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δ-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthase was partially purified from liver cytosol fraction of rats treated with allylisopropylacetamide (AIA). The cytosol ALA synthase showed an apparent molecular weight of 320,000. The cytosol ALA synthase of this size dissociates into at least three protein components when subjected to sucrose density gradient centrifugation in the presence of 0.25 m NaCl: one is the catalytically active protein with an s value of about 6.4 or a molecular weight of 110,000, and the other two are catalytically inactive binding proteins showing s values of about 4 and 8, respectively. Recombination of the 6.4 S protein and the 4 S protein yielded a protein complex with an apparent molecular weight of 170,000 and recombination of all three protein components resulted in formation of the original cytosol ALA synthase. The cytosol ALA synthase also loses its binding proteins when treated with various proteases; thus, the enzyme-active protein obtained after papain digestion was very similar, if not identical, to mitochondrial ALA synthase. When treated with trypsin, however, the cytosol ALA synthase was converted to an enzyme showing an apparent molecular weight of 170,000, which probably represents the complex of the mitochondria-type enzyme and the 4 S binding protein. The cytosol ALA synthase tends to aggregate to form a dimer with an apparent molecular weight of 650,000–700,000. The aggregated form of the cytosol ALA synthase was less susceptible to trypsin digestion. Hemin strongly stimulated dimer formation of the cytosol ALA synthase and the aggregate produced by contact with hemin was very tight and did not easily dissociate into its respective protein components by sucrose gradient centrifugation or even after treatment with trypsin. The possible mechanisms of the conversion of cytosol ALA synthase to the mitochondrial enzyme and also of the inhibition by hemin of the intracellular translocation of ALA synthase are discussed.  相似文献   

Trabecular bone anisotropy, describing preferential trabecular co-alignment, is a proxy for its long-term loading history. Trabecular anisotropy varies locally, thus rendering averaged calculations across an entire bone inutile. Here we present a 3D trabecular anisotropy mapping method using vector fields where each vector reflects the extent of local co-alignment of the elementary units of surface. 3D anisotropy maps of hundreds of thousands of vectors were visualized by their magnitude and direction. Similarly, volume fraction was mapped as 3D scalar fields. We constructed anisotropy and volume fraction maps using micro-computed tomography of four presumably nonpathologic human calcanei and compared their anisotropy signature with pathologically loaded calcanei in club foot and calcaneonavicular ankylosis. In the nonpathologic calcaneus, a pattern of four anisotropy trajectories (bands) was consistently identified as dorsal, plantar, Achilles', and peroneal bands. Both pathologic specimens deviated from the nonpathologic maps. The calcaneus in the congenitally disused club foot showed very low local anisotropy values, no co-oriented bands, and low volume fraction. The ankylosed calcaneus showed lower anisotropy than the nonpathologic calcaneus, but not to the same extent as the club foot, and showed patchy high volume fraction. The directionality of co-oriented bands was barely discernable in the ankylosed calcaneus as compared to nonpathologic calcaneus. The anisotropy signature of the nonpathologic calcaneus is consistent with a kinetic loading pattern attributable to walking. The loss of this kinetic loading results in an absent/vanishing anisotropy signature. Such 3D mapping adds new dimensions to quantitative bioimaging of bone and the understanding of skeletal adaptation.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2002,1(6):335-345
D’Orbigny’s stratigraphic contributions were enormous, both practical and theoretical. In his practice, d’Orbigny realised the central importance of using fossil faunas to correlate strata across different countries. His ‘succession chronologique des âges du monde’ (of 1852) recognised 5 periods and 27 stages (ignoring his ‘époque actuelle’). The great majority of the latter were from two Periods, Jurassic (stages 7 to 16) or Cretaceous (17 to 23). D’Orbigny described the palaeontological characteristics, and geographical extensions, of each. Some stages he based on countries he never visited and although he never specified ‘stratotype’ localities, he referred to some as ‘étalon’, ‘le mieux’ or ‘le plus beau’. These leads proved crucial when, in the mid 20th century, stratigraphers realised that definitions of chrono-stratal units must be attempted. The first attempts at typification simply followed zoology, where a type specimen tries to define a central position within the morphological variation of a species. In 1962, an early attempt was made to define Jurassic stages by three type horizons at different type localities (or stratotypes as they were now called) for each. A central horizon was chosen as ‘lectotype section’ and upper and lower boundaries for each were defined elsewhere. In France, it was preferred to investigate original intentions at named localities, through unit-stratotypes. These allowed some nationalistic pride, since France was the home of so many d’Orbignyan stages. 1980 saw the publication Les Étages français et leurs Stratotypes. However, British Silurian stratigraphers had realised that such zoologically based concepts would produce conflict, when any defined upper boundary stratotype conflicted with the defined lower boundary of a superjacent unit. They suggested, from 1962, to define only lower boundaries, via ‘golden spikes’, at basal-boundary stratotypes. This was the method chosen for the basal Devonian stratotype at Klonk, Czech Republic, defined in 1972, and a method adopted globally from 1986. However, this was when correlations were still largely based on fossils. The explosion of so many other stratigraphies since, based on magnetic or chemical records, events etc, has produced a first reaction against the idea that such stratotypes should be so defined, while a second, potentially more major claim, is that any ‘golden spike’ concept may no longer ‘glitter’, as competing stratotype concepts may be holding back stratigraphic progress.  相似文献   

The effects of anticoagulant EDTA and sodium heparin (SH) on stable carbon δ13C and nitrogen δ15N isotopic values of red blood cells (RBC) and blood plasma in juvenile blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus were analysed. Plasma preserved with anticoagulants was not isotopically distinct from plasma stored in no-additive control tubes but RBC δ15N values exhibited small enrichments when preserved with EDTA and SH. Results suggest EDTA and SH are viable anticoagulants for stable isotopic analyses of blood fractions but further studies are advised to validate results.  相似文献   

The d13C values of deciduous and evergreen tree leaves were compared in open and closed- canopy environments throughout a rainy season in Panamá. Newly emerging leaves had higher d13C values than older leaves of all seedlings and trees at all dates sampled. This was apparently not caused by a decline in water use efficiency as leaves develop because instantaneous ci/ca was significantly higher in newly emerging than in expanded leaves on the same twigs of trees in the field as well as on seedlings growing in a controlled, unchanging environment. Higher d13C values in newly emerging leaves occurred across diverse environmental comparisons. For example, leaves emerging during the rainy season had higher d13C values than corresponding mature leaves that had emerged both during the dry season and when water was abundant. The early enrichment in 13C may thus reflect the translocation of carbon to initiate a new leaf. Furthermore, the lack of sensitivity of this enrichment to a microclimate suggests that it might be the result of processes that occur after carbon fixation by Rubisco. Other changes in d13C values as leaves developed may also have resulted from carbon translocation processes. Foliar d13C decreased significantly after most of the leaf biomass of the deciduous Apeiba membranacea had developed. The d13C values of the evergreen Cecropia insignis were lower in the open canopy than in closed-canopy forests at the end of the rainy season. These findings suggest that the d13C values of leaves can yield ecological information about the allocation of carbon within trees.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of fertilizer application, especially the effects of fertigation and types of fertilizer (inorganic and organic) on yields and 15N and 13C values of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Saturn). Fertigation is a method in which an appropriate diluted liquid fertilizer is applied to the plants each time they are drip-irrigated. We developed a method of organic fertigation using corn steep liquor (CSL) as the liquid fertilizer, because it is an industrial byproduct of cornstarch manufacture and can be used very effectively. We compared fruit yield, mineral content, 15N value, and 13C value of tomatoes grown under three different fertilizer treatments, basal dressing: basal dressing with granular chemical fertilizer; inorganic fertigation: fertigation with liquid chemical fertilizer; and organic fertigation: fertigaion with CSL. Mineral contents of tomatoes grown with basal dressing were generally lower than those grown under either fertigation treatment. These results indicated that yields and mineral contents were influenced more by the method of fertilizer application than by whether the fertilizers were inorganic or organic. There were, however, significant differences in the 15N values of tomato fruits grown under different types of fertilizer applications, especially between inorganic and organic fertilizers. The 15N value of the chemical fertilizer used for basal dressing was 0.81 ± 0.45{}, that of the chemical fertilizer for fertigation was 0.00 ± 0.04{}, and that of CSL was 8.50 ± 0.71{}. The 15N values of the soils reflected the 15N values of the fertilizers. Moreover, the 15N values of the fruits corresponded to the 15N values of the applied fertilizers. The 15N values were 3.18 ± 1.34{} in the fruits grown with a basal dressing of chemical fertilizer, 0.30 ± 0.61 in those grown under inorganic fertigation, and 7.09 ± 0.68 in those grown under organic fertigation. On the other hand, although the 13C values in the soil also reflected the 13C values of the applied fertilizers, there was no significant difference in the 13C values of fruits among the different treatments. In conclusion, because the 15N values of fertilizers correlated well with those of the fruits, it may be possible to use 15N values as an indicator of organic products.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope ratios from fish otoliths are used to discriminate marine stocks and reconstruct past climate, assuming that variations in otolith δ18O values closely reflect differences in temperature history of fish when accounting for salinity induced variability in water δ18O. To investigate this, we exploited the environmental and migratory data gathered from a decade using archival tags to study the behaviour of adult plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the North Sea. Based on the tag-derived monthly distributions of the fish and corresponding temperature and salinity estimates modelled across three consecutive years, we first predicted annual otolith δ18O values for three geographically discrete offshore sub-stocks, using three alternative plausible scenarios for otolith growth. Comparison of predicted vs. measured annual δ18O values demonstrated >96% correct prediction of sub-stock membership, irrespective of the otolith growth scenario. Pronounced inter-stock differences in δ18O values, notably in summer, provide a robust marker for reconstructing broad-scale plaice distribution in the North Sea. However, although largely congruent, measured and predicted annual δ18O values of did not fully match. Small, but consistent, offsets were also observed between individual high-resolution otolith δ18O values measured during tag recording time and corresponding δ18O predictions using concomitant tag-recorded temperatures and location-specific salinity estimates. The nature of the shifts differed among sub-stocks, suggesting specific vital effects linked to variation in physiological response to temperature. Therefore, although otolith δ18O in free-ranging fish largely reflects environmental temperature and salinity, we counsel prudence when interpreting otolith δ18O data for stock discrimination or temperature reconstruction until the mechanisms underpinning otolith δ18O signature acquisition, and associated variation, are clarified.  相似文献   

Prions are believed to spontaneously convert from a native, monomeric highly helical form (called PrP(c)) to a largely β-sheet-rich, multimeric and insoluble aggregate (called PrP(sc)). Because of its large size and insolubility, biophysical characterization of PrP(sc) has been difficult, and there are several contradictory or incomplete models of the PrP(sc) structure. A β-sheet-rich, soluble intermediate, called PrP(β), exhibits many of the same features as PrP(sc) and can be generated using a combination of low pH and/or mild denaturing conditions. Studies of the PrP(c) to PrP(β) conversion process and of PrP(β) folding intermediates may provide insights into the structure of PrP(sc). Using a truncated, recombinant version of Syrian hamster PrP(β) (shPrP(90-232)), we used NMR spectroscopy, in combination with other biophysical techniques (circular dichroism, dynamic light scattering, electron microscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and proteinase K digestion), to characterize the pH-driven PrP(c) to PrP(β) conversion process in detail. Our results show that below pH 2.8 the protein oligomerizes and conversion to the β-rich structure is initiated. At pH 1.7 and above, the oligomeric protein can recover its native monomeric state through dialysis to pH 5.2. However, when conversion is completed at pH 1.0, the large oligomer "locks down" irreversibly into a stable, β-rich form. At pH values above 3.0, the protein is amenable to NMR investigation. Chemical shift perturbations, NOE, amide line width, and T(2) measurements implicate the putative "amylome motif" region, "NNQNNF" as the region most involved in the initial helix-to-β conversion phase. We also found that acid-induced PrP(β) oligomers could be converted to fibrils without the use of chaotropic denaturants. The latter finding represents one of the first examples wherein physiologically accessible conditions (i.e., only low pH) were used to achieve PrP conversion and fibril formation.  相似文献   

The extensive vertical exposure (> 150 m) of terrestrial sediments on Axel Heiberg Island, which contain thick fossiliferous lignites, presents an exceptional opportunity to follow the establishment and re-establishment of Arctic Metasequoia forests during the middle Eocene. We compared δD values in n-alkanes of chain length 23, 25, 27 and 29 with δ18O values in phenylglucosazone (P-G) derived from α-cellulose; we also analyzed %-abundance of ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms using pollen and spores isolated from each lignite. Our results showed that forest composition was altered upon uplift, as gymnosperms became more abundant within the relatively well-drained upland sediments. This was also reflected in the small (1‰), but significant, increase in the δ13C value of TOM from lowland to upland environments. However, neither the δD values of n-alkanes nor the δ18O in P-G were statistically different in the upland sediments, as compared to the lowland sediments; from this we inferred that the oxygen isotope signature of environmental water available to the forests for plant growth was relatively uniform throughout the time of the fossil forests. The δD value of environmental water implied by both n-alkanes and P-G ranged from ? 168 to ? 131% and was considerably enriched compared to all environmental water samples available from the modern Arctic region (< ? 180%). In addition to indicating a warmer Eocene Arctic, subject to meteoric transport patterns different from today's, these results argue against the presence of an Eocene polar ice cap.  相似文献   

The retention behaviour of various amino acids, peptides and proteins on poly(vinylimidazole)-Cu(II) complexes supported on silica was investigated. Free amino acids and peptides containing one histidine and in some instances one additional tryptophan residue in their primary structure were found to elute from the supports only after addition of a competing complexing agent to the mobile phase. However, the results obtained with proteins containing metal binding groups suggested that, in addition to the presence of donor-acceptor interactions between the macromolecules and the immobilized metal, other additional (essentially ionic and/or hydrophobic) interactions took place between the proteins and the surrounding of the metal. When donor-acceptor interactions were predominant, proteins were strongly adsorbed on the stationary phase and their elution required the addition of a competing complexing agent in the mobile phase. However, when the binding between the proteins and the supports via donor-acceptor interactions was less favourable, proteins were eluted from the columns without the addition of a competing agent in the mobile phase. With respect to the binding of these proteins, ionic and/or hydrophobic interactions were no longer negligible during the chromatographic process and the retention of the macromolecules by the stationary phase depended on the elution conditions (ionic strength, pH, etc.). These supports were used in the fractionation of the three main genetic variants of desialylated α1-acid glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Four Bacillus thuringiensis δ-endotoxins, Cry3A, Cry4Aa, Cry11Aa, and Cyt1Aa, were found to exhibit low to moderate toxicity on the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, in terms both of mortality and growth rate. Cry1Ab was essentially nontoxic except at high rates. To demonstrate these effects, we had to use exhaustive buffer-based controls.Many species of aphids are important sucking-insect pests that feed on plant vascular fluids. Their feeding mechanism makes these insects excellent vectors for many plant pathogens, especially viruses, yet less amenable to standard, nonsystemic chemical control by insecticides. Minor effects on the survival and fecundity of aphids reared on Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops have been noted in some studies but not in others (1, 3, 6). However, the sensitivity of aphids to Bt toxins, or the lack thereof, has not been previously tested through artificial-diet bioassays with exhaustive buffer-based controls.Bt δ-endotoxins Cyt1A, Cry4A/Cry4B, and Cry11, obtained from three recombinant strains of B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, as well as Cry1Ab and Cry3A, obtained from recombinant Escherichia coli, were purified by ultracentrifugation in a discontinuous sucrose gradient as described previously (9). Cry proteins were solubilized in solubilization buffer (50 mM Na2CO3, 100 mM NaCl, pH 10) with dithiothreitol (10 mM) added before use. Cyt1A was first solubilized on 10 mM Na2CO3 (pH 11) buffer and then neutralized at pH 7.5 to 8 with 10 μl HCl (1 N). Both solubilized and trypsin-digested samples (1:30 over toxin weight) were used at different concentrations (32, 125, and 500 μg/ml; trypsin-activated toxin concentrations were calculated on the basis of the preactivation concentrations of the protoxins) to supplement the AP3 aphid synthetic diet (7) used to feed Acyrthosiphon pisum (LL01 green clone). Ampicillin (100 μg/ml), an ineffective antibiotic for A. pisum or its obligate symbiont Buchnera, was added to the medium to avoid bacterial growth. For each concentration, 30 nymphs (10 nymphs/box and three repetitions) were bioassayed at 20°C and under a 16:8 (light-dark) photoperiod. Survival time was calculated from aphid deposition on the test diet (day 0). Mortality was surveyed daily, and body weights of survivors were noted at day 7. ST50 (median survival time after challenge) was calculated by using an actuarial survival analysis (Statview) with censoring values of survivors at the end of the experiments. The approximate concentrations resulting in a 50% decrease in mean body weight (IC50) and killing of 50% of the insects tested (LC50) were calculated at the end of the experiments from the growth reduction and mortality data, respectively, derived with the three doses by using Statview and the censoring values of survivors.All of the Cry δ-endotoxins tested were lethal to A. pisum and retarded the growth of survivors (Fig. (Fig.11 and and2).2). Mortalities ranged from only 25% (Cry1Ab) to 100% (Cry4 and Cry11) after 3 to 6 days of exposure to 500 μg/ml of solubilized protein (Fig. (Fig.1).1). When significant mortalities were achieved (Cry3A, Cry4, and Cry11), trypsin activation enhanced toxicity. Activation of Cry4 at the intermediate concentration tested (125 μg/ml) resulted in a twofold increase in mortality (Fig. (Fig.1D).1D). ST50s were calculated for both solubilized protoxins and activated Cry3A, Cry4, and Cry11. The ST50s (at 500 μg/ml) ranged from 1.8 ± 0.14 days for solubilized Cry4 and Cry11 to 3.7 ± 1.2 days for trypsin-activated Cry3A (Table (Table1).1). Control aphids fed buffer all survived for >8 days. The LC50 of Cry1Ab was not calculated, since mortality associated with Cry1Ab reached a plateau at 500 μg/ml. The LC50 of Cry4 was estimated to be 70 to 100 μg/ml (data not shown).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Mortality assays over the nymphal life stage of the pea aphid, A. pisum, upon ingestion of artificial diets containing purified Bt toxins after either solubilization (open symbols) or solubilization and trypsin activation (solid symbols). The toxins used were Cry1Ab (circles), Cry3A (squares), a mixture of Cry4A and Cry4B (diamonds), and Cry11A (triangles). The soluble-toxin doses used were low at 32 μg/ml (blue), intermediate at 125 μg/ml (violet), and high at 500 μg/ml (red). Assays were carried out with 30 initial neonate insects in three batches of 10 individuals.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Growth inhibition assays with purified Bt toxins Cry3A, Cry4, and Cry 11 (A) and Cry1Ab and Cyt1A (B) on the pea aphid, A. pisum. Toxins were added to the diet either after solubilization (open symbols) or after solubilization and trypsin activation (solid symbols). Error bars show the standard errors (SE) of individual weights at day 7 of experiments, standardized by the control group mean weight (toxin dose, 0; initial number, 30). Color coding of toxins: Cry3A, red squares; Cry4A and Cry4B mixture, violet diamonds; Cry11A, blue triangles; Cry1Ab, green circles; Cyt1A, yellow squares. In the experiment with Cry1Ab (B), the toxin was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography and activated toxin was provided as a salt-free lyophilisate by W. Moar (Auburn University, Auburn, AL).


ST50s of pea aphids feeding on solubilized Cry toxins and solubilized Cry toxins activated with trypsin
ToxinMean ST50a ± SE (days) at dose of:
32 mg/ml125 mg/ml500 mg/ml
    TrypsinizedNL>83.7 ± 1.2
    SolubilizedNL>81.8 ± 0.14
    Trypsinized>81.8 ± 0.151.9 ± 0.17
    SolubilizedNL>81.8 ± 0.14
    TrypsinizedNL>82.5 ± 0.10
Open in a separate windowaNL, nonlethal; >8, survival for >8 days.Aphids that survived ingestion of the Cry and Cyt proteins in the bioassays had markedly reduced growth rates compared to those of the control group (Fig. (Fig.2).2). Growth inhibition by each Cry protein correlated with mortality. Cry4 inhibited growth the most (Fig. (Fig.2A),2A), whereas Cry1Ab inhibited growth the least (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). The IC50 of Cry4 was calculated to be 135 μg/ml. The growth of aphids surviving Cyt1A ingestion was strongly inhibited, with an average weight at the end of the assay, for doses of 125 μg/ml or higher, corresponding to less than 40% of that of the control group (Fig. (Fig.2B).2B). This decrease in aphid weight associated with the ingestion of Cyt1A is in contrast to the low mortality (about 10%) produced by the same dose of this protein. Most of the surviving insects did not reach adulthood as a result of feeding on Cyt1A, whereas control insects completed their nymphal development by the end of the bioassay.Cofeeding experiments with a mixture of toxins (Cry and Cyt1A) currently under way suggest that there is no identifiable synergy between Cry and Cyt toxins in this model, at least in the concentration range of 32 to 500 μg/ml (A.-M. Grenier et al., unpublished data).In two previous studies (10, 11), sensitivity of another aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, to suspensions of Cry2, Cry3A, and Cry4 crystals was reported but no sensitivity to solubilized endotoxins was found. This may be explained by the lack of complete solubilization of the Bt crystals (10) and by the fact that control groups were fed a water-based artificial diet instead of a diet containing the buffer used to solubilize the crystals. Our bioassays, performed with buffer-based controls, show that A. pisum is indeed sensitive to Bt δ-endotoxins, although to a low degree. In fact, the IC50s and LC50s we calculated are very high compared to those of highly susceptible targets of B. thuringiensis (http://www.glfc.forestry.ca/bacillus/) but similar to those of organisms with low sensitivity, such as nematodes. For example, in feeding bioassays in which growth inhibition was measured against Caenorhabditis elegans fed E. coli/Cry strains, IC50s ranged from 16 μg/ml for Cry14A to as high as 230 μg/ml for Cry6A (12). The low activity of Bt endotoxins against aphids suggests that these proteins have not evolved to kill aphids. In fact, the ecological niches of B. thuringiensis and these insects are very different and it is unlikely that aphids, feeding on a virtually germfree environment such as plant phloem, come in contact with bacteria living either in other susceptible insects or on the plant surface. It might be hypothesized that the sensitivity of pea aphids to these Bt endotoxins is a consequence of similarities among midgut microvillar proteins and lipids, especially the surface molecules that compose the sugar residues known to serve as the initial binding sites for Bt toxins (4), rather than a result of direct selection for aphid sensitivity.The low sensitivity of aphids to Bt toxins is not in contrast to recent reports on the lack of deleterious effects of genetically modified crops on aphid populations (5). A recent report confirms the presence of Cry1Ac in the phloem of transgenic oilseed rape and in aphids feeding on these plants (2). However, the concentration of Cry1Ac in phloem, being low, is compatible with the absence of deleterious effects of transgenic oilseed rape on aphids, as well as with previous studies reporting no detectable levels of Cry toxins in phloem translocated through sieves of commercial transgenic plants (8). Although low, the susceptibility of aphids to B. thuringiensis we report here could theoretically lead to the development of effective strategies for controlling these and other sucking insect pests with genetically modified crops expressing appropriate toxins. However, two conditions should concur. (i) Toxins must be present in the plant phloem to be accessible to these pests and vectors, and (ii) more effective toxins should be found, and thus screening programs with a range of natural and engineered toxins should be performed in order to determine their activity on sucking insects. Although a wide range of further studies are still needed to assess the potential of Bt crops for controlling aphids and other sucking insect pests, the substantial economic losses sucking insects cause to agriculture worldwide clearly merit exploration of the possibilities our results suggest.  相似文献   

We assessed the extent of recent environmental changes on leaf morphological (stomatal density, stomatal surface, leaf mass per unit area) and physiological traits (carbon isotope composition, δ(13)C(leaf) , and discrimination, Δ(13)C(leaf) , oxygen isotope composition, δ(18)O(leaf) ) of two tropical rainforest species (Dicorynia guianensis; Humiria balsamifera) that are abundant in the Guiana shield (Northern Amazonia). Leaf samples were collected in different international herbariums to cover a 200 year time-period (1790-2004) and the whole Guiana shield. Using models describing carbon and oxygen isotope fractionations during photosynthesis, different scenarios of change in intercellular CO(2) concentrations inside the leaf (C(i)), stomatal conductance (g), and photosynthesis (A) were tested in order to understand leaf physiological response to increasing air CO(2) concentrations (C(a)). Our results confirmed that both species displayed physiological response to changing C(a) . For both species, we observed a decrease of about 1.7‰ in δ(13)C(leaf) since 1950, without significant change in Δ(13)C(leaf) and leaf morphological traits. Furthermore, there was no clear change in δ(18)O(leaf) for Humiria over this period. Our simulation approach revealed that an increase in A, rather than a decrease in g, explained the observed trends for these tropical rainforest species, allowing them to maintain a constant ratio of C(i)/C(a) .  相似文献   

The biological activity of human immune interferon depends on its carboxy-terminal structure. New genes coding for mature immune interferon molecules lacking 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 amino acid residues were constructed, expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Deletions with 14 and 18 carboxy-terminal amino acids were obtained by limited proteolysis of full-length immune interferon with mouse submaxillary gland ‘Arg-C’ protease and human plasmin, respectively. If a limited number of carboxy-terminal residues are removed, the antiviral and antiproliferative activities and the potential to activate macrophages is drastically enhanced. Maximal enhancement is found with the deletion of 9 or 10 residues. However, removal of 14 or more carboxy-terminal residues results in a sharp decrease of activity. We suggest that human immune interferon is synthesized as a preprotein and that its activity is modulated by proteolytic digestion.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope ratios of tree ring cellulose have a great potential as proxy for the oxygen isotope ratios of source water, which is related to climate. However, source water isotopic signatures can be masked by plant physiological and biochemical processes during cellulose synthesis. To minimize biochemical effects in the recording of source water, we modified the cellulose molecule to phenylglucosazone, which only has oxygen attached to carbon 3–6 (OC3–6) of the cellulose glucose moieties, thus eliminating the oxygen attached to carbon 2 of the cellulose glucose moieties (OC-2). Here we developed a method to use small amounts of inter and intra-annual tree ring cellulose for phenylglucosazone synthesis. Using this new method we tested if the oxygen isotope ratios of source water reconstructed from tree ring phenylglucosazone (δ18OswPG) and the observed source water (δ18Oswobs) would have a better agreement than those reconstructed from the tree ring cellulose molecule. Annual tree ring samples were obtained from Pinus sylvestris (1997–2003) (Finland) and Picea abies (1971–1992) (Switzerland) and intra-annual tree ring samples were obtained from Pinus radiata (October 2004–March 2006) (New Zealand), each near a meteorological station where precipitation and relative humidity (RH) were measured periodically. The δ18O of tree ring cellulose and tree ring phenylglucosazone for each of the three species were then used to back calculate the δ18O of source water according to a previous published empirical equation. As expected, the δ18O of tree ring phenylglucosazone was superior than cellulose in the reconstruction of source water available to the plant. Deviation between δ18OswPG and δ18Oswobs was in part correlated with variation in atmospheric relative humidity (RH) which was not observed for the cellulose molecule. We conclude that this new method can be applicable to inter and intra-annual tree ring studies and that the use of the tree ring phenylglucosazone will significantly improve the quality of paleoclimate studies.  相似文献   

The variability of disease expression often complicates clinical classification. Since the 1960s, medical geneticists have sought to address this problem by associating diseases with discrete locations in the human genome. While this nosological approach was quite successful in the 1980s, unanticipated complications arose. In 1987, two historically distinct disorders, Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes, were unexpectedly associated with the same genomic “address.” Does genomic overlap imply nosological sameness? This paper explores the clinical and biological implications of this finding, and argues that the process by which it was resolved represented new modes of thinking and practice in late-twentieth-century biomedicine. In the decades before the completion of the Human Genome Project, the genome was understood to be, at once, a standardized scientific object and an observable part of the human anatomy. Depicted and analyzed at the level of chromosomes, the genome became an important conceptual space and experimental system for late-twentieth-century biomedicine, producing novel research questions that drew the attention of both clinically oriented physicians and basic laboratory geneticists.  相似文献   

Deltamethrin (4%, w/w) formulated in a polymer matrix system (Scalibor ProtectorBand, Intervet International BV) was evaluated for the prevention of ticks on dogs. Controlled laboratory trials were conducted, wherein dogs wearing anti-tick collars were compared with control dogs and artificially infested by adult Ixodes ricinus and/or Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. The activity of the collars increased from 24 to 48 h post-treatment (pt) wherein tick numbers were reduced to 78.7% for I. ricinus and to 77% for R. sanguineus. The proportion of ticks controlled after the second infestation on D7 pt increased to 99% for I. ricinus and 99.5% for R. sanguineus. For I. ricinus adult ticks, an efficacy of 95.4% was reached over a period of 5.5 months and approximated 90% for R. sanguineus. Hence, the efficacy of the deltamethrin-impregnated dog collar was >90% for 6 months against both tick species. There was no significant difference between the efficacy of the collar against either R. sanguineus or I. ricinus. A subsequent field study wherein 82 dogs were wearing the collar and monitored for tick infestation indicated that the duration of efficacy was between 5 and 6 months.  相似文献   

Summary The assignment of the human prealbumin (PALB) gene to chromosome region 18q11–q12.1 has been achieved using a human genomic probe in the study of human-mouse somatic cell hybrids and by in situ hybridization. Because familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy was reported previously to be due to a mutation in prealbumin, it can be inferred that the gene for this disorder also maps to 18q11.2–q12.1.  相似文献   

The paper traces the secular trend in stature in Poland in the interwar period. On the basis of individual measuring cards created by military authorities for Krosno and Sarny districts, the author states that the secular trend in stature that started in the mid-1860s continued between the two world wars with the velocity of at least 0.7 cm per decade, i.e. at a similar rate as in the second half of the 19th century. Although regional differences inside the Second Polish Republic were clearly visible, cohorts born during the Great War were able to make up the lost ground in their teens despite the hardships caused by the Great Depression of the 1930s.  相似文献   

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