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Bacteria of the genus Mycoplasma lack obvious homologs of prokaryotic or eukaryotic cytoskeletal, as well as motility-related genes (except FtsZ). Nevertheless, they maintain characteristic cell shapes and show adhesion and gliding abilities on both artificial surfaces and cells. Earlier genetic, biochemical, and electron microscopic analyses have shown that the tip structure, located at the tapered end of gliding mycoplasmas, is indispensable for this behavior. In this study, we have analyzed the fine structure of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae tip by cryo-electron tomography. We show that the central rod is surrounded by quasi-periodical electron-dense macromolecular complexes. Additional complexes are located at the distal end of the rod which connect the rod to the cytoplasmic membrane. Furthermore, we detect a structure at the proximal end of the rod that attaches the rod to the cell membrane. The surface protein complexes have been mapped in detail and their distribution on the cell surface has been visualized. Since the rod structures were detected at a close to native state of the cells, they allow us to build a hypothesis describing the motility mechanism of M. pneumoniae. Finally, we have evaluated the ribosome density of the organism by a template matching approach, whereby the reliability of the detection was supported by a comparative bioinformatics analysis.  相似文献   

Intermediate filaments are a large and structurally diverse group of cellular filaments that are classified into five different groups. They are referred to as intermediate filaments (IFs) because they are intermediate in diameter between the two other cytoskeletal filament systems that is filamentous actin and microtubules. The basic building block of IFs is a predominantly alpha-helical rod with variable length globular N- and C-terminal domains. On the ultra-structural level there are two major differences between IFs and microtubules or actin filaments: IFs are non-polar, and they do not exhibit large globular domains. IF molecules associate via a coiled-coil interaction into dimers and higher oligomers. Structural investigations into the molecular building plan of IFs have been performed with a variety of biophysical and imaging methods such as negative staining and metal-shadowing electron microscopy (EM), mass determination by scanning transmission EM, X-ray crystallography on fragments of the IF stalk and low-angle X-ray scattering. The actual packing of IF dimers into a long filament varies between the different families. Typically the dimers form so called protofibrils that further assemble into a filament. Here we introduce new cryo-imaging methods for structural investigations of IFs in vitro and in vivo, i.e., cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-electron tomography, as well as associated techniques such as the preparation and handling of vitrified sections of cellular specimens.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) allows 3D visualization of cellular structures at molecular resolution in a close-to-native state and therefore has the potential to help elucidate early events of HIV-1 infection in host cells. However, structural details of infecting HIV-1 have not been observed, due to technological challenges in working with rare and dynamic HIV-1 particles in human cells. Here, we report structural analysis of HIV-1 and host-cell interactions by means of a correlative high-speed 3D live-cell-imaging and cryoET method. Using this method, we showed under near-native conditions that intact hyperstable mutant HIV-1 cores are released into the cytoplasm of host cells. We further obtained direct evidence to suggest that a hyperstable mutant capsid, E45A, showed delayed capsid disassembly compared to the wild-type capsid. Together, these results demonstrate the advantages of our correlative live-cell and cryoET approach for imaging dynamic processes, such as viral infection.  相似文献   

During the photosynthetic process, highly organized membranal assemblies convert light into biochemical energy with high efficiency. We have used whole-mount cryo-electron tomography to study the intracellular architecture of the photosynthetic membranes of the anaerobic purple photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis, as well as the organization of the photosynthetic units within the membranes. Three-dimensional reconstruction demonstrates a continuity of the plasma membrane with the photosynthetic membranes that form tunnel-like structures with an average diameter of 31 nm ± 8 nm at the connection sites. The spacing between the photosynthetic membranes at their cytoplasmic faces was found to be 11 nm, thus enforcing a highly close packaging of the photosynthetic membranes. Analysis of successive tomographic slices allowed for derivation of the spacing between adjacent photosynthetic core complexes from a single-layered photosynthetic membrane, in situ. This analysis suggests that most, if not all, photosynthetic membranes in R. viridis are characterized by a similar two-dimensional hexagonal lattice organization.  相似文献   

Visualizing macromolecules inside bacteria at a high spatial resolution has remained a challenge owing to their small size and limited resolution of optical microscopy techniques. Recent advances in cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) imaging methods have revealed the spatial and temporal assemblies of many macromolecules involved in different cellular processes in bacteria at a resolution of a few nanometers in their native milieu. Specifically, the application of cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) milling to thin bacterial specimens makes them amenable for high-resolution cryo-ET data collection. In this review, we highlight recent research in three emerging areas of bacterial cell biology that have benefited from the cryo-FIB-ET technology - cytoskeletal filament assembly, intracellular organelles, and multicellularity.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography provides 3D imaging of frozen hydrated biological samples with nanometer resolution. Reconstructed volumes suffer from low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR)(1) and artifacts caused by systematically missing tomographic data. Both problems can be overcome by combining multiple subvolumes with varying orientations, assuming they contain identical structures. Clustering (unsupervised classification) is required to ensure or verify population homogeneity, but this process is complicated by the problems of poor SNR and missing data, the factors that led to consideration of multiple subvolumes in the first place. Here, we describe a new approach to clustering and variance mapping in the face of these difficulties. The combined subvolume is taken as an estimate of the true subvolume, and the effect of missing data is computed for individual subvolumes. Clustering and variance mapping then proceed based on differences between expected and observed subvolumes. We show that this new method is faster and more accurate than two current, widely used techniques.  相似文献   

Influenza virus enters host cells by endocytosis. The low pH of endosomes triggers conformational changes in hemagglutinin (HA) that mediate fusion of the viral and endosomal membranes. We have used cryo-electron tomography to visualize influenza A virus at pH 4.9, a condition known to induce fusogenicity. After 30 min, when all virions are in the postfusion state, dramatic changes in morphology are apparent: elongated particles are no longer observed, larger particles representing fused virions appear, the HA spikes become conspicuously disorganized, a layer of M1 matrix protein is no longer resolved on most virions, and the ribonucleoprotein complexes (RNPs) coagulate on the interior surface of the virion. To probe for intermediate states, preparations were imaged after 5 min at pH 4.9. These virions could be classified according to their glycoprotein arrays (organized or disorganized) and whether or not they have a resolved M1 layer. Employing subtomogram averaging, we found, in addition to the neutral-pH state of HA, two intermediate conformations that appear to reflect an outwards movement of the fusion peptide and rearrangement of the HA1 subunits, respectively. These changes are reversible. The tomograms also document pH-induced changes affecting the M1 layer that appear to render the envelope more pliable and hence conducive to fusion. However, it appears desirable for productive infection that fusion should proceed before the RNPs become coagulated with matrix protein, as eventually happens at low pH.  相似文献   

Actin contributes to an exceptionally wide range of cellular processes through the assembly and disassembly of highly dynamic and ordered structures. Visualizing these structures in cells can help us understand how the molecular players of the actin machinery work together to produce force-generating systems. In recent years, cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) has become the method of choice for structural analysis of the cell interior at the molecular scale. Here we review advances in cryo-ET workflows that have enabled this transformation, especially the automation of sample preparation procedures, data collection, and processing. We discuss new structural analyses of dynamic actin assemblies in cryo-preserved cells, which have provided mechanistic insights into actin assembly and function at the nanoscale. Finally, we highlight the latest visual proteomics studies of actin filaments and their interactors reaching sub-nanometer resolutions in cells.  相似文献   

The issue of protein dynamics and its implications in the biological function of proteins are arousing greater and greater interest in molecular biology. In cryo-electron tomography experiments one takes several snapshots of a given biological macromolecule. In principle, a large enough collection of snapshots may then be used to calculate its equilibrium configuration in terms of the experimentally accessible degrees of freedom, and hence estimate its potential energy. Consequently, one could analyze the biological functions of biomolecules by directly accessing their dynamics. In this work, we analyze the results of cryo-electron tomography experiments on monoclonal murine IgG2a antibodies. With the aid of a novel software for image processing, we measure the equilibrium distribution of the angles which describe the configuration of the molecule. This helps us shed some critical light on recent results from X-ray crystallography. We then build a model of the antibody dynamics, which enables us to use the measured angular distribution in order to derive an explicit expression of the IgG potential energy. Finally, as a preliminary application of our results, we investigate the dynamical effects in the rate of formation of the antigen-antibody encounter complex. In particular, we suggest that the dynamics of antibodies operates in the direction of decreasing anticooperativity of the two antigen binding arms.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy was used to analyze the structure of lipoprotein particles in density gradient subfractions of human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL), and low density lipoprotein (LDL). Lipoproteins from a normolipidemic subject with relatively large and buoyant LDL (pattern A) and from a subject with a predominance of small dense LDL (pattern B) were compared. Projections of VLDL in vitreous ice were heterogeneous in size, but all were circular with a relatively even distribution of contrast. Selected projections of LDL, on the other hand, were circular with a high density ring or rectangular with two high density bands. Both circular and rectangular LDL projections decreased in average size with increasing subfraction density, but were found in all of 10 density gradient subfractions, both in pattern A and in pattern B profiles. Preparations of total IDL contained particles with the structural features of VLDL as well as particles resembling LDL. IDL particles resembling LDL were observed in specific density gradient subfractions in the denser region of the VLDL;-IDL density range. Within the group of IDL particles resembling LDL considerable heterogeneity was observed, but no structural features specific for the pattern A or pattern B lipoprotein profile were recognized.The observed structural heterogeneity of the apolipoprotein B-containing serum lipoproteins may reflect differences in the composition of these particles that may also influence their metabolic and pathologic properties.  相似文献   

Following budding, HIV-1 virions undergo a maturation process where the Gag polyprotein in the immature virus is cleaved by the viral protease and rearranges to form the mature infectious virion. Despite the wealth of structures of isolated capsid domains and an in?vitro-assembled mature lattice, models of the immature lattice do not provide an unambiguous model of capsid-molecule orientation and no structural information is available for the capsid maturation pathway. Here we have applied hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to immature, mature, and mutant Gag particles (CA5) blocked at the final Gag cleavage event to examine the molecular basis of capsid assembly and maturation. Capsid packing arrangements were very similar for all virions, whereas immature and CA5 virions contained an additional intermolecular interaction at the hexameric, 3-fold axis. Additionally, the N-terminal β-hairpin was observed to form as a result of capsid-SP1 cleavage rather than driving maturation as previously postulated.  相似文献   

We have previously used cryo-electron tomography combined with sub-volume averaging and classification to obtain 3D structures of macromolecular assemblies in cases where a single dominant species was present, and applied these methods to the analysis of a variety of trimeric HIV-1 and SIV envelope glycoproteins (Env). Here, we extend these studies by demonstrating automated, iterative, missing wedge-corrected 3D image alignment and classification methods to distinguish multiple conformations that are present simultaneously. We present a method for measuring the spatial distribution of the vector elements representing distinct conformational states of Env. We identify data processing strategies that allow clear separation of the previously characterized closed and open conformations, as well as unliganded and antibody-liganded states of Env when they are present in mixtures. We show that identifying and removing spikes with the lowest signal-to-noise ratios improves the overall accuracy of alignment between individual Env sub-volumes, and that alignment accuracy, in turn, determines the success of image classification in assessing conformational heterogeneity in heterogeneous mixtures. We validate these procedures for computational separation by successfully separating and reconstructing distinct 3D structures for unliganded and antibody-liganded as well as open and closed conformations of Env present simultaneously in mixtures.  相似文献   

Carboxysomes are polyhedral bodies consisting of a proteinaceous shell filled with ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO). They are found in the cytoplasm of all cyanobacteria and some chemoautotrophic bacteria. Previous studies of Halothiobacillus neapolitanus and Nitrobacter agilis carboxysomes suggest that the structures are either icosahedral or dodecahedral. To determine the protein shell structure more definitively, purified H. neapolitanus carboxysomes were re-examined by cryo-electron tomography and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Due to the limited tilt angles in the electron microscope, the tomographic reconstructions are distorted. Corrections were made in the 3D orientation searching and averaging of the computationally extracted carboxysomes to minimize the missing data effects. It was found that H. neapolitanus carboxysomes vary widely in size and mass as shown by cryo-electron tomography and STEM mass measurements, respectively. We have aligned and averaged carboxysomes in several size classes from the 3D tomographic reconstruction by methods that are not model-biased. The averages reveal icosahedral symmetry of the shell, but not of the density inside it, for all the size classes.  相似文献   

Cryo electron tomography provides nanometer-scale information on biological matter preserved in a close-to native state. The resolution of tomograms and structures resolved by sub-tomogram averaging is typically limited by the contrast transfer function of the electron microscope, which is especially critical for thick samples. Here, we report a method to increase the attainable resolution by recording tomographic 'focal pairs', which are pairs of tilt series of the same object acquired in complementary defocus conditions. Low defocus imaging provides high resolution at low contrast, while high defocus imaging yields high contrast at the price of limited resolution. Quantitative assessment of the quality of lipid bilayer reconstructions in the resulting tomograms demonstrates stable resolution preservation beyond 3 nm for cells thicker than 500 nm. Further, in computational simulations on synthetic datasets we show the applicability of the method to sub-tomogram averaging, demonstrating its potential for achieving higher resolution.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) is an emerging imaging technology that combines the potential of three-dimensional (3-D) imaging at molecular resolution (<5 nm) with a close-to-life preservation of the specimen. In conjunction with pattern recognition techniques, it enables us to map the molecular landscape inside cells. The application of cryo-ET to intact cells provides novel insights into the structure and the spatial organization of the cytoskeleton in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Spirochetes of the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato group, the causative agents of Lyme borreliosis, exhibit a complex biology evolved in its zoonotic cycle. Cryo-electron tomography was used to investigate structural features of three species, B. burgdorferi , B. garinii and B. afzelii , known to cause different clinical manifestations in humans. All three organisms revealed an overall similar architecture and showed different numbers of periplasmic flagellar filaments, polar periplasmic void regions, vesicles budding from the outer membrane sheath, which was covered by an amorphous slime layer. The latter was shown to be distinct in its density when comparing the three human-pathogenic Lyme disease spirochetes and Borrelia hermsii , a species causing relapsing fever. Tomograms of dividing bacteria revealed vesicles near the site of division and new basal bodies that were attached at each end of newly establishing cytoplasmic cylinder poles, while periplasmic flagellar filaments still passed the impending site of division. Two different kinds of cytoplasmic filaments showed similarities to MreB or FtsZ filaments of other bacteria. The similar and distinct structural features of Borrelia and the previously investigated pathogenic and non-pathogenic Treponema species emphasize the importance of further studying phylogenetically distant spirochetes.  相似文献   

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