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利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察了美乐多(Melodorum fruticosum)的花粉形态特征。美乐多花粉为球形或扁圆形的单粒花粉,外壁纹饰为微褶皱状,有点状凹陷,无任何萌发孔或萌发沟。花粉外壁由外壁外层包括覆盖层(连续)、覆盖下层、基足层(1~3层薄片层结构,偶断裂或扭曲至6~10层)和外壁内层(连续)组成。其中,覆盖下层,其厚度为整个花粉外壁厚度的1/2,为混合型结构,即小柱状和颗粒状同时存在,但以颗粒状为主。花粉内壁分为内壁外层和内壁内层,其厚度逐渐变薄。美乐多的花粉特征(单粒、无萌发孔或沟、覆盖层连续、基足层为薄片层结构、花粉外壁内层薄等)与紫玉盘族其他类群一致。  相似文献   

南水青冈属及壳斗科其他属花粉壁超微结构比较研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对主要分布于南美和新西兰的南水青冈属Nothofagus 花粉外壁的超微结构进行了观察和研究, 同时与壳斗科其他属花粉外壁的结构进行比较,结果表明,南水青冈属花粉外壁的厚度、结构、萌发孔类 型以及花粉外壁表面的纹饰与壳斗科其他属花粉外壁的超微结构存在明显差别。主要表现为:南水青 冈属花粉外壁的柱状层和内层发育差,为颗粒状;基层和覆盖层无分化结构;覆盖层上为刺状纹饰;萌发 孔为5~8沟。壳斗科其他属花粉外壁的小柱发育好,形成明显的柱状层;覆盖层和基层常具一定的结 构;花粉表面较光滑,或为波状、颗粒或瘤状纹饰;内层发育较好;多数花粉具3孔沟,少数为3沟或3拟 孔沟。本研究认为南水青冈属花粉外壁的结构属于较原始类型,支持kuprianova等将南水青冈属独立为南壳斗科。  相似文献   

兰科植物的有性生殖特殊,每朵花只有1个花药,且花粉有聚集成块发育的特征。为了揭示铁皮石斛花粉块的发育特征,该研究以野生铁皮石斛不同时期的花药为材料,采用半薄切片和植物组织化学方法对其发育过程进行解剖学观察分析,并对成熟花粉块进行离体培养,观察花粉管的萌发状况。结果表明:(1)铁皮石斛花药壁由1层表皮细胞,2层药室内壁细胞,1层中层细胞和1层绒毡层细胞组成。开花时,绒毡层细胞退化,中层细胞没有退化,药室内壁细胞则形成纤维状细胞壁;药室中的小孢子母细胞没有明显的胼胝质壁结构。(2)小孢子发生属同时型,减数分裂后四分体小孢子不分散,以四合花粉状态发育,并进一步连接形成花粉块。(3)在小孢子发育中,孢粉素覆盖在整个花粉块表面形成花粉外壁,但花粉块内部的花粉没有花粉外壁结构;在花粉块表面的花粉外壁上未见花粉萌发孔。(4)在花粉离体萌发实验中,具有花粉外壁的花粉块表面花粉未见萌发,仅由花粉块内部的花粉萌发出花粉管。  相似文献   

本文对山麦冬属Liriope 3种、沿阶草属Ophiopogon 24种和球子草属Peliosanthes 2种植物的花粉,用扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了它们的花粉的形态以及外壁的超微结构。发现它们的花粉外壁纹饰和结构明显的可分为两类:1.皱波状类型:具穿孔类型,山麦冬属和沿阶草属大体属这一类,其外壁外层具覆盖层、柱状层和基层、内层不明显,内壁明显。 2.瘤状突起类型:球子草属大体属这一类,其瘤状突起大小不均,外壁外层无覆盖层, 柱状层为大小不均的小柱,内层不明显,内壁明显。 这表明山麦冬属和沿阶草属的关系密切,但它们与球子草属的关系则较远。本文还论述了这三属的花粉形态与外部形态之间的相关性,并讨论了这三属之间的进化关系。 山麦冬属、沿阶草属和球子草属的外壁纹饰和结构等特征均支持将这三属分成沿阶草族和球子草族的观点。  相似文献   

借助光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对五列木科Pentaphylacaceae和肋果茶科Sladeniaceae花粉进行了观察,并与山茶科Theaceae若干属的花粉进行了详细的比较,同时参考了猕猴桃科Actinidiaceae的花粉特征。研究表明,肋果茶科的花粉与山茶科的花粉具有较多的相似性,如其形状和大小与山茶科中厚皮香亚科的几乎一致;而花粉的表面纹饰(粗糙至模糊的皱波状纹饰)则与山茶属,Freziera属和厚皮香亚科部分属的花粉纹饰相类似。从花粉外壁的结构看,肋果茶的花粉与石笔木属和山茶属的更接近,表现为:花粉外壁层次分化明显,复盖层和柱状层均较厚,外壁内层薄。而五列木科花粉除了形状和萌发孔类型与山茶科的相似外,其纹饰特征和外壁结构均与山茶科的差异较大,如五列木科花粉表面近光滑,外壁覆盖层较簿,柱状层很不发达,外壁内层相对较厚等。孢粉学上认为,肋果茶科与山茶科具有更为密切的关系,五列木科则与山茶科较疏远。支持把肋果茶科作为一个属置于山茶科内或作为山茶科的一个亚科  相似文献   

本文报道水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng)花粉外壁透射电镜资料,与杉科各属花粉特征做了比较,根据透射电镜观察表明,水杉花粉外壁由外壁外层和外壁内层组成,外壁外层由昆密联结的颗粒层和分布稀少的乌氏体组成,后者表面具小刺及不明显的纵向小沟,外壁内层具有十分清楚的片层状结构,由10-15片组成,全部片层均具三层壁结构,最外面(靠近外层)的几片,三层型结构特别清楚,明晰。有的三层型结构层中间的白线松散,形成三根极细的白线。  相似文献   

水杉花粉外壁超微结构的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文报道水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng)花粉外壁透射电镜资料,与杉科各属花粉特征做了比较,根据透射电镜观察表明,水杉花粉外壁由外壁外层和外壁内层组成,外壁外层由昆密联结的颗粒层和分布稀少的乌氏体组成,后者表面具小刺及不明显的纵向小沟,外壁内层具有十分清楚的片层状结构,由10-15片组成,全部片层均具三层壁结构,最外面(靠近外层)的几片,三层型结构特别清楚,明晰。有的三层型结构层中间的白线松散,形成三根极细的白线。  相似文献   

鹅掌楸属植物花粉萌发前后壁的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察描述了在电镜下中国鹅掌楸(Liriodendronchinense)和北美鹅掌楸(L.tulipifera)2种植物花粉壁的超微结构及其水合后的变化。(1)成熟花粉壁由6层组成,即外壁3层──外层,中层1和中层2,内壁3层──内壁1,内壁2和内壁3。(2)花粉水合时,在内壁3与质膜之间由P一粒子(多糖-粒子)和被膜小泡参与形成新层。(3)花粉萌发时,由内壁3的一部分和新层突出萌发孔共同形成花粉管壁。(4)新层于花粉管形成早期分成2层──外染色深的果胶层和内电子透明的胼胝质层。  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜对安徽大学校内水池中眼子菜科植物菹草的花粉形态进行了观察和研究.结果表明花粉粒球形至近球形,花粉大小为21.0-29.0 μm,平均为24.5 μm.无萌发孔.光学显微镜下,花粉外壁纹饰为网状,外壁厚约4.1μm,两层明显,外层较内层厚.在扫描电镜下花粉表面具粗网状纹饰,网脊窄.在透射电镜下,花粉外壁为三层组成,即覆盖层、柱状层和基层.外壁内层不明显.覆盖层不连续,为半覆盖层;柱状层小柱发达;基层较厚.同时研究了菹草花粉的地理分布及其与生态因子的关系.根据菹草植物赖以生存的生态因子,得出菹草花粉分布区的主要生态因子,包括地理位置、海拔高度、年降水量、年积温及生境,为利用地层中眼子菜科化石花粉重建古气候、古环境及气候变迁提供了现代孢粉学资料和依据.  相似文献   

对含笑花药发育中的超微结构变化进行观察,结果显示:(1)花粉发育中有三次液泡变化过程——第一次是小孢子母细胞在形成时内部出现了液泡,这可能与胼胝质壁的形成有关;第二次是在小孢子母细胞减数分裂之前,细胞内壁纤维素降解区域形成液泡,它的功能可能是消化原有的纤维素细胞壁;第三次是在小孢子液泡化时期,形成的大液泡将细胞核挤到边缘,产生极性。(2)含笑花粉在小孢子早期形成花粉外壁外层,花粉外壁内层在小孢子晚期形成,而花粉内壁是在二胞花粉早期形成;花粉成熟时,表面上沉积了绒毡层细胞的降解物而形成了花粉覆盖物。研究认为,含笑花粉原外壁的形成可能与母细胞胼胝质壁有关,而由绒毡层细胞提供的孢粉素物质按一定结构建成了花粉覆盖物。  相似文献   

Summary In the mature microspore ofSecale cereale, a set of wall ingrowths deposited as the first (outer) intine layer between exine and the microspore plasma membrane, are revealed by electron microscopy. The wall ingrowths form a girdle in the vicinity of the apertural region at the external pole of microspore which is in contact with the tapetum, so the microspore can be considered as a transfer cell which is polarized. After microspore division the second (inner) intine layer is deposited by the vegetative cell and forms a labyrinth of branched wall ingrowths. As a result, the periphery of a vegetative cell is also irregular and appears as very thin plasmatubules or evaginations delimited by plasma membrane and penetrating the pollen wall.The possible functions of the microspore as a transfer cell and the wall-membrane system of the vegetative cell are discussed.  相似文献   

水稻花药绒毡层及乌氏体的超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在花粉母细胞期,水稻花药绒毡层细胞原生质浓,细胞器丰富,各轴向壁厚度较一致.随着药室腔扩大,绒毡层细胞体积迅速增大,且外切向壁增厚,径切向壁部分区域消失,细胞间形成原生质桥.在单胞花粉早期,乌氏前体排列于绒毡层内切向细胞膜内,随后移向膜外,且外侧增厚形成乌氏体.在花粉单核靠边期,绒毡层细胞的细胞器开始解体,到花粉充实期完全解体,但乌氏体结构直到花粉成熟保持不变.  相似文献   

Summary The position of the callose wall is related to the position of the primexine matrix that forms around the peripheral tetrads during microspore development of the compound unit, the pollinium. We report a combined freeze-fracture and freeze-substitution study of the events associated with early exine development. Stage one of exine development is deposition of protosporopollenin that is probably synthesised by the microspore and secreted to the primexine matrix where it is polymerised. Enzymes for the polymerisation of the protosporopollenin may be synthesised by the microspores and then transported, via the endoplasmic reticulum, to the plasma membrane. Stage two of exine development follows callose dissolution and deposition of tapetally derived sporopollenin. Hence exine form and exine deposition inDendrobium appear to be the result of intimate cooperation between the microspore, the plasma membrane, the callose and the tapetum.  相似文献   

大葱小孢子母细胞至二胞早期花粉发育的超微结构观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用电镜观察了章丘大葱 (AlliumfistulosumL .)从小孢子母细胞至二胞早期花粉发育的超微结构。终变期的花粉母细胞 ,胼胝壁外方的相邻初生壁间及胞间隙内 ,存在胞间物质 ,四分体期 ,此物质尚部分存在。小孢子母细胞减数分裂前 ,细胞质内含有脂滴 ,小孢子有丝分裂以后 ,脂滴增多增大。小孢子分裂后期 ,质体已积累淀粉粒 1至多个。二胞早期花粉之营养细胞质内 ,有些含淀粉质体亦含脂滴。各发育期 ,核糖体及多聚合糖体丰富 ,并有很多的粗面内质网、高尔基体及小泡、线粒体 ,显示蛋白质、糖类及其它物质合成及运输作用的活跃。小孢子缺中央大液泡。有丝分裂后期 ,细胞器集中于未来的营养细胞极。小孢子胞质分裂期 ,有些内质网贴近或与花粉质膜相连 ,它们或有可能互相融合 ,扩大质膜面积而适应花粉的生长。还讨论了不同时期高尔基体小泡的作用。  相似文献   

During the tetrad period spinules form on the Canna L. plasma membrane at intervals of 1–2 μm on a microspore surface of ca. 100 μm2. The isolated spinules represent all that there is of a primexine-like nature. Immediately following loss of the callosic tetrad envelope a channeled, oncus-like zone forms on the plasma membrane over the entire microspore surface, elevating the spinules. The oncus-like zone becomes ca. 4 μm thick by microspore mitosis. Intine introduction during the pollen grain period coincides with substantial thinning of the oncus-like zone and pollen grain enlargement. In the final phases of maturation grains increase further in diameter and become packed with starch and lipoidal material. The oncus-like zone more than doubles in height necessitating a migration of the boundary of the oncus-like zone and intine. At pollen grain maturity the thin (ca. 200 nm) surface layer of the oncus-like zone appears to be compacted or filled in.  相似文献   

 The ratio of loculus volume to the volume of the entire anther began to increase from the microspore mother cell stage and reached 32.3% at anthesis. The content of the loculus was examined in Lilium during pollen development and two waves could be distinguished. From the premeiotic stage until the vacuolated microspore stage, the loculus consisted of neutral polysaccharides, pectins and proteins. These substances originated from tapetal activity from the premeiotic stage until the young microspore stage. Dictyosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum seemed to be involved in tapetal secretion, although, in some mitochondria, vesicles progressively developed as early as premeiosis and increased until the young microspore stage, which could reveal their involvement in the secretion process. At this stage, numerous cytoplasmic vesticles containing material similar to the locular material fused with the plasma membrane of the tapetum so that vesicle content was in contact with the loculus. It seems that tapetal and callose wall degradation at the late tetrad stage may also have contributed to the production of material in the loculus. From pollen mitosis to anthesis, the anther loculus contained mainly the pollenkitt which was synthesized in the tapetum between the young microspore stage and the vacuolated microspore stage. At the young microspore stage, proplastids divided and developed into elaioplasts and smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) increased dramatically. Pollenkitt had a double origin: some droplets were extruded directly from the plastid stroma through the plastid envelopes; the others were unsaturated lipid globules, which presumably derived from the interaction between SER saccules and plastids. Received: 2 September 1997 / Revision accepted: 12 March 1998  相似文献   

125I-EGF与人多形成胶质细胞瘤BT325细胞系膜上EGF受体的饱和结合实验, 竞争抑制实验研究GM3,BBG(bovine brain gangliosides)对EGF受体最大结合量, 亲和常数及受体数目的影响; 放射受体法观察EGF-EGFR复合物内吞过程, 测定胞质和培养基中EGF含量.结果表明: BT325细胞质膜上存在高亲和力EGF结合位点,GM3对EGF与其受体的亲和力无明显抑制作用(P>0.05),但能明显减少其受体的数目(P<0.05); GM3能明显延长EGF-EGFR复合物内吞过程; GM3处理的胞质中EGF浓度比对照组显著升高(P<0.05), 培养液中无明显差异,这可能是由于GM3抑制EGF分泌所致.  相似文献   

The processes involved in initiating the primexine were investigated during development of tetrads of microspores in Brassica campestris anthers using rapid freeze-substitution technology. The first event is the appearance of the primexine matrix. The second event is convolution of the microspore plasma membrane, followed by insertion of an electron opaque spacer into the plasma membrane crypts. A convoluted microspore plasma membrane is only recorded in those species where the final exine pattern is reticulate, comprising foot layer, bacula, and tectum. Our hypothesis is that the spacers demarcate the future interbacular cavities of the exine, so that the membrane peaks are the sites for probacula formation.  相似文献   

Aouali N  Laporte P  Clément C 《Planta》2001,213(1):71-79
Using the monoclonal antibodies JIM 5 and 7, pectin was immunolocalized and quantitatively assayed in three anther compartments of Lilium hybrida during pollen development. Pectin levels in both the anther wall and the loculus increased following meiosis, were maximal during the early microspore stages and declined during the remainder of pollen ontogenesis. In the microspores/pollen grains, pectin was detectable at low levels during the microspore stages but accumulated significantly during pollen maturation. During early microspore vacuolation, esterified pectin epitopes were detected both in the tapetum cytoplasm and vacuoles. In the anther loculus, the same epitopes were located simultaneously in undulations of the plasma membrane and in the locular fluid. At the end of microspore vacuolation, esterified pectin epitopes were present within the lipids of the pollenkitt, and released in the loculus at pollen mitosis. Unesterified pectin epitopes were hardly detectable in the cytoplasm of the young microspore but were as abundant in the primexine matrix as in the loculus. During pollen maturation, both unesterified and esterified pectin labelling accumulated in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell, concurrently with starch degradation. In the mature pollen grain, unesterified pectin epitopes were located in the proximal intine whereas esterified pectin epitopes were deposited in the distal intine. These data suggest that during early microspore development, the tapetum secretes pectin, which is transferred to the primexine matrix via the locular fluid. Further, pectin is demonstrated to constitute a significant component of the pollen carbohydrate reserves in the mature grain of Lilium. Received: 3 July 2000 / Accepted: 19 October 2000  相似文献   

A male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, in which filament elongation was defective although pollen fertility was normal, was isolated by means of T-DNA tagging. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis revealed that primexine synthesis and probacula formation, which are thought to be the initial steps of exine formation, were defective, and that globular sporopollenin aggregation was randomly deposited onto the microspore at the early uninucleate microspore stage. Sporopollenin aggregation, which failed to anchor to the microspore plasma membrane, was deposited on the locule wall and in the locule at the uninucleate microspore stage. However, visually normal exine with a basic reticulate structure was observed at the middle uninucleate microspore stage, indicating that the exine formation was restored in the mutant. Thus, the mutant was designated transient defective exine 1 (tde1). These results indicated that tde1 mutation affects the initial process of the exine formation, but does not impair any critical processes. Our results also suggest the existence of a certain factor responsible for exine patterning in A. thaliana. The TDE1 gene was found to be identical to the DE-ETIOLATED 2 gene known to be involved in brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis, and the tde1 probacula-defective phenotypes were recovered in the presence of BR application. These results suggest that BRs control the rate or efficiency of initial process of exine pattern formation.  相似文献   

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