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Orchid bees compose an exclusive Neotropical pollinators group, with bright body coloration. Several of those species build their own nests, while others are reported as nest cleptoparasites. Here, the objective was to evaluate whether the inclusion of a strong biotic interaction, such as the presence of a host species, improved the ability of species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the geographic range of the cleptoparasite species. The target species were Aglae caerulea and its host species Eulaema nigrita. Additionally, since A. caerulea is more frequently found in the Amazon rather than the Cerrado areas, a secondary objective was to evaluate whether this species is increasing or decreasing its distribution given South American past and current climatic conditions. SDMs methods (Maxent and Bioclim), in addition with current and past South American climatic conditions, as well as the occurrences for A. caerulea and E. nigrita were used to generate the distribution models. The distribution of A. caerulea was generated with and without the inclusion of the distribution of E. nigrita as a predictor variable. The results indicate A. caerulea was barely affected by past climatic conditions and the populations from the Cerrado savanna could be at least 21,000 years old (the last glacial maximum), as well as the Amazonian ones. On the other hand, in this study, the inclusion of the host-cleptoparasite interaction complex did not statistically improve the quality of the produced models, which means that the geographic range of this cleptoparasite species is mainly constrained by climate and not by the presence of the host species. Nonetheless, this could also be caused by unknown complexes of other Euglossini hosts with A. caerulea, which still are still needed to be described by science.  相似文献   

九连山自然保护区是江西兰科植物集中分布的地区之一。据调查,保护区有30属63种,以地生兰占优势,有20属(45种);附生兰9属(15种);腐生兰2属(3种)。其中单种属16个,占九连山兰科植物总属数的53.3%。与邻近地区相比,九连山自然保护区兰科植物与广东南岭自然保护区共有属最多(24属),与甘肃麦积山共有属最少(11属)。九连山自然保护区兰科植物属的地理成分可划分为9个分布型和2个变型,种的分布以温带分布为主体,以东亚分布为核心,占总种数的38.1%。  相似文献   

Why and how specialist and generalist strategies evolve are important questions in evolutionary ecology. In this paper, with the method of adaptive dynamics and evolutionary branching, we identify conditions that select for specialist and generalist strategies. Generally, generalist strategies evolve if there is a switching benefit; specialists evolve if there is a switching cost. If the switching cost is large, specialists always evolve. If the switching cost is small, even though the consumer will first evolve toward a generalist strategy, it will eventually branch into two specialists.  相似文献   

Dioecy is frequent in tropical forests. It has been suggested that small, unspecialized pollinators are among the factors responsible for gender separation in this habitat. The underlying assumption is that poor fliers and/or communal foragers frequently effect selfing which in turn, given sufficiently severe inbreeding depression, should favor the establishment of dioecy. At least 10% of the genera of the angiosperms includes dioecious species; in tropical flowering plants, however, pollinators are reliably known only in a few species. Whereas temperate dioecious species commonly are wind- or water-pollinated, anemophily is less important in tropical forests, but occurs in at least 30 dioecious genera. Our survey of tropical dioecious zoophilous species in 29 genera (in 21 families) for which detailed pollination information is available shows that these species have specialized flowers adapted to specific pollinators rather than generalized flowers suitable for diverse insects. Known pollinators include solitary and eusocial bees, beetles, moths, flies, wasps (including fig wasps), and rarely bats and birds, and cover a wide range in animal size and locomotive capabilities. Floral rewards comprise pollen, nectar, stylar mucilage, nutritious tissues, brood-places, and resins. About a third of the species offer no reward in the female morph, pollination by deceit apparently being common. Our data thus do not support the hypothesis that there is a broad correlation between a dioecious breeding system and unspecialized pollination, although such a correlation may be found in certain taxa. Specialized plant-pollinator relationships seem as critical in dioecious plants in tropical forests, where individuals often grow far apart, as they are in tropical plants with other breeding systems.  相似文献   

Singapore is one of the leading countries in orchid cut-flower export. Considering the size of the country, it has done remarkably well. This achievement is supported by local interest in orchid hybridization producing new hybrids, in the strategic location as a center of air transport, and in the efforts of growers and exporters. Although the pressure on land use has reduced the acreage of orchid farms in recent years, the future prospects of this export cut-flower trade are still good.  相似文献   

中国兰的组织培养   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
就中国兰组织培养中的形态建成 ,培养基和激素等因素与外植体诱导、种子非共生萌发、原球茎和根状茎的增殖及分化的关系 ,以及中国兰组织培养中存在的问题作了介绍。  相似文献   

In general, relatively few studies were made on the respiratory metabolism of flowers as compared to leaves and fruits. Understanding respiration as an internal metabolic control of floral senescence is important to proper postharwest handling of cut flowers(Coorts 1973, Rogers 1973, Halevy and Mayak 1979). The first extensive review of respiratory metabolism of cut flowers was done by Coorts(1973). The review, however, covered primarily roses, carnations, chrysanthemums and other temperate  相似文献   

Pollinators as mediators of top-down effects on plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the idea that predators may disrupt plant–pollinator relationships and consequently inhibit reproduction in flowering plants. Amidst growing evidence that predators influence plant–pollinator interactions, I suggest that such pollinator‐mediated indirect effects may be a common feature of terrestrial communities, with implications for research into top‐down effects and pollination ecology. Experimental evidence of such an effect from a riparian system in northern California is provided, where crab spiders decreased seed production in inflorescences of the invasive plant Leucanthemum vulgare by reducing the frequency and duration of floral visits by pollinating insects.  相似文献   

Six bacterial strains isolated from the underground roots of the terrestrial orchid Calanthe vestita var. rubrooculata were found to belong to the genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Mycobacterium, and Pseudomonas. Strains isolated from the aerial roots of the epiphytic orchid Dendrobium moschatum were classified into the genera Bacillus, Curtobacterium, Flavobacterium, Nocardia, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, and Xanthomonas. The rhizoplane of the terrestrial orchid was also populated by cyanobacteria of the genera Nostoc and Oscillatoria, whereas that of the epiphytic orchid was populated by one genus, Nostoc. In orchids occupying different econiches the spectra of the bacterial genera revealed differed. The microbial complex of the terrestrial orchid rhizoplane differed from that of the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

Microbiota of the Orchid Rhizoplane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six bacterial strains isolated from the underground roots of the terrestrial orchid Calanthe vestitavar. rubro-oculatawere found to belong to the genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Mycobacterium, and Pseudomonas.Strains isolated from the aerial roots of the epiphytic orchid Dendrobium moschatumwere classified into the genera Bacillus, Curtobacterium, Flavobacterium, Nocardia, Pseudomonas, Rhodococcus, and Xanthomonas.The rhizoplane of the terrestrial orchid was also populated by cyanobacteria of the genera Nostocand Oscillatoria, whereas that of the epiphytic orchid was populated by one genus, Nostoc.In orchids occupying different econiches, the spectra of the bacterial genera revealed differed. The microbial complex of the terrestrial orchid rhizoplane differed from that of the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

Biotic interactions of marine algae   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Marine algae encompass lineages that diverged about one billion years ago. Recent results suggest that they feature natural immunity traits that are conserved, as well as others that appear to be phylum- or environment-specific. In particular, marine plants resemble terrestrial plants and animals in their basic mechanisms for pathogen recognition and signaling, suggesting that these essential cell functions arose in the sea. Specific traits are based on the synthesis of unique secondary defense metabolites, often making use of the variety of halides found in the sea.  相似文献   

Southwestern China including Guangxi Province is one of nine world hotspots for orchid. Warming in the region in the past century was around 0.5°C, slightly lower than the global average of 0.7°C, while rainfall has remained the same. It is projected that the warming trend will continue for the next two centuries, while precipitation will increase slightly, and soil moisture level will decrease. We identify a number of threats due to climate changes to orchid community in the Yachang Orchid Nature Reserve in Guangxi (hereafter refer to as Yachang Reserve), a good representative of the region. Firstly, decreased soil moisture is likely to have a negative effect on growth and survival of orchids, especially terrestrial and saprophytic ones. Sixty eight (50%) orchid species in the Yachang Reserve are in this category. Secondly, the greater majority of the orchids in Yachang Reserve (72%) have populations on or close to the limestone mountain tops. These populations are likely to shrink or even become extinct as the warming continues because they have no higher places to which they are able to migrate. Natural poleward migration is unlikely for these populations because of the complex terrain, small size of the reserve and human-dominated surroundings. Species with narrow distributions (14%) and/or small population sizes (46%) will be the most vulnerable. In addition, populations represent the southern limit of the species (24%) are also prone to local extinction. Thirdly, extreme rainfall events are projected to occur more frequently, which can exacerbate erosion. This may impact orchid populations that grow on steep cliffs. Fifty seven species (42%) of the orchids in Yachang have cliff populations. Fourthly, the majority of orchid species have specialized insect pollination systems. It is unknown whether the change or lack of change in plant phenology will be in synchrony with the potential phenological shifts of their pollinators. Fifty four (40%) orchid species in Yachang Reserve flower in the spring and are potentially subject to this threat. Finally, mycorrhizal fungi are vital for seed germination for all orchids and important for post-seedling growth for some species. Yet there is a lack of knowledge of the nature of mycorrhiza on all orchids in the region, and little is known on the responses of these vital symbiotic relationships to temperature and soil moisture. Overall, 15% of the orchid species and a quarter of the genera bear high risk of population reduction or local extinction under the current projection of climate change. While studies on predicting and documenting the consequences of climate change on biodiversity are increasing, few identified the actual mechanisms through which climate change will affect individual species. Our study provides a unique perspective by identifying specific threats to a plant community.  相似文献   

Micropropagation of an Endangered Orchid Anoectochilus formosanus   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A rapid and efficient procedure is outlined for in vitro clonal propagation of an elite cultivar of jewel orchid (Anoectochilus formosanus). Multiple shoot proliferation was induced in shoot tip explants on Hyponex (H3) media supplemented with 1 mg dm–3 benzyladenine or 1 – 2 mg dm–3 thidiazuron (TDZ). Addition of activated charcoal (1 g dm–3) to the TDZ containing medium promoted multiple shoot formation (11.1 shoots per explant). However, the regenerated shoots had slow growth rate and failed to elongate. This problem was overcome by transferring the shoot clumps to a hormone free H3 medium supplemented with 2 % sucrose and 0.5 g dm–3 activated charcoal. Rooting was induced in 100 % of the regenerated shoots in the same media. The plantlets were acclimatized and established in greenhouse.  相似文献   

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