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To study the mechanism of gamma-ray-induced illegitimate recombination, we examined the formation of lambdabio transducing phage in Escherichia coli after gamma-ray irradiation. We show that gamma-ray irradiation enhances the formation of lambdabio transducing phage during prophage induction. Moreover, an hns mutation synergistically enhanced the incidence of lambda-ray-induced illegitimate recombination. Next we determined the sequences at the recombination junctions of the lambdabio transducing phages induced by gamma-ray irradiation. Most of the recombination sites coincided with known hotspots. Among them, hotspot I accounted for 67% and 77% of gamma-ray-induced lambdabio transducing phages in the wild type and the hns mutant, respectively. Therefore, the recombination sites appear to occur mostly at hotspot I or at other hotspots, but rarely at non-hotspot sites. These results suggest that types of DNA damage other than the double-strand breaks induced at random sites are mainly responsible for the introduction of the site-specific or region-specific DNA double strand breaks that lead to recombination at the hotspots. The results also showed that the recombination events took place between DNA sequences possessing short stretches of homology. H-NS protein, which binds to curved DNA, suppresses illegitimate recombination in the presence and absence of gamma-ray irradiation. Models for gamma-ray-induced illegitimate recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

Crystallization of the DNA-binding Escherichia coli protein FIS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The specific DNA-binding protein FIS (factor for inversion stimulation), which stimulates site-specific DNA inversion by interaction with an enhancer sequence, was purified from an Escherichia coli strain overproducing the protein. FIS was crystallized at room temperature by microdialysis against 1.2 to 1.5 M-sodium/potassium phosphate containing 10 mM-Tris.HCl, 0.5 to 1 M-NaCl and 1 mM-NaN3 at pH 8.0 to 8.2. The crystals are stout prisms and suitable for X-ray diffraction study beyond 2.5 A resolution. They belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The unit cell has dimensions a = 47.57(4) A, b = 51.13(4) A, c = 79.83(6) A and contains one FIS dimer in the asymmetric unit.  相似文献   

The hns gene is a member of the cold-shock regulon, indicating that the nucleoid-associated, DNA-binding protein H-NS plays an important role in the adaptation of Escherichia coli to low temperatures. We show here that the ability to cope efficiently with a cold environment (12°C and 25°C) is strongly impaired in E. coli strains carrying hns mutations. Growth inhibition is much more pronounced in strains carrying the hns-206 allele (an ampicillin resistance cassette inserted after codon 37) than in those carrying the hns-205 mutation (a Tn10 insertion located in codon 93). A protein fragment (H-NS*) is synthesized in strains carrying the hns-205::Tn10 mutation, suggesting that this truncated polypeptide is partially functional in the cold adaptation process. Analysis of the growth properties of strains harbouring four different low-copy-number plasmid-encoded hns genes that result in the production of C-terminally truncated H-NS proteins supports this proposal. H-NS* proteins composed of 133, 117 or 94 amino-terminal amino acids partially complemented the severe cold-sensitive growth phenotype of the hns-206 mutant. In contrast, synthesis of a truncated H-NS protein with only 75 amino-terminal amino acids was insufficient to restore growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

The primary sequence of H-NS (136 amino acid residues, Mr = 15,402), an abundant Escherichia coli DNA-binding protein, has been elucidated and its quaternary structure has been investigated by protein-protein cross-linking reactions. It was found that H-NS exists predominantly as a dimer, even at very low concentrations, but may form tetramers at higher concentrations and that the protein-protein interaction responsible for the dimerization is chiefly hydrophobic.  相似文献   

The H-NS nucleoid-associated protein of Escherichia coli is the founder member of a widespread family of gene regulatory proteins which have a bipartite structure, consisting of an N-terminal coiled-coil oligomerization domain and a C-terminal DNA-binding domain. Here we characterize a family of naturally occurring truncated H-NS derivatives lacking the DNA-binding domain, which we term the H-NST family. H-NST proteins are found in large genomic islands in pathogenic E. coli strains, which are absent from the corresponding positions in the E. coli K-12 genome. Detailed analysis of the H-NST proteins from enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) shows that the EPEC protein (H-NST(EPEC)) has a potent anti-H-NS function at the classical H-NS-repressed operon proU. This correlates with the ability of H-NST(EPEC) to co-purify with H-NS in vitro, and can be abolished by a mutation of leucine 30 to proline which is predicted to prevent the N-terminal region from forming a coiled-coil structure. In contrast, despite being 90% identical to H-NST(EPEC) at the protein level, the UPEC homologue (H-NST(UPEC)) has only a weak anti-H-NS activity, correlating with a much-reduced ability to interact with H-NS during column chromatography. A single amino acid difference at residue 16 appears to account for these different properties. The hnsT(EPEC) gene is transcribed monocistronically and expressed throughout the exponential growth phase in DMEM medium. Our data suggest that a truncated derivative of H-NS encoded by an ancestral mobile DNA element can interact with the endogenous H-NS regulatory network of a bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

The single-stranded DNA-binding protein of Escherichia coli.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
The single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) of Escherichia coli is involved in all aspects of DNA metabolism: replication, repair, and recombination. In solution, the protein exists as a homotetramer of 18,843-kilodalton subunits. As it binds tightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA, it has become a prototypic model protein for studying protein-nucleic acid interactions. The sequences of the gene and protein are known, and the functional domains of subunit interaction, DNA binding, and protein-protein interactions have been probed by structure-function analyses of various mutations. The ssb gene has three promoters, one of which is inducible because it lies only two nucleotides from the LexA-binding site of the adjacent uvrA gene. Induction of the SOS response, however, does not lead to significant increases in SSB levels. The binding protein has several functions in DNA replication, including enhancement of helix destabilization by DNA helicases, prevention of reannealing of the single strands and protection from nuclease digestion, organization and stabilization of replication origins, primosome assembly, priming specificity, enhancement of replication fidelity, enhancement of polymerase processivity, and promotion of polymerase binding to the template. E. coli SSB is required for methyl-directed mismatch repair, induction of the SOS response, and recombinational repair. During recombination, SSB interacts with the RecBCD enzyme to find Chi sites, promotes binding of RecA protein, and promotes strand uptake.  相似文献   

Summary Beginning with a synthetic oligonucleotide probe derived from its amino acid sequence, we have identified, cloned and sequenced the hns gene encoding H-NS, an abundant Escherichia coli 15 kDa DNA-binding protein with a possible histone-like function. The amino acid sequence of the protein deduced from the nucleotide sequence is in full agreement with that determined for H-NS. By comparison of the restriction map of the cloned gene and of its neighboring regions with the physical map of E. coli K12 as well as by hybridization of the hns gene with restriction fragments derived from the total chromosome, we have located the hns gene oriented counterclockwise at 6.1 min on the E. coli chromosome, just before an IS30 insertion element.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding domain of the Escherichia coli DnaA protein is represented by the 94 C-terminal amino acids (domain 4, aa 374-467). The isolated DNA-binding domain acts as a functional repressor in vivo, as monitored with a mioC:lacZ translational fusion integrated into the chromosome of the indicator strain. In order to identify residues required for specific DNA binding, site-directed and random PCR mutagenesis were performed, using the mioC:lacZ construct for selection. Mutations defective in DNA binding were found all over the DNA-binding domain with some clustering in the basic loop region, within presumptive helix B and in a highly conserved region at the N-terminus of presumptive helix C. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) analysis revealed different binding classes of mutant proteins. No or severely reduced binding activity was demonstrated for amino acid substitutions at positions R399, R407, Q408, H434, T435, T436 and A440. Altered binding specificity was found for mutations in a 12 residue region close to the N-terminus of helix C. The defects of the classical temperature sensitive mutants dnaA204, dnaA205 and dnaA211 result from instability of the proteins at higher temperatures. dnaX suppressors dnaA71 and dnaA721 map to the region close to helix C and bind DNA non-specifically.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding protein, RdgC, is associated with recombination and replication fork repair in Escherichia coli and with the virulence-associated, pilin antigenic variation mediated by RecA and other recombination proteins in Neisseria species. We solved the structure of the E. coli protein and refined it to 2.4A. RdgC crystallizes as a dimer with a head-to-head, tail-to-tail organization forming a ring with a 30 A diameter hole at the center. The protein fold is unique and reminiscent of a horseshoe with twin gates closing the open end. The central hole is lined with positively charged residues and provides a highly plausible DNA binding channel consistent with the nonspecific mode of binding detected in vitro and with the ability of RdgC to modulate RecA function in vivo.  相似文献   

Protein L6 from the 50-S ribosomal subunit has been investigated using fluorimetric techniques. The intrinsic fluorophore Trp-61 and fluorescent labels (acetylaminoethyl-dansyl and acetylaminofluorescein) attached to the residue Cys-124 were used. It proved possible to incorporate fluorescence-labelled L6 into the 50-S ribosome. Trp-61 is exposed to solvent, as shown by its emission wavelength and by quenching experiments; the latter also show that it lies in a pocket with a high positive charge due to the basic residues in the N-terminal fragment. Cys-124 lies in a less strongly positive region. Upon incorporation into the 50-S subunit, the label on Cys-124 becomes less accessible for quenching but its positive potential rises, showing the absence of direct contact with 23-S RNA. Analysis of anisotropy data indicates a considerable degree of asphericity of free L6. Energy transfer between Trp-61 and the dansyl label on Cys-124, measured by donor quenching and acceptor enhancement, reveals a separation of 3.5 +/- 0.4 nm (35 +/- 4 A) between fluorophores.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding proteins from starved cells (Dps) are a family of proteins induced in microorganisms by oxidative or nutritional stress. Escherichia coli Dps, a structural analog of the 12-subunit Listeria innocua ferritin, binds and protects DNA against oxidative damage mediated by H(2)O(2). Dps is shown to be a Fe-binding and storage protein where Fe(II) oxidation is most effectively accomplished by H(2)O(2) rather than by O(2) as in ferritins. Two Fe(2+) ions bind at each of the 12 putative dinuclear ferroxidase sites (P(Z)) in the protein according to the equation, 2Fe(2+) + P(Z) --> [(Fe(II)(2)-P](FS)(Z+2) + 2H(+). The ferroxidase site (FS) bound iron is then oxidized according to the equation, [(Fe(II)(2)-P](FS)(Z+2) + H(2)O(2) + H(2)O --> [Fe(III)(2)O(2)(OH)-P](FS)(Z-1) + 3H(+), where two Fe(II) are oxidized per H(2)O(2) reduced, thus avoiding hydroxyl radical production through Fenton chemistry. Dps acquires a ferric core of approximately 500 Fe(III) according to the mineralization equation, 2Fe(2+) + H(2)O(2) + 2H(2)O --> 2Fe(III)OOH((core)) + 4H(+), again with a 2 Fe(II)/H(2)O(2) stoichiometry. The protein forms a similar ferric core with O(2) as the oxidant, albeit at a slower rate. In the absence of H(2)O(2) and O(2), Dps forms a ferrous core of approximately 400 Fe(II) by the reaction Fe(2+) + H(2)O + Cl(-) --> Fe(II)OHCl((core)) + H(+). The ferrous core also undergoes oxidation with a stoichiometry of 2 Fe(II)/H(2)O(2). Spin trapping experiments demonstrate that Dps greatly attenuates hydroxyl radical production during Fe(II) oxidation by H(2)O(2). These results and in vitro DNA damage assays indicate that the protective effect of Dps on DNA most likely is exerted through a dual action, the physical association with DNA and the ability to nullify the toxic combination of Fe(II) and H(2)O(2). In the latter process a hydrous ferric oxide mineral core is produced within the protein, thus avoiding oxidative damage mediated by Fenton chemistry.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA-binding proteins NS1, NS2 and NS (NS1 + NS2) react with the protein-protein bifunctional cross-linking reagents dimethylsuberimidate and dimethyladipimidate to yield oligomers up to hexamers. The former reagent, with the longer arm, is more efficient than the other shorter one. Both one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoreses show that the cross-linked trimers are homogeneous, while the dimers appear heterogeneous, suggesting that at least two types of dimers but geometrically equivalent trimers are formed. In the presence of DNA, the cross-linking reaction with either reagent yields fewer dimers and more of the larger products. The yield of cross-linked products of various sizes was determined for NS1, NS2 and NS as a function of the protein concentration (0.03-3000 microM). From the results obtained in these experiments, we derived a model of quaternary structure in which dimers and tetramers are predominant in very solutions of the proteins. Above a critical concentration (10-50 microM), interactions among tetramers become increasingly important, yielding octamers and perhaps larger products. Our data do not support a recently proposed model in which the DNA is packaged around a protein disc consisting of 8-10 NS dimers.  相似文献   

The initiator protein DnaA has several unique DNA-binding features. It binds with high affinity as a monomer to the nonamer DnaA box. In the ATP form, DnaA binds cooperatively to the low-affinity ATP-DnaA boxes, and to single-stranded DNA in the 13mer region of the origin. We have carried out an extensive mutational analysis of the DNA-binding domain of the Escherichia coli DnaA protein using mutagenic PCR. We analyzed mutants exhibiting more or less partial activity by selecting for complementation of a dnaA(Ts) mutant strain at different expression levels of the new mutant proteins. The selection gave rise to 30 single amino acid substitutions and, including double substitutions, more than 100 mutants functional in initiation of chromosome replication were characterized. The analysis indicated that all regions of the DNA-binding domain are involved in DNA binding, but the most important amino acid residues are located between positions 30 and 80 of the 94 residue domain. Residues where substitutions with non-closely related amino acids have very little effect on protein function are located primarily on the periphery of the 3D structure. By comparison of the effect of substitutions on the activity for initiation of replication with the activity for repression of the mioC promoter, we identified residues that might be involved specifically in the cooperative interaction with ATP-DnaA boxes.  相似文献   

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