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The feeding behavior of two sympatric species of lemurs, Lemur cattaand Lemur fulvus,was studied in an enclosure simulating a natural habitat at the Duke University Primate Center. L. fulvusspent less time feeding during the day than L. catta.But the former species ate more fruit and had longer feeding bouts on preferred food items than L. catta.They also had a shorter food passage time than L. cattaand their choice of resting places was more influenced by food distribution. Furthermore, the two lemur species ate parts of different plant species and showed different reactions to chemical plant components. According to these results, L. fulvusis a more conservative feeder than L. catta.These interspecific differences in feeding behavior may be one of a number of differences that allow the two species to coexist. In allopatry, however, L. fulvusmay also adopt feeding patterns similar to those of L. catta.But L. cattawas never found to change its feeding strategies in different areas. It may be this option of L. fulvusto adopt different feeding strategies in different situations that allows this species to have the widest range of all Malagasy lemurs. Duke University Primate Center Publication No. 259.  相似文献   

We compared diets and female feeding agonism in 2 groups of ring-tailed lemurs living in markedly diverse microhabitats in and near the Beza Mahafaly Reserve, Madagascar during mid-to-late gestation periods and height of the dry season to test predictions concerning differences in resource availability, preferred foods, female rank, and degree and frequency of feeding agonism in relation to usurpability and monopolization of food resources. Quadrat sampling in disturbed forest habitat revealed a greater number of plant species than in the gallery forest home range area, but females in both groups consumed nearly equal numbers of actual food plant species. Higher-ranking females in disturbed forest consumed human food scraps from the researchers camp significantly more often than low-ranking females did, while there was no rank effect for consumption of any food type between females in the gallery forest group. Higher rates of female feeding agonism in both groups occurred around usurpable fruit and leaves, as well as over monopolizable human food scraps in the disturbed forest group. There is no association between degree of agonism and food type in either group, and rate of feeding agonism is similar for both groups. The most highly contested food items came in large packages and were high in nutrients: beneficial foods for gestating females in the height of dry season in southwestern Madagascar.  相似文献   

Sympatric populations of Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus show major differences in their occupation of canopy forest levels. Lemur catta is usually found in the lowest levels of the forest, and uses the ground for travel over 65% of the time. Lemur fulvus uses the upper levels of the canopy forest and is observed on the ground in less than 2% of all observations. Comparison of hindlimb musculoskeletal anatomy show statistically significant differences in the lengths of the long bones and the height of the talus. Differences also occur in ranges of tibio-talar and mid-talar joint mobility. The details of insertion of the biceps femoris muscle are distinct in the two species as is the relative mass of muscle associated with flexion of the pedal digits, and flexion of th tibio-talar joint. The metric and morphological differences in the hindlimb anatomy of Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus are consistent with differences in habitat and substrate utilization.  相似文献   

Female dominance and feeding priority are considered unique behavioral strategies in many Malagasy lemuriformes, particularly Lemur catta. Two hypotheses have been introduced to explain these behavior patterns: 1) females are agonistically dominant over males to mitigate female-male food competition so that females can compensate for high energy demands and inefficient reproductive physiology, and 2) males defer to females when feeding as a reproductive strategy. We tested these hypotheses by conducting controlled feeding experiments on free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) on St. Catherine's Island, GA. Food was dispersed in three ways to simulate varying patch sizes. All feeding and agonistic interactions were recorded during each trial (n = 24). The degree of relatedness between individuals was determined using DNA fingerprinting. There was a clear relationship between food dispersion and both expression of female dominance and feeding priority. Elements of both hypotheses were supported because male and female L. catta used different strategies depending on rank and the dispersion of food. Interpretation of the impact of male rank was complicated because the younger, low-ranking males had female relatives in the group. Females fed more than males, and rates of aggression decreased as food dispersion increased. High-ranking, older unrelated males deferred to females and received little aggression. The top-ranking male deferred the most and sired most if not all of the offspring. Low-ranking, younger related males fought with females for access to food sources, received more aggression, and did not sire offspring.  相似文献   

The population of brown lemurs has rapidly grown since their founders were introduced to the Berenty Reserve. The founders consist of two species (Eulemur fulvus rufus and E. collaris). To characterize the behavior of the population and to examine whether these characteristics affect population growth, I investigated the habitat use and social structure of the population of brown lemurs at Berenty (Berenty Eulemur). Behavior data were collected focusing on horizontal and vertical habitat use, activity rhythms, and intergroup relationships. These data were compared with the data of E. fulvus in other areas, with the previous studies done at Berenty, and with data on Berenty Lemur catta. Berenty Eulemur maintained a home range size comparable to E. f. rufus in the western deciduous dry forest, but was found at a lower level of the forest and had larger overlapping home ranges. Berenty Eulemur use food resources earlier in the morning than L. catta, intergroup conflict was avoided by vocal communication, and Berenty Eulemur made suitable use of their limited habitat. I suggest that a number of behavioral characteristics of Berenty Eulemur may contribute to their population growth.  相似文献   

The study of physiological stress and its context in free-ranging animals provides a means for understanding the challenges found in the natural habitat. Patterns of physiological stress in free-ranging animals have yet to be well characterized. Methodological difficulties in measuring physiological responses in the natural habitat have limited this area of research. In this research, physiological stress in free-ranging ring-tailed lemurs, Lemur catta, was estimated using a steroid-extraction method to measure cortisol levels from female faeces. Ten females were observed across two social groups in southwestern Madagascar during a 5-month period including portions of the annual wet and dry seasons. I used behavioural measures to estimate predation threat, food accessibility and individual dominance status, to determine whether these variables predict faecal cortisol levels. Faecal cortisol levels were relatively high during two distinct periods: one period coincided with late gestation and the other period corresponded with the end of the dry season, when high-intensity antipredatory behaviour and estimates of feeding effort were elevated. In addition, faecal cortisol measures were significantly correlated with dominance indices: high-index individuals had high cortisol values, and low-index individuals had low cortisol values. These results suggest that faecal cortisol measures can be used to assess seasonal and individual differences in adrenal activity in this lemurid primate, and that this measure could provide a means for quantifying physiological stress in free-ranging animals. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Habitat use of two semifree-ranging groups of lemurs, Lemur catta and Lemur fulvus, was studied in relation to abiotic, floristic, and structural characteristics of their enclosure. L. catta was very flexible in the use of the habitat and showed a tendency for random utilization. But this species reacted quickly to changes of the abiotic environment. L. fulvus preferred to stay in areas with dense vegetation but good lateral visibility and close to the food plants. Abiotic factors such as solar radiation and ambient temperature influenced L. fulvus to a lesser extent than L. catta. According to these results L. catta could be considered to be adapted to variable environments where it is advantageous to react quickly to changes of abiotic factors. The conservative habitat use and the limited response to abiotic factors of L. fulvus might reflect adaptations of a species living in a stable environment. If these interpretations prove correct, then this study provides another example of animals born and raised in captivity that have retained habitat preferences of their wild conspecifics.  相似文献   

Field studies of feeding in the lemur subspecies Lemur fulvus rufus and L. f. mayottensis have revealed that feeding patterns within a single species can be markedly different, both regionally and seasonally. Thus L. f. rufus is a dietary specialist (3 plant species accounting for 80-90% of feeding time), and is highly folivorous, especially during the dry season (90% of feeding time spent eating leaves during the dry season, and 53% during the wet season). On the other hand, L. f. mayottensis is more generalized dietarily (the parts of 12 plant species accounting for 90% of feeding time), and is primarily frugivorous (64% of feeding time spent eating fruit, with a monthly maximum during the wet season of 79%. In both these respects, L. f. mayottensis resembles L. catta are more closely thant it does L. f. rufus. When size differences are corrected for, Lemur fulvus rufus has significantly longer second lower molar shearing crests than does L. f. mayottensis. Other folivorous Malagasy strepsirhines also tend to have long shearing crests than frugivorous forms. Some data on cheirogaleines also suggest that the more insectivorous species have better developed molar crests than frugivorous species. Some apparent exceptions to this pattern are noted, especially for Lemur catta, which in certain functional respects dentally more closely resembles L. f. rufus than L. f. mayottensis. The problems of dietary classifications are discussed.  相似文献   

Successful reproduction in a seasonal environment can be accomplished with resources that are stored before use (“capital resources”) or resources that are used immediately (“income resources”). Research examining capital versus income resource usage during reproduction has primarily focused on assigning species to positions along a capital–income gradient. Here, we examine the causes and reproductive consequences of among and within-year variation in hoarded capital versus income resource usage by female North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) during mid-lactation in a highly seasonal environment. Among years, the proportion of feeding events that were on capital resources (PROPCAP) averaged 39 % during the yearly median mid-lactation periods, but ranged widely between 2 and 100 %. In years with earlier parturition dates, females primarily used hoarded capital resources during mid-lactation, whereas in years with later parturition dates, females primarily used income resources during mid-lactation. Within years, PROPCAP during mid-lactation tended to be greater in early-breeding females than in late-breeding females. Rates of water flux in females during mid-lactation provided further evidence that late-breeding females used more water-rich income resources. The proportion of litters that were partially or completely lost, and the litter mass that lactating females supported, was not influenced by the large among-year differences in hoarded capital resource usage. Red squirrels appear to delay reproduction following years with low cone production to time peak reproductive demands to be late enough to be supported by income resources that only become available later in the season. In conclusion, our results offer a rare example of the capacity of a food-hoarding mammal to support reproduction exploiting a wide range of capital and income resources.  相似文献   

Field observations of the feeding behaviour of Japanese monkeys were carried out from autumn to winter on Kinkazan Island which is covered with cool temperate forest. As a result, the following two points became clear: (1) the available food items were fixed for a long time; and (2) the habitat quality deteriorated monotonously because the monkeys themselves or their competitors, such as wild mice, utilized the food resources. Against the decrease in food intake caused by this deterioration of the habitat quality, the monkeys controlled the decrease in food intake by employing the following strategies: (1) they recovered their feeding speed by exploiting new food patches (patch-increase strategy); (2) they extended the time spent on feeding (time-extension strategy); and (3) they changed their food (food-change strategy). The former two strategies operated earlier than the third one.  相似文献   

Although many Malagasy lemurs are thought to be female dominant and to have female feeding priority, to date the relationship between these behaviors has been rigorously established only in Lemur catta, and other ways that females might achieve feeding priority have not been examined closely. Erhart and Overdorff [International Journal of Primatology 20:927-940, 1999] suggested that one way female primates achieve feeding priority is to initiate and lead groups to food, thereby gaining access to the food first and positively influencing their food intake compared to other group members. Here we describe female dominance patterns and potential measures of feeding priority in two groups of black-and-white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata) that were observed over a 15-month period in southeastern Madagascar. We predicted that the females would 1) be consistently dominant to males, 2) lead groups to food sources more often than males, and 3) have higher feeding rates compared to males when they arrived at food sources first. The results were dissimilar between the study groups. During the study, the oldest adult female in group 1 died. There was no evidence for female dominance in this group, and the remaining (likely natal) female did not lead the group more often, nor did she have a higher food intake than males. Group 1 dispersed shortly after the time frame reported here. In contrast, the resident female in group 2 was dominant to group males (based on agonistic interactions), led the group to food sources more often, and experienced a higher food intake when she arrived first at a food source. How these patterns vary over time and are influenced by the number of females in groups, group stability, food quality, and reproductive condition will be examined in future analyses.  相似文献   



Frugivorous primates are known to encounter many problems to cope with habitat degradation, due to the fluctuating spatial and temporal distribution of their food resources. Since lemur communities evolved strategies to deal with periods of food scarcity, these primates are expected to be naturally adapted to fluctuating ecological conditions and to tolerate a certain degree of habitat changes. However, behavioral and ecological strategies adopted by frugivorous lemurs to survive in secondary habitats have been little investigated. Here, we compared the behavioral ecology of collared lemurs (Eulemur collaris) in a degraded fragment of littoral forest of south-east Madagascar, Mandena, with that of their conspecifics in a more intact habitat, Sainte Luce.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Lemur groups in Mandena and in Sainte Luce were censused in 2004/2007 and in 2000, respectively. Data were collected via instantaneous sampling on five lemur groups totaling 1,698 observation hours. The Shannon index was used to determine dietary diversity and nutritional analyses were conducted to assess food quality. All feeding trees were identified and measured, and ranging areas determined via the minimum convex polygon. In the degraded area lemurs were able to modify several aspects of their feeding strategies by decreasing group size and by increasing feeding time, ranging areas, and number of feeding trees. The above strategies were apparently able to counteract a clear reduction in both food quality and size of feeding trees.


Our findings indicate that collared lemurs in littoral forest fragments modified their behavior to cope with the pressures of fluctuating resource availability. The observed flexibility is likely to be an adaptation to Malagasy rainforests, which are known to undergo periods of fruit scarcity and low productivity. These results should be carefully considered when relocating lemurs or when selecting suitable areas for their conservation.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to study the effect of early weaning on circadian rhythm and the behavioral satiety sequence in adult rats. Male Wistar rat pups were weaned for separation from the mother at 15 (D15), 21 (D21) and 30 (D30) days old. Body weight and food intake was measured every 30 days until pups were 150 days old. At 90 days of age, the circadian rhythm of food intake was evaluated every 4 h for three days. Behavioral satiety was evaluated at 35 and 100 days of age. This work demonstrated that body weight and food intake were not altered, but the behavioral satiety sequence demonstrated that the D15 group delayed satiety compared with the D30 group at 100 days of age. In the circadian rhythm of the food intake study, early weaning (D15) changed food intake in the intermediary period of the light phase and in the intermediary period of the dark phase. In conclusion, our study showed that early weaning may alter the feeding behavior mainly in relation to satiety and the circadian rhythm of feeding. It is possible that the presence of other environmental stimuli during early weaning can cause hyperphagia and deregulate the mechanisms of homeostasis and body weight control. This study supports theories that depict insults during early life as determinants of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

We studied the occurrence of torpor in golden spiny mice in a hot rocky desert near the Dead Sea. In this rodent assemblage, a congener, the nocturnal common spiny mouse, competitively excluded the golden spiny mouse from the nocturnal part of the diel cycle and forced it into diurnal activity; this temporal partitioning allows the two species to partition their prey populations, particularly in summer when the diet of the two species is comprised mainly of arthropods, and largely overlap. We studied the effect of the presence of the common spiny mice at two resource levels (natural food availability and food added ad libitum) on populations of golden spiny mice in four large outdoor enclosures: two with common spiny mice removed and two enclosures with populations of both species. We hypothesized that with interspecific competition and/or reduced resources, golden spiny mice will increase their use of torpor. As we expected, supplemented food reduced the total time spent torpid. In summer, when the different activity periods of the two species results in prey species partitioning, removal of the congener did not affect torpor in the golden spiny mouse. However, in winter, when insect populations are low and the two species of mice overlap in a largely vegetarian diet, removal of the common spiny mouse reduced torpor in golden spiny mice, whether food was supplemented or not. This result suggests that torpor, a mechanism that allows small mammals to sustain periods of low availability of resources or high energetic requirements, may also help them to tolerate periods of enhanced interspecific competition. This may be a significant short-term mechanism that reduces competition and hence increases fitness, in particular of individuals of the subordinate species whose accessibility to resources may be limited.  相似文献   

Little is known about how resource limitation affects the feeding ecology of primates in forest fragments. Here, we describe seasonal variation in the diet and feeding effort of 2 groups (RH and RC3) of howlers (Alouatta palliata mexicana) living in different sized forest fragments in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. The RH group, which lived in a larger and more preserved forest fragment, with a higher availability of fruit and Ficus trees, had a higher and more constant consumption of fruit throughout the study year. Moreover, this group fed from larger food sources, i.e., trees, lianas, and shrubs, and spent more time feeding from each food source. The feeding effort, defined as the time spent feeding and traveling divided by time spent resting, of the RH group was also significantly lower and more stable than that of the RC3 group throughout the study year. As feeding effort has been positively related to stress in primates, such increases in feeding effort could have negative consequences for howlers in small or degraded forest fragments. Our study suggests that habitat characteristics interact with plant seasonality to determine the diet and feeding effort of howlers in forest fragments and that groups living in small and degraded forest fragments may be particularly vulnerable to years of low fruit production.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) adapt their ranging and select an optimal diet at a time of food shortage, we observed two adjacent troops in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar for over 250 h. The troops, created by a recent fission, ranged through closed canopy gallery forest next to a river and open forest away from the river. We conducted the study in September–October, 2000, normally a time of seasonally low resource availability, which was intensified by damage from a previous windstorm and recent drought. To examine the impact of environmental stress, we mapped their ranging patterns, intertroop encounters, feeding patches, siesta trees, and sleeping trees. We then correlated their ranging and feeding behavior with nutritional analyses of leaves and fruit from tamarind trees located in different parts of their ranges. One of the troops, D1A, ranged farther into open forest than previously. However, the range for troop D1B and the closed canopy portion of D1A's range were located in traditional positions for historical troops D and E. Both troops ate significantly more mature leaves from the tamarind trees in the closed canopy forest, where the leaves had significantly higher nutritional content (water and protein) than that of open forest samples. They fed on tamarind fruit significantly more often in the open forest away from the river, where it was more abundant. The lemurs selected a diet that maximized leaf water and protein and ranged where fruit was most abundant but at high energetic costs for troop D1A.  相似文献   

In this article we document male sexual coercion of a Lemur catta female on St. Catherines Island (SCI), USA. Data presented in this paper were collected on one free-ranging L. catta group during October-November 2002 using all-occurrences sampling for agonism and reproductive behavior. We observed a male forcefully attempting to mate with a year-old estrous female. Despite the fact that we observed this female to present to the male during her estrus, throughout the episode the male employed the use of force, and achieved penile intromission on at least one occasion while the female struggled and resisted. We interpret his behavior as sexual coercion. As measured by sexual presents, the female appeared to more strongly prefer two other males as mates, yet each of these males gained fewer mounts and less cumulative time spent in mounts than the coercive male. The coercive male was one of two group males with the lowest observed mating success, suggesting that coercion might be a strategy used by males who are not highly sexually preferred. Females undergo early sexual maturation at this site owing to provisioning, and can therefore enter estrus before fully attaining dominance over males. As such, these data suggest that one consequence of provisioning a wild L. catta population (or of maintaining L. catta in captivity) may be that young females can be the targets of sexual coercion if they reach sexual maturity before fully achieving social dominance over males. In conclusion, male sexual coercion can occur in L. catta despite the female dominance characteristic of this species, and can constrain the mating behavior of females.  相似文献   

This study tests the hypothesis that female house mice (F1 generation of wild caught Mus domesticus) should preferentially invest in own offspring if confronted with young of different degrees of relatedness. The maternal behaviour of females with litters of 4 own and 4 unrelated alien young (cross-fostered at day 1 of lactation) was analysed during a lactation period of 22 days both under ad libitum and under restricted feeding (food was restricted by 20%). Cross-fostering and restricted feeding had no effect on the amount of time spent nursing until weaning. Under both feeding conditions the females did not differ in their maternal behaviour towards own and alien young: there were no significant differences either in the amount of time spent nursing own versus alien pups or in the time spent licking own versus alien young. Weight gain of own and alien = wild littermates did not differ significantly in mixed litters and was similar both under ad libitum and under restricted feeding. Such indiscriminate behaviour might be adaptive if female house mice prefer to communally nest with a relative and thus improve their inclusive fitness by investing in own and related offspring in a communal nest. Under moderate restricted feeding females could not wean the entire litter but reduced litter size by cannibalizing on average 2.7 pups (75% of the pups were killed when they were 4–8 days old). Females with cross-fostered litters killed as many own as alien young. This suggests that females cannot discriminate between own and unrelated young if cross-fostering takes place at day 1 of lactation. Besides testing kin recognition abilities, the experiments also allow analysis of the weaning strategy of females under food shortage. Under restricted feeding, body weight of the females was significantly lower during middle lactation than under ad libitum feeding. Weaning weight of young in reduced litters under food restriction (9–10 g) did not differ significantly from weaning weight of young in litters of 7–10 young, but was lower than that of young in similar sized litters (litter size 6), under ad libitum feeding. The maternal behaviour of cannibalizing some young under food shortage can be interpreted as a weaning strategy which results in the largest number of offspring that can be raised to a minimal weaning weight of 9–10 g. Such a weaning strategy might represent a favourable trade-off between number and size of young produced.  相似文献   

Diet and habitat overlap was studied in two sympatric primate species sharing two neighbouring patches of fragmented gallery forest in Tana River, Kenya. Systematic data on feeding and ranging behaviour was collected on one group each of the Tana crested mangabey Cercocebus galeritus and yellow baboon Papio cynocephalus between August 1992 and February 1993. When rainfall was low and fruit resources scarce, yellow baboons spent most of their foraging time in the open woodlands while mangabeys foraged within the forest. At this period, diet and habitat overlaps between the two species were low. As rainfall increased, followed by a gradual rise in fruit availability, yellow baboons shifted their foraging range and both species became confined to the forest habitat. Consequently, both diet and habitat overlaps increased, peaking at the end of the rainy season. Mangabeys showed a reduced within-group dispersal and also spent significantly less time foraging in a given forest patch when yellow baboons were also present within the same forest patch.
Increased habitat and diet overlaps during the wet season need not have resulted in increased interspecific competition for food because at this period, fruits were readily available in the forest.  相似文献   

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