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Mammalian cells with multi‐gene knockouts could be of considerable utility in research, drug discovery, and cell‐based therapeutics. However, existing methods for targeted gene deletion require sequential rounds of homologous recombination and drug selection to isolate rare desired events—a process sufficiently laborious to limit application to individual loci. Here we present a solution to this problem. Firstly, we report the development of zinc‐finger nucleases (ZFNs) targeted to cleave three independent genes with known null phenotypes. Mammalian cells exposed to each ZFN pair in turn resulted in the generation of cell lines harboring single, double, and triple gene knockouts, that is, the successful disruption of two, four, and six alleles. All three biallelic knockout events were obtained at frequencies of >1% without the use of selection, displayed the expected knockout phenotype(s), and harbored DNA mutations centered at the ZFN binding sites. These data demonstrate the utility of ZFNs in multi‐locus genome engineering. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 106: 97–105. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, with their unique characteristics, have become a major workhorse for the manufacture of therapeutic recombinant proteins, one of the major challenges in CHO cell line generation (CLG) is how to efficiently identify those rare, high‐producing clones among a large population of low‐ and non‐productive clones. It is not unusual that several hundred individual clones need to be screened for the identification of a commercial clonal cell line with acceptable productivity and growth profile making the cell line appropriate for commercial application. This inefficiency makes the process of CLG both time consuming and laborious. Currently, there are two main CHO expression systems, dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR)‐based methotrexate (MTX) selection and glutamine synthetase (GS)‐based methionine sulfoximine (MSX) selection, that have been in wide industrial use. Since selection of recombinant cell lines in the GS‐CHO system is based on the balance between the expression of the GS gene introduced by the expression plasmid and the addition of the GS inhibitor, L‐MSX, the expression of GS from the endogenous GS gene in parental CHOK1SV cells will likely interfere with the selection process. To study endogenous GS expression's potential impact on selection efficiency, GS‐knockout CHOK1SV cell lines were generated using the zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) technology designed to specifically target the endogenous CHO GS gene. The high efficiency (~2%) of bi‐allelic modification on the CHO GS gene supports the unique advantages of the ZFN technology, especially in CHO cells. GS enzyme function disruption was confirmed by the observation of glutamine‐dependent growth of all GS‐knockout cell lines. Full evaluation of the GS‐knockout cell lines in a standard industrial cell culture process was performed. Bulk culture productivity improved two‐ to three‐fold through the use of GS‐knockout cells as parent cells. The selection stringency was significantly increased, as indicated by the large reduction of non‐producing and low‐producing cells after 25 µM L‐MSX selection, and resulted in a six‐fold efficiency improvement in identifying similar numbers of high‐productive cell lines for a given recombinant monoclonal antibody. The potential impact of GS‐knockout cells on recombinant protein quality is also discussed. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109:1007–1015. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Targeted DNA integration is commonly used to eliminate position effects on transgene expression. Integration can be targeted to specific sites in the genome via both homology‐based and homology‐independent processes. Both pathways start the integration process with a site‐specific break in the chromosome, typically from a zinc‐finger nuclease (ZFN). We previously described an efficient homology‐independent targeted integration technique that captures short (<100 bp) pieces of DNA at chromosomal breaks created by ZFNs. We show here that inclusion of a nuclease target site on the donor plasmid followed by in vivo nuclease cleavage of both the donor and the chromosome results in efficient integration of large, transgene‐sized DNA molecules into the chromosomal double‐strand break. Successful targeted integration via in vivo donor linearization is demonstrated at five distinct loci in two mammalian cell types, highlighting the generality of the approach. Finally, we show that CHO cells, a cell type recalcitrant to homology‐based integration, are proficient at capture of in vivo‐linearized transgene donors. Moreover, we demonstrate knockout of the hamster FUT8 gene via the simultaneous ZFN‐ or TALE nuclease‐mediated integration of an antibody cassette. Our results enable efficient targeted transgene addition to cells and organisms that fare poorly with traditional homology‐driven approaches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 871–880. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To generate albino lines of Xenopus tropicalis, we injected fertilized eggs with mRNAs encoding zinc‐finger nucleases (ZFNs) targeting the tyrosinase coding region. Surprisingly, vitiligo was observed on the skin of F0 frogs that had been injected with ZFN mRNAs, indicating that both tyrosinase genes in the genome were disrupted in all melanocytes within the vitiligo patches. Mutation analysis using genomic DNA from the skin revealed that two mosaic F0 frogs underwent spatially complex tyrosinase gene mutations. The data implies that the ZFN‐induced tyrosinase gene ablations occurred randomly over space and time throughout the entire body, possibly until the young tadpole stage, and that melanocyte precursors lacking functional tyrosinase proliferated and formed vitiligo patches. Several albino X. tropicalis, which are compound heterozygotes for biallelic tyrosinase mutations, were obtained by mating the mosaic F0 frogs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the albino vertebrates generated by the targeted gene knockout.  相似文献   

锌指核酸酶(zinc finger nuclease, ZFN)是由特异性识别DNA的锌指结构域和Fok I切割结构域组成,能够在基因组特定位点上切割DNA,引起DNA双链断裂(double-strand break, DSB). 通过DSB修复机制,可以使基因修饰的效率比传统方法提高102~104倍.目前,利用ZFN对动物内源基因进行敲除的研究较多,但对转基因动物中外源多拷贝基因进行敲除的报道较少.本研究首先利用荧光定量PCR法对本实验室培育的两头转基因猪中增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein, EGFP)基因的拷贝数进行鉴定,发现其拷贝数分别为11.95和17.36拷贝;然后将靶向EGFP的一对ZFN转染进拷贝数为1736的EGFP转基因猪的成纤维细胞中,并通过流式和CEL-1酶切方法检测敲除效率. 结果表明,转染400 ng、800 ng和1 200 ng ZFN的切割效率分别为0.97%、1.39%和1.76%,可见随着转染ZFN剂量的增加,ZFN的切割效率逐渐提高.但是,不发绿色荧光的细胞比例却没有明显提高,因此认为,ZFN敲除转基因动物中多拷贝基因的效率还是比较低.  相似文献   

锌指核酸酶(zinc finger nuclease,ZFN)技术是近年来发展起来的一种对基因组DNA实现靶向修饰的新技术。ZFN通过作用于基因组DNA上特异的靶位点产生DNA双链切口(double strand break,DSB),然后经过非同源末端连接(non-homologous end joining,NHEJ)或同源重组(homologous recombination,HR)途径实现对基因组DNA的靶向敲除或者替换。该技术近些年来已经被广泛应用于基因靶向修饰的研究。本文在简要介绍ZFN技术的基础上,重点综述了目前该技术在基因靶向修饰中的应用研究进展,并同时对该技术目前所需解决的一些问题以及未来的研究方向进行了分析。  相似文献   

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are a ubiquitous tool for industrial therapeutic recombinant protein production. However, consistently generating high-producing clones remains a major challenge during the cell line development process. The glutamine synthetase (GS) and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) selection systems are commonly used CHO expression platforms based on controlling the balance of expression between the transgenic and endogenous GS or DHFR genes. Since the expression of the endogenous selection gene in CHO hosts can interfere with selection, generating a corresponding null CHO cell line is required to improve selection stringency, productivity, and stability. However, the efficiency of generating bi-allelic genetic knockouts using conventional protocols is very low (<5%). This significantly affects clone screening efficiency and reduces the chance of identifying robust knockout host cell lines. In this study, we use the GS expression system as an example to improve the genome editing process with zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), resulting in improved GS-knockout efficiency of up to 46.8%. Furthermore, we demonstrate a process capable of enriching knockout CHO hosts with robust bioprocess traits. This integrated host development process yields a larger number of GS-knockout hosts with desired growth and recombinant protein expression characteristics.  相似文献   

Emerging genome editing technologies hold great promise for the improvement of agricultural crops. Several related genome editing methods currently in development utilize engineered, sequence‐specific endonucleases to generate DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) at user‐specified genomic loci. These DSBs subsequently result in small insertions/deletions (indels), base substitutions or incorporation of exogenous donor sequences at the target site, depending on the application. Targeted mutagenesis in soybean (Glycine max) via non‐homologous end joining (NHEJ)‐mediated repair of such DSBs has been previously demonstrated with multiple nucleases, as has homology‐directed repair (HDR)‐mediated integration of a single transgene into target endogenous soybean loci using CRISPR/Cas9. Here we report targeted integration of multiple transgenes into a single soybean locus using a zinc finger nuclease (ZFN). First, we demonstrate targeted integration of biolistically delivered DNA via either HDR or NHEJ to the FATTY ACID DESATURASE 2‐1a (FAD2‐1a) locus of embryogenic cells in tissue culture. We then describe ZFN‐ and NHEJ‐mediated, targeted integration of two different multigene donors to the FAD2‐1a locus of immature embryos. The largest donor delivered was 16.2 kb, carried four transgenes, and was successfully transmitted to T1 progeny of mature targeted plants obtained via somatic embryogenesis. The insertions in most plants with a targeted, 7.1 kb, NHEJ‐integrated donor were perfect or near‐perfect, demonstrating that NHEJ is a viable alternative to HDR for gene targeting in soybean. Taken together, these results show that ZFNs can be used to generate fertile transgenic soybean plants with NHEJ‐mediated targeted insertions of multigene donors at an endogenous genomic locus.  相似文献   

After the successful completion of the human genome project (HGP), biological research in the postgenome era urgently needs an efficient approach for functional analysis of genes. Utilization of knockout mouse models has been powerful for elucidating the function of genes as well as finding new therapeutic interventions for human diseases. Gene trapping and gene targeting are two independent techniques for making knockout mice from embryonic stem (ES) cells. Gene trapping is high‐throughput, random, and sequence‐tagged while gene targeting enables the knockout of specific genes. It has been about 20 years since the first gene targeting and gene trapping mice were generated. In recent years, new tools have emerged for both gene targeting and gene trapping, and organizations have been formed to knock out genes in the mouse genome using either of the two methods. The knockout mouse project (KOMP) and the international gene trap consortium (IGTC) were initiated to create convenient resources for scientific research worldwide and knock out all the mouse genes. Organizers of KOMP regard it as important as the HGP. Gene targeting methods have changed from conventional gene targeting to high‐throughput conditional gene targeting. The combined advantages of trapping and targeting elements are improving the gene trapping spectrum and gene targeting efficiency. As a newly‐developed insertional mutation system, transposons have some advantages over retrovirus in trapping genes. Emergence of the international knockout mouse consortium (IKMP) is the beginning of a global collaboration to systematically knock out all the genes in the mouse genome for functional genomic research. genesis 48:73–85, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy with T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) is an emerging and promising treatment against refractory cancers. However, the currently adopted methods of modification of T cells pose a risk of insertional oncogenesis because lentiviral and retroviral vectors integrate the CAR transgene in a semi‐random fashion. In addition, this therapy is only available using autologous cells, which create problems in production and limit the access for patients who have their T cells depleted. One modification method that shows the ability to overcome both drawbacks is the knock‐in of the CAR simultaneously knocking‐out genes that prevent allogeneic therapy, such as the endogenous T cell receptor. In this mini‐review, the authors present recent efforts to develop safer universal CAR‐T cells. More specifically, the combined application of target‐directed nucleases, which create a double‐strand break at a specific genome locus, and the delivery of CAR DNA via adeno‐associated viral vectors for subsequent integration via homologous recombination and silencing of the targeted gene is focused on.  相似文献   

为在斑马鱼中获得特异且高效的基因敲除,多个实验室独立人工合成了序列彼此不一的Cas9 cDNA序列,并克隆入不同的体外转录载体。本文选取两种斑马鱼密码子优化的Cas9编码序列(zCas9_bz和zCas9_wc),对斑马鱼胚胎中的7个基因(外源egfp及内源chd、hbegfa、th、eef1a1b、tyr、tcf7l1a)分别进行敲除,通过PCR产物测序、克隆测序和表型分析比较了两种Cas9的敲除效率。结果发现,zCas9_wc在各种情况下都显现出较高的敲除效率,而zCas9_bz的效率相对较低。  相似文献   

Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM‐1) is an adhesion and signaling receptor that is expressed on endothelial and hematopoietic cells and plays important roles in angiogenesis, vascular permeability, and regulation of cellular responsiveness. To better understanding the tissue specificity of PECAM‐1 functions, we generated mice in which PECAM1, the gene encoding PECAM‐1, could be conditionally knocked out. A targeting construct was created that contains loxP sites flanking PECAM1 exons 1 and 2 and a neomycin resistance gene flanked by flippase recognition target (FRT) sites that was positioned upstream of the 3′ loxP site. The targeting construct was electroporated into C57BL/6 embryonic stem (ES) cells, and correctly targeted ES cells were injected into C57BL/6 blastocysts, which were implanted into pseudo‐pregnant females. Resulting chimeric animals were bred with transgenic mice expressing Flippase 1 (FLP1) to remove the FRT‐flanked neomycin resistance gene and mice heterozygous for the floxed PECAM1 allele were bred with each other to obtain homozygous PECAM1 flox/flox offspring, which expressed PECAM‐1 at normal levels and had no overt phenotype. PECAM1 flox/flox mice were bred with mice expressing Cre recombinase under the control of the SRY‐box containing gene 2 (Sox2Cre) promoter to delete the floxed PECAM1 allele in offspring (Sox2Cre;PECAM1 del/WT), which were crossbred to generate Sox2Cre; PECAM1 del/del offspring. Sox2Cre; PECAM1 del/del mice recapitulated the phenotype of conventional global PECAM‐1 knockout mice. PECAM1 flox/flox mice will be useful for studying distinct roles of PECAM‐1 in tissue specific contexts and to gain insights into the roles that PECAM‐1 plays in blood and vascular cell function.  相似文献   

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