associated niche differentiation.  相似文献   

We explored the possible effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Arctic Oscillation (AO) on interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variations in the Alborán Sea, both separately and combined. The probability of observing mean annual SST values higher than average was related to NAO and AO values of the previous year. The effect of NAO on SST was negative, while that of AO was positive. The pure effects of NAO and AO on SST are obscuring each other, due to the positive correlation between them. When decomposing SST, NAO and AO in seasonal values, we found that variation in mean annual SST and mean winter SST was significantly related to the mean autumn NAO of the previous year, while mean summer SST was related to mean autumn AO of the previous year. The one year delay in the effect of the NAO and AO on the SST could be partially related to the amount of accumulated snow, as we found a significant correlation between the total snow in the North Alborán watershed for a year with the annual average SST of the subsequent year. A positive AO implies a colder atmosphere in the Polar Regions, which could favour occasional cold waves over the Iberian Peninsula which, when coupled with precipitations favoured by a negative NAO, may result in snow precipitation. This snow may be accumulated in the high peaks and melt down in spring-summer of the following year, which consequently increases the runoff of freshwater to the sea, which in turn causes a diminution of sea surface salinity and density, and blocks the local upwelling of colder water, resulting in a higher SST.  相似文献   

Forest regrowth after cropland abandonment and urban sprawl are two counteracting processes that have influenced carbon (C) sequestration in the southeastern United States in recent decades. In this study, we examined patterns of land-use/land-cover change and their effect on ecosystem C storage in three west Georgia counties (Muscogee, Harris, and Meriwether) that form a rural–urban gradient. Using time series Landsat imagery data including MSS for 1974, TM for 1983 and 1991, and ETM for 2002, we estimate that from 1974 to 2002, urban land use in the area has increased more than 380% (that is, 184 km2). Most newly urbanized land (63%) has been converted from forestland. Conversely, cropland and pasture area has decreased by over 59% (that is, 380 km2). Most of the cropland area was converted to forest. As a result, the net change in forest area was small over the past 29 years. Based on Landsat imagery and agricultural census records, we reconstructed an annual gridded data set of land-cover change for the three counties for the period 1850 to 2002. These data sets were then used as input to the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) to simulate land-use effects on C fluxes and storage for the study area. Simulated results suggest that C uptake by forest regrowth (approximately 23.0 g C m−2 y−1) was slightly greater than the amount of C released due to deforestation (approximately 18.4 g C m−2 y−1), thus making the three counties a weak C sink. However, the relative importance of different deforestation processes in this area changed significantly through time. Although agricultural deforestation was generally the most important C-release process, the amount of C release attributable to urbanization has increased over time. Since 1990, urbanization has accounted for 29% of total C loss from the study area. We conclude that balancing urban development and forest protection is critically important for C management and policy making in the southeastern United States.  相似文献   

Droughts associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected fishes of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in Suriname, South America. The mean rainfall in the period August to February in 22 El Niño years was 76.6% of the mean rainfall in the same months of non-El Niño years. In the period 1900–1999, three out of four years in which an extreme drought (rainfall less then 60% of the mean value) occurred were El Niño years. The recent 1997/1998 ENSO event caused the second most severe drought in a 100-year record. Drying up of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and rainforest creeks was observed during El Niño-related droughts. In the lagoons ariid catfish died first, followed by snook, tilapia, mullet and tarpon, respectively. Landings of lagoon fish were positively correlated with rainfall in the period August–February. During the El Niño-related drought we observed failure of reproduction in three species of callichthyid armoured catfish in both coastal freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in the interior. In the El Niño year 1997/1998, the no flow period of the rainforest creek was extended by four months beyond the long dry season and the dissolved oxygen levels in the dry-season pools dropped to 1.27mg O2l–1 (as compared to 4.53mg O2l–1 under running water conditions). Other fish species of the rainforest creek also showed decreased reproductive success in the El Niño year. We suggest that the stochastic effects of El Niño-related drought may be an important non-equilibrium component in the ecology of neotropical inland fish communities.  相似文献   

This paper models the prisoner’s dilemma game based on pairwise comparison in finite populations on a complete oriented star (COS). First, we derive a linear system on a COS for calculating the corresponding fixation probabilities that imply dependence of the selection temperature and mutation. Then we observe and analyze the effects of two parameters on fixation probability under different population sizes. In particular, it is found through the experimental results that (1) high mutation is more sensitive to the fixation probability than the low one when population size is increasing, while the opposite is the case when the number of cooperators is increasing, and (2) selection temperature demotes the fixation probability.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on natural Korean fir forests (Abies koreana) growing In Mount Halla in Jeju Island, Korea (33°13-36′ N and 126° 12-57′ E). Mount Halla is the highest mountain (1950 m a.s.l.) in South Korea. On the Korean fir forests near the top of Mount Halla in Korea, we established permanent plots between dieback and healthy population. Each permanent plot includes both dieback and relatively healthy Korean fir individuals. Three sites in this study showed similar altitude, topographic position, aspects, slope, diameter at breast height, average height and ages. Net photosynthetic rates (PN) on different temperature regimes were evaluated to explain the forest dieback phenomenon on Korean fir populations. Light response curves were determined on three different temperature regimes: 15℃, 20℃and 25℃. The Irradiance response curve showed higher values in lower air temperatures. Generally, Irradiance response curves of healthy Korean fir populations were higher than the dieback population at all sites.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identified the best species–area relationship (SAR) models from amongst 28 different models gathered from the literature, using an artificial predator–prey simulation (EcoSim), along with investigating how sampling approaches and sampling scales affect SARs. Further, we attempted to determine a plausible interpretation of SAR model coefficients for the best performing SAR models. This is the most extensive quantitatively based investigation of the species–area relationship so far undertaken in the literature.We gathered 28 different models from the literature and fitted them to sampling data from EcoSim using non-linear regression and ΔAICc as the goodness-of-fit criterion. Afterwards, we proposed a machine-learning approach to find plausible relationships between the models’ coefficients and the spatial information that likely affect SARs, as a basis for extracting rules that provide an interpretation of SAR coefficients.We found the power function family to be a reasonable choice and in particular the Plotkin function based on ΔAICc ranking. The Plotkin function was consistently in the top three in terms of the best ranked SAR functions. Furthermore, the simple power function was the best-ranked model in nested sampling amongst models with two coefficients. We found that the Plotkin, quadratic power, Morgan–Mercer–Floid and the generalized cumulative Weibull functions are the best ranked models for small, intermediate, large, and very large scales, respectively, in nested sampling, while Plotkin (in small to intermediate scales) and Chapman–Richards (in large to very large scales) are the best ranked functions in random sampling. Finally, based on rule extractions using machine-learning techniques we were able to find interpretations of the coefficients for the simple and extended power functions. For instance, function coefficients corresponded to sampling scale size, patch number, fractal dimension, average patch size, and spatial complexity.Our main conclusions are that SAR models are highly dependent on sampling scale and sampling approach and that the shape of the best ranked SAR model is convex without an asymptote for smaller scales (small, intermediate) and it is sigmoid for larger scales (large and very large). For some of the SAR model coefficients, there are clear correlations with spatial information, thereby providing an interpretation of these coefficients. In addition, the slope z measuring the rate of species increase for SAR models in the power function family was found to be directly proportional to beta diversity, which confirms the view that beta diversity and SAR models are to some extent both measures of species richness.  相似文献   

The Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau is a very large land unit and an important terrestrial ecosystem within the Eurasian continent. Because of the harsh climate associated with the high altitude, alpine meadows on the plateau are susceptible to degradation from overgrazing. For this region, and for other alpine meadow pastures internationally, there is a need to define the sustainable stocking rate, to develop sound policy pertaining to future land use. Here we report biomass and liveweight gain per animal and per ha for pastures grazed by yaks at high, medium, or low stocking rates over 4 growing seasons from 2010 to 2013. Measures of herbage nutritive value are reported. The influence of inter-year variation in precipitation on standing herbage biomass was also evaluated. Higher precipitation increased standing herbage biomass and herbage nutritive value, indicating that vegetation suffered summer water deficit even in this environment. The sustainable stocking rate in this environment was determined to be approximately 1 yak ha-1 (grown from 80 kg to 120 kg liveweight in 90 d). At this stocking rate, yak weight gain per ha was 88% of that achieved at higher stocking rates typically used by farmers, but with little or no evidence of land degradation.  相似文献   

Some of the sleep disruption seen in seniors (>65 yrs) may be due to alteration of the circadian pacemaker phase and/or its phase angle with bedtime. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 2 h changes in the timing of bedtime (both earlier and later) on the sleep of seniors. Ten healthy seniors (9 F, 1 M, age 70–82 yrs) were each studied individually during three 120 h sessions (each separated by >2 weeks) in a time‐isolation laboratory. On nights 1 and 2, bedtime and rise‐time occurred at the subjects' habitual times; on nights 3–5, bedtime was specified by the experiment, but rise‐time was at the subjects' discretion (without knowledge of clock time). Under the control condition, subjects went to bed at their habitual bedtime (HBT), under the earlier bedtime condition at (HBT?2 h), and under the later bedtime condition at (HBT+2 h). Sleep was polysomnnographically recorded and rectal temperature continuously monitored. Although total sleep time increased in the earlier compared to the later condition (p<0.01), sleep efficiency decreased and wake after sleep onset increased (p<0.01). Subjective ratings of sleep were also worse under the earlier (HBT?2 h) than under later (HBT+ 2 h) condition (p<0.05). Performance did not differ between the earlier and later conditions. The larger the phase angle between actual bedtime and circadian temperature minimum (Tmin), the longer the time spent in bed and total sleep time, and the worse the sleep efficiency and subjective sleep ratings. There were no effects related to the phase angle between Tmin and rise‐time. The relative benefits of longer vs. more efficient sleep in the elderly require further investigation.  相似文献   

When planning a survey of 16S rRNA genes from a complex environment, investigators face many choices including which primers to use and how to taxonomically classify sequences. In this study, we explored how these choices affected a survey of microbial diversity in a sample taken from the aerobic basin of the activated sludge of a North Carolina wastewater treatment plant. We performed pyrosequencing reactions on PCR products generated from primers targeting the V1-V2, V6, and V6-V7 variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene. We compared these sequences to 16S rRNA gene sequences found in a whole-genome shotgun pyrosequencing run performed on the same sample. We found that sequences generated from primers targeting the V1-V2 variable region had the best match to the whole-genome shotgun reaction across a range of taxonomic classifications from phylum to family. Pronounced differences between primer sets, however, occurred in the “rare biosphere” involving taxa that we observed in fewer than 11 sequences. We also examined the results of analysis strategies comparing a classification scheme using a nearest-neighbor approach to directly classifying sequences with a naïve Bayesian algorithm. Again, we observed pronounced differences between these analysis schemes in infrequently observed taxa. We conclude that if a study is meant to probe the rare biosphere, both the experimental conditions and analysis choices will have a profound impact on the observed results.For nearly 3 decades, investigations of the distribution of microbes in complex environments have focused on the use of rRNA genes (1, 2, 4, 11, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24). Because the full-length 16S rRNA sequence can be obtained with paired-end reads via traditional Sanger sequencing, until recently most studies of the 16S rRNA gene captured most or nearly most of the 16S sequence length. New pyrosequencing technologies, however, have recently been introduced that greatly reduce the per base cost of sequencing but with shorter read lengths than traditional Sanger sequencing (17). This new approach has proven powerful, yielding a previously unobtainable view of rare taxa (7, 12-14, 25).The shorter reads produced by pyrosequencing require the choice of a particular region of the 16S rRNA gene to target for pyrosequencing as well as the choice of an algorithm to classify the taxonomy of the shorter reads. In their initial surveys of microbial diversity with pyrosequencing (12, 14, 25), Sogin and colleagues targeted the V6 variable region, in part because it is was small enough to be captured with the 100-bp reads of the pyrosequencing technology available at the time. Recently, the read length of 454 pyrosequencing machines has been increased to an average of ∼250 bp. This allows for more flexibility in primer design and opens up the possibility of targeting regions of the 16S rRNA gene other than V6. In recent work, Huse et al. took advantage of this new capability to compare the classifications made for the human gut microbiome with the V6 and longer V3 regions (13). Plotting the taxonomic abundance of these two sequence sets against each other yielded an excellent correlation (r2 = 0.99), suggesting that the choice of which variable region to target makes little difference. In this report, we introduce a data set examining the performance of sets of primers targeting the V1-V2, V6, and V6-V7 regions. By using a sample for which we have also generated a whole-genome shotgun sequencing run with 250 bp reads, we were able to compare the observed 16S rRNA genes in samples with and without an initial PCR step targeting the 16S rRNA gene. Our results demonstrate that experimental choices such as which region of the 16S rRNA gene to sequence and which algorithm to use to classify taxa are much more likely to affect observations of the “rare biosphere” than more commonly observed taxa.  相似文献   

Land use and climate change alter biodiversity patterns and ecosystem functioning worldwide. Land abandonment with consequent shrub encroachment and changes in precipitation gradients are known factors in global change. Yet, the consequences of interactions between these factors on the functional diversity of belowground communities remain insufficiently explored. Here, we investigated the dominant shrub effects on the functional diversity of soil nematode communities along a precipitation gradient on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. We collected three functional traits (life-history CP value, body mass, and diet) and calculated the functional alpha and beta diversity of nematode communities using kernel density n-dimensional hypervolumes. We found that shrubs did not significantly alter the functional richness and dispersion, but significantly decreased the functional beta diversity of nematode communities in a pattern of functional homogenization. Shrubs benefited nematodes with longer life-history, larger body mass, and higher trophic levels. Moreover, the shrub effects on the functional diversity of nematodes depended strongly on precipitation. Increasing precipitation reversed the effects shrubs have on the functional richness and dispersion from negative to positive but amplified the negative effects shrubs have on functional beta diversity of nematodes. Benefactor shrubs had stronger effects on the functional alpha and beta diversity of nematodes than allelopathic shrubs along a precipitation gradient. A piecewise structural equation model showed that shrubs and its interactions with precipitation indirectly increased the functional richness and dispersion through plant biomass and soil total nitrogen, whereas it directly decreased the functional beta diversity. Our study reveals the expected changes in soil nematode functional diversity following shrub encroachment and precipitation, advancing our understanding of global climate change on nematode communities on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Global changes, such as climate and urbanization, are strongly entwined and aggravated by the development of human activities, which also intensifies the human-mediated dispersal of species. However, few studies have explicitly considered the combined influence of urbanization and climate on species expansion. We investigated the combined roles of climate, urbanization and human-mediated dispersal in the expansion of Tetramorium immigrans (an invasive pavement ant in North America) in urban areas of South-eastern France. A total of 544 T. immigrans individuals were sampled from 16 urban gradients and genotyped at 14 microsatellite markers. Based on molecular ecology methods and statistical modelling, we evaluated the impact of climate and urbanization on its distribution patterns. Through the combined study of the occurrence probabilities of T. immigrans, its genetic structure and the founder effects within its populations, the effect of climate–urbanization interaction on species distribution was clearly evidenced, suggesting that in the north of its range, T. immigrans subsists under harsher climate by colonizing the most urbanized areas. Many taxa may conform to such pattern, making the combined study of climate and urbanization a necessary challenge for future studies. Distribution patterns concurred with similar observations in the American invasive range of T. immigrans, making it likely that it may not be native to the northernmost part of its European range. Cryptic invasions or discreet range shifts in response to increasing urbanization are likely to occur in many taxa, especially in ants, and deserve increased attention from researchers and managers alike.  相似文献   


The consumption of high-fat and high-sugar diets, in the form of junk food, and binge eating are now common. Increasing evidence suggests that a high-fat diet (HFD) can induce neuroinflammation and alter behavior. I aimed to study the effects of diets of differing fat content on neuroinflammation and spatial memory using an object–place (OP) task. Thirty-two adult male rats were allocated to four groups and fed a regular diet (Regular diet), a control diet (Control diet), an HFD (60% of calories from lard), or a high-coconut oil diet (HCOD; 60% of calories from coconut oil) for 3 days. Their water intake, food consumption, body mass, and metabolic variables were measured. HFD-fed rats showed significantly poorer performance on the OP task, as assessed using the discrimination index (??0.208?±?0.094), than the Regular (0.462?±?0.078; P?<?0.0001) and Control (0.379?±?0.081; P?=?0.0003) groups. However, no significant difference was observed in spatial memory between the HCOD and Regular groups. The concentrations of neuroinflammatory markers (interleukin [IL]-1β, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α, and nuclear factor κB) were also measured in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. HFD-fed rats showed significantly higher levels of neuroinflammatory markers than the Regular and Control diet-fed groups. HCOD feeding did not induce neuroinflammation in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex compared with the Regular and Control groups.


Interactions between mitochondrial and nuclear gene products that underlie eukaryotic energy metabolism can cause the fitness effects of mutations in one genome to be conditional on variation in the other genome. In ectotherms, the effects of these interactions are likely to depend upon the thermal environment, because increasing temperature accelerates molecular rates. We find that temperature strongly modifies the pleiotropic phenotypic effects of an incompatible interaction between a Drosophila melanogaster polymorphism in the nuclear-encoded, mitochondrial tyrosyl-transfer (t)RNA synthetase and a D. simulans polymorphism in the mitochondrially encoded tRNATyr. The incompatible mitochondrial–nuclear genotype extends development time, decreases larval survivorship, and reduces pupation height, indicative of decreased energetic performance. These deleterious effects are ameliorated when larvae develop at 16° and exacerbated at warmer temperatures, leading to complete sterility in both sexes at 28°. The incompatible genotype has a normal metabolic rate at 16° but a significantly elevated rate at 25°, consistent with the hypothesis that inefficient energy metabolism extends development in this genotype at warmer temperatures. Furthermore, the incompatibility decreases metabolic plasticity of larvae developed at 16°, indicating that cooler development temperatures do not completely mitigate the deleterious effects of this genetic interaction. Our results suggest that the epistatic fitness effects of metabolic mutations may generally be conditional on the thermal environment. The expression of epistatic interactions in some environments, but not others, weakens the efficacy of selection in removing deleterious epistatic variants from populations and may promote the accumulation of incompatibilities whose fitness effects will depend upon the environment in which hybrids occur.  相似文献   

The effect of soil temperature on the net photosynthetic rate was studied by the method of multifactor analysis at early growth stages of narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.), white cabbage (Brassica capitata Lisg.), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant species and cultivars contrasting in their heat demand. The optimum level of the net photosynthetic rate was observed in a wide range of soil and air temperatures, from cold- to heat-hardening temperatures, irrespective of the sign of the temperature gradient, whereas the magnitude and sign of the temperature gradient favorable for the highest potential net photosynthetic rate were species- and cultivar-specific and were not related to the cold tolerance of a species or cultivar.  相似文献   

Core complexes (LH1–RC) were isolated using preparative gel electrophoresis from photosynthetic membranes of the purple bacterium, Thiorhodospira sibirica, grown in the absence or presence of the carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor, diphenylamine. The biosynthesis of carotenoids is affected by diphenylamine both quantitavely and qualitatively: after inhibition, the level of carotenoids in core complexes reaches only 10% of the normal content, as analyzed by HPLC and absorption spectroscopy. The normally grown bacterium biosynthesizes spirilloxanthin, rhodopin, anhydrorhodovibrin and lycopene, whereas after inhibition only neurosporene, ζ-carotene and their derivatives are found in the complexes. There is no concomitant accumulation of appreciable amounts of colorless carotenoid precursors. Interestingly, the main absorption band of the core light harvesting complex isolated from carotenoid-inhibited cells, shows a red shift to 889 nm, instead of a blue shift observed in many carotenoid-deficient species of purple photosynthetic bacteria. The stability of isolated core complexes against n-octyl-β-D-glucopyranoside clearly depends on the presence of carotenoids. Subcomplexes resulting from the detergent treatment, were characterized by non-denaturating gel electrophoresis combined with in situ absorption spectroscopy. Core complexes with the native carotenoid complement dissociate into three subcomplexes: (a) LH1 complexes partially depleted of carotenoids, with an unusual spectrum in the NIR region (λmax = 791, 818, 847 and 875 nm), (b) reaction centers associated with fragments of LH1, (c) small amounts of a carotenoidless B820 subcomplex. The core complex from the carotenoid-deficient bacterium is much less stable and yields only the two sub-complexes (b) and (c). We conclude that carotenoids contribute critically to stability and interactions of the core complexes with detergents.  相似文献   

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