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Laboratory animal facilities have been designed to provide a standard environment where animals can be kept in good physical health at the same time as economic and ergonomic considerations are met. Recognizing the potential welfare problem associated with behavioural restriction in such housing systems, a number of attempts have been made to improve this environment, generally described under the term "environmental enrichment". Modifications of cages for mice usually consist of providing material for nest building and structures which can serve as hiding places and/or for climbing. We have reviewed 40 studies carried out between 1987 and 2000, in which preferences as well as the effect of housing modifications have been studied. Mice will work for access to nesting material and make use of this material to make nests in which they rest. They prefer a more complex cage to the standard cage and will also work for access to cages with shelter and raised platforms. On the basis of present knowledge, it is recommended that mice should have access to nesting material. Strategies for future research are outlined in the article.  相似文献   

Specific and non-specific immunological tests were used to monitor aspects of the immune response in captive possums. The tests included total and differential white blood cell counts, lymphocyte transformation assay, and enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. The level of free cortisol present in possum plasma samples was evaluated as an endocrine marker for stress. Four different housing conditions were used to test whether stress could be managed or avoided in captive animals. Animals were caged individually or as groups in pens. Bacille Calmette-Gurein (BCG) and tetanus toxoid immunization was used to evoke primary cell mediated and antibody responses in test animals. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in immunological responses or endocrine parameters in animals held under any of the housing conditions. The results infer that wild possums adapt quickly post-capture to novel housing conditions and produce representative patterns of immunity when held in housing conditions and fed ad libitum.  相似文献   

For a change to be considered enriching, the change must enhance animal welfare and improve biological functioning of the animals. A review of the literature shows that a consensus on the definition of changes constituting "environmental enrichment" has yet to be reached. For this reason, the results of studies on the effects of rodent enrichment are inconsistent. In many cases, changes have not been shown to be real improvements. However, enrichment is increasingly appreciated as a way to improve the well-being of rodents, providing them with opportunities for species-specific behaviors that might be available to them in the wild. Frequently defined as "change to the environment," enrichment can be as complex as devices (frequently termed "toys") or as simple as the provision of tissues from which mice readily construct nests. Nest making is a learned behavior in rats, and laboratory rats do show preferences for chewable objects in their environment. Rather than attempting a comprehensive review of the entire literature on environmental enrichment and its effects on rodent physiology and behavior, this paper focuses on husbandry and housing alterations that may improve the welfare of laboratory rodents. The effects of beneficial changes in housing and husbandry on rodent well-being and on experimental variability--and thus cost--are discussed. Areas that require more research are suggested. Also suggested are possible inexpensive and effective enrichment schemes for laboratory mice that might include reducing the cage floor space per mouse combined with providing nesting material.  相似文献   

Physiological changes in laboratory rats caused by different housing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Males rats of the Wistar strain (Institute of Physiology, CSAV ) were divided into six groups from the 30th to the 200th day of age. Rats (n = 54) were put into cages in various numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 animals in a cage) and were weighed regularly and the consumption of water and food was measured. At the end of the experiment the animals were killed and the weight of some organs and haematological values were determined. During the experiment the highest weight was attained in animals with 3 or 4 members in one cage. The differences in weight were significant from the 80th day of age. The consumption of diets and water was not influenced significantly by the number of animals in a cage. On the 200th day, the differences between the groups were found in the weight of some organs, and in some haematological values.  相似文献   

The force-length relationship of the human muscle-tendon complex (MTC) of the triceps surae and the achilles tendon was investigated in various stretch load conditions. Six male subjects performed various vertical jumps with maximal effort: squat jumps (SJ), counter movement jumps (CMJ) and drop jumps (DJ) from a height of 24 cm, 40 cm and 56 cm. The force-length relationship was calculated from the signals of the components of the ground reaction forces and the kinematic data obtained from the high-speed film records. Surface electromyograms (EMG) of the soleus, gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles were also recorded. The force-length diagrams showed individually high sensitivity to the imposed stretch load. In conditions with relatively low stretch load requirements there was a counter-clockwise direction observable, indicating that the energy absorbed during the eccentric, or lengthening phase was lower than the energy delivered during the concentric, or shortening phase. In high load conditions this relationship was reversed indicating a negative energy balance. The EMG-length diagrams of SJ and CMJ consisted of an initial isometric loading of the muscle, followed by a shortening phase with only slightly reduced EMG amplitudes. In DJ, however, the diagrams showed an initial lengthening of the MTC with fairly constant activation amplitudes. After 40 ms an isometric loading of the muscle, lasting for approximately 80 ms, was followed by a shortening phase. It was concluded that segmental stretch reflex activation represented the predominant activation process during the isometric loading phase, to meet the adequate stiffness properties of the MTC.  相似文献   

Physical cage enrichment—exercise devices for rodents in the laboratory—often includes running wheels. This study compared responses of mice in enriched physical and social conditions and in standard social conditions to wheel running, individual housing, and open-field test. The study divided into 6 groups, 48 female BALB/c mice group housed in enriched and standard conditions. On alternate days, the study exposed 2 groups to individual running wheel cages. It intermittently separated from their cage mates and housed individually 2 groups with no running wheels; 2 control groups remained in enriched or standard condition cages. There were no significant differences between enriched and standard group housed mice in alternate days' wheel running. Over time, enriched, group housed mice ran less. Both groups responded similarly to individual housing. In open-field test, mice exposed to individual housing without running wheel moved more and faster than wheel running and home cage control mice. They have lower body weights than group housed and wheel running mice. Intermittent withdrawal of individual housing affects the animals more than other commodities. Wheel running normalizes some effects of intermittent separation from the enriched, social home cage.  相似文献   



Objectives of the study were to document the impact of some management factors on the occurrence of clinical mastitis in primiparous dairy cows and to identify common udder pathogens of clinical mastitis in freshly calved heifers and multiparous cows on the day of calving.  相似文献   

Fifty male and 50 female BDF1 mice were observed allowing them to live out their life-span. Mortality up to 104 weeks of age was higher in males (42%) than in females (34%), and the 50% survival age was 112 weeks for males and 118 weeks for females. Body weight reached the peak at 82 weeks of age in males and 92 weeks of age in females, showing the mean body weight of 54.3 g for males and 48.0 g for females. The incidence of calculi and proteinaceous casts in the kidneys, that were not associated with exposure to chloroform, cell-alteration in the adrenal cortex, and islet cell hyperplasia in the pancreas was significantly higher in males than in females. On the other hand, hyaline droplet degeneration of the renal tubular epithelium, spindle cell proliferation in the adrenal cortex and milk-retention in the mammary glands occurred at a significantly higher incidence in females than in males. Cerebral mineralization in both sexes, atrophy and calcification of the testes and enlargement of the seminal vesicles of males, as well as cyst-formations in the ovary and endometrium of females developed at a very high incidence. Frequent neoplasms in males were hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas, blood vessel tumours, pulmonary adenomas and carcinomas, and malignant lymphomas. In females, malignant lymphomas were the most common neoplasm, followed by blood vessel tumours, chromophobe pituitary adenomas and hepatocellular adenomas. Hepatocellular carcinomas developed only in males, whereas the histiocytic and lymphocytic types of malignant lymphomas and chromophobe cell adenomas arose solely or at a significantly higher incidence in females than in males.  相似文献   

Although the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) plays a major role in mediating the peripheral stress response, due consideration is not usually given to the effects of prolonged stress on the SNS. The present study examined changes in neurotransmission in the SNS after exposure of mice (BALB/c) to stressful housing conditions. Focal extracellular recording of excitatory junction currents (EJCs) was used as a relative measure of neurotransmitter release from different regions of large surface areas of the mouse vas deferens. Mice were either group housed (control), isolation housed (social deprivation), group housed in a room containing rats (rat odor stress), or isolation housed in a room containing rats (concurrent stress). Social deprivation and concurrent stressors induced an increase of 30 and 335% in EJC amplitude, respectively. The success rate of recording EJCs from sets of varicosities in the concurrent stressor group was greater compared with all other groups. The present study has shown that some common animal housing conditions act as stressors and induce significant changes in sympathetic neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Odor-sampling time of mice under different conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Slotnick B 《Chemical senses》2007,32(5):445-454
Response accuracy and odor sample times on positive (S+) and negative (S-) trials were recorded for mice trained on a variety of go, no-go odor detection and discrimination tasks. Odor sample time was relatively stable over extended training on the same task, increased during acquisition of difficult tasks, relatively insensitive to reinforcement magnitude, and, in some cases, provided more information regarding task difficulty and discrimination than did response accuracy. Mice generally sampled longer on S- trials in simple odor detection tasks but longer on S+ trials in odor discrimination tasks.  相似文献   

Six genetically different strains of laboratory mice were compared to the unspecified or usual white laboratory mouse in their response to infection withHistoplasma capsulatum. Significantly varying patterns of susceptibility were found. Strain selection could greatly influence studies of histoplasmosis which utilize the laboratory mouse.  相似文献   

Veal calves were housed either tethered indoors on slatted floorings or loose in groups of eight in a semi-open barn with straw bedding. Six weeks after arrival at the station the calves were submitted to a 10-min open-field session in either the same environment as the one in which they were housed or in the alternative environment. During this session, activity, latency time to first movement and duration of immobility were scored and blood samples were taken for cortisol determination before and after the session. In both instances, the tethered calves exhibited higher activity scores and shorter periods of immobility. Plasma cortisol levels were significantly affected by testing conditions but not by housing conditions, i.e. plasma cortisol levels increased more when the animals were tested in a different environment from the one in which they were housed. Adrenal cortex response to repeated blood sampling and to ACTH injections was found to be significantly higher in tethered calves. These results show that housing conditions strongly influenced the behaviour and endocrine activity of the calves. The dynamics of these changes need further study.  相似文献   

On Dutch commercial farms automatic systems for feeding concentrates in a feeding station are being used increasingly. Various systems have been developed, which differ in the timing and amount of concentrates made available to the cows over a 24-h period. Three types of a fixed-time system and one variable-time system are compared with a traditional system. The fixed-time systems provided a ration of concentrates every 12 h. The starting time of these 12-h cycles varied, hence the fixed-7-time system started at 07:00 and 19:00 h; the fixed-11-time system cycles started at 11:00 and 23:00 h; and the fixed-3-time system cycles started at 15:00 and 03:00 h. The variable-time system continuously added small amounts of concentrates to the available ration per cow throughout a 24-h cycle. The traditional system provided concentrates mixed with maize silage at the feeding rack. The aim of the investigation was to describe the pattern of intake of concentrates, and the possible consequences of the various feeding systems on the cows' general activities such as eating, standing and lying down.

Three experiments were carried out, each with a group of 20 lactating dairy cows kept in a cubicle house with a single concentrates feeding station. In each of the experiments, feeding systems were tested during 3-week experimental periods. Behaviour was observed during three 24-h periods in each experimental period.

It was found that each of the five feeding systems tested evoked a typical pattern of visits to the feeding station. The number, the duration and the timing of rewarded and unrewarded visits differed between the various systems. The cows adapted to each feeding system, eating all their rations of concentrates as soon as they were made available.

Adaptation to the feeding system affected several of the general activities, in particular the time spent at the feeding rack and the time spent lying in the cubicles. With the fixed-11-time system, new feeding cycles started at times when many cows were lying down. Under these conditions the lowranking cows sometimes had to wait a long time before they could enter the station, which resulted in a reduced lying time for them.  相似文献   

In the majority of countries where there are legislative requirements pertaining to the use of animals in research, figures are quoted for minimum cage sizes or space allocation to be provided per animal. These figures are generally based on professional judgement and are in common usage. However, there is a growing trend and expectation that welfare science should inform regulatory decision-making. Given the importance of the potential welfare influences of cage size on the animals themselves, this paper presents the latest scientific knowledge on this topic in one of the most commonly used animals in research, the mouse. A comprehensive review of studies in laboratory mice was undertaken, examining the effects of space allocation per animal and animal density on established welfare indicators. To date, animal density studies have predominated, and the effects of space allocation per se are still relatively unclear. This information will guide those involved in facility management or legislative review, and provide a more solid foundation for further studies into the effects of routine husbandry practices on animal welfare.  相似文献   

Currently, environmental enrichment is a very common means of improving animal well-being, especially for laboratory animals. Although environmental enrichment seems to be a possible way for improving the well-being of animals, the consideration of housing laboratory animals should not only focus solely on animal well-being, manpower and economics but also on the precision and accuracy of the experimental results. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of enriched cages (nest box, nesting material, climbing bar) on body weight, haematological data and final organ weights. BALB/c, C57BL/6 and A/J mice, originated from Harlan Winkelmann, were used for the experiments - 16 animals of each strain. Animals at 3 weeks of age were marked and separated randomly to enriched or non-enriched cages, in groups of four, half for each housing condition. Both cages were type III Makrolon cages, only the enriched cages contained a nest box, a wood bar for climbing and nesting material. Animals were kept in a clean animal room under specific pathogen free (SPF) conditions. Body weights were recorded every week. Blood samples were collected at 14 weeks of age (white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), haemoglobin (HGB), and haematocrit (HCT) were analysed). At 15 weeks of age, the animals were euthanized by CO(2) in their home cages, and final body weight and organ weights (heart, liver, kidney, adrenal, spleen and uterus) were recorded immediately. Although nearly all the test variables were not affected by environmental enrichment in their mean values, the enriched group showed higher coefficients of variation in many variables, and strain differences of both housing conditions were not consistent. The influences of enrichment were shown to be strain- and test-dependent. Such effects may lead to an increase in the number of animals which is necessary or may change the experimental results, especially when a study, using enriched housing conditions, focuses on strain differences. Since the same enrichment design can result in different influences, a positive or a negative or no adverse effect, due to the strain and the variables studied, researchers need to collect more information before enrichment designs are introduced into experimental plans.  相似文献   

In a previous report (Generoso et al., 1985) it was shown that the two hybrid stocks of mice, (C3H/R1 x 101/R1)F1 and (SEC/R1 x C57BL/6)F1, differed in their responses to induction of chromosomal aberrations following exposure of the stem-cell spermatogonia to 500 R x 4 (4-week intervals) acute X-rays. The levels of response in the two stocks were paralleled by the effects on the length of the sterile period, which presumably results from stem-cell killing and repopulation. The present study was conducted in order to determine whether the differences between the two stocks in these parameters hold true also for other conditions of radiation exposure. Thus, comparative experiments were conducted using the following acute exposure regimens: 500 R single dose, 500 R + 500 R (24-h interval), 100 R + 900 R (24-h interval), and 500 R x 4 (8-week intervals). The endpoints measured were chromosome rearrangements in diakinesis/metaphase-I meiocytes, embryonic lethality in conceptuses, length of sterile period and testis weight. Trend analysis indicated that higher frequencies of chromosome rearrangements and embryonic lethality were recovered from (C3H/R1 x 101/R1)F1 than from (SEC/R1 x C57BL/6)F1 males, that there were no significant differences between stocks in testis weight reductions, and that there was no consistency in the direction of the significant differences that occurred in the length of the sterile period. A definitive conclusion regarding the possible association between induction of chromosomal aberrations and induction of cell killing awaits direct histological analysis of the stem-cell population.  相似文献   

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