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Two onygenalean fungi isolated from forest soil in the Sikhote-Alin reserve, Russian Far East (east Siberia), are described and illustrated:Gymnostellatospora parvula as a new species andAphanoascus canadensis as a new record.Gymnostellatospora parvula is characterized by psychrophilic growth, pale yellow to pale cinnamon ascomata with a hyphal peridium, small, hyaline discoid ascospores with an equatorial rim and more or less longitudinally ridged wall.  相似文献   

New species of the Pinaceae, Abies chavchavadzeae and Piceoxylon ussuriense, are described on the basis of fossil woods from the Pliocene of the Pavlovka lignite field (southern Primorye). For the first time, fossil wood of Abies is reported from the Russian Far East.  相似文献   

Ostropella luxurians sp. nov. collected in the Russian Far East is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The insect fauna of the Russian Far East comprises 634 families from 31 orders. The estimated species number is 31500. The largest orders are Hymenoptera (76 families, 9000 estimated species), Diptera (120 families, 8000 estimated species), Coleoptera (114 families, 5500 estimated species), and Lepidoptera (81 families, 5000 estimated species). The fractions of the main insect orders in the fauna of the Russian Far East correspond to those in the Holarctic temperate zone. The high biodiversity of insects in the Russian Far East results from the position of this region extending across several climatic zones. There are four levels of diversity both for the families and for the species, corresponding to the tundra, taiga, the transitional area between taiga and broadleaved forests, and the broadleaved forest zone. The number of insect families increases by 3 times while that of species increases by 20 times from the tundra to the broadleaved forests. Differentiation of the insect fauna of the Russian Far East results from the recent climatic situation (the influence of the Pacific monsoon) and the geologic history (broadleaved forest refugia resulting from the absence of complete ice cover during Pleistocenic glaciation in the south of the Russian Far East); it reflects deep faunistic connections of the eastern Palaearctic with the Nearctic and Oriental Regions. The mountain areas in the North Pacific are the refugia of the Mesozoic and Tertiary insect faunas. The Pacific may have substantially reduced the Cenozoic aridization in the northern hemisphere, which was one of the important factors of formation of the recent biota in the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions.  相似文献   

A new fossil larch species, Laricioxylon blokhinae, showing the wood anatomy of modern Larix olgensis A. Henry and L. leptolepis (Siebold et Succ.) Gord. is described. The taxonomic and structural diversity of larch species is reviewed, based on fossil wood remains from the Pliocene of southern Primorye.  相似文献   

Wild Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica, n=44) from the Russian Far East were tested for antibodies to feline leukemia virus, feline corona virus (FCoV), feline immunodeficiency virus, feline parvovirus (FPV), canine distemper virus (CDV), Toxoplasma gondii, and Bartonella henselae. Antibodies to FCoV, CDV, FPV, and T. gondii were detected in 43, 15, 68, and 42% of tigers, respectively. No differences were detected in antibody prevalence estimates between tigers captured as part of a research program and those captured to mitigate human-tiger conflicts. Domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) were tested as a potential source for CDV; 16% were vaccinated against CDV and 58% of unvaccinated dogs were antibody positive for CDV. A high percentage of tigers were exposed to potential pathogens that could affect the survival of this species. We recommend continued monitoring of wild tigers throughout Asia, development of standardized sampling and postmortem examination procedures, and additional research to better understand potential domestic and wild animal sources for these pathogens.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis of 282 skulls of the brown bear Ursus arctos from the Far Eastern part of the range was carried out. The presence of two morphological clusters for both males and females is shown. Samples from two clusters were compared with their geographical location and subspecies. It was found that one cluster or another had no specific reference to the particular region or subspecies of a particular cluster, only the superiority of one over the other in a cluster of different subspecies and regions was changed. A comparison with the spread of brown bear genetic lines in the Far East of Russia is made. It was noted that the precise distribution of a particular cluster to a specific genetic line of haplotypes was not found.  相似文献   

Acantholycosa azarkinaesp. n. is described from the Maritime Province of Russia on the basis of both sexes. Acantholycosa norvegica (Thorell, 1872) is reported from the Maritime Province for the first time. A key and illustrations to all six species that occur in Far East Asia are provided.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from the Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and the Amur cat (Felis bengalensis euptilurus) from Far Eastern Russia, were examined for parasites. A natural sedimentation methodology was used and a complete examination of all the sediment was performed. This fecal investigation allowed us to isolate and identify several developmental stages of gastrointestinal, hepatic, and respiratory parasites. Five parasites were found from P. t. altaica: 11 trematodes (Platynosomum fastosum) and 4 nematodes (Strongyloides sp., Ancylostomatidae, Toxascaris leonina, and Toxocara cati). Five parasites were found from F. b. euptilurus: 1 cestode (Diplopylidium sp.) and 4 nematodes (Trichuris sp., Ancylostomatidae, Toxascaris leonina, and Aelurostrongylus abstrusus). In addition, trophozoites of the amoeba Acanthamoeba sp. were detected in tiger feces.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of B chromosome morphotypes in the natural populations of the Korean field mouse Apodemus peninsulae (n = 367) has been studied in five regions of the Russian Far East: Magadan and Amur regions, the Jewish Autonomous region, Khabarovsk and Primorskii regions. Six groups of B chromosome morphotypes have been described on the size and morphological parameters. On the basis of their combinations 78 cell clones have been revealed, 23 of which are found in the animals with a stable karyotype and 76--in mosaics. The mosaics have also more diverse and unique combinations of B chromosome morphotypes. No differences between the geographic and local populations of mice on the studied characteristics have been found. Homogeneous structure of DNA in the B chromosomes of this species at the territory of the Russian Far East, as shown previously, allowed us to combine the numerical and dimensional data for each clone by introduction conditional "mass quantity" of B chromosomes (mB index). The leading role of natural selection in production of "critical" mass of supernumerary chromosomes in individuals with a stable karyotype and the weakening of its role in mosaics has been suggested.  相似文献   

Current article touched upon the issue of the complicated taxonomic status of some species from the genus Crepidostomum collected from the freshwater fish in the rivers of Primorsky region, Sakhalin, and Hokkaido Islands. Primary morphological analyses showed affiliation of the worms to the species C. farionis (Müller, 1784) Lühe, 1909; C. metoecus Braun, 1900b; C. chaenogobii Yamaguti and Matsumura, 1942; C. nemachilus Krotov, 1959. We described the new species Crepidostomum achmerovi sp. nov. that is a sibling species of C. nemachilus. Molecular-genetic investigation have shown that C. nemachilus and C. achmerovi sp. nov. are closely related to C. metoecus in both 28S rDNA and cox1 mtDNA markers. Crepidostomum nemachilus forms a separate branch within the C. metoecus clade on the 28S BI tree with strong statistical support and separate clade in relation to C. metoecus clade on the cox1 BI tree. Values of p-distances between Crepidostomum species were at intergeneric level. Crepidostomum metoecus species complex including five species (C. metoecus, C. nemachilus, C. oschmarini, C. brinkmanni, and C. achmerovi sp. nov.) was reconsidered as independent genus Crepidostomum sensu stricto. Minimum Spanning Network showed that C. nemachilus, C. metoecus and C. achmerovi sp. nov. were separated by large number of mutational events and represent independent phyletic lines. An amended diagnosis is provided for the subfamily Crepidostomatinae, the genera Crepidostomum s. str. and Stephanophiala Nicoll, 1909, along with keys to species of both genera.  相似文献   

Cryotolerance of seeds has been studied in 103 plant species of 33 families from five regions of the Russian Far East. In 89.1% of these species, seed viability has not decreased in the course of cryogenic storage. Six species have shown interpopulation variation in the seed response to extremely low temperature (?196°C). Freezing in liquid nitrogen, which results in deep anabiosis, can be used as a means for long-term seed storage. A preliminary assessment of genetic diversity at the population level provides for the maximum possible mobilization of the species gene pool. The results of this study contribute to the development of a scientific basis for creating a seed bank of the Far Eastern flora with the purpose to conserve and restore biological resources of the region.  相似文献   

Drasico n. g. is erected to accommodate two new species of nematode, Drasico nemoralis n. sp. and D. paludigenus n. sp., recovered from coelomic cavities of Drawida ghilarovi Gates, endemic earthworms of the Russian Far East. The new genus is characterised by the following unique for the Synoecneminae characters: apical portion of the head attenuated, cephalic hooks displaced to the base of attenuated portion, amphids displaced posterior to cephalic hooks, excretory duct short and weak, males possessing several genital papilliform sensilla. The new species are differentiated by the size, number and disposition of the male genital sensilla (larger and more numerous in D. nemoralis n. sp.); the body shape of females (with thinner neck and wider mid-body in D. paludigenus n. sp.) and the ovarian tube arranged in transversal folds in D. paludigenus (vs longitudinal folds in D. nemoralis n. sp.). Nucleotide sequences of D2–D3 expansion segment of 28S rDNA for the two new species differed at 13 positions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed close relationships of Drasico n. g. with species of Siconema Timm, 1966. The host species was represented by two morphs (blue-grey forest and tar-black meadow-swamp morph) with intraspecific divergence of 16–17% for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, and each host morph was found infected by a different nematode species. A co-infection with the plectid nematode Creagrocercus drawidae Ivanova & Spiridonov, 2011 was recorded together with D. nemoralis n. sp. in the blue-grey forest morph.  相似文献   

Thirty strains of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato have been isolated from Ixodes persulcatus ticks and from skin lesions of Lyme disease patients in the Russian Far East from 1997 to 2003. We amplified full-length outer surface protein A (ospA) gene of all strains. BLAST search and following phylogenetic analysis showed that strains form four well-defined groups. Four strains belong to Borrelia afzelii species. Other strains distributed into tree major groups, identified as Borrelia garinii. Indeed, based on the ospA gene comparison, phylogenetic relationship of these groups among each other does not differ from relationship among other previously defined groups inside B. burgdorferi sensu lato genogroup, such as B. afzelii or Borrelia bissettii. Further investigations of genetic and serologic properties of the strains belonging to those groups are required in order to clarify their taxonomic status.  相似文献   

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