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The fibrillin genes, FBN1 and FBN2, encode large extracellular matrix glycoproteins involved in the structure and function of microfibrils. Mutations in FBN1 are found in patients with Marfan syndrome, a heritable connective tissue disease that primarily affects the cardiovascular, ocular, and skeletal systems. We extended the studies of these genes by determining their chromosomal position in the mouse genome. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between the progenitors of an interspecific backcross involving AEJ/Gn and Mus spretus mice were used to establish the segregation patterns of the murine homologs, Fbn1 and Fbn2, in the backcross progeny. The results position Fbn1 between the B2m and Illa genes on mouse Chromosome (Chr) 2 and establish its candidacy for the Tight skin (Tsk) mutation. The results position Fbn2 between the D18Mit35 and Pdgfrb loci in the central region of mouse Chr 18. Fbn2 maps near three mutations [bouncy (bc), plucked (pk), and shaker with syndactyly (sy)] and may be a candidate for the pk mutation.  相似文献   

孟晓伟  汪洁  马晴雯 《遗传》2018,40(3):207-217
唐氏综合征(Down syndrome, DS)是最常见的常染色体异常疾病,由人类21号染色体(human chromosome 21, Hsa21)的重复引起。由于Hsa21的直系同源基因分散于小鼠16、17和10号染色体上,所以用小鼠模拟人类唐氏综合征并不容易。早期的Ts65Dn小鼠虽然具有DS表型特征,但其重复片段由电离辐射产生,未包含所有Hsa21直系同源基因。2004年,Cre/LoxP重组酶系统介导的染色体编辑技术在Ts1Rhr小鼠中的成功应用,解决了特定片段重复化的难题,使DS小鼠模型在基因重复和表型模拟方面实现了精准化。本文从同源基因重复和DS表型模拟两方面简要介绍了不同时期DS小鼠模型的优势和局限,为科研人员在DS研究中对不同小鼠模型的选用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Sphingomyelinosis (spm), an autosomal recessive mutation in mice originally occurred in the C57BL/KsJ inbred strain. Spm/spm mice of this genetic background show striking hepatosplenomegaly with a marked accumulation of sphingomyelin and cholesterol due to a deficiency of sphingomyelinase. However, in spm/spm mice of C57BL/6J and DBA/2J backgrounds, hepatosplenomegaly was not pronounced in spite of marked elevation of hepatic lipid concentrations. The lifespan of C57BL/6J-spm/spm and DBA/2J-spm/spm mice was shorter than that of C57BL/KsJ-spm/spm mice. This appeared to be associated with the comparatively rapid rise in hepatic lipid concentrations, which in turn might be related to the absence of hepatomegaly. Histological study revealed the formation of massive foam cell clusters in the livers and spleens of C57BL/KsJ-spm/spm mice, whereas in the case of C57BL/6J-spm/spm and DBA/2J-spm/spm mice, diffusely scattered foam cells were found. These findings suggest that the functions of reticuloendothelial system (RES) play a crucial role in the development of hepatosplenomegaly in response to lipid accumulation.  相似文献   

DSCAMs are cell adhesion molecules that play several important roles in neurodevelopment. Mouse alleles of Dscam identified to date do not survive on an inbred C57BL/6 background, complicating analysis of DSCAM‐dependent developmental processes because of phenotypic variability related to the segregating backgrounds needed for postnatal survival. A novel spontaneous allele of Dscam, hereafter referred to as Dscam2J, has been identified. This allele contains a four base pair duplication in exon 19, leading to a frameshift and truncation of the open reading frame. Mice homozygous for the Dscam2J mutant allele survive into adulthood on the C3H/HeJ background on which the mutation was identified. Using the Dscam2J allele, retinal phenotypes that have variable severity on a segregating background were examined. A neurite lamination defect similar to that described in chick was discovered in mice. These results indicate that, in the retina, additional DSCAM‐dependent processes can be found by analysis of mutations on different genetic backgrounds. © genesis 48:578–584, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Nakashima-Tanaka  Eiji 《Genetica》1967,38(1):447-458
The eightvestigial strains,vg, vg-co-iso,vg;se-co-iso,vg-ms-1-co-iso,vg-ms-1; 3-co-iso,vg-ms-co-iso,vg-ms;se andvg-ms;se-co-iso showed various temperature responses. The five strains of thevg-ms group showed a greater response to temperature than did the three strains of thevg group. This tendency became more pronounced the higher the temperature was. The difference in temperature response between thevg-ms-1; 3-co-iso andvg-ms-co-iso strains indicates that the phenotypic expression ofvestigial is influenced by a modifier or modifiers located on the second chromosome of the Oregon(iso) strain. It was found that the X chromosome of the Oregon(iso) strain showed a slight modifier action in females but not in males of thevg-ms mutant.These gene in thevg-ms;se strain seemed to enhance the sensitivity to heat, and to inhibit the emergence of adult flies from pupal cases at 30°C when combined with thevg-ms gene, but no interaction was seen between these gene and thevg gene. From the results of this experiment, it is assumed that thevg-ms mutant either has a new recessive allele of thevg gene, or a modifier gene(s) closely linked tovg.This work forms part of a thesis for the doctorate of Kyoto University.  相似文献   

The polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), characterized by hyperandrogenism, is one of the most common hormonal disorders among premenopausal women and is associated with infertility, obesity, and insulin resistance. Accumulating evidence suggests a role of the blood coagulation factor gene F13A1 in obesity (GeneBank ID: NM_000129.3). The aim of this study was to investigate the association of intronic allelic variants of the F13A1 gene with PCOS susceptibility and metabolic parameters in lean and obese PCOS women. In a case-control study, we determined an intronic F13A1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (dbSNP ID: rs7766109) in 585 PCOS and 171 control women and tested for PCOS susceptibility and associations with anthropometric, metabolic and hormonal parameters. Genotype frequencies of the F13A1 SNP rs7766109 were equivalent in PCOS and control women. In PCOS women, F13A1 gene variants were significantly associated with body mass index (BMI) (p=0.013), systolic blood pressure (p=0.042), insulin response (AUCins) (p=0.015), triglycerides (TG) (p=0.001), and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) (p=0.012). In the subgroup of obese PCOS women free androgen index (FAI), free testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) as well as glucose measurements showed a significantly different pattern across F13A1 gene variants (p=0.043; p=0.039 and p=0.013, respectively). We report for the first time an association of the F13A1 SNP rs7766109 with BMI, androgens, and insulin resistance in PCOS women. Further studies are needed to confirm our findings and to evaluate whether F13A1 is causally involved in the pathogenesis of PCOS related metabolic and hormonal disturbances.  相似文献   

The shelterin protein POT1 has been found mutated in many different familial and sporadic cancers, however, no mouse models to understand the pathobiology of these mutations have been developed so far. To address the molecular mechanisms underlying the tumorigenic effects of POT1 mutant proteins in humans, we have generated a mouse model for the human POT1R117C mutation found in Li-Fraumeni-Like families with cases of cardiac angiosarcoma by introducing this mutation in the Pot1a endogenous locus, knock-in for Pot1aR117C. We find here that both mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and tissues from Pot1a+/ki mice show longer telomeres than wild-type controls. Longer telomeres in Pot1a+/ki MEFs are dependent on telomerase activity as they are not found in double mutant Pot1a+/ki Tert-/- telomerase-deficient MEFs. By using complementation assays we further show that POT1a pR117C exerts dominant-negative effects at telomeres. As in human Li-Fraumeni patients, heterozygous Pot1a+/ki mice spontaneously develop a high incidence of angiosarcomas, including cardiac angiosarcomas, and this is associated to the presence of abnormally long telomeres in endothelial cells as well as in the tumors. The Pot1a+/R117C mouse model constitutes a useful tool to understand human cancers initiated by POT1 mutations.  相似文献   

Summary Sporadic cases of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) are associated with the physical absence of the paternal Prader-Willi chromosome region (PWCR) by deletion 15q11–13, by segmental maternal heterodisomy or by chromosome rearrangements resulting in homozygosity for maternal PWCR. In isolated/familial cases, it is proposed that the expression of PWS depends on the functional absence caused by mutated gene(s) within the paternal PWCR. The same mutation on a maternally derived chromosome 15 is not able to express PWS. An epigenetic mechanism associated with the paternal meiosis is essential. In the Angelman syndrome (AS), inverse mechanisms are postulated. There is convincing evidence for specific PWS and AS genes or alleles within PWCR. This is compatible with the observations of interstitial chromosome deletions of the critical region in normal individuals or in probands with phenotypes other than PWS or AS. The new ideas of the model stated here are: (1) the proposed epigenetic mechanism in PWCR is obviously common in humans, but is usually of no phenotypic relevance; (2) interactions with specific chromosomal or gene mutations are required for the clinical expression of PWS or AS; (3) each factor alone is not able to produce an abnormal phenotype.  相似文献   

The phenotypic view of selection assumes that genetic responses can be predicted from selective forces and heritability — or in the classical quantitative genetic equation: R = h2S. However, data on selection in bird populations show that often no selection responses is found, despite consistent selective forces on phenotypes and significant heritable variation. Such discrepancies may arise due to the assumption that selection only acts on observed phenotypes. We derive a general selection equation that takes into account the possibility that some relevant (internal or external) traits are not measured. This equation shows that the classic equation applies if selection directly acts on the measured, phenotypic traits. This is not the case when, for instance, there are unknown internal genetic trade-offs, or unknown common environmental factors affecting both trait and fitness. In such cases, any relationship between phenotypic selection and genetic response is possible. Fortunately, the classical model can be tested by comparing phenotypic and genetic covariances between traits and fitness; an indication that important internal or external traits are missing can thus be obtained. Such an analysis was indeed found in the literature; for selection on fledging weight in Great Tits it yielded valuable extra information.  相似文献   

Alagille syndrome is a human autosomal dominant developmental disorder characterized by liver, heart, eye, skeletal, craniofacial and kidney abnormalities. Alagille syndrome is caused by mutations in the Jagged 1 (JAG1) gene, which encodes a ligand for Notch family receptors. The majority of JAG1 mutations seen in Alagille syndrome patients are null alleles, suggesting JAG1 haploinsufficiency as a primary cause of this disorder. Mice homozygous for a Jag1 null mutation die during embryogenesis and Jag1/+ heterozygous mice exhibit eye defects but do not exhibit other phenotypes characteristic of Alagille syndrome patients ( Xue, Y., Gao, X., Lindsell, C. E., Norton, C. R., Chang, B., Hicks, C., Gendron-Maguire, M., Rand, E. B., Weinmaster, G. and Gridley, T. (1999) HUM: Mol. Genet. 8, 723-730). Here we report that mice doubly heterozygous for the Jag1 null allele and a Notch2 hypomorphic allele exhibit developmental abnormalities characteristic of Alagille syndrome. Double heterozygous mice exhibit jaundice, growth retardation, impaired differentiation of intrahepatic bile ducts and defects in heart, eye and kidney development. The defects in bile duct epithelial cell differentiation and morphogenesis in the double heterozygous mice are similar to defects in epithelial morphogenesis of Notch pathway mutants in Drosophila, suggesting that a role for the Notch signaling pathway in regulating epithelial morphogenesis has been conserved between insects and mammals. This work also demonstrates that the Notch2 and Jag1 mutations interact to create a more representative mouse model of Alagille syndrome and provides a possible explanation of the variable phenotypic expression observed in Alagille syndrome patients.  相似文献   

Uncovering biological diversity to more accurately understand diversity patterns, and ultimately the processes driving diversification, is important not only from an evolutionary perspective but also a conservation perspective. This is particularly pertinent in Africa's rivers in which overall diversity, as well as how it arose, is poorly understood in comparison with lacustrine environments. Here we investigate population divergence in the sexually dimorphic suckermouth catfish species Chiloglanis anoterus (Crass, 1960) from the African Highveld, in which we observe striking variability in exaggerated male caudal fins across its range. As this trait is likely to be indirect evidence for sexual selection by female choice, a mechanism that has been shown to increase species diversity in different taxa, we used an integrated approach to test if current diversity in this species is underestimated. Results based on phylogenetic inference, population genetics and geometric morphometrics indicate that the recognized species C. anoterus represents five distinct lineages that may be considered confirmed candidate species. We suggest that diversification in these highland catfish has been facilitated through geographical isolation in upper river catchments, and that sexual selection through female choice has probably driven variation in male caudal fin morphology. In contrast to the relatively large range size of the currently recognized species (C. anoterus), our findings highlight highly restricted ranges of the lineages identified here, indicating that these highland habitats may harbour higher levels of endemic diversity than previously thought.  相似文献   

A new mutation with asymmetrical expression in the mouse   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are well-recognized examples of imprinting in humans. They occur most commonly with paternal and maternal 15q11-13 deletions, but also with maternal and paternal disomy. Both syndromes have also occurred more rarely in association with smaller deletions seemingly causing abnormal imprinting. A putative mouse model of PWS, occurring with maternal duplication (partial maternal disomy) for the homologous region, has been described in a previous paper but, although a second imprinting effect that could have provided a mouse model of AS was found, it appeared to be associated with a slightly different region of the chromosome. Here, we provide evidence that the same region is in fact involved and further demonstrate that animals with paternal duplication for the region exhibit characteristics of AS patients. A mouse model of AS is, therefore, strongly indicated. Received: 15 December 1996 / Accepted: 31 January 1997  相似文献   

IntroductionSystemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disorder characterised by the development of skin fibrosis. Our current understanding of the disease pathogenesis is incomplete and the study of SSc is hindered, at least partially, by a lack of animal models that fully replicate the complex state of human disease. Murine model of bleomycin-induced dermal fibrosis encapsulates important events that take place early in the disease course.MethodsTo characterise the optimum in vivo parameters required for the successful induction of dermal fibrosis we subjected three commonly used mouse strains to repeated subcutaneous bleomycin injections. We aimed to identify the effects of genetic background and gender on the severity of skin fibrosis. We used male and female Balb/C, C57BL/6, and DBA/2 strains and assessed their susceptibility to bleomycin-induced fibrosis by measuring dermal thickness, hydroxyproline/collagen content and number of resident myofibroblasts, all of which are important indicators of the severity of skin fibrosis. All data are expressed as mean values ± SEM. The Mann–Whitney U test was used for statistical analysis with GraphPad Prism 6.04 software.ResultsDermal fibrosis was most severe in Balb/C mice compared to C57BL/6 and DBA/2 suggesting that Balb/C mice are more susceptible to bleomycin-induced fibrosis. Analysis of the effect of gender on the severity of fibrosis showed that male Balb/C, C57BL/6, DBA/2 mice had a tendency to develop more pronounced fibrosis phenotype than female mice. Of potential importance, male Balb/C mice developed the most severe fibrosis phenotype compared to male C57BL/6 and male DBA/2 as indicated by significantly increased number of dermal myofibroblasts.ConclusionOur study highlights the importance of genetic background and gender in the induction of murine dermal fibrosis. Robust and reproducible animal models of fibrosis are important research tools used in pharmacological studies which may lead to better understanding of the pathogenesis of fibrotic diseases and assist in identification of new drugs.  相似文献   

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